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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

TUCS : En sammankoppling av Visma SPCS och MS Outlook / TUCS : The Undisputable Connection to SPCS

Woxberg, Thomas, Wilhelmsson, Gustav January 2006 (has links)
<p>Målet med vårt examensarbete har varit att på uppdrag från United Computer Systems skapa ett program som kopplar samman Visma SPCS och MS Outlook. Anledningen till detta program har varit att utöka den begränsade kontakthanteringen som finns i Visma SPCS. I större affärssystem blir det allt vanligare att så kallade CRM system integreras. Dock saknas oftast bra kontakthantering i lösningar som riktar sig till mindre företag. Genom att koppla samman SPCS med Outlook, ger det användaren möjligheter att lagra mer djupgående information om kunder, deras kontaktpersoner och leveransadresser.</p><p>Programmet har utformats i Borland Delphi och vi beskriver i denna rapport hur vi gått till väga för att skapa ett program som uppfyller vår uppdragsgivares önskemål vad gäller användbarhet och användarvänlighet.</p><p>Vi beskriver även några av de grundläggande begreppen för vårt projekt, så som Screen scraping och API för SPCS och Windows.</p>

TUCS : En sammankoppling av Visma SPCS och MS Outlook / TUCS : The Undisputable Connection to SPCS

Woxberg, Thomas, Wilhelmsson, Gustav January 2006 (has links)
Målet med vårt examensarbete har varit att på uppdrag från United Computer Systems skapa ett program som kopplar samman Visma SPCS och MS Outlook. Anledningen till detta program har varit att utöka den begränsade kontakthanteringen som finns i Visma SPCS. I större affärssystem blir det allt vanligare att så kallade CRM system integreras. Dock saknas oftast bra kontakthantering i lösningar som riktar sig till mindre företag. Genom att koppla samman SPCS med Outlook, ger det användaren möjligheter att lagra mer djupgående information om kunder, deras kontaktpersoner och leveransadresser. Programmet har utformats i Borland Delphi och vi beskriver i denna rapport hur vi gått till väga för att skapa ett program som uppfyller vår uppdragsgivares önskemål vad gäller användbarhet och användarvänlighet. Vi beskriver även några av de grundläggande begreppen för vårt projekt, så som Screen scraping och API för SPCS och Windows.

Analyse interactomiques et fonctionnelles de la protéine NS2 du virus de l'hépatite C et d'hepacivirus non-humains / Interactomic and functional analyses of NS2 protein from hepatitis C virus and non-human hepaciviruses

Fritz, Matthieu 20 December 2017 (has links)
L’émergence récente de nouvelles thérapies antivirales efficaces est une avancée considérable pour lutter contre l'infection chronique par le virus de l'hépatite C (VHC). Cependant, un pic de carcinomes hépatocellulaires, représentant l'atteinte hépatique ultime liée à l'infection, est attendu dans la prochaine décennie. Approfondir les connaissances des différentes étapes du cycle viral et de l’interférence du VHC avec l'hépatocyte hôte permet de mieux comprendre la pathogénèse associée à ce virus. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont eu pour objectif d'identifier le réseau de partenaires cellulaires et viraux de la protéine non-structurale NS2 du VHC et de mieux comprendre les mécanismes d'action et de régulation de cette protéine transmembranaire multi-fonctionnelle, qui est un acteur clé du clivage protéolytique de la polyprotéine virale et de la morphogénèse des virions. Dans une première partie, nous avons analysé comparativement les mécanismes moléculaires de l’activité enzymatique des protéines NS2 du VHC et de plusieurs hepacivirus non-humains, qui infectent des primates du Nouveau Monde (GBV-B) ou qui ont été récemment identifiés chez plusieurs autres espèces animales (NPHV, RHV, BHV et GHV). Des analyses phylogénétiques, des modèles structuraux tridimensionnels et des Études dans un contexte d'expression transitoire de précurseurs polypeptidiques viraux ou dans des modèles d'infection ont montré que l’activité des protéases NS2 de divers hepacivirus (1) s'exerce à la jonction NS2/NS3 sous la forme d'homodimères formant deux triades catalytiques composites ; (2) est régulée dans le contexte de la polyprotéine virale par quelques résidus de surface du domaine N-terminal de NS3 (NS3N) nécessaires à son activation ; (3) est efficace en l'absence complète de NS3N, suggérant un rôle négatif ou régulateur, plutôt qu'activateur de NS3N, contrairement au dogme en vigueur actuellement. Ces travaux soulignent l'importance fonctionnelle des mécanismes protéolytiques de NS2 conservés parmi les différents hepacivirus. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons identifié un réseau de facteurs cellulaires et viraux interagissant avec NS2 au cours du cycle infectieux par un crible interactomique reposant sur la purification par affinité et l'analyse par spectrométrie de masse des complexes protéiques isolés de cellules hépatocytaires infectées, ainsi que par un test de complémentation enzymatique fonctionnelle. Par une approche d'ARN interférence, nous avons ensuite montré qu'un nombre limité de facteurs cellulaires interagissant avec NS2 sont impliqués dans la production et la sécrétion de particules virales infectieuses, incluant des protéines du complexe de la peptidase signal (SPCS) au sein du réticulum endoplasmique, des protéines chaperonnes (DNAJB11, HSPA5) et une protéine impliquée dans le transport intracellulaire (SURF4). Notamment, nos Études suggèrent que plusieurs membres du SPCS forment un complexe multi-protéique avec NS2, impliquant Également la glycoprotéine virale E2, qui jouerait un rôle dans une Étape précoce de l'assemblage ou lors de l’enveloppement de la particule virale. En conclusion, mes travaux de thèse ont permis d'identifier pour la première fois une série limitée de facteurs hépatocytaires interagissant spécifiquement avec la protéine NS2 du VHC au cours de l'infection et de déterminer parmi ceux-ci les facteurs essentiels la morphogenèse virale. Par ailleurs, nos résultats ont permis d’enrichir les connaissances naissantes des hepacivirus non-humains récemment identifiés et de montrer que ceux-ci partageaient avec le VHC des mécanismes clés mis en jeu au cours du cycle viral, ce qui contribue consolider leur intérêt comme modèles animaux de substitution. / The recent emergence of a panel of direct acting antivirals will certainly help combat chronic hepatitis C in the future. However, in the current context worldwide, a peak of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-induced hepatocellular carcinoma is expected in the next decade. Deepening our understanding of HCV life cycle and HCV interference with host cells may help monitor HCV-associated pathogenesis. The aim of my PhD work was to identify the network of host and viral interactors of HCV nonstructural protein 2 and to unravel the mechanisms of action and regulation of this multifunctional, transmembrane protein, which is key both for the viral polyprotein cleavage and virion morphogenesis.In the first part of the work, we comparatively characterized molecular mechanisms underlying the enzymatic activity of NS2 proteins from HCV and from various non-human hepaciviruses that infect small New World primates (GBV-B) or that were recently identified in the wild in several mammalian species (NPHV, RHV, BHV, GHV). A combination of phylogenetic analyses, tridimensional structural models, and studies relying on the transient expression of viral polypeptide precursors or on infection models showed that NS2 proteases of the various hepaciviruses (1) act as dimers with two composite active sites to ensure NS2/NS3 junction cleavage, (2) are regulated in the polyprotein backbone via a hydrophobic patch at the surface of NS3 N-terminal domain (NS3N) that is essential to activate NS2 protease, and (3) are efficient in the complete absence of NS3N, which is unprecedented and suggests that NS3N has rather a negative or regulating role on NS2 activity. These data underline the functional importance of NS2 proteolytic mechanisms that are conserved across hepaciviruses.In the second part, we identified a network of cellular factors and viral proteins that interact with NS2 in the course of HCV infection using an interactomic screen based on affinity purification and mass spectrometry analysis of protein complexes retrieved form HCV infected hepatoma cells, as well as a split-luciferase complementation assay. Next, using a gene silencing approach, we found that a limited set of NS2 interactors among these host factors were involved in HCV particle assembly and/or secretion. This includes members of the endoplasmic reticulum signal peptidase complex (SPCS), chaperone proteins (DNAJB11, HSPA5) and a factor involved in intracellular transport (SURF4). Notably, our data are in favor of the existence of a multiprotein complex involving NS2, several members of the SPCS, and the viral E2 glycoprotein, which likely plays a role in an early step of HCV particle assembly or during particle envelopment. Altogether, my PhD work allowed us to identify a limited set of hepatocyte factors interacting with HCV NS2 during infection and to pinpoint those that are essential for HCV morphogenesis. Additionally, our results contributed to the molecular characterization of the recently identified non-human hepaciviruses and revealed that these hepaciviruses share with HCV key mechanisms in the course of their infectious life cycles. This highlights the value of non-human hepaciviruses as surrogate animal models of HCV infection.

Resposta da Plataforma Continental de São Paulo ao vento sinótico: estudos numéricos / Response of São Paulo Continental Shelf to synoptic winds: numerical studies

Nascimento, Rafaela Farias do 15 September 2017 (has links)
Com o intuito de estudar a resposta da Plataforma Continental Sudeste, e particularmente na Plataforma Continental de São Paulo (PCSP), aos ventos sinóticos, foram realizadas simulações numéricas através do modelo sECOM. As simulações prognósticas consideraram campos estratificados de temperatura e salinidade. Como forçante externa, foi introduzido o cisalhamento do vento de nordeste, típicos do centro de Alta Pressão do Atlântico Sul, e ventos sinóticos de sudoeste de um sistema frontal de baixa pressão (frente fria). Os resultados obtidos com a forçante vento atuando apenas no sul da PCSE mostraram que os ventos remotos são capazes de excitar perturbações do nível do mar sob a forma de Ondas de Plataforma Continental (OPC), principalmente na PCI e na PCM da PCSP. A velocidade de propagação da OPC foi entre 9.2 e 10.2 ms -¹ na região sul da PCSE. Na região norte, com maior variabilidade, os valores foram entre 2.4 e 5.0 ms -¹. O vento remoto de sudoeste foi capaz de inverter o sentido da corrente superficial de nordeste para sudoeste e, após a inversão, a corrente apresentou oscilação natural com período de 30 horas nas regiões próximas da atuação do vento. Nos experimentos com o vento atuando em toda a plataforma, as correlações do nível do mar entre as radiais de estudo foram máximas na PCI e na PCM da região sul da PCSE, com OPCs se propagando a 15.3 ms -¹. Na região norte, as OPCs apresentatam velocidades de 3.6 a 7.2 ms -¹, dependendo da velocidade das frentes frias. As simulações ainda revelaram ressonância da corrente superficial associada com a velocidade de propagação dos sistemas frontais, com correntes na região de Cananéia se amplificando com frentes se deslocando a 11.4 ms -¹. A região de Santos e Ubatuba apresentou corrente máxima com frentes se propagando a 9.5 ms -¹. As correntes superficiais geradas nas simulações de vento em toda a plataforma também apresentaram oscilações inerciais na PCM e PCE da PCSE, após a inversão dos ventos. / Numerical simulations were made using the sECOM model to study the response of the South Brazilian Bight (SBB), especially the São Paulo Continental Shelf (SPCS), to synoptic winds. Prognostic simulations were performed using a stratified sanility and temperature fields as initial conditions. Two different wind shear forcing were included: the northeast winds derived from the South Atlantic High, and the southweast synoptic winds from low pressure frontal systems. Results from the wind forcing experiments only in the south of SBB showed that the remote winds are capable of exciting sea level disturbances in the form of continental shelf waves (CSW), mainly in the inner and middle shelf of SPCS. Phase speed between 9.2 and 10.2 ms -¹ were found at southern of the SBB. The northern region showed high variability, with values between 2.4 e 5.0 ms -¹. Southwest remote wind was able to reverse the direction of the surface current from northeast to southweast. Such the inversion promoted natural oscillation of surface current with period of 30 hours in regions close to the wind action. In the wind experiments acting over the SBB, the cross correlation between the sea level of differents stations were highest at the southern portion of the inner and middle shelf, displaying CSW phase speed of 15.3 ms -¹. In the northern region, CSW phase speed ranges from 3.6 to 7.2 ms -¹, depending on the velocity of the frontal systems propagation. Numerical simulations results revealed the resonance of the surface current associated with the speed propagation of the frontal systems. Currents off Cananéia amplified when fronts propagate at speeds of 11.4 ms -¹. Continental shelf regions off Santos and Ubatuba exhibit maximum currents with fronts moving at 9.5 ms -¹. Surface currents resulting from local wind forcing showed the occurrence of inertial oscillations after the inversion of the winds, mainly in middle shelf and outer shelf of SBB.


SANTOS, Mauro Luis Aquino dos 14 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Aparecida (cidazen@gmail.com) on 2017-04-19T14:40:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Mauro Luis Aquino.pdf: 3035613 bytes, checksum: fa5d18d391298888d25a933b6d6747fa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-19T14:40:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mauro Luis Aquino.pdf: 3035613 bytes, checksum: fa5d18d391298888d25a933b6d6747fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-14 / This work addresses the predictive maintenance problem in operation centers of a transmission utility. Therefore, the primordial aspects are identified for the definition of a predictive inspection routine, which allows a check of points that guarantee periodic evaluations of the power system, so that the problems that occur can be detected in advance, allowing the maintenance crew to be activated before the occurrence of failures that actually affects the operation of the system. As part of the work, a survey was carried out with some Operation Centers of power system utilities in Brazil to give an idea of the application of maintenance and inspection concepts in the current national reality. Based on the results, it is shown to what extent the inspections adopted today in the Operational Centers of the various utilities have predictive characteristics, and an evaluation is made to identify if there are improvement points or not in this area. From the inspection philosophy proposed in this research, computational developments were carried out with the aim of developing a predictive inspection methodology to be adopted by the operators in a real time environment. The tool developed was applied at the Operation Center of the São Luís, using data from São Luís III Substation of Eletrobras Eletronorte and the results are discussed in order to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed tool and if it is able to meet the proposed objectives. / Este trabalho trata o problema de manutenção preditiva em centros de operação de uma concessionária de transmissão. São, portanto, identificados os aspectos primordiais para a definição de uma rotina de inspeção preditiva, que permita uma verificação de pontos que garantam avaliações periódicas do sistema elétrico, de modo que os problemas que vierem a ocorrer possam ser detectados de maneira antecipada e com isso, permitir que a equipe de manutenção possa ser acionada antes da incidência de falhas que realmente comprometam a operação do sistema. Como parte do trabalho foi realizada uma pesquisa junto a alguns centros de operação de empresas concessionárias de energia no Brasil, para que se possa ter uma ideia da aplicação dos conceitos de manutenção e inspeção na realidade nacional atual. Com base nos resultados demonstra-se até que ponto as inspeções hoje adotadas nos Centros de Operação das diversas empresas têm características preditivas e é feita uma avaliação para identificar se há pontos de melhoria ou não nesta área. A partir da filosofia de inspeção proposta nesta pesquisa foram realizados desenvolvimentos computacionais com o intuito de desenvolver uma metodologia de inspeção preditiva a ser adotada pelos operadores em ambiente de tempo real. A ferramenta desenvolvida foi aplicada no Centro de Operação de São Luís com base nos dados da Subestação de São Luís III da Eletrobras Eletronorte e os resultados são discutidos de forma a ressaltar as vantagens e desvantagens da ferramenta proposta e se esta tem condições de atender aos objetivos a que se propôs.

Resposta da Plataforma Continental de São Paulo ao vento sinótico: estudos numéricos / Response of São Paulo Continental Shelf to synoptic winds: numerical studies

Rafaela Farias do Nascimento 15 September 2017 (has links)
Com o intuito de estudar a resposta da Plataforma Continental Sudeste, e particularmente na Plataforma Continental de São Paulo (PCSP), aos ventos sinóticos, foram realizadas simulações numéricas através do modelo sECOM. As simulações prognósticas consideraram campos estratificados de temperatura e salinidade. Como forçante externa, foi introduzido o cisalhamento do vento de nordeste, típicos do centro de Alta Pressão do Atlântico Sul, e ventos sinóticos de sudoeste de um sistema frontal de baixa pressão (frente fria). Os resultados obtidos com a forçante vento atuando apenas no sul da PCSE mostraram que os ventos remotos são capazes de excitar perturbações do nível do mar sob a forma de Ondas de Plataforma Continental (OPC), principalmente na PCI e na PCM da PCSP. A velocidade de propagação da OPC foi entre 9.2 e 10.2 ms -¹ na região sul da PCSE. Na região norte, com maior variabilidade, os valores foram entre 2.4 e 5.0 ms -¹. O vento remoto de sudoeste foi capaz de inverter o sentido da corrente superficial de nordeste para sudoeste e, após a inversão, a corrente apresentou oscilação natural com período de 30 horas nas regiões próximas da atuação do vento. Nos experimentos com o vento atuando em toda a plataforma, as correlações do nível do mar entre as radiais de estudo foram máximas na PCI e na PCM da região sul da PCSE, com OPCs se propagando a 15.3 ms -¹. Na região norte, as OPCs apresentatam velocidades de 3.6 a 7.2 ms -¹, dependendo da velocidade das frentes frias. As simulações ainda revelaram ressonância da corrente superficial associada com a velocidade de propagação dos sistemas frontais, com correntes na região de Cananéia se amplificando com frentes se deslocando a 11.4 ms -¹. A região de Santos e Ubatuba apresentou corrente máxima com frentes se propagando a 9.5 ms -¹. As correntes superficiais geradas nas simulações de vento em toda a plataforma também apresentaram oscilações inerciais na PCM e PCE da PCSE, após a inversão dos ventos. / Numerical simulations were made using the sECOM model to study the response of the South Brazilian Bight (SBB), especially the São Paulo Continental Shelf (SPCS), to synoptic winds. Prognostic simulations were performed using a stratified sanility and temperature fields as initial conditions. Two different wind shear forcing were included: the northeast winds derived from the South Atlantic High, and the southweast synoptic winds from low pressure frontal systems. Results from the wind forcing experiments only in the south of SBB showed that the remote winds are capable of exciting sea level disturbances in the form of continental shelf waves (CSW), mainly in the inner and middle shelf of SPCS. Phase speed between 9.2 and 10.2 ms -¹ were found at southern of the SBB. The northern region showed high variability, with values between 2.4 e 5.0 ms -¹. Southwest remote wind was able to reverse the direction of the surface current from northeast to southweast. Such the inversion promoted natural oscillation of surface current with period of 30 hours in regions close to the wind action. In the wind experiments acting over the SBB, the cross correlation between the sea level of differents stations were highest at the southern portion of the inner and middle shelf, displaying CSW phase speed of 15.3 ms -¹. In the northern region, CSW phase speed ranges from 3.6 to 7.2 ms -¹, depending on the velocity of the frontal systems propagation. Numerical simulations results revealed the resonance of the surface current associated with the speed propagation of the frontal systems. Currents off Cananéia amplified when fronts propagate at speeds of 11.4 ms -¹. Continental shelf regions off Santos and Ubatuba exhibit maximum currents with fronts moving at 9.5 ms -¹. Surface currents resulting from local wind forcing showed the occurrence of inertial oscillations after the inversion of the winds, mainly in middle shelf and outer shelf of SBB.

Visualizing and Modeling Mining-Induced Surface Subsidence

Platt, Marcor Gibbons 13 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ground subsidence due to underground coal mining is a complex, narrowly-understood phenomenon. Due to the complicated physical processes involved and the lack of a complete knowledge of the characteristics of overlying strata, the reliability of current prediction techniques varies widely. Furthermore, the accuracy of any given prediction technique is largely dependent upon the accuracy of field measurements and surveys which provide input data for the technique. A valuable resource available for predicting and modeling subsidence is aerial survey technology. This technology produces yearly datasets with a high density of survey points. The following study introduces a method wherein these survey points are converted into elevation plots and subsidence plots using GIS. This study also presents a method, titled the Type-Xi Integration method (TXI method), which improves upon a previous subsidence prediction technique. This method differs from the previous technique in that it incorporates accurate surface topography and considers irregular mine geometry, as well as seam thickness and overburden variations in its predictions. The TXI method also involves comparing predicted subsidence directly to measured subsidence from subsidence plots. In summary, this study illustrates a method of combining data from aerial survey points and mine geometry with subsidence models in order to improve the accuracy of the models.

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