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Zur Bestimmung der Messunsicherheit bei der experimentellen Spannungsanalyse mittels MetallfoliendehnungsmessstreifenOtto, Patrick 20 December 2022 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit der Bestimmung der Messunsicherheit bei der experimentellen Spannungsanalyse mittels Metallfoliendehnungsmessstreifen. Trotz langjähriger Verfügbarkeit von Dehnungsmessstreifen und den Kenntnissen über deren Wirkungsmechanismen, inklusive der damit verbundenen Abweichungen, existieren nur wenige Betrachtungen hinsichtlich der Messunsicherheit. Vor allem die große Anzahl möglicher Einflüsse und die daraus resultierenden systematischen Abweichungen, in Kombination mit einer fehlenden Möglichkeit zur Kalibrierung, stellen eine Herausforderung und meist einen hohen Aufwand dar. Diese komplexe Ausgangssituation wird anhand theoretischer und praktischer Untersuchungen analysiert und bewertet. Dabei wird das Ziel verfolgt, eine möglichst große Menge von Messaufgaben abzudecken, ohne zugleich eine übermäßig große Messunsicherheit hinnehmen zu müssen.
Nach einer umfassenden Darstellung verschiedener Abweichungen werden zunächst die Einflüsse systematisiert. Darauf aufbauend werden Randbedingungen für häufig auftretende Messaufgaben abgeleitet und als Standardszenario zusammengefasst.
Im anschließenden Abschnitt werden alle Einflüsse, die im Rahmen der Arbeit nicht empirisch untersucht werden können, mit Hilfe der Randbedingungen theoretisch betrachtet. Einen wesentlichen Anteil an der resultierenden Messunsicherheit besitzen dabei die Ermüdungserscheinungen und die Rückwirkung. Relevant, jedoch von untergeordneter Bedeutung, sind die Hysterese, das Kriechen und die Querempfindlichkeit.
Im empirischen Teil wird ein modifizierter Versuchsstand zur Bestimmung des k-Faktors dargestellt, mit dem zeitgleich bis zu 36 Dehnungsmessstreifen untersucht werden können. Einen Schwerpunkt dabei bildet die Mechanik des verwendeten breiten Biegebalkens. Die Auswertung zeigt, dass die Richtungsabweichung der 72 untersuchten Dehnungsmessstreifen weniger als 1° beträgt.
Die Messunsicherheit bezüglich des Nullpunktes bei der Dehnungsmessung resultiert vor allem aus der temperaturbedingten Scheindehnung. Deren Korrektur mit dem Polynom laut Datenblatt ist aufgrund der Unsicherheit der thermischen Ausdehnungskoeffizienten im Temperaturbereich von 0-30 °C von geringer Wirkung. Bei Langzeitmessungen ab etwa 30-50 Tagen ist trotz Abdeckung mit Polyurethan-Lack zudem die feuchtigkeitsspezifische Nullpunktdrift von Bedeutung.
Die Empfindlichkeit der Dehnungsmessung wird durch die losspezifische Streuung des k-Faktors dominiert und ist nicht zeitabhängig.
Abschließend werden alle untersuchten Einflüsse zusammengefasst und verglichen. Dadurch wird offensichtlich, dass durch gezielte Einschränkung der zulässigen Lastwechselzahl und der mechanischen Eigenschaften des Messobjektes im Standardszenario die Messunsicherheit um 23 % reduzierbar ist. Zusätzlich wird die Anpassung der Randbedingungen an eine Langzeitmessung mit erweitertem Temperaturbereich demonstriert.:1 Einleitung
1.1 Motivation und Zielstellung
1.1.1 Motivation
1.1.2 Zielstellung und Abgrenzung der Arbeit
1.2 Verfahrensweise und Aufbau der Arbeit
2 Grundlagen
2.1 Abschätzung der Messunsicherheit
2.1.1 Systematik der Messabweichungen
2.1.2 Grundlagen der Messunsicherheit
2.1.3 Messunsicherheit nach GUM und GUM S1
2.1.4 Messaufgabenspezifische Messunsicherheit
2.2 Metallfolien-DMS
2.2.1 Messprinzip
2.2.2 Ursachen für Messabweichungen
2.2.3 Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung von Abweichungen
2.3 Statistische Methoden
2.3.1 Design of Experiments (DoE)
2.3.2 Statistische Methoden zur Versuchsauswertung
3 Entwurf eines Standardszenarios
3.1 Definition des Standardszenarios
3.2 Randbedingungen für das Standardszenario
3.2.1 Mensch
3.2.2 Messmittel
3.2.3 Versuchsdurchführung
3.2.4 Messobjekt
3.2.5 Umgebungsbedingungen
3.3 Ursachen und Effekte im Standardszenario
3.3.1 Applikation
3.3.2 Messmittel
3.3.3 Versuch
3.3.4 Umgebung
3.4 Angewandte Methoden zur Reduzierung von Abweichungen
3.4.1 Kompensationsverfahren
3.4.2 Korrektion von Abweichungen
4 Theoretische Betrachtung der Messunsicherheiten
4.1 Vorgehensweise bei der Abschätzung der Messunsicherheit
4.2 Messmittel
4.2.1 Messverstärker
4.2.2 Rauschen
4.3 Versuch
4.3.1 Querdehnungsempfindlichkeit
4.3.2 Ermüdungsverhalten
4.3.3 Hysterese
4.3.4 Kriechen
4.3.5 Rückwirkung
4.3.6 Linearität
4.4 Umgebungseinflüsse
4.4.1 Thermospannung
4.4.2 Thermische Drift
5 Empirische Untersuchung zur Messunsicherheit
5.1 Versuchsplanung
5.1.1 Versuchsbeschreibung
5.1.2 Versuchsmaterial und Personal
5.1.3 Versuchsplan
5.1.4 Versuchsablauf
5.2 Versuchsaufbau zur Bestimmung des k-Faktors
5.2.1 Theoretische Grundlagen zum Versuch
5.2.2 Probenmechanik des breiten Biegebalkens
5.2.3 Praktische Umsetzung der 4-Punkt-Biegung
5.3 Langzeitversuch
5.3.1 Versuchsaufbau und Datenerfassung
5.3.2 Umgebungsbedingungen
5.4 Auswertung der Versuche
5.4.1 Richtungsabweichung
5.4.2 Grundwiderstand
5.4.3 Nullpunkt
5.4.4 k-Faktor
6 Messunsicherheit für das Standardszenario und Zusammenfassung
6.1 Zusammenfassung des Standardszenarios
6.1.1 Messunsicherheit Standardszenario
6.1.2 Anpassung des Standardszenarios
6.2 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
6.2.1 Zusammenfassung
6.2.2 Ausblick
A Nichtlinearität der Wheatstoneschen Messbrücke
B Tabellen zum Standardszenario
C Herleitungen zur theoretischen Abschätzung
D Bestimmung der Materialkennwerte
E Daten der einzelnen Messstellen des Versuchs
F Ergänzungen zum Versuch
G Ergänzungen zur Auswertung des Versuchs / This thesis deals with the determination of the measurement uncertainty in experimental stressanalysis using metal foil strain gauges. Despite the availability of strain gauges for many years and the knowledge of their mechanisms of action, including the associated errors, only a few considerations exist with regard to the measurement uncertainty. Particulary the large number of possible influences and the resulting systematic errors, in combination with a lack of possibility for calibration, represent a challenge and usually a high expense. This complex initial situation is analysed and evaluated on the basis of theoretical and practical investigations. The aim is to cover as many measurement tasks as possible without having to accept an excessively high measurement uncertainty at the same time.
After a comprehensive presentation of various errors, the influences are first systematized. Based on this, boundary conditions for frequently occurring measurement tasks are derived and summarized as a standard scenario.
In the following section, all influences that cannot be investigated empirically within the scope of the work are considered theoretically with the help of the boundary conditions. The fatigue damage and the reinforcement effect have a significant share in the resulting measurement uncertainty. Relevant, but of secondary importance, are hysteresis, creep and transverse sensitivity.
In the empirical part, a modified test rig for determining the k-factor is presented, with which up to 36 strain gauges can be measured simultaneously. One focus is on the mechanics of the wide bending beam used. The evaluation shows that the error due to misalignment of the 72 examined strain gauges is less than 1°.
The measurement uncertainty with regard to the zero-point in the strain measurement results primarily from the thermal output of the strain gauge. Its correction with the polynomial according to the data sheet is of little effect due to the uncertainty of the thermal expansion coefficients in the temperature range of 0-30 °C. In the case of long-term measurements from about 30-50 days, the moisture-specific zero-point drift is also significant despite covering in polyurethane lacquer.
The sensitivity of the strain measurement is dominated by the batch-specific scatter of the k-factor and is not time-dependent.
Finally, all examined influences are summarised and compared. This illustrates that the measurement uncertainty can be reduced by 23 % in the standard scenario by specifically limiting the permissible number of load cycles and mechanical properties of the test object. In addition, the adaptation of the boundary conditions to a long-term measurement with extended temperature range is demonstrated.:1 Einleitung
1.1 Motivation und Zielstellung
1.1.1 Motivation
1.1.2 Zielstellung und Abgrenzung der Arbeit
1.2 Verfahrensweise und Aufbau der Arbeit
2 Grundlagen
2.1 Abschätzung der Messunsicherheit
2.1.1 Systematik der Messabweichungen
2.1.2 Grundlagen der Messunsicherheit
2.1.3 Messunsicherheit nach GUM und GUM S1
2.1.4 Messaufgabenspezifische Messunsicherheit
2.2 Metallfolien-DMS
2.2.1 Messprinzip
2.2.2 Ursachen für Messabweichungen
2.2.3 Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung von Abweichungen
2.3 Statistische Methoden
2.3.1 Design of Experiments (DoE)
2.3.2 Statistische Methoden zur Versuchsauswertung
3 Entwurf eines Standardszenarios
3.1 Definition des Standardszenarios
3.2 Randbedingungen für das Standardszenario
3.2.1 Mensch
3.2.2 Messmittel
3.2.3 Versuchsdurchführung
3.2.4 Messobjekt
3.2.5 Umgebungsbedingungen
3.3 Ursachen und Effekte im Standardszenario
3.3.1 Applikation
3.3.2 Messmittel
3.3.3 Versuch
3.3.4 Umgebung
3.4 Angewandte Methoden zur Reduzierung von Abweichungen
3.4.1 Kompensationsverfahren
3.4.2 Korrektion von Abweichungen
4 Theoretische Betrachtung der Messunsicherheiten
4.1 Vorgehensweise bei der Abschätzung der Messunsicherheit
4.2 Messmittel
4.2.1 Messverstärker
4.2.2 Rauschen
4.3 Versuch
4.3.1 Querdehnungsempfindlichkeit
4.3.2 Ermüdungsverhalten
4.3.3 Hysterese
4.3.4 Kriechen
4.3.5 Rückwirkung
4.3.6 Linearität
4.4 Umgebungseinflüsse
4.4.1 Thermospannung
4.4.2 Thermische Drift
5 Empirische Untersuchung zur Messunsicherheit
5.1 Versuchsplanung
5.1.1 Versuchsbeschreibung
5.1.2 Versuchsmaterial und Personal
5.1.3 Versuchsplan
5.1.4 Versuchsablauf
5.2 Versuchsaufbau zur Bestimmung des k-Faktors
5.2.1 Theoretische Grundlagen zum Versuch
5.2.2 Probenmechanik des breiten Biegebalkens
5.2.3 Praktische Umsetzung der 4-Punkt-Biegung
5.3 Langzeitversuch
5.3.1 Versuchsaufbau und Datenerfassung
5.3.2 Umgebungsbedingungen
5.4 Auswertung der Versuche
5.4.1 Richtungsabweichung
5.4.2 Grundwiderstand
5.4.3 Nullpunkt
5.4.4 k-Faktor
6 Messunsicherheit für das Standardszenario und Zusammenfassung
6.1 Zusammenfassung des Standardszenarios
6.1.1 Messunsicherheit Standardszenario
6.1.2 Anpassung des Standardszenarios
6.2 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
6.2.1 Zusammenfassung
6.2.2 Ausblick
A Nichtlinearität der Wheatstoneschen Messbrücke
B Tabellen zum Standardszenario
C Herleitungen zur theoretischen Abschätzung
D Bestimmung der Materialkennwerte
E Daten der einzelnen Messstellen des Versuchs
F Ergänzungen zum Versuch
G Ergänzungen zur Auswertung des Versuchs
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Size of FRP laminates to strengthen reinforced concrete sections in flexure.Ashour, Ashraf 08 1900 (has links)
Yes / This paper presents an analytical method for estimating the flexural strength of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with externally bonded fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) laminates. The method is developed from the strain compatibility and equilibrium of forces. Based on the size of external FRP laminates, several flexural failure modes may be identified, namely tensile rupture of FRP laminates and concrete crushing before or after yielding of internal steel reinforcement. Upper and lower limits to the size of FRP laminates used are suggested to maintain ductile behaviour of strengthened reinforced concrete sections. Comparisons between the flexural strength obtained from the current method and experiments show good agreement. Design equations for calculating the size of FRP laminates externally bonded to reinforced concrete sections to enhance their flexural strength are proposed.
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Chlorhexidine does not improve but preserves bond strength to eroded dentin.Francisconi dos Rios, Luciana Fávaro, Calabria, Marcela Pagani, Casas-Apayco, Leslie, Honório, Heitor Marques, Carrilho, Marcela Rocha De Oliveira, Pereira, José Carlos, Wang, Linda 02 1900 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of aqueous solutions of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) in different concentrations on bond strength to eroded dentin up to 6 months, using normal dentin as a control. METHODS: Exposed flat dentin of extracted third molars was only ground with 600-grit SiC paper/1 minute (normal dentin - N), or subsequently eroded by a regular-cola soft-drink (eroded dentin - E). N and E were acid-etched, washed, dried and rehydrated with 1.5 μL, respectively, of distillated water (control - NC / EC); of 0.004% CHX (N0.004% / E0.004%); or of 2% CHX (N2% / E2%). Adper Single Bond 2 was applied in all specimens and resin composite buildups were constructed with Filtek Z350. Specimens were sectioned in beams, which were tested (μTBS) immediately or after 6 months of aging. RESULTS: Microtensile bond strength to eroded dentin was always significantly lower than that to normal dentin. Application of tested CHX solutions did not exert a significant effect immediately; however, after aging, the 2% CHX prevented abrupt bond strength loss both to eroded and normal dentin. / Revisión por pares
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Análise fotoelástica das tensões geradas por coroas unitárias sobre implantes adjacentes na região posterior da mandíbula. Efeito de sistemas de retenção e materiais de revestimento estético / Photoelastic analysis of stress generated by singlecrowns over adjacent implants in the posterior mandible. Effect of retention systems and veneering materialsAguiar Junior, Fábio Afrânio de 22 January 2010 (has links)
Implantes osseointegrados vêm sendo utilizados com sucesso para restaurar a função e a estética de pacientes desdentados totais e parciais, no entanto, apesar do alto índice de sucesso, a literatura apresenta uma série de complicações da técnica. Apesar da falta de consenso sobre qual a melhor maneira de se restaurar implantes múltiplos adjacentes, a confecção de próteses unitárias vem sendo sugerida e praticada por muitos profissionais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar, pela técnica fotoelástica (qualitativa e quantitativa), o comportamento biomecânico de coroas unitárias sobre implantes hexágono interno com pilar UCLA. Foram confeccionadas coroas cimentadas e parafusadas, simulando a reabilitação da área posterior da mandíbula com e sem a presença de elemento dental distal aos implantes. Foram analisados, também, a liga metálica da infraestrutura (Ni-Cr-Ti ou Ni-Cr) e o tipo de material para revestimento estético (cerâmica ou resina). Foram confeccionados modelos fotoelásticos simulando espaço protético com ausência de segundo pré-molar e primeiro molar, reabilitado com coroas sobre implantes. Três modelos de pontas de aplicação de carga foram utilizados para produzir quatro diferentes condições de carregamento na superfície oclusal das coroas: 1 -puntiforme obtido com uma ponta simples para carregamento no pré-molar ou no molar com 5kgf; 2 puntiforme simultânea obtido por uma ponta dupla para carregamento das duas coroas ao mesmo tempo com 10kgf; 3 - oclusal distribuído obtido com uma ponta que simulou a oclusão antagonista com 10kgf. Após a aplicação das cargas, foram obtidos registros fotográficos para análise qualitativa e posteriormente foi realizada a análise quantitativa em três pontos na região cervical e um ponto na região apical de cada implante. De acordo com os resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que o uso de ligas de Ni-Cr-Ti ou Ni-Cr não interferiu na transmissão de tensões. Coroas revestidas em resina, de modo geral, geraram maior concentração de tensões em torno dos implantes quando comparadas às coroas revestidas em cerâmica. As coroas parafusadas provocaram maior tensão em torno dos implantes quando comparadas às coroas cimentadas. A presença do dente com ponto de contato efetivo à distal das coroas sobre implantes favoreceu a distribuição de tensões. / Osseointegrated implants have been successfully used to restore function and esthetic to fully and partially edentulous patients; however, regardless of the high success, the literature reveals some complications of the technique. Despite the lack of consensus about what is the better way to restore multiple adjacent implants, the use of single crowns have been suggested and practiced by many professionals. The purpose of the present study was to verify, using photoelastic analysis (qualitative and quantitative), the biomechanical behavior of single crowns on internal hexagon implants with UCLA abutment. Cement and screw-retained crowns was fabricated simulating the rehabilitation of posterior mandible area with or without the presence of a dental element distal to the implants. The metal framework alloys (Ni-Cr-Ti or Ni- Cr) and the esthetic veneering materials (ceramic or resin) was, also, analyzed. Photoelastic models were made simulating the missing of the second pre-molar and the first molar, rehabilitated with implant-supported crowns. Three models of loading application tips were used to produce different conditions of loading on crowns occlusal surface: 1 punctiform obtained with a simple tip for loading over premolar or molar with 5 Kgf; 2 simultaneous punctiform obtained with a Double tip for loading over both crowns in the same time with 10 Kgf; 3 distributed occlusal obtained with a tip simulating the antagonist occlusion with 10 Kgf. After loading application photographic records were obtained for qualitative analysis, and in sequence, quantitative analysis was realized in three cervical points and one point in the apical area of each implant. According to the obtained results, it was concluded that the use of Ni-Cr-Ti or Ni-Cr alloys did not interfere in stress transmission. Resin veneered crowns, generally generated higher concentration of stress around the implants when compared to ceramic veneered crowns. Screw-retained crowns promoted higher stress around the implants when compared to cement-retained crowns. The presence of teeth with effective interproximal contact distal to implantsupported crowns improved the stress distribution.
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Modeling Boundary Effect Problems of Heterogeneous Structures by Extending Mechanics of Structure GenomeBo Peng (5930135) 10 June 2019 (has links)
First, the theory of MSG is extended to aperiodic heterogeneous solid structures. Integral constraints are introduced to decompose the displacements and strains of the heterogeneous material into a fluctuating part and a macroscopic part, of which the macroscopic part represents the responses of the homogenized material. One advantage of this theory is that boundary conditions are not required. Consequently, it is capable of handling micro-structures of arbitrary shapes. In addition, periodic constraints can be incorporated into this theory as needed to model periodic or partially periodic materials such as textile composites. In this study, the newly developed method is employed to investigate the finite thickness effect of textile composites.<div><br></div><div>Second, MSG is enabled to deal with Timoshenko beam-like structures with spanwise heterogeneity, which provide higher accuracy than the previous available Euler–Bernoulli beam model. Its reduced form, the MSG beam cross sectional analysis, is found to be able to analyze generalized free-edge problems with arbitrary layups and subjected to general loads. In this method, the only assumption applied is that the laminate is long enough so that the Saint-Venant principle can be adopted. There is no limitation on the cross section of the laminate since no ad hoc assumption is involved with the microstructure geometry. This method solve the free-edge problem from a multiscale simulation point of view.<br></div><div><br></div>
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"Análise comparativa pelo método dos elementos finitos bidimensional das tensões geradas nas estruturas de suporte de prótese parcial removível de extremidade livre inferior sobre rebordo residual ascendente distal e descendente distal"Camargo, Renato Zanutto Bueno de 14 April 2005 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa, foi realizada uma análise comparativa, por meio do método dos elementos finitos bidimensional linear, das deformações e tensões geradas a partir da aplicação de uma carga de 100N, nas estruturas de suporte (fibromucosa,ligamento periodontal, osso cortical e osso esponjoso) de dois modelos que simulam um hemiarco mandibular associada a uma prótese parcial removível de extremidade livre dista inferiorl, quando da variação da inclinação do rebordo residual no plano sagital. O modelo A (MA) foi desenhado com um rebordo ascendente distal com 15 graus de inclinação e o modelo B (MB) com um rebordo descendente distal com 15 graus negativos, ambos em relação ao plano oclusal. Nos dois modelos aplicou-se uma carga primeiramente na cúspide médio-vestibular do primeiro molar inferior artificial (C1) e depois na cúspide vestibular do segundo pré-molar inferior (C2), por meio do programa I-deas (software de elementos finitos) onde foram feitas as análises de deformações e tensões e processamento das imagens. Fez-se então uma análise comparativa dos carregamentos (C1 e C2) em cada modelo individualmente e entre os dois modelos(MA e MB). Os resultados permitiram concluir que: 1) A inclinação do rebordo residual no plano sagital influenciou na distribuição e na intensidade das tensões das estruturas de suporte; 2) No osso cortical as tensões foram mais localizadas e de maior intensidade que no osso esponjoso; 3) A diferença de deformação entre fibromucosa e ligamento periodontal foi maior quando a carga foi aplicada no primeiro molar, de ambos os modelos, sendo a mais expressiva no rebordo ascendente distal; 4) As tensões de compressão foram maiores em intensidade e melhor distribuídas no osso esponjoso e no osso cortical, quando comparadas as tensões de tração; 5) O rebordo ascendente distal se mostrou mais favorável à distribuição das tensões nas estruturas de suporte quando comparado ao rebordo descendente distal; 6) Nos dois modelos a aplicação da carga no primeiro molar gerou um maior torque sobre o dente suporte para a distal do que quando aplicado no segundo pré-molar, principalmente no rebordo descendente distal; 7) As estruturas de suporte do rebordo residual foram mais solicitadas em C1 que em C2, em ambos os modelos, principalmente no rebordo ascendente distal; 8) No dente suporte as tensões nas estruturas de suporte foram mais axiais quando o carregamento ocorreu no segundo pré-molar inferior, em ambos os modelos. / In this study, a two-dimensional finite element comparative analysis of the stress distribution and of displacement in the supporting structures oral mucosa,periodontal ligament, compact and cancellous bone was carried out for a distal extension base removable partial denture (RPD), modeled on two mandibular dental archs with different types of residual ridge when aplaying loads of 100N. The A model (MA) was developed to include a distal ascending alveolar ridge with a 15-degrees positive inclination, while the B model (MB) was prepared with a distal descending alveolar ridge with a 15-degrees negative inclination. Both models had a load applied inicially on the lower first molar median cusp (C1) and then on the lower second premolar buccal cusp (C2). Using the FEA software (I-DEAS, USA) for the stress distribution and displacement analysis of the generated images. A comparative analysis was them performed on the C1 and C2 loads for which and both models (MA and MB).The results showed that: 1 The alveolar ridge inclination showed some degree of on the stress distribution and intensity generated by the RPD; 2 The compact bone showed greater stress concentration and intensity than the cancellous bone; 3 The ratio between oral mucosa and periodontal ligament displacement showed greater values when load was applied on the lower first molar for both models. The ratio was higher for the distal ascending alveolar ridge; 4- The compressive stress showed greater intensity and better range of distribution than the tensile stress for both the compact and cancellous bone; 5 The distal ascending residual ridge had a more favourable stress distribution than distal descending conterpart ; 6 The load applied on the lower first molar produced more distal torquing on the supporting tooth than that on the lower second premolar ,specially on the distal descending residual ridge; 7 the load applied on the lower firt molar generated greater amount of stress on the residual ridge supporting structures for both models, but specially for the distal ascending residual ridge; 8 The load applied on the lower second premolar produced more vertical forces on the supporting structures of the tooth for both models.
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"Análise comparativa, pelo método dos elementos finitos bidimensional, das tensões geradas nas estruturas de suporte de prótese parcial removível de extremidade livre inferior, em rebordo horizontal e descendente-ascendente" / A two-dimensional finite element analysis of the stress distribution in the supporting structures of a distal extension base removable partial denture over a horizontal and descending/ascending residual ridge.Plaza, Carla Aparecida Seno 03 February 2005 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, pelo método dos elementos finitos bidimensional, a distribuição das tensões geradas nas estruturas de suporte das próteses parciais removíveis (PPR) - osso cortical, osso esponjoso, fibromucosa e ligamento periodontal, em modelos de arcos parcialmente dentados de extremidade livre inferior, em rebordo horizontal (MA) e descendente-ascendente (MB). Foram confeccionados dois modelos de quadrante de mandíbula em AUTOCAD 2004 (Autodesk Inc., USA), contendo apenas o primeiro pré-molar e rebordo residual, sendo repostos o segundo pré-molar e primeiro molar pela PPR, tendo como dente suporte o primeiro pré-molar com apoio oclusal distal. Posteriormente, foi aplicada carga axial de 100 N nas cúspides dos dentes artificiais da PPR (somente sobre o 1 o molar - C1 e somente sobre o 2 o pré-molar - C2). Os modelos confeccionados em AUTOCAD foram transferidos para o programa I-DEAS (software de elementosfinitos), que discretizou-os e realizou a distribuição das tensões sob as condições de aplicação de carga citadas. Pôdese observar que no osso esponjoso, a maior deformação e tensão de compressão foram observadas ao redor do dente suporte, principalmente no terço cervical distal para a deformação e no ápice do dente para a tensão de compressão durante a aplicação de carga sobre o segundo pré-molar no rebordo horizontal (0,003 mm e 0,621 N/mm 2 , respectivamente). Já no rebordo descendente-ascendente, as áreas solicitadas foram as mesmas, apresentando deformação e tensão de compressão máximas de 0,003 mm e 0,609 N/mm 2 . Para a fibromucosa, pode-se notar que no rebordo horizontal, a maior deformação e tensão de compressão ocorreram abaixo do ponto de aplicação de carga, ou seja, no primeiro molar, com valores de 0,137 mm e 0,144 N/mm 2 . No rebordo descendente-ascendente, a área de maior deformação e tensão de compressão localizaram-se na porção ascendente do rebordo em direção do trígono retromolar, com valores de 0,131 mm e 0,122 N/mm 2 , respectivamente. Diante dos limites do presente estudo pode-se concluir que: 1 - O osso cortical apresenta uma concentração de tensões maior que o osso esponjoso; 2 O osso cortical apresenta uma deformação mais restrita em área que o osso esponjoso; 3 - O rebordo descendente-ascendente com a aplicação de carga sobre o primeiro molar (MB-C1) apresenta a maior deformação da fibromucosa quando comparada à deformação sofrida pelo ligamento periodontal, na proporção de 10:1; 4 - O rebordo descendente-ascendente apresenta uma distribuição de tensões menos favorável que o rebordo horizontal; 5 - A aplicação de carga no primeiro molar gera mais torque sobre o dente para distal do que a aplicação de carga sobre o segundo pré-molar. / This study is a two-dimensional finite element analysis (FEA) of the stress distributionin the supporting structures compact and cancellous bone; periodontal ligament and oral mucosa for a distal extension base removable partial denture (RPD) modeled on mandibular dental archs with two residual ridge forms: horizontal and descending-ascending. The two experimental quadrant models were developed in the AUTOCAD 2004 (Autodesk Inc., USA), software to include the first premolar asthe dental support with a distal occlusal rest; the second premolar and first molar as the artificial teeth inserted on the base over an RPD framework and the residual ridge. These models were discretized on the FEA software (I-DEAS, USA) and an axial load of 100 N was applied to the mesh on the artificial teeth cusps either on the first mola r (C1) or on the second premolar (C2). It was noticed that, in the cancellous bone, the maximum strain was around the supporting tooth, mainly in the distalcervical third (0.003 mm) while the largest compression tension (CT) was at the tooth apex when the load was applied over the second premolar, with a horizontal residual ridge (0,621 N/mm 2 ). When the ridge was descending-ascending, the areas affected were the same, showing 0,003 mm and 0,609 N/mm 2 , respectively as the maximum displacement and CT. In the oral mucosa, the largest results occurred when the load application point was over the first molar and the residual ridge was horizontal: 0,137 mm and 0,144 N/mm 2 . The descending-ascending alveolar ridge showed the maximum displacement and CT in the ascending segment of the residual ridge, toward the retromolar trigon, with 0,131 mm and 0,122 N/mm 2 , respectively. Within the constraints of this study, it was concluded that: 1 The compact bone shows greater stress concentration than the cancellous bone; 2 The compact bone shows greater area displacement concentration than the cancellous bone; 3 The descending-ascending residual ridge with the load application on the first molar showed the largest displacement of the oral mucosa when compared to the periodontal ligament displacement with a 10:1 ratio; 4 The descending-ascending residual ridge had a less favourable stress distribution than its horizontal counterpart; 5 The load applied on the first molar produced more distal torquing on the supporting tooth than that on the second premolar.
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Uma contribuição ao estudo do comportamento termomecânico de estruturas maciças de concreto. modelagem viscoelástica linear e aplicaçõesSantos, Sérgio Botassi dos 06 April 2004 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2004-04-06 / O estudo realizado nesta dissertação é motivado principalmente pelo interesse em se avaliar a
resposta térmica e tensional em estruturas de concreto massa nas primeiras idades
considerando a viscoeleasticidade linear do material. Neste trabalho desenvolvem-se modelos
numérico-computacionais e implementam-se os softwares PFEM_2DT e PFEM_2DAT, de
análise térmica e de tensões no domínio bidimensional, respectivamente.
Inicialmente, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica do problema termomecânico
considerando os mecanismos e modelos físicos para a representação do mesmo, utilizando-se
de ferramentas matemáticas e artifícios numéricos para a resolução do problema. Foram
pesquisados ainda os parâmetros influentes na análise de temperaturas e de tensões no
concreto massa, destacando-se as propriedades viscoelásticas de fluência e retração onde de
forma resumida, porém esclarecedora, foram descritos seus principais conceitos, causas e
efeitos bem como alguns dos principais modelos de representação dessas deformações
Por meio desses estudos teóricos e das conseqüentes implementações computacionais, foram
analisadas diferentes estruturas de concreto através dos programas computacionais
desenvolvidos e, posteriormente, realizadas comparações com resultados experimentais e
numéricos obtidos por outros pesquisadores objetivando validar os aplicativos.
Na elaboração deste software fez-se uso do novo paradigma de programação Programação
Orientada a Objetos, associado à resolução de sistemas de equações lineares pelo Método dos
Gradientes Conjugados.
Analisou-se o comportamento das temperaturas de diferentes estruturas sujeitas ao calor interno gerado no concreto sob a influência das condições ambientais, que permitem que esse
calor seja dissipado, gerando como conseqüência, distribuições de temperatura não-lineares
no interior da estrutura. Nos estudos tensionais das estruturas de concreto massa analisadas nesta dissertação pôde-se avaliar a evolução das tensões de origem térmica considerando o material viscoelástico linear,
comparando-as com a resistência à tração do material. Por fim, efetuaram-se estudos comparativos de tensões em um bloco de concreto massa utilizando os modelos elástico e
viscoelástico linear, avaliando o nível de importância e o grau de magnitude da consideração dos efeitos diferidos associados quando da análise do comportamento termomecânico de estruturas maciças de concreto em fase de construção. / The study accomplished in this dissertation is motivated mainly by the interest in evaluating
the temperature and stress field in mass concrete structures at first ages considering material s
linear viscoeleasticity. The development and implementation of numeric-computational
models are also scope of this work by means the softwares PFEM_2DT and PFEM_2DAT,
of thermal stress analysis in the two-dimensional domain.
Initially at first step, the bibliographic revision of the thermomechanical problem was
accomplished considering physical mechanisms and models for its representation, using
mathematical tools and numeric artifices for the resolution of the problem. The influential
parameters in the analysis of temperatures and stresses in the mass concrete were also
researched, standing out to the creep and shrinkage rheological properties, where in a summarized and elucidated way, its main concepts, causes and effects were described, as well as some of the main representation models of those differed deformations. Considering theoretical studies and the consequent computer implementations, different concrete structures were analyzed through the developed softwares, and compared with experimental and numeric results obtained by other researchers with the objective of validating the applications. In the elaboration of this software was made use of the new programming paradigm Object-Oriented Programming, associated to the resolution of linear systems equations for the Method of the Conjugated Gradients. The temperature field s behavior of different structures subject to the internal heat into the concrete was analyzed, under the influence of the environmental conditions, that allows the heat to be dissipated, generating as consequence, non- linear temperature distributions inside the structure.
The termomechanic problems studied in mass concrete structures were analyzed in this dissertation, where the thermal stresses behaviour could be evaluated considering the linear viscoelasticity properties of the material, comparing them with the tensile strength of the material. Finally, comparative studies of the stresses in a mass concrete block were executed using elastic models and linear viscoelasticity, evaluating the importance and magnitude
levels of the associated differed effects in the termomechanic behavior analysis of solid concrete structures in a construction stage.
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Uticaj endodontske instrumentacije i restaurativnih procedura na biomehaničke karakteristike endodontski lečenih premolara / The influence of endodontic instrumentation and restorative procedures on the biomechanical characteristics of endodontically treated premolarsMaravić Tatjana 15 March 2019 (has links)
<p>Uvod. Usled kompromitovanja strukturnog integriteta, rekonstruktivne procedure na endodontski lečenim zubima moraju se veoma pažljivo isplanirati, pogotovo u specifičnoj grupi zuba kao što su premolari. U stomatološkoj naučnoj i stručnoj javnosti ne postoji usaglašen stav o tome koja endodontska instrumentacija i rekonstruktivna procedura primenjena u slučajevima ekstenzivnog gubitka zubne supstance predstavlja metodu izbora sa biomehaničkog aspekta. U okviru prezentovane doktorske disertacije ispitivan je uticaj varijacija u endodontskoj instrumentaciji i restaurativnim procedurama na promene naponskih stanja u zubnim tkivima i rekonstruktivnim materijalima kod premolara sa ekstenzivnim gubitkom zubne strukture. Metode. Osnovni 3D model je kreiran pomoću CT snimaka zdravog drugog gornjeg premolara u SolidWorks programu za modelovanje. Kreirano je 135 različitih modela, u kojima su metodom konačnih elemenata proračunati fon Mizesovi naponi u položaju maksimalne interkuspidacije pod dejstvom sile od 150 N. Statistička analiza je izvršena koristeći Opšti linearni model. Rezultati. Indirektne zubne rekonstrukcije imaju povoljniji uticaj na naponska stanja u zubnim tkivima. Ukoliko se koristi direktna restauracija, povoljniji su naponi u dentinu i gleđi ukoliko se redukuje palatinalna kvržca. Upotreba kočića uz ispun snižava napone u zubnim tkivima samo u slučaju MOD kaviteta. Naponi u dentinu su niži pri apikalnom terminusu 0,5 mm i instrumentaciji instrumentima manje veličine (kod modela sa kočićem i indirektnim nadoknadama). Uglavnom procedure koje su povoljne za napone u dentinu, nepovoljne su za napone u zubnoj nadoknadi i obratno. Zaključci. Kod opsežnih MOD kaviteta a samo ukoliko se ne redukuje visina palatinalne kvržice, preporučuje se upotreba kompozitnog kočića. Smanjenje površine zubnih tkiva u kojima su naponi visoki (iako su najviše vrednosti napona slične), moglo bi da utiče na dugotrajnost endodontski lečenih i rekonstruisanih zuba. Krući rekonstruktivni materijali povoljnije utiču na napone u zubnim tkivima biomehanički kompromitovanih endodontski lečenih zuba. Čini se da je optimalnije, u rekonstruktivnim rešenjima koja podrazumevaju upotrebu kočića, postaviti apikalni terminus bliže vrhu korena i koristiti instrumente srednje širine.</p> / <p>Background. Restoration of an endodontically treated premolar with a wide and deep mesial-occlusal-distal (MOD) cavity is often complex due to biomechanical weakening of the tooth. There are no definitive recommendations on the optimal restoration in these cases. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different endodontic and restorative procedures on von Mises stress values and distribution in dental tissues and restorative materials using finite element analysis (FEA). Methods. Based on CT scans of an second upper premolar, extracted for orthodontic reasons, 135 3D endodontically treated tooth models were created. Each model was subjected to a summary force of 150 N on the occlusal surface simulating the normal biting pattern and maximal von Mises stresses were calculated. Results. MODP cavity design seems to reduce von Mises stress values in dental tissues and P seems to transfer some of the stresses from dental tissues to the composite filling in the MOD cavity when direct restorations are used. Indirect restorations caused lower stresses within dentin. Apical terminus of 0.5 mm induces lower, while the terminus of 1.5 mm induces the highest stresses in dentin in models restored with direct composite and post. It seems that from the aspect of the tooth tissue, it is more recommended to use smaller endodontic instruments sizes. Conclusions. Stiffer restorative materials cause lower stresses in dentin of an endodontically treated structurally weakened tooth, and if a direct restoration is to be used, palatal cuspal reduction could be beneficial for the longevity of the tooth and the restoration. Further, in a wide and deep MOD cavity, without cuspal reduction, the use of a FRC post is recommended in order to reduce the stresses in the enamel and dentin. Moreover, it seems that it is beneficial for the stresses in the tooth tissue to place the apical terminus closer to the root apex as well as to use smaller size endodontic instruments.</p>
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Uticaj restaurativnih procedura na biomehaničke karakteristike premolara – analiza realnog trodimenzionalnog modela zuba primenom metode konačnih elemenata / Influence of restorative procedures on biomechanical characteristics of premolar-finite element analysis of threedimensional tooth modelKantardžić Ivana 31 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Gubitak tvrdih zubnih struktura usled karijesne lezije, traume ili ekstenzivne preparacije dovodi do smanjenja otpornosti preostalih zubnih struktura na dejstvo sila prilikom žvakanja. Osnovni zadatak restaurativne procedure je da se ponovo uspostavi anatomo-morfološka funkcija zuba i da se preostale zdrave zubne strukture zaštite od nepovoljnog odgovora na dejstvo sila. Cilj doktorske disertacije bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih restaurativnih procedura na biomehaničke karakteristike premolara sa ekstenzivnim kavitetima. Materijal i metode: Trodimenzionalni model intaktnog drugog gornjeg premolara kreiran je u SolidWorks računarskom programu, na osnovu snimaka ekstrahovanog zuba primenom višeslojnog spiralnog kompjuterizovanog tomografa. Na osnovu ovog modela potom je kreirano ukupno 48 modela, koji su podeljeni u dve grupe: modeli vitalnog premolara sa MOD kavitetom (I grupa) i modeli premolara sa endodontski lečenim kanalom korena sa MOD kavitetom (II grupa). U svakoj grupi ispitivan je uticaj 4 vrste restaurativnog materijala (direktan kompozitni ispun, direktan kompozitni ispun sa smolom modifikovanim glas-jonomer cementom u vidu podloge, indirektan kompozitni ispun, keramički ispun), 3 dizajna preparacije kaviteta (bez skraćivanja kvržica, sa skraćivanjem palatinalne kvržice 2mm, sa skraćivanjem palatinalne i bukalne kvržice 2mm) i 2 širine istmusa (1/2 i 2/3 interkuspalnog razmaka). Primenom metode konačnih elemenata proračunate su vrednosti von Mises napona u zubnim strukturama i ispunu za sve modele pri dejstvu statičke sile od 200N. Rezultati: Dizajn preparacije kaviteta je pokazao najveći uticaj na vrednosti von Mises napona u zubnim strukturama. Pri tome, postupak skraćivanja palatinalne, kao i obe kvržice, doprineo je smanjenju vrednosti von Mises napona u gleđi na modelima obe grupe; dok je postupak skraćivanja bukalne i palatinalne kvržice doprineo smanjenju vrednosti von Mises napona u dentinu na modelima vitalnog premolara. U obe grupe, vrsta restaurativnog materijala pokazala je uticaj na vrednosti von Mises napona u gleđi, pri čemu je keramički ispun doveo do pojave napona značajno manjih vrednosti u odnosu na direktan i indirektan kompozitni ispun.Vrsta restaurativnog materijala je uticala i na vrednosti von Mises napona u dentinu, ali samo na modelima vitalnog premolara; pri tome su indirektni kompozitni i keramički ispun podjednako doprineli pojavi napona manjih vrednosti. Širina istmusa je uticala na vrednosti von Mises napona u gleđi i dentinu na modelima vitalnog premolara. Širina istmusa 1/2 interkuspalnog razmaka dovela je do pojave napona manjih vrednosti u gleđi, dok je širina istmusa 2/3 interkuspalnog razmaka dovela do pojave napona manjih vrednosti u dentinu.</p> / <p>Loss of tooth structure from caries, trauma or extensive preparation decreases fracture resistance of tooth. The main goal of restorative procedure is to rebuild lost structures and to protect remaining tooth structures from unfavorable responses from masticatory forces. Aim of thesis was to investigate the influence of different restorative procedures on biomechanical properties of premolar with extensive cavities. Materials and Methods: Three dimensional model of intact maxillary second premolar, based on computerized tomography scan images of extracted tooth, was designed using SolidWorks software. Using this model, 48 models were designed and divided in two groups: models of vital premolars with MOD cavities (group I), and models of premolars with root canal treatment with MOD cavities (group II). In each group use of four restorative materials (direct composite resin restoration, direct composite resin restoration with resin modified glass-ionomer cement as base, indirect composite resin restoration, ceramic restoration), three cavity preparation designs (without cusp coverage, 2mm palatal cusp coverage, 2mm palatal and buccal cusp coverage) and two isthmus width (1/2 and 2/3 intercuspal width) were simulated. After applying static load of 200N, von Mises stresses in enamel, dentin and restoration were calculated using finite element analysis. Results: Cavity preparation design showed the most significant influence on von Mises stress values in tooth structures. Cusp coverage in general decreased stress values in enamel, while palatal and buccal cusp coverage decreased stress values in dentin only in group I. Restorative material affected stress values in enamel, were ceramic restoration contributed to minimal stress values. In dentin, indirect composite resin and ceramic restoration showed no difference in reducing von Mises stress values, but only for models in group I. Cavity isthmus width had influence on stress values in tooth structures only in group I. 1/2 isthmus width decreased stress values in enamel, while 2/3 isthmus width showed same effect in dentin. Conclusion: In order to provide optimal biomechanical characteristics of tooth structures, premolars with MOD cavity should be restored with ceramic overlay covering both palatal and buccal cusp.</p>
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