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Od konstrukce mediální reality k sociálnímu stereotypu v tištěné reklamě / From construction of media reality towards s social stereotype in the printed advertisingTalácko, Aleš January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis "From construction of media reality towards a social stereotype in the printed advertising" deals with stereotypical portrayals of people emerging in Czech magazine production in the first decade of 21st century. The first part of the thesis describes the theoretical fundamentals of the field, including the theory of the social construction of reality by Berger and Luckmann. In its second part, using the sample of magazines Týden, Reflex, Maxim (formerly Quo), Cosmopolitan and Žena a život, the thesis surveys the occurrence of stereotypical depictions in the period from 2000 to 2008, materialized using semiotic codes. These depictions are named, described and it is shown how are they used in the process of constructing a complex communicate. This thesis is trying to point out the disproportion in the depictions of males and females in advertising and (based on previous classifications available) comes up with an original classification of the stereotypical depictions. The thesis also describes the results of a quantitative content analysis in order to find out about the occurrence frequency of the stereotypes in pictorial texts used in advertising production and it segments the occuring stereotypes in three categories according to the frequency of their occurrence. The categories are...
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Kompetence a předpoklady obecní územní samosprávy k efektivní politice sociálního začleňování / Competencies and requierements of municiapalities fot the social inclusion policyŠvec, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with competencies of local municipalities in social inclusion policy. Social exclusion is a key phenomenon of contemporary policy, and municipalities play an important role in such policy. Though, municipalities often tend to fail in their role. The thesis describes and analyse the competencies of local governments and tries to set up and ideal local inclusion policy: a complete set of possible measures that a municipality can use in dealing with social inclusion. This ideal is further on used in two case studies: formative evaluation of local policies in two small towns in South Bohemia. The result is interpreted in perspective of social construction of target groups theory, explaining why do or do not municipalities use concrete inclusive measures. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Transformace sociálních služeb pro osoby se zdravotním postižením v kontextu deinstitucionalizace / Transformation of social services for people with disabilities in the context of deinstitutionalizationRabová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis looks into the transformation of social services for people with disabilities in the context of deinstitutionalization in the Czech Republic. To answer the research goals (1) To find out how the main transformation processes in the field of social services policy in the Czech Republic were performed in the context of deinstitutionalization, focusing on a group of people with disabilities, (2) to find out by the optics of SKCP, how are people with disabilities involved in the deinstitutionalization policy of the residential social services, the approach of qualitative research was used. The approach is based on the document analysis and the expert research. The theoretical starting points of this thesis are the theory of implementation and the components of the theoretical framework of target population's social construction, focusing on political power. With the help of the implementation theory, the development of the transformation processes in the Czech Republic from 2007 to present is explained, the key milestones of deinstitutionalization policy, objectives, present effects, key barriers and implementation deficits are identified. By the optics of the theory of social construction of the target population is being determined, how large of the political power the group of...
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Sociální konstrukce nerovností v přístupu k terciárnímu vzdělání a přijímacím řízení / Social construction of inequalities in an access to higher education and admission examsRossová, Iveta January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the construction of inequalities in the access to the tertiary education with the special emphasis on entrance exams to the universities. The aim is to explore how the entrance exams as the gate to the universities are perceived by students - the actors who are the most affected by these inequalities in education, according to relevant research of these inequalities. The thesis studies how these actors perceive their position and situation within the entrance process, what situations (if any) are constructed as unequal by these actors, who is affected by such inequalities and how does he/she copes with them. The research question is seen from the perspective of interactionist constructivism and answered by applying methods of grounded theory and semi-structured in-depth interviews.
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Politika sportu ve vztahu k osobám se zdravotním postižením / Policy of sport in relation to people with disabilitiesKacetl, Michael January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals primarily with the description, analysis and framing of public policy issues with regard to handicapped athletes. The main aspect of this work is to identify the most problematic areas with which disabled athletes normally meet in reality. The thesis also includes the state of the current sports environment in the Czech Republic. This condition is presented primarily with regard to disabled athletes. It is clear from other research that the position of disabled athletes is currently largely neglected. In the next part of the thesis it is important to find out how disabled athletes are designed in the Czech media. This is followed in the analytical part of the thesis is the analysis of the media situation with access to disabled athletes. The work brings an analysis of newspaper articles between the Olympic Games in 2012 and 2016. By analyzing newspaper articles creates the concept of the most burning problems with which work is finally being done. The key task of the thesis is to provide a holistic view of the overall picture of handicapped athletes in the Czech Republic. The work also emphasizes the depiction of political power and political actors who are actively involved in this policy. Using the social construction method of the target groups creates a picture of the group of...
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Zákon o ochraně zdraví před škodlivými účinky návykových látek: vývoj narativu soupeřících rámců v mediálním diskurzu / Act on protection of health against harmful effects of addictive substances: Development of narative of competing frames in media discourseLipková, Simona January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the development of tobacco control legislation with the main focus on the Act on protection of health against harmful effects of addictive substances with accent on smoking regulation in restaurants. The main line of this thesis is to determine the competing rhetorical frameworks and the main actors representing the individual frameworks which they present on the level of arguments and then to compare the development of narrative over time. At this level, the thesis focuses on the analysis of the presented rhetorical frameworks with the aim of discussing possible specific attributes that facilitated the process of reframing opposition actors, namely using the rhetorical strategy of narrative attributes of storytelling, technical terms, imagery or comparison. These goals were achieved by using a qualitative analysis of media outcomes and by using public policy documents, legal standards and other relevant documents. Theoretical support for answering the set forth questions was a frame analysis, which was conceptualized on the field of public policy by Rein and Schön along with the theory of social construction of target population conceptualized by Schneider and Ingram. In this thesis, written under the auspices of the case study, four main competing frames were...
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Mediální obraz menstruace v masových médiích a v uživatelských obsazích / Media Image of Menstruation in Mass media and User generated contentStrouhalová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the image of menstruation in the mass media and in user generated content. Menstruation is a biological process that is essential for reproduction. It not only plays a specific role from the biological point of view, but also from the cultural aspect. Menstruation has remained a taboo and been stigmatised for many years. Today this topic is no longer completely taboo, but some stigma and stereotypes remain. This diploma thesis is based on the theory of social construction of reality, where the mass media is considered one element involved in the construction of this reality. The aim of this work is to analyse the image of menstruation in the mass media created by professionals and compare it with the image of this topic in user generated content created by the public on social networks. Two research methods are used to obtain a comprehensive view of the specific issue - a quantitative content analysis and qualitative framework analysis. The quantitative content analysis is used to establish the frequency and occurrence of the topic of menstruation within mass media. The framework analysis is used to establish how this topic is represented and framed in the mass media and in user generated content.
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Den kvinnliga entreprenören : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Mincs sociala medier / The Female Entrepreneur : A quantitative content analysis of Minc’s social mediaJohansson, Linda, Hult, Annie January 2021 (has links)
I denna studie studerar vi hur kvinnor som är entreprenörer gestaltas på Minc Startup House sociala medier, mer specifikt deras LinkedIn, Facebook och Instagram. En kvantitativ innehållsanalys har gjorts på inlägg som publicerats under ett års tid. Vi har studerat resultatet med hjälp av teorin om sociala konstruktioner som huvudteori. Till denna har vi sedan applicerat representationsteori, samt ett feministiskt perspektiv med inriktning av könskonstruktivism och intersektionalitet. Vi kan konstatera att Minc genom sin kommunikation gestaltar män och kvinnor som är entreprenörer olika. I kommunikation riktad till kvinnor appliceras kvinnliga stereotyper och benämningen kvinnlig entreprenör används ofta. Inga stereotyper av manlighet förekommer och orden man och manlig används endast i ett sammanhang, vilket har ett negativt syfte. Studiens resultat visar även att entreprenörer som inte har ett nordeuropeisk utseende är representerade i låg utsträckning. Detta gäller även för personer som är i åldern 50 år och uppåt. / In this thesis we are studying how women entrepreneurs are portrayed in Minc Startup House’s social media, more specifically their LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. A quantitative content analysis has been made on posts from a one-year time period. We have analysed the results with the help of the theory of social constructions as main theory. We have then applied the theory of representation, and a feministic perspective, more specifically the theory of constructions of gender and intersectionality. We have come to the conclusion that Minc through their communication are portraying women and men entrepreneurs differently. In communication created to reach women, female stereotypes are used, and the term female entrepreneur is often used. No male stereotypes are used, and the words man and male only occur in one context, which has a negative purpose. The results in the thesis also show how entrepreneurs without a north European appearance are represented to a low extent. This also regards people who appear to be in the age of 50 and above.
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Změna obrazu OSVČ během koronavirové krize / The changing image of the self-employed during the coronavirus crisisSvobodová, Natálie January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with labour market issues in relation to a selected group of self- employed persons during the coronavirus crisis of 2020. The main goal of the thesis deals with mapping and comparing the change of approach to self-employment during the coronavirus crisis from perspective of the theory of social construction of target populations by Ingram and Schneider. The main goal of the thesis was supplemented by four research questions that deal with the transformation of the social structure of the self-employed during a pandemic, the resulting policy, the tools used in employment policy and the variability of topics that appeared in the media in relation to self-employment. In the introduction, the reader gets acquainted with the development of the researched issues, statistics and the main theories and concepts that have been used. The second part describes the methodology of the work, such as research methods and data analysis. Following this, the work presents the results of the analysis of events, where was created a timeline of the development of selected measures. The analysis is supplemented by transcripts of stenographic records from the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and also by a closer insight into the compensation bonus periods and costs that...
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Problematika dávek státní sociální podpory / The issue of state social support benefits.Stárová, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is the issue of state social support benefits. The aim is to find out the current state of abuse of state social support benefits and identify their shortcomings. The topic is examined from the perspective of the theory of social construction of target populations and the theory of street-level bureaucrats. The work examines the construction of recipients of SSS benefits in both media and political discourse. Qualitative research was used to achieve the goal of the work, in the form of semi-structured interviews with street-level bureaucrats and document analysis. In order to obtain information on the construction of recipients of SSS benefits, articles in online and print media and stenographic records from the meetings of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic were analysed. I consider the finding that the recipients of SSS benefits are not perceived as a homogeneous group and are constructed according to the individual benefits they receive to be the main results of the work. Furthermore, forms of abuse of SSS benefits were identified, which are distinguished into fraudulent practices of clients and the maximum possible use of the law. The main findings of abuse were presented in the case study. Along with the misuse of...
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