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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Efectiveness Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification

Hrdina, Norbert January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the analysis of the current state and proposal for modifications of information system for a company in construction business. First part introduces basic terms from the field of ICT, second part describes analyzes of current state of company’s ICT and the last chapter focuses on proposal for modifications of current ICT that are based on results of previous analyzes.

Analýza spotřebitelského chování na fitness trhu

Frantová, Gabriela January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the analysis of consumer behavior in the fitness market. The theoretical part introduces marketing, its basic concepts and marketing environment. Furthermore, the thesis deals with consumer behavior and delimitation of its terms. In the last theoretical part the thesis deals with the marketing mix of services. Theoretical knowledge is applied to the fitness center Mišmaš, which is analyzed in the next part of the thesis in terms of external and internal environment, marketing mix and SWOT analysis. The analytical part includes a questionnaire survey of the fitness center Mišmaš, whose results, including other analyzes, serve as a basis for the proposal part of the work with the aim of increasing customer satisfaction.

Strategie rozvoje sportu v Židlochovicích

Pavková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis “Strategy of sport development in Židlochovice” is focused on evaluation of documents and materials for creation of sport development document, whose processing is obligatory for municipalities according to the amendment of Act No. 115/2001 Coll. on the promotion of sport. In the introductory part are described the basics of strategic planning, then the theme of sport is briefly outlined, the legislative environment regulating the development of sport is outlined and the related strategic and conceptual documents are described. The practical part contains the draft of the sport development plan according to the structure of the recommended curriculum of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The draft is based on cooperation with the city and survey carried out by the citizens of Židlochovice and the surrounding municipalities. The practical part includes a proposal of strategic goals and priorities in the field of sport for the city of Židlochovice in the future.

Hodnocení vybrané formy cestovního ruchu a její dopad na krajinu Chráněné krajinné oblasti Moravský kras

Mrázek, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is on the topic of the evaluation of a selected form of tourism and its impact on the landscape on the Moravian karst Protected Landscape Area. It deals with the evaluation of impacts of mountaineering activities in the Moravian karst Protected Landscape Area. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on obtaining information about the Moravian karst area, terminology related to the concept of the landscape and tourism. The practical part of the thesis includes a questionnaire and its evaluation, a field survey carried out directly in the Moravian karst site and a SWOT analysis with proposing appropriate measures to reduce the negative impacts of the selected form of tourism. The results show that mountaineering activities have a negative impact on the Moravian karst Protected Landscape Area. However in some cases the negative impacts may be reduced or eliminated when rules and nature is respected. The diploma thesis can be used as part of the basis for the elaboration of the Plan of Care for the Protected Landscape Area Moravian karst for the next period issued by the Nature Protection Agency of the Czech Republic.

An assessment of the possibility for improving market situation by FSC certification in the selected countries

Pennanen, Saara January 2019 (has links)
Abstract The growing importance of forest certification has been under discussion in recent decades. In 21st century the FSC certification has been spreading across the Europe, and it has caused controversies among the citizens. The standards differ within the European Union, which has led to the situation where forest owners in some countries aren’t able to adapt the FSC certification, and are losing their markets. There are two forest certification organizations in Europe, the PEFC and the FSC. These two organizations can be seen as competitors nowadays. Both have certified forest around the world, in all continents. Among the forestry experts and forest owners, there is no consensus, whether the forest certifications are affecting positively to the market situation or not. Situations vary between the countries, since the standards and the usage of certificates differ. This thesis describes the situation of the forest certifications in Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic and Austria. The results are gathered from literature, articles and forestry experts' interviews by countries. From the results of these interviews a SWOT analysis is conducted, which assess whether the FSC certification is developing the market situation with positive or negative effect. The conclusions are based on the SWOT analysis results, and include suggestions for the further development for FSC forest certification by countries.

Zhodnocení současného stavu vybraného agroturistického provozu zabývajícího se chovem lam

Hejmalová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
Purpose of this diploma thesis is to evaluate actual state of selected farm specialized in llama breeding. Thesis starts with a written review, describing species of llamas, their versatility and breeding requirements. While thesis is describing both economic and social aspects of selected llama farm, biggest focus is put on social aspects, based on data provided by visitors feedback via various questionnaires. Data from questionnaires are were processed and are presented by series of graphs. Thesis also contains strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for selected farm, information based on SWOT analysis.

Sociologie venkovského města. Případová studie Oder

Dušková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The theme of this thesis focuses on the sociology of rural town Odry and its issues. It contains, in the first place, evaluated information about families, home, work and free time, but there are also information about culture, education, community life, demo-graphic decline and aging, town management, control and participation of citizens in them, the relationship of indigenous people, new residents and possible cottagers. The SWOT analysis was used for gathering necessary information and public opinion data using a survey that was carried out among residents of the town Odry. To summarize, the most important and significant suggestions and recommendations consist in increa-sing the level of safety in the town and, finally, reconstructing town square and some buildings.

Strategický plán vybraného mikroregionu

Machalová, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis bearing title Strategic Plan of the selected Micro-region deals with processing of a strategic development plan for Bojkovsko micro-region, assotiations of towns and municipalities. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part which is literary research follows up definitions of basic concepts including the structure and process of elaboration of the strategic plan. Thesis continues with second part which is socio-economic analysis of the examined Bojkovsko micro-region followed with SWOT analysis. Thesis also includes questionnaire survey focused on the views of municipal representatives on development of the examined micro-region. Lastly the strategic plan of the Bojskovsko micro-region is designed which can be beneficial for further development of the territory.

Motivation i gymnasiekursen matematik 2b - En fallstudie

Anghel, Carmen January 2017 (has links)
No description available.


朱欽翔, Chu, Chin Hsian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究生目前任職於瑞士的S私人銀行,負責該銀行於台灣區的業務,先前亦曾經任職於國內銀行的理財中心與財務顧問公司,擔任理財主管與從事私人銀行平台工作超過十年期間。對於國內銀行近年來所推動之「財富管理」業務,或號稱更高等級之「私人銀行」業務發展,有深入的瞭解與實際上的業務拓展經驗。 據統計,台灣目前的財富管理商機高達28兆元,市場規模在亞洲排名第三,僅次於中國與日本。隨著兩岸關係解凍,金融業的重重限制可望逐步鬆綁,相信很多外移的資金將會陸續回流,台灣的財富管理市場將有很寬廣的成長空間。這也造成了各金融機構,無論是銀行業、證券業,甚至保險業均相繼投入此一熱門業務。加上近幾年來,國內外的金融業者在金控架構之下進入了白熱化的競爭,強調一次購足與全方位的理財服務,使得國內銀行的理財專員在業績目標的壓力之下,對於高資產與高所得客戶(HNWI),披著量身訂作與精緻規劃的外衣,實際上進行了很多不必要金融理財商品的推銷。甚至,這些所謂的『金字塔頂端』的客戶所購買的理財商品,其風險值往往超過該客戶所能承擔之風險程度而不自知。一旦大環境發生巨變,例如數十年難得一見的次級房貸風暴與通膨危機同時發生,則客戶所遭受的虧損是很可觀的。其實類似的客訴事件在國內的金融機構屢見不鮮,雖然站在主管機關的立場應該幫助較弱勢的投資人,但財大氣粗的金融財團卻理直氣壯地不願意承擔誤導客戶之責任,往往客戶都會自認倒楣,如此客戶對該金融機構的信心一定大打折扣,甚至因而失掉了這個客戶。 同時,近年來因為國內稅負偏高,造成大筆資金外流至國外的知名私人銀行進行稅務或理財的規劃。據瞭解,台灣的有錢人在海外的資產規模,高達2,300億美元以上。預期未來在新政府上台後,將開始採取有利的稅負環境,包括遺產稅或贈與稅已大幅降低,以吸引滯留在外的資金回流。屆時這些為了節稅而有家歸不得的龐大資產,將會像迴游的鮭魚一般回到台灣,勢將引發國內金融機構新一波的理財業務競爭。但如果國內的業者在觀念上依然存在以過去的做法為指導方針,只在乎短線的手續費收益,競相地殺雞取卵,並未用心思考如何為客戶創造長期或世世代代的財富保障效益,無法達成歐美私人銀行數百年來所吸引富裕人士的功能,相信這幾年國內業者的努力也將付諸東流水! 在此,希望藉由本文的深入探討,以研究生個人在此一領域十五年以上經驗,配合在S銀行的所從事的業務與國際間私人銀行做一比較,同時就目前國內正在萌芽的私人銀行業務競爭之優劣條件進行分析,並提出本研究生的建議。 / This graduate student is currently the Associate Director/General Manager of the Taiwan Regional for the “S Private Bank” from Switzerland. Previous to that, he was the Head of the Private Banking Centre in a local bank and as well was the President of an IFA (Independent Financial Advisor) which managed a private banking platform for local high net worth individuals (HNWI) with over 15 years of experience. Currently, the AUM of wealth management in Taiwan is over NT$28 trillion, ranking as the third among Asia countries, China & Japan ranking as No.1 & No. 2 respectively. After the new government in May 2008, the regulations in the different financial fields will be liberalized and this would attract the offshore monies returning to Taiwan. Therefore, there should have a big potential in the wealth management market. In this regard, local financial institutions, such as banks, security brokerages and insurance companies are putting every effort in this business, consequently, competition occurs. Due to the fierce competition, the HNWI have been overly loaded with investment tools recommended by FAs (financial advisor) in the banks. But after the subprime turmoil, the clients suffered and, in this regard, the bank might lose those clients. Meanwhile, the taxation rates in Taiwan have been too high to retain the monies domestically. It is estimated that the HNWIs have been keeping over US$230 billion of their money abroad. Fortunately, after the new government, the taxation has already reduced recently in attracting the money to return to Taiwan. By then, the local financial institutions will vie with each other for the huge money in the wealth management business. But if the local institutions remain keen on their nearsighted thinking of product or sales oriented private banking business in generating fee income, lacking of a long-term financial planning for HNW clients, as such, could hinder the local financial institutions from building the competitiveness in the private banking business. In this regard, this graduate student tries to give some personal experience in this particular field which is rarely touched by local practitioners. Also, this thesis will put forward some practical suggestions to the related Governmental Authority so as to make a healthier environment and wider room for the local interested parties. This study focuses on the results from the abstract to analyze and provide some realistic and useful suggestions to those financial institutions who are interested in the private banking business.

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