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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelovanje i optimizacija procesa mikrofiltracije suspenzija pšeničnog skroba / Modeling and optimization of wheat starch suspensions microfiltration

Ikonić Bojana 29 July 2011 (has links)
<p>Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje uticaja procesnih<br />parametara (transmembranski pritisak, protok i<br />koncentracija suspenzije) na vrednost fluksa<br />permeata, sa i bez prisustva statičkog me&scaron;ača,<br />tokom procesa mikrofiltracije suspenzija<br />p&scaron;eničnog skroba na keramičkim membranama<br />različitih veličina pora (200 nm i 500 nm).<br />Mikrofiltracija je izvođena u uslovima<br />recirkulacije i koncentrisanja napojne suspenzije.<br />Za modelovanje zavisnosti procesa mikrofiltracije<br />suspenzija skroba od procesnih parametara<br />primenjen je postupak odzivne povr&scaron;ine.<br />Ispitivanjem mikrofiltracije suspenzija p&scaron;eničnog<br />skroba na membranama sa različitim srednjim<br />prečnikom pora (200 i 500 nm) uočeno je da sa<br />povećanjem veličine pora vrednost fluksa<br />permeata opada.<br />U posmatranom eksperimentalnom opsegu<br />procesnih parametara postignuto je relativno<br />povećanje stacionarnog fluksa od 25% do 50% u<br />uslovima recirkulacije napojne suspenzije, dok je<br />u uslovima koncentrisanja napojne suspenzije<br />relativno povećanje srednjeg fluksa iznosilo od<br />20% do 80%. Porast fluksa do kojeg dolazi<br />postavljanjem statičkog me&scaron;ača u kanal membrane</p><p>uslovljen je uspostavljanjem turbulentnih uslova<br />proticanja i karakterističnog kretanja fluida duž<br />kanala membrane, koja je posledica<br />karakterističnog povezivanja helikoidnih<br />elemenata Kenics statičkog me&scaron;ača.<br />Kako u uslovima recirkulacije napojne sme&scaron;e,<br />tako i u uslovima koncentrisanja, vrednost<br />relativne specifične potro&scaron;nje energije zavisi skoro<br />isključivo od vrednosti protoka napojne sme&scaron;e. Sa<br />povećanjem protoka specifična potro&scaron;nja energije<br />u prisustvu statičkog me&scaron;ača naglo raste i<br />relativno povećanje protoka nije dovoljno da bi<br />kompenzovalo gubitak hidrauličke snage. U<br />opsegu protoka od 80 do 100 L/h su obezbeđene<br />pozitivne vrednosti relativne promene specifične<br />potro&scaron;nje energije, te je upotreba statičkog me&scaron;ača<br />opravdana sa ekonomskog aspekta.<br />Optimizacija eksperimentalnih uslova urađena je<br />postupkom istovremene maksimizacije fluksa<br />permeata u sistemima sa statičkim me&scaron;ačem i<br />relativne promene specifične potro&scaron;nje energije.<br />Optimalni uslovi izvođenja procesa mikrofiltracije<br />suspenzija p&scaron;eničnog skroba u uslovima<br />recirkulacije napojne suspenzije ukazuju da je<br />proces potrebno izvoditi pri maksimalnoj<br />vrednosti transmembranskog pritiska od 0,9 bara,<br />protocima od 85 do 100 L/h i koncentraciji od 5<br />do 6 g/L.<br />Optimalni uslovi izvođenja procesa mikrofiltracije<br />suspenzija p&scaron;eničnog skroba u uslovima<br />koncentrisanja napojne suspenzije ukazuju da je<br />proces potrebno izvoditi pri vrednosti<br />transmembranskog pritiska od 0,85 do 0,9 bara,<br />protocima od 85 do 100 L/h i koncentraciji od 5<br />do 7 g/L.<br />Pored ispitivanja na laboratorijskoj<br />aparaturi, cilj ovog rada je bio i ispitivanje uticaja<br />procesnih parametara na proces mikrofiltracije<br />suspenzija skroba u poluindustrijskim uslovima<br />(na jednokanalnoj i vi&scaron;ekanalnoj membrani<br />srednjeg prečnika pora 200 nm), odnosno &scaron;ireg<br />opseg vrednosti transmembranskog pritiska i<br />protoka suspenzije na pomenute odzive u<br />uslovima koncentrisanja napojne suspenzije.</p> / <p> The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of<br /> process parameters (transmembrane pressure, flow<br /> rate and suspension concentration) on the permeate<br /> flux in the system with and without the presence of<br /> static mixer. Microfiltration of wheat starch<br /> suspensions was performed in recirculation and<br /> concentration mode using ceramic membranes with<br /> different pore size (200 nm and 500 nm). Response<br /> surface methodology was applied for modeling<br /> cross-flow microfiltration of starch suspensions.<br /> During investigation of starch suspension<br /> microfiltration process on membranes with different<br /> pore size diameter (200 and 500 nm) it was<br /> observed that with increasing pore size the permeate<br /> flux declined.<br /> In the experimental range of process parameters,<br /> flux increase had values between 25% and 50% in<br /> recirculation mode, while in concentration mode<br /> this improvement was in range between 20% and 80%. The increase in flux that occurs by placing a</p> <p> static mixer in the membrane channel was caused<br /> by the establishment of turbulent flow conditions<br /> and the characteristic flow of fluid along the<br /> membrane channel, which is a consequence of the<br /> characteristic geometry of Kenics static mixer.<br /> Both in recirculation and concentration mode, the<br /> reduction of specific energy consumption depends<br /> almost exclusively on the value of the suspension<br /> flow rate. Specific energy consumption increased<br /> rapidly with increasing flow rate in the presence of<br /> static mixers and flux improvement is not high<br /> enough to compensate the loss of hydraulic<br /> dissipated power. The flow rate in the range from<br /> 80 to 100 L/h provided positive values of the<br /> reduction of specific energy consumption and the<br /> use of static mixers was justified from the<br /> economical point of view.<br /> Optimization of experimental conditions was done<br /> by a procedure of simultaneous maximization of<br /> permeate flux in systems with static mixers and<br /> reduction of specific energy consumption. Optimal<br /> conditions of the wheat starch suspension<br /> microfiltration in recirculation mode indicate that<br /> the process should be conducted at the maximum<br /> value of transmembrane pressure of 0.9 bar, flow<br /> rates from 85 to 100 L/h and concentration of 5 to 6<br /> g/L.<br /> Optimal conditions of the wheat starch suspension<br /> microfiltration in concentration mode indicate that<br /> the process should be conducted when the value of<br /> transmembrane pressure from 0.85 to 0.9 bar, flow<br /> rates from 85 to 100 L/h and concentration of 5 to 7<br /> g/L.<br /> Apart from investigations in laboratory conditions,<br /> the aim of this study was to examine the influence<br /> of process parameters on the starch suspensions<br /> microfiltration in the pilot plant (one channel and<br /> multichannel membrane with pore diameter 200<br /> nm) and wider range of transmembrane pressure<br /> and suspension flow rate on the mentioned<br /> responses in concentration mode.</p>

Ranking source code static analysis warnings for continuous monitoring of free/libre/open source software repositories / Ranqueamento de avisos de análise estática de código fonte para monitoramento de repositórios de software livre

Ribeiro, Athos Coimbra 22 June 2018 (has links)
While there is a wide variety of both open source and proprietary source code static analyzers available in the market, each of them usually performs better in a small set of problems, making it hard to choose one single tool to rely on when examining a program. Combining the analysis of different tools may reduce the number of false negatives, but yields a corresponding increase in the number of false positives (which is already high for many tools). An interesting solution, then, is to filter these results to identify the issues least likely to be false positives. This work presents kiskadee, a system to support the usage of static analysis during software development by providing carefully ranked static analysis reports. First, it runs multiple static analyzers on the source code. Then, using a classification model, the potential bugs detected by the static analyzers are ranked based on their importance, with critical flaws ranked first, and potential false positives ranked last. To train kiskadee\'s classification model, we post-analyze the reports generated by three tools on synthetic test cases provided by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. To make our technique as general as possible, we limit our data to the reports themselves, excluding other information such as change histories or code metrics. The features extracted from these reports are used to train a set of decision trees using AdaBoost to create a stronger classifier, achieving 0.8 classification accuracy (the combined false positive rate from the used tools was 0.61). Finally, we use this classifier to rank static analyzer alarms based on the probability of a given alarm being an actual bug. Our experimental results show that, on average, when inspecting warnings ranked by kiskadee, one hits 5.2 times less false positives before each bug than when using a randomly sorted warning list. / Embora exista grande variedade de analisadores estáticos de código-fonte disponíveis no mercado, tanto com licenças proprietárias, quanto com licenças livres, cada uma dessas ferramentas mostra melhor desempenho em um pequeno conjunto de problemas distinto, dificultando a escolha de uma única ferramenta de análise estática para analisar um programa. A combinação das análises de diferentes ferramentas pode reduzir o número de falsos negativos, mas gera um aumento no número de falsos positivos (que já é alto para muitas dessas ferramentas). Uma solução interessante é filtrar esses resultados para identificar os problemas com menores probabilidades de serem falsos positivos. Este trabalho apresenta kiskadee, um sistema para promover o uso da análise estática de código fonte durante o ciclo de desenvolvimento de software provendo relatórios de análise estática ranqueados. Primeiramente, kiskadee roda diversos analisadores estáticos no código-fonte. Em seguida, utilizando um modelo de classificação, os potenciais bugs detectados pelos analisadores estáticos são ranqueados conforme sua importância, onde defeitos críticos são colocados no topo de uma lista, e potenciais falsos positivos, ao fim da mesma lista. Para treinar o modelo de classificação do kiskadee, realizamos uma pós-análise nos relatórios gerados por três analisadores estáticos ao analisarem casos de teste sintéticos disponibilizados pelo National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) dos Estados Unidos. Para tornar a técnica apresentada o mais genérica possível, limitamos nossos dados às informações contidas nos relatórios de análise estática das três ferramentas, não utilizando outras informações, como históricos de mudança ou métricas extraídas do código-fonte dos programas inspecionados. As características extraídas desses relatórios foram utilizadas para treinar um conjunto de árvores de decisão utilizando o algoritmo AdaBoost para gerar um classificador mais forte, atingindo uma acurácia de classificação de 0,8 (a taxa de falsos positivos das ferramentas utilizadas foi de 0,61, quando combinadas). Finalmente, utilizamos esse classificador para ranquear os alarmes dos analisadores estáticos nos baseando na probabilidade de um dado alarme ser de fato um bug no código-fonte. Resultados experimentais mostram que, em média, quando inspecionando alarmes ranqueados pelo kiskadee, encontram-se 5,2 vezes menos falsos positivos antes de se encontrar cada bug quando a mesma inspeção é realizada para uma lista ordenada de forma aleatória.

Retificador trifásico com elevado fator de potência. / Three-phase rectifier with high power factor.

Junqueira, Alisson Dias 19 October 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da retificação trifásica com elevado fator de potência. São mostradas algumas soluções encontradas na literatura. Dentre elas, optou-se pela utilização de um conversor trifásico autocomutado do tipo fonte de tensão (VSC), operando em modulação em largura de pulso (PWM). Apresenta-se a modelagem do conversor, que é utilizado para o projeto dos controladores responsáveis pelo rastreamento das correntes da rede CA e pela regulação da tensão CC. O projeto do controlador das correntes CA, baseado na estratégia de dead-beat, é mostrado de forma simples e intuitiva e é discutida a estabilidade deste controlador. O projeto do controlador PI utilizado para a regulação da tensão CC é baseado no modelo linearizado do conversor. É utilizado um algoritmo simples e eficiente para o bloco PLL, baseado na estratégia “dead-beat". O comportamento do sistema completo é verificado teoricamente, por simulações numéricas e resultados experimentais, confirmando o excelente desempenho das estratégias de controle e do método de projeto propostos. São discutidos ainda os efeitos da variação nos parâmetros no desempenho e na estabilidade do sistema. / This study investigates three-phase rectifiers with high power factor. Some existing solutions in the literature are presented. One of them, the three-phase voltage source converter (VSC) rectifier with pulse width modulation (PWM) is chosen to be used. Converter modeling is presented and used to design a mains current tracking controller and a DC voltage regulator. AC current controlling based on the deadbeat strategy is presented in a simple and intuitive way, and the stability of this controller is discussed. The DC side PI controller is designed based on the linearized model of the converter. A simple and efficient PLL block algorithm, based on the deadbeat strategy is presented. The behavior of the complete system is verified theoretically, by numerical simulation and experimental results, confirming the excellent performance of the proposed control strategy and method of design. The effects of parameter mismatch on system performance and stability are also discussed.

An Analyzer for Message Passing Programs

Huang, Yu 01 May 2016 (has links)
Asynchronous message passing systems are fast becoming a common means for communication between devices. Two problems existing in message passing programs are difficult to solve. The first problem, intended or otherwise, is message-race where a receive may match with more than one send in the runtime system. This non-determinism often leads to intermittent and unexpected behavior depending on the resolution of the race. Another problem is deadlock, which is a situation in that each member process of the group is waiting for some member process to communicate with it, but no member is attempting to communicate with it. Detecting if message-race and/or deadlocks exist in a message passing program are both NP-complete. The difficulty of solving the two problems also comes from three factors that complicate the semantics: asynchronous communication, synchronous barrier, and buffering settings including infinite buffering (the system can buffer messages) and zero buffering (the system has no internal buffering). To solve the above problems with complicating factors, this research provides a novel predictive analysis that initializes a concrete execution and then predicts the behavior of other executions that arise from the initial execution. This research starts with Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) based model checking that provides precise analysis for the program behavior. Unfortunately, a precise analysis using SMT does not scale to large programs. As such, the SMT based model checking is combined with heuristic search for witnessing program properties. The heuristic search is efficient in identifying how sends may match with receives in the runtime as it only looks for the match relations for sends and receives in a small searching space initially; the space is increased only if the program property is not witnessed, until all possible match relations for sends and receives reflected in message non-determinism are found. This research also gives a static analysis approach that is scalable as it does not need to analyze the full set of program behaviors; rather, the static analysis only uses polynomial-time algorithms to identify all potential deadlocks in a send-receive templates given a set of pre-defined deadlock patterns. Given the predictive analysis consisting of SMT based model checking with heuristic search and static analysis, this research is able to solve the two problems above. The work in this dissertation also demonstrates that the predictive analysis is more efficient than the existing tools for verifying message passing programs.

A Large-Scale Analysis of How OpenSSL Is Used in Open-Source Software

Heidbrink, Scott Jared 01 March 2018 (has links)
As vulnerabilities become more common the security of applications are coming under increased scrutiny. In regards to Internet security, recent work discovers that many vulnerabilities are caused by TLS library misuse. This misuse is attributed to large and confusing APIs and developer misunderstanding of security generally. Due to these problems there is a desire for simplified TLS libraries and security handling. However, as of yet there is no analysis of how the existing APIs are used, beyond how incorrect usage motivates the need to replace them. We provide an analysis of contemporary usage of OpenSSL across 410 popular secure applications. These insights will inform the security community as it addresses TLS library redesign.

Stiffness Reduction Strategies for Additively Manufactured Compliant Mechanisms

Merriam, Ezekiel G 01 April 2016 (has links)
This work develops and examines design strategies for reducing the stiffness of 3D-printed compliant mechanisms. The three aspects of a flexure that determine its stiffness are well known: material, boundary conditions, and geometry. In a highly constrained design space however, flexure stiffness may remain unacceptably high even while arriving at the limits of design constraints. In this work, changes to geometry and boundary conditions are examined that lead to drastically reduced stiffness behavior without changing flexure thickness, width, or length. Changes to geometry can result in very complex mechanisms. However, 3D printing enables almost arbitrarily complex geometries. This dissertation presents three design strategies for stiffness reduction: static balancing, lattice flexures, and compound joints. Static balancing refers to changes in the boundary conditions that result in a near-zero net change in potential energy storage over the useful deflection of a flexure. In this work, I present a method for static balancing that utilizes non-dimensional parameters to quickly synthesize a joint design with stiffness reduced by nearly 90%. This method is not only simple and straightforward, it is applicable to a wide range of flexure topologies. The only requirements on the joint to be balanced are that it must be approximated as a pin joint and torsion spring, and it must have a well-understood stiffness when subjected to a compressive load. Lattice flexures result from modifications to geometry that reduce cross-sectional area without changing width or thickness. However, the reduction in stiffness is greater than the reduction in cross sectional area. This can occur because the bending load is now carried by beams partially in torsion. Two lattice geometries are proposed and analyzed in detail using analytic and numeric techniques. It is shown that the off-axis stiffness behavior of lattice flexures can be better than that of conventional blade flexures while bending stiffness is reduced >60%. Compound joints are those that consist of arrays of flexures arranged co-axially. This arrangement provides increased range of motion, generally decreased stiffness, and improved stability. Additionally, a method is herein presented to reduce the parasitic center shift of a compound joint to nearly zero at a specified deflection. The penultimate chapter demonstrates how all three strategies can be used together, and includes new results to facilitate their combination.

The Role of the Midfoot in Drop Landings

Olsen, Mark Taylor 01 January 2018 (has links)
The contribution of the midfoot in landing mechanics is understudied. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to quantify midtarsal joint kinematics and kinetics during a barefoot single-leg landing task. A secondary aim of this study was to explore the relationship between static foot posture and dynamic midfoot function. In a cross-sectional study design, 48 females (age = 20.4 ± 1.8 yr, height = 1.6 ± 0.06 m, weight = 57.3 ± 5.5 kg, BMI = 21.6 ± 1.7 kg·m-1) performed drop landings from a height of 0.4 m onto split force platforms. Subjects hung from wooden rings and landed on their dominant leg. Midtarsal joint kinematic and kinetic data were recorded using a motion capture software system in conjunction with a custom multisegment foot model marker set. Arch height index (AHI) for both seated and standing conditions was measured using the Arch Height Index Measurement System (AHIMS). Kinematic data revealed an average sagittal plane midtarsal range of motion (ROM) of 27 degrees through the landing phase. Kinetic data showed that between 7% and 22% of the total power absorption during the landing was performed by the midtarsal joint. Standing AHI was correlated negatively with sagittal plane midtarsal ROM (p = 0.0264) and positively with midtarsal work (p = 0.0212). Standing midfoot angle (MA) was correlated positively with sagittal plane midtarsal ROM (p = 0.0005) and negatively with midtarsal work (p = 0.0250). The midfoot contributes substantially to landing mechanics during a barefoot single-leg landing task. Static foot posture may be a valuable measurement in predicting midfoot kinematics and kinetics.

Vibration, Split Stretching, and Static Vertical Jump Performance in Young Male Gymnasts

Sands, William A., McNeal, Jeni R., Stone, Michael H. 01 June 2009 (has links)
Abstract available in the Medicine and Sciences in Sports and Exercise.

Acute Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Static Jump Performance

Kavanaugh, Ashley A., Birdsell, H., Kowalyk, L., Livingston, T., Nowell, H., Patton, T., Ramsey, Michael W., Sands, William A., Stone, Michael H. 01 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Sex Differences in Power Output as Determined by Static and Countermovement Jumping

Patel, K., McInnis, T., Pierce, K. C., Stone, Michael 01 February 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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