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Bytová situace mladých lidí v České republice / Housing situation of young people in the Czech RepublicZykmundová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
Housing Situation of Young People in the Czech Republic Abstract The thesis contributes to a discussion of a social stratification and inequalities in society. The aim of the work is to review a housing situation of Czech households, with the emphasis on the age of the head of household, from several complementary perspectives. Housing conditions of young households are described by the concept of the financial and physical affordability of housing on the basis of objective data about their income situation and the cost and quality of housing. Therefore, we can identify households that have limited access to adequate housing e.g. because of their social background or current social position in the society. The paper also examines the subjective opinions of respondents on the quality and the financial burden of housing. To achieve these objectives, data from the Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) of the Czech Statistical Office are analyzed for the years 2005-2011. The analysis also contains the regional perspective, which is used to compare the housing affordability for households living in the different areas of the Czech Republic. Also for this reason results of the thesis could be useful as a basis for housing policy makers. Keywords: young households, housing affordability, housing...
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Housing deprivation in Europe : On the role of rental tenure typesBorg, Ida January 2012 (has links)
Housing deprivation is an important dimension of poverty. It is thus a key challenge of policy makers to secure decent housing. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the link between housing tenure types and housing deprivation in 24 European countries. Empirical analyses are based on EU-SILC 2007, enabling comparisons of deprivation across a large set of countries. A multilevel framework is employed. Two competing hypothesis are evaluated. First, whether a rental sector targeted towards low-income households, known as social housing, is successful in achieving adequate housing standards. Second, if a unified rental system covering broader income groups lowers the risk of housing deprivation. Housing deprivation is measured in terms of experiencing overcrowding and while also exhibiting any of the following deficits: a leaking roof; no bath/shower; no indoor toilet; or a dwelling considered too dark. Findings indicate a negative association between the size of the rental sector and the prevalence of housing deprivation. The organization of the rental sector appears most crucial and only the strategy of a rental sector encompassing broader parts of the population significantly reduces the prevalence of housing deprivation and its latent components. The association is robust in terms of confounding factors at the individual level and central country level contextual variables.
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Sicherheitsaspekte von Instant MessagingSchildt, Holger 07 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Instant Messaging besitzt zweifelsohne eine sehr große Zukunft. Es ist vergleichbar mit dem Short Message Service (SMS), der einen sehr großen Stellenwert im Mobilfunk hat. Neben der für SMS charakteristischen schnellen Übermittlung von Textnachrichten bietet Instant Messaging weitere Vorteile: es ist für den Sender auf den ersten Blick ersichtlich, ob der Gesprächspartner für eine Kommunikation zur Verfügung steht. Neben Textnachrichten können aber auch Informationen wie Bilder, Videos oder andere Formate übermittelt werden.
Auch für Organisationen ist ein Einsatz von Instant Messaging sehr interessant. Besonders in diesem Zusammenhang spielt die Sicherheit eine sehr wichtige Rolle. Daher beschäftigt sich diese Diplomarbeit vorrangig mit Instant Messaging-Systemen hinsichtlich der Prinzipien der Systemsicherheit wie Integrität, Vertraulichkeit und Verfügbarkeit.
Ein weiterer Aspekt ist das Fehlen eines standardisierten Instant Messaging-Protokolls. Viele Anbieter von Instant Messaging-Systemen halten ihr System für das Beste und versuchen, soviele Kunden wie möglich an sich zu binden. Daher befasst sich diese Diplomarbeit ebenfalls mit den verbreitetsten Instant Messaging-Systemen, um deren Vor- und Nachteile herauszukristallisieren. Im Weiteren wird die Funktionsweise der Protokolle erklärt.
Gerade im privaten Bereich spielen Konferenzsysteme ("Chat") eine wichtige Rolle. Neben den Instant Messaging-Systemen wird auch diese Möglichkeit der Kommunikation beleuchtet.
Diese Diplomarbeit wird vom Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI), Referat "IT-Sicherheitsmanagement und IT-Grundschutz" betreut.
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Over-indebtedness in Europe: The relevance of country-level variables for the over-indebtedness of private householdsAngel, Stefan, Heitzmann, Karin January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
So far, research on the causes of over-indebtedness in Europe has predominantly focused on the characteristics of individuals or households. This article investigates to what extent country-level factors are associated with a European household's risk of being over-indebted. We examine variables that reflect policies aimed at combating over-indebtedness (the average level of economic literacy prevalent within a country and its classification into a specific debt-discharge regime) and variables that reflect other welfare-state policies (a country's affiliation to a specific employment regime and a summary measure referring to the net replacement rate in the case of long-term unemployment). The results, which are based on multilevel logistic regression analyses of European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) data for 27 European countries, suggest that all four country-level factors matter. This particularly applies to the variables reflecting other welfare-state policies, thus underlining the relevance of the design of social policy in fighting over-indebtedness.
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Charakteristiky deprivace stárnoucí populace v České republice / Characteristics of deprivation by ageing population in Czech RepublicKobzová, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to characteristics of deprivation by population aged over fifty years in Czech Republic. It contains basic descriptions of two surveys that dealing with deprivation and so SHARE and EU-SILC. Then follow the characteristics of indicators of material deprivation in SHARE and in EU-SILC and the characteristic of social deprivation indicator from SHARE. The aim of the thesis is to explore indicators of material and social deprivation in Czech Republic and find the position of Czech Republic in international comparison. In the thesis were analysed percentages of deprived people in every single variable of material or social deprivation, development of material deprivation and factors that affect both indicators. Part of the thesis is also comparison of indicator of material deprivation by EU-SILC and by SHARE. At the end is quantified the summarizing indicator that according to SHARE indicates the risk of social exclusion and it is also analysed.
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Zkoumání závislosti materiální deprivace domácností ČR na vybraných faktorech / The analysis of dependence of the material deprivation of the households in the Czech Republic on the selected indicatorsCafourková, Magdalena January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the material deprivation of the households with regard to the selected indicators, i.e. the costs that the household spends on housing, a region where the household is located, the number of the members and the dependent children in the household, age and sex of a head of the household, and economic activity and education level of the members of the household. The thesis aims not only to prove the dependence among the selected indicators but also to quantify this dependence by using the odds ratio. The individual effect of all variables was proven except of the one related to the number of the dependent children. It was also demonstrated that the factors constituting a threat for the households by a material deprivation rate vary by the different age groups. However, it can be concluded that across all the age groups, the material deprivation rate is determined by the sex of a head of the household, education level of the members of the household, and the costs that the household spends on housing.
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Non-Contact Characterization of Dielectric Conduction on 4H-SiCBenjamin, Helen N 30 April 2009 (has links)
Consistent charge or defect control in oxide grown on silicon carbide (SiC) continues to be difficult to achieve and directly impacts the electrical performance of SiC-based metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) devices. This research applied non-contact Corona-Kelvin metrology to investigate the charge transport in oxides grown on n-type 4H-SiC epitaxial substrates. The cost and engineering science impact of this metrology are significant as device fabrication is avoided leading to quick determination of electrical characteristics from as-grown oxide films. Non-contact current-voltage (I-V) measurements of oxide on SiC were first demonstrated within this work and revealed that Fowler-Nordheim (F-N) current emission was the dominant conduction mechanism at high electric fields.
Oxides on SiC were grown at atmospheric pressure (thermal oxides) or at a reduced pressure (afterglow oxides) ambient and examined using non-contact charge-voltage (Q-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V), equivalent oxide thickness (EOT), and I-V methods. The F-N conduction model was modified to address charge trapping and effective barrier effects obtained from experimental oxide films. Trap densities determined with this metrology were used to show that the F-N model including their density and position was adequate for thermal oxides on SiC but not for afterglow films. Data from the latter films required further modification of the theory to include a chemical effect of the oxide growth process on the effective conduction band offset or barrier. This work showed that afterglow chemistry was able to vary the effective conduction band offset from 2.9 eV, typical of thermal oxidation of SiC, up to 3.2 eV.
Stress induced leakage current (SILC), an excess above the F-N base current resulting from prolonged current through the dielectric films, was also investigated. Multiple point SILC testing was used to identify statistical effects of process variations and defects in as-grown oxide films on SiC. These results open the possibility to improve oxide manufacture on SiC using methods common in the silicon IC industry. This work demonstrated the first non-contact F-N current determination in oxides on SiC and showed both charge trapping and chemical dependencies of as-grown films. Future studies may extend the findings of this work to further improve this important dielectric-semiconductor system.
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Kvalita života seniorů v Evropě a Česku / Seniors in Europe and Czechia: quality of lifeSoldánová, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
Quality of life can be defined in different ways. In this thesis, the level of quality of life is conceptualized as a combination of many factors such as health status, material living conditions, a person's main productive activities, leisure and social interactions, living conditions, economic and physical security, and finally overall satisfaction with life itself. While these factors determine quality of life, they are themselves determined by the quality of life. It is the indicators of each quality of life factor that have been the input variables for the regionalisation of European countries. The quality of life indicators were mainly obtained from the EU-SILC 2018 results. The results of the regionalisation of Europe according to the quality of life of the elderly showed, that there are differences mainly between Western, Eastern and Northern Europe. It was also found that there are cultural, economic and geographical similarities between countries in the resulting macro-regions of Europe. Furthermore, the thesis also focuses on the analysis of the quality of life of the elderly in the Czech Republic. The input for this analysis was anonymised data from EU-SILC 2018 for individuals aged 65 and over. Within the Czech Republic, the study of the quality of life of seniors focused on a deeper...
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European labour market trajectories before and during the 2008 financial crisis : national, regional and individual variationDima, Dafni January 2018 (has links)
Since 2008 Europe has been in crisis, a financial and debt crisis that spread from the U.S. to all European countries. This thesis aims to provide evidence on the consequences of the crisis for individuals’ labour market outcomes across different countries and regions of Europe and to analyse how the recession has differentially affected sub-groups of the European population. Through the analysis of the longitudinal component of the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) dataset, the project sheds light on the labour market trajectories of more than 20,000 Europeans across 11 European countries and 41 regions, before and during the 2008 financial crisis (2005-2012). Sequence and cluster analysis are used to investigate the heterogeneity of individual labour market trajectories across countries and time, while multilevel models are used to study regional labour markets during the years in crisis. The concept of transitional labour markets, as well as theories of labour market segmentation, job competition and job mobility, provide the theoretical framework for this research. The empirical findings show that during the financial crisis, labour market trajectories appear more turbulent and fragmented for the already disadvantaged sub-groups, namely women, younger workers and low educated workers. Furthermore, during the Great recession, an increase in unemployment among men confirms the sectoral profile of the crisis, which hit harder the male-dominated sectors of construction and industry. At the same time, a decrease in inactivity among women is consistent with the added worker effect, according to which women in periods of economic hardship are pushed towards labour market activity in order to contribute to the household income. Countries with weak economies and underperforming labour markets prior to the crisis, such as Greece and Italy, unsurprisingly experienced a deep and persistent crisis, while countries with stronger economies and more inclusive labour markets, such as Denmark and Sweden, managed to survive the crisis with less social harm. The institutional context of the countries offering high chances of employment even during the financial crisis, such as the Nordic countries, lies on the flexicurity of their labour markets. Indeed, flexible labour markets with the use of reduced working-time schemes, i.e. part-time forms of employment, contained unemployment during the financial shock. However, we need to be cautious about flexibility without security or partial deregulation of the markets, implemented in southern European countries, because during the crisis such policies led to further labour market segmentation and thus an increase in employment inequalities. Finally, the region of residence matters in employment outcomes, almost as much as the country of residence. In fact, from the regional analysis of individual employment outcomes during the years of the crisis, an uneven distribution of labour is detected even within the national borders. Summing up, the European crisis should be considered as the sum of national and regional crises.
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Sicherheitsaspekte von Instant MessagingSchildt, Holger 06 August 2005 (has links)
Instant Messaging besitzt zweifelsohne eine sehr große Zukunft. Es ist vergleichbar mit dem Short Message Service (SMS), der einen sehr großen Stellenwert im Mobilfunk hat. Neben der für SMS charakteristischen schnellen Übermittlung von Textnachrichten bietet Instant Messaging weitere Vorteile: es ist für den Sender auf den ersten Blick ersichtlich, ob der Gesprächspartner für eine Kommunikation zur Verfügung steht. Neben Textnachrichten können aber auch Informationen wie Bilder, Videos oder andere Formate übermittelt werden.
Auch für Organisationen ist ein Einsatz von Instant Messaging sehr interessant. Besonders in diesem Zusammenhang spielt die Sicherheit eine sehr wichtige Rolle. Daher beschäftigt sich diese Diplomarbeit vorrangig mit Instant Messaging-Systemen hinsichtlich der Prinzipien der Systemsicherheit wie Integrität, Vertraulichkeit und Verfügbarkeit.
Ein weiterer Aspekt ist das Fehlen eines standardisierten Instant Messaging-Protokolls. Viele Anbieter von Instant Messaging-Systemen halten ihr System für das Beste und versuchen, soviele Kunden wie möglich an sich zu binden. Daher befasst sich diese Diplomarbeit ebenfalls mit den verbreitetsten Instant Messaging-Systemen, um deren Vor- und Nachteile herauszukristallisieren. Im Weiteren wird die Funktionsweise der Protokolle erklärt.
Gerade im privaten Bereich spielen Konferenzsysteme ("Chat") eine wichtige Rolle. Neben den Instant Messaging-Systemen wird auch diese Möglichkeit der Kommunikation beleuchtet.
Diese Diplomarbeit wird vom Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI), Referat "IT-Sicherheitsmanagement und IT-Grundschutz" betreut.
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