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Social assistance outcomes in Southern Europe : an actor-centred approachLalioti, Varvara January 2013 (has links)
This study analyses the evolution of social assistance in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, and closely examines the four countries’ different experiences with Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) schemes. A process-tracing methodology uses data from secondary sources, archival material, and 46 interviews to construct an actor-centred model and pursue a multiple-causality, historical approach. Outcomes are shown to result from interactions among central governments, religious organizations, secular organizations and territorial actors; and also from destabilizing forces. It is assumed that social assistance beneficiaries are forced to rely on these actors, whose attitudes are found to vary significantly due to their different interests, subjective perceptions of fairness, and preferences. Case histories of the four countries show that the periods prior to the 1970s were marked by minimal central government interest; indifferent, hostile, and/or divided secular organizations; and governmental partnerships with religious organizations. In the post-1970s periods, destabilizing forces co-occurring with centre-left governments resulted in new policies and changes, with relevant actors/organizations gradually welcoming pluralistic social assistance systems. The existence and extent of GMI schemes has been the principal factor differentiating social assistance developments among the four countries in more recent decades: Portugal is the only country with a national GMI, Italy and Spain have solely regional schemes, and Greece has no GMI at all. Because GMIs cut across traditional social assistance categories and are often linked with overall welfare system restructuring, establishment of GMIs and their subsequent maintenance require the co-occurrence of destabilizing forces and strong pro-GMI coalitions. Portugal exhibits the highest level of pro-GMI consensus nationwide, Greece the lowest,while Italy and Spain occupy intermediate positions. The institutional empowerment of territorial actors in the latter two countries was a precondition to emergence of local schemes, while destabilizing forces and strong local pro-GMI coalitions greatly increased the odds for establishing and maintaining them.
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An assessment of the subgeneric classification of Zygophyllum (Zygophyllaceae) in Southern Africa : evidence from noncoding trnL-trnF chloroplast DNA sequencesMakwarela, Azwimpheleli M. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.(Systematics and Biodiversity Science))-- Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sequence data from the intron and the spacer of the trnL-F chloroplast DNA region were
used to study the phylogenetic relationships of the genus Zygophyllum L. (Zygophylloideae:
Zygophyllaceae) in the southern African region. The chloroplast DNA was extracted from
both herbarium and silica-gel dried material. Closely related genera, i.e. Augea Thunb.,
Fagonia L. and Tetraena Maxim. within the subfamily Zygophylloideae and more distantly
related genera Seetzenia R.Br. ex Decne and Tribulus L. were used as outgroups. Sequences
revealed length variation mainly due to the presence of indels (insertions and deletions).
Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony revealed two distinct lineages for southern African
members of Zygophyllum, corresponding to the proposed subgeneric classification (Van
Huysteen 1937; Van Zyl 2000). There is a strong monophyly support for the sections within
the subgenus Agrophyllum (Neck.) Endl. However, the transference of the monotypic section
Grandifolia Engl. from subgenus Zygophyllum to Agrophyllum is not confirmed, because
material of Z. stapffii Schinz. was not available. Despite the morphological evidence for the
subdivision of the subgenus Zygophyllum, the molecular data did not confirm the monophyly
for its sections. This could be the result of biased sampling, since all the species used in the
analyses, except Z. cordifolium L.f. and Z. morgsana L., belong to section Capensia Engl.
The trnL region data support the transfer of the mono typic section Morgsana Huysst. from
subgenus Agrophyllum to subgenus Zygophyllum. The molecular data also seem to have
implications for the biogeography of Zygophyllum. The southern African Agrophyllum
representatives are related to East African and Middle East Zygophyllum species, whereas the
southern African subgenus Zygophyllum members are closely related to Australian
Zygophyllum species. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die volgorde-data van die trnL-F chloroplas-DNA gebied is gebruik om die filogenetiese
verwantskappe van die genus Zygophyllum L. (Zygophylloideae: Zygophyllaceae) in suider
Afrika te bestudeer. Die chloroplas-DNA is geëkstraheer van beide herbaria en silica-gel
gedroogde materiaal. Naverwante genera binne die subfamilie Zygophylloideae bv. Augea
Thunb., Fagonia L. en Tetraena Maxim., sowel as verder verwante genera, soos Seetzenia
R.Br. ex Decne en Tribulus L., was as buite-groepe gebruik. Die lengte-variasie in die
volgorde-data kan toegeskryf word aan indels (insertions and deletions). Filogenetiese analise
deur die gebruik van parsimonie het twee duidelike ontwikkelingslyne vir suider-Afrikaanse
Zygophyllum taksa aangedui. Dit stem goed ooreen met die voorgestelde subgeneriese
klassifikasiesisteem vir die genus (Van Huysteen1937; Van Zyl 2000). Daar is 'n sterk
ondersteuning vir monofilie van die seksies binne die subgenus Agrophyllum (Neck.) Endl.
Die oorplasing van die monotipiese seksie Grandifolia Engl. vanaf subgenus Zygophyllum na
subgenus Agrophyllum is nie bevestig nie, want materiaal van Z. stapffii Schinz. was nie
beskikbaar nie. Ten spyte van morfologiese bewyse vir die subdivisie van die subgenus
Zygophyllum het die molekulêre data nie die monofilie van die seksies bevestig nie. Dit is
moontlik as gevolg van eensydige data-insameling, aangesien al die spesies wat in die analise
gebruik word (behalwe Z. cordifolium L.f. en Z. morgsana L.) aan die seksie Capensia Engl.
behoort. Die trnL-gebied data ondersteun die oordra van die monotipiese seksie Morgsana
Huysst. van die subgenus Agrophyllum na die subgenus Zygophyllum. Die molekulêre data
bied ode inligting oor die biogeografie van Zygophyllum. Die suider-Afrikaanse Agrophyllum
taksa is verwant aan Oos-Afrika en Midde-Oosterse Zygophyllum spesies, terwyl lede van die
Suid-Afrikaanse subgenus Zygophyllum nouverwant is aan Zygophyllum spesies in Australië.
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Relations between the European Economic Community and the Southern African Development Coordination Conference - an assessmentGoodison, Paul January 1987 (has links)
No description available.
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ENSO prediction and predictability in an intermediate coupled modelFan, Yun January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Holocene settlement strategies in the Western Cape, South Africa : an environmental approachHubbard, Nicola N. January 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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African Renaissance in health education: developing an integrative programme of Unani-Tibb training for health care professionals in Southern Africa.Bhikha, Rashid Ahmed Hassen January 2004 (has links)
<p>The present healthcare system in South Africa suffers from a number of serious deficiencies. Whilst orthodox bio-medicine is well established in most first world countries, its total introduction and implementation into all communities within South Africa faces many obstacles. The cost of diagnostic techniques, investigative procedures and pharmaceutical products, the availability of competent medical staff in the non-urban areas, and the lack of acceptance of the philosophy and practice of orthodox bio-medicine in rural regions are but some of the factors which conspire against the general application of this orthodox medical paradigm.<br />
<br />
Another problem confronting healthcare and medical practice in South Africa, particularly at this stage of our historical development, is the absolute focus on orthodox bio-medicine, often to the detriment of other medical paradigms that also have advantages to offer. Can the integration of another medical paradigm, such as Unani-Tibb, enhance the practice of orthodox bio-medicine in this country?<br />
<br />
The aim of the thesis was to investigate the possibility of integrating Unani-Tibb with orthodox biomedicine (also termed conventional, Western or allopathic medicine) and assess its potential for improving delivery of an effective, affordable and appropriate healthcare system in South Africa.<br />
<br />
The research questions which the thesis seeks to answer is whether this integration is possible and whether the delivery of healthcare to the South African population can be enhanced. Changes in the provision of medical education are necessary, and occupy a pivotal role in allowing for this integration. Unani-Tibb is a traditional medical system practiced extensively on the Indian sub-continent and in other parts of the world. At present, however, it is minimally practiced in South Africa. Its primary principle is the energetic promotion of health maintenance behaviour and the prevention of disease, through effective application of dietotherapy, pharmacotherapy and other interventions, as well as the empowerment of the patient towards adopting behavioural changes and lifestyle adaptations. One positive aspect of Unani-Tibb is that it has many features in common with both orthodox biomedicine and African Traditional medicine. These commonalities should allow for greater acceptance by orthodox healthcare professionals, as well as the general population. The first part of the study involved the research and conceptualisation required for the production of a series of customized training modules which introduced the theory and practice of Unani-Tibb. A twelve month part-time training programme based on these modules was subsequently conducted with a number of healthcare professionals presently in active practice and with a background of orthodox medical or nursing healthcare. This outcomes-based training programme included a number of specifically designed training activities, such as case studies, practical exercises and assignments. Appropriate evaluations and assessments were pursued in order to measure performance outcomes and attitudes. Questionnaires for assessing the motivation and satisfaction of the participants were also completed. The second part of the study was in the form of a pilot participant research project, in which the participants applied the information from the integrative programme to a number of chronically ill patients who had previously been treated with standard orthodox bio-medical procedures. The parameters derived for clinical efficacy, cost-benefit and improvement in Quality of Life from Unani-Tibb treatment were then compared to equivalent results obtained by orthodox bio-medicine. In all parameters inspected, the integrative training programme compared favourably to orthodox bio-medical practice. Not only was there an improved clinical efficacy, but the cost-benefit was shown to be superior in most indices measured. The Quality of Life comparison, which assessed the patient&rsquo / s total health status, subjective behaviour and attitude, generally favoured the integrative training programme. The thesis serves to suggest that the integration of Unani-Tibb into orthodox bio-medical training in South Africa is a distinct possibility, and could ultimately allow for treatment which is clinically acceptable, cost-effective and which provides an improved Quality of Life for the population as a whole. I suggest that this pilot study be repeated more extensively, thereby allowing for a more confident and objective assessment.</p>
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Found CairnRiley, Megan E 16 May 2014 (has links)
This poetry manuscript experiments with narrative and lyrical approaches while exploring themes of memory, family, gender roles, sexuality, and identity.
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Southern Genre Painting and Illustration from 1830 to 1890Akard, Carrie Meitzner 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to give a concise view of stylistic, iconographical, and iconological trends in Southern genre paintings and illustrations between 1830 and 1890 by native Southern artists and artists who lived at least ten years in the South. Exploration of artworks was accomplished by compiling as many artworks as possible per decade, separating each decade by dominant trends in subject matter, and researching to determine political and/or social implications associated with and affecting each image. Historical documents and the findings of other scholars revealed that many artworks carried political overtones reflecting the dominant thought of the white ruling class during the period while the significance and interpretation of other artworks was achieved by studying dominant personal beliefs and social practices.
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The dynamics and energetics of tropical-temperature troughs over Southern AfricaD'Abreton, Peter Charles January 1992 (has links)
Water vapour content and transport over southern Africa and adjacent oceans
are examined. Early summer rainfall over the northern and central interior of
South Africa tends to be associated with baroclinic controls whereas late-summer
rainfall is barotropic in origin. This is reflected in the northwesterly water vapour
transport from an Atlantic Ocean source by middle and upper tropospheric
westerly waves in early summer. A thermally indirect Ferrel cell, indicated-from
energetics, COpIU1nSthe· temperate nature of the early-summer atmosphere over
southern Africa. Late summer water vapour transport, in contrast, is strongly
from the tropics, with' a reduced eddy component, indicating an important
tropical control on late SUmmerrainfall especially in terms of fluctuations in the
position of the ascending limb of .the Walker cell Over southern Africa. The
Hadley cell is of importance to the late summer rainfall in that dry (wet) years
are associated with an anomalous cell OVereastern (central) South Africa such
that low level vapour transport is southerly (northerly). The anticyclone over the
eastern parts of southern Africa, coupled with. a trough over the interior
(especially at the 700 hPa pressure level), is important for the introduction of
water vapour over the subcontinent in wet and dry years and for
tropical-temperate trough case studies. Water vapour source regions differ from
early summer (Atlantic Ocean) to late summer (Indian Ocean), which reflects the
temperate. control on early and the tropical control on late summer circulation.
The convergence of water vapour over southern Africa in wet years and during
tropical-temperate troughs is not only important for cloud formation and
precipitation, but also for latent heat release associated with convergent water
vapour. Diabatic heating decreases the stability of the tropical atmosphere
thereby resulting in increased vertical motion. It also forces an anomalous Badley
circulation during wet late summers and tropical-temperate trough .cases as a
result of complex energy transformations. Heating increases eddy available
potential energy which is converted to zonal available potential energy by a
thermally indirect circulation found in the tropics. The zonal potential energy is
then converted to kinetic energy by the thermally direct Badley cell. Water
vapour and its variations are thus important for the precipitation, heating and
SUbsequent energy of the subtropical southern African atmosphere, / GR 2017
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Reconstructing El Nino-southern oscillationGergis, Jo??lle L., School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
El Ni??o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the most important coupled ocean-atmospheric phenomenon to cause global climate variability on interannual time scales. Efforts to understand recent, apparently anomalous ENSO behaviour are hampered by the lack of long, high-quality climate records. While instrumental data generally covers the past 150 years, record length is insufficient for the assessment of past changes in the frequency, magnitude, and duration of ENSO. Here, multiproxy networks of high-resolution tree-ring, coral, ice and documentary records derived from eastern and western Pacific ENSO ???centres of action??? are analysed (A.D. 1525-2002). Considerable improvements in ENSO reconstruction are achieved from expanding the use of records from the western Pacific. In particular, ~500 years of a continuous 3,722 year ENSO sensitive tree-ring record from New Zealand is introduced. Although extreme ENSO events are seen throughout a 478-year discrete event analysis, 43% of extreme, 20% of very strong and 28% of all protracted ENSO events occur within the 20th century. Principal component analysis was used to extend instrumental records of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) Ni??o 3.4 Sea Surface Temperature (Ni??o 3.4 SST) and a newly developed coupled ocean-atmospheric ENSO index (CEI) by 347 years. Significantly, of the three indices reconstructed here, CEI reconstructions were largely found to be the best predictors of ENSO. The results suggest that ENSO may be more effectively characterised using a coupled ocean-atmosphere index, particularly for December-May periods. Compared to the pre-instrumental period, the late 19th and early 20th centuries indicate a clear trend toward increased ENSO variability over the past 150 years. Significantly, spectral analysis of reconstructed indices reveals a marked change in the frequency and intensity of ENSO beginning ~A.D. 1850, coinciding with the end of the Little Ice Age and the boom in global industrialisation. This suggests that ENSO may operate differently under natural (pre-industrial) and anthropogenically influenced background states. This study asserts that recent ENSO variability appears anomalous in the context of the past five centuries. Given the considerable socio-economic impacts of ENSO events, future investigation into the implications an increasingly anthropogenically-warmed world may have on ENSO is vital.
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