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Access: Hearing world : A documentation of the birth of a website for deaf and hearing impaired that addresses technology / Tillgången till den hörande världen : En dokumentation av skapandet av en teknikwebbsida som är riktad till döva och hörselskadadeBaylan, Kristina January 2012 (has links)
This paper is part of the practical bachelor’s thesis that is reporting the details of the process of creating a new website called Access: Hearing world. The website is aimed to provide information about new smartphone applications for the targeted group of users. These users consist of sign language speaking deaf and hearing impaired individuals. This paper illustrates the pilot study that gave the website its foundation and the information the website needed to take shape. Also included in the paper is that choices that were made during the process of the creation of the website and what methods were used along the way. The subliminal theory that were used during the entire process was human-computer interaction especially usability and user-friendliness. This was measured and analyzed with two analyzing methods, these were PACT and SWOT. / Denna rapport handlar om skapandeprocessen bakom en ny samlingssida för smartphoneapplikationer som är riktad till döva och hörselskadade. Denna webbsida ska kunna ge ny information om nya smartphoneapplikationer oavsett vilken plattform användarna nyttjar. Denna rapport tar upp förstudien som utfördes innan webbsidan skapades för att kartlägga behoven fanns. Den tar även upp själva utförandet av webbsidan och vilka val som gjordes under den processen. Resultatet som utgår från det test som gjordes kommer också att återges genom en PACT-analys. Därefter kommer webbsidan att diskuteras och utvärderas genom en SWOT-analys för att belysa det som är styrkan, svagheten, möjligheten och hoten med Access: Hearing world som webbsidan heter.
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”För att lyckas kan vi inte arbeta i stuprör” : Samverkan för kompetensförsörjningEdström, Jessica, Olsson, Madeleine January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att beskriva aktuella aktörers samverkan för kompetensförsörjning inom Västmanlands län. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med representanter från aktuella aktörer som spelar en viktig roll för tillväxten i länet. Den teoretiska referensramen för studien är trippelhelix-modellen för samverkan. Resultatet analyserades med en SWOT-analys för att visa på svagheter och styrkor med samverkan för kompetensförsörjningen i Västmanlands län samt för att kunna ge förslag på hur den kan utvecklas. Studien visade att arbetet med trippelhelix-modellen inte sker medvetet i samverkansforumen då vissa aktörer inte kände till modellen, vilket var ett önskemål från de respondenter som arbetade med den idag. Frågan om det verkligen fanns en mismatch diskuterades gentemot att arbetsgivarna inte ser studenternas helhets kompetens utan endast ämneskunskap och därmed ökar mismatchen. För att se studenternas möjligheter och potential finns ett ökat behov av samverkan mellan gränserna. / The purpose of this study is to describe relevant actors cooperation for competence supply in the county of Västmanland. The qualitative study was based on semistructured interviews with representatives from relevant actors that play an important role for the growth of the county. The theory for this study is the triplehelix-model for cooperation. The result was analyzed through a SWOT-analysis to determine weaknesses and strengths with the cooperation for competence supply within the county of Västmanland and to give suggestions for further development. The study showed that work on the triplehelix-model is not done consciously, in cooperation forums when some players did not know the model, which was a request from the respondents who were working on it today. The question whether there really was a mismatch were discussed in relation to that employers do not see the students' overall competence, but only subject knowledge, thus increasing mismatch. To see the students' possibilities and potential there is an increasing need for cooperation between the borders.
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Mėsos perdirbimo įmonės „Q“ pelningumo didinimo galimybių įvertinimas / Profitability improvement possibilities in meat processing JSC “Q”Beržinis, Andrius 04 May 2009 (has links)
Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti finansinės bei konkrečiai pelningumo analizės, teorinius aspektus. 2. Atlikti UAB „Q“ finansinę analizę. 3. Identifikuoti UAB „Q“ veiklos pelningumo didinimo problemas. 4. Atskleisti UAB „Q“ pelno poveikį vertės kūrimui. 5. Modeliuoti UAB „Q“ pelningumo didinimo scenarijus 6. Pasiūlyti vadybinius sprendimus UAB „Q“ pelningumo didinimui. / Job tasks: 1. To analyze the financial and profitability analysis, the theoretical aspects. 2. Make UAB "Q" financial analysis. 3.To identify the "Q" posibilities to improve profit 4. Disclosure UAB "Q", the profit impact of value creation. 5. Modeling Ltd. 'Q' profitability improvement scenarios 6. To offer management solutions UAB "Q" to increase profitability.
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Stridsledningssystem Bataljon (SLB) i nationell konflikt : en systemutvärdering / Stridsledningssystem Bataljon (SLB) in a national conflict : a system evaluationQuist, Hampus January 2014 (has links)
Idag använder Försvarsmakten högteknologiska ledningssystem för att underlätta ledning på stridsfältet. Några av dessa system är idag utvecklade för internationella insatser mot en lågteknologisk motståndare, men vad skulle hända i en nationell konflikt mot en högteknologisk motståndare? I denna uppsats utvärderas SLB utifrån ett fiktivt framtidsscenario för att komma fram till tekniska eller taktiska anpassningar för att öka den militära nyttan med systemet. Studien bygger på för och nackdelar med SLB utifrån Försvarsmaktens sex grundläggande förmågor som sedan analyseras för att komma fram till anpassningsmöjligheter för SLB. En av de slutsatser som studien visar är vikten av realistiska övningar med systemet för att öva personalen mot en högteknologisk motståndare. / The Swedish armed forces use high tech command and control systems to increase combat leadership on the battlefield. Some of these systems are designed for international missions against a low tech enemy, but what would happen if the systems where facing a high tech enemy in a national conflict? In this essay SLB is being evaluated from a fictional future scenario to determine technical or tactical adjustments to increase the military use of the system. The essay is based on pros and cons with SLB from the Swedish armed forces six basic ability’s that later are being analyzed to come up with suitable adjustments for SLB. One of the conclusions from the essay shows the importance of realistic exercises with the system to practice the crew against a high tech enemy.
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華碩桌上型電腦發展策略可行性分析 / ASUS desktop computer strategy analysis張家維 Unknown Date (has links)
全球桌上型電腦市場在2008 年底受到金融海嘯影響, 在2009年初面臨景氣急轉下的窘迫狀況,出貨狀況仍舊嚴峻,直至2009 下半年的景氣逐漸復甦,市場需求稍穩定,然供應鏈不時出現肇因於對需求低估,致產能規劃保守,不時產生零組件供給缺口。而市場上又受到筆記型電腦替代效果的影響,桌上型電腦在2009 年的出貨量整整比2008 年少了11.4%,在這樣雙重的影響下,桌上型電腦可以說腹背受敵。而面臨這樣的環境下,本研究之對象華碩電腦也提出了一
些相對應此環境變化之策略,期望來克服所面臨之窘境。在策略分析部分,由於傳統SWOT 分析有諸多限制與問題,像是只注重機會與威脅之配對、優劣勢難以分辨等。透過學生提出修正後的SWOT 矩陣,將傳統之SWOT 作修正,以期望能夠克服這些限制與問題,擴大此架構的使用範圍。本研究所要探討的是華碩電腦在桌上型電腦之發展策略可行性,並使用修正後的SWOT 矩陣分析,除了探討策略可行性外,也期望能
了解此修正後的SWOT 矩陣架構應用在個案分析上是否確實。
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The constant search for improving the quality of life has gained importance worldwide. In this point of view, much emphasis is given to the production of healthier foods, in which chicken comes up as the most important animal protein in several countries. Regarding cleaner production, authors claim that it is an important tool for sustainable development, enabling savings in business and acting in accordance with environmental regulations. Based on this, this dissertation aimed to apply the SWOT analysis and the prioritization matrix for cleaner production practices in the production process of a poultry processing plant. In order to do this, we described the production process of the company, using the SWOT analysis and the prioritization matrix to diagnose strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, in relation to cleaner production practices, and defining the correlation between internal and external factors, as well as motricity (influence) and impact. As the methodology, we used the exploratory research developed in a case study, having as the case unit a poultry processing plant in western Parana. As the result of this study, it was observed a situation of near neutrality in the development of cleaner production in the company, where the negative points are almost as many as the positive ones. It was concluded that the SWOT analysis and prioritization matrix are important tools for planning cleaner production, an essential stage for the development of business projects. / A busca constante pela melhoria da qualidade de vida ganha destaque em todo mundo. Neste ponto de vista se dá muita ênfase também para a produção de alimentos mais saudáveis em que a carne de frango aparece como proteína animal fundamental na alimentação humana em diversos países. Com relação à produção mais limpa, autores afirmam ser uma importante ferramenta em prol do desenvolvimento sustentável, possibilitando economia nos negócios e atuar de acordo com a legislação ambiental vigente. Baseado nisso, essa dissertação teve como objetivo aplicar a ferramenta SWOT e a matriz de priorização para as práticas de produção mais limpa (P+L) no processo de produção de um frigorífico de aves. Para tanto, buscou-se descrever o processo de produção da empresa; utilizar a ferramenta SWOT junto com a matriz de priorização para diagnóstico dos pontos fortes e fracos, oportunidades e ameaças, quanto à prática de P+L, definir a correlação entre os fatores internos e externos, assim como a motricidade (influência) e o impacto. Na metodologia utilizou-se a pesquisa exploratória desenvolvida num estudo de caso, tendo como unidade caso um frigorífico de frangos do oeste do Paraná. Verificou-se como resultado do estudo uma situação praticamente neutra para o desenvolvimento da P+L na empresa, onde os pontos negativos quase se equivalem com os positivos. Concluiu-se que as matrizes SWOT e priorização são ferramentas importantes para o planejamento de P+L, fase fundamental para o desenvolvimento de projetos empresariais.
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Analýza elektronických služeb České pošty se zaměřením na hybridní služby / Analysis of the electronic services of the Czech Post with focusing on hybrid servicesMIKEŠOVÁ, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the analysis and recommendations for the development of electronic services of the Czech Post. The aim is to analyze the use of hybrid mail instruments and its improvements due to customer needs. Sub-goal of this thesis is the analysis of Hybrid post´s instruments and their utilization, the analysis of relationships with customers focussed on Customer Relationship Management and an examination of the whole situation of the Czech Post´s hybrid services.
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Ekonomický rozbor vybrané firmy / ECONOMICAL ANALYSIS CHOSEN FIRMBOŘILOVÁ, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
Graduation theses solves economical development chosen woodworking firm. Period of this analyse is five years. It is about change of production strategy and effect on this resolutions on profit figure and incomes. There is short description of firm and economical situation in this period. Purpose this work is give trends, use known methods and implements financial analyse by the help of obtained informations from chosen firm and present this to practices with nominated trends to innovation situation.
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Motivace a evaluace zaměstnanců / Motivation and Evaluation of EmployeesVáclavková, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with issues concerning motivation and evaluation of the employees. The theoretical part describes suggestions from specialised literature in the field of motivation and evaluation of the employees. The practical part deals with the revealed study results which will be then apllied to the company. The aim of this diploma thesis is to offer possible suggestions based on the information discovered. These suggestions will be used to eliminate revealed imperfections and subsequently help to improve motivation of the employees.
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Plánování a organzování sportovní akce v Milevsku / Planning and organizing a sport event in MilevskoKorytová, Ludmila January 2018 (has links)
Title: Planning and organizing a sport event in Milevsko Objectives: The main purpose of this thesis is to create a real basis for the organization of the unique competition in rhythmic gymnastics, to find out the interest of the clubs from the Czech Republic for this competition and to describe the organizational strategy for the implementation of the competition. Methods: To obtain the necessary information for this thesis an electronic questionnaire was created. Interviews method and SWOT analysis were also used. Results: Based on the questionnaire, interviews, SWOT analysis and study of organizational strategy by various authors, an organizational strategy for the organization of a unique competition in rhythmic gymnastics was written. After the end of the event, the organizational strategy was evaluated, feedback was obtained from participants and visitors, and recommendations for the competition were written for coming years. Keywords: Management, marketing, rhythmic gymnastics, questionnaire, interview, SWOT analysis
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