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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O corpo por fazer: Sade e a equivocidade enunciativa nas três versões de Justine / The body to be made: Sade and the enunciative equivocity in the three versions of Justine

Gomes, Livia Cristina 07 July 2017 (has links)
Estuda-se aqui a escrita do marquês de Sade, sobretudo as três versões de sua personagem virtuosa: Os infortúnios da virtude [Les infortunes de la vertu] (1787), Justine ou as infelicidades da virtude [Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu] (1791) e A Nova Justine ou as infelicidades da virtude [La Nouvelle Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu] (1799). Nelas, investiga-se o modo pelo qual a escrita produz equívocos, campos de ressonância e compossibilidades entre os pares conceituais com os quais trabalha (a saber, virtude/vício; infelicidade/prosperidade; etc). A dramatização dos conceitos e das normas simbólicas que os orientam configura, assim, uma cenografia equívoca, cujo funcionamento consiste em sabotar a univocidade de sentido dos termos que aciona. Essa equivocidade constitutiva da escrita sadiana deixa então em suspenso o próprio posicionamento enunciativo, não se subsumindo à particularização das intenções do Autor e, tampouco a uma determinação unívoca do contexto. Propõe-se, entretanto, singularizar sua indeterminação, ou melhor, a sobredeterminação das torções perspectivas que efetua e os seus equívocos, bem como os reenvios que fabrica e encena em uma rede de enunciações. Para tanto, dramatizam-se aqui dois eixos de análise, nos quais a virtude se faz fundamental: a discussão setecentista sobre a função moralizadora das artes e a política jacobina de Robespierre. Na passagem de uma a outra, é a equivocidade enunciativa de Sade que entrelaça a performatividade do texto literário e a instituição da lei. / This thesis aims to study the writing of Marquis de Sade, especially the three versions of his virtuous character: Les infortunes de la vertu (1787), Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu (1791) and La Nouvelle Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu (1799). In them, the object of inquiry is the way that writing produces equivoques, fields of resonance and compossibilities between conceptual pairs in which it works upon (namely, virtue/vice; infelicity/prosperity, etc). The dramatization of the concepts and symbolic norms that guide them sets an equivocal cenography, whose operation consists in sabotage the univocity of the terms\' meanings that it triggers. This constitutive equivocity of the sadian writing leaves suspended the whole enunciative positioning, not subsuming itself to the particularizations of the author\'s intentions, neither to a univocal determination of the context. However, it is proposed to singularize its indetermination, or better put, the overdetermination of the perspective torsions that it performs and its equivoques, as well as the resends that it fabricates and stages in a network of enunciations. Therefore, this thesis dramatizes two axes of analysis, in which the virtue is fundamental: the discussion in the Eighteenth century about the moralizing function of the arts and Robespierre\'s jacobin politics. In the passage from one to another, it is Sade\'s enunciative equivocity that tangles the literary texts\'s performativity and the institution of the law.

O corpo por fazer: Sade e a equivocidade enunciativa nas três versões de Justine / The body to be made: Sade and the enunciative equivocity in the three versions of Justine

Livia Cristina Gomes 07 July 2017 (has links)
Estuda-se aqui a escrita do marquês de Sade, sobretudo as três versões de sua personagem virtuosa: Os infortúnios da virtude [Les infortunes de la vertu] (1787), Justine ou as infelicidades da virtude [Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu] (1791) e A Nova Justine ou as infelicidades da virtude [La Nouvelle Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu] (1799). Nelas, investiga-se o modo pelo qual a escrita produz equívocos, campos de ressonância e compossibilidades entre os pares conceituais com os quais trabalha (a saber, virtude/vício; infelicidade/prosperidade; etc). A dramatização dos conceitos e das normas simbólicas que os orientam configura, assim, uma cenografia equívoca, cujo funcionamento consiste em sabotar a univocidade de sentido dos termos que aciona. Essa equivocidade constitutiva da escrita sadiana deixa então em suspenso o próprio posicionamento enunciativo, não se subsumindo à particularização das intenções do Autor e, tampouco a uma determinação unívoca do contexto. Propõe-se, entretanto, singularizar sua indeterminação, ou melhor, a sobredeterminação das torções perspectivas que efetua e os seus equívocos, bem como os reenvios que fabrica e encena em uma rede de enunciações. Para tanto, dramatizam-se aqui dois eixos de análise, nos quais a virtude se faz fundamental: a discussão setecentista sobre a função moralizadora das artes e a política jacobina de Robespierre. Na passagem de uma a outra, é a equivocidade enunciativa de Sade que entrelaça a performatividade do texto literário e a instituição da lei. / This thesis aims to study the writing of Marquis de Sade, especially the three versions of his virtuous character: Les infortunes de la vertu (1787), Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu (1791) and La Nouvelle Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu (1799). In them, the object of inquiry is the way that writing produces equivoques, fields of resonance and compossibilities between conceptual pairs in which it works upon (namely, virtue/vice; infelicity/prosperity, etc). The dramatization of the concepts and symbolic norms that guide them sets an equivocal cenography, whose operation consists in sabotage the univocity of the terms\' meanings that it triggers. This constitutive equivocity of the sadian writing leaves suspended the whole enunciative positioning, not subsuming itself to the particularizations of the author\'s intentions, neither to a univocal determination of the context. However, it is proposed to singularize its indetermination, or better put, the overdetermination of the perspective torsions that it performs and its equivoques, as well as the resends that it fabricates and stages in a network of enunciations. Therefore, this thesis dramatizes two axes of analysis, in which the virtue is fundamental: the discussion in the Eighteenth century about the moralizing function of the arts and Robespierre\'s jacobin politics. In the passage from one to another, it is Sade\'s enunciative equivocity that tangles the literary texts\'s performativity and the institution of the law.

Sade in his own name an analysis of Les crimes de l'amour /

Seminet, Philippe January 1900 (has links)
Texte remanié : thesis Ph. D. : ? : University of Texas at Austin : 1999 : The public Sade: Les crimes de l'amour in context. / Bibliogr. p. [215]-223. Index.

Des mets et des mots : scénographies alimentaires chez Rousseau et Sade

Sybertz, Ariane 11 February 2021 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche se propose de mettre en lumière les scénographies alimentaires dans les oeuvres de deux auteurs, qui, au premier abord, semblent diamétralement opposés : Rousseau et Sade. Cependant, pour ces deux auteurs,la nature joue un rôle central, mais chacun d’eux en a une conception très différente : bienveillante et nourricière chez l’un, cruelle chez l’autre. Or la mise en scène littéraire des repas et, plus généralement, de ce qui les entoure (arts de la table, préparation culinaire, choix des aliments, etc.) dans leurs oeuvres permettent d’illustrer cette thèse. Notre mémoire comprend deux parties distinctes – l’une consacrée à Rousseau, l’autre à Sade – qui soulignent cette conception antagonique de la nature, tout en insistant sur le rôle fondamental qu’elle joue chez l’un comme chez l’autre. La conception anthropologique et philosophique de l’homme chez Rousseau l’amène à valoriser une simplicité et un naturel propres à l’homme des origines, ce qui le conduit à préférer des plats sans apprêt, souvent végétariens, que l’on prend entre intimes dans le lieu simple et sobre qui, souvent,est en lien avec la nature. Pour lui, les repas composés de plats élaborés, qu’accueillent des salons luxueux, sont le signe d’une société corrompue où l’opulence de la table a pour fonction d’éblouir le regard d’autrui. Chez Sade, en revanche, les scénographies alimentaires débordent de luxe et de somptuosité :profusion et richesse des décors, repas gargantuesques et perversion du rôle de l’aliment que les libertins utilisent comme un « accessoire » dans leurs débauches effrénées. Il s’agira alors d’étudier, dans les oeuvres du marquis, les rapports complexes entre aliments et débauches sexuelles, à l’occasion desquelles le corps de la victime finit par remplacer le repas. / This research thesis analyzes the food scenographies in the works of two different authors, who, at first glance, seem diametrically opposed: Rousseau and Sade. However, there seems to be an important common element suffusing both of their works, as indeed for both of these authors, nature plays a central role. Their respective conceptions of nature, however, drastically differ: whereas nature is seen as benevolent and nurturing by Rousseau, it is depicted as cruel by Sade. The literary staging of meals and, more generally, everything that surrounds them (tableware, culinary preparation, choice of food, etc.) in these authors’ works serves to illustrate this postulation. Our thesis includes two separate parts - one devoted to Rousseau, the other to Sade - which underline this antagonistic conception of nature,while emphasizing the fundamental role it plays in one as in the other. Rousseau's anthropological and philosophical conception of mankind leads him to value the simplicity and pureness of our ancestors, which in turn leads him to prefer dishes without artifice, often vegetarian, eaten in an intimate circle in a simple and sober place, often linked to nature. For him, meals made up of elaborate dishes and presented in luxurious dining rooms are the sign of a corrupt society, where the opulence of the food serves but to dazzle the eyes of others. In the works of Sade,on the other hand, the food scenography is full of luxury and sumptuousness: profusion and richness of the decor, gargantuan meals and perversion of the role of the food, which libertines use as an "accessory" in their wild debauchery. In the works of the marquis, our main focus is therefore devoted to the study of the complex relationships between food and sexual debauchery, during which the body of the victim can end up replacing the meal.

L'image de Sade dans le roman noir des années 1830 / The Image of Sade in the Black Novel of the 1830’s

Shen, Yanan 08 December 2018 (has links)
Dans les années 1830, l’image de Sade apparaît dans le roman noir. La révolte de Juillet fait écho à la Révolution de 1789. Le régime de Louis-Philippe dirige la France dans une période de transition. Les émeutes ponctuelles et le choléra de 1832 déterminent la tonalité sombre de l’imaginaire de la souffrance et du mal à l’époque. Le mouvement romantique rencontre Sade dans cette période difficile de l’évolution sociale. Les Jeunes-France, qualifiés un siècle plus tard par les surréalistes de petits romantiques, mettent en avant Sade face aux critiques des moralistes. L’image de Sade et l’imaginaire sadien apparaissent dans leurs romans noirs, genre indéfinissable au centre de différents versants littéraires, le roman gothique, le conte fantastique et le roman historique. La légende de la vie de Sade se forme à la fin du XVIIIe siècle dans les gazettes et dans les enquêtes de police. Il est vu par ses contemporains, Rétif de La Bretonne, par exemple, comme un libertin criminel, resté impuni sous l’Ancien Régime et un écrivain aliéné de la littérature libertine et perverse. Sade est également lié à la Révolution. Il a survécu à la Terreur de 1793 et son atrocité féodale est comparée à la cruauté de Danton et de Robespierre. Au tournant de 1830, Sade prisonnier en tant que victime de l’arbitraire de l’Empire est découvert par Charles Nodier dans ses recherches historiques. Celui-ci définit le terme « sadisme » dans le dictionnaire en 1834. La même année, les différentes facettes de l’image de Sade sont enfin abordées par Jules Janin dans son article biographique. Les jeunes romantiques explorent avec une certaine timidité les images de Sade dans leurs romans noirs. Dans les contes noirs et le roman historique de Pétrus Borel, Sade représente non seulement l’atrocité et la corruption de la cour de Louis XV, mais également la violence du déchaînement révolutionnaire. Chez Balzac, Sade et ses œuvres signifient une collaboration de la littérature érotique avec le récit noir. Dans les boudoirs balzaciens, se mettent en scène les crimes frénétiques et les perversions transgressives. Dans les romans noirs de Frédéric Soulié sous la forme du feuilleton, l’image de Sade et l’imaginaire sadien sont utilisés pour décrire la monstruosité sociale. Le sadisme est popularisé dans l’univers des mœurs corrompues. / The revolt of July in 1830 echoed the Revolution of 1789 and the rule of Louis-Philippe took France into a period of transition where the punctual riots and the cholera epidemic in 1832 was reflected in the dark tones of the image of sufferings and evil of that time. The romantic movement merged with the image of Sade in this difficult period of social evolution. The Jeunes-France, one century later qualified by the surrealists as petits romantiques, used the image of Sade to face down the critics of the moralists. It was during these turbulent times the image of Sade emerged in the black novel, an undefined genre in different literary tendencies, including the gothic novel, the fantastic tale and the historical novel. The legend of Sade’s life took its form at the end of 18th century in the gazettes and political inquiries. He was seen by his contemporaries, for example, Rétif de La Bretonne, that as a criminal libertine, one unpunished by the Ancien Régime, and was considered the insane writer of the libertine and perverse literature. Sade is related to the Revolution. Surviving the Terror of 1793, his feudal fury was compared to the cruelty of Danton and Robespierre. At the beginning of the 1830’s, the writings of Sade the prisoner, victim of an Empire, was discovered by Charles Nodier in his historical research. He defined the term “sadism” in the dictionary in 1834. In the same year, the multiple faces of the image of Sade were recorded by Jules Janin in his biographical article. The young romantic poets timidly explored the images of Sade in their black novels. Within these tales and within the historical novel of Pétrus Borel, Sade represented not only the atrocity and corruption of the Louis XV’s court, but also the violence of the revolutionary rampage. For Balzac, Sade and his work signified a collaboration of the erotic literature with the black story and in Balzac’s boudoirs, the frantic crimes and the transgressive perversions set the scenes. In the black novels of Frédéric Soulié in the form of the feuilleton, the image and the imaginary of Sade was used to describe the social monstrosity. The sadism was popularized in the universe of corrupted morals.

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