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Probing the expansion history of the universe using upernovae and Baryon Acoustic OscillationsAli, Sahba Yahya Hamid January 2016 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The standard model of cosmology (the ɅCDM model) has been very successful and is compatible with all observational data up to now. However, it remains an important task to develop and apply null tests of this model. These tests are based on observables that probe cosmic distances and cosmic evolution history. Supernovae observations use the so-called `standard candle' property of SNIa to probe cosmic distances D(z). The evolution of the expansion rate H(z) is probed by the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) feature in the galaxy distribution, which serves as an effective `standard ruler'. The observables D(z) and H(z) are used in various consistency tests of ɅCDM that have been developed. We review the consistency tests, also looking for possible new tests. Then the tests are applied, first using existing data, and then using mock data from future planned experiments. In particular we use data from the recently commissioned Dark Energy Survey (DES) for SNIa. Gaussian Processes, and possibly other non-parametric methods, used to reconstruct the derivatives of D (z) and H (z) that are needed to apply the null tests of the standard cosmological model. This allows us to estimate the current and future power of observations to probe the ɅCDM model, which is the foundation of modern cosmology. In addition, we present an improved model of the HI galaxy number counts and bias from semi-analytic simulations, and we use it to calculate the expected yield of HI galaxies from surveys with a variety of phase 1 and 2 SKA configurations. We illustrate the relative performance of the different surveys by forecasting errors on the radial and transverse scales of the BAO feature. We use the Fisher matrix method to estimate the error bars on the cosmological parameters from future SKA HI galaxy surveys. We find that the SKA phase 1 galaxy surveys will not contend with surveys such as the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) whereas the full "billion galaxy survey" with SKA phase 2 will deliver the largest dark energy Figure of Merit of any current or future large-scale structure survey. / South African Square Kilometre Array Project (SKA) and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
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Stellar Multiplicity Meets Stellar Evolution and Metallicity: The APOGEE ViewBadenes, Carles, Mazzola, Christine, Thompson, Todd A., Covey, Kevin, Freeman, Peter E., Walker, Matthew G., Moe, Maxwell, Troup, Nicholas, Nidever, David, Prieto, Carlos Allende, Andrews, Brett, Barbá, Rodolfo H., Beers, Timothy C., Bovy, Jo, Carlberg, Joleen K., Lee, Nathan De, Johnson, Jennifer, Lewis, Hannah, Majewski, Steven R., Pinsonneault, Marc, Sobeck, Jennifer, Stassun, Keivan G., Stringfellow, Guy S., Zasowski, Gail 21 February 2018 (has links)
We use the multi-epoch radial velocities acquired by the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) survey to perform a large-scale statistical study of stellar multiplicity for field stars in the Milky Way, spanning the evolutionary phases between the main sequence (MS) and the red clump. We show that the distribution of maximum radial velocity shifts (Delta RVmax) for APOGEE targets is a strong function of log g, with MS stars showing Delta RVmax as high as similar to 300 km s(-1), and steadily dropping down to similar to 30 km s(-1) for log g similar to 0, as stars climb up the red giant branch (RGB). Red clump stars show a distribution of Delta RVmax values comparable to that of stars at the tip of the RGB, implying they have similar multiplicity characteristics. The observed attrition of high Delta RVmax systems in the RGB is consistent with a lognormal period distribution in the MS and a multiplicity fraction of 0.35, which is truncated at an increasing period as stars become physically larger and undergo mass transfer after Roche Lobe overflow during H-shell burning. The Delta RVmax distributions also show that the multiplicity characteristics of field stars are metallicity-dependent, with metal-poor ([Fe/H] less than or similar to -0.5) stars having a multiplicity fraction a factor of 2-3 higher than metal-rich ([Fe/H] less than or similar to 0.0) stars. This has profound implications for the formation rates of interacting binaries observed by astronomical transient surveys and gravitational wave detectors, as well as the habitability of circumbinary planets.
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Estudos das fototransformações de fotossensibilizadores de interesse em fotoquimioterapia na presença de nanoestruturas / Studies of the phototransformations of photosensitizers of interest in photochemotherapy in the presence of nanostructuresAndré Luan dos Santos Pavanelli 19 July 2016 (has links)
A Terapia Fotodinâmica (TFD) é um método de tratamento do câncer e de outras doenças baseado no efeito conjunto de um composto fotoativo, luz da região visível ou infravermelho próximo e oxigênio molecular. O diagnóstico por fluorescência (DF) é uma técnica para o diagnóstico precoce de diversas doenças que consiste em utilizar algum composto fluorescente para distinguir tecido tumoral de tecido saudável. As porfirinas são amplamente utilizadas como fotossensibilizadores (FS) na TFD e como fluoróforos (FF) no DF. Os pontos quânticos (PQ) são novas nanoestruturas que possuem intenso e largo espectro de absorção na região espectral UV e visível, espectro de luminescência muito intenso e estreito e são fotoestáveis. Isso os torna promissores para o uso em TFD ou em DF, competindo com FS e FF orgânicos. A interação entre PQ e FS orgânicos pode aumentar a eficiência de ambos, devido aos processos de transferência de energia e/ou de carga. Durante o fototratamento os FS podem sofrer fototransformações, perdendo sua fotoatividade e formando produtos estáveis tóxicos. Isso torna importante o estudo da fototransformação dos FS. Neste trabalho, estudou-se, através da espectroscopia de absorção óptica, da fluorescência com resolução temporal e de flash-fotólise, a interação das porfirinas meso-tetrametil piridil (TMPyP) e meso-tetrasulfonatofenil (TPPS4) com o PQ de Telureto de Cádmio (CdTe) encapsulado com ácido 3-mercaptopropiônico (MPA) e sua fotólise individual e em conjunto. Os experimentos entre a TMPyP e o PQ mostraram que existe a formação de um complexo de transferência de carga entre a porfirina e o PQ. Verificou-se que a formação do complexo TMPyP-PQ aumenta a eficiência do processo de fotólise. A interação entre a p TPPS4 e o PQ em pH 4,0 (TPPS4 biprotonada) induz a transferência dos prótons para o PQ. A porfirina TPPS4 em pH 7,0 com adição de PQ não apresentou mudanças espectrais. Entretanto, em ambos os pHs, o PQ causava o aumento da velocidade de fotólise da TPPS4, sendo que o efeito do PQ foi maior em pH 4,0. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a importância da carga dos componentes, tanto na sua interação, como na eficiência de fotólise, devido à sua interação eletrostática. Também foi observado um aumento da intensidade da fluorescência de sistemas porfirina-PQ durante a fotólise. Esse efeito pode ser explicado pela redução da supressão da fluorescência devido à diminuição das concentrações dos componentes durante a fotólise. / The Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a method of treatment of cancer and other diseases based on combined effects of a photoactive compound, visible or near infrared light and molecular oxygen. The diagnosis by fluorescence (DF) is a technique for diagnostics of disease that consists in utilizing fluorescence compound to discern tumor tissue from a healthy one. Porphyrins are widely used as photosensitizer (PS) in PDT and as fluorophore (FP) in DF. Quantum dots (QD) are new nanostructures, which have intense and broad absorption spectrum in the UV and visible light region, intense and narrow luminescence spectrum and possess high photostability. They are considered promising for clinical application in PDT and/or DF, competing with organic PS and FP. Interaction between QD and organic PS can increase the efficiencies of both, due to the energy and/or charge transfer processes. The PS phototransformation during phototreatment may lead to loss of the PS photoactivity and formation of toxic products, that is important to study the processes of the PS phototransformation. In this work, with the support of absorption spectroscopy, steady state and time resolved fluorescence and flash-photolysis, we study interaction of meso-tetramethyl pyridyl (TMPyP) and meso-tetrakis sulfonatofenyl (TPPS4) porphyrins with CdTe QD functionalized with 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) and their photolysis individual and in mutual. Experiments with TMPyP and QD demonstrate formation of a charge transfer complex between the porphyrin and the QD. We have verified that TMPyP-QD complex increases the efficiency of the porphyrin photolysis. The photolysis of the proper complex has been observed, as well. The interaction between TPPS4 and QD at pH 4.0 (biprotonated TPPS4) provokes deprotonation of the porphyrin via the proton transfer to QD. At pH 7.0 (deprotonated TPPS4) interaction of the porphyrin with the QD does not change TPPS4 spectral characteristics. Nevertheless, at both pHs QD cause increase in the TPPS4 photolysis rate, the effect being higher at pH 4.0. The observed results demonstrate the importance of the component charges both at their interaction and in photolysis efficiency, associated with their electrostatic interaction. The fluorescence intensity of the porphyrin-QD systems is enhanced during photolysis. This effect may be explained as the fluorescence quenching reduction due to decrease of the compound concentrations in the photolysis process.
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Caracterização da matéria orgânica em processo de compostagem por métodos convencionais e espectroscópicos / Characterization of organic matter in composting process by conventional and spectroscopic methodsLucimar Lopes Fialho 10 December 2007 (has links)
A produção de resíduos orgânicos tem aumentado em anos recentes e uma alternativa para o seu aproveitamento é o processo de compostagem, no qual se desenvolvem reações bioquímicas para estabilização do material que estão diretamente associadas com a humificação da matéria orgânica. Considerando a complexidade das transformações no processo de humificação e a importância de se conhecer com maior precisão estas reações e as características dos materiais gerados, foi proposto neste trabalho um estudo detalhado do processo de compostagem. A combinação de métodos convencionais e técnicas espectroscópicas permitiu o monitoramento contínuo da compostagem, de diferentes resíduos orgânicos. Para execução dos experimentos foram montadas 6 leiras (L) de 3,6 m3 com os seguintes resíduos: poda de árvores, esterco bovino fresco, bagaço de laranja, torta de filtro e solução de ácido pirolenhoso (como possível catalisador do processo). O monitorado foi realizado por 7 meses com medidas diárias de temperatura, controle semanal do teor de umidade e coletas mensais das amostras para extração de ácidos húmicos e análises químicas. Foram observadas as fases típicas da temperatura em todas as leiras, exceto na L1 (constituída apenas de poda de árvores). Na fase termofílica a temperatura atingiu os 60 o C e esta fase permaneceu por, aproximadamente, 90 dias. Este também foi o tempo necessário para a estabilização da relação da capacidade de troca catiônica pelo teor de carbono do composto (CTC/C), que alcançou valores acima de 2,2 mmolc g-1 . As análises de macro e micronutrientes evidenciaram o potencial fertilizante dos compostos produzidos, cujos valores, para alguns elementos, estão acima dos limites exigidos pela Instrução Normativa no 23 do Ministério de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Já nas análises espectroscópicas foram encontrados índices de estabilização a partir dos espectros de fluorescência de luz UV - Vis. Estes apresentaram boa correlação com a razão C/N e os radicais livres orgânicos do tipo semiquinona, detectados por Ressonância Paramagnética Eletrônica. As correlações dos índices com a razão C/N mostraram que este último parâmetro tem limitação para monitorar a compostagem, pois a partir de 60 dias a relação C/N estabiliza, ainda na fase termofílica do processo, enquanto que os índices espectroscópicos continuam variando, indicando que o processo não se estabilizou completamente. Dentre as informações obtidas por fluorescência, foi possível identificar reações de transformação de moléculas orgânicas mais simples para estruturas mais complexas, detectadas através da diminuição de intensidade das bandas de emissão em comprimentos de onda menores (em torno de 300 nm) com simultâneo aumento da intensidade em regiões de maiores comprimentos de onda (próximos de 400 nm). Este comportamento também foi observado nos espectros de absorção UV - Vis. A partir dos dados de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN de 13 C) foi possível evidenciar a decomposição de estruturas como carboidratos, polissacarídeos e grupos alquil, assim como um aumento das estruturas aromáticas, durante o processo de humificação. Assim através da combinação das análises por métodos convencionais e espectroscópicos foram propostos indicadores analíticos mais sensíveis para o monitoramento e a caracterização da compostagem de resíduos orgânicos. / The production of organic residues has increased in recent years and an alternative to their recycling is the composting process, where various biochemical reactions are developed for the material stabilization. These reactions are directly associated with organic matter humification. Considering the complexity of the transformations occurred during the humification process and the importance of knowing these reactions and the characteristics of the produced materials more precisely, this work has proposed a detailed study of the composting process. The combination of conventional methods and spectroscopic techniques allowed the continuous composting assessment and monitoring from different organic residues. Six piles (P) of 3.6 m3 were assembled using the following residues: garden trimming, fresh cattle manure, orange pomace, filter cake and pyroligneous acid solution (used as possible catalyst of the process). The process was monitored for 7 months with daily measurements of temperature, weekly moisture control and monthly collection of samples for humic acid (HA) extraction and chemical analyses. Typical phases of temperature in all piles were observed, except for P1 (composed only garden trimming). In the thermophilic phase the temperature reached 60 o C and this phase remained for about 90 days. This was also the time necessary for stabilization of cation exchange capacity and total carbon ratio (CEC/C), which reached values above of 2.2 mmolc g-1 . The macro- and micronutrient analyses showed the fertilizer potential of the produced composts. Concentration values for same elements are above those required by Normative Instruction number 23 of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Food Supply. As a result of the spectroscopic analyses, stabilization indices were obtained from fluorescence spectra of UV-Visible light. These indices showed good correlation with C/N ratio and with the semiquinone-type free radical, detected by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). The correlation of the indices with C/N ratio showed that the latter parameter has limitation to monitor the composting, because after 60 days the C/N ratio stabilizes and this occurs during the thermophilic phase, while the spectroscopic indices continue to change, which is an indicative that the process was not completely stabilized. Among several observations by fluorescence of UV-Visible light it was possible to identify transformation reactions of simpler organic molecules to more complex structures, which were detected by decrease in emission band intensity in shorter wavelengths (near 300 nm) with simultaneous increase in band intensity in longer wavelengths (near 400 nm). This behavior was also observed in the UV - Visible absorption spectra. It was possible to show the decomposition of carbohydrate type structures, polysaccharides and alkyl groups and the increase in aromatic structures, by 13 C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (13C NMR), during humification process of the organic residues. Therefore, more sensible analytic indicators were proposed for monitoring and characterization of the composting of organic residues through the combination of conventional and spectroscopic methods.
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Avaliação da influência de fatores ambientais na estrutura, dinâmica e propriedades ópticas das substâncias húmicas aquáticas do Rio Negro / Environmental factors influence evaluation on the structure, dynamics and optical properties of the aquatic humic substances form the \"Rio Negro\" - AmazonasUrsula Fabiola Rodríguez Zúñiga 27 February 2007 (has links)
Um dos maiores interesses atuais no âmbito mundial, está focalizado no aumento da radiação ultravioleta (UV) e sua influência no equilíbrio dos sistemas aquáticos. O Rio Negro-AM, um dos principais afluentes da Bacia Amazônica, constitui-se em um lugar ideal para o estudo do impacto da radiação UV na biogeoquímica da matéria orgânica dissolvida (MOD), pelas elevadas concentrações de carbono orgânico (CO), altas taxas de radiação solar registradas e variabilidade sazonal do sistema. O presente trabalho teve por finalidade avaliar a dinâmica e funcionalidade das substâncias húmicas aquáticas (SHA) do Rio Negro frente a fatores ambientais como índices fluvio e pluviométricos e a radiação UV-visível. Com este objetivo as SHA foram classificadas em relação às estações do ano (verão, outono, inverno e primavera) e caracterizadas, através da composição elementar, capacidade complexante (CC) com Cu+2 e das espectroscopias de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE), ressonância magnética nuclear de carbono 13 (RMN 13C), infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), absorbância e fluorescência de luz UV-visível. O resultado revelou o efeito das mudanças sazonais do rio na estrutura da MOD, sendo que as SHA do inverno (época de cheia) evidenciaram o maior carácter alifático por RMN 13C, diretamente relacionado com altos níveis fluviométricos que favoreceriam o ingresso da MOD fresca de origem terrestre, hidrofílica e em vias de estabilização. Por outro lado, as SHA de verão e outono (época de seca), mostraram o maior carácter aromático com altos teores de radicais livres do tipo semiquinona, os maiores índices de humificação por fluorescência e as maiores absorbâncias a comprimentos de onda mais longos. Em uma segunda parte, avaliaram-se os efeitos da radiação UV-visível nas propriedades ópticas e estruturais das SHA de verão e inverno, para isso empregou-se uma lâmpada de Hg-Xe (290 - 475 nm). Em geral observou-se uma diminuição progressiva da absorbância e da cor, uma mineralização com redução aproximada de 75% de CO e a formação de estruturas de menor complexidade, evidenciada através do deslocamento para menores comprimentos de onda dos máximos de fluorescência; uma acidificação do meio (6 - 4,5) e uma perda total da CC de Cu+2, nos primeiros 300 minutos da irradiação. Desse modo, a variabilidade estrutural sazonal também foi observada no comportamento na fotodegradação das SHA de verão e inverno. Assim, as de verão (com maior aromaticidade) apresentaram uma cinética lenta (k=10,33 x 10-4), embora mais efetiva com a perda total de absorbância do 87%, atribuída a uma maior ressonância dos grupos cromóforos presentes em maior quantidade. Em contrapartida, as SHA de inverno (com a maior alifaticidade) degradaram se mais rapidamente (k=12,33 x 10-4) atingindo um estado limite estacionário, até uma perda de absorbância de 79%, devida à acelerada decomposição dos grupos alifáticos e/ou a produção de estruturas absorventes que são recalcitrantes e inertes aos comprimentos de onda da lâmpada. Contudo, estes resultados contribuem para um melhor entendimento das tendências dos fluxos de CO nos rios e a subseqüente quantificação de C das fontes terrestres e aquáticas e sua dependência com diversos fatores ambientais. / Nowadays, one of the major world concerning is focused in the increasing of the damaging ultraviolet (UV) radiation and its impact on the aquatic ecosystems. In addition, the Rio Negro, one of the principal tributaries of the Amazon Basin, is an appropriate site for studying the influence of the UV radiation in the dissolved organic matter (DOM) biogeochemistry, since its high level of organic carbon (OC) production, the high rates of solar exposition and the seasonal variation of the system. The present research had the intent to evaluate the dynamics and functionality of the Rio Negro aquatic humic substances (AHS) influenced by environmental factors such as pluviometric and fluviometric levels and the UV-vis irradiation. In order to reach these objective, the AHS from one year were classified in seasonal groups (summer, autumn, winter and spring) and characterized through the elemental analysis, copper (Cu+2) complexation capacity (CC) and through the spectroscopic techniques as electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR), nuclear magnetic resonance of 13C (NMR 13C), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy and UV-visible absorbance and fluorescence. The results revealed the river seasonal changes effects on the DOM structure, being that, the winter AHS (flooding season), evidenced the highest aliphatic character from the NMR 13C analysis, that can be related with the high fluviometric levels that would increasing the presence of fresh hydrophilic and not totally stabilized (MOD) from terrestrial sources. In contrast, the summer and autumn AHS (dry season) showed the greatest aromatic presence, high concentration of semiquinone free radicals, the greatest humification degrees from the fluorescence and the elevated long wavelength absorbance. Complementarily, the AHS optical and structural properties were assessed as a function of its exposure to UV-visible irradiation using an Hg-Xe lamp (290-475 nm). In general there were observed a progressive decreasing of absorbance and color, a mineralization with a 75% carbon loss and the formation of the less complex structures inferred from the change of the maximum fluorescence to shorter wavelengths. In addition there were registered the system acidification (6- 4,5) and a total loss of the Cu+2 CC during the first 300 minutes of the radiation exposure. As expected, the structure seasonal dependence influenced in the photodegradation behavior of the winter and summer AHS. The summer AHS sample (with the highest aromaticity) showed slower kinetics (k=10,33 x 10-4), but higher susceptibility to the UV irradiation with a 87% loss of absorbance, explained by the highest concentration of aromatic structures more resonant with the irradiation applied. On the counterpart, the winter AHS (with the highest aliphaticity) presented faster kinetics (k=12,33 x 10-4), reaching rapidly a stationary state with a total absorbance loss of 79%, as a result of an accelerated decomposition of its aliphatic fractions and/or the production of absorbing light recalcitrant compounds, unreactive to the wavelengths applied in this study. Finally, these results contribute for a better understanding of the OC river fluxes and the subsequent quantification of the terrestrial and aquatic C sources and its dependence with diverse environmental factors.
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Développement d'une plateforme en optique intégrée en verres de chalcogénure pour des applications capteur pour le moyen infrarouge (OPTIMR) / Development of a chalcogenide optical integrated platform for sensing applications in the Mid-IRGutiérrez Arroyo, Aldo Jorge 09 May 2017 (has links)
Le moyen infrarouge est la région spectrale comprise entre 2 et 20 µm. Cette gamme de longueurs d'onde présente un fort intérêt scientifique grâce à la présence des transitions vibrationnelles fondamentales caractéristiques d'espèces moléculaires en phase liquide ou gazeuse. Les capteurs en optique intégrée sont devenus une excellente alternative pour la détection in situ car ils présentent certains avantages sur les autres types de capteurs, tels que l'intégration des éléments dans un dispositif compact. Ils sont capables d'effectuer des détections sélectives et quantitative dans divers domaines sociétaux tels que la santé, la défense et l'environnement. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons la conception, la fabrication et la caractérisation à 7.7 µm d'un transducteur spectroscopique intégré à base de verres de chalcogénures. Des couches à base de Ge-Sb-Se ont été déposées par pulvérisation cathodique RF magnétron. Des guides d'onde de type ridge ont ensuite été mise en forme, par photolithographie et gravure sèche (gravure ionique réactive) avec un plasma de CHF3. Différentes structures ont ainsi pu être réalisées : guides droits, jonctions Y, guide en spirale ou encore guides en S. En outre, la propagation guidée a été observé à 7.7 µm et des pertes de propagation égales à 2.5 dB/cm ont été mesurées à cette longueur d'onde. Enfin, des substances chimiques en phase liquide (isopropanol et acide acétique dissous dans du cyclohexane) ont été détectées par onde évanescente. Des limites de détection égales à 2 %v/v et 0.2 %v/v ont été, respectivement, démontrées à 7.7 µm pour l'isopropanol et l'acide acétique. Enfin, des simulations ont démontré le potentiel de ce capteur intégré pour la détection de substances polluantes contenues dans l'eau ou dans l'air avec des limites de détection inférieures à celles imposées par les normes internationales de l'environnement. L'ensemble de ces résultats représente une première étape prometteuse vers le développement d'applications dans le moyen Infrarouge au sein du laboratoire Foton. / The mid-infrared is a spectral range (2-20 µ m) of great scientific and technological interest. Indeed, the strong vibrational absorption bands of numerous molecules overlap this wavelength range. Thus, the mid-infrared has become in the last years a suitable solution for chemical sensing applications in gas or liquid phase. Furthermore, on-chip sensors provide several advantages over other kind of sensors, such as high integration of elements in a compact device and low fabrication cost by an easy-going to mass production. They could allow quantitative, sensitive and selective detection for health, defense and environmental applications. This thesis presents the design, fabrication and optical characterization at 7.7 µ m of a spectroscopic optical integrated sensor based on chalcogenide glasses. Ge-Sb-Se multilayered structures were deposited by RF magnetron sputtering. Using i-line photolithography and fluorine-based reactive ion etching (RIE-ICP), ridge waveguides were processed as straight waveguide, Y-junction, spiral and S-shape waveguides. Single-mode optical propagation at 7.7 µ m was observed by optical near-field imaging and optical propagation losses of 2.5 dB/cm were measured. Finally, chemical substances in liquid phase (isopropanol - and acetic acid, both dissolved in cyclohexane) were detected at 7.7 µ m by evanescent field. Limits of detection of 2 %v/v and 0.2 %v/v are demonstrated, respectively, for isopropanol and acetic acid. Furthermore, simulations were performed to assess the potential of the optical integrated sensor to achieve limits of detection lower than environmental and health standards for air and water pollutants. These results represent a first promising step towards the development of mid-infrared applications at the Foton laboratory.
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An HST/STIS Optical Transmission Spectrum of Warm Neptune GJ 436bLothringer, Joshua D., Benneke, Björn, Crossfield, Ian J. M., Henry, Gregory W., Morley, Caroline, Dragomir, Diana, Barman, Travis, Knutson, Heather, Kempton, Eliza, Fortney, Jonathan, McCullough, Peter, Howard, Andrew W. 17 January 2018 (has links)
GJ 436b is a prime target for understanding warm Neptune exoplanet atmospheres and a target for multiple James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Guaranteed Time Observation programs. Here, we report the first space-based optical transmission spectrum of the planet using two Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) transit observations from 0.53 to 1.03 mu m. We find no evidence for alkali absorption features, nor evidence of a scattering slope longward of 0.53 mu m. The spectrum is indicative of moderate to high metallicity (similar to 100-1000x solar), while moderate-metallicity scenarios (similar to 100x. solar) require aerosol opacity. The optical spectrum also rules out some highly scattering haze models. We find an increase in transit depth around 0.8 mu m in the transmission spectra of three different sub-Jovian exoplanets (GJ 436b, HAT-P-26b, and GJ 1214b). While most of the data come from STIS, data from three other instruments may indicate this is not an instrumental effect. Only the transit spectrum of GJ 1214b is well fit by a model with stellar plages on the photosphere of the host star. Our photometric monitoring of the host star reveals a stellar rotation rate of 44.1 days and an activity cycle of 7.4 years. Intriguingly, GJ 436 does not become redder as it gets dimmer, which is expected if star spots were dominating the variability. These insights into the nature of the GJ 436 system help refine our expectations for future observations in the era of JWST, whose higher precision and broader wavelength coverage will shed light on the composition and structure of GJ 436b's atmosphere.
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The Transit Light Source Effect: False Spectral Features and Incorrect Densities for M-dwarf Transiting PlanetsRackham, Benjamin V., Apai, Dániel, Giampapa, Mark S. 30 January 2018 (has links)
Transmission spectra are differential measurements that utilize stellar illumination to probe transiting exoplanet atmospheres. Any spectral difference between the illuminating light source and the disk-integrated stellar spectrum due to starspots and faculae will be imprinted in the observed transmission spectrum. However,. few constraints exist for the extent of photospheric heterogeneities in M dwarfs. Here we model spot and faculae covering fractions consistent with observed photometric variabilities for M dwarfs and the associated 0.3-5.5. mu m stellar contamination spectra. We find that large ranges of spot and faculae covering fractions are consistent with observations and corrections assuming a linear relation between variability amplitude, and covering fractions generally underestimate the stellar contamination. Using realistic estimates for spot and faculae covering fractions, we find that stellar contamination can be more than 10x. larger than the transit depth changes expected for atmospheric features in rocky exoplanets. We also find that stellar spectral contamination can lead to systematic errors in radius and therefore the derived density of small planets. In the case of the TRAPPIST-1 system, we show that TRAPPIST-1 ' s rotational variability is consistent with spot covering fractions f(spot) = 8(7)(+18)% and faculae covering fractions f(fac) = 54(-46)(+16)%. The associated stellar contamination signals alter the transit depths of the TRAPPIST-1 planets at wavelengths of interest for planetary atmospheric species by roughly 1-15x. the strength of planetary features, significantly complicating JWST follow-up observations of this system. Similarly, we find that stellar contamination can lead to underestimates of the bulk densities of the TRAPPIST-1 planets of Delta(rho) = -8(-20)(+7)%, thus leading to overestimates of their volatile contents.
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Hubble PanCET: an isothermal day-side atmosphere for the bloated gas-giant HAT-P-32AbNikolov, N., Sing, D. K., Goyal, J., Henry, G. W., Wakeford, H. R., Evans, T. M., López-Morales, M., García Muñoz, A., Ben-Jaffel, L., Sanz-Forcada, J., Ballester, G. E., Kataria, T., Barstow, J. K., Bourrier, V., Buchhave, L. A., Cohen, O., Deming, D., Ehrenreich, D., Knutson, H., Lavvas, P, Lecavelier des Etangs, A., Lewis, N. K., Mandell, A. M., Williamson, M. H. 02 1900 (has links)
We present a thermal emission spectrum of the bloated hot Jupiter HAT-P-32Ab from a single eclipse observation made in spatial scan mode with the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The spectrum covers the wavelength regime from 1.123 to 1.644 mu m which is binned into 14 eclipse depths measured to an averaged precision of 104 parts-per million. The spectrum is unaffected by a dilution from the close M-dwarf companion HAT-P-32B, which was fully resolved. We complemented our spectrum with literature results and performed a comparative forward and retrieval analysis with the 1D radiative-convective ATMO model. Assuming solar abundance of the planet atmosphere, we find that the measured spectrum can best be explained by the spectrum of a blackbody isothermal atmosphere with T-p = 1995 +/- 17 K, but can equally well be described by a spectrum with modest thermal inversion. The retrieved spectrum suggests emission from VO at the WFC3 wavelengths and no evidence of the 1.4 mu m water feature. The emission models with temperature profiles decreasing with height are rejected at a high confidence. An isothermal or inverted spectrum can imply a clear atmosphere with an absorber, a dusty cloud deck or a combination of both. We find that the planet can have continuum of values for the albedo and recirculation, ranging from high albedo and poor recirculation to low albedo and efficient recirculation. Optical spectroscopy of the planet's day-side or thermal emission phase curves can potentially resolve the current albedo with recirculation degeneracy.
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NGC 1866: First Spectroscopic Detection of Fast-rotating Stars in a Young LMC ClusterDupree, A. K., Dotter, A., Johnson, C. I., Marino, A. F., Milone, A. P., Bailey, J. I., Crane, J. D., Mateo, M., Olszewski, E. W. 23 August 2017 (has links)
High-resolution spectroscopic observations were taken of 29 extended main-sequence turnoff (eMSTO) stars in the young (similar to 200 Myr) Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) cluster, NGC 1866, using the Michigan/Magellan Fiber System and MSpec spectrograph on the Magellan-Clay 6.5 m telescope. These spectra reveal the first direct detection of rapidly rotating stars whose presence has only been inferred from photometric studies. The eMSTO stars exhibit Ha emission (indicative of Be-star decretion disks), others have shallow broad H alpha absorption (consistent with rotation. greater than or similar to 150 km s(-1)), or deep Ha core absorption signaling lower rotation velocities (less than or similar to 150 km s(-1)). The spectra appear consistent with two populations of stars-one rapidly rotating, and the other, younger and slowly rotating.
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