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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dilemata začínajících učitelů spojená s inkluzí / The novice teachers' dilemmas associated with inklusive education

Gruberová, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
My thesis deals with the readiness of starting teachers for inclusive education. The aim of this thesis is to identify concerns of starting teachers regarding inclusive education that could arise in their future practice. The theoretical part of the thesis clarifies concepts such as the starting teacher, inclusive education, integrated education and also pupil with special educational needs. Further the competencies of starting teacher and the requirements that are needed for them after starting practice are described in this part. The theoretical part also describes the readiness of school for inclusive education and what does the Czech republic support system looks like. Important milestones in Czech legislation that affect inclusive education are very briefly mentioned in this part. Within the empirical part of the thesis a research survey in the form of qualitative interviews was used. The main aim of the questions and subsequent answers was to find out what are the most common concerns of starting teachers or what would make them feel more prepared for the job. These interviews were conducted at different time intervals with the same starting teachers. The results of the research are processed in the form of answers to research questions and afterwards compared with each other as well as with...

Role asistenta pedagoga v procesu inkluzivního vzdělávání v podmínkách vybrané základní školy / The role of assistant teacher in the process of inclusive education in conditions of the particular elementary school

Slavíčková, Růžena January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis called The role of a teaching assistant in the process of inclusive education in conditions of the particular elementary school is to find out, which aspects of inclusive education are fulfilled at the selected elementary school. The assessment is based on the research containing the analysis of school documents, personal attendance and observations at the selected school and structured interviews. Furthermore, on the basis of interviews with teacher assistants and selected teachers in a particular elementary school, the aim is to find out how the cooperation between selected teaching professions works and whether this cooperation meets the inclusion requirements, which are determined according to the study of professional literature. The theoretical part is divided into several areas. The main theme is inclusion. Other areas include the subjects of inclusion, such as schoolchild with special needs, teacher assistant and teacher. The practical part is divided into five stages. The stages include observation, interviews with selected teacher assistants, teachers, class teachers and analysis of primary school documents. The output of this thesis is a comprehensive picture of the conception of inclusion at a selected school, focused primarily on the results of...

Dynamik och samarbete : Specialpedagogens roll i lärande gemenskaper / Dynamics and cooperation : The special educational needs coordinator’s role in learning communities

Björk, Malin, Hellberg, Heidi January 2021 (has links)
Lärande gemenskaper i en organisation kan bidra till utveckling. Specialpedagogens uppdrag inom skolutveckling med fokus på lärande gemenskaper har identifierats som ett outforskat område nationellt. Studiens syfte är därför att bidra med kunskap om specialpedagogens roll i arbetet med lärande gemenskaper i en lärande organisation. Studiens metod är kvalitativ och undersöker specialpedagogens arbete med lärande gemenskaper på tre grundskolor genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Respondenterna i studien är fyra specialpedagoger och tre rektorer. Utifrån Ahrenfelts tolkning av systemteorin med begrepp som helhet, gränsyta och informativitet tolkas och analyseras empirin. Resultatet visar att specialpedagogen verkar genom att skapa relationer och möjliggöra samarbete i organisationen, och använder sin kunskap och förmåga inom pedagogisk handledning som ett verktyg för att främja lärande gemenskaper. Vidare visar resultatet att specialpedagogen kan vara den som identifierar nästa steg i utvecklingsarbetet genom sitt arbete såväl inom systemet som omvärlden. Hen använder även sin förmåga till analys i sovrandet av information. För att specialpedagogen ska kunna använda sin färdighet och förmåga erhållen via universitetsexamen på avancerad nivå, behöver rektorn vara den som sätter ramar och beslutar om prioritet. Rektors roll är även att hålla utvecklingsarbetets mål levande för medarbetare via exempelvis medarbetarsamtal, vilket i sin tur faciliterar specialpedagogens arbete vilken ofta är den som håller i olika fortbildnings- och utbildningsinsatser. Rektorerna i studien framhäver vikten av att ha specialpedagogen med i till exempel utvecklingsgrupper så att hen sedan kan verka på de olika nivåerna utifrån prioriterade mål. Sammantaget visar vårt resultat att om samarbetet och ramarna sätts av rektor kan specialpedagogen bidra med sin kompetens för att möjliggöra lärande gemenskaper. / Learning communities within an organization can contribute to development and growth. The role of the special educational needs coordinator (SENCO), a contributor to school development through the establishment of learning communities, was identified as an area on which little research has been done nationally. Therefore, the aim of this study is to contribute further knowledge about the role of SENCOs in the development of learning communities in educational organizations. The method used is qualitative and investigates the work of SENCO and principals in three elementary schools through semi-structured interviews. The interviewees are four SENCOs and three principals. The empirical data is analyzed using Ahrenfelt’s interpretation of systems theory and terms such as the whole, interface, and informativeness. The conclusions drawn are that SENCOs operate by promoting relations and enabling cooperation within the organization, as well as by using their knowledge and competency in pedagogical guidance as a tool for establishing learning communities. Furthermore, the results show that SENCOs are capable of identifying the next step in the process of development through their work both within the system as well as the surrounding environment. SENCOs also use their analytical skills when sifting through information. For SENCOs to be able to fully utilize the skill set received through advanced university study, the conclusion is that it is the principal who is required to prioritize and establish the framework for the creation of a learning organization. The principal needs to remind the staff of the developmental process, for example through yearly staff interviews. This in turn facilitates the work of the SENCO, who is often the one responsible for administering various forms of vocational training. The principals view the participation of SENCOs in the school’s development groups as important. This enables SENCOs to act on the goals prioritized within the organization. Overall, the conclusion is that provided that principals establish the framework, SENCOs are capable of contributing with their area of competency in the development of learning communities.

Den specialpedagogiska personalens arbete med stödinsatser för nyanlända elever – yrkesroll, arbetsuppgifter och utveckling av skolans lärmiljöer

Johansson, Anna January 2022 (has links)
The overall aim of this licentiate thesis is to increase knowledge of the special educators’ professional role and work in relation to special educational support for recently arrived immigrant pupils. The need for the study is motivated by the immigrant pupils’ low achievement of goals and schools responsibility to adapt education to each pupil’s needs in a school for all. The first study examines special educators’ role and work in relation to special educational support for recently arrived immigrant pupils and the professional group's view of the reasons for special educational support for these pupils. The results are based on responses in a questionnaire directed to 483 special educators. The results show that the special educators state that the reasons why recently arrived immigrant pupils are in need of special educational support are that the knowledge requirements are too difficult for the pupils to achieve or that the pupils have individual shortcomings. The occupational group's tasks consist of administrative work and the development of learning environments. According to the special educators, most often class and subject teachers and mother tongue tutors provide special educational support. The special educators collaborate to the greatest extent with class and subject teachers and with the pupils, while they want more collaboration with mother tongue tutors. The results of the study are interpreted and discussed based on Abbott's theory (1988) reasoning about professional groups’ claims of jurisdiction, Persson's (1998) categorical and relational perspectives and Hughes' (1958) concept of dirty work. In the second study, free text answers (n = 451) from the questionnaire are examined, where the special educators describe how they and their schools have developed learning environments for recently arrived immigrant pupils in need of special educational support. The free text answers are analyzed using a qualitative content analysis (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005). This analysis is then theorized based on Skrtics´ (1991; 2005) concepts of the school system to interpret obstacles and opportunities in the development of the learning environments. The results show that the development have mainly taken place through general adaptations (one size fits all solutions), language-adapted solutions and special solutions. The analysis based on Skrtics’ concepts shows how the machine and professional bureaucracy can act as an obstacle to the development of learning environments for recently arrived immigrant pupils in need of special educational support. The thesis helps to bring together the results from the two studies. A developed contextualization is made, and the results from the two studies are discussed in relation to previous research and theoretical points of departure. Abbott's (1988) reasoning on claims of jurisdiction and Skrtics’ conceptions of the school system (1991; 2005) are combined to get a deeper understanding of the deadlocks that may exist in the bureaucratic system.

Asistent pedagoga v inkluzivní škole jako příležitost k efektivnímu vzdělávání žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami / The teacher assistent in an inclusive school as an opportunity for the effective education of pupils with the special educational needs

Komárková, Ivana January 2019 (has links)
(in English): KOMÁRKOVÁ, Ivana., The teacher assistent in an inclusive school as an opportunity for the effective education of pupils with the special educational needs. Prague: Philosophical faculty, Charles University, 2019. x pp. Degree Thesis This thesis focuses on the role of teacher's assistant and his or her activity in the process of educating pupils with specific educational needs on the level of elementary schools . Every inclusive school offers the possibility of special personal support in the classroom provided by the teacher and his or her assistant working together as a team. This sort of educational method actually creates and entirely new educational situation and opens a new opportunity in the educational process. It demands an effective cooperation of both educationalists, because their attitudes determine the cooperative climate in the whole class community and also in the entire school community. The goal of this thesis is to describe the actual situation of the teacher's assistant in relation to the successful realization of the content of inclusive education in elementary schools. The thesis focuses especially on the cooperation between the teacher's assistant and other people involved. And also on mapping their needs related to successful fulfilment of the goals of inclusive...

Inkluze žáka s Aspergerovým syndromem na základní škole / Inclusion of a pupil with Asperger syndrome at the elementary school

Janečková, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of inclusion of pupils with Asperger's syndrome in primary schools. It analyzes the inclusion of selected student with Asperger's syndrome and it's based on a case report, verifies the success of inclusion in a practice. The main aim of this diploma tesis is to describe and analyze the factors, which contribute to the inclusion of pupils with Asperger's syndrome in education in a regular school. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with the definition of Asperger's syndrome and other issuses related to the inclusion. The research analysed the obtained data and answered set research questions.

Specifika vzdělávání dětí se vzácným onemocněním na základní škole speciální / Educational Specifics of children with rare disease in special need school

Krejčí, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on education specifics of children with a rare disease at a special primary school. In the theoretical part, the author describes three specific rare diseases - mucopolysaccharidosis, Prader-Willi syndrome and Smith-Magenis syndrome. Deals with the manifestations of the disease, treatment options and the arrangement of the education for these children. In the practical part the author inquires how teachers work with a child with a rare disease during the day at special primary school. The thesis also inquires what specifics the educational process brings to teachers and where do the teachers find the sources for their methods of work.

Přístupy k žákům se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami v hodinách chemie na základní škole / Approaches to pupils with special education needs in chemistry classes at primary school

Kantorová, Markéta January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the teaching of Chemistry at primary schools for students with special educational needs. The theoretical part presents the legal regulations according the teaching of inclusive education. The law and the system of inclusive education in the Czech Republic is summarized, including advisory services and is analyzed. In the next part, the specifics of students with special educational needs are described, namely students with specific learning and behavioral disorders, with sensory disabilities, with impaired communication skills, with mental disabilities and autism disorders, and with physical disabilities and cerebral palsy. Based on these characteristics, a combined qualitative research of case studies of two specific students with special educational needs is performed in the practical part and case studies are created. Methods and forms of work with these specific students with a focus on teaching Chemistry are proposed. Furthermore, the research is combined with a questionnaire survey, which examines teachers' approaches to the issue of inclusive education. The results of the research are analyzed in detail at the end of the diploma thesis. As a practical output, teaching scenarios in the form of specific preparations are proposed, as well as activation approaches...

Pohled ředitele běžných základních škol na práci asistenta pedagoga / View of principales of ordinary primary schools od the work of a teaching assistant

Hanslová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
In today's mainstream school, which focuses on a common education, the teaching assistant is an indispensable element in the teaching of pupils with special educational needs. This diploma thesis deals with the opinions of primary school principals on the position of teaching assistant at regular primary schools. The theoretical part of the thesis defines common education, which is related to the need for a teaching assistant, further defines the legislative anchoring of this profession, its personal and qualification prerequisites, its scope of work or risks associated with this profession. The last chapter of the theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with the cooperation of the teaching assistant with individual subjects in the school and outside it. The research part of the work, based on mixed research and using data collection methods "questionnaire survey" and "semi-structured interview" addresses the issue of the role of teaching assistants in mainstream primary schools. The respondents became the principals of ordinary primary schools. The thesis deals with the key activities of teaching assistants, as well as their personal and qualification prerequisites or pitfalls that are associated with this profession. First, the work describes a questionnaire survey, which complements the...

Speciallärare beskriver sitt arbete med elevers skrivsvårigheter

Ireblad Harris, Linda, Werner Hakso, Karolina January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this research study was to increase knowledge of the relationship between the special educational needs teachers (SEN) work and writing difficulties for pupils in year 1–3. The need for the study is motivated by the lack of previous research regarding pupils with writing difficulties and the support they receive from the SEN teacher. The study is qualitative and the empirical data was composed by semi-structured interviews with SEN teachers. The interviews were analysed with a content analysis method. The results showed that SEN teachers can have a supportive function in the assessment of a pupils writing abilities. A pupil with writing difficulties were identified by the teacher through the obligatory assessment material provided by Skolverket. The teachers also identified the difficulties through assessment during the writing process in the everyday work in the classroom. When the teacher has identified signs of writing difficulties, they have a responsibility to inform the student health team. Due to the guarantee of early interventions the pupil is supposed to get additional adjustments which is mainly given within the classroom. The SEN teacher can support the pupil through arly intervention and by supporting the teacher in developing a writing environment based on success factors gained from research. Writing is a complex process that requires multiple functions for the pupil. The results of the study show that the teachers level of knowledge can affect the support given to the pupil. The results from this study show a discrepancy between those schools where support was given to the pupil from the SEN teacher and the extent of the support. One conclusion is that the school leadership has an important task in organizing support for pupils with writing difficulties and the SEN teacher has an important part to play in this support. / Målet med studien var att öka kunskapen om relationen mellan speciallärares arbete och elevers skrivsvårigheter i årskurserna 1–3. Studien är relevant eftersom det finns en kunskapslucka gällande elever med skrivsvårigheter och det stöd som de får av speciallärare. Studien är kvalitativ och empirin samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med speciallärare. Innehållsanalys användes som metod för att analysera intervjuerna. Resultaten av intervjusvaren visar att speciallärare kan ha en stödjande funktion i bedömningen av elevers skrivförmåga. Elever med skrivsvårigheter identifieras av lärare genom de obligatoriska kartläggningsmaterialen från Skolverket. Lärare identifierade även elevers svårigheter genom bedömning i den dagliga skrivundervisningen. När lärare har identifierat tecken på skrivsvårigheter har lärare ett ansvar att informera elevhälsoteamet. Utifrån läsa-, skriva-, räknagarantin ska elever få extra anpassningar som främst ges inom den ordinarie klassrumsundervisningen. Speciallärare kan ge en elev stöd genom tidiga insatser och genom att handleda lärare i att utveckla skrivundervisning utifrån de framgångsfaktorer som synliggjorts inom forskning. Skrivandet är en komplex process som kräver multipla funktioner av en elev. Resultatet av studien visar att lärares kunskapsnivå gällande skrivundervisningen påverkar det stöd som ges till elever. Studiens resultat visar även på en diskrepans mellan de skolor där stöd inom skrivandet gavs till elever från speciallärare samt omfattningen av detta stöd. En slutsats är att skolans ledning har en viktig uppgift i att organisera stödet till elever med skrivsvårigheter och specialläraren har en viktig uppgift i detta arbete.

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