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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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行動支付商業模式與產業價值鏈之探討 / A Study of Business Model and Industrial Value Chain of Mobile Payment

劉思含 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著行動裝置及行動通訊網路的日益普及,人們可以突破時空限制、行動化地以完成各項活動,其中,支付方式的行動化即為「行動支付」。行動支付機制多元並進,從最初的簡訊傳輸(SMS)交易付款、到延伸PC版界面至行動裝置的手機瀏覽器頁面(WAP)付費,以及最新結合感應功能的近距離無線通訊(NFC)手機信用卡付款,以及結合行動裝置相機掃描功能的QR Code行動條碼付款等等,不同的行動支付機制各有其點,本研究以不同的分類方式歸納行動支付機制,並以「行動支付機制特性盒」針對國內外比較常見或是未來具有發展潛力的行動支付機制,從適用情境、參與業者以及支付流程,以呈現、比較不同行動支付機制的形貌。 不同的行動支付機制因運作模式不同,所形成的商業模式以及產業價值鏈也不盡相同,而產業中的各方參與業者在發展或推動行動支付的參與誘因、資源與優勢、商業模式、產業定位亦有所不同,本研究試著描繪行動支付產業價值鏈,涵蓋提供行動支付服務主要活動的參與者,以及提供週邊軟硬體、認證機制等間接支援性活動的相關業者,並針對不同業者的特性及在行動支付產業中的定位分別描述,歸納三大行動支付商業模式,分別是金融業者主導下的商業模式、行動通訊網路服務業者主導下的商業模式,以及第三方支付業者主導下的商業模式,並藉由探討國內外行動支付案例,以及訪談台灣行動支付產業的相關業者,作綜合性實務分析。 綜合文獻探討、深度訪談的結果,本研究歸納出在行動支付的演化上,具有多元並立性及典範移轉性,且不同的行動支付機制會造就不同的商業模式及產業價值鏈樣貌。未來,隨著台灣行動支付的相關法令逐漸鬆綁,台灣的行動支付將進入快速發展時期,根據過去各國在發展行動支付上的經驗及行動支付未來的整體發展趨勢,本研究提出以整合性的觀點去發展行動支付機制及商業模式,並以此建立產業價值鏈的定位及密切的策略夥伴關係,使各個參與業者能更加發揮互補性的核心競能,共同帶動行動支付的創新和普及。 / Mobile technology has become increasingly common in today’s everyday life. Mobile payment (M-payment) comes with mobile technology, which allows people complete payment in an easier way and without time and space limits. There are a variety of M-payment mechanisms, such as SMS, WAP, to NFC and QR code. Each mechanism has its characteristics. This study compares and analyzes different M-payment mechanisms in categories and under the characteristics of M-payment procedures. Different M-payment mechanism brings out different business models and industrial value chains. Each participant in the industry has its motivations, resources, advantages, business model and positioning. On one hand, this study tends to describe three main business models and the industrial chain of M-payment mechanisms based on secondary data. On the other hand, this study conducts in-depth interviews with specialists from mobile network operator, banks, stores, and consumers to collect first-hand information. Combining documentary analysis and in-depth interview, this study comes to a conclusion that the evolution and development of M-payment has the characteristics of multiple existence and paradigm shift. In addition, the business model and the industrial value chain both vary from mechanism to mechanism. In the future, as Taiwan has relaxed M-payment related rules and regulation, the development of M-payment in Taiwan is expected to be prospering. Our study offers several practical implications to developing integrated M-payment mechanism, business model, and relationship in industrial chain in order to facilitate successful development of M-payment with complementary advantages of each party.

臺灣行動支付之挑戰與競爭策略 / Challenges and Competitive Strategies of Mobile Payment in Taiwan

張軒愷, Chang, Hsuan Kai Unknown Date (has links)
全球行動支付交易金額預測將從2013年的2354億美元成長至2017年的7210億,年增率平均35%,而使用人口也將從2.4億增加到4.5億。另外,相較於亞洲其他國家非現金支付比例已高達五、六成,臺灣只有25%,顯示還有很高的成長空間。本研究透過Porter的鑽石模型比較美國、中國、台灣三國在行動支付領域的優勢與挑戰,同時透過Business Canvas拆解台灣行動支付平台廠商的商業模式,藉以了解台灣在行動支付領域的策略以及商業模式運作方法。 本研究的結論認為臺灣雖然在由於法律因素在行動支付市場業務上起步較晚,然而在技術取得面具有後發優勢。在需求面,臺灣的消費者準備度亦高,因此主要的挑戰在於產業鏈上待整合與國內內需低落,尚可透過跨境電商的方式取得突破。另一方面,台灣的廠商應該考慮選擇HCE而非TSM平台,同時思考如何吸引具有強大網路效應與平台效應的族群,並在國外廠商進入前搶先佈局。本研究屬初探性質,可作為未來研究行動支付相關研究之基礎。 / Global mobile payment market is forecasted to boom from 2.354 trillions in 2013 to 7.21 trillion in 2015, averagely at 25% annual growth rate. Compared to 50-60% non-cash payment in other Asian countries Taiwan only has 25% non-cash payment, which suggests high potential growth. This research conducted Diamond Model to compare the advantages and challenges in the domain of mobile payment in the U.S., China and Taiwan. Additionally, inspecting a Taiwanese mobile payment platform company by Business Canvas to understand business models and strategies in Taiwan. The conclusion of the research suggested that though Taiwan has slower development at mobile payment in consequence of legislation factor, it has the late-developing advantage in the acquisition of technology. In demand side, Taiwan also has high customer preparation, thus the main challenges are the integration of supply chain and limited domestic need, which could be overcome by developing international e-commerce. Furthermore, Taiwanese mobile payment companies shall consider adopt HCE platform instead of TSM platform, at the mean time find out how to appeal the groups with strong network effect and platform effect, and speed up deployment before international companies access to Taiwan. This research plays a role of advanced research in mobile payment, and could be a foundation for further related researches.

電子票證價值創造與競合關係-以iCASH為例 / Competition & Cooperation Analysis on iCash EasyCard

游士賢 Unknown Date (has links)
近十年來,國內外電子支付業者積極推展,顯示行動支付市場商機無限,從金融業到科技業,人人都想分一杯羹。經手龐大的金流,是否有更多運用的空間?話題正熱的行動支付,面前其實還有哪些阻礙?而在這樣的趨勢下,台灣的行動支付又該怎樣走出自己的路?在金融科技的發展浪潮中,各國政府與業界都在想方設法引誘消費者改變習慣,以付款方式區分,行動支付可分為虛擬信用卡 (或虛擬金融卡) 和儲值後支付兩種。 本研究以儲值後支付之國內電子票證為主要研究對象,並以國內外行動支付及電子票證發展歷程作為參照及標竿及台灣現行四大電子票證產業分析,以了解產業的動態及競爭情況後,再運用競合理論中改變賽局的五個要素PARTS來分析iCASH在面對其他電子票證業者如何改變賽局。 針對個案公司的分析後了解個案公司針對改變賽局的五個要素的因應做法提供其他要進入業者的參考,同時也對個案公司面對未來競爭給予建議1.可以參考香港八達通或其他行動支付業者發展二維條碼支付增加使用便利性及降低特約商家進入障礙2.個案公司最大競爭者並非電子票證面對其他行動支付例如LINE PAY/信用卡小額結帳,因此電子票證業者直及早進行下一階段的轉型。

超競爭下之商業生態系統-以行動支付為例 / The Business Ecosystem under Hypercompetition: the Cases of Mobile Payment

劉品佳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用質性研究方法,加以個案研究方式,對於第三方支付模式和實體信用卡虛擬化之非第三方支付模式進行個案分析,以探討在超競爭下,行動支付業者如何透過競爭以及合作策略,形成行動支付生態系統發展模式。本研究所得結論如下: 一、中國和肯亞等開發中國家之金融體系尚不發達,交易雙方出現信任缺口,銀行服務並不健全,金融資源分配不均,因此透過破壞傳統支付體系架構,發揮網路外部性之雙邊市場效應,打造出第三方支付模式之行動支付生態系統,以達到普惠金融發展目標。 二、歐美日等已開發國家之金融體系已臻健全,金融匯兌服務普及,金融監理重視市場公平與金融穩定,因此未破壞傳統支付體系架構,而是透過跨產業競合方式修改現有支付面前端程序,型塑出實體信用卡虛擬化支付模式之行動支付生態系統,以達到優化金融服務目標。 綜合上述結論,可歸納出二項管理意涵:第一項為在金融服務普及率較低的體系,傾向於發展填補信任缺口之第三方支付模式,而在金融服務普及率較高的體系,則傾向於發展提高安全性之實體信用卡虛擬化支付模式。第二項為企業藉由競合策略,既爭取價值也創造價值,其中爭取價值的本質是競爭,而創造價值的本質則是合作,以達到雙贏。 台灣傳統金融服務與超商密集度高,客戶需求被高度重視及滿足,銀行、超商與第三方支付業者形成跨產業競合關係,發展出多元支付方式,因此建構使用單一裝置即可提供多元支付功能之行動支付平台,可做為台灣行動支付生態系統健全發展之解決方案。具體建議為尋求跨產業競合,金融監管持開放態度,培訓金融科技人才,加強資訊安全,以建構完善的行動支付生態系統。 / In the view of hyper-competition, sustainable competitive advantage does not exist, and only by constant innovation in order to obtain a series of short-term competitive advantage. However, business ecosystem could clarify the competition and cooperation relationship between businesses. In this study, qualitative research and case study methodologies are used to find the adoptable mobile payment ecosystem. The third-party payment would fill the trust gap between the parties. Therefore, developing countries should adopt third party mobile payment ecosystem, in order to achieve financial inclusion. The non-third party payment would improve the security of cardholder transactions and reduce the risk of banking. Therefore, developed countries should adopt non-third party mobile payment ecosystem, in order to optimize financial services. The above conclusions can be summarized as two management implications: First, low penetration of financial services tends to develop third-party payment, and high penetration of financial services tends to develop non-third party payment. Second, business co-opetition strategy has the nature of value creation and value capture to achieve win-win situation. Taiwan’s financial service-intensive, customer needs are met, banks, stores can be formed with the third-party payment industry co-opetition relations, the development of a diverse payment methods, and therefore the construction using a single device to provide pluralistic payment function of mobile payment platform, will be suitable for robust development of Taiwan’s mobile payment ecosystem. Suggestions include cross-industry co-opetition, open-minded financial supervision, training financial technology professionals, and strengthen information security.

我國金融業者行動服務創新之研究 / A Study of Mobile Service Innovation in Taiwan Financial Industries.

陳俊毓, Chen, Chun Yu Unknown Date (has links)
智慧型手機的銷售量從2010年的300萬台成長到2014年的12億台,呈現爆發性的成長,台灣2014年智慧型手機銷售量也達一千萬台,已經是人手一隻智慧型手機的時代。智慧型手機改變了人們的生活習慣,相信未來智慧型手機的應用將蓬勃發展。 智慧型手機的崛起,使得和銀行交易的行為也可以在手機上完成,且許多非銀行公司也想要分食這塊商機,雖然台灣受到法律規範的限制,金融相關服務只有銀行才能推出,但政府已有慢慢開放法律規範,讓越來越多人可以進入,因此銀行業也面臨相當大的考驗。 本研究以永豐銀行、台新銀行、玉山銀行等三家銀行業者作為個案研究的對象,希望透過本論文研究,探討銀行業者在因應行動科技的崛起與變化時,其組織服務創新的策略思維;同時,也探討其發展行動服務創新時,內部的組織方式、新服務開發管理、以及與顧客的溝通方式。本研究所得到的初步結論包括:(1)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會更強調對消費者生活習性的瞭解,以推出解決消費者痛點的新服務。(2)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會進行更多的異業結合,以發展更多整合性的服務創新金融服務。(3)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會在電子金融相關部門招納更多元的人才,以推出更創新的服務。(4)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下發展金融服務創新時,會讓電子金融部門與其他部門進行更多的跨部門合作。另外,若要加速新服務的開發時,則會採用重量級專案團隊的組織方式。(5)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會增加與顧客互動的管道,以求更瞭解顧客的需求。本文最後並提出實務上的意涵與後續研究的建議。 / When smartphones came to the world, its had an big impact to people’s life. There were only 3 millions smartphone shipments in 2010,but later, there were 1.2 billion shipments in 2014.There has a big growth. Also in Taiwan, there are over 10 millions shipments in 2014. We can say this is a mobile era. We can predict that mobile application will mushroom in the future. When the rises of smartphone, we can do many things through smartphone. For example, we can receive e-mail, send a message to a friend, take a photo or make a financial trade with smartphone. Now, many non-financial companies serve financial service through smartphone. Although there are many legislation restrictions in Taiwan, only bankers can provide financial service. But legislation restrictions will reduce. So banking industry is facing a great challenge. In this study, we discuss how bankers develop mobile financial service. Meanwhile, we also discuss how they organize their electric finance department, how they develop a new financial service and how they communicate with their customers. Based on the case study, the initial findings includes: (1) To face mobile trends, banks will focus on customer habits. Otherwise, banks will release new service to solve customer’s pain points. (2) To face mobile trends, banks will cooperate with non-financial industries. (3) To face mobile trends, E-finance department will recruit employees with diverse backgrounds. (4) To face mobile trends, banks will have many inter-departmental working group. If necessary, banks will set up heavyweight teams. (5) To face mobile trends, banks will increase channels to communicate with customers. The study finally addresses the contribution of this research in academia and the suggestions to practitioners and follow-on researchers.

行動支付之策略行銷分析:以微信支付、LINE Pay為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis in Mobile Payment: The Cases of WeChat Pay and LINE Pay

續嘉揚, Hsu, Chia Yang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技不斷地進步與網際網路的日益普及,消費者手中的智慧型手機似乎早已不限用於傳統的通話功能。作者在十幾年前就曾幻想過,如果將來出門在外身上可以只攜帶一支手機,那該有多好。沒想到當初天真爛漫的想像,轉眼幾年後便已幾乎實現。隨著相機、手電筒、地圖、筆記本、隨身聽……等等逐一被我們放進智慧型手機裡,手機已經不再只是手機。而近年來大眾開始把「錢」放進手機,許多企業也紛紛推出「結合手機與錢」這種概念的各式產品與服務。當供給端與需求端都已出現時,行動支付產業就此產生。 行動支付有許多應用與模式,本研究主要針對兩個以即時通訊應用程式為初始業務的案例―微信以及LINE進行探討。兩家案例公司都是在原有業務成長至一定規模後,開始發展新興行動支付業務,分別為:微信發展微信支付,LINE發展LINE Pay。本研究不僅透過資料瞭解這兩個案例之發展歷程、營運模式以及現況;同時藉由策略行銷4C理論架構,逐步分析這兩個案例是如何各自處理交換關係中的四個成本。 研究結果發現,歷經了差不多的光陰,兩個案例所呈現出的現況卻是天壤之別。儘管兩者因為政治環境、市場規模,以及所面對之消費者習慣上的差異,導致經營成效有所落差。不過排除這些先天因素,微信支付相較於LINE Pay,確實於各階段將4C策略執行地更加完善,並因此推動4C良性循環。LINE Pay本身對於4C架構仍有許多進步空間,本研究最終建議LINE Pay可以參考微信支付部分作法,並針對台灣市場適度調整,期許LINE Pay能順利啟動4C良性循環,為自己創造長期競爭優勢。 / With the advances of technology and the popularization of the internet, nowadays smartphones can perform several functions besides communication (e.g., camera, flashlight, map, notebook, Walkman). Moreover, people begin “putting” the money on their smartphones in recent years. Many corporations have also launched new products or services featuring the combination of mobile phone and money. As the growth of both supply and demand in the market, the mobile payment industry has gradually formed. There are many kinds of application and models in the mobile payment industry. This thesis concentrates the attention on two instant messaging companies―WeChat and LINE. Both companies began expanding mobile payment business―WeChat Pay and LINE Pay―after their original business grew mature. This thesis not only reviews the development history and business models of two companies, but also uses the 4C analysis framework to analyze how they dealt with the four transaction costs. The study shows that the operating results of WeChat Pay and LINE Pay are very different. There is still room for LINE Pay to grow. Although WeChat Pay and LINE Pay face quite distinct political environment, market size, and consumers, the thesis suggests that LINE pay can refer to the strategies and methods of WeChat Pay, and make some adjustments so as to successfully create the positive 4C cycle and long-term competitive advantage.

使用圖碼技術於行動商務平台 / Apply Picture Code to Commerce Application

何駿逸, Ho, Chun Yi Unknown Date (has links)
從過去的公元2000年所強調網路Dot Com時代來臨,資訊商務發展一路從電子錢包、電子商務、B2B、B2C、第三方支付、C2C、O2O..到近期的「行動支付」發展的角度上來看,因為網路的發達,無線網路覆蓋面積的增大,網路速度也不斷的提升,智慧型手機及行動裝置使用廣泛,讓整體消費市場由過去所重視的企業消費市場已大幅轉向重視個人的消費市場。 短短的這二、三年,因智慧型手機使用的普及,各種APP應用程式蓬勃發展,已徹底改變了人們的生活習慣,當人們想要獲取與傳遞資訊時,只要動動手指頭,馬上就可達成;相對的,人們對於智慧型手機行動裝置也越來越依賴。面對這一新的「動動手指頭的時代」發展與趨勢,加上個人消費者的使用與消費習慣改變,造就了消費市場巨幅的變化;企業更為爭取個人消費者的市場,作為企業競爭力之指標。從企業為爭取個人消費者的市場之發展趨勢來看,O2O (Online to Offline)更成為現代重要的營銷模式。 本研究的貢獻希望在於以便利商店繳交信用卡帳款為例得到之啟發,打造一個行動商務平台,藉由現代圖碼(Picture Code),即利用目前所常見使用的條碼,如:堆疊式二維條碼以及矩陣式二維條碼,結合現行還在開發之新技術,組合出更新,圖形更複雜且資料儲存量更大之圖碼當作介質,透過網路之連結,以現代資訊商務發展活動的應用模式為基礎,套用本研究之應用模型,作為對於個人使用者的身分驗證,以及個人消費者於現代資訊商務發展活動之「電子錢包」及「電子商務」、「第三方支付」乃至「C2C」在使用信用卡的應用上,透過使用智慧型手機或行動裝置,作為現代另一新的「行動支付」方法。同時,在完成商務交易活動後,又能結合O2O營銷模式,為使用或消費者個人帶來共多利益,也為商家創造出更多商機。 / From "Dot Com" network generation coming in 2000, the IT Business Development Activities from "Electronic Wallet", "e-commerce", "B2B", "B2C", "Third-party payment," "C2C", "O2O" to the recent "Mobile Payment" development, because the network developed, wireless network coverage area increases, network speed has also been improved, smart phones and mobile devices are popular, overall business market is focus on the individual consumer market now. In this three years, smart phones use a variety of APP applications, it really has completely changed people's habits. When people want to capture and transmit some information, it just need to “move your fingers” as soon as you can reach. Also, people become increasingly dependent on smart phones and mobile devices. Face with this new "move your fingers time” developments trends and consumers’ consumption habits change, enterprise all want to increase the individual consumers’ market share and also as a business Indicators competitiveness. O2O (Online to Offline, Offline to Online) business model is more and more important to enterprise in the future. This thesis investigates from a case study on credit card payment for bill in the convenience store to get an idea. Hope build up a mobile commerce platform and use the modern “Picture Code” that the current use of bar codes, such as Stacked 2D bar codes and two-dimensional matrix bar code and combined with the existing new technology still in development. The combination of updates, graphics and more complex and larger data storage capacity of the bar code to be the new “interface”. Based on all application connect within Internet, we try to implement for all application according to development and innovation from this paper that to be a customer’s ID verification and “mobile payment” new model. Meanwhile, after transaction successfully, integrate the O2O business model to create more benefit for customer and more business opportunity for enterprise.


陳忠義 Unknown Date (has links)
由於智慧型手機與各種手持裝置日漸普及,4G行動上網速度與行動支付安全性、便利性與即時性的提升,行動支付(Mobile Payment)在這幾年已然成為電信、金融、手機軟硬體製造產業之間最熱門的話題之一,多樣化之支付型態因應而生。將個人行動裝置結合金融支付工具進行交易,讓使用者不需帶錢包出門即能輕鬆完成小額支付是未來趨勢,世界各國行動支付的比例逐漸提高,邁入無現金社會。 台灣電信運營商也積極在行動支付戰場爭取一席之地,陸續推出電信運營商帳單代付(Direct Carrier Billing,DCB)及近距離無線通訊(Near Field Communication,NFC)相關行動支付應用服務,以增加創新服務體驗及客戶黏著度,最終目標為提高客戶平均貢獻度(Average Revenue Per User,ARPU)。 本研究採用質性研究方法,透過次級資料蒐集、整理及分析,瞭解國外電信運營商之成功案例從中擷取鑑往知來的想法和做法,再深入觀察目前國內電信運營商在DCB的壞帳風險過高的問題及NFC電子錢包等行動支付之發展現況與窘境。最後提出建議,建議一為推動成立「電信聯合徵信中心」以共同降低壞帳風險,同時針對DCB用戶之消費項目進行分析以精準行銷並提升ARPU;建議二為推廣以「行動號碼」為數位身份認證(Mobile Connect)之行動支付平台,不僅可增加電信運營商之營收,更能夠滿足消費者追求快速、便利、安全性的需求。 / With the increasing popularity of smart phones and handheld devices, The 4G high mobility speeds and the security, convenience and real-time of mobile payment were improved. In recent years Mobile Payments have become a hot topic between the telecommunications, financial industry, mobile hardware and software manufacturing industry, diversified payment patterns in response. It is the future trend to combine personal mobile devices with financial payments tools so that users can easily make small payment no need to bring their wallet. The proportion of the Mobile Payment by countries in the world is gradually increasing and moving towards a cashless society. Taiwan's telecom operators are also preparing to carve out a niche for themselves in the mobile payment battlefield by launching Direct Carrier Billing (DCB)and Near Field Communication(NFC)related mobile payment application service to increase innovative service experience and customer adhesion, The ultimate goal is to enhance their Average Revenue Per User(ARPU). This research uses Qualitative Research Methods by collect, collate and analyze secondary data to understand the ideas and practices of observing the successful cases of foreign telecom operators to capture from the past to further understanding and solutions. And in-depth observation of the current domestic telecom operator’s highly bad debt risk in DCB and development situation and dilemma of the NFC related mobile payments. Finally, suggestion one is to facilitate the establishment of "Telecom’s Joint Credit Information Center" to reduce the risk of bad debts and then analyze the consumption items of DCB subscribers for precise marketing to enhance ARPU. Suggestion two is to promote “Mobile Connect” digital authentication solution with “Mobile Directory Number” in mobile payment’s platform. It not only increases the revenue of telecom operators, but also satisfy needs of consumer’s about seeking fast, convenient and safe.

以電子支付及第三方支付法制論消費者保護與產業發展 / Research on the legal system of electronic payment and third-party payment for consumer protection and industry development

吳東益 Unknown Date (has links)
《電子支付機構管理條例》自2015年2月實施後,陸續有相關子法作為補充。2015年底,金管會目標台灣非現金支付要在5年內達到52%,因此2016年被稱為「支付元年」。推廣線上支付最重要的除了市場動向外,莫過於法規的設置,因此本文探討目前的法制是否足以因應如此新興產業的需求,從進入門檻監理、消費者保護與產業發展三大個面向討論現行法規,並剖析是否有檢討之處。 由法制面審視我國對支付產業進入門檻的規定,反映了產業的競爭與發展的機會。而消費者的使用經驗是支付產業最佳的廣告,尤其支付系統多由小額且龐雜的交易組成,一旦紛爭發生,使用者大多自認倒楣,因此具有完備的防止糾紛或詐騙機制、資訊安全規範,產業才能永續發展。 / Since the implementation of the《Law on the Administration of Electronic Payment Institutions》in February 2015, the related regulations have been supplemented one after another. By the end of 2015, Financial Supervisory Commission set the target for non-cash payments in Taiwan to reach 52% of the total transaction within 5 years. So 2016 is called "the first year of payment". The most important thing promoting online payment is not only market trends, but also the establishment of legal system. Therefore, this article examines whether the current legal system is sufficient to meet the needs of such emerging industries, From entry barriers and supervision, consumer protection, industrial development, the three-oriented discussion of existing laws and regulations. From the legal point of view of Taiwanese payment industry entry barriers, it reflects the competition and development opportunities. The consumer experience is the best advertisement of payment industry. Especially the payment system is composed of small amount and complex transactions, once the dispute occurs, most users claim to be unfortunate. So there is a comprehensive mechanism to prevent disputes or fraud, information security norms, industry will be sustainable.

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