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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


PINCHETTI, ANNA LISA 01 April 2015 (has links)
La tesi intende analizzare l’idea coloniale in Francia durante la Terza Repubblica, le modalità attraverso cui essa veniva veicolata e gli argomenti con cui l’espansione veniva giustificata. Dopo un’introduzione storica, la ricerca si concentra sulle diverse “voci” che concorsero alla promozione e propaganda coloniale. Vengono analizzati il contributo dei diversi attori – primo fra tutti il “parti colonial” - che parteciparono a sostenere le motivazioni dell’espansione, oltre alle modalità e ai canali utilizzati, in un contesto in cui l’opinione pubblica era restia ad affezionarsi e a comprendere la necessità di un impero. La parte successiva si concentra sui contenuti del discorso di giustificazione e motivazione dell’imperialismo francese, tramite il richiamo di alcuni teorici e politici del periodo e dei principali temi -economici, politici e umanitari (la cd. “mission civilisatrice”) - evocati in tale contesto. L’ultimo capitolo è dedicato in modo particolare alla diffusione della cosiddette “scienze coloniali” e alla creazione, influenzata dall’esigenza di formare i futuri amministratori coloniali, di cattedre o sezioni coloniali negli istituti di studi superiori. E’ possibile in tal modo individuare un collegamento tra diversi gruppi ed entità operanti nel campo politico, economico e scientifico e, attraverso l’analisi degli appunti dei corsi, esaminare in che modo l’idea coloniale fosse trasmessa in tale ambito. / The research aims at analyzing the colonial idea in France during the Third Republic, the different ways it was conveyed and the main themes adopted to justify the colonial expansion. After a first historical overview, the second chapter focuses on the different actors that contributed in promoting the colonies and the colonial propaganda (above all the “parti colonial”), in a context in which the majority of the French citizens seemed not really interested in supporting the colonial empire nor in understanding its needs and methods. Subsequently, the research analyzes the different themes the supporters of the French colonial movement adopted to justify the need of a colonial empire at the economic, political and “humanitarian” levels. The last chapter is focused on the diffusion of the “colonial sciences” and the creation of ad hoc colonial sections or schools aimed at training the future colonial administrators. The analysis highlights the links between the different actors of the political, economic and scientific circles. Also, thanks to the exam of the student’s notes it is possible to see how the colonial idea was conveyed in this field.

LA "RELAZIONE SPECIALE" ANGLO-AMERICANA E LA GUERRA DELLA FALKLAND (1982) / The Anglo-American "special relationship" and the Falklands war (1982)

BORSANI, DAVIDE 31 March 2015 (has links)
Nell’aprile 1982, l’Argentina – un Paese alleato degli Stati Uniti attraverso il Patto di Rio – invase le isole Falkland, un Territorio d’Oltremare del Regno Unito, rivendicato da Buenos Aires sin dal XIX secolo. Margaret Thatcher, l’allora Primo Ministro britannico, rispose con vigore. Alla fine la Gran Bretagna – alleato NATO degli USA – riuscì a riconquistare le isole e a ristabilire lo status quo ante. Il conflitto va inquadrato nel framework della ‘seconda Guerra Fredda’. Il confronto tra gli Stati Uniti e l’Unione Sovietica fu particolarmente aspro nei primi anni Ottanta e la logica bipolare influenzò le dinamiche diplomatiche della guerra del 1982. Da un lato, l’Emisfero occidentale era al centro della rinnovata strategia americana anti-comunista e l’Argentina era il principale pilastro nel Cono Sud. Dall’altro lato, il rafforzamento della ‘speciale relazione’ anglo-americana costituiva la pietra angolare della grand strategy statunitense nel teatro europeo. Con questo sfondo, è naturale domandarsi quale ruolo Washington scelse di giocare nella guerra delle Falkland tra due dei suoi alleati. A causa di interessi divergenti, la ‘relazione speciale’ non fu infatti del tutto speciale. / In April 1982, Argentina – a country allied with the United States through the Rio Pact – suddenly invaded the Falkland Islands, a long-time Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom, disputed by Buenos Aires since the XIXth century. Margaret Thatcher, the then British Prime Minister, vigorously responded and finally Britain – a US NATO ally – was able to regain the Islands and re-establish the status quo ante. The conflict needs to be contextualized in the ‘second Cold War’ framework. The struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union was particularly tough in the first years of the 1980s and the bipolar logic strongly influenced the diplomatic course of the 1982 war. On the one hand, the Western hemisphere was at the core of the renewed anti-communist US strategy and Argentina was the main pillar in the Southern Cone. On the other hand, the strengthening of the Anglo-American ‘special relationship’ was the European cornerstone of the US grand strategy. Against this background, what kind of role the US chose to play in the Falklands war between two of their allies instinctively arises as the main question. Affected by diverging interests, the ‘special relationship’ was not indeed entirely special.


ZAMBURLINI, ANNALISA 20 February 2015 (has links)
Questa tesi è costruita sulle seguenti domande: una società che ha vissuto gravi e sistematiche violazioni dei diritti umani come può 'chiudere i conti' con il passato e perseguire giustizia e riconciliazione? Come rigenerare i legami sociali infranti? Quale ruolo giocano vittime e perpetratori? Questi problemi sono studiati, in concreto, nell’esperienza di El Salvador. Tra i profili sociologici possibili, la tesi si concentra sulla 'domanda di giustizia' delle vittime. Il primo capitolo fornisce un inquadramento storico-sociale. Il secondo ha per oggetto la giustizia di transizione; l’analisi teorica generale considera i seguenti modelli: giudiziario, amnistiale, delle commissioni verità e la "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" (TRC) sudafricana. La TRC è presentata come un’esperienza che attinge e supera le opzioni precedenti, mostrando le potenzialità della "restorative justice". Il terzo e il quarto capitolo tornano sul caso salvadoregno e considerano gli attori (nazionali e internazionali) e i problemi sociali della transizione del Paese centroamericano. La ricerca svolta sul campo ha permesso di mettere in luce il valore generativo degli sforzi con cui parte della società civile salvadoregna ha cercato di fronteggiare la latitanza dello Stato rispetto al diritto alla verità e alla giustizia. Il quinto capitolo, avvalendosi della voce delle vittime intervistate con il metodo delle 'storie di vita', riflette sul rapporto fra trauma e legame sociale. L’ultimo capitolo presenta gli strumenti metodologici utilizzati per la ricerca empirica. / This thesis is based on the following questions: can a society that has experienced severe and systematic human rights violations be reconciled with the past and pursue justice and reconciliation? How can broken social connections be repaired? What are the roles of victims and oppressors? These problems have been studied analyzing the experience of El Salvador. Among the possible sociological profiles, the thesis focuses on the Salvadorian victims' "demand for justice". The first chapter gives an historical-social overview. The second chapter analyzes the transitional justice. The general theoretical analysis takes into account the following models: judiciary, that related to amnesty, the model of the "truth commissions", and finally the South African "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" (TRC). The TRC is presented as an experience that draws on and surpasses the previous alternatives, showing the potential of restorative justice. The third and fourth chapters return to the Salvadorean case and take into account the agents (national and international) and the social problems connected to the transition El Salvador has undergone. Research in this field sheds light on the relevance of the efforts made by some parts of the Salvadorean civil society to deal with the absence of the government with respect to promoting the right of truth and justice. The fifth chapter, corroborated by interviews with victims analysed using the method of the "history of life", reflects on the connection between trauma and social bonds. The last chapter presents the methodological tools used during the empirical research.

Dalla Rus’ di Kiev ad Euromajdan. L’Ucraina nella geopolitica dell’Europa centro-orientale / DALLA RUS' DI KIEV AD EUROMAJDAN: L'UCRAINA NELLA GEOPOLITICA DELL'EUROPA CENTRO-ORIENTALE / From Kievan Rus' to Euromajdan. Ukraine's role in Central and Eastern Europe's geopolitics

CELLA, GIORGIO 16 April 2018 (has links)
La tesi analizza le cause profonde dell’attuale crisi russo-ucraina esplosa nel 2014 con i moti anti-governativi di Euromajdan ed alla conseguente crisi internazionale che ha direttamente coinvolto la Federazione Russa, ed indirettamente la comunità internazionale. Analogamente, la struttura della ricerca ha prodotto altresì una ricostruzione, nei secoli, del ruolo geopolitico della stessa Ucraina nelle più ampie dinamiche interstatali dell’Europa centro-orientale. Lo studio in questione esplora nella loro profondità - e lungo oltre quattrocento pagine - gli aspetti più profondi di questa crisi nelle sue diverse, articolate e interconnesse dimensioni. L’approccio impiegato prende le mosse dalla matrice d’analisi tipica del Renouvin e delle sue forces profondes, ampliando perciò l’indagine sul piano storico, geopolitico, diplomatico, economico, giuridico, culturale e religioso. Sostenuta da una cospicua bibliografia e da un notevole apparato di note, la presente tesi non si è tuttavia limitata ad una ricostruzione delle dinamiche contemporanee del XX e del XIX secolo. L’autore ha infatti voluto procedere - nell’obbiettivo di costruire uno studio di riferimento sulla geopolitica dell’Ucraina nel sistema internazionale - dall’antichità di Erodoto e dal crollo dell’Impero Romano, per poi proseguire lungo le più importanti fasi della nascita della Rus’ di Kiev, giungendo sino ad Euromajdan. / The thesis analyzes the root causes of the current Ukrainian crisis triggered by the Euromajdan revolts of 2014 and the consequent international crisis directly involving the Russian Federation, and indirectly the whole international community. The thesis also reconstructs the secular geopolitical role of Ukraine in the broader dynamics of interstate relations of Central and Eastern Europe. The present research is an in-depth, four hundred page exploration of the many aspects of this crisis with all the complexities of its intertwined dimensions. The research employed inputs from the classical Renouvin’s forces profondes imprint; thus exploring and accounting for historical, geopolitical, diplomatic, economic, juridical, cultural and religious aspects. With the aim to produce a reference study of the historiography of Ukraine and its relationship with Moscow and the wider regional context, aided by a sound bibliography and a valuable source of notes, the author decided to begin from the ancient times of Herodotus and the collapse of the Roman Empire and work his way forward through the genesis of the Kievan Rus', up to the most recent XXI century’s geopolitics.


DENTICE, GIUSEPPE 21 April 2020 (has links)
Il progetto si è proposto di dimostrare l’evoluzione della valenza strategica nella relazione bilaterale tra Stati Uniti ed Egitto durante le presidenze di Anwar al-Sadat e Hosni Mubarak. Sebbene si sia a lungo contraddistinta per un marcato rapporto di reciprocità e di stabilità locale e trans-regionale, da alcuni decenni a questa parte la relazione vive un particolare momento di riconsiderazione a causa della compresenza di più fattori che ne hanno limitato il valore complessivo, necessitando quindi di nuovi fondamenti e obiettivi per essere rivitalizzata. Riprova di ciò sono proprio gli accordi di Camp David, cuore pulsante delle strategie comuni di Stati Uniti ed Egitto, nonché centro nevralgico delle dinamiche di cooperazione, per lo più di sicurezza, tra statunitensi, egiziani e israeliani. Analizzando gli elementi caratterizzanti la politica estera egiziana in relazione, anche e non soltanto, alle interazioni con Stati Uniti e Israele, prendendo come riferimento una prospettiva storico-diacronica che tenesse conto delle evoluzioni politiche dentro e fuori il Paese arabo, all’interno di un più ampio panorama geopolitico e strategico regionale e internazionale, il presente lavoro ha pertanto puntato a far emergere il carattere tattico del rapporto stesso, il quale è stato fortemente influenzato dal perseguimento di un interesse nazionale da entrambe le parti. / The thesis analyses the evolution and impact of U.S.-Egypt relations under the Sadat and Mubarak’s tenure in terms of geopolitical and strategic attitudes through a historical-diachronic perspective. Although it has been characterized for decades by a marked reciprocity in terms of local and (trans-)regional dynamics, for about twenty years this link has been experiencing a particular moment of reconsideration due to the presence of several factors that have limited its overall significance. The bilateral relationship needs new foundations and objectives. In fact, the thesis argues that the Camp David agreements, the beating heart of the common strategies of the United States and Egypt, as well as the political core of several dynamics (mostly in security dimension) between the Americans, Egyptians and Israelis, it is the key element to understand the interconnection between Egyptian domestic state and its regional state autonomy. In this respect, the thesis highlights these factors characterizing the Egyptian foreign policy in connection, even and not only, with United States and Israel, as enabling factors both in the national political developments and the evolution in the Arab stage, within a wider geo-political and strategic regional and international panorama. In conclusion, this work aim to bring out the tactical nature of the bilateral relationship between Egypt and the United States, which was heavily influenced by the pursuit of a different perception of national interest. Therefore, the biggest challenge between Washington and Cairo consists in managing a much less special and complex relationship than in the recent past, which essentially sees the overcoming of Camp David, while maintaining the stability of the region as a cornerstone on both sides.

(Re)presenting Oman: A Discourse-Historical Analysis of Sultan Qaboos bin Said's (non-)alignments (1970-2020)

Daga, Giulia 25 July 2023 (has links)
The Sultanate of Oman is often described by the international media as a peaceful exception in the turbulent Middle East. Most authors studying Oman’s history and politics agree that discretion, consultation, peaceful neighborhood relations and independence from the greater powers operating in the region have been the constant elements of the country’s contemporary foreign policy. Moreover, it is widely argued that Oman’s foreign policy approach derives from the country’s national identity, including its Ibadi tradition and the cosmopolitan character of the Omani maritime history. Despite the extensive use of terms like a “non-aligned” or “neutral” foreign policy deriving from a “tolerant” or “peaceful” identity, both by academics and journalists to describe the country’s behavior, a careful reflection on the appropriate application of these concepts to the Omani case is still missing. The aim of my research is to deconstruct essentialist understandings of Oman's identity and foreign policy, by looking at how discursive alignments and identity contents varied to support the government's quests for legitimacy, recognition, and status. By adopting a Discourse Historical Approach (DHA), the work compares the National Day speeches and the UN GA speeches under the entire reign of Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Bu Saidi (1970 – 2020), to look at how discourse changed based on the time, issue, and audience of reference. More broadly, this research seeks to provide an underexplored perspective on Oman’s foreign policy, at the same time contributing both to the theoretical debate on small states’ alignments and to the discussion on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states’ foreign policies and identities.

«Give me a break! I'm from Brooklyn, we're not fancy» Institutions, Housing and Lifestyles in Super-gentrification process. A Field and Historical research in Park Slope, New York City

Manzo, Lidia Katia Consiglia January 2014 (has links)
In an attempt to make concrete linkages between neighborhood change and the boundary-making paradigm, this field and historical study of a New York City's neighborhood, addresses the influences of displacement, housing- abandonment and resettlement in Super-gentrification processes on 1) the types of institutions that emerged to represent different class interests; 2) the types of social groups that came to inhabit the neighborhood; 3) the pattern of that evolution over time; 4) the particular goals, values, and morals that such community organizations evolved; and 5) the social status displays carried out in cultured consumption in housing and leisure. Employing a multi-methodological and theoretical approach, the study follows the evolution and development of neighborhood change over forty years through the analysis of social groups and their community organizations (looking at archival documents for the past and by in-depth interviews, shadowing and ethnographic observation for the present time), census data analysis, archival/documental research, and visual data. Community organizations emerged, on the one hand, to represent different class interests - improvement, mandated, ideological - and to emphasize liberal progressive values, on the other. This emergence followed historical and geographical patterns of accelerating gentrification. The study argues that four waves of gentrification showed up across the time and tended to concentrate in four different neighborhood areas, where the incoming groups formed parallel boundary shifts. Accordingly, I found that different waves of gentrification were associated with the emergence of different types of Gentrifiers over time, and this had to do with the changing role of post-industrial cities within the American economy, the processes of government/local institution interventions in the neighborhood housing market, the changes in class interests, morals and ideologies, and the increased aestheticized re-scriptings of neighborhood housing choices and lifestyles. Such aesthetic appreciation operated for gentrifiers as a visible marker of social status. As residential displacement, the disappearance of "old" local stores, and their replacement of upscale shops entailed forms of social inequality that enhanced the lifestyle of new waves of gentrifiers (raising housing values and rents) while, at the same time, forced out morally (by alienation) or practically (by displacement) long-term residents, who helped produce the neighborhood socio-cultural fabric. Diversity and aesthetic appeal seemed to underlie the motives of wealthier, well-educated newcomers to move into the neighborhood. Interestingly, those have not been changing throughout the different waves of gentrifiers who came to inhabit the community in the last 40 years. However - during the process of Super-gentrification - I found that the more they populate the neighborhood, the more it becomes homogenized and less richly diverse, still quite progressive but in a different way. I would say, in a privileged progressive way. Despite the fact that the moral order of these institutions has always been the one of community solidarity, culture, education, and growth, I observed at the same time the playing out of the most common paradox of gentrifiers. The desire of diversity and the producing of difference. This is, I believe, the central problem of gentrification: the balance between, or the combination of, pleasure and power. Balancing pleasure and power is a social, political, and moral problem. It brings together many of the concerns about gentrification, the desire for (and the loss of) diversity, and expresses the central thesis of this study.

Le relazioni euro-mediterranee dell'energia: un'analisi economica ed istituzionale / THE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN ENERGY RELATIONS: AN ECONOMIC AND INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS

TAGLIAPIETRA, SIMONE 18 April 2016 (has links)
L'energia rappresenta un elemento fondamentale dell'architettura economica della regione euro-mediterranea. Tuttavia, le relazioni energetiche regionali non sono mai state analizzate all'interno di un comprensivo quadro analitico capace valutare il potenziale ruolo dell'energia come catalizzatore di nuove forme di cooperazione economica e politica a livello regionale. Questa tesi aspira a colmare questa lacuna della letteratura esistente, fornendo un'analisi basata sulla seguente domanda di ricerca: può un nuovo schema di relazioni energetiche euro-mediterranee rafforzare l'integrazione economica e politica della regione? Questa domanda di ricerca viene esplorata applicando gli strumenti analitici forniti da International Political Economy e funzionalismo a due casi studio rappresentanti i più importanti progetti di cooperazione energetica mai tentati nella regione: Nabucco e Desertec. Questa analisi non solo consente di trovare una risposta precisa alla suddetta domanda di ricerca, ma permette altresì di definire una serie di policy recommendations disegnate per aprire la strada ad un nuovo schema di cooperazione energetica euro-mediterranea finalizzato a rafforzare la più ampia integrazione economica e politica della regione. / Energy represents a cornerstone in the Euro-Mediterranean economic architecture. However, the regional energy relations have never been framed into a comprehensive analytical framework able to assess the actual potential role of energy in acting as a catalyst for the overall regional economic and political cooperation. This thesis aspires to fill this research gap by providing an analysis based on the following research question: could a new Euro-Mediterranean energy relations scheme strengthen the economic and political integration of the overall region? This research question is explored by applying the analytical tools provided by International Political Economy and Functionalism to two empirical case studies representing the most important energy cooperation projects ever attempted in the region: Nabucco and Desertec. This analysis not only allows to find an accurate answer to the research question, but it also permits to define a set of policy recommendations aimed at paving the way for a new Euro-Mediterranean energy cooperation scheme designed to strengthen the economic integration of the overall region.

Synthèse de poudres nanocomposites et dépôts de cathodes pour les piles à combustible à température moyenne / Nanocomposite powder synthesis and cathode coating deposition for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell

Shen, Yan January 2011 (has links)
In this work, nanocomposite cathode powder and nano/micro-structured composite cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs) have been produced using induction plasma spray. Both the suspension plasma spray (SPS) and solution plasma spray (SolPS) method were used. The composite cathode is a mixture of electronic and ionic conductor (ceramic oxide) with enough porosity for the oxygen gas to pass and have the expansion coefficient compatibility with the electrolyte as well. For the purpose of SOFC commercialization, there is a trend to develop SOFCs working at a medium temperature range (600-800[degrees]C). This not only expands the choice of materials and stack geometries that can be used but also reduces system cost and, in principle, decreases the degradation rate of the stack and system components.In order to reduce the polarization resistance of the cathode at this temperature range, two approaches are proposed for cathode fabrication: a) using the materials both with high ionic and electronic conductivities, such as adding a second phase into the original cathode material; b) producing the cathode with homogeneous nano/micro-structure. SolPS method was used to synthesize nanopowders with mixed conductivity. The solution precursor was prepared with the mixed stoichiometric metal nitrates, glycine and distilled water. The crystallinity and morphological features of the nanopowders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Afterwards, the suspensions, made with ethanol and previously synthesized composite nanopowders were used to deposit cathode coatings by SPS process. The parameters of the SPS processes are optimized to obtain cauliflower microstructure with maximized homogeneity and appropriate open porosity. Cathodes produced by a SPS process were compared to the ones produced using a SolPS process. The coatings were characterized by the high resolution SEM. Symmetrical SPS cathode-electrolyte-cathode was also fabricated to test the polarization resistance of the cathode using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Cathode material nanopowder mixtures of Ce[subscript 0.8]Gd[subscript 0.2]O[subscript 1.9] (GDC) and La[subscript 0.6]Sr[subscript 0.4]Co[subscript 0.2]Fe[subscript 0.8]O[subscript 3] (LSCF6428) with different mass ratio, such as 30wt%:70wt% and 60wt%:40wt% of GDC:LSCF, were obtained. The composite nanopowders exhibit a perovskite structure of LSCF6428 and a fluorite structure of GDC and the two phases are homogeneously dispersed. The nanoparticles are almost globular in shape with a diameter from 10 nm to 60 nm and with BET specific areas around 20 m[superscript 2]/g. Homogeneous cauliflower-structure composite cathodes were obtained by both SPS and SolPS methods. The potentials of these two deposition technologies to provide functionally graded composite cathode with high homogeneity were demonstrated. Compared to SolPS cathodes, the SPS cathodes have finer nanostructure, higher porosity and better distributed pores, which takes advantage of the homogeneously distributed nanosized powders in the precursors. The SPS coatings were expected to have enlarged triple phase boundaries. Dans ce travail, des poudres nanocomposites contenant des phases mélangées nano et microstructurées de cathodes pour les piles à combustible à température moyenne (IT-SOFCs) ont été produits [sic] en utilisant un plasma thermique inductif. Deux techniques ont été utilisées, soit la déposition en utilisant des suspensions (SPS) ou encore en utilisant des solutions (SolPS ou SPPS ). La cathode composite est un mélange de conducteur électronique et de conducteur ionique (oxyde céramique) avec assez de porosité pour que l'oxygène passe et aussi pour assurer la compatibilité des coefficients d'expansion avec l'électrolyte. Afin de permettre la commercialisation des SOFCs, le développement des SOFCs s'oriente vers des piles fonctionnant à une température ambiante moyenne (600-800[degrés]C). Ceci augmente le choix des matériaux et des géometries de pile qui peuvent être employés, réduisant les coûts et, en principe, devrait aussi diminuer le taux de dégradation des composants des piles et des systèmes. Afin de réduire la résistance de polarisation de la cathode à cette gamme de température, on propose deux approches pour la fabrication de la cathode : a) en utilisant les matériaux avec des conductivités ioniques et électroniques élevées, qui peuvent être obtenus en ajoutant une deuxième phase dans la cathode ; b) la synthèse de cathodes avec des morphologies optimisées de nano/microstructure. La méthode SolPS a été employée pour synthétiser des nanopoudres possédant une conductivité mixte. Le précurseur de la solution a été préparé avec des nitrates, la glycine et l'eau distillée stoechiométriques mélangés en métal. La cristallinité et la morphologie des nanopoudres ont été caractérisées par la diffraction de rayon X (DRX), la microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB), la microscopie électronique à transmission (MET) et la spectroscopie à dispersion d'énergie (EDS). Des suspensions, faites avec de l'éthanol et les nanopoudres composites précédemment synthétisées, ont été employées pour déposer des revêtements de cathode par le procede SPS. Les paramètres des procédés SPS ont été optimisés. Des cathodes nanostructurées produites par le procede SPS ont été comparées à celles produites en utilisant le procédé SolPS. Les revêtements ont été caracterisés par un MEB à haute résolution. Des cathode-électrolyte-cathode symétriques ont également été fabriquées pour examiner la résistance de polarisation de la cathode en utilisant la spectroscopie électrochimique d'impédance (EIS). Des mélanges de nanopoudres de cathode de Ce0.8Gd0.201.9 (GDC) et de La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.803 (LSCF6428) avec les ratios massiques suivants : 30 - 70 et 60 - 40 % masse de GDC - LSCF, ont été obtenus. Les nanopoudres composites montrent une structure de pérovskite de LSCF6428 et une structure de fluorite de GDC et ces deux phases sont homogènement dispersées. Les nanoparticles [sic] sont presque globulaires avec un diamètre de 10 à 60 nanomètre et avec des surfaces spécifiques autour de 20 m[indice supérieur 2]/g. Des cathodes composites de structure homogène en forme de choux fleur [sic] ont été obtenues par les méthodes de SPS et de SolPS. Les potentiels de ces deux technologies de depôt pour fournir des cathodes composites fonctionnelles à composition gradée et avec une homogénéité élevée ont été démontrés. Comparé aux cathodes produites par SolPS, les cathodes produites par SPS ont une nanostructure plus fine, une porosite élevée et des pores mieux distribués.

Étude de la fabrication de piles à combustible nanostructurées SOFC par l'injection de suspensions et de solutions dans un plasma inductif / Nano-structured SOFCS fabrication using solution/suspension induction plasma spray technology

Jia, Lu January 2010 (has links)
In this work, the nano-structured components of solid oxide fuel cells have been produced, using radio frequency (RF) solution or suspension plasma spraying processes. The emerging technology of suspension plasma spraying was explored to produce thin and gas tight nano-structured solid oxide fuel cells electrolytes, which in an effort to develop a cost-effective and scalable fabrication technique for high performance solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Glycine-nitrate process (GNP) produced cerium oxide (CeO[subscript 2]) and gadolinium oxide (Gd[subscript 2]O[subscript 3]) nano-powders were used to prepare suspensions and then separately injected to form composite GDC electrolyte coatings. A dynamic mask system has been developed to control the heating effects of a high-temperature plasma deposition process. The experimental results of the nano-structured SOFCs GDC electrolytes production by means of a RF suspension plasma spraying process using the newly proposed mask were compared to the ones without mask. The potential of this deposition technique to improve the electrolyte coating uniformity and to reduce the coating porosity was demonstrated. SOFCs anodes require long triple phase boundary (TPB) and appropriate gas diffusion pass for the fast transport of both fuel and exhaust gases, but the area where gas diffusion passes are especially required would be different from the area suitable for electrochemical reaction in the anodes. Functionally graded anodes in both composition and porosity have been proposed to fulfill the anodic functions in adequate anodic areas. On the basis of the optimized spraying conditions and the laboratory-developed solution feeding system, NiO-GDC functionally graded nanostructure anodes were prepared using solution plasma spraying (SolPS) process. Then the microstructure and material composition of the anodes were analyzed. A graded distribution in contents of both nickel and GDC was confirmed in the coating. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) observation exhibited a continuous variation in porosity from 35% to 9% along the direction across the coating thickness. The functionally graded anodes deposited by SolPS process may minimize the thermal expansion mismatch between SOFC components and increase the length of triple phase boundary, which should lead to the improvement of the anodic performances. The successful fabrication of the functionally graded nano-structural electrodes as well as dense electrolyte coatings represents an opportunity for the Centre de Recherche en Énergie, Plasma et Électrochimie (CREPE) to fabricate the fully integrated nano-structured SOFC using solution and suspension plasma spraying processes.

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