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私人銀行在台灣市場的現況與未來性---以瑞士S私人銀行之個案為比較朱欽翔, Chu, Chin Hsian Unknown Date (has links)
在此,希望藉由本文的深入探討,以研究生個人在此一領域十五年以上經驗,配合在S銀行的所從事的業務與國際間私人銀行做一比較,同時就目前國內正在萌芽的私人銀行業務競爭之優劣條件進行分析,並提出本研究生的建議。 / This graduate student is currently the Associate Director/General Manager of the Taiwan Regional for the “S Private Bank” from Switzerland. Previous to that, he was the Head of the Private Banking Centre in a local bank and as well was the President of an IFA (Independent Financial Advisor) which managed a private banking platform for local high net worth individuals (HNWI) with over 15 years of experience.
Currently, the AUM of wealth management in Taiwan is over NT$28 trillion, ranking as the third among Asia countries, China & Japan ranking as No.1 & No. 2 respectively. After the new government in May 2008, the regulations in the different financial fields will be liberalized and this would attract the offshore monies returning to Taiwan. Therefore, there should have a big potential in the wealth management market. In this regard, local financial institutions, such as banks, security brokerages and insurance companies are putting every effort in this business, consequently, competition occurs. Due to the fierce competition, the HNWI have been overly loaded with investment tools recommended by FAs (financial advisor) in the banks. But after the subprime turmoil, the clients suffered and, in this regard, the bank might lose those clients.
Meanwhile, the taxation rates in Taiwan have been too high to retain the monies domestically. It is estimated that the HNWIs have been keeping over US$230 billion of their money abroad. Fortunately, after the new government, the taxation has already reduced recently in attracting the money to return to Taiwan. By then, the local financial institutions will vie with each other for the huge money in the wealth management business. But if the local institutions remain keen on their nearsighted thinking of product or sales oriented private banking business in generating fee income, lacking of a long-term financial planning for HNW clients, as such, could hinder the local financial institutions from building the competitiveness in the private banking business. In this regard, this graduate student tries to give some personal experience in this particular field which is rarely touched by local practitioners. Also, this thesis will put forward some practical suggestions to the related Governmental Authority so as to make a healthier environment and wider room for the local interested parties.
This study focuses on the results from the abstract to analyze and provide some realistic and useful suggestions to those financial institutions who are interested in the private banking business.
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Možnosti expanze tuzemské společnosti do zahraničí / Possibilities of a Domestic Company Expansion AbroadSvobodová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the evaluation of the opportunity of a small Czech brewery to enter the market in the United Kingdom. To analyze the environment and the situation in the United Kingdom is used 4C method, which is aimed to explore the UK market in terms of national characteristics, customers, competitors and costs. After that on the basis of this analysis to evaluate, or recommend a brewery expansion into the UK market.
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Strategická analýza podniku / Strategic Analysis of an EnterpriseŠímová, Radka January 2008 (has links)
Theoretical part of the graduation thesis focuses on describing strategy of a company and methods used in the external and internal analysis of the company, such as PEST analysis, analysis 4C, SWOT analysis, Porter's analysis. The main goal of the practical part of the thesis is to describe concrete company and analyze it's internal and external surrounding. At he end of the thesis there are written recommendations for company and strategy.
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Strategická analýza podniku / Strategic Analysis of an EnterpriseJandová, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation is focused on process of a strategic analysis of a company, including analysis of an internal and an external environment. Its aim is to work out the strategic analysis of Secar Bohemia, a.s., to evaluate company's current situation of its market and to indentify all factors which could affect its development in future. It is divided into two parts: a theoretical part which contains theoretical basis (PEST analysis, 4C analysis, Porter's model, Checkup of the internal resources) and a practical part which apply that theoretical knowledge in Secar Bohemia,a.s. The output of the dissertation is to suggest the strategy and recommendations for futher development of that company.
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社群經營在旅遊電子商務網站之 4C 分析 — 以雄獅旅遊網為例 / The 4C analysis of social media usage in travel e-commerce website-LionTravel.com張念晴, Chang, Nien-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路問世和知識經濟時代來臨,現代人的生活形態深深受其影響。隨著網際網路觸角延伸到世界各地,上網人數快速增加,將具有共同興趣,但來自不同地域的人連結起來,在越來越多的網路用戶參與所造成的影響下,形成了許多虛擬社群。 Web2.0 概念的出現於2004年,其「網路即為平台」的基礎原則更將這股虛擬社群風潮推向高峰,成為一股不可忽視的網際網路力量。使用者所編織的集體智慧,變成了網際網路資源建立之核心,促使網際網路從以資訊為主的網路連結演變成以人為主的架構。
個案研究對象以台灣最大旅遊業者雄獅旅遊集團作為探討對象,利用研究者在雄獅旅遊集團之自身實習經驗以及與高階主管訪談過程中,得知雄獅旅遊集團在公司旅遊電子商務網站、品牌管理與其外部社群網站操作之實際做法。研究架構則是沿用邱志聖(2010)的4C策略行銷分析,整理出雄獅旅遊網在外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本與專屬陷入成本之行銷運用,探究個案如何運用其旅遊電子商務網站經營與消費者行銷建立關係。此外並在外部選取全球成功且具代表性之旅遊電子商務網站與平台—Expedia作為標竿案例,針對該個案公司本身的電子商務網站經營以及其旗下TripAdvisor網站之 Web 2.0應用,作次集資料搜集與整理。Expedia身為美國線上旅遊市場之龍頭代表,背後的成功關鍵就是在整合電子商務網站與社群網站之經營。
在研究最後利用雄獅旅遊所興建平台與Expedia平台之比較與行銷4C分析,提出雄獅旅遊可學習與改善之處,提出其建議與結論。建議部分除包含對雄獅旅遊平台可參考之實際作法外,也試圖提出旅遊業建構電子商務社群網站可考慮之架構與資源分配之原則。 / The modern lifestyle has been intensely affected right after the invention of Internet and the era of knowledge economy. With the Internet usage expended all over the world, the rapid increasing in the number of Internet users will share many common interests. However, due to the fact that they are all from different geographical areas, these huge amounts of Internet users will become participating in the formation of many online virtual communities in order to gather and share their ideas and thoughts. The Web2.0 concept first appeared in 2004, the fundamental principle of “network as platform” makes this trend has a much cleared definition. The collective intelligence that users build became the core of Internet resource. The Internet has transformed from an information-based network to a human based network, from giving one way to multiple ways exchanging.
This research mainly focuses on the largest travel agency in Taiwan, Lion Travel Corporation. Utilize the researcher’s internship experience and interviews with the head of E-Commerce department to intensely study the marketing methods that the company employs through Lion Travel’s official website, liontravel.com, in addition to its online brand management and its marketing strategies on the outer virtual community sites such as Facebook and YouTube Channels. The thesis employs Chiu’s (2010) four cost (4C) analysis to examine Lion Travel Corporation online marketing activities via a constructively critical lens. These four costs include external unit costs, information search costs, moral hazard costs and firm-specific assets costs. Moreover, this thesis chooses an international renowned online travel agency Expedia Inc. to set as a benchmarking case study sample for Lion Travel. Expedia Inc. has not only many very successful online e-commerce travel web stores but also established TripAdvisor virtual community to enhance its e-commerce utilities. TripAdvisor is a excellent example in managing collective intelligence, gathering travelers from all over the world to help them building travel industry knowledge.
From comparing Lion Travel Corp. and Expedia Inc.’s online marketing strategies utilizing 4C analysis, the thesis has made several notable conclusions for Liontravel.com to imitate. The recommendations include not only some Expedia and TripAdvisor’s website practical methods but also given some advices for resource allocations.
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行動支付之策略行銷分析:以微信支付、LINE Pay為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis in Mobile Payment: The Cases of WeChat Pay and LINE Pay續嘉揚, Hsu, Chia Yang Unknown Date (has links)
行動支付有許多應用與模式,本研究主要針對兩個以即時通訊應用程式為初始業務的案例―微信以及LINE進行探討。兩家案例公司都是在原有業務成長至一定規模後,開始發展新興行動支付業務,分別為:微信發展微信支付,LINE發展LINE Pay。本研究不僅透過資料瞭解這兩個案例之發展歷程、營運模式以及現況;同時藉由策略行銷4C理論架構,逐步分析這兩個案例是如何各自處理交換關係中的四個成本。
研究結果發現,歷經了差不多的光陰,兩個案例所呈現出的現況卻是天壤之別。儘管兩者因為政治環境、市場規模,以及所面對之消費者習慣上的差異,導致經營成效有所落差。不過排除這些先天因素,微信支付相較於LINE Pay,確實於各階段將4C策略執行地更加完善,並因此推動4C良性循環。LINE Pay本身對於4C架構仍有許多進步空間,本研究最終建議LINE Pay可以參考微信支付部分作法,並針對台灣市場適度調整,期許LINE Pay能順利啟動4C良性循環,為自己創造長期競爭優勢。 / With the advances of technology and the popularization of the internet, nowadays smartphones can perform several functions besides communication (e.g., camera, flashlight, map, notebook, Walkman). Moreover, people begin “putting” the money on their smartphones in recent years. Many corporations have also launched new products or services featuring the combination of mobile phone and money. As the growth of both supply and demand in the market, the mobile payment industry has gradually formed.
There are many kinds of application and models in the mobile payment industry. This thesis concentrates the attention on two instant messaging companies―WeChat and LINE. Both companies began expanding mobile payment business―WeChat Pay and LINE Pay―after their original business grew mature. This thesis not only reviews the development history and business models of two companies, but also uses the 4C analysis framework to analyze how they dealt with the four transaction costs.
The study shows that the operating results of WeChat Pay and LINE Pay are very different. There is still room for LINE Pay to grow. Although WeChat Pay and LINE Pay face quite distinct political environment, market size, and consumers, the thesis suggests that LINE pay can refer to the strategies and methods of WeChat Pay, and make some adjustments so as to successfully create the positive 4C cycle and long-term competitive advantage.
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Strategická analýza podniku / Strategic Analysis of an EnterpriseMalínek, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
First part of my work sumarises theory of strategic analysis, describes individual analysis such as PEST analysis, analysis 4C, SWOT analysis. Second part describes concrete company. Third part applies these analyses to described company. At the end of my work are written recommendations for company.
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Strategická analýza podniku / Strategic Analysis of an EnterpriseVoborská, Jana January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis describes strategy analysis of the enterprise producing interior and facade paints. In diploma thesis are used such analysis as PEST, 4C, Porter's 5F model, internal factors and SWOT analysis. On the basis of SWOT analysis is formulated strategy for improving competitive position of the enterprise on the market.
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Strategická analýza podniku / Strategic Analysis of an EnterpriseJanáček, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the strategic company analysis. First part is about charac-terisation of strategy and methods of internal and external strategic analysis. These methods are PEST analysis, 4C analysis, sector analysis, Porter's five forces model, analysis of business resources and financial analysis. Second part of the work is practical aplication of these methods on the specific business entity.
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