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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategická analýza STUDENT Agency, s.r.o. / Strategic Analysis of STUDENT Agency, s.r.o.

Pavlovičová, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to perform Stategic analysis on the STUDENT Agency company.The analysis is one of the tools which help to create a succesfull strategic plan of the company.The first part is theoretical and it is focused on describing methods applied in the second part. Analysis in the second part is contains macro environment analysis and analysis of the micro environment, analysis of internal resources and capabilities.

Strategická analýza Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Česká republika s.r.o. / Strategic analysis of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Česká republika s.r.o.

Vondruška, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis "Strategic Analysis of the Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Czech Republic s.r.o." is to perform a strategic analysis of the company, which could serve as the basis for developing long-term competitive strategy. The diploma thesis consists of two main parts. The first is a theoretical part, needed for a proper understanding of the various steps of strategic analysis. The practical part is focused on the main objective of this work - the implementation of strategic analysis. It contains both macro environment analysis and analysis of the microenvironment, and also analysis of internal resources and capabilities. The practical part is supplemented by a SWOT analysis and strategic recommendations.

Možnosti a bariéry rozvoje města Zlína / Possibilities and barriers of development of statuory city Zlín

Doležalová, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis which is devided into four parts is trying to map the current state of the statuory city Zlín and identify opportunities and barriers of its further development. The first section provides a theoretical basis for understanding the problems of cities and municipal development and also introduces the method of SWOT analysis, which is used in this thesis as well. Second, the most extensive section is devoted to an socioeconomic analysis and constitutes a basis for the next two chapters. The analysis is divided thematically and tries to outline the development and current situation of the city. The third part consists of a SWOT analysis of Zlín, which describes its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the future. Last, the fourth chapter shows the possibilities and barriers to the development of the city, divided into six thematic groups: population; business environment, transport, environment, culture, sport and leisure, tourism and public administration. It also outlines how to exploit opportunities and overcome barriers.

Strategická analýza společnosti PROTON, s.r.o. / Strategic Analysis of PROTON, s.r.o.

Liklerová, Martina January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to implement a strategic analysis of company Proton, Ltd. using external and internal analysis to determine the current strategic position of the company on the market and identify effective ways for its future development.

Strategická analýza podniku ELKO Nový Knín, výrobní družstvo / Strategic Analysis of Elko Nový Knín, Cooperative Society

Kaltounková, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
Objective is to prepare a strategic analysis of the company ELKO New Knin, Cooperative Society, to external and internal analysis and give recommendations for future business development.

Transformační procesy v Ruské federaci a jejich vliv na podnikatelské prostředí - nové možnosti pro české exportéry / Tranformation of Russian Federation and its impact on corporate environment - new oportunities for Czech exporters.

Samsonyan, Hakob January 2004 (has links)
The Russian market represents big opportunities for Czech exporters in the near and distant future. Czech companies have gained a lot of comparative advantages in the past periode: language simillarities, trade connections, cooperation of producing companies, good knowledge of local regional specifities etc. There are large scale of opportunities in traditional and new industry, glass and wooden industry, petrol and gas companies. It is necessary to know specific conditions and risks of the Russian market. To be competitive it requests not only to export but to account with capital participation. Objectives and Hypothesis of the dissertation: Basic goals: Analysis of the business climate in Russia as the result of the transformation process from centrally directed to market system and democracy. Evaluation of changes in the competitive position of Czech exporters and investors on Russian market. There are various measures and tools of the improvement of the competitiveness of Czech exports on the Russian market. As the member of the EU the Czech republic participates on all trade agreements valid in the trade relations between EU and Russia, first of all it is Partnership and Cooperation Agreement inclusive MFN regime (the Most Favoured Nation Clause). Czech exporters have a lot of strong points in the return to Russian market. There are also certain weaknesses, a lot of opportunities but also threatens. The Czech institutions which provide effective and complex credit and insurance support for Czech exporters are: Czech Export Bank and Export Guarantee and Insurance Company.

Análise da possível expansão internacional de empresas brasileiras de real estate residencial para o mercado costarriquenho, uma abordagem SWOT. / Analysis of the possible geographic expansion of brazilian real estate companies into Costa Rica\'s residential market, a SWOT approach.

Navarro, Fabricio Alonso Richmond 08 April 2015 (has links)
Devido ao crescimento e à experiência adquirida pelas empresas brasileiras de real estate residencial nos últimos anos, e às características próprias desse setor, os mercados internacionais poderiam ser considerados como possíveis alvos para essas empresas. Por exemplo, no mercado residencial costarriquenho, incentivos para projetos residenciais de alta densidade populacional, reformas nos processos para a obtenção dos alvarás de construção e mudanças demográficas e culturais, parecem propiciar um ambiente favorável para empresas dessa indústria. Portanto, o objetivo do presente trabalho é estudar uma possível expansão geográfica de empresas brasileiras de real estate no mercado residencial costarriquenho, a partir da estruturação de uma análise de abordagem SWOT dos elementos necessários para tal incursão. Para isso, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica na busca dos elementos estratégicos do ambiente interno de empresas de real estate residencial que devem ser considerados para processos de internacionalização, identificando-se 12 forças e 10 fraquezas desta revisão. Ademais, analisou-se: o mercado residencial; a macroeconomia, e as conjunturas político-legais e socioculturais da Costa Rica, na procura de fatores que devem ser tomados em conta por parte de empresas de real estate ao ingressar nesse país, distinguindo-se 24 oportunidades e 20 ameaças dessa análise. Para complementar o estudo, foi avaliada a atratividade do mercado residencial costarriquenho para receber investimentos por onze importantes empresas do setor de real estate residencial brasileiro, por meio de um questionário estruturado com os elementos identificados na primeira parte do trabalho. Os resultados mostraram que, no momento da avaliação, as empresas entrevistadas deram maior atenção ao tamanho do mercado e às características do sistema financeiro para o setor residencial, e identificaram a carência do conhecimento local e sua cultura empresarial, como os elementos que dificultariam sua internacionalização. Conclui-se sobre a possível internacionalização de empresas brasileiras de real estate residencial para o mercado da Costa Rica, que elementos desde uma perspectiva econômica racional e principalmente contingencial definem essa estratégia, não sendo viável nem vantajoso idealizar um processo de internacionalização nesse mercado, devido às atuais condições de seus mercados locais e aos elementos do ambiente interno que várias dessas empresas apresentam. / Due to the growth and experience acquired by the residential real estate Brazilian companies in recent years, and the particular characteristics of this sector, international markets could be considered as possible targets for these companies. For example, in Costa Rican residential market, incentives for residential projects of high population density, reforms in the paperwork required to obtain building permits and demographic and cultural changes, seem to provide a favorable environment for this kind of firm. Therefore, the aim of this work is to study a possible geographic expansion of Brazilian real estate companies into Costa Ricas residential market, based on a SWOT analysis. Therefore, firstly, a research on international business and business strategy literature was performed to find the internal elements involved in the processes of internationalization for this kind of companies. Then, the residential market characteristics, macroeconomic, and the political-legal and socio-cultural contexts of Costa Rica were reviewed in order to distinguish the factors that should be taken into account by real estate companies when entering this market. In total, 12 strengths and 10 weaknesses were identified by the internal analysis, and 24 opportunities and 20 threats by external analysis. To complement the study, the attractiveness of the Costa Rican residential market to receive investment was assessed by eleven important Brazilian real estate residential companies, utilizing a designed questionnaire with the elements identified in the first part of this work. The results showed that, at the time of the assessment, the interviewed companies gave more attention to market size and characteristics of the financial system for the residential sector, and identified the lack of local knowledge and its corporate culture, as elements that hinder their internationalization. In conclusion, the possible internationalization of real estate Brazilian companies is defined by economic-rational elements, but mainly by contingent elements such as the current conditions of their local markets and the internal elements shown by many of the interviewed companies. On account of all that has been discussed so far, internationalization is not feasible or advantageous for these specific companies.

Planejamento de comunicação organizacional: uma releitura da estrutura, enriquecida pelos modelos de análise de marketing / Planning for Organizational Communication: a new approach to its structure, improving by marketing analysis models.

Lupetti, Marcélia 28 April 2010 (has links)
A investigação proposta neste estudo tem como objetivo o aperfeiçoamento dos procedimentos para a elaboração de um planejamento de comunicação organizacional, principalmente ao que tange a definição de objetivos e estratégias. Com base no referencial teórico e nos modelos de análises do marketing criou-se um modelo tipológico, que pode ser testado em uma organização. As contribuições oriundas da investigação permitiram a elaboração de um modelo estrutural piloto do planejamento da comunicação organizacional. A metodologia adotada compreendeu as características do Estudo de Caso e a estratégia escolhida foi a de Casos Múltiplos, utilizando a Réplica Literal. Quatro etapas foram concebidas: A primeira consistiu no levantamento do referencial teórico; a segunda contemplou a criação de um modelo tipológico. A terceira, compreendeu a pesquisa de campo em organizações e a quarta e última etapa consistiu na criação de um modelo estrutural piloto capaz de atender os objetivos propostos. Os resultados demonstraram, ainda no modelo tipológico, a exequibilidade do nosso experimento. Com ele foi possível demonstrar que objetivos e estratégias comunicacionais podem ser definidos com base em análises qualitativas e quantitativas, a exemplo dos modelos de análise de marketing. O projeto se concretizou com a releitura da estrutura de um planejamento de comunicação organizacional. / The main goal of this study was to understand how the procedures in the elaboration of an organizational communication planning could be improved, especially concerning the definition of its goals and strategies. A typological model which can be tested at companies was created based on both the bibliography and the marketing analysis models. The research process allowed us to elaborate a pilot structural model for organization communication planning. While the adopted methodology searched the characteristics of a Case Study, our strategy focused on Multiples Cases, using Literal Replication. Four steps were followed: The first one was a research about the available bibliography. After that, a typological model was created. The third step was a field research in the companies that were studied. Finally, we created an appropriate pilot structural model in order to meet the goals we had proposed to. As a result, it became clear very soon in the second step that our experiment model was reliable. Thus it was possible to demonstrate that communicational goals and strategies can be defined based on qualitative and quantitative analysis, such as a model of marketing analysis. In this way, the research project was brought to its end by proposing a new approach to structure of organizational communication planning.

Reconstruction de la circulation océanique à partir d'observations satellitaires à très haute résolution / Reconstruction of an oceanic flow from very high-resolution satellite observations

Duran Moro, Marina 14 December 2017 (has links)
Pendant la dernière décennie, il y a eu un incrément de la résolution spatiale des observations satellitaires. Cela est notamment dû aux avancées technologiques implémentées sur les satellites. La quantité d'information observée est vaste, et il faut donc identifier des techniques efficaces pour la traiter et pour produire de cartes précises de la dynamique en surface. La mission future SWOT collectera de données d'élévation de surface (SSH) à très haute résolution spatiale : une partie de la dynamique à petites longueurs d'onde, c'est-à-dire, de la sousméso-échelle, sera représentée dans ces observations. Les observations satellitaires servent à réaliser la reconstruction spatiale en surface et aussi à la projeter vers l'intérieur de l'océan et vers des autres variables. La question posée est donc quelles méthodes peuvent fournir ces estimés 3D et multivariés avec une bonne précision à des échelles proches de la sousméso-échelle.Nous nous situons dans ce travail de thèse dans un cadre d'assimilation de données et d'images : l'objectif du travail étant la reconstruction de façon précise de la dynamique dans la couche de surface de l'océan (~500 m) à partir d'observations satellitaires. Pour ce faire, nous implémentons une méthode qui utilise différentes observations en surface à deux étapes d'analyse séparées. Elle consiste d'abord d'une première étape d'assimilation de données qui réalise une correction linéaire de l'écoulement. La deuxième étape se base dans une méthode d'assimilation d'images (Gaultier et al, 2012) dont l'objectif est de bien localiser les structures lagrangiennes obtenues par le calcul des exposants de Lyapunov. Dans le but de fournir des incertitudes associées aux estimés, nous disposons d'une distribution de probabilité d'ébauche qui sera corrigé par notre méthode : (i) la première étape effectue une analyse SEEK pour corriger cette distribution d'ébauche en utilisant une observation d’élévation de SSH; (ii) la deuxième étape minimise une fonction coût en utilisant l'observation d'une image structure et nous obtenons ainsi une distribution de probabilité finale. Les estimés sont projetés dans la dimension verticale en utilisant des EOFs (Empirical Orthogonal Functions) 3D multivariées, de cette sorte nous avons des estimés de variables observées et des variables non-observées (Duran-Moro et al, 2017).La méthode est testée en utilisant des données synthétiques produites par un modèle numérique à haute résolution (~3 km) dans la Mer de Salomon (SOSMOD36). La méthode fournit des résultats positifs : les estimés sont bien reconstruites sur la vertical et aussi concernant les variables non-observées. Dans ce cadre, nous réalisons une évaluation de l'impact de diverses pseudo-observations altimétriques dans la performance de la méthode. Ceci est réalisé par l'implémentation des traces Jason et Envisat sur l'observation de SSH ainsi qu'à partir du simulateur SWOT développé au JPL. Ce dernier est utilisé pour générer des pseudo-observations SWOT ainsi que des erreurs et du bruit prévus pour cette mission. La corrélation significative de ces erreurs a motivé l'application de la technique dans Ruggiero et al, 2016 dans notre analyse. Des simulations à plus haute résolution spatiale (~1 km) récemment produites à partir du modèle numérique NATL60 en Atlantique Nord sont aussi utilisées pour tester la méthode. Cette étude permet d'évaluer la dépendance des résultats avec la variabilité saisonnière de la dynamique aux moyennes latitudes. / During the last decade, high resolution observations have significantly increased mainly due to the strong innovations of satellite technology. The amount of observed information from satellites is large, and it is necessary to identify effective techniques to treat and to generate surface maps of the ocean dynamics. The future SWOT mission will collect sea surface height (SSH) measurements with a high spatial resolution : some dynamics at small wavelengths, which is known as submeso-scale, will be present in these new observations. Satellite observations could be used to carry out a vertical projection into the deeper ocean and to other variables. The question that rises is which methods can be used to carry out a 3D multivariate analysis with a significant precision, especially at meso and submeso-scale.We work here in a data/image assimilation framework : our objective if to reconstruction with good precision the dynamics in the upper oceanic layer (~500 m) using satellite observations. To do so, we implement a two-step method that uses different observations of the sea surface. The first step consist on the SEEK filter which is a data assimilation technique to carry out a first linear correction of the flow. The second step uses an image assimilation method (Gaultier et al , 2012) to correct the location of the main dynamical structure. This main dynamical structure is obtained by the computation of the Lyapunov exponents. A probability approach is applied to provide uncertainties on the estimates at each step. A first probability distribution of a background state is supposed to be known : the two-step method corrects this probability distribution at each step in order to converge towards the real ocean state. The SEEK filter corrects the background probability distribution using a SSH observation. The second step continues this correction towards smaller scales by using an image structure observation. To carry out the vertical projection, an ensemble of 3D multivariate EOFs (Empirical Orthogonal Functions) is used (Duran-Moro et al, 2017).The method is tested using synthetic data generated by a numerical model in the Solomon Sea region (SOSMOD36). The spatial resolution of these simulations is of ~3 km. We evaluate the response of our method in an idealized case study by using pseudo-observations generated from the simulations. The method provides good results and the estimates are corrected also in the vertical and in terms of other variables. A more detailed exploration of the altimetric observation is realized, especially related to future SWOT observations. Errors of SWOT observations have strong spatial correlations and another technique needs to be used in our method : this modification is carried out following work done in Ruggiero et al, 2016. Simulations from another NEMO configuration in the North Atlantic region (NATL60) are also used to evaluate the method. This second test allows us to explore the method in a different latitude of the globe.

Analýza česko-čínské spolupráce se zaměřením na zahraniční obchod v oboru strojírenství a energetiky / Analysis of the Czech-Chinese cooperation focusing on foreign trade in mechanical and power engineering

Štrublíková, Eva January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to highlight in theoretical and practical level the possibilities and opportunities as well as risks and threats to enter the Chinese market for business or commercial enterprises. Framework of the first part - SWOT analysis of the Chinese market - was designed according to information provided by individual companies actually exporting to the Chinese market. This section is devoted to monetary and fiscal policy and analysis of consumer demand, the tax system in China, protection of intellectual property rights or the issue of corruption, bureaucracy and the Chinese state-owned enterprises. Subsequently there are examples of three companies - Skoda Power and Skoda Transportation and Skoda JS - operating for several years on the Chinese market. Each company chose different way of entering this market and the aim was to analyze these approaches in terms of financial and legislative expediency. The last part of the paper is devoted to vision and analysis of emerging perspective industries and energy.

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