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Short-term deformations in clay under a formwork during the construction of a bridge : A design studyBerglin, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
During the casting of a concrete bridge deck, the temporary formwork is causing the underlying ground to deform if a shallow foundation solution is used. There are often demands on the maximum deformation of the superstructure when designing the foundation for the formwork. To keep the deformations within the desired limits, several ground improvement methods like deep mixing columns or deep foundation methods like piling can be used. Permanent ground improvement methods are however expensive, and far from always needed. To reduce the need for unnecessary ground improvements, it is crucial to calculate the predicted deformations accurately during the design phase. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how short-term deformations in clay under a formwork during bridge construction should be calculated more generally in future projects. Three different calculation models have here been used to calculate the ground deformations caused by the temporary formwork. A simple analytical calculation and two numerical calculations based on the Mohr Coulomb and Hardening Soil-Small constitutive models. The three calculation models were chosen based on their complexity. The analytical calculation model was the most idealised and the Hardening Soil-Small to be the most complex and most realistic model. Results show that the numerical calculation model Mohr Coulomb and the analytical calculation model gives the best results compared to the measured deformation. One of the most probable reasons for the result is that both of the models require a few input parameters that can easily be determined by well-known methods, such as triaxial-, routine- and CRS-tests. The more advanced Hardening soil small model requires many parameters to fully describe the behaviour of soil. Many of the parameters are hard to determine or seldom measured. Due to the larger uncertainties in the parameter selection compared with the other two models, the calculated deformation also contains larger uncertainties. / Vid gjutning av betongbrodäck kommer den underliggande marken att deformeras av den temporära formställningen, som tar upp lasterna medan betongen härdar. Det finns oftast krav på hur stora markdeformationerna maximalt får vara. För att hålla deformationerna inom gränserna kan diverse markförstärkningsmetoder, så som kalkcementpelare eller pålar, användas. Permanenta markförstärkningar är oftast väldigt dyra och inte alltid nödvändiga. Ett alternativ till att använda dyra markförstärkningar skulle kunna vara att beräkna den förutspådda deformationen med stor exakthet i projekteringsstadiet. Syftet med det här arbetet var att undersöka hur korttidsstätningar i lera vid en bronybyggnation ska beräknas mer generellt i framtida projekt. I detta arbete har tre beräkningsmodeller använts för att beräkna markdeformationerna från den temporära formställningen. En enklare analytisk modell samt två numeriska beräkningsmodeller som baseras på Mohr Coulomb och Hardening Soil Small teorierna. De tre beräkningsmodellerna valdes utifrån deras komplexitet. Den analytiska beräkningen ansågs vara den mest förenklade modellen medan Hardening Soil-Small var den mest komplexa och realistiska modellen. Resultatet visar att trots sin enkelhet så ger den numeriska beräkningsmodellen Mohr Coulomb och den analytiska beräkningen bäst resultat jämfört med de uppmätta deformationerna. En möjlig anledning till det goda resultatet är att modellerna endast kräver ett fåtal ingångsparametrar som kan bestämmas med hjälp av välkända fält- och laboratoriemetoder så som triaxialförsök, rutinlaboratorieförsök och CRS-försök. Den mer komplexa modellen Hardening Soil Small kräver flera ingångsparametrar för att kunna modellera jordens beteende. Många av parametrarna är svåra att bestämma då mätdata oftast saknas. Osäkerheterna i valet av ingångsparametrar för den mer komplexa hardening soil small modellen är större än de två andra studerade modellerna, vilekt även ger upphov till större osäkerheter i dem beräknade deformationerna.
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Shear Stiffness and Capacity of Joints Between Precast Wall ElementsKaya, Semiha, Salim, Delvin January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis an investigation of the shear stiffness and capacity of joints between pre- fabricated concrete elements regarding to different material properties is reported. Two different models of shear key joints, connected to prefabricated walls, were cre- ated in the non-linear finite element software, ATENA 3D, with the aim to estimate a realistic behaviour of the joints regarding to the external loads.
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Multimaterial 3D Printing of a mechanically representative aortic model for the testing of novel biomedical implantsKuthe, Sudhanshu January 2019 (has links)
Aortic stenosis is a serious cardiovascular disease that requires urgent attention and surgical intervention. If not treated, aortic stenosis can result in heart attack or cardiac arrest. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement is a surgical technique that is used to treat aortic stenosis. Like all heart surgery, the procedure is difficult to perform and may lead to life-threatening complications. It is therefore important for a surgeon to be able to plan and rehearse the surgery before the operation to minimise risk to the patient. A detailed study was carried out to develop a 3D-printed, improved surgical tool for patient-specific planning and rehearsal of a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement procedure. With this new tool, a cardiologist will be able better to understand a specific patient’s heart geometry and practice the procedure in advance. Computer tomography images were processed using image segmentation software to identify the anatomy of a specific patient’s heart and the surrounding blood vessels. Using materials design concepts, a polymer composite was developed that is able to mimic the mechanical properties of aortic tissue. State-of-art multi-material 3D printing technology was then used to produce a replica aorta with a geometry that matched that of the patient. An artificial aortic valve, identical to the type used in the Transcatheter Aortic valve replacement procedure, was then fitted to the replica aorta and was shown, using a standard test, to be a good fit with no obvious leaks. / Aortastenos är en hjärtsjukdom som får mycket uppmärksamhet och kräver kirurgi på grund av dess katastrofala komplikationer. Den allvarligaste komplikationen av aortastenos är hjärtinfarkt och resulterande hjärtstopp. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement är en kardiovaskulär intervention som erbjuds för patienter med aortastenos. Denna typ av hjärtkirurgi är komplex och kan orsaka livshotande situationer för patienten om något går snett under operationen. Det är därför viktigt för kirurgen att kunna planera ingreppet innan han eller hon utför själva operationen för att minimera fara för patienten. Denna detaljerade studie ämnar utveckla och förbättra det kirurgiska verktyget för preoperativ planering av Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement genom 3D- tryckning. Forskningsarbetet kommer att ge kardiologer ett nytt sätt att förstå patientens hjärta i detalj och ett ökat förtroende för att träna på ingreppet på förhand. Datortomografibilder behandlades med hjälp av en bildsegmentationsprogramvara för att kunna skapa en anatomiskt korrekt kopia av patientens hjärta och tillhörande kärl. Genom att applicera material-vetenskapslära kan ett nytt kompositmaterial utvecklas med exakt samma mekaniska egenskaper som naturlig aortavävnad. Den mest moderna 3D-trycktekniken användes sedan för att producera en patientspecifik aorta. En artificiell aortaklaff placerades i den nyproducerade aortamodellen och tester visade en perfekt matchning utan läckage.
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Study of two - dimensional Kirigami in different materials / Studie av tvådimensionell Kirigami i olika materialNoble, Joseph January 2018 (has links)
The mechanical properties of a 2D material can be altered with Kirigami, a Japanese paper cutting art. Such altered materials are called metamaterials – where a certain geometry is imposed on a material to change its material properties.This thesis documents the effects of a specific Kirigami pattern cut into a range of different 2D materials, such as plastic films or paper – the results of which will be used to evaluate the suitability of each material candidate to a product, the ‘IV strip’, designed and produced by Ortrud Medical AB.The strip contains a patterned ‘spring’ area, which has reduced stiffness due to the patterned defects imposed on it, and a force indication zone. The force indication zone will not be considered.The material selection study used a Pugh’s Evaluation matrix method to choose the best candidate. A few materials were chosen due their suitability in criteria such as robustness of results, tearing force and patient comfort. One material was selected for further experimentation due to its interesting stress/strain characteristics.A further study was then carried out to assess the possibility of tuning the pattern dimensions to alter the tensile properties of the metamaterial. This study includes both computational and experimental methods to verify the feasibility of a simulation model. The study found that it is possible to draw relationships between cut length and stiffness of the pattern. Whilst the computational and experimental results were similar for very small deformations, the FEM simulation struggles at higher deformations because of the lack of available material properties for the program input. / De mekaniska egenskaperna hos ett tvådimensionellt material kan ändras med hjälp av Kirigami, som är en japansk klippkonst i papper. Material där man med geometriförändringar ändrar materialegenskaperna kallas metamaterial. I det här examensarbetet dokumenteras inverkan av ett Kirigami-mönster i olika material, bland annat plast och papper. Resultaten kommer att användas för att utvärdera om något passar att användas till ett stasband framtaget av Ortrud Medical AB. Remsan har en mönstrad ”fjäderyta”, som påverkar styvheten, och en kraftzoon. I det här arbetet studeras enbart det mönstrade området. För att utvärdera materialen och välja det mest lämpade, användes Pughs utvärderingsmatris. Materialen utvärderas bland annat med avseende på robusthet, dragmotstånd och patientkomfort. Ett av materialen valdes ut för ytterligare provning på grund av dess intressanta deformationsbeteende.I det här arbetet tillämpas både experimentella och analytiska metoder. Resultaten användes sedan för att verifiera en FE-modell av systemet. Modellen och experimenten gav liknade resultat vid små deformationer, dock begränsades verifieringen av materialdatabasen. En delstudie visade att det är möjlighet att ställa in mönsterdimensionerna, så att töjningsegenskaperna hos metamaterialet kan justeras.
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Study of Two-dimensional Kirigami in Different Materials / Studie av tvådimensionell Kirigami i olika materialNoble, Joseph January 2018 (has links)
De mekaniska egenskaperna hos ett tvådimensionellt material kan ändras med hjälp av Kirigami, som är en japansk klippkonst i papper. Material där man med geometriförändringar ändrar materialegenskaperna kallas metamaterial. I det här examensarbetet dokumenteras inverkan av ett Kirigami-mönster i olika material, bland annat plast och papper. Resultaten kommer att användas för att utvärdera om något passar att användas till ett stasband framtaget av Ortrud Medical AB. Remsan har en mönstrad ”fjäderyta”, som påverkar styvheten, och en kraftzoon. I det här arbetet studeras enbart det mönstrade området. För att utvärdera materialen och välja det mest lämpade, användes Pughs utvärderingsmatris. Materialen utvärderas bland annat med avseende på robusthet, dragmotstånd och patientkomfort. Ett av materialen valdes ut för ytterligare provning på grund av dess intressanta deformationsbeteende. I det här arbetet tillämpas både experimentella och analytiska metoder. Resultaten användes sedan för att verifiera en FE-modell av systemet. Modellen och experimenten gav liknade resultat vid små deformationer, dock begränsades verifieringen av materialdatabasen. En delstudie visade att det är möjlighet att ställa in mönsterdimensionerna, så att töjningsegenskaperna hos metamaterialet kan justeras. / The mechanical properties of a 2D material can be altered with Kirigami, a Japanese paper cutting art. Such altered materials are called metamaterials – where a certain geometry is imposed on a material to change its material properties. This thesis documents the effects of a specific Kirigami pattern cut into a range of different 2D materials, such as plastic films or paper – the results of which will be used to evaluate the suitability of each material candidate to a product, the ‘IV strip’, designed and produced by Ortrud Medical AB. The strip contains a patterned ‘spring’ area, which has reduced stiffness due to the patterned defects imposed on it, and a force indication zone. The force indication zone will not be considered. The material selection study used a Pugh’s Evaluation matrix method to choose the best candidate. A few materials were chosen due their suitability in criteria such as robustness of results, tearing force and patient comfort. One material was selected for further experimentation due to its interesting stress/strain characteristics. A further study was then carried out to assess the possibility of tuning the pattern dimensions to alter the tensile properties of the metamaterial. This study includes both computational and experimental methods to verify the feasibility of a simulation model. The study found that it is possible to draw relationships between cut length and stiffness of the pattern. Whilst the computational and experimental results were similar for very small deformations, the FEM simulation struggles at higher deformations because of the lack of available material properties for the program input.
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Machining System Measurement and ModellingLaguna Serrano, Sergio January 2017 (has links)
Machine tools need to be tested to check they behave correctly while machining. A bigger production (capacity), improving the accuracy in final products (quality) or reducing costs are some of the main goals. Reducing the maintenance of the machines, their nonproductive time and a higher quality of the final parts, have a strong influence in the costs. Even machines built to the same specification present different properties and behaviours, which leads into a reduction of the flexibility when it comes to move operations among them. This study is focused on the measurement and modelling of four machine tools (M1, M2, M3 and M4), with same specifications, from the static point of view. Methods used to measure all these properties are the circular tests under loaded conditions, with the device Loaded Double Ball Bar (LDBB), which measures positional accuracy and static stiffness. Different pressures (0.5, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 bar) and locations for the LDBB have been used. After the tests were performed, all the machines shown good properties with the detail of M4, which had a lower stiffness than the other three ones due to its table attachments. / Maskinverktyg måste testas för att kontrollera att de beter sig korrekt vid bearbetning. En större produktion (kapacitet), förbättra noggrannheten i slutprodukterna (kvalitet) eller sänka kostnaderna är några av huvudmålen. Att minska underhållet av maskinerna, deras icke-produktiva tid och en högre kvalitet på de slutliga delarna har ett starkt inflytande i kostnaderna. Även maskiner konstruerade för samma specifikation presenterar olika egenskaper och beteenden, vilket leder till en minskning av flexibiliteten när det gäller att flytta verksamheten bland dem. Denna studie är inriktad på mätning och modellering av fyra verktygsmaskiner (M1, M2, M3 och M4), med samma specifikationer, ur statisk synvinkel. Metoder som används för att mäta alla dessa egenskaper är de cirkulära testerna under laddade förhållanden, med enheten Loaded Double Ball Bar (LDBB), som mäter positionsnoggrannhet och statisk styvhet. Olika tryck (0,5, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 bar) och platser för LDBB har använts. Efter testerna visade alla maskiner goda egenskaper med detaljerna i M4, som hade en lägre styvhet än de andra tre på grund av dess bordsfästanordningar.
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Association of dietary advanced glycation end products (AGEs) with inflammation and arterial stiffness in youth with type I diabetesStucke, Dea 15 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluation of Strength and Hydraulic Properties of Buried Pipe Systems Used for Stormwater HarvestingSamson Mena, Mario 01 January 2015 (has links)
Water scarcity has been identified as a global issue. Both water harvesting and an efficient water piping system are some of the important factors to meet the water demand. In this study, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes used as an underground storage was evaluated and a Microsoft EXCEL based model was developed, called PIPE-R Model. To study the structural integrity of the pipes, laboratory and field testing were conducted. For the water harvesting, UCF Stormwater Management Academy designed an EXCEL based model to simulate the system's performance to store and redistribute water for an average year. The purpose of PIPE-R Model was to provide average yearly values such as groundwater recharge, hydrologic efficiency and make up water needed in order to guide the user in the design process. The PIPE-R Model consisted on evaluating specific pipe systems based on properties selected by the user. Input variables such as system dimensions, soil type and reuse water demand provided flexibility to the user while evaluating the system. Results of the study showed that the PIPE-R Model might be an effective tool while designing these pipe systems. A detailed example was shown to help visualize the process required to use the model. The PIPE-R model allowed the user a wide range of possibilities and obtain important performance data that will hopefully optimize the cost for its construction. For the evaluation of the structural integrity of the pipe system, laboratory testing was conducted in accordance with ASTM D2412 ? 11 "Determination of External Loading Characteristics of Plastic Pipe by Parallel-Plate Loading". This method helps evaluate the structural performance based on the pipe stiffness (PS) against the standard values stated by AASHTO M252. The test procedure consisted on establishing load-deflection relationship of a single pipe under parallel plate loading. However, this research project involved the analysis of bundled pipes of different sizes and levels. Thus, modifications were added to the formula in order to evaluate multiple pipes by accounting the number of pipes in contact with the loading plate. Laboratory results demonstrated that the pipes exceeded the minimum requirements stated by AASHTO M252 and that strength is decreased as the number of levels increases. In addition, field testing was conducted to study the behavior of bundle systems under the effects of dead and live loads. Three different cover configuration were studied ranging from 18 inches to 43 inches of depth. Draw-wire sensors, a type of displacement sensors, were placed inside buried housing structures to monitor deformation values experienced by the pipe bundles during the test. Average deformations founds for the cover depths of 43 in, 30 in and 18 in were 0.07 in, 0.32 in and 0.64 in, respectively. Based on these results, the field testing revealed that a minimum of 30 inches of cover is seemed to be appropriate if live loads are applicable.
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In-Plane Cyclic Shear Performance of Pipe Stem Reinforced Cob WallPerez-Barbante, Dezire Q'anna 01 October 2019 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates full-scale pipe stem reinforced cob walls under in-plane cyclic shear loads. Cob is the combination of clay subsoils, sand, straw and water that is built in lifts to produce monolithic walls. There is insufficient amount of information on cob as a building material in today’s age. The prior research that exists has examined varying straw content and type, water content, and mixture ratios to determine their effect on strength. There is currently one report that analyzes full-scale cob walls under in-plane loading. This thesis looks to iterate the full-scale tests and specifically studies the effect of reinforcement on cob walls. Concurrent to this research, another thesis was written that investigates a full-scale wire mesh reinforced cob wall under in-plane cyclic shear loads.
From the data collected, a shear failure was suggested for the stem pipe wall. There appeared to be a large amount of ductility from the data and the cracks formed. Ductility, a seismic response modification factor (R-Factor) and stiffness were calculated using the yield point and ultimate loads.Iterations of this research and those performed in the past can be helpful in integrating cob in to the California Building Code.
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Prediction of In-Plane Stiffnesses and Thermomechanical Stresses in Cylindrical Composite Cross-SectionsChan, Bryson M 01 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Accurate mechanical analysis of composite structures is necessary for the prediction of laminate behavior. Cylindrical composite tubes are a mainstay in many structural applications. The fundamental design of circular composite cross-sections necessitates the development of a comprehensive composite lamination theory. A new analytical method is developed to characterize the behavior of thin-walled composite cylindrical tubes using a modified plate theory. A generated numerical solver can predict properties such as axial stiffness, bending stiffness, layer stresses, and layer strains in composite tubes subjected to combined mechanical loading and thermal effects. The model accounts for the curvature by transforming and translating the material in-plane lamina properties over a global reference coordinate system. A MATLAB-based solver is used to determine the lamina stiffness and stress outcomes with adjustable parameters, including elastic material properties, thermal coefficients, tubing radius, the orientation of fibers, and the ply stacking sequence. The results are then validated using a FE model developed in ABAQUS using a simple quadrature S4R element type. Parametric case studies confirm the validity of the analytical model by accounting for different ply orientations, stacking sequence, and thermal, mechanical loading.
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