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The history of programme evaluation in South AfricaMouton, Charline 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study seeks to document the emergence of programme evaluation in South Africa. The value
of the study lies in the fact that no extensive study on the history of programme evaluation in South
Africa has been undertaken before. In order to locate the study within an international context, the
study commences with a description of how programme evaluation developed as a sub discipline
of the social sciences in other countries. In terms of the South African context, the NGO sector,
public sector and professionalisation of programme evaluation is considered. Through this study, it
is proposed that the emergence of programme evaluation in South Africa is directly linked to donor
activities in the NPO sector. This leads to a discussion of the advancement of monitoring and
evaluation in the public sector – specifically the role played by government in institutionalising
monitoring and evaluation. Finally, the professionalisation of the evaluation field is also included.
The study commenced with a thorough document analysis to gather data on both the international
context as well as the South African context. In terms of gathering data on South Africa, data on
certain aspects of the emergence of programme evaluation was very limited. To augment the
limited data on the local front, face to face and telephonic interviews were conducted. Through
these conversations, valuable additional non-published resources and archaic documents were
discovered and could be included in the study to produce a comprehensive picture of the
emergence of programme evaluation in South Africa.
A number of salient points emerge from the thesis. Firstly, there are both similarities and
differences between the United States and the UK when considering the emergence of programme
evaluation internationally. Secondly, South Africa followed a different trajectory to the USA and
UK, where programme evaluation originated within government structures and was consequently a
top down occurrence. In South Africa, programme evaluation emerged through donor activity and
therefore occurred from the bottom up. Thirdly, in comparison to the US and UK, the South African
government did not initially play a significant role in the advancement of monitoring and evaluation
(M&E). However, it is within this sector that M&E became institutionalised in South Africa. Finally,
the professionalisation and development of programme evaluation in South Africa can be
attributed to the first generation evaluators of the 1990s. It is the critical thinking and initiative taken
by these individuals that stimulated the field.
It is hoped that this study will constitute only the first step into the documentation of programme
evaluation’s history in South Africa as there are many areas where further investigation is still
required. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die opkoms van program evaluering in Suid-Afrika. Die waarde van die
studie is gekoppel aan die feit dat daar nog nie vantevore so ‘n uitgebreide studie rondom die
geskiedenis van program evaluering onderneem is nie. Ten einde die studie binne ‘n
internasionale konteks te plaas, word ‘n beskrywing gegee van hoe program evaluasie as ‘n subdissipline
van die sosiale wetenskappe in ander lande ontwikkel het. In terme van die plaaslike
konteks word die NPO sektor, die publieke sektor en die professionalisering van program
evaluering ondersoek. ‘n Hipotese word voorgelê dat die opkoms van program evaluering in Suid-
Afrika direk verwant hou met internasionale skenkerorganisasies se aktiwiteite in Suid-Afrika.
Daarna volg ‘n bespreking van die groei van monitering en evaluering in die publieke sektor.
Laastens word die professionalisering van die evaluasie domein ook bespreek.
Die beginpunt van die studie was ‘n deeglike dokumentêre analise ten einde inligting in te samel
oor die internasionale sowel as plaaslike konteks. In die geval van Suid-Afrika was die data baie
beperk in sommige areas, veral rondom die geskiedenis van program evaluering. Ten einde die
data aan te vul, is telefoniese en persoonlike onderhoude gevoer met sleutelpersone in die
betrokke sektore. Deur die gesprekke is toegang verkry tot waardevolle addisionele
ongepubliseerde bronne en historiese dokumente. Die ontdekking en insluiting van die dokumente
verseker dat ‘n volledige beeld geskets word rondom die opkoms van program evaluering in Suid-
‘n Aantal betekenisvolle bevindings volg vanuit die studie. Eerstens, daar is beide ooreenkomste
en verskille in die manier wat program evaluering in Amerika en die Verenigde Koninkryk tot stand
gekom het. Tweedens, Suid-Afrika volg ‘n verskillende perogatief in vergelyking met Amerika en
die Verenigde Koninkryk waar program evaluering sy ontstaan binne die regering gehad het en
ook deur die regering “afgedwing is”. In Suid-Afrika, kan program evaluering se opkoms in
teenstelling daarmee direk gekoppel word aan die betrokkenheid van ‘n skenker organisasie.
Derdens, in vergelyking met Amerika en die Verenigde Koninkryk het die Suid-Afrikaanse regering
aanvanklik nie ‘n betekenisvolle rol gespeel in die vooruitgang van monitering en evaluering nie.
Dit is egter noemenswaardig dat die publieke sektor die institusionalisering van monitering en
evaluering teweegebring het. Laastens, kan die professionalisering en groei van program
evaluering in Suid-Afrika grootliks toegeskryf word aan die bydrae van die eerste generasie
evalueerders van die 1990s. Dit is grootliks die persone se bydrae in die vorme van kritiese denke
en inisiatief wat die veld gestimuleer en bevorder het. Dit is my hoop dat hierdie studie gevolg sal
word deur die voortdurende dokumentasie van die geskiedenis en verloop van program evaluering
in Suid-Afrika.
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A review of methodological trends in South African sociology, 1990–2009Basson, Isabel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The thesis investigates the research methods employed by South African sociological researchers, as published in academic peer-reviewed journals during the period 1990 to 2009. Specific attention was given to the trends in terms of qualitative and quantitative methodologies and related methods employed. Methodological pluralism, the viewpoint that a mature sociology should incorporate explanatory, predictive and humanistic methods, has been the focus of various authors internationally and locally. A concern that has been reiterated in the literature is that an over-emphasis on one methodology or one type of method is unhealthy for the development of the social sciences in a country. No recent review of the methods and methodologies employed in sociology in South Africa has been conducted, and with no clear view of the recent and current situation, no strategy can be formulated to address this potential concern. This thesis aims to address this issue by describing the situation in South Africa from 1990 to 2009. The empirical research presented in this thesis employed a content analysis design and quantitative methodology. Data were obtained from a sample of research articles collected from various online databases. Probability sampling was conducted, by making use of the method of stratified systematic sampling with a random start. Data analysis was both cross-sectional and longitudinal, and made use primarily of descriptive statistics, but bivariate analysis and chi-square tests were also employed. Various aspects of the research reported in the articles were analysed, which included methodology, research design, sampling methods, data collection methods, data analysis methods and author collaboration. The main findings of the thesis are that, during the past two decades both quantitative and qualitative methodologies have been employed to an equal extent, but that the use of non-probability sampling methods was higher than anticipated. Both local and international collaboration has increased over the past 20 years, and a quantitative methodology was significantly more likely if international collaborators were involved in the research. The thesis concludes that research methods in general, and sampling methods in particular, are poorly reported in published sociological research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tesis ondersoek die navorsingsmetodes wat deur Suid Afrikaanse outeurs gebruik is tydens die tydperk 1990 tot 2009 wanneer hulle sosiologiese artikels in akademiese, eweknie-beoordeelde vaktydskrifte gepubliseer het. Aandag is spesifiek verleen aan metodologiese tendense in terme van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodologie en gepaardgaande metodes. Verskeie internationale en plaaslike outeurs fokus op metodologiese pluralisme: die standpunt dat ʼn gesonde sosiologie ondersoekende, voorspellende en humanistiese metodes moet gebruik. Die besorgdheid wat herhaaldelik voorkom in die literatuur is dat ʼn oorbeklemtoning op net een metodologie en dié se verwante metodes ongesond is vir die ontwikkeling van die sosiale wetenskappe in ʼn land. Daar is geen onlangse oorsig van die metodes en metodologieë wat in die sosiologie in Suid Afrika gebruik word nie, en sonder hierdie inligting kan daar nie ʼn strategie ontwerp word om die potensiële besorgdheid aan te spreek nie. Hierdie tesis het ten doel om hierdie kwessie aan te spreek deur die situasie in Suid Afrika vanaf 1990 tot 2009 te beskryf. Die empiriese navorsing in die tesis wend ʼn inhouds-analise navorsingontwerp en ʼn kwantitatiewe metodologie aan. Data is ingesamel deur gebruik te maak van ʼn steekproef van navorsings-artikels wat versamel is vanaf verskeie aanlyndatabasisse. ʼn Waarskynlikheidsteekproef is getrek deur gebruik te maak van gestratifiseerde sistematiese steekproefneming met ʼn lukrake beginpunt. Data-ontleding was beide kruissnydend en longitudinaal, en het hoofsaaklik vanbeskrywende statistiek gebruik gemaak, maar tweeveranderlike ontleding en chi-kwadraat toetse is ook aangewend. Verskeie aspekte van die navorsing wat in die artikels geraporteer word, is ontleed, insluitend: metodologie, navorsingsontwerp, streekproefmetodes, data-insamelingsmetodes, en outeursamewerking. Die hoofbevindinge van die tesis was dat beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metodologieë in ’n gelyke mate aangewend word, maar dat nie-ewekansige steekproefmetodes meer gebruik word as wat te verwagte is. Samewerking, beide tussen plaaslike outeurs asook tussen plaaslike en internasionale outeurs, het oor die afgelope 20 jaar toegeneem, en ‘n kwantitatiewe metodologie was beduiend meer waarskynlik as internasionale medewerkers in die navorsing betrokke was. Die tesis kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat navorsingsmetodes oor die algemeen, en steekproefmetodes in besonder, swak gerapporteer word in gepubliseerde sosiologiese navorsing.
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"Eleverna ska lära sig för samhället" : En kvalitativ studie av mellanstadielärares uppfattningar gällande undervisning om elevnära samhällsfrågor / ”The pupils should learn for society” : A qualitative study of how grade 4-6 teachers perceive teaching social issuesJohansson, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ studie som syftar till att undersöka hur mellanstadielärare, verksamma inom ämnet samhällskunskap, resonerar kring kunskapsområdet samhällsfrågor och mer specifikt elevnära samhällsfrågor. Vidare undersöks lärares uppfattningar av undervisning i elevnärasamhällsfrågor och hur det arbetet kan kopplas till skolans demokratifostransuppdrag. För att undersöka detta har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med sju verksamma lärare för att få en förståelse för deras tankar, upplevelser samt erfarenheter kring undervisning i elevnära samhällsfrågor. Studiens resultat visade bland annat att lärarna aktivt arbetar med elevnära samhällsfrågor och att de anser att det är en viktig del av samhällskunskaps-undervisningen. Resultatet antyder också att lärarna tolkar begreppet elevnära med ett bredare perspektiv än geografiskt. Lärarna delade uppfattningen av att eleverna behöver ha kunskap om samhället för att kunna verka i det. Vidare hade de föreställningen att samtal samt diskussioner är betydelsefulla och att de som lärare behöver skapa lärandemiljöer där eleverna lär sig att se olika perspektiv och får uttrycka sina åsikter. Lärarna såg få utmaningar med samhällsfrågor men att det då är upp till lärarna att göra det greppbart för eleverna. De belyser också att intresse och delaktighet vid undervisning med elevnära samhällsfrågor har betydelse för elevernas bildning till demokratiska samhällsmedborgare. / This essay is a qualitative study that aims to report how teachers active in middle school reasons about the subject civics with social issues and also pupil-related social issues. Furthermore, the aim is to investigate the purpose with teaching pupil-related social issues and if this study can be connected to the democratic task of nurturing citizens that teachers have. In order to do this, seven teachers have been interviewed in semi-structured interviews to get their thoughts and experiences on teaching pupils-related social issues. The results of the study showed, among other things, that the teachers are actively working with pupil-related social issues and that it is an important part of social science studies. The result also indicated that the teachers views the pupil-related perspective broader than only geographical. The teachers shared the opinion that the pupils need to have knowledge of society in order to be able to live in it. Additionally, the teachers held the notion that conversations and discussions are important and that the teachers need to create learning environments where the pupils learn to see different perspectives and also are able to express their opinions. The teachers in the study saw few challenges with teaching social issues but that it is up to the teachers to make it understandable for the pupils. They also demonstrate that interest and participation in pupils-related social issues are significant for the pupils´ formation into democratic citizens.
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Samhällskunskapslärares upplevelser av misslyckande i sin yrkesutövning / Social science teachers’ experiences of failure within their exercise of professionHänel, Mikaela January 2021 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen utforskar jag samhällskunskapslärares upplevelser av misslyckanden i sin yrkesutövning. Jag identifierar en slags kunskapslucka rörande misslyckanden där jag ser ett behov av att diskutera känsliga upplevelser. Jag vill dessutom undersöka om det finns specifika aspekter kring misslyckanden som berör just samhällskunskap. Det övergripande syftet är att synliggöra och beskriva samhällskunskapslärares upplevelser av misslyckanden i sin yrkesutövning. Jag intervjuar fem samhällskunskapslärare som undervisar på gymnasiet utifrån en kvalitativ forskningsansats. Jag använder mig av ostrukturerade djupintervjuer och analyserar empirin på basis av ett relationellt pedagogiskt ramverk och teori om sårbarhet. Resultaten indikerar att lärare upplever sig misslyckade i samband med relationer till elever, klassrumssituationer som man inte upplever sig kunna hantera samt klassdiskussioner som går emot skolans värdegrund. Förklaringarna som samhällskunskapslärarna ger sträcker sig mellan individuella och strukturella anledningar till sina upplevda misslyckanden. Empirin diskuteras utifrån det teoretiska ramverket och placeras i en brokig forskningsposition som tangerar samhällskunskapsdidaktik, professionsforskning och studier om misslyckanden, sårbarhet och otillräcklighet. / In this paper the overall aim is to explore social science teachers’ experiences of failure within their exercise of profession. I identify a gap of knowledge regarding failures where I see a need for a discussion about sensitive experiences. I also want to explore if there are any specific aspects regarding social science. I interview five upper secondary social science teachers within a qualitative scientific approach. I conduct unstructured in-depth interviews and analyze the data on the basis of a relational pedagogical theoretical framework and theory about vulnerability. The results indicate that teachers experience failure with regards to relationships with students, classroom situations they experience they cannot handle and classroom discussions who oppose the value-system of the school. The explanations the teachers give stems from both individual and structural reasons with regards to their perceived failures. The data is discussed through the theoretical framework and is placed within a motley research position which touches upon social science didactics, professional research as well as studies about failures, vulnerability and inadequacy.
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Upplever lärare att de kan sätta rättvisa betyg? : Fyra lärares upplevelser om betygssättningQvarnström, Maria-Isabel, Zhang, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
It has been reported in the media that teachers can be influenced by other factors than students'knowledge when grading, something that the grades should reflect. Previous studies have also shownthat grades can be affected by other factors than students' knowledge, however, there are no studiesthat have shed light on how social studies teachers experience the grading practice, a research gapthat we intended to fill. The subject of social studies has a significant role to play in socializingcitizens in society. If teachers set grades that do not reflect students' knowledge, it is conceivable thatstudents will have different perceptions of their knowledge, which may affect their future. Thepurpose of this work was to investigate whether teachers of social studies in upper secondary schoolexperience that they can give fair grades to their students. By the method grounded theory, we havethrough semi-structured interviews with four teachers developed theoretical concepts based on theirexperiences. The result of our analysis indicated that the teachers experience that the grades are basedon students' knowledge. On the other hand, the analysis also showed that the grading can beinfluenced by external actors and expectations, students 'characteristics, resources at the school anduncertainty about students' knowledge. / <p>21-01-20</p>
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A typology of designs for social research in the built environmentDu Toit, Jacques Louis 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this metamethodological study was to construct a typology of designs for
social research in the built environment, i.e., architecture, urban design and planning.
Currently there is no such typology, while the notion of “research design” is relatively
unknown in methodological literature in the built environment field. An outline of the
dimensions of social research provided a theoretical lens for methodological analysis,
and identified six methodological considerations as classification criteria, including (1)
research context, (2) research aim, (3) research purpose, (4) methodological paradigm,
(5) methodological approach, and (6) source of data. Exploratory interviews and a survey
and methodological content analysis of built environment theses provided a better
understanding of methodological issues in conducting social research in the built
environment and the potential relevance of a typology of designs. A review of
methodological literature identified 25 research design subtypes that can be clustered
into 10 prototypical designs for inclusion in the typology, namely: (1) surveys, (2)
experiments, (3) modelling, simulation, mapping and visualization, (4) textual and
narrative studies, (5) field studies, (6) case studies, (7) intervention research, (8)
evaluation research, (9) participatory action research, and (10) metaresearch. A survey
and methodological content analysis of journal articles determined the extent to which
these designs feature in social research in the built environment. Although all the designs
and subtypes feature, metaresearch, case studies, evaluation research and surveys
predominate. An initial typology classified the 10 prototypical designs in terms of the six
methodological considerations. The typology was tested to see how well it classified the
designs of actual studies and revised accordingly. Possible benefits of the typology
include greater clarification, improved teaching and decision-making, and methodological
reflection. Thus, the typology may support lecturers, students, supervisors, researchers,
peer-reviewers and practitioners to have a more articulate, reflexive, and critical
orientation with regard to research design to maximize the validity of findings and
advance theory, methodology and practice in built environment disciplines. The study
concludes that the typology may also mitigate post-modern criticisms against social
research in the built environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie metametodologiese studie was om `n tipologie van ontwerpe vir
sosiale navorsing in die bou-omgewing (d.w.s. argitektuur, stadsontwerp en beplanning)
te konstrueer. Tans is daar geen so tipologie nie, terwyl die nosie van
“navorsingsontwerp” relatief onbekend is in metodologiese literatuur in die bou-omgewing
veld. `n Uiteensetting van die dimensies van sosiale navorsing het `n teoretiese lens vir
metodologiese analises verskaf en ses metodologiese konsiderasies as klassifikasie
kriteria geïdentifiseer, insluitend (1) navorsingskonteks, (2) navorsingsoogmerk, (3)
navorsingsdoelwit, (4) metodologiese paradigma, (5) metodologiese benadering, en (6)
data bron. Verkennende onderhoude en `n opname en metodologiese inhoudsanalise
van bou-omgewing tesisse het `n beter begrip van metodologiese kwessies in sosiale
navorsing in die bou-omgewing en die moontlike relevansie van `n tipologie van ontwerpe
verskaf. `n Oorsig van metodologiese literatuur het 25 navorsingsontwerp subtipes
geïdentifiseer wat in 10 prototipe ontwerpe gegroepeer kan word vir insluiting in die
tipologie, naamlik (1) opnames, (2) eksperimente, (3) modellering, simulasie, kartering en
visualisering, (4) tekstuele en narratiewe studies, (5) veldstudies, (6) gevallestudies, (7)
intervensie navorsing, (8) evaluasie navorsing, (9) deelnemende aksie navorsing, en (10)
metanavorsing. `n Opname en metodologiese inhoudsanalise van joernaal artikels het
die mate waartoe hierdie ontwerpe in sosiale navorsing in die bou-omgewing voorkom
bepaal. Alhoewel al die ontwerpe en subtipes voorkom, is metanavorsing, gevallestudies,
evaluasie navorsing en opnames predominant. `n Aanvanklike tipologie het die 10
prototipe ontwerpe in terme van die ses metodologiese konsiderasies geklassifiseer. Die
tipologie is getoets om te sien hoe goed dit die ontwerpe van werklike studies klassifiseer
en dienooreenkomstig gewysig. Moontlike voordele van die tipologie sluit in verbeterde
klarifikasie, onderrig, besluitneming en metodologiese refleksie. Die tipologie kan dus
dosente, studente, studieleiers, navorsers, beoordelaars en praktisyns ondersteun om `n
meer geartikuleerde, refleksiewe en kritiese oriëntasie ten opsigte van navorsingsontwerp
te hê om die geldigheid van bevindinge te maksimeer en teorie, metodologie en praktyk
in bou-omgewing dissiplines te bevorder. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die
tipologie ook postmoderne kritiek teen sosiale navorsing in die bou-omgewing kan
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A framework for the evaluation of research in South African Higher Education Institutions : conceptual and methodological issuesMasipa, Mochaki Deborah 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Social Science Research Methodology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aimed at establishing whether or not an integrated and appropriate system exists for the
evaluation of research in the South African higher education system. As background to the
assessment of research in South African higher education, models of research evaluation from other
countries were reviewed and served as reference to the discussions on the local efforts. In each case
the higher education research systems were reviewed, including existing efforts of research evaluation
that exits alongside the systems. The review followed a pattern that focuses on areas including the
history and rationale, purpose (s) for research evaluation, political/transformation contributions and
methodological issues for a clearer understanding of the contributions made by the efforts. The
study followed a multiple-case study approach to review the models and the South African situation,
with the local research evaluation efforts embedded within the study of South Africa as a case.
Five themes guided the reviews that were apparent for the final discussions of the study: the rationale
and purpose of research evaluation, units of analysis used in the evaluation, dimensions/criteria used
in research evaluation, governance and management of research evaluation processes and
methodological issues related to research evaluation. The study revealed that none of the fragmented
South African research evaluation efforts is suitable to deal with the transformation requirements
expected of higher education institutions. This is mainly because of the voluntary nature of the
current initiatives and their focus on the lowest level of units of analysis – the individual researcher.
The one effort that would be better suited to meet the transformation imperatives – the HEQC
institutional audits - does not concentrate on research exclusively but collectively addresses all core
activities in institutions, reducing the attention necessary for research evaluation to make a
meaningful contribution to higher education research.
The study suggested a comprehensive design for the framework of South African research evaluation.
The purpose identified for the envisaged exercise is the development and improvement of quality
research of international standards across the system of higher education in order for research to make
meaningful contributions to national demands. Programmes/departments in the higher education
institutions are suggested as the units of analysis in which quality, productivity, relevance and
viability serve as criteria for evaluation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om vas te stel of 'n geïntegreerde en toepaslike stelsel bestaan vir die evaluering
van navorsing in die Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys stelsel. As agtergrond tot die beoordeling van
navorsing in Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys, word ‘n oorsig verskaf van die modelle van navorsing
evaluering van ander lande. Dit het gedien as verwysing vir die besprekings oor die plaaslike pogings.
In elke geval is ‘n oorsig gebied van die hoër onderwys navorsingstelsels , insluitend die bestaande
pogings tot navorsing evaluering. Die oorsigte fokus op gebiede soos die geskiedenis en die rasionaal,
doel van navorsing evaluering, politiese / transformasie bydraes en metodologiese vraagstukke vir' n
beter begrip van die bydraes wat gemaak word deur die pogings. Die studie volg 'n meervoudige
gevallestudie benadering tot die modelle en die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie, met die plaaslike navorsing
evaluering pogings onderliggend in die Suid-Afrikaanse gevallestudie.
Die oorsigte word gelei deur vyf temas: die rasionaal en doel van die navorsing evaluering, eenhede
van analise wat gebruik word in die evaluering, dimensies / kriteria wat gebruik word in navorsing
evaluering, beheer en bestuur van navorsing, en metodologiese evalueringsprosesse kwessies met
betrekking tot navorsing evaluering. Hierdie temas is duidelik in die finale bespreking van die studie.
Die studie het aangetoon dat nie een van die gefragmenteerde Suid-Afrikaanse navorsing evaluering
pogings geskik is om die transformasie verwagtinge van hoër onderwys instellings te hanteer nie. Dit
is hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die vrywillige aard van die huidige inisiatiewe en hul fokus op die
laagste vlak van die eenhede van analise - die individuele navorser. Die een poging wat beter geskik
sou wees die transformasiedoelwitte te ontmoet - die HEQC institusionele oudits - konsentreer nie
uitsluitlik op navorsing nie, maar spreek gesamentlik alle kern aktiwiteite in instellings aan. Dit
verminder die aandag wat nodig is vir navorsing evaluering om 'n betekenisvolle bydrae te lewer tot
hoër onderwys navorsing .
Die studie stel 'n omvattende ontwerp voor vir die raamwerk van Suid-Afrikaanse navorsing
evaluering. Die doel wat vir die beoogde oefening geïdentifiseer word, is die ontwikkeling en
verbetering van die kwaliteit navorsing van internasionale standaarde oor die stelsel van hoër
onderwys sodat die navorsing betekenisvolle bydraes kan lewer tot die nasionale vereistes.
Programme / departemente in die hoër onderwys instellings word voorgestel as die eenhede van
analise waarin gehalte, produktiwiteit, relevansie en lewensvatbaarheid dien as kriteria vir evaluering.
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The achievement gap between learners who are assessed in a primary language and those assessed in a non-primary language in the natural sciences learning areaSedibe, Godwin Konotia Bully 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / In the TIMMS-R report, which compared the performance of a South African cohort of
learners with international peers in Science (and Mathematics), Howie (1999) highlighted
• The biographical information of the South African cohort who performed below
par in comparison with international peers indicated that they wrote the TIMMS
literacy test in a second or third language.
• Non-primary language learners spend considerably more time on homework
compared to primary language learners.
• There is no linear relationship between the amount of time spent on homework in
Science and the average literacy level in the learning area amongst South African
Leveraging on the TIMMS report cited above, this study sought to establish the interrelationship
between learning and being assessed in a non-primary language on one the
hand and related performance on the other. Specifically, this study sought to establish the
performance of non-primary language learners compared to primary language learners in
the Natural Sciences Common Task for Assessment (CTA). There is a groundswell of
evidence mounting that tends to suggest that primary language learners outperform their
non-primary language counterparts in batteries of assessment instruments. This, however,
is always clouded by other extraneous factors, chief amongst which, in the South African
context at least, is the strong correlation between studying in a non-primary language and
family socio-economic status (SES). SES has been identified elsewhere as a determinant
of scholastic achievements(Blignaut, 1981; HCDS –WC, 2006).
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The validity endeavourJames, Megan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Qualitative and quantitative research implies different meta-theoretical approaches to knowledge production. The former maintains a constructivist and interpretative perspective, as opposed to the latter, which exists within a realist and even positivist paradigm. Within the field of research methodology, the dominant conceptualisation of validity is based on a positivist discourse, which suggests that (social) scientific research should strive to attain an ultimate truth. This understanding of validity is difficult to achieve within a research paradigm that values the idiosyncratic world views of the participants under investigation. The introduction of CAQDAS (Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software), however, brought with it the hope that its application would confer upon qualitative research the rigour associated with validity in a mainly positivist interpretation of the research process.
The ultimate goal of this thesis is to determine whether CAQDAS can make a significant contribution to efforts aimed at validating qualitative research. The research design employed in the present study is that of a descriptive content analysis, focussing on scientific articles that not only report qualitative studies, but also make explicit reference to the use of CAQDAS, and describe validation techniques applied during the research process. Purposive sampling was applied to select 108 articles, published from 1996 to 2009, that meet the sampling criteria and that were identified through online searches of various bibliographic databases and search engines.
The study investigates three predominant research questions concerned with the following: (1) the most commonly used software programmes; (2) trends in CAQDAS use over time; as well as (3) the validation techniques reported in examined scientific articles, distinguishing between techniques that are performed with and without the use of CAQDAS.
With regard to the first two research questions, it was found that the three most commonly used software programmes are QSR N programmes (including NUD.IST, NVivo, N4, N5 and N6), followed by Atlas.ti and MAXqda (including the earlier version winMAX), and that there has been a general increase over
the past 13 years (1996-2009) in the number of qualitative research articles reporting CAQDAS use.
The exploration of validation techniques utilised in qualitative research, as reported in the examined scientific articles, demonstrated that the techniques are in most cases performed manually. Although CAQDAS offers many benefits, the predominant validation techniques reported can be, and still are, performed without CAQDAS. Techniques that would have been impossible without CAQDAS are based on the data display features of CAQDAS, as well as on the accuracy and consistency offered by CAQDAS in the execution of certain actions. The findings generated by this study seem to support the hypothesis that CAQDAS per se does not enhance validity, since it is predominantly utilised as merely a research tool. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsing is gegrond op verskillende meta-teoretiese benaderings tot die lewering van inligting. Eersgenoemde handhaaf ‘n konstruktivistiese en interpretatiewe perspektief, teenoor laasgenoemde, wat binne ‘n paradigma bestaan wat gegrond is op realisme en positivisme. Binne die veld van navorsingsmetodologie, is die oorwegende konseptualisering van geldigheid, gebaseer op ‘n positivistiese diskoers, wat voorstel dat (sosiale) wetenskaplike navorsing daarna moet streef om ‘n absolute waarheid te bereik. Hierdie begrip van geldigheid word moeilik verwesenlik binne ‘n navorsingsparadigma wat waarde heg aan die ideosinkratiese wêreldbeskouinge van die navorsingsdeelnemers. CAQDAS (Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software), is bekend gestel met die hoop dat die gebruik daarvan kwalitatiewe navorsing sal verleen met stiptheid wat met geldigheid geassosieer word, oorwegend binne ‘n positivistiese interpretasie van die navorsingsproses.
Die oorkoepelende doelwit van hierdie tesis is om vas te stel of CAQDAS enige betekenisvolle bydrae kan maak tot pogings om die geldigheid van kwalitatiewe navorsing te verbeter. Die navorsingsontwerp van die huidige studie is die van ‘n beskrywende inhoudsanalise, wat fokus op wetenskaplike artikels wat nie net berig oor kwalitatiwe studies nie, maar ook verwys na die gebruik van CAQDAS, en die geldigheidstegnieke wat tydens die navorsingsproses toegepas is, bespreek. Doelgerigte steekproeftrekking is toegepas en 108 artikels, wat gepubliseer is vanaf 1996-2009, was geselekteer op grond van die feit dat hulle aan die seleksie kriteria voldoen. Die artikels was geïdentifiseer deur aanlyn soektogte van verskeie bibliografiese databasisse en soekenjins.
Die studie ondersoek drie oorwegende navorsingsvrae met betrekking tot die volgende: (1) die sagteware programme wat die meeste gebruik word; (2) neigings in die gebruik van CAQDAS oor verloop van ‘n tydperk; sowel as (3) die geldigheidstegnieke wat in die ondersoekte wetenskaplike artikels
gerapporteer word, deur onderskeid te tref tussen tegnieke wat met of sonder die gebruik van CAQDAS uitgevoer word.
Met verwysing na die eerste twee navorsingsvrae, was dit gevind dat die drie algemeenste sagteware programme wat gebruik is, QSR N programme (insluitend NUD.IST, NVivo, N4, N5 en N6), gevolg deur Atlas.ti en MAXqda (insluitend die vroëere weergawe winMAX) is, en dat daar oor die algemeen ‘n toename is in die getal kwalitatiewe navorsingsartikels oor die afgelope 13 jaar (1996-2009), wat die gebruik van CAQDAS rapporteer.
Die ondersoek na geldigheidstegnieke wat in kwalitatiewe navorsing gebruik word, soos berig in die ondersoekte wetenskaplike artikels, het getoon dat die tegnieke in die meeste gevalle sonder die gebruik van CAQDAS uitgevoer is. Ten spyte van die feit dat die gebruik van CAQDAS voordele inhou, word die meerderheid geldigheidstegnieke wat gerapporteeer word, steeds sonder die gebruik van CAQDAS uitgevoer. Tegnieke wat nie sonder die hulp van CAQDAS uitegevoer kon word nie, is gebaseer op die data vertoningsvermoë van CAQDAS, sowel as op die akkuraatheid en konsekwentheid waarmee CAQDAS sekere opdragte uitvoer. Die bevindinge wat gegenereer is deur hierdie studie blyk asof dit die hipotese ondersteun dat CAQDAS nie opsig self die geldigheid versterk nie, aangesien dit oorwegend bloot as ‘n navorsingsinstrument gebruik word.
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The interpretation and use of mixed methods research within programme evaluation practiceKyeyune, Apolo Peter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / The contemporary evaluation literature advocates for and recommends a pluralistic approach to
programme evaluation, with some writers contending that the use of multiple and/or mixed
methods for the practice is inevitable. The rationale for such an approach encompasses
aspects of both the ‘technical’ and the ‘political’ requirements of evaluation practice. A review of
evaluation research literature underscores the important role of mixed methods research
towards realizing richer evaluation findings, and addressing the pragmatic, democratic and
political facets of the evaluation practice. However, it is observed that there is a dearth of
literature that focuses on how the use of a mixed methods evaluation approach facilitates the
realization of richer conclusions or inferences about programme merit/worth. Thus, the
overarching aim of the thesis is to establish how the perception and implementation of mixed
methods research among evaluation practitioners influences the nature of inferences they
This thesis aims at identifying patterns and relationships within and between conceptions and
practices of mixed methods evaluation through a descriptive process. The selection of cases is
therefore purposive and includes fourteen published evaluation articles on
projects/programmes. An analytical framework is developed on the basis of a literature review
on mixed methods research and background literature on evaluation research. This framework
guides the qualitative content analysis of each case study and the cross-case analysis across
the fourteen studies to identify common patterns.
The findings reveal two prominent perspectives of mixed methods evaluation prevailing among
evaluation practitioners. The first (labeled a ‘strong’ conception) has the intention of and places
emphasis on the integration of the qualitative and quantitative components, with the primary
objective of obtaining richer evaluation inferences. In this conception, the use of the methods
and the data/inferences thereof are synthesized to achieve this goal. This conception is
congruent with mixed methods purposes of: - ‘complementarity’ and ‘triangulation’ and is
responsive to the ‘technical’ needs of evaluation. The second perspective (labeled a ‘weak’
conception) is silent about the integration of the respective methods or data/findings/inferences,
qualifying the use of multiple methods and data in a single study as sufficing for a mixed
methods approach. It resonates with justifications of mixed methods research that address
issues of: - comprehensiveness, multiple view points, inclusiveness and democracy and seems
more tailored to the ‘political’ needs of evaluation. The findings also reveal that the resulting
multiple inferences from this ‘weak’ conception can weaken each other when contradicting or
inaccurate qualitative and quantitative findings result, especially when the complimentary
function of either method is not planned a priori.
Therefore within the context of realizing richer and more valid evaluation findings/inferences, it
is recommended that the purposes and qualification as mixed methods research of the second
perspective be re-considered. It is apparent that in embracing the ‘political’ needs of evaluation
practice, this conception seems to eschew the ‘technical’ requirements initially intended for a
mixed methods approach. This has implications particularly for the mixed methods purpose of
‘expansion’ and rationales of pluralism, inclusiveness and democracy, which are seemingly
popular within programme evaluation practice.
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