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Prime solutions in arithmetic progressions of some quadratic equationsand linear equations樊家榮, Fan, Ka-wing. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Mathematics / Master / Master of Philosophy
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Iterative methods for the Robbins problem何正華, Ho, Ching-wah. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Mathematics / Master / Master of Philosophy
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The elastic and elasto-plastic fracture analysis by method of weightedresiduals and elasto-viscoplasticity王元漢, Wang, Yuanhan. January 1988 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Civil Engineering / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Optimal engineering design specifications are usually derived from an iterative design process. Here, different mathematical programs, each representing a particular problem assumption, are solved in order to gain insight into how and why an ideal design changes as model parameters vary. The mathematical technique used in this process is termed sensitivity analysis. The focus of this study is on techniques for performing such analysis on optimization problems which can be modeled as geometric programs. A dual based computationally attractive numerical procedure was developed to generate the locus of optimal solutions to prototype geometric programs corresponding to a large set of program parameter trajectories. Coefficient variation can include individual or simultaneous changes in any or all cost and exponent values. Sensitivity analysis is accomplished by numerically solving a specially constructed nonlinear initial value differential equation problem. Computational procedures were developed for computing an intitial value point, differential equation construction and solution, primal/dual conversion and problem reconstruction in the event of a primal constraint status change. A computer program written to carry out this scheme was described and used in the design of a batch process chemical plant. Preliminary results show the sensitivity analysis procedure developed in this study is attractive in terms of required computation time and perturbation flexibility of model coefficients.
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Water Resource Management : Social Behaviour, Cultural Norms and Societal StructuresSjögren, Olivia January 2015 (has links)
Water shortage is one of the greatest challenges that the world faces today. International and national water initiatives are increasing simultaneously with the number of implemented drinking-water projects. The provision of sustainable safe drinking-water supply is here conceptualized through the Sustainable Livelihood Approach with the view of helping poor people secure their essential basic needs, improve their quality of health and increase their livelihood opportunities. However, a lot of drinking-water projects do not end up with satisfactory outcomes. Widespread results have demonstrated low quality water resource management, worsened access to water supply, constructions shutting down and not the least, that consumers have not been able to take advantage of their new basic drinking-water systems. Projects have often failed in remote rural areas in developing countries where strong social norms, cultural values and power structures prevail. The research is based on identifying and analyzing to what extent past drinking-water projects have addressed public participation and been aware of social, cultural and structural surrounding factors. By using Gunilla Åkesson’s sociological framework the research also addresses the role and value of sociological aspects in drinking-water projects. It is found that past projects have often failed to include public participation and lacked situational awareness to a sufficient extent. The research show the importance for projects staff, managers and technicians to take into account social behaviors, cultural norms and societal structures in the local environment and to provide local people with health awareness and education. By taking this into consideration it would enable people to change their behavior and take advantage of the improved drinking-water systems provided for them. In conclusion, there is a need to address more sociological aspects in water resource management in order to promote sustainable safe drinking-water supplies in remote rural areas in developing countries. It can be argued that this is not only applicable in drinking-water projects but also in other areas of fields within grass root development work.
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Αριθμητική μελέτη του προβλήματος Hill με πλάτυνσηΠερδίου, Αγγελική Ε. 01 September 2008 (has links)
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Analytical properties of viscosity solutions for integro-differential equations : image visualization and restoration by curvature motionsCiomaga, Adina 29 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le manuscrit est constitué de deux parties indépendantes.Propriétés des Solutions de Viscosité des Equations Integro-Différentielles.Nous considérons des équations intégro-différentielles elliptiques et paraboliques non-linéaires (EID), où les termes non-locaux sont associés à des processus de Lévy. Ce travail est motivé par l'étude du Comportement en temps long des solutions de viscosité des EID, dans le cas périodique. Le résultat classique nous dit que la solution u(¢, t ) du problème de Dirichlet pour EID se comporte comme ?t Åv(x)Åo(1) quand t !1, où v est la solution du problème ergodique stationaire qui correspond à une unique constante ergodique ?.En général, l'étude du comportement asymptotique est basé sur deux arguments: la régularité de solutions et le principe de maximumfort.Dans un premier temps, nous étudions le Principe de Maximum Fort pour les solutions de viscosité semicontinues des équations intégro-différentielles non-linéaires. Nous l'utilisons ensuite pour déduire un résultat de comparaison fort entre sous et sur-solutions des équations intégro-différentielles, qui va assurer l'unicité des solutions du problème ergodique à une constante additive près. De plus, pour des équationssuper-quadratiques le principe de maximum fort et en conséquence le comportement en temps grand exige la régularité Lipschitzienne.Dans une deuxième partie, nous établissons de nouvelles estimations Hölderiennes et Lipschitziennes pour les solutions de viscosité d'une large classe d'équations intégro-différentielles non-linéaires, par la méthode classique de Ishii-Lions. Les résultats de régularité aident de plus à la résolution du problème ergodique et sont utilisés pour fournir existence des solutions périodiques des EID.Nos résultats s'appliquent à une nouvelle classe d'équations non-locales que nous appelons équations intégro-différentielles mixtes. Ces équations sont particulièrement intéressantes, car elles sont dégénérées à la fois dans le terme local et non-local, mais leur comportement global est conduit par l'interaction locale - non-locale, par exemple la diffusion fractionnaire peut donner l'ellipticité dans une direction et la diffusion classique dans la direction orthogonale.Visualisation et Restauration d'Images par Mouvements de CourbureLe rôle de la courbure dans la perception visuelle remonte à 1954, et on le doit à Attneave. Des arguments neurologiques expliquent que le cerveau humain ne pourrait pas possiblement utiliser toutes les informations fournies par des états de simulation. Mais en réalité on enregistre des régions où la couleur change brusquement (des contours) et en outre les angles et les extremas de courbure. Pourtant, un calcul direct de courbures sur une image est impossible. Nous montrons comment les courbures peuvent être précisément évaluées, à résolution sous-pixelique par un calcul sur les lignes de niveau après leur lissage indépendant.Pour cela, nous construisons un algorithme que nous appelons Level Lines (Affine) Shortening, simulant une évolution sous-pixelique d'une image par mouvement de courbure moyenne ou affine. Aussi bien dans le cadre analytique que numérique, LLS (respectivement LLAS) extrait toutes les lignes de niveau d'une image, lisse indépendamment et simultanément toutes ces lignes de niveau par Curve Shortening(CS) (respectivement Affine Shortening (AS)) et reconstruit une nouvelle image. Nousmontrons que LL(A)S calcule explicitement une solution de viscosité pour le le Mouvement de Courbure Moyenne (respectivement Mouvement par Courbure Affine), ce qui donne une équivalence avec le mouvement géométrique.Basé sur le raccourcissement de lignes de niveau simultané, nous fournissons un outil de visualisation précis des courbures d'une image, que nous appelons un Microscope de Courbure d'Image. En tant que application, nous donnons quelques exemples explicatifs de visualisation et restauration d'image : du bruit, des artefacts JPEG, de l'aliasing seront atténués par un mouvement de courbure sous-pixelique
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Hipertoninio hidroksietilkrakmolo tirpalo įtaka hemodinamikai, kvėpavimui ir homeostazei koreguojant hipovolemiją ligoniams po širdies operacijų / The effect of hypertonic Hydroxyethyl starch solution On haemodynamics, respiration And homeostasis in correction Of hypovolemia in patients After heart surgeryŠneider, Edvin 23 September 2005 (has links)
Conclusions 1. In comparison to the Ringer‘s acetate solution the use of HyperHaes® solution after coronary artery bypass surgery had positive effect on haemodynamic parameters: cardiac index increased (p<0.05), systolic volume index increased (p<0.05), cardiac afterload decreased, that is pulmonary vascular resistance index decreased (p<0.05) and systemic vascular resistance index decreased (p<0.05); the difference between the central and peripheral temperatures in experimental group (p<0.05). 2. The oxygen transport was more effective (oxygen delivery index increased (p<0.05)) when HyperHaes® solution was used in comparison to Ringer‘s acetate solution. 3. No substantial effect of HyperHaes® solution on the duration of artificial lung ventilation and intrapulmonary shunt size was defined. 4. The use of HyperHaes® solution influenced substantially some parameters of homeostasis (serum sodium concentration increased (p<0.05), serum potassium concentration decreased (p<0.05)) in compa-rison to Ringer‘s acetate solution. 5. Higher diuresis (p<0.01), lower need for the infusion therapy for the first 24 hours (p<0.05), lower total fluid balance (p<0.01) were determined in HyperHaes® group versus Ringer‘s acetate group. 6. No adverse effects (disturbances of homeostasis, neurologic symptoms, increased bleeding through mediastinal tubes, anaphylactic reactions) were noted in patients who received HyperHaes® solution.
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Žmogiškųjų išteklių atnaujinimo sprendimai projektavimo įmonėje / Human resources renewal solutions in analysed projection companyKielienė, Lina 02 December 2008 (has links)
Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas – nustatyti galimus žmogiškųjų išteklių proceso problemų sprendinius projektavimo įmonėje. Esminė analizuojamos įmonės problema yra žmogiškųjų išteklių atnaujinimas dėl esamų darbuotojų amžiaus, kuris atskirais atvejais viršija 70 metų. Kadangi tokio pobūdžio problema nėra nauja, jos sprendimui pasitelkiamos mokslinės žinios ir teoriškai pagrįsti metodai. Pirmoje darbo dalyje yra analizuojama su darbo problema tiesiogiai susijusi mokslinė literatūra. Ši analizė apima žmogiškųjų išteklių sampratos, atnaujinimo metodų ir priemonių temas bei įvertina personalo motyvacijos, kompetencijos ugdymo ir elektroninio žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo svarbą įmonėse. Antroje darbo dalyje analizuojama Lietuvos projektavimo įmonės žmogiškųjų išteklių situacija. Ši analizė apima personalo struktūros, pareigybių, pakeičiamumo ir kitus svarbius aspektus. Taip pat šioje dalyje analizuojama darbo rinkos, su kuria įmonė tiesiogiai susijusi, situacija. Trečioje darbo dalyje, atsižvelgiant į antrosios dalies analizės išvadas, pateikiami projektuojami žmogiškųjų išteklių atnaujinimo problemų sprendiniai. Šie sprendiniai apima konkrečius ir įgyvendinamus pasiūlymus, kaip pagerinti esamą situaciją ir užtikrinti sprendimų tęstinumą bei rezultatyvumą. / The key goal of this paper is to determine the possible solutions to improve staffing processes in the analysed projection company. The key issue of the company is staff renewal therefore the scientific approach of this problem is analysed in order to adapt it to the current situation. In the first section of this paper there is given the analysis of scientific literature involving staffing topics. This analysis includes the conception of human resources, the essential HR renewal measures and also discusses the significance of promotion of staff, knowledge development peculiarities and electronic HR management concept. In the second section of the paper the situation analysis of Lithuanian projection company is carried out, involving the structure of the entire staff, occupations, convertibility and other significant information. There is also analysed the labour market situation in order to determine staffing possibilities for the company. The third section of the paper includes the projected solutions of staff renewal problems in the company regarding the investigation results gained in the second section. This solution involves the suggestions on how to improve the situation by taking the appropriate measures in order to maintain the efficiency and succession of the decisions.
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Moteriškos palaidinės priekio detalių konstrukciniai sprendimai / Women's blouse front detail design solutionsVozgirdaitė, Dovilė 29 June 2012 (has links)
Bakalaurinio darbo tikslas – sumodeliuoti tris skirtingas moteriškas palaidines, ant vieno bazinio pagrindo. Darbo pradžioje pateikta mados krypties analizė, kurioje didelis dėmesys skirtas moteriškos palaidinės išvaizdai, konstrukcijai, modelių įvairumui bei spalvų gamai. Aprašyti projektuojamų modelių eskizai.Gaminio bazinė konstrukcija sudaryta remiantis anglų autoriaus Winifred Aldrich moteriškos palaidinės konstravimo metodika. Ant šios konstrukcijos atlikti trijų palaidinių priekio detalių konstrukciniai modeliavimai. Naudojant kompiuterinę programą COMTENS sudarytos to paties dydžio gaminio vieno ir dviejų komplektų išklotinės, apskaičiuotos medžiagų sąnaudos bei tarplekalinės atliekos. Išanalizuota kokybės kontrolės svarba gaminio projektavimo etapuose, kuri sudaryta galutinės kontrolės pagrindinių rodiklių lentelė. / The goal of the thesis – to model three different blouses using one and the same basis. In the beginning of the work, the analysis of the fashion trend, where the most attention is paid to the look, construction, variety of model and the colour spectrum of the blouse, is presented. The sketches of the designed models are being described.The basic construction of the product is designed according to the Winifred Aldrich methodology of the women’s blouse. Three front detail constructional modelling is implemented in this construction.With the help of the computerized program COMTENS, the listing output of one and two set of the product of the same size were composed.
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