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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulační studie robotické linky pro obsluhu obráběcího stroje pro velkosériovou výrobu / A simulation study of a robotic cell for production machine operation for large-scale production

Šváček, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with design of robotic cell for operation with CNC machine. When CNC machine is machining, inactive robot is used for deburring specific edges on the workpiece with help of pneumatic spindles. Thesis include design of end-effectors for handling and deburring operations, design and placement of individual parts of robotic cell. Part of the thesis deals with safety of the cell. Next part of thesis is focus on finding out cycle time of the robot. Robot have to manage cooperate with CNC machine and deburr edges in time. Cycle time is find out at simulation study in software called Tecnomatix Process Simulate. On the end of thesis is technical-economics evaluation

Wissensintegration im Simulationsumfeld von Creo Simulate durch Anwendungsprogrammierung

Andrae, René 08 May 2014 (has links)
Vorgestellt werden verschiedene Programmierschnittstellen von Creo. Des Weiteren werden Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich der konstruktionsbegleitenden Simulation (Creo Simulate) vorgestellt. Ziel ist die Entlastung des Konstrukteurs/Berechners von Routineaufgaben und die Integration von Wissen in das Simulationsmodell.

Mudanças climáticas futuras simuladas pelos modelos regionais Eta-HadGEM2-ES e Eta-MIROC5 para o estado do Tocantins

Sousa, Rhonan Martins de 26 August 2017 (has links)
O bioma Cerrado está presente em 91% do Estado do Tocantins. Este bioma apresenta elevada riqueza biológica e nele ocorrem importantes mananciais brasileiros. Com o aumento da emissão de gases do efeito estufa por fontes antrópicas, possíveis mudanças climáticas representam uma ameaça para a diversidade biológica e recursos hídricos deste ambiente. Neste âmbito, uma das principais demandas científicas e ambientais da atualidade consiste da estruturação de modelos climáticos que subsidiem a tomada de decisão, visando a atenuação ou mesmo a mitigação de possíveis impactos decorrentes de mudanças climáticas. Tendo-se em vista as incertezas sobre a concentração futura de GEEs, o IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) estruturou diferentes trajetórias para o forçamento radiativo ao longo do século XXI, sendo denominadas RCPs (Representative Concentration Pathways). Os RCPs abordam desde futuros otimistas, nos quais a forçante radiativa decorrentes de ações antrópicas é reduzida (RCP 2.6), até situações pessimistas (RCP 8.5), sendo o RCP 4.5 uma situação considerada intermediária. Assim, Modelos Climáticos Globais (MCGs) vem sendo aplicados para a simulação das mudanças climáticas inerentes aos diferentes RCPs ao longo do século XXI. Entretanto, para a análise regional das mudanças climáticas torna-se necessária a regionalização das informações de macro escala geradas pelos MCGs, através de modelos climáticos regionais, com destaque para o modelo Eta no Brasil. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi a avaliação de cenários climáticos simulados pelos modelos climáticos regionais Eta-HadGEM2-ES e Eta-MIROC5 para o Estado do Tocantins. O presente estudo foi estruturado em dois capítulos com objetivos específicos, sendo: (1) avaliar a qualidade estatística do clima presente ou baseline (1961-2005) projetado pelos modelos climáticos para a localização de cinco estações meteorológicas que dispõe de dados observados (precipitação total anual, precipitação máxima diária anual, temperatura máxima diária anual, temperatura média anual, temperatura mínima diária anual e umidade relativa anual), sendo: Araguaína, Pedro Afonso, Peixe, Porto Nacional e Taguatinga; (2) mapeamento das mudanças climáticas simuladas para o Estado do Tocantins pelos modelos climáticos Eta-HadGEM2-ES e Eta-MIROC5 nos RCPs 4.5 e 8.5, nos períodos seco e chuvoso, para os intervalos de 2007 a 2040 e 2041 a 2070, abrangendo as seguintes variáveis: precipitação, evapotranspiração real, temperatura máxima, temperatura média, temperatura mínima e umidade relativa. Os resultados mostraram necessidade de realização da remoção dos erros sistemáticos dos modelos climáticos previamente à utilização das projeções futuras. Quanto à simulação do clima presente, o modelo Eta-MIROC5 obteve melhor desempenho para a precipitação total anual e umidade relativa anual, enquanto que o modelo Eta-HadGEM2-ES obteve melhor desempenho para a temperatura (máxima diária anual, média anual e mínima diária anual). Na simulação climática futura, de maneira geral, ambos modelos apresentaram prognósticos mais severos para o RCP 8.5 no segundo período futuro avaliado (2041 a 2070) para o Estado do Tocantins. As projeções do modelo Eta-HadGEM2-ES apresentaram maior grau de severidade para a precipitação, temperatura (máxima, média e mínima), evapotranspiração real e umidade relativa, quando comparadas às projeções do Eta-MIROC5. O modelo Eta-HadGEM2-ES projetou para o período de 2041 a 2070 (RCP 8.5) aumento da temperatura média de até 4,9 ºC, enquanto que para o mesmo período e RCP simulado pelo Eta-MIROC5 o aumento projetado foi de 2,9 ºC. Ainda para este período e RCP as reduções simuladas para a precipitação chegou a 462,1 e 383,1 mm, pelos modelos Eta-HadGEM2-ES e Eta-MIROC5, respectivamente. Foram simuladas regiões do Estado com mudanças climáticas mais severas. Destaca-se a região Centro-Sul, nas proximidades da UHE Peixe/Angical para o regime de chuvas e a região Sul da Ilha do Bananal e APA dos Meandros do rio Araguaia para a temperatura. / The Cerrado biome is present in 91% of the State of Tocantins. This biome presents high biological wealth and in it occur important Brazilian springs. With increasing greenhouse gas emissions by anthropic sources, possible climatic change poses a threat to the biological diversity and water resources of this environment. In this context, one of the main scientific and environmental demands of today consist in the structuring of climatic models that subsidize decision making, aiming the attenuation or even mitigation of possible impacts due to climatic change. Given the uncertainties about the future concentration of GHGs, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has structured different paths for radiative forcing throughout the XXI century, being called RCPs (Representative Concentration Pathways). The RCPs approach from optimistic futures, in which the radiative forcing due to anthropic actions is reduced (RCP 2.6), to pessimistic situations (RCP 8.5), with RCP 4.5 being considered as an intermediate situation. Thus, Global Climatic Models (MCGs) have been applied to the simulation of the climatic changes inherent in different CPRs throughout theXXI century. However, regional analysis of climate change requires the regionalization of macro-scale information generated by MCGs through regional climate models, with emphasis on the Eta model in Brazil. In this context, the objective of this work was the evaluation of climatic scenarios simulated by the regional climatic models Eta-HadGEM2-ES and Eta-MIROC5 for the State of Tocantins. The present study was structured in two chapters with specific objectives, being: (1) to evaluate the statistical quality of the present or baseline climate (1961-2005) projected by the climatic models for the location of five meteorological stations with observed data (annual total precipitation, annual maximum daily precipitation, annual maximum daily temperature, average temperature Annual, annual minimum daily temperature and annual relative humidity), being: Araguaína, Pedro Afonso, Peixe, Porto Nacional and Taguatinga; (2) mapping of simulated climatic changes for the State of Tocantins by the climatic models Eta-HadGEM2-ES and Eta-MIROC5 in RCPs 4.5 and 8.5, in the dry and rainy periods, for the intervals from 2007 to 2040 and 2041 to 2070, covering the following variables: precipitation, real evapotranspiration, maximum temperature, average temperature, minimum temperature and relative humidity. The results showed the need to perform to remove systematic errors of the climatic models previously to the use of future projections. Regarding the simulation of the present climate, the Eta-MIROC5 model obtained better performance for the annual total precipitation and annual relative humidity, while the Eta-HadGEM2-ES model obtained better performance for temperature (daily maximum annual, annual average and minimum daily Yearly). In the future climatic simulation, both models presented more severe prognoses for RCP 8.5 in the second evaluated future period (2041 to 2070) for the state of Tocantins. The projections of the Eta-HadGEM2-ES model showed a higher degree of severity for precipitation, temperature (maximum, average and minimum), actual evapotranspiration and relative humidity when compared to Eta-MIROC5 projections. The Eta-HadGEM2-ES model projected for the period from 2041 to 2070 (RCP 8.5) an increase in the mean temperature up to 4.9 ° C, whereas for the same period and CPR simulated by Eta-MIROC5 the projected increase was 2, 9 ° C. Also for this period and CPR the simulated reductions for precipitation reached 462.1 and 383.1 mm, by the Eta-HadGEM2-ES and Eta-MIROC5 models, respectively. Were simulated regions of the state with more severe climate changes. The Center-South region, near the Peixe / Angical HPP for the rainfall regime and the Southern region of the Bananal Island and the APA of the Meandros of the Araguaia river for the temperature, stands out.

Modular Fixture Design for BIW Lines Using Process Simulate

Keyvani, Ali January 2009 (has links)
<p>The unchangeable need of securing and locating parts during different manufacturing processes turned the fixtures to key elements in many part production industries. The iterations between design engineers and manufacturing planners because of late collision detection of the part/fixtures with robots cost a lot of time and money. The lead-time can be reduced by developing tools and/or methods for early verification of the fixtures during the simultaneous engineering phase. Different aspects of fixture designing, modeling and simulating is investigated as a base step to recognize the best practice work to do fixture planning in Process Simulate integrated PLM environment. The aim of the project is to use Process Simulate to design and validate modular fixtures at the same time and in a single environment. It also aims to investigate the possibility of adding kinematics, sensors, and actuating signals to the fixtures and utilize them to model the fixture behavior in a larger simulation study. The project narrows down its focus on the fixtures designed for robotic applications specifically in Automotive Body in White lines without losing generality. The document type stated at the title page and in the header of this page is master thesis work.</p>

Modular Fixture Design for BIW Lines Using Process Simulate

Keyvani, Ali January 2009 (has links)
The unchangeable need of securing and locating parts during different manufacturing processes turned the fixtures to key elements in many part production industries. The iterations between design engineers and manufacturing planners because of late collision detection of the part/fixtures with robots cost a lot of time and money. The lead-time can be reduced by developing tools and/or methods for early verification of the fixtures during the simultaneous engineering phase. Different aspects of fixture designing, modeling and simulating is investigated as a base step to recognize the best practice work to do fixture planning in Process Simulate integrated PLM environment. The aim of the project is to use Process Simulate to design and validate modular fixtures at the same time and in a single environment. It also aims to investigate the possibility of adding kinematics, sensors, and actuating signals to the fixtures and utilize them to model the fixture behavior in a larger simulation study. The project narrows down its focus on the fixtures designed for robotic applications specifically in Automotive Body in White lines without losing generality. The document type stated at the title page and in the header of this page is master thesis work.

Effekt på värdeutfallet av sågad vara vid övergång från 30 till 60 cm moduler : - en fallstudie av Moelven

Lundgren, Joakim, Larsson, Joakim January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explain how the value of sawn wood changes when sawn wood are cut in 30 respective 60 cm lengths. The raw material into the saw mill will mainly be bucked in 30 cm and 60 cm modules. There will also be two alternatives where the timber will be bucked special lengths, 370, 490 and 550 cm but also in 490 and 550 cm. The method used for the study is to simulate both cutting and sawing the woods. For cutting the simulator Timan is used and for sawing the simulator Timberopt is used. When data is generated from the simulators, calculations of some key figures is done and also how much the revenue need to be increased for the sawn wood in order to cover for the increased costs of changing sawn wood from 30 cm to 60 cm modules The conclusion is that the single biggest reason, impacting the value of the sawn wood is the cutting at the saw mill. When going from 30 to 60 cm modules, the impact will be that the customers to the saw mill must pay more to increase the revenue by at least 10% for the sawn wood in order to justifice the change in production. It is also possible to increase the value of the products further by bucking the timber in three lengths, 370, 490 and 550 cm, in order to get 12 % increase of the share of longer sawn wood (&gt;= 480 cm). / Syftet med studien är att förklara hur värdet på sågad vara förändras när den avkapas i 30 respektive 60 cm moduler. Råvaran in till sågverket kommer huvudsakligen att apteras i 30 cm respektive 60 cm moduler. Det kommer också att finnas två alternativ där timret apteras i speciallängderna 370, 490 och 550 cm, samt 490 och 550 cm. Metoden som användes i studien är att simulera såväl aptering som avkapning. För aptering i skogen användes simulatorn Timan. För sönderdelning och avkap på sågverket användes simulatorn Timberopt. När data genererats från simulatorerna har också beräkning av vissa nyckeltal gjorts, samt beräkningar på hur mycket intäkterna för den sågade varan behöver öka för att täcka värdeminskningen av en omläggning av sågad vara från 30 cm till 60 cm moduler. Slutsatsen är att den största, enskilda posten till minskat värde uppstår vid avkapet i justerverket. Vid en övergång från 30 cm till 60 cm moduler, blir konsekvensen att kunderna till sågverket måste vara beredda att betala minst 10% mer för att täcka värdeminskningen vid omläggning till 60 cm moduler. Det är också möjligt att öka värdet på produkten ytterligare genom att aptera timret i två långa och en kort längd, dvs 370, 490 och 550 cm. Då fås en ökning med ca 12% av sågad vara som överstiger 480 cm i längd.

Effekt på värdeutfallet av sågad vara vid övergång från 30 till 60 cm moduler : - en fallstudie av Moelven

Lundgren, Joakim, Larsson, Joakim January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to explain how the value of sawn wood changes when sawn wood are cut in 30 respective 60 cm lengths. The raw material into the saw mill will mainly be bucked in 30</p><p>cm and 60 cm modules. There will also be two alternatives where the timber will be bucked special lengths, 370, 490 and 550 cm but also in 490 and 550 cm.</p><p>The method used for the study is to simulate both cutting and sawing the woods. For cutting the simulator Timan is used and for sawing the simulator Timberopt is used. When data is generated</p><p>from the simulators, calculations of some key figures is done and also how much the revenue need to be increased for the sawn wood in order to cover for the increased costs of changing sawn wood</p><p>from 30 cm to 60 cm modules</p><p>The conclusion is that the single biggest reason, impacting the value of the sawn wood is the cutting at the saw mill.</p><p>When going from 30 to 60 cm modules, the impact will be that the customers to the saw mill must pay more to increase the revenue by at least 10% for the sawn wood in order to justifice the change</p><p>in production.</p><p>It is also possible to increase the value of the products further by bucking the timber in three lengths, 370, 490 and 550 cm, in order to get 12 % increase of the share of longer sawn wood (>= 480 cm).</p> / <p>Syftet med studien är att förklara hur värdet på sågad vara förändras när den avkapas i 30 respektive 60 cm moduler. Råvaran in till sågverket kommer huvudsakligen att apteras i 30 cm respektive 60 cm moduler. Det kommer också att finnas två alternativ där timret apteras i speciallängderna 370, 490 och 550 cm, samt 490 och</p><p>550 cm.</p><p>Metoden som användes i studien är att simulera såväl aptering som avkapning. För aptering i skogen användes simulatorn Timan. För sönderdelning och avkap på sågverket användes simulatorn Timberopt. När data genererats från simulatorerna har också beräkning av vissa nyckeltal gjorts, samt beräkningar på hur mycket intäkterna för den sågade varan behöver öka för att täcka värdeminskningen av en omläggning av sågad vara från 30 cm till 60 cm moduler.</p><p>Slutsatsen är att den största, enskilda posten till minskat värde uppstår vid avkapet i justerverket.</p><p>Vid en övergång från 30 cm till 60 cm moduler, blir konsekvensen att kunderna till sågverket måste vara beredda att betala minst 10% mer för att täcka värdeminskningen vid omläggning till 60 cm moduler.</p><p>Det är också möjligt att öka värdet på produkten ytterligare genom att aptera timret i två långa och en kort längd, dvs 370, 490 och 550 cm. Då fås en ökning med ca 12% av sågad vara som överstiger 480 cm i längd.</p>

Mate selection in aquaculture species / Seleção de acasalamentos em espécies aquícolas

Yoshida, Grazyella Massako 26 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by GRAZYELLA MASSAKO YOSHIDA null (grazyoshida@hotmail.com) on 2018-03-22T20:50:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 thesis_GMY.pdf: 1722466 bytes, checksum: 3b9d699968bdca5ed4d5856648c5403d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Alexandra Maria Donadon Lusser Segali null (alexmar@fcav.unesp.br) on 2018-03-23T10:39:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 yoshida_gm_dr_jabo.pdf: 1722466 bytes, checksum: 3b9d699968bdca5ed4d5856648c5403d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-23T10:39:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 yoshida_gm_dr_jabo.pdf: 1722466 bytes, checksum: 3b9d699968bdca5ed4d5856648c5403d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-26 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (i) testar a eficiência do algoritmo de seleção de acasalamento (MS) em controlar o nível de endogamia e coascendência, além de aumentar os ganhos genéticos; (ii) incluir a variabilidade genética da futura progênie como componente de otimização na função objetiva de seleção de acasalamento usando dados de dois programas de melhoramento aquícolas; e (iii) comparar a MS com a seleção truncada (TS) e contribuição genética ótima (OCS), combinados com diferentes estratégias de acasalamentos para controlar a endogamia e manter os mesmo níveis de ganhos genéticos. Para os objetivos (i) e (ii), o total de 8.782 tilápias do Nilo (NT) de cinco gerações e 79.144 salmões coho (CS) de oito gerações foram utilizados para otimizar as funções objetivos e vinte gerações discretas foram simuladas para o objetivo (iii), considerando 50 famílias e 2.000 filhos por geração, e uma característica com herdabilidade igual a 0.30. As OFs foram otimizadas considerando a coascendência média dos pais, o mérito genético esperado, a endogamia da futura progênie para os objetivos (i) e (iii) e a variabilidade genética da futura progênie foi adicionada na OF para o objetivo (ii). Para o objetivo (i), a MS permitiu reduzir a endogamia em até 73% para tilápia do Nilo, em comparação com a seleção truncada e até 20% para o salmão coho, em comparação com o cenário real de acasalamento. No objetivo dois, a MS permitiu produzir progênie com maior (DP = 0.77 e 0.30 para NT e CS, respectivamente) ou menor (DP = 0.25 e 0.14 para NT e CS, respectivamente) dispersão dos valores genéticos, dependendo da função objetivo otimizada. A seleção de acasalamentos superou a seleção truncada e o cenário real de acasalamento e também foi possível alterar a variabilidade genética da futura progênie, quando esse componente foi considerado na OF utilizado os dados reais. Para os dados simulados, a MS teve melhor performance comparada com a TS e a OCS combinada com acasalamentos aleatórios. A curto-prazo, a MS foi mais eficiente do que a OCS combinada com os acasalamentos que minimizam a endogamia em controlar a endogamia sob o mesmo nível de ganho genético. Porém, a longo prazo os resultados entre as duas estratégias foram muito semelhantes. De forma geral, o algoritmo de seleção de acasalamentos foi eficiente e flexível em otimizar a função objetiva usando diferentes componentes, em diferentes aplicações práticas na aquicultura. / The aims of this work were: (i) test the efficiency of mate selection (MS) algorithm in controlling the inbreeding and coancestry level, as well, increase the genetic gain; (ii) include the genetic variability of the future progeny as component for the optimization of the MS objective function in two aquaculture real dataset; and (iii) compare MS among truncation selection (TS) and optimum contribution selection (OCS) scenarios combined to different mating strategies to assess the best method in controlling inbreeding and maintain the genetic gain, for aquaculture breeding using simulated dataset. For objective (i) and (ii), a total of 8,782 Nile tilapias (NT) from five generations and 79,144 coho salmon (CS) from eight generations were used to optimize the objective functions (OF) and twenty discrete generations were simulated for the objective (iii), considering 50 families and 2,000 offspring per generation, and a trait with heritability of 0.30. The OFs were optimized accounting to coancestry of parents, expected genetic merit and inbreeding of the future progeny for the objective (i) and (iii) and in addition the genetic variability of the future progeny was considered for the objective (ii). For the objective (i), the mate selection allowed reducing inbreeding up to 73% for NT, compared with truncation selection, and up to 20% for CS, compared with realized scenario. In the objective (ii), MS allowed producing animals with higher (SD = 0.77 and 0.30 for NT and CS, respectively) or lower (SD = 0.25 and 0.14 for NT and CS, respectively) dispersion of estimated breeding value, depending on the objective function optimized. For real data set the MS outperformed the real mates and truncation selection and in addition the genetic variability of the future progeny could be changed when this component was considered in the OF. For the simulated dataset, the MS outperformed the TS and OCS followed by random mating. In the short-term, MS was more efficient than OCS + inbreeding minimizing in controlling inbreeding under the same genetic gain. However, in the long-term, OCS and MS resulted in similar genetic progress and average inbreeding, under the same weight on coancestry. In general, the mate selection algorithm was efficient and flexible to optimize objective functions accounting for different components, under practical applications in aquaculture breeding. / 14/20626-4 e 15/25232-7

Návrh robotické buňky pro bodové svařování / Design of a Robotic Cell for Spot Welding Application

Kaňa, Vojtěch January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to design a robotic cell for spot welding of seat reinforcement and the subsequent automatic transport of the part from the cell. Both construction plan and process simulation in Process Simulate should be performed there. It is therefore an application for the automotive industry. The cell consists of a device into which the operator places the parts and is placed on the designed turntable. The welding is performed by two Kuka robots and welding tongs attached to them. The thesis deals with the design of the structure and the choice of individual components, as well as their appropriate deployment in the cell. Along with the design of the cell, the simulation was processed in the software. The output of the thesis is a 3D model of the workplace, simulation of the whole process of welding and manipulation and evaluation of the cell cycle using the RCS module.

Automatizace výroby statorů elektromotorů / Automation of stators production

Šula, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of a robotic workplace layout for finishing operations on the stator of an electric motor. Three variants of the workplace layout were created, these variants were evaluated, and then the most suitable variant was selected. Suitable subcomponents have been created for this variant, such as the end effector, deburring spindles, rotary stand and milling table. A risk analysis was also created for her to ensure the safety and protection of the operator. The most suitable variant was transferred to the Process Simulate software, where its functionality was verified and the real cell cycle was determined.

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