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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Schallstreuung in der atmosphaerischen Grenzschicht

Schomburg, Annette, as@aku.physik.uni-oldenburg.de 11 December 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Making remote sensing bankable - cold climate SODAR and meteorological mast intercomparison

Engblom Wallberg, Ian January 2010 (has links)
The value of an easy to install, accurate, far-reaching measurement instrument is easily understood when dealing with setting up and monitoring wind power parks. However the use of remote sensing equipment when doing this is a subject of much discussion amongst professional experts and scholars. This is especially the case when the environmental conditions are difficult, such as areas with complex terrain or cold climate (or both), for example forested, hilly or mountainous regions in north Europe and North America. The remote sensing technology SODAR provides for detailed 3-dimensional datasets, but need a skilled analyst to make sure the measurements are realistic. This thesis is aimed at verifying the accuracy of the SODAR wind measuring equipment at two potential wind power parks in Sweden. It has been done by comparing the wind speed, wind direction and turbulence measured by an AQ Systems AQ500 Wind Finder SODAR to the wind speed, wind direction and turbulence measured by in situ anemometers mounted in nearby meteorological masts. The comparison was made by calculation of statistical parameters such as correlation and root mean square error. The results of this investigation shows that the differences in the measured quantities are site specific and that i t‟s very difficult to distinguish between differences arising from ambient conditions, the measurement method and the method of calculating comparable values. It is clear, however, that conditions such as temperature, inhomogeneous fetch and wind speed are contributors to the observed discrepancies. When compensating for these various sources of error; such as eliminating data from malfunctioning equipment, icing conditions, mast wake and forest flow disturbance, the SODAR wind speed data shows a very high correlation with the mast anemometer data, giving a correlation coefficient of around 0.90 – 0.95. / Värdet av ett mätinstrument som är lätt att installera, noggrant och som kan mäta högt upp i troposfären är lätt att inse när man har att göra med att installera och övervaka vindkraftparker. Det har dock funnits en debatt om huruvida fjärranalytiska mätningar är tillräckliga för sådana ändamål i expert- och akademikerkretsar. Debatten spetsas ytterligare till då omgivningarna är svåra, exempelvis i områden med komplex terräng eller kallt klimat (eller både och), till exempel skogbeklädda, kulliga eller bergiga områden i norra Europa och Nordamerika som är aktuella för exploatering av vindkraft. Det fjärranalytiska redskapet SODAR förser exploatören med detaljerade tredimensionella datasamlingar, men kräver en erfaren och skicklig analytiker för att verkligen verifiera att mätresultaten är realistiska och tillförlitliga. Detta examensarbete har som mål att verifiera noggrannheten hos SODAR-utrustning vid två potentiella vindkraftparker i Sverige. Det har gjorts genom att jämföra vindhastighet, vindriktning och turbulens mätt med en AQ Systems AQ500 Wind Finder SODAR med vindhastighet, vindriktning och turbulens mätt med anemometrar i närbelägna meteorologiska mätmaster. Jämförelsen gjordes genom att beräkna statistiska parametrar som korrelation och standardavvikelse. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att skillnaderna i de uppmätta storheterna är specifika för varje mätplats och att det är mycket svårt att särskilja bidragen till skillnaderna mellan omgivande förhållanden, mätmetoder och beräkningsmetoder. Det står dock klart att förhållanden så som temperatur, inhomogen omgivande skrovlighet på anloppssträckan och vindhastigheten i sig själv bidrar till de observerade skillnaderna i mätresultat. Kompenseras felaktig och störd data bort så visar vindhastigheten mätt med SODAR en mycket god korrelation med mastanemometerdata, med en korrelationskoefficient omkring 0,90 – 0,95.

Habilitación y validación de equipo SODAR para medición de perfiles verticales de viento

Donoso Castro, Nicolás Andrés January 2017 (has links)
Magíster en Meteorología y Climatología / Realizar mediciones viento en altura con técnicas tradicionales como globos cautivos y radiosondas es una tarea demandante en tiempo y recursos. Una de las soluciones a esto es la utilización de técnicas remotas como SODAR o LIDAR. El Centro de Ciencias del Clima y la Resilencia (CR)2 adquirió el año 2014 un SODAR y en el presente trabajo se presenta una habilitación del equipo mediante una campaña donde se comparan las mediciones contra Globo Cautivo, estación meteorológica en superficie y mediciones obtenidas de aviones (AMDAR). Se utilizó como referencia a la comparación realizada contra el Globo Cautivo bibliografía que reúne 20 años de mediciones SODAR \citep{Crescenti1995} utilizando estadísticos de sesgo, diferencia cuadrática media, precisión, y coeficiente de correlación. Se obtuvo resultados acorde a lo publicado en todos los estadísticos menos en el sesgo. Los resultados del trabajo indican que el SODAR, según categorías del fabricante, mide con un alcance categorizado como bueno en el lugar seleccionado y las mediciones comparan bien con respecto al globo cautivo y no tan bien para las mediciones AMDAR, siendo esto último explicado por la distancia entre las mediciones y el terreno complejo de la zona.

Detektion av fasta ekon vid vindmätning med SODAR

Holmgren, Viktor, Vikmyr, Karl-Johan January 2017 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this thesis was to facilitate the search for echoes caused by fixed objects, so called fixed echoes, when using SODAR-technique for wind measurements. Furthermore, it was investigated how fixed echoes in measurements can change based on different conditions such as: the angle of the sound beam towards the object causing the echo, the output frequency of the instrument, the air temperature and relative humidity. Method – Data was recorded on a test site in southern Sweden during February - April 2017 using two different SODAR-instruments, AQ500 and AQ510, manufactured by AQSystem. Experiments were conducted by installing the instruments at different distances and in different angles next to a met mast. The data recorded was examined for fixed echoes both by using Excel and manually and compared for correlation with the parameters mentioned. A software that uses the r-squared value for a power function adapted to the collected data was developed to detect fixed echoes. Findings – The result of the study showed that the angle of the SODAR-instrument sound beam direction compared to the met mast has a relatively high impact on the number of fixed echoes that can be easily detected. When a sound beam is aimed directly at the fixed object the echoes increased significantly compared to when the sound beams were aimed next to the mast. AQ510, that uses a higher measurement frequency than the AQ500, was less susceptible to fixed echoes when doing simultaneous measurements. Both temperature and relative humidity showed low correlation to the number of fixed echoes so the implication was that these atmospherical parameters do not affect the emergence of fixed echoes. The r-squared value for a power function adapted to the wind data turned out to be a good measure for the magnitude of a fixed echo. When the correlation coefficient of the r-squared value and the percentage of wind profiles that contained fixed echoes were calculated the value was 0,995 which is a strong positive correlation. The r-squared value is compared with a threshold value (which depends on the number of wind profiles in the data to be analysed) to determine if a fixed echo is causing disturbance. Another control is also made in the software where the measured wind values are compared with the values from the power function to find minor deviations possibly caused by fixed echoes. Implications – When the result of the thesis is considered it can help the person installing the instruments as well as the developers of the SODAR-instruments. The person installing the system can notice that fixed echoes can be decreased by rotating the instrument. The result showed the developer that by carefully selecting the right frequency the number of fixed echoes can be decreased. If neither the temperature nor the relative humidity has any impact on fixed echoes it shows the developer that the instrument can be used in varying climates. The result of the study can also be of service to wind analysts using SODAR-equipment. The software developed can be used to find fixed echoes in a more efficient way than was previously possible. Limitations – The data recordings took place during a limited period during late winter, early spring in the southern parts of Sweden which means that neither extremely high or low temperatures were measured during the campaign. The thesis is further limited by only using ”multiple axis” SODAR-instruments from AQSystem. Keywords – SODAR, wind measurements, fixed echoes, measurement instrument. / Syfte – Syftet med detta examensarbete var att underlätta sökandet efter ekon från fasta objekt, så kallade "fasta ekon", vid vindmätning med SODAR-teknik. Vidare var syftet att utreda om fasta ekon framträder olika under olika förutsättningar som: mätinstrumentets ljudlobsvinkel mot objektet som ger upphov till eko, mätfrekvens, luftens temperatur och den relativa luftfuktigheten.  Metod – Data samlades in med två olika SODAR-instrument, AQ500 och AQ510, från företaget AQSystem på en testplats i södra Sverige, februari – april 2017. Data samlades in genom att installera instrumenten på olika avstånd, samt roterat åt olika riktningar, från ett stationärt objekt (en ca 100 m hög mast). Denna data genomsöktes sedan, både manuellt och med hjälp av Excel, efter fasta ekon och jämfördes med tidigare nämnda parametrar. En mjukvara som kan användas för att detektera fasta ekon utvecklades. Mjukvaran använder r-kvadratvärdet för en potensfunktion anpassad till insamlade data för att avgöra storleken på ett eventuellt fast eko. Resultat – Studiens resultat visade att SODAR-instrumentets ljudlobsvinkel mot ekoalstrande objekt hade relativt hög påverkan på fasta ekons styrka. När varsin ljudlob på instrumenten riktades direkt mot masten ökade det fasta ekot jämfört mot när ljudloberna var riktade vid sidan av masten. AQ510, som mäter med en högre frekvens än AQ500, påverkades mindre av fasta ekon än vad AQ500 gjorde vid simultana mätningar. Både luftens temperatur och den relativa luftfuktigheten hade svag korrelation med fasta ekons styrka. Därför drogs slutsatsen att just dessa atmosfäriska parametrar ej påverkar hur fasta ekon uppstår. r-kvadratvärdet för en potensfunktion anpassad till vinddata visades vara ett bra mått på magnituden av ett fast eko. När korrelationskoefficienten för r-kvadratvärdet och andelen vindprofiler innehållande fasta ekon i vinddata beräknades antog den värdet 0,995 vilket visar på en stark positiv korrelation. r-kvadratvärdet jämförs med ett tröskelvärde (som beror av antalet vindprofiler i data som analyseras) för att avgöra om ett fast eko orsakar störningar. En kontroll görs även där det de uppmätta vindvärdena jämförs med potensfunktionens värden för att hitta mindre avvikelser som kan ha orsakats av fasta ekon. Implikationer – Om examensarbetets resultat tas i beaktning kan det underlätta för både installatörer och utvecklare av SODAR-instrument. För installatören visar resultatet att fasta ekon kan minskas genom att rotera mätinstrumentet. För utvecklaren visar resultatet att fasta ekon kan minskas genom att välja en lämplig mätfrekvens. Om varken luftens temperatur eller den relativa luftfuktigheten påverkar fasta ekon nämnvärt kan detta visa på att vindmätning med SODAR-instrument är brukbart i varierande klimat. Även analytiker kan ha nytta av examensarbetets resultat i form av den mjukvara som utvecklats. Mjukvaran kan användas för att på ett mer effektivt sätt än tidigare upptäcka fasta ekon. Begränsningar – Datainsamlingen genomfördes under en begränsad period under sen vinter till tidig vår i södra Sverige. Därför har varken exceptionellt låga- eller höga temperaturer mätts upp. Examensarbetet begränsas ytterligare av att endast mätinstrument från företaget AQSystem av typen "multiple axis" har använts. Nyckelord – SODAR, vindmätning, fasta ekon, mätinstrument. / <p>Presentationen har redan skett.</p>

Étude de la dispersion nocturne de polluants atmosphériques issus d’une décharge d’ordures ménagères. : Mise en évidence d’un îlot de chaleur urbain / Study of the nocturnal dispersion of air pollutants from an open lan : evidence of an urban heat island

Plocoste, Thomas 29 April 2013 (has links)
En 2003 des mesures au spectromètre IR à Transformée de Fourier (FTIR) ont permis d'identifier et de mesurer les COV émis par la décharge à ciel ouvert de la Gabarre, principale de l'île Guadeloupe, située entre une zone urbaine et une mangrove. Ces COV ont été retrouvés (2004) la nuit dans les cités, justifiant les plaintes des riverains. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, des mesures au spectromètre de masse portatif MS 200 ont validé ces résultats du FTIR. De nouvelles mesures au MS 200 ont été menées dans toute la zone de la décharge. Les cités concernées étant à l'opposé du flux synoptique d'Alizés-Est, les facteurs météorologiques permettant la dispersion et le transport des COV de la décharge vers la zone urbaine ont été recherchés. La diminution nocturne de l'intensité des Alizés au dessus de l'ile peut laisser place à des phénomènes locaux tels les brises. L'idée d'une brise terre-mer a été éliminée. Un maillage autou~ de la décharge (cités et mangrove) avec 8 thermomètres a révélé un îlot de chaleur urbain nocturnegénérant une brise thermique d'environ Ims- I (mesurée et calculée). Avec les radiosondages Météo France et un SODAR installé dans la décharge, une très forte stabilité dans les basses couches atmosphériques de la couche limite nocturne avec une inversion de surface d'environ 120mvv apparait. Ces facteurs expliquent la pollution des cités par les COV de la décharge, Un modèlevGaussien en tenant compte a été validé par les mesures de COV.vCette étude peut être étendue à d'autres décharges à ciel ouvert et à d'autres types de traitement de polluants de décharge. / In 2003, the VOC emissions coming from "La Gabarre", the main open landfill in Guadeloupe, located in-between an urban area and a mangrove, were identified and quantified with a portable FTIR spectrometer. In 2004, COVs found at nighttime in the urban area nearby confirmed why residents complain about. As part of this thesis, portable mass spectrometer MS 200 measurements validated these FTIR figures. New systematic SM measurements have been carried on around the landfill. Since the polluted urban area stands on the opposite way of the East Trade winds synoptic flux, aIl the weather factors likely to scatter and transport the dump COVs were scrutinized. At night, the strength of the Trade winds decreases over Guadeloupe, which may give way to local phenomena such as breezes. The occurrence of land/sea breeze was eliminated. A close surveying surrounding the landfill with 8 thermometers both in the projects and in the mangrove revealed an urban heat island causing thermal breezes of about lms-l (measured and calculated). Using soundings from Meteo France, and a SODAR inside the dump, we found a great stability of the night boundary layer with a surface inversion near 120m. Pollution of the nearby urban area with landfill COVs is elucidatcd by the above factors. A transport Gaussian model is in agreement with COV measurements. This study can be extended to different open landfills and different types of polluting matters processes in dumps

Investigation of wind potential variation at three measurement sites based on atmospheric stability and power production

Eppanapelli, Lavan Kumar January 2013 (has links)
As tapping energy from wind expands rapidly worldwide, it is a common procedure to locate a practicable site to extract energy from abundant wind flow by building wind farms. Comprehensive understanding of wind resource at a site   is important to perform the main activities say, wind flow modeling, wind   turbines micro siting, annual energy yield calculation and cost of energy   estimation. Wind measuring campaigns involve using of measuring instruments   such as meteorological tower instrumented with anemometers, wind vanes and   temperature sensors; remote sensing devices such as SoDAR, LiDAR. These   meteorological devices provide detailed information on wind behavior with   respect to the height, time and temperature. These systems were proven in   providing promising wind measurements even though they are susceptible to   certain weather conditions. The   study progressed by focusing on the wind behavior at three locations to   investigate the possible factors that varies the wind character. A location   with one met mast and two AQ500 SoDAR systems was considered for this project   where one AQ500 is 800m away and other AQ500 is 5515m away from the point of   Met mast. The location is contemplated as a decent approach to the spatial   analysis of the wind resource as there is a large scope to analyze the wind   character between two nearby sites and two faraway sites. Monostatic 3-beam   SoDAR systems from AQ System, Sweden and 100m meteorological tower with   instruments are used in this project work for collecting the wind data.   One-year worth of wind data at standard 10min intervals has been collected   from the three systems. This report outlines the theoretical description of project location, AQ500 SoDAR and Met mast. A detailed explanation of the data quality control and filtering methods are discussed along with respective reasons. The conclusion is drawn after performing the statistical analysis between wind speed and other parameters such as turbulent intensity, wind direction, thermal stability and temperature. Mat lab is used for computing and analyzing the wind data from three systems.


Bin Asad, S M Sayeed January 2022 (has links)
Wind energy is rapidly expanding worldwide, and it is common practice to maximize production by selecting sites with higher wind potential. To perform critical operations such as wind flow modeling, wind turbine micro placement, annual energy yield calculation, and cost of energy estimation, a thorough understanding of a site's wind resource is required. The present study examines data from three independent wind measurement systems to see how measured data depends on the choice of the measurement system and how this might forecast the wind resource and, consequently, the energy output of a potential wind farm.  The present analysis uses three measurement units, one meteorological mast (met mast), and ground-based AQ510 Sound Detection And Ranging (SoDAR) &amp; SoDAR and ZX 300 Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) devices to capture wind data for nearly a year. This study describes the operating concept of remote sensing devices such as AQ510 SoDAR and ZX 300 LiDAR, the linear regression relationship between wind speed measured on the Met Mast versus SoDAR, Met Mast versus LiDAR, and SoDAR versus LiDAR. Additionally, an understanding of stratification for this potential wind farm’s site is explored for specific days during spring, summer, and winter.  The results of the intercomparison study among Met Mast, SoDAR &amp; LiDAR show quite a good relationship between the different measurement systems, being the correlation coefficient between the mast and the LiDAR measurements being slightly larger than between the mast and the SoDAR measurements. Comparison during the stability and instability regimes show a larger difference in some cases. Python and MS Excel are used to build data filtering procedures, the Richardson number, and comparison computations.

Untersuchung von Methoden zur Früherkennung von Bränden in Wald- und Vegetationsgebieten / Early Detection of Fires in Areas of Forests and other Vegetation

Schneider, Dirk 01 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Dissertation of Chief Fire Officer Dipl.-Ing. M. Sc. Dirk Schneider for achieving the academic degree of Dr.-Ing. of the Faculty of Forestry, Geo and Hydro Sciences of the Technical University of Dresden with the title: “Early Detection of Fires in Areas of Forests and other Vegetation” Fires threaten and destroy extensive forest and vegetation areas every year, endangering people and its settlements, leading to significant pressures on the environment and destroying considerable high value resources. The expenditures in manpower, logistics and finance for safety in general and fire suppression in particular are considerable. To minimize these varied and extensive consequences of fires, early detection is desirable, making an effective firefighting strategy possible. This early detection is particularly of importance in remote, large-scale areas and territories not under observation by the population, especially if they are subject to an increased or high vulnerability. After investigating and considering the causes, that repeatedly lead to forest fires not only in the Federal Republic of Germany but worldwide, the author describes different traditional and modern methods for early detection of fires in areas of forests and other vegetation. Furthermore the author develops a performance item catalog, basing on practical and economic experience, by which not only novel early warning systems can be developed, but the systems and methods described in the present study also are assessed and compared. The comparison of various early warning systems is guided not only by means of technical features, but also from an economic perspective. Financial calculation methods, staff costs and the peculiarities in public administration are particularly noted. The author also shows the different parameters that influence the selection of an appropriate early warning system for the detection of forest and vegetation areas. It becomes clear that it is the scene of the incident with its specific parameters that determines the most useful early warning system.

Untersuchung von Methoden zur Früherkennung von Bränden in Wald- und Vegetationsgebieten

Schneider, Dirk 29 March 2017 (has links)
Dissertation of Chief Fire Officer Dipl.-Ing. M. Sc. Dirk Schneider for achieving the academic degree of Dr.-Ing. of the Faculty of Forestry, Geo and Hydro Sciences of the Technical University of Dresden with the title: “Early Detection of Fires in Areas of Forests and other Vegetation” Fires threaten and destroy extensive forest and vegetation areas every year, endangering people and its settlements, leading to significant pressures on the environment and destroying considerable high value resources. The expenditures in manpower, logistics and finance for safety in general and fire suppression in particular are considerable. To minimize these varied and extensive consequences of fires, early detection is desirable, making an effective firefighting strategy possible. This early detection is particularly of importance in remote, large-scale areas and territories not under observation by the population, especially if they are subject to an increased or high vulnerability. After investigating and considering the causes, that repeatedly lead to forest fires not only in the Federal Republic of Germany but worldwide, the author describes different traditional and modern methods for early detection of fires in areas of forests and other vegetation. Furthermore the author develops a performance item catalog, basing on practical and economic experience, by which not only novel early warning systems can be developed, but the systems and methods described in the present study also are assessed and compared. The comparison of various early warning systems is guided not only by means of technical features, but also from an economic perspective. Financial calculation methods, staff costs and the peculiarities in public administration are particularly noted. The author also shows the different parameters that influence the selection of an appropriate early warning system for the detection of forest and vegetation areas. It becomes clear that it is the scene of the incident with its specific parameters that determines the most useful early warning system.:Vorwort 3 Abstract 6 Inhaltsverzeichnis 7 1 Einleitung 12 2 Ziel- und Aufgabenstellung 17 3 Vorbetrachtungen und Stand des Wissens 18 3.1 Die Waldbrandsituation 18 3.2 Brandursachen in Wäldern und Vegetationsgebieten 21 3.3 Methoden der Waldbrandfrüherkennung 27 3.3.1 Herkömmliche Methoden der Waldbrandfrüherkennung 27 Notrufmeldung durch die Öffentlichkeit 27 Feuerwachtürme 29 Luftbeobachtung 35 Feuerwehrflugdienst Niedersachsen 39 Luftrettungsstaffel Bayern 44 Avialesookhrana 47 3.3.2 Moderne Systeme 50 Terrestrische Systeme 51 Firewatch 53 Firehawk Forestwatch 69 Integriertes Waldbrand-Beobachtungssystem (IPNAS) 72 FireALERT 76 Fire Wall 83 Radio-Akustisches-Sondierungssystem (RASS) 87 Mobile Biological Sensors (MBS) 93 Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) 101 Golden Eye 104 Aeronautische Systeme 108 National Infrared Operations Program (NIROPS) 108 Wildfire Airborne Sensor Program (WASP) 116 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) 121 Luftschiffe 130 Orbitale Systeme 135 Nomos 137 Bispectral Infrared Detection (BIRD) 141 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 146 Polar Operational Environmental Satellite Project (POES) 151 4 Material und Methoden 154 4.1 Material 155 4.1.1 Fachliteratur und Forschungsberichte 155 4.1.2 Fachberichte internationaler staatlicher Dienststellen 155 4.1.3 Technische Betriebsunterlagen von Herstellern 155 4.2 Methoden 156 4.2.1 Gespräche und Interviews 156 4.2.2 Praxisorientiertes Erfahrungs- und Anwenderwissen 156 4.2.3 Vergleich zur Bewertung der technischen Leistungsfähigkeit 157 4.2.4 Wirtschaftlichkeit 159 Wirtschaftlichkeit unter betriebs- und finanzwirtschaftlicher Betrachtung 160 Die Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse 161 Wirtschaftlichkeitsrechnung 161 Statische Verfahren 161 Kosten- und Gewinnvergleichsrechnung 162 Rentabilitätsvergleichsrechnung 162 Amortisationsvergleichsrechnung 162 Dynamische Verfahren 163 Kapitalwertmethode 163 Internal Rate of Return 164 Annuitätenmethode 164 Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse 165 Nutzwertanalyse 165 Wirtschaftlichkeit in der öffentlichen Verwaltung 166 Personalkosten 170 Kostenvergleich verschiedener Früherkennungssysteme 172 5 Entwicklung eines Leistungspositionskataloges 174 5.1 Funktionale Anforderungen 176 5.1.1 Melde- und Dispositionszeiten 176 Frühzeitige Branderkennung 176 Schnelle Meldewege 177 Automatisierte Ortsbestimmung 177 5.1.2 Einsatzbereitschaft 177 5.2 Nicht-Funktionale Anforderungen 178 5.2.1 Zuverlässigkeit 178 Geringe Fehlalarm- und Detektionsverlustrate 178 Wetterunabhängigkeit 179 Temperaturunabhängigkeit 179 UV-Beständigkeit 179 Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit 179 Reduktion von Täuschungsalarmen 180 Zwei-Linien-Abhängigkeit 180 5.2.2 Leistungsvermögen 181 Automatisches Wirken 181 Einsatzinformationsprojektion 181 5.2.3 Benutzbarkeit 181 Bedienbarkeit 181 Intuitive Erfassbarkeit 182 5.2.4 Portierung und Übertragung 182 Leitstellenaufschaltung 182 Geoinformationssystem 182 Schnittstelle für Wetterinformationen 183 Kommunikationsredundanz 183 Kompatibilität 183 Ergonomie, Design und Ästhetik 183 5.3 Sicherheitsanforderungen 184 5.3.1 Umweltsicherheit 184 Gesundheitsschutz 184 Umweltverträglichkeit 184 5.3.2 Technische Betriebssicherheit 185 Systemstabilität 185 Unabhängigkeit von Dritten 185 Zwei-Wege-Energieversorgung 185 Umweltresistenz 186 5.4 Wirtschaftlichkeit 186 5.4.1 Wartung und Instandsetzung 186 5.4.2 Erweiterbarkeit 186 5.5 Der Leistungspositionskatalog 187 6 Ergebnisse 188 6.1 Die Notwendigkeit des Einsatzes von Früherkennungssystemen 189 6.2 Grundlegende Bewertung der Leistungsfähigkeit 190 6.2.1 Public Report (Notrufmeldung durch die Öffentlichkeit) 192 6.2.2 Feuerwachtürme 193 6.2.3 Luftbeobachtung 193 6.2.4 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) 194 6.2.5 Luftschiffe 195 6.2.6 Terrestrische CCTV-Technik 196 6.2.7 Terrestrische OSS-Videotechnik 196 6.2.8 Erdgebundene Infrarotsysteme 197 6.2.9 Erdgebundene Temperatursensoren 197 6.2.10 Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) 198 6.2.11 Sonic Detection and Ranging (SODAR) und Radio-Akustische-Sondierungssysteme (RASS) 199 6.2.12 Mobile biologische Sensoren (MBS) 200 6.2.13 Satellitentechnologie 201 6.2.14 Zusammenfassung der grundlegenden Bewertung 201 6.3 Bewertung nach dem Leistungspositionskatalog 204 6.3.1 Erfüllung der funktionalen Anforderungen 205 6.3.2 Erfüllung der nicht-funktionalen Anforderungen 206 6.3.3 Erfüllung der Sicherheitsanforderungen 206 6.3.4 Betrachtung der Wirtschaftlichkeit 207 6.3.5 Public Report (Notrufmeldung durch die Öffentlichkeit) 207 6.3.6 Feuerwachturm 209 6.3.7 Luftbeobachtung 212 6.3.8 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) 213 6.3.9 Luftschiffe 216 6.3.10 CCTV-Technik 218 6.3.11 OSS-Videotechnik 220 6.3.12 Erdgebundene Infrarotsysteme 222 6.3.13 Erdgebundene Temperatursysteme 224 6.3.14 Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) 226 6.3.15 Sonic Detection and Ranging (SODAR) und Radio-Akustische-Sondierungssysteme (RASS) 228 6.3.16 Mobile biologische Sensoren (MBS) 229 6.3.17 Satellitentechnologie 232 6.3.18 Zusammenfassung der Bewertung nach dem Leistungspositionskatalog 235 6.4 Bewertung anhand komplexer Kriterien 243 6.5 Die Vulnerabilität von Ökosystemen 244 6.6 Kostenvergleich ausgewählter Früherkennungssysteme 246 6.7 Bewertung der betriebs- und finanzwirtschaftlichen Methoden 257 6.8 Wirtschaftlichkeit und beeinflussende Nebenaspekte 258 6.9 Die Anwendung von Analysemethoden 261 7 Diskussion 263 7.1 Grundlagen und Methoden der Waldbrandfrüherkennung 263 7.2 Die Komplexität der Findung eines geeigneten Früherkennungssystems 276 7.3 Der Kostenvergleich von Früherkennungssystemen 276 7.4 Allgemeine Wirtschaftlichkeit 278 7.5 Technische Wirtschaftlichkeit 278 7.6 Finanz- und betriebswirtschaftliche Methoden 279 8 Schlussfolgerungen 280 8.1 Lehre zur Bedeutung von Wald- und Vegetationsgebieten 280 8.2 Prävention und Aufklärung 281 8.3 Schutzbedarf feuerunabhängiger Ökosysteme 282 8.4 Notwendigkeit des Einsatzes von Früherkennungssystemen 282 8.5 Der Einfluss der Empfindlichkeit eines Ökosystems 283 8.6 Technische Weiterentwicklung des Systems Feuerwachturm 284 8.7 Erfüllung funktionaler und nicht-funktionaler Anforderungen 285 8.8 Die Gewährleistung der Umweltsicherheit 286 8.9 Unzulässigkeit der Verwendung von Tieren als Früherkennungssystem 286 8.10 Die Wirtschaftlichkeit von Früherkennungssystemen 287 8.11 Die interdisziplinäre Nutzung zur Senkung von Kosten 288 8.12 Der Leistungspositionskatalog als Werkzeug 288 8.13 Orbitaler Systemverbund für den globalen Umweltschutz 289 8.14 Minimierung von Fehlalarmen durch Zwei-Linien-Abhängigkeit 290 8.15 Kombination unterschiedlicher Methoden zum Erhalt eines Idealsystems 291 8.16 Örtliche Bedingungen bestimmen das Früherkennungssystem 292 9 Zusammenfassung 293 10 Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis (numerisch) 296 11 Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis (alphabetisch) 338 Anhang I: Abkürzungsverzeichnis 344 Anhang II: Bilderverzeichnis 348 Anhang III: Tabellenverzeichnis 353 Anhang IV: Index 354

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