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Phthalates and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in retail storesUrquidi, Jorge Rodolfo 24 April 2013 (has links)
Retail stores are an environment with a rich diversity of toxic chemicals typically found in consumer products. Among these chemicals, semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) are an important class with great health concerns. Phthalates and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are high production volume SVOC chemicals pervasively used in plastics and other consumer products. Exposure to them may cause serious adverse health effects, including endocrine disruption. They, however, have not been widely studied in retail environments. In this study, indoor air samples were collected from 15 retail stores in Austin, TX and University Park, PA. Some of these stores were revisited on different temperate seasons to account for weather variability. Indoor concentrations of the most ubiquitous pollutants were correlated with several building characteristics, including retailer type, temperature, and building use characteristics. Collected data shows a wider variety of phthalates and PBDEs, as well as higher indoor airborne concentrations for large department stores as compared to grocery stores, which typically have fewer sources in comparison. / text
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Studies on particle resuspension, infant exposure, and the sleep microenvironmentBoor, Brandon Emil 17 September 2015 (has links)
Understanding the transport of particulate and gaseous indoor air pollutants from source to exposure is paramount to improve our understanding of the complexities of the built environments in which we spend the majority of our time. This dissertation offers new insights on particle resuspension from indoor surfaces, infant exposure to organic contaminants released from crib mattresses, and the dynamics of pollutant transport and human exposure while sleeping.
Particle resuspension is the physical process by which settled particles detach from a surface and become airborne through application of various aerodynamic and mechanical removal forces. Resuspension is an important indoor source of coarse mode particles (> 1 µm in diameter) and can be a source mechanism for biological matter and organic contaminants that accumulate in house dust. Settled dust deposits on indoor surfaces can vary considerably in their structure and mass loading, yet little is known as to how these parameters affect resuspension. Through wind tunnel experiments, this research demonstrates that the deposit structure (monolayer or multilayer) can have a significant impact on the number of particles that aerodynamically resuspend. Furthermore, this dissertation presents the first full-scale experimental chamber study to show that human body movements in bed can resuspend settled mattress dust particles. An indoor aerosol model was utilized to provide a mechanistic understanding of the impact of movement intensity, surface vibrations, bedroom ventilation rate, and dust loading on the resuspension flux and intake fraction of resuspended particles.
Infants spend most of their time sleeping and are likely to be exposed to elevated concentrations of chemicals released from their crib mattresses. Through a combination of chamber experiments and solvent extractions, this research shows that infant crib mattresses can emit a variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and contain numerous chemical additives, including phthalate and alternative plasticizers, flame retardants, and unreacted isocyanates. Additionally, this study discovered that infants are exposed to approximately twice the concentrations of VOCs in their breathing zones as compared to the bulk bedroom air, due to their close proximity to the source.
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Modélisation de la formation des aérosols organiques secondaires dans les régions polluéesMa, Prettiny 08 1900 (has links)
Les aérosols atmosphériques (par exemple les matières particulaires ou PM) sont une source majeure d’incertitude dans les modèles climatiques. Plusieurs études ont démontré que des concentrations élevées de PM réduisent l’espérance de vie. Les aérosols organiques secondaires (Secondary Organic Aerosols en anglais, SOA) sont formés dans l’atmosphère à partir des précurseurs gazeux à travers les réactions chimiques et les SOA représentent des composants majeurs de la masse des PM à l’échelle mondiale. Afin de mieux comprendre les processus chimiques responsables de la formation des SOA, un modèle en 0-D est élaboré pour simuler dynamiquement l’évolution des espèces organiques dans une parcelle d’air qui subit une oxydation photochimique produisant des SOA. Le modèle incorpore des paramètres récemment publiés pour la formation des SOA à partir des composés organiques volatiles (VOCs), ainsi que des composés organiques semi-volatiles et des composés organiques à volatilité intermédiaire (SVOCs et IVOCs). Le modèle est restreint par plusieurs mesures de précurseurs, incluant des mesures récemment développées qui fournissent des contraintes grandement améliorées sur les concentrations des précurseurs, et les prédictions sont comparées par rapport aux mesures des SOA prises au cours de la campagne CalNex. Lorsque les effets des pertes sur les parois des chambres à smog sont considérés pour les rendements des VOCs, la quantité et la vitesse de la formation des SOA dans le modèle sont plus en accord avec les observations. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent que les SVOCs et les IVOCs primaires sont responsables de la majorité (70 à 86 %) de la masse de SOA modélisée, accentuant leur grande contribution en tant que précurseurs des SOA. Cependant, la masse de SOA simulée est sous-estimée à des temps courts d’oxydation lorsque comparée aux données sur le terrain, mais à des temps plus longs, un accord modèle/mesures est observé. Cet écart peut être dû à un ΔIVOC/ΔCO ratio d’émission bas ou une sous-estimation basse des constantes d’oxydations des IVOCs, ce qui met en évidence la nécessité de poursuivre les études sur le terrain et dans les laboratoires de ces composés. / Atmospheric aerosols (i.e. particulate matter or PM) are a major source of uncertainty in climate models. Many studies have also shown that elevated concentrations of PM reduce life expectancies. Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is formed in the atmosphere from gaseous precursors through chemical reactions and SOA represents a major component of PM mass globally. To better understand the chemical pathways responsible for SOA formation, a box model is designed to simulate dynamically the evolution of organic species in an air parcel as it undergoes photochemical oxidation producing SOA. The model incorporates recently published parameterizations for the formation of SOA from volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as well as from semi-volatile and intermediate-volatility organic compounds (SVOCs and IVOCs). The model is constrained by several measurements of precursors, including recently developed measurements that provide greatly improved constraints on precursor concentrations, and the predications are compared against measurements of SOA taken during the CalNex campaign. When accounting for the effect of chamber wall-losses on VOC yields, the amount and rate of SOA formation in the model is more consistent with observations. The results of this study also indicate that the primary SVOCs and IVOCs are responsible for a majority (70 – 86 %) of the model SOA mass, emphasizing their high contribution as SOA precursors. However, the SOA mass predicted is underestimated at shorter photochemical ages when compared to field measurements, but at longer ages, model/measurement agreement is observed. This bias may be due to low IVOC/CO emissions ratios or low estimated IVOC oxidation rate constants, which highlights the need for further field and laboratory studies of these compounds.
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Development of improved methods for the characterisation of organic chemicals emitted into indoor air by building and furnishing productsBrown, Veronica M. January 2013 (has links)
A wide range of organic compounds are released from building and furnishing products and these have the potential to adversely affect indoor air quality. There are growing international requirements for testing and controlling these emissions for the protection of public health. The test methods require specialist analytical chemistry facilities based on thermal desorption/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TD/GC/MS). This project has addressed the need for better performance and greater automation of the analysis, as well as development of simpler screening tests. A variety of products were tested using screening techniques, with an emission cell method being used as a reference test. Short duration tests, using a micro-scale chamber at slightly elevated temperature, were shown to have the potential to predict emissions occurring during longer term reference tests. Multi-sorbent air sampling tubes, that have the potential to extend the volatility range of compounds determined by a single TD/GC/MS analysis, were compared with Tenax TA tubes specified by current standard methods. This showed no difference in performance for the range of compounds for which Tenax is optimal, with improved performance for a number of more volatile compounds. The determination of formaldehyde was investigated using 2-hydroxymethylpiperidine as a derivatising agent, followed by TD/GC/MS. The results showed the possibility of this method being developed as an alternative to the current standard method that involves solvent elution and liquid chromatography. The performance of a newly developed time-of-flight mass spectrometer was compared with a standard quadrupole instrument. This showed its potential, with the use of re-collection, to extend the concentration range of compounds quantified from a single air sample, of particular benefit for the determination of carcinogens. New compound identification software was applied to increase automation of analysis of the TD/GC/MS data. Good correlation with manual processing was achieved, demonstrating the possibility of routine application to material emissions testing.
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Emissions of Phthalate Plasticizer from Polymeric Building MaterialsXu, Ying 12 June 2009 (has links)
Modern indoor environments contain a vast array of contaminating sources. Emissions from these sources produce contaminant concentrations that are substantially higher indoors than outside. Because we spend most of our time indoors, exposure to indoor pollutants may be orders-of-magnitude greater than that experienced outdoors. Phthalate esters have been recognized as major indoor pollutants. They are mainly used as plasticizers to enhance the flexibility of polyvinylchloride (PVC) products, as well as in humectants, emollients, and antifoaming agents. Phthalates are found in a wide range of consumer products including floor and wall coverings, car interior trim, floor tiles, gloves, footwear, insulation on wiring, and artificial leather. Because these phthalate additives are not chemically bound to the polymer matrix, slow emission from the products to the surrounding air or other media usually occurs.
Biomonitoring data suggest that over 75% of the U.S. population is exposed to phthalates. The ubiquitous exposure to phthalates is of concern because toxicological investigations have demonstrated considerable adverse health effects of phthalates and their metabolites. Studies have shown that exposure to phthalates results in profound and irreversible changes in the development of the reproductive tract, especially in males, raising the possibility that phthalate exposures could be the leading cause of reproductive disorders in humans. In addition, effects such as increases in prenatal mortality, reduced growth and birth weight, skeletal, visceral, and external malformations are possibly associated with phthalate exposure. Epidemiologic studies in children also show associations between phthalate exposure in the home and the risk of asthma and allergies.
Given the ubiquitous nature of phthalates in the environment and the potential for adverse human health impacts, there is a critical need to understand indoor emissions of phthalates and to identify the most important sources and pathways of exposure.
In this study, a model that integrates the fundamental mechanisms governing emissions of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) from polymeric materials and their subsequent interaction with indoor surfaces and airborne particles was developed. The emissions model is consistent with analogous mechanistic models that predict emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from building materials. Reasonable agreement between model predictions and gas-phase di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) concentrations was achieved for data collected in a previously published experimental study that measured emissions of DEHP from vinyl flooring in two very different chambers. The analysis showed that while emissions of highly volatile VOCs are subject to “internal“ control (through the material-phase diffusion coefficient), emissions of the very low volatility SVOCs are subject to “external“– control (through partitioning into the gas phase, the convective mass transfer coefficient, and adsorption onto interior surfaces).
Because of the difficulties associated with sampling and analysis of SVOCs, only a few chamber studies quantifying their emissions from building materials and consumer products are available. To more rigorously validate the SVOCs emission model and more completely understand the mechanisms governing the release of phthalate from polymeric building materials, the emission of DEHP from vinyl flooring was studied for up to 140 days in a specially-designed stainless steel chamber. In the duplicate chamber study, the gas-phase concentration in the chamber increased slowly and reached a steady state level of 0.9 µg/m3 after 30 days. By increasing the area of vinyl flooring and decreasing that of the stainless steel surface in the chamber, the time to reach steady state was significantly reduced, compared to the previous study (1 month vs. 5 months). The adsorption isotherm of DEHP on the interior stainless steel chamber surface was explicitly measured using two different methods (solvent extraction and thermal desorption). Strong adsorption of DEHP onto the stainless steel surface was observed and found to follow a simple linear relationship. In addition, parameters measured in the experiments were then applied in the fundamental SVOCs emission model. Good agreement was obtained between the predictions of the model and the gas-phase DEHP chamber concentrations, without resorting to fitting of model parameters.
These chamber studies have shown that the tendency of SVOCs to adsorb strongly to interior surfaces has a very strong influence on the emission rate. Compared to the experimental chamber systems, however, the real indoor environment has many other types of surface that will adsorb phthalates to different extents. The emission rate measured in a test chamber may therefore be quite different to the emission rate from the same material in the indoor environment. For this reason, both a two-room model and a more representative three-compartment model were developed successively to estimate the emission rate of DEHP from vinyl flooring, the evolving gas-phase and adsorbed surface concentrations, and human exposures (via inhalation, dermal absorption and oral ingestion of dust) in a realistic indoor environment. Adsorption isotherms for phthalates and plasticizers on interior surfaces, such as carpet, wood, dust and human skin, were derived from previous field and laboratory studies. A subsequent sensitivity analysis revealed that the vinyl flooring source characteristics, as well as mass-transfer coefficients and ventilation rates, are important variables influencing the steady-state DEHP concentration and resulting exposures. A simple uncertainty analysis suggested that residential exposure to DEHP originating from vinyl flooring may fall somewhere between about 5 µg/kg/d and 180 µg/kg/d. The roughly 40-fold range in exposure reveals the inherent difficulty in using biomonitoring results to identify specific sources of exposure in the general population.
This research represents the first attempt to explicitly elucidate the fundamental mechanisms governing the release of phthalates from polymeric building materials as well as their subsequent interaction with interior surfaces. The mechanistic models developed can most likely be extended to predict concentration and exposure arising from other sources of phthalates, other sources of other semi-volatile organic compounds (such as biocides and flame retardants), as well as emissions into other environmental media (food, water, saliva, and even blood). The results will be of value to architects, governments, manufacturers, and engineers who wish to specify low-emitting green materials for healthy buildings. It will permit health professionals to identify and control health risks associated with many of the SVOCs used in indoor materials and consumer products in a relatively inexpensive way. / Ph. D.
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