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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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工程產業變遷與工程公司成長策略之研究 -- 以 A 公司為例 / The change in engineering industry and the strategy of the development of engineering company -- the case for a company

陳萬富 Unknown Date (has links)
工程產業一直扮演著產業火車頭的角色,台灣歷經多次的景氣循環,而工程產業的發展一直與景氣有著密不可分的關係;然而工程產業雖與景氣雖有著高度關聯性,但相較於其他產業的發展模式而言,卻具有相當高之差異度,因此本文對於工程產業之模式與發展欲進行較深入之分析;再者,台灣目前對於工程產業的分析文獻並不多見,並且大都著眼於大型工程公司的成功經驗,或是其發展成功之制度架構,但無法暸解該成功經驗之累積過程或是制度架構之轉換過程。而本研究欲對於現況進行突破,除針對成功發展經驗的累積及制度架構的轉換進行整合及連續性的分析,更引用個案A公司的實際中小型企業的案例,來觀察A公司的發展歷程,了解企業由小規模發展至中大規模的發展途徑上,可能的成功路徑與發展模式,並且由於個案A公司歷經台灣多次的景氣循環,其發展的經驗以及發展歷程更是彌足珍貴,對於台灣的中小型企業發展上,可提供有效的建議。 本文藉由產業價值鏈分析法,對於工程產業進行深入的分析,再藉由司徒老師所創制之策略矩陣,將產業價值鏈作為橫向面,與縱向面的產品策略構面及產業策略構面進行結合,賦予策略矩陣中的各「策略點」全新的邏輯與意義,以便於作為策略決策的連續動態過程的解釋。文中並舉以實際個案A公司之資料以及重大發展歷程與轉折,利用策略矩陣分析法,針對A公司進行分析,觀察其發展過程及決策過程。 / This paper will apply the strategic matrix which developed by Dr. Szu-Tu, utilizing a completely new strategic management perspective, to examine the relation between engineering industry and the transition of industry. The strategic matrix method was developed from industrial value chain and strategic types and is a logical procedure of strategic analysis and decision-making. It is very useful for analyzing the commercial environment, to know the operational features of the individual industry, and to determine the strengths of businesses. The strategic matrix method is often applied in the manufacturing industry due to the feasibility of determining the industrial value chain of the manufacturing industry. However, unlike the manufacturing industry, the industrial value chain of the engineering industry in this paper is difficult to determine. And most of the past studies discuss about engineering industry were aim at key-success factors of strategic management, but the paper to observe the dynamic process of the strategy for engineering industry is not exist. For the above reasons, this paper will perform the dynamic process between value chain and strategic dimensions, and providing the suggestions about how to improve the competitiveness for small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan.

行動支付商業模式與產業價值鏈之探討 / A Study of Business Model and Industrial Value Chain of Mobile Payment

劉思含 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著行動裝置及行動通訊網路的日益普及,人們可以突破時空限制、行動化地以完成各項活動,其中,支付方式的行動化即為「行動支付」。行動支付機制多元並進,從最初的簡訊傳輸(SMS)交易付款、到延伸PC版界面至行動裝置的手機瀏覽器頁面(WAP)付費,以及最新結合感應功能的近距離無線通訊(NFC)手機信用卡付款,以及結合行動裝置相機掃描功能的QR Code行動條碼付款等等,不同的行動支付機制各有其點,本研究以不同的分類方式歸納行動支付機制,並以「行動支付機制特性盒」針對國內外比較常見或是未來具有發展潛力的行動支付機制,從適用情境、參與業者以及支付流程,以呈現、比較不同行動支付機制的形貌。 不同的行動支付機制因運作模式不同,所形成的商業模式以及產業價值鏈也不盡相同,而產業中的各方參與業者在發展或推動行動支付的參與誘因、資源與優勢、商業模式、產業定位亦有所不同,本研究試著描繪行動支付產業價值鏈,涵蓋提供行動支付服務主要活動的參與者,以及提供週邊軟硬體、認證機制等間接支援性活動的相關業者,並針對不同業者的特性及在行動支付產業中的定位分別描述,歸納三大行動支付商業模式,分別是金融業者主導下的商業模式、行動通訊網路服務業者主導下的商業模式,以及第三方支付業者主導下的商業模式,並藉由探討國內外行動支付案例,以及訪談台灣行動支付產業的相關業者,作綜合性實務分析。 綜合文獻探討、深度訪談的結果,本研究歸納出在行動支付的演化上,具有多元並立性及典範移轉性,且不同的行動支付機制會造就不同的商業模式及產業價值鏈樣貌。未來,隨著台灣行動支付的相關法令逐漸鬆綁,台灣的行動支付將進入快速發展時期,根據過去各國在發展行動支付上的經驗及行動支付未來的整體發展趨勢,本研究提出以整合性的觀點去發展行動支付機制及商業模式,並以此建立產業價值鏈的定位及密切的策略夥伴關係,使各個參與業者能更加發揮互補性的核心競能,共同帶動行動支付的創新和普及。 / Mobile technology has become increasingly common in today’s everyday life. Mobile payment (M-payment) comes with mobile technology, which allows people complete payment in an easier way and without time and space limits. There are a variety of M-payment mechanisms, such as SMS, WAP, to NFC and QR code. Each mechanism has its characteristics. This study compares and analyzes different M-payment mechanisms in categories and under the characteristics of M-payment procedures. Different M-payment mechanism brings out different business models and industrial value chains. Each participant in the industry has its motivations, resources, advantages, business model and positioning. On one hand, this study tends to describe three main business models and the industrial chain of M-payment mechanisms based on secondary data. On the other hand, this study conducts in-depth interviews with specialists from mobile network operator, banks, stores, and consumers to collect first-hand information. Combining documentary analysis and in-depth interview, this study comes to a conclusion that the evolution and development of M-payment has the characteristics of multiple existence and paradigm shift. In addition, the business model and the industrial value chain both vary from mechanism to mechanism. In the future, as Taiwan has relaxed M-payment related rules and regulation, the development of M-payment in Taiwan is expected to be prospering. Our study offers several practical implications to developing integrated M-payment mechanism, business model, and relationship in industrial chain in order to facilitate successful development of M-payment with complementary advantages of each party.


陳永鑫, Chen, Yung Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討中藥產業價值鏈的價值活動中因為:(1)科技的進步;(2)醫療觀念的改變;(3)政府政策及法規的制定;(4)市場需求的擴大等四個外在因素的變動影響而促成中藥產業的新價值鏈形成。   在新價值鏈的價值活動切割考量,我們以(1)群聚效應;(2)關鍵因素效應~①不可或缺性;②資金障礙;③技術障礙;(3)蛙跳效應;(4)規模經濟效應等四個價值效應來作為切割的依據。主要的考量是因為價值鏈中的價值程度是因立場不同而有變動的。所以若由整個產業以俯瞰的角度,價值鏈切割應有產業想具有的價值存在才是,因此本研究以這四個效應來做切割依據。   新舊價值鏈的分析研究中,我們可以發現由於技術的演進、市場的成熟度、法規限制的破除都尚未有突破的情形下,舊中藥產業價值鏈中的研發一直是被忽略的,有的也是一些零星的基礎研究,而一些次要價值鏈中的價值活動其實是可以突顯的,如保鮮配送及全球行銷也都沒而不顯。直到因外在因素的衝擊下,新價值鏈形成時,這些價值活動也都因環境因素成熟而顯得重要。至此一個完整的新的產業價值鏈形成,使進入者或轉型者也可以在此產業價值鏈中挑取符合本身能耐的價值活動涉入參與。   接著本研究以新價值鏈的價值活動作SWOT分析時,本研究得出(1)種源資料庫;(2)藥用植物栽植;(3)飲片炮製;(4)製程及研發為台灣中藥產業可著力切入的價值活動。並以此建議政府及傳統中藥製造廠未來的發展方向。   值此關鍵變動之際,希望本研究能給予台灣中藥產業界在轉型或欲往專業分工的路線發展時,能有一個實際有效的參考準則。 / This study tried to find some changes in environment that formed the new value chain in TCM industry. The changes are,   1.biotechnological breakthrough,   2.change of therapeutic concept,   3.settlement of new recognition standard of rules by government,   4.increasing market demand.   As we segmented the new value chain in TCM industry into several value activities, we considered the following effects :   1.cluster effect,   2.barrier effect such as indispensable, capital, and technology,   3.frog-leap effect,   4.economic scale effect.   This study also discovered a finding that was neglected by most participants in TCM industry. Some value activities like logistic, global marketing are becoming more and more important in the new TCM value chain. Every participant who knows his own core competence will select the most suitable part of the new TCM value chain to enter.   Then, the study applied SWOT analysis to analyze every new TCM value activity in Taiwan. The finding from the SWOT analysis is that there are four new TCM value activities that can be focal development in Taiwan. The four new TCM value activities are,   1.date base settlement of TCM species,   2.planting and growing ways of TCM herb,   3.standard of raw material made for TCM,   4.R&D and manufacturing process improvement.   Hopefully, the study can give practical suggestions to TCM participants or new entrants in Taiwan in the transition.

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