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Detecting and Modeling the Changes of Land Use/Cover for Land Use Planning in Da Nang City, Viet NamNguyen, Hoang Khanh Linh 21 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Creo Simulation im Umfeld von Toleranzrechnungen mit CETOL : Strukturmechanische Einflüsse in der ToleranzanalyseBruns, Christoph 25 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Produkte werden in ihrem Lebenszyklus verschiedenartig strukturmechanisch belastet.
Die Folge ist eine Verformung aufgrund dieser Belastung und die mangelnde Formhaltigkeit.
Die Frage ist, welche Toleranzen sollen die mangelnde Formhaltigkeit einschließen oder gar ausgleichen?
Eine Toleranz gibt vor, in welcher Maßabweichung ein Maß gefertigt werden darf, um die Produktanforderungen zu erfüllen.
Der Fertigungsprozess muss innerhalb der Toleranzangabe fertigen. Mit Creo Simulate kann eine Toleranzkette simuliert werden. In diesem Vortrag wird ein grundsätzlicher Simulationsansatz für die Toleranzanalyse innerhalb der FEM beschrieben und findet eine Ergänzung mit der Toleranzsoftware CETOL 6σ.
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Analysis of Ni and Fe-based Alloys for Turbine Seal Ring ApplicationsShe, Dawei 20 March 2018 (has links)
Metal sealing rings have been used widely in compressors, turbines and hydraulic devices. Such rings can extend out due to elasticity, and keep close contact with the valve wall, resulting in the formation of a functional seal under pressure. In this project, the failure of metal sealing rings is considered. Sealing component failure due to stress relaxation can threaten the safety of the whole steam turbine. The object of this study was to examine the stress relaxation response and corresponding changes in microstructure of metal sealing rings used in nuclear steam turbine under high temperature and applied stress. The two kinds of sealing ring samples were selected for GH4145 and GH2132.
In this paper, all samples were tested by accelerated simulation experiment. The test temperature was controlled at 400℃, 600℃, and 800℃. The 400℃ experiments lasted for 10, 20, 30 and 40 hours, while the 600℃ and 800℃ experiments lasted for 5, 10, 15 and 20 hours. The surface morphology was observed by metallographic analysis. It was found that the two kinds of sealing ring samples presented with a continuous development of grain coarsening and a decrease of the twins when time and test temperature were increased. The prolongation of time and increase of test temperature will drive the grain coarsening and reduce the twins faster. Many precipitates and inclusions were observed on the surface. The composition of precipitation was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was further studied by testing samples with applied stress. The differences between the two tests and their influence on mechanical properties are discussed. The grain coarsening and twinning in the alloy will reduce the stress relaxation resistance of the material. Additionally, the precipitates and inclusions in the alloy may adversely affect the stress relaxation performance. Sealing rings using the nickel-based superalloys have stronger anti-stress relaxation performance than sealing rings made of iron-based superalloys.
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Enhanced OpenModelica Python InterfaceBajracharya, Sudeep January 2016 (has links)
OMPython is a Python library for OpenModelica, which provides a Python interface to OpenModelica. This thesis significantly improves OMPython by an enhanced, more powerful and easier to use API. It presents how a user can use the Python interface to simulate and access Modelica models using Python objects. The enhanced OMPython includes the list of functions that have been implemented such as getXXXNames(), getXXXValues(), setXXXValues(), getXXXOptions(), setXXXOptions(), and simulate(), etc. that allow users to interact with Modelica model properties(i.e., model variables) and the output of the OpenModelica compiler and simulator. A few Modelica models are used for demonstrations in order to make it easy for readers to understand. By the way, this thesis does not describe modeling Modelica models or compilation of such models.
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Balanço hídrico atual e simulações de cenários climáticos futuros para o município de TaubatéAndréa Sanae Horikoshi 16 March 2007 (has links)
A variação climática afeta o ecossistema natural, os animais e
principalmente as atividades humanas. A produção agrícola apresenta maior risco devido às secas, geadas e principalmente escassez hídrica. O objetivo do trabalho é fazer: o balanço hídrico para o município de Taubaté (1992-
2005), simulações de cenários climáticos futuros (2010 até 2099) e análise destes cenários climáticos futuros na disponibilidade hídrica da região. Utilizou-se o método de Thornthwaite-Mather (1955) no cálculo do balanço hídrico climatológico, tanto para o período atual (1982-2005), quanto para os cenários A2 e B2 do Painel Intergovernamental de Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC). Comparando o período (1992-2005) com (2070-2099), conclui-se que para o cenário A2: a temperatura aumentará em 3,7 C e a precipitação aumentará em 150 mm; no cenário B2 a temperatura aumentará em 2,4 C e a precipitação aumentará em 88 mm; com o aumento de temperatura e precipitação, a evapotranspiração potencial aumentará em 429 mm no cenário A2 e 251 mm no cenário B2, causando um aumento no déficit de 77 mm no cenário A2 e 54 mm no cenário B2, e diminuindo o excedente hídrico em 202 mm no cenário A2 e 109 mm no cenário B2. Se as captações superficiais aumentarem 50%, o município de Taubaté terá problemas de disponibilidade hídrica a partir de 2016 no cenário A2 e 2017 no cenário B2. / Variance affects the entire natural ecosystem such as the agriculture production, animals and, mainly, the anthropogenic activities. Agriculture shows the highest risks due to the dry seasons and the frost events and, mainly, water scarcity. The aim of this present paper is to make a water balance to the Taubaté town (1992-2005), and make a study of future simulations climate scenarios (2010 -2099) with some analysis of how these future climate scenarios will affect the water availableness. We have used
the Thornthwaite-Mather method (1995) to estimate the climatologically water balance to Taubaté town. We have used precipitation and temperature data from the year of 1950 until 2099 and that data were adjusted by straight line equation of line regress obtained by graphic of period between 1992 and 2005, and with corrected data, we estimated the potential evapotranspiration rates by Thornthwaite method (1948), and from these future water balances in the scenarios. Comparing the period (1992-2005) with (2070-2099),one concludes that for the A2 scenario: the temperature will increase in 3,7 C and the precipitation will increase in 150 mm; in the B2 scenario the temperature will increase in 2,4 C and the precipitation will increase in 88 mm; with the increase of temperature and precipitation, the potential evapotranspiration will increase in 429 mm in the scenario A2 and 251 mm in the B2 scenario, causing an increase in the deficit of 77 mm in the scenario A2 and 54 mm in the B2 scenario, and diminishing the water excess in 202 mm in the scenario A2 and 109 mm in the B2 scenario. If the superficial caption increases in 50%, the Taubaté town will have water availableness problems from the 2016 in the A2 scenario and from the 2017 in the B2
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Návrh pracoviště s průmyslovým robotem / Design of a Robotic CellMajer, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with design of a robotized workplace for welding truss structures. First, the target construction that the work focuses on is shown. Then the functions of the entire workplace are designed, including the procedures for activities and the gross displacement of the used components and their layout. The next chapter itemize specific robots and components. This, along with the solution of safety and ergonomics, makes the layout of the entire workplace more precise. Everything is completed by creating a simulation model in Siemens Tecnomatix Process Simulate, where all the welding operations are simulated.
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Processimulering : Tillverkning med FiberkompositerBodén, Frida January 2018 (has links)
På Swerea Sicomp AB i Piteå bedrivs forskning inom materialområdet polymera fiberkompositer. Just nu bedrivs ett projekt mot bilindustrin där de undersöker möjligheten att använda fiberkompositer för att få ner vikt och således minska miljöpåverkan för bilkomponenter samtidigt som krav på ökad produktion och kortare ledtider även finns. I framtiden ska det byggas en ny pressanläggning på Sicomp där det ska finnas möjlighet att testa denna typ av konstruktion och produktionsprocess. Detta examensarbete har till största del syftat till att utveckla en simuleringsmiljö som kan visualisera den nya pressanläggningen. Simuleringen har gjorts i Siemens Tecnomatix Process Simulate. Resultatet av detta arbete är en processimuleringsmodell och mall som ger möjlighet att testa produktion av olika typer av komponenter och även utföra test av verktyg i en säker miljö. När en simulering genererats för en önskad produkt och önskade verktyg så finns det möjlighet att exportera programkoden som vid ett senare skede kommer att kunna användas i den riktiga anläggningen. Det finns även möjlighet att undersöka och ta fram process och cykeltider för de projekt som testas i simuleringsmodellen. Genom att använda offlineprogrammering på detta sätt kan upp till 40-60% i tidsåtgång sparas i jämförelse med onlineprogrammering. / At Swerea Sicomp AB in Piteå research in the field of polymer fibre composites is performed. The possibility of using fiber composites to reduce the weight and therefore also reduce the environmental impact on vehicle components is investigated together with the automotive industry. This along with increased production and shorter lead times. In the future a press facility will be built at Sicomp to test the construction of the new product and its production processes. This master thesis was done to develop a simulation environment that can visualize the press facility. The simulation model has been done in the program Siemens Tecnomatix Process Simulate. The result of this master thesis is a simulation model and a template that enable production testing of different products and tools in a safe environment. It is possible to export data and robot programs from the simulation model for different projects. The data exported from the program can in the future be used in the real press facility. From the simulation model process and cycle times can be developed and investigated. By using this sort of offline programming up to 40-60% of the time can be saved compared to online programming.
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Wissensintegration im Simulationsumfeld von Creo Simulate durch Anwendungsprogrammierung / Knowledge integration in the simulation environment Creo Simulate by application programmingAndrae, René 08 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Vorgestellt werden verschiedene Programmierschnittstellen von Creo. Des Weiteren werden Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich der konstruktionsbegleitenden Simulation (Creo Simulate) vorgestellt. Ziel ist die Entlastung des Konstrukteurs/Berechners von Routineaufgaben und die Integration von Wissen in das Simulationsmodell.
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Simulering och cykeltidsberäkning av automatiserad produktionslina med hjälp av Process Simulate / Simulation and cycle time calculation of an automation line by using Process SimulateGrönberg, Christoffer January 2010 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har utförts i samarbete med Löfqvist Engineering i Örebro. Uppgiften har varit att utföra en simulering av en stor automatiserad produktionslina som ska användas vid tillverkning av avgassystem till lastbilar. Utifrån denna simulering skall exakta cykeltider för produktionen bestämmas. Dessa tider kan sedan användas av Löfqvist Engineering för att verifiera tidigare uppskattade tider. Arbetet inkluderar en litteraturstudie om Lean Production och hur det fungerar ihop med automation. Det finns även med lite bakgrundsinformation om Just In Time, olika filformat och robotsimulering i allmänhet för att ge en bättre överblick av ämnet. Programmet som har valts för att utföra simuleringen är Tecnomatix Process Simulate och den inbyggda Line Simulation modulen. Produktionslinan består av fyra hanteringsrobotar, 13 operatörsstationer och åtta identiska svetsceller. Cykeltider för produktionslinan har bestämts och resultatet blev 6 min 31 s, så det tar alltså lite drygt 6,5 minuter för produktionslinan att leverera en ny produkt. Cykeltiderna bestämdes genom att beräkna medelvärde på tiden det tog att framställa 10 stycken produkter då linan var full av material. I rapporten finns beskrivet hur arbetet för att komma fram till cykeltiderna har fortgått och hur simuleringsproblemen som uppstått under arbetets gång har lösts. / This thesis has been carried out in collaboration with Löfqvist Engineering in Örebro. The task has been to perform a simulation of a large automation line, to be used in the manufacture of exhaust systems for trucks. Based on this simulation accurate cycle times for production are determined. These times can then be used by Löfqvist Engineering to verify the earlier estimated times. The work includes a literature review of Lean Production and how it works with automation. There is also some background information on Just In Time, different file formats and robot simulation in general for the reader to get a bit more background knowledge of the subject. The program that has been selected to perform the simulation is Tecnomatix Process Simulate and its built in Line Simulation module. The automation line consists of four handling robots, 13 operator stations and eight identical welding cells. Cycle times for the automation line have been determined and the result was 6 min 31s, for the automation line to complete one product. Cycle times were determined by calculating the average time to produce 10 pieces of products when the line was full of material. The report describes how the work for arriving at these cycle times have been performed and how simulation problems encountered during such operations have been resolved.
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Návrh pracoviště s průmyslovým robotem / Design of a Robotic CellSobotka, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Design of robotic cell for welding operations at specific production part including unchangeable process technology. Design of subsystems provides required functions and abilities. Risk management of entire model and its transformation into Siemens Process Simulate simulation software including creation task-cycle simulation.
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