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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Growth and decline : understanding international food aid since 1993

Jordaan, Eduard 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In 1993, international food aid reached a record high level, but by 1997 food aid had fallen to its lowest level in more than two decades. Though the post-1993 decline of food aid has been the dominant trend in food aid, there has also been a significant growth in food aid during the period in question. This thesis aims to understand the paradoxical, but parallel, growth and decline of food aid since 1993 from a neo- Gramscian perspective. The neo-Gramscian approach to international relations is a historically sensitive, non-deterministic Marxist perspective, normatively committed to transformation towards a more just world order. This perspective assists us in understanding the relative freedom enjoyed by the hegemon from the structural and institutional constraints faced by other states. The neo-Gramscian approach is unique in indicating the role of middle powers and international organisations in perpetuating and legitimising the hegemonic order, whereby middle powers strongly support international organisations. The decline of food aid occurred because agricultural surplus availability has remained the most important factor determining food aid levels, with food aid consequently declining as cereal prices increased after 1993. Furthermore, the food aid regime has proved too weak to enforce a severing of the link between food aid and agricultural surplus for most states, particularly the largest food aid donor and hegemon, the United States. The growth of food aid has been the result of the support given to relevant international organisations and agreements by middle powers, despite middle powers initially having been manipulated into participating in the food aid regime by the hegemonic United States. The possible implications of the trends identified in this study for the future of food aid to Sub- Saharan Africa, also enjoy consideration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 1993 het internasional voedselhulp 'n rekord hoogtepunt bereik, maar teen 1997 het voedselhulp geval tot die laagste vlak in meer as twee dekades. Alhoewel die post- 1993 afname van voedselhulp die uitstaande tendens in voedselhulp was tydens die betrokke periode, het voedselhulp ook gegroei gedurende hierdie tydperk. Hierdie tesis beoog om die teenstrydige, maar parallelle, groei en afname van voedselhulp sedert 1993 te verstaan vanuit 'n neo-Gramsciaanse perspektief. Die neo- Gramsciaanse benadering tot internasionale betrekkinge is 'n histories sensitiewe, niedeterministiese Marxistiese perspektief, normatief verbind tot transformasie na 'n meer regverdige wêreldorde. Hierdie perspektief help ons om die hegemoon se relatiewe vryheid van die strukturele en institusionele beperkinge en struikelblokke wat deur ander state in die gesig gestaar word, te verstaan. Die neo-Gramsciaanse benadering is uniek in die klem wat dit plaas op die rol van middelslag-moondhede en internasionale organisasies in die stabilisering en legitimering van die hegemoniese orde. Die afname in voedselhulp het plaasgevind omdat die beskikbaarheid van landbousurplus nog steeds die belangrikste bepalende faktor van voedselhulpvlakke is, met 'n gevolglike afname in voedselhulp toe graanpryse gestyg het na 1993. Wat meer is, die voedselhulpregime was te swak om 'n verbreking van die verband tussen voedselhulp en landbousurplus af te dwing met betrekking tot die meeste donateurstate, maar veral ten opsigte van die hegemoon en grootste donateur van voedselhulp, die Verenigde State. Die groei van voedselhulp is te danke aan die ondersteuning van die betrokke internasionale organisasies en ooreenkomste deur middelslag-moondhede, alhoewel die hegemoniese Verenigde State middelslagmoondhede aanvanklik moes manipuleer tot deelname aan die voedselhulpregime. Die moontlike implikasies van die tendense geïdentifiseer in hierdie studie vir die toekoms van voedselhulp na Sub-Sahara Afrika, geniet ook oorweging.

Contemporary and past dynamics in Japan’s relationship with sub-Saharan Africa : the role of aid

Mlombo, Abraham 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Japanese-African aid relationship has evolved since World War Two. The majority of studies on Japan’s role in Africa have focused on the economic aspect, while Japan’s aid relationship with Africa remains a relatively underexplored area of enquiry. This thesis aims to contribute to the study of Japanese-African relations by focusing on the role of aid in Japan’s involvement with the continent. The research question focuses on the evolution of Japan’s aid relationship with sub-Saharan Africa and the factors that have shaped this relationship. The study is qualitative and exploratory in nature and makes use mostly of secondary sources. Theoretically, the study analyses the aid relationship with reference to three sources of motivation for the provision of aid, namely economic, political and moral rationales. The findings of this study highlight the fact that, before 1990, Japan’s aid relationship with Africa was motivated by all three rationales. From an economic perspective, aid served as security for resources from Africa especially after the oil crisis of 1973. From a political perspective, Japan’s aid relationship served a number of objectives that changed over time. The study highlights these changes, suggesting that, from a political perspective, Japan’s aid in respect of Africa initially served to play a critical role in the Western camp in its anti-communist struggle on the continent. It was also used to curb criticism directed at Japan by African countries for its pro-Pretoria policy. After 1990, Japan’s aid relationship with Africa from political perspective served Japan’s ambition to be recognised as a political power, most importantly to receive the support from Africa that would allow Japan to secure a permanent seat on the United Nations (UN) Security Council. From an economic perspective, it served to secure strategic natural resources for Japan that would sustain its growing economy and help to achieve its ambition of attaining global economic supremacy. From a moral perspective, the aid relationship served to promote a development path for Africa similar to that experienced in Japan’s Asian neighbourhood. Japan’s aid relationship with sub-Saharan Africa can be explained from a realist perspective, since the country’s national interests played a key role in the distribution of aid in this region. It has been important for Japan to maintain its momentum regarding global economic prominence and influence and for it to try to secure a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. By distributing aid to Africa, it has hoped to improve its chances of achieving its economic ambition and importantly its elevation to the Security Council. The study thus suggests that political ambitions have been the primary motivating factor in the distribution of aid in sub-Saharan Africa. The areas for further investigation, as highlighted by the findings of this study, are as follows: Japan’s aid relationship with Africa remains a relatively new area of inquiry and more research could therefore be done given the available data. The study also highlights the political perspective as the primary motivating factor for Japan’s aid relationship with Africa. This served Japan’s ambitions of being recognised as a global political player that would find its greatest expression in securing a permanent seat on the UN Security Council with the assistance of African nations. Future studies could investigate whether Japan has managed to achieve its global political ambition and whether African countries played a significant role in this process. Finally, future studies could study the effectiveness of the TICAD process and whether Japan’s non-Western approach to development remains a popular model. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hulpverhouding tussen Japan en Afrika het sedert die Tweede Wêreldoorlog ontvou. Die studie van Japan se rol in Afrika het tot dusver grootliks op die ekonomiese aspek gekonsentreer, terwyl Japan se hulpverlening aan Afrika’n betreklik onderontginde studieveld bly. Hierdie tesis wil tot die studie van Japan-Afrika-betrekkinge bydra deur op Japan se hulpverlening aan die vasteland te konsentreer. Die navorsingsvraag handel oor die ontwikkeling van Japan se hulpverhouding met Afrika suid van die Sahara, en die faktore wat hierdie verhouding gevorm het. Die studiemetodologie is kwalitatief en verkennend, en maak hoofsaaklik van sekondêre bronne gebruik. Wat teorie betref, ontleed die studie die hulpverhouding aan die hand van drie motiverings vir hulpverlening, naamlik ekonomiese, politieke en morele beweegredes. Die studieresultate toon dat Japan se hulpverhouding met Afrika voor 1990 deur ál drie bogenoemde beweegredes aangevuur is. Uit ’n ekonomiese hoek het hulp as sekuriteit vir hulpbronne uit Afrika gedien, veral ná die oliekrisis van 1973. Uit ’n politieke hoek het Japan se hulpverhouding met Afrika ’n aantal oogmerke help bevorder wat mettertyd verander het. Die studie beklemtoon hierdie veranderinge, en doen aan die hand dat, wat politiek betref, Japan se hulpverlening aan Afrika aanvanklik belangrik was in die Westerse kamp se stryd teen kommunisme op die Afrikavasteland. Dit is ook gebruik om Afrika-kritiek op Japan se pro-Pretoria-beleid te smoor. Ná 1990 het die hulpverhouding met Afrika Japan op politieke gebied help naam maak en veral Afrikasteun help werf om ’n permanente setel vir Japan in die Veiligheidsraad te bekom. Uit ’n ekonomiese hoek het dit as waarborg gedien vir strategiese natuurlike hulpbronne wat Japan se groeiende ekonomie kon ondersteun en tot sy strewe na wêreldwye ekonomiese heerskappy kon bydra. Uit ’n morele perspektief wou Japan Afrika ’n soortgelyke ontwikkelingsroete as dié van Japan se Asiatiese bure laat inslaan. Japan se hulpverhouding met Afrika suid van die Sahara kan aan die hand van die realistiese perspektief verklaar word, aangesien die land se nasionale belange ’n kernrol in die verspreiding van hulp na hierdie streek gespeel het. Vir Japan was dit belangrik om sy stukrag in die strewe na wêreldwye ekonomiese statuur en invloed te behou en ’n permanente setel in die Veiligheidsraad te probeer bekom. Deur hulp aan Afrika te verleen, het Japan gehoop om sy kanse op sukses in sy ekonomiese strewes en veral ook sy verheffing tot die Veiligheidsraad te verbeter. Die studie gee dus te kenne dat politieke ambisies die hoofbeweegrede was vir hulpverlening aan Afrika suid van die Sahara. Gebiede vir verdere navorsing wat uit die bevindinge van hierdie studie spruit, is soos volg: Japan se hulpverhouding met Afrika bly ’n betreklik nuwe studieveld met min beskikbare data, dus is verdere navorsing daaroor nodig. Meer bepaald beklemtoon die studie die politieke perspektief as hoofbeweegrede vir Japan se hulpverhouding met Afrika: Dit het Japan as internasionale politieke speler help vestig, en Afrikalande sou Japan uiteindelik help om die gesogte permanente setel in die Veiligheidsraad te bekom. Toekomstige studies kan verken of Japan in sy internasionale politieke strewe geslaag het en watter rol Afrikalande daarin gespeel het. Laastens kan verdere studies ook ondersoek instel na die TIKAO-proses en of Japan se nie-Westerse benadering tot ontwikkeling ’n gewilde model bly.

The development of a strategic business plan to grow the mining and minerals division of Kellogg Brown & Root into Sub-Saharan Africa

Carvelas, Wray Anthony 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 1999. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Globally the mining and minerals market is experiencing a decline. With this decline, focus is turning to Africa as an unexplored mineral wealth. In terms of global exploration expenditure, Africa is said to be experiencing the highest percentage growth of any other regional budget. The Halliburton company is reputed to be the premier source for the engineering and construction of refineries, chemical plants, and pipelines along with office buildings, infrastructure systems, government facilities, and much more. The South African office has recently established a mining and minerals division, which has experienced certain measures of success, however, a failure of the division appears to be the total lack of a significant growth strategy. This has resulted in the division becoming a one-client business. The Sub-Saharan market is characterised by unique challenges, which require a strong culture aligned with its market environment, strategic choice and distinctive competencies to be successful in the market. The purpose of this study project is primarily to make a contribution to the formulation of strategic direction in order to obtain practical implementation guidelines given the unique opportunities and challenges presented in this market. The formulation of the strategy for the mining and minerals business unit is achieved firstly be analysing the Sub-Saharan market, the dominant economic traits, and conducting a full industry and competitive analysis. Secondly, organisation situation analysis of Kellogg Brown & Root is conducted in order to assess the competitive positioning of the firm and distinct capabilities that the firm possesses, and those necessary for success in the market. This will include conducting an analysis of the internal strengths and weaknesses, of the company, and the external opportunities and threats facing the company. From the analyses conducted, strategic challenges are identified and suggestions are made to address these challenges. A strategic intent is proposed together with a mission statement, and a strategic and financial statement of objectives is developed. These statements of intent are not intended to prescribe to the firm and it's employees what the strategic approach should be, but to form the basis of further discussions and research and should not give way to misleading and unwarranted interpretations. The strategy formulated is superimposed onto the corporate strategy and no major discordance is evident. From the analyses conducted and strategy formulation process, suggestions are made that could provide manageable guidelines for the final implementation of the strategic business plan for the minerals division. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tans word 'n afname in die mynbou en minerale mark wêreldwyd ondervind. As gevolg van hierdie afname het die fokus na Afrika as 'n onverkende minerale rykdom verskuif. In terme van wêreldwye eksplorasie besteding, word beweer dat Afrika die hoogste persentasie groei ten opsigte van enige ander streeksbegroting ondervind. Die Halliburton maatskappy word beskou as 'n vername bron vir die ontwikkeling en konstruksie van raffinaderye, chemiese aanlegte, pyplyne, geassosieerde kantoor geboue, infrastrukture, regerings fasiliteite en vele meer. Die Suid Afrikaanse kantoor het onlangs 'n mynwese en minerale afdeling op die been gebring wat al 'n mate van sukses ondervind het. Dit wil egter voorkom asof 'n tekortkoming van die afdeling 'n gebrek aan 'n doelgerigte groei strategie is. Dit het tot gevolg gehad dat die afdeling tot 'n een-kliënt-saak verval het. Die Sub-Sahara mark word gekenmerk deur unieke uitdagings wat 'n sterk kultuur inlyn met die mark omgewing, strategiese keuses en relevante bevoegdhede verg om suksesvol in die mark te wees. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is om 'n bydrae te maak tot die formulering van 'n strategiese koers met die doel om praktiese implementerings riglyne daar te stel, met inagneming van die unieke geleenthede en uitdagings wat in die mark bestaan. Die formulering van 'n strategie vir die mynwese en minerale besigheidsektor word eerstens verkry deur 'n analise van die Sub-Sahara mark, dominerende ekonomiese eienskappe en 'n ontleding van die industriele en mededingende omgewing. Tweedens word 'n organisaie situasie analise van Kellogg Brown & Root uitgevoer om die kompeterings posisie, huidige kenmerkende bekwaamhede en die wat benodig word vir sukses in die mark, van die maatskappy vas te stel. Dit sluit 'n ontleding van die interne swak en sterk punte van die maatskappy, asook die eksterne geleenthede en bedreigings vir die maatskappy in. Vanuit hierdie analise word strategiese uitdagings geidentifiseer en word voorstelle gemaak om hierdie uitdagings aan te spreek. 'n Strategiese oogmerk, tesame met 'n doelwitstelling word voorgestel, en 'n strategiese en finansiele doelstelling word ontwikkel. Die doel van hierdie studie projek is nie om aan die maatskappy en sy werknemers 'n strategiese benadering voor te skryf nie, maar om die basis te vorm vir verdere bespreking en navorsing. Die studie moet nie aanleiding gee tot verkeerde en misleidende vertolkings nie. Die geformuleerde strategie is ook met die huidige korporatiewe strategie vergelyk en geen noemenswaardige verskille is ooglopend nie. Vanuit die analise en die strategiese formuleringsproses word praktiese riglyne voorgestel vir die implementering van die strategiese besigheidsplan vir die mynwese en minerale afdeling.

Education quality in South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa : an economic approach

Spaull, Nicholas 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Education has always occupied a central role in the discipline of economics, featuring prominently in the theoretical constructs of the discipline and, more recently, in their empirical applications. While one can trace the origins of Human Capital theory all the way back to Adam Smith’s ‘The Wealth of Nations’, the two major advances in our understanding of education’s role in economic development transpired in the last 50 years. The first was half way through the 20th century with the work of work of Mincer (1958), Schultz (1961) and particularly that of Becker (1962) who formalized the idea of Human Capital. The second advance was at the turn of the 21st century when Hanushek and Kimko (and later Wößmann) incorporated measures of education quality into their models of economic growth. This latest strand of research serves as the point of departure for this thesis, placing education quality at the centre of the discussion. The thesis begins by focussing on the South African case and highlighting three broad issues that characterise education in the country: (1) the high levels of inequality that can be seen when comparing student performance by race, language, geographic location and socioeconomic status. New evidence is presented to show that South Africa does indeed have two public schooling systems, reiterating and confirming the findings of other South African scholars. (2) Using intra-survey benchmarks of student achievement, Chapter 2 develops a new method of quantifying learning deficits in mathematics by using three different datasets covering grades 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9. The learning gap between the poorest 60% of students and the wealthiest 20% of students is found to be approximately three grade-levels in grade 3 and grows to between four and five grade-levels by grade 9. (3) The focus then shifts to the complex issue of language and performance, which is addressed in Chapter 3. Here the aim is to exploit an unusual occurrence whereby a large group of South African students were tested twice, one month apart, on the same test in different languages. Using a simplified difference-in-difference methodology it becomes possible to identify the causal impact of writing a test in English when English is not a student’s home language. The final two chapters of the thesis widen the remit of analysis to include 11 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, viz. Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Here the aim is to develop a composite measure of education access and education quality by combining household data (DHS) on grade completion and survey data (SACMEQ) on cognitive outcomes. The new measure, termed access-to-literacy and access-to-numeracy is reported for all countries and important sub-groups in Chapter 4. The method is then used in Chapter 5 to compare access-to-learning over a period of increased access to schooling (2000-2007). In all countries there was an improvement in access to literacy and numeracy, challenging the widely held perception that there is always an access-quality trade-off in education. In particular, girls and those in relatively poor households benefited most from this improvement in access to literacy and numeracy. The thesis ultimately concludes that if children are to realize their full potential, the expansion of physical access to schooling in the developing world must be accompanied by meaningful learning opportunities. The acquisition of knowledge, skills and values must be the central aim of educational expansion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onderwys het nog altyd ʼn rol in ekonomie as vakgebied gespeel. Dit is verstaanbaar, want vaardighede en onderwys was nog altyd ʼn prominente deel van die teoretiese konstrukte en meer onlangs ook van empiriese toepassings in die dissipline. Terwyl die oorsprong van menslike-kapitaalteorie teruggevoer kan word na Adam Smith se Wealth of Nations, het die twee grootste deurbrake met die verstaan van onderwys se rol in ekonomiese ontwikkeling in die laaste vyftig jaar plaasgevind. Die werk van Mincer (1958), Schultz (1961) en veral Becker (1962), wat in die middel van die vorige eeu formele gestalte aan die begrip ‘menslike kapitaal’ gegee het, was die eerste deurbraak. Die tweede deurbraak was teen die eeuwending toe Hanushek en Kimko (en later Wößmann) maatstawwe van onderwysgehalte in hulle ekonomiese groeimodelle begin insluit het. Hierdie nuwe tak van die navorsing plaas onderwys vierkant in die sentrum en dien as vertrekpunt vir hierdie proefskrif. Die proefskrif begin deur aandag op drie breë kwessies te vestig wat kenmerkend is van onderwys in Suid-Afrika: (1) Die hoë vlakke van ongelykheid volgens ras, taal, geografiese gebied en sosio-ekonomiese status in studente se prestasie. (2) In hoofstuk 2 word ʼn nuwe metode aangebied om leeragterstrande kwantitatief te meet met behulp van norme van leerlingprestasie in skoolvlak-opnames vir grade 3, 4, 5, 6 en 9. Daar word bevind dat die leergaping tussen die armste 60% en die rykste 20% van studente in graad 3 ongeveer drie jaar is en teen graad 9 tot vier of vyf jaar aangroei. (3) Die fokus verskuif daarna na die verwikkelde kwessie van taal en skoolprestasie, wat in hoofstuk 3 bespreek word. Hier is die doel om die ongewone geval uit te buit waar ʼn groot groep Suid-Afrikaanse leerlinge binne die verloop van ʼn maand tweemaal dieselfde toets geskryf het, maar in twee verskillende tale. Met behulp van ʼn vereenvoudigde verskil-tussen-verskille-benadering is dit moontlik om te bepaal hoe groot die kousale effek is waar ʼn leerling wie se moedertaal nie Engels is nie die toets in Engels moes skryf. Die laaste twee hoofstukke van die proefskrif bevat ʼn wyer analise van elf lande in Sub-Sahara Afrika, naamlik Kenia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mosambiek, Namibia, Suid-Afrika, Swaziland, Tanzanië, Uganda, Zambië en Zimbabwe. Die doel is om ʼn saamgestelde maatstaf van onderwys-toegang en -gehalte te skep deur huishoudingsdata (DHS) oor graadvoltooiing en skoolopnamedata (SACMEQ) oor kognitiewe uitkomste te kombineer. Die nuwe maatstaf, genaamd ‘toegang-tot-geletterdheid’ en ‘toegang-tot-syfervaardigheid’, word in hoofstuk 4 vir al die lande en subgroepe opgestel. Die metode word dan in hoofstuk 5 gebruik om toegang-tot-leergeleenthede te vergelyk oor ʼn periode waartydens skooltoegang verbreed het (2000-2007). Daar was ʼn verbetering in toegang tot geletterdheid en syfervaardigheid in alle lande, teenstrydig met die wyd-gehuldigde siening dat daar altyd ʼn afruiling tussen toegang en gehalte van onderwys bestaan. In besonder word bevind dat meisies sowel as kinders uit arm huishoudings die meeste by die toename in toegang tot geletterdheid en syfervaardigheid gebaat het. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die vervulling van die potensiaal van kinders in die ontwikkelende wêreld vereis dat die verbreding van fisiese toegang tot skole met beduidende leergeleenthede gepaard moet gaan. Die aanleer van kennis, vaardighede en waardes moet die sentrale doel van die uitbreiding van onderwysgeleenthede wees.

Modelling longitudinally measured outcome HIV biomarkers with immuno genetic parameters.

Bryan, Susan Ruth. January 2011 (has links)
According to the Joint United Nations Programme against HIV/AIDS 2009 AIDS epidemic update, there were a total of 33.3 million (31.4 million–35.3 million) people living with HIV worldwide in 2009. The majority of the epidemic occurs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Of the 33.3 million people living with HIV worldwide in 2009, a vast majority of 22.5 million (20.9 million-24.2 million) were from Sub-Saharan Africa. There were 1.8 million (1.6 million-2.0 million) new infections and 1.3 million (1.1 million-1.5 million) AIDS-related deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2009 (UNAIDS, 2009). Statistical models and analysis are required in order to further understand the dynamics of HIV/AIDS and in the design of intervention and control strategies. Despite the prevalence of this disease, its pathogenesis is still poorly understood. A thorough understanding of HIV and factors that influence progression of the disease is required in order to prevent the further spread of the virus. Modelling provides us with a means to understand and predict the progression of the disease better. Certain genetic factors play a key role in the way the disease progresses in a human body. For example HLA-B types and IL-10 genotypes are some of the genetic factors that have been independently associated with the control of HIV infection. Both HLA-B and IL-10 may influence the quality and magnitude of immune responses and IL-10 has also been shown to down regulate the expression of certain HLA molecules. Studies are therefore required to investigate how HLA-B types and IL-10 genotypes may interact to affect HIV infection outcomes. This dissertation uses the Sinikithemba study data from the HIV Pathogenesis Programme (HPP) at the Medical School, University of KwaZulu-Natal involving 450 HIV positive and treatment naive individuals to model how certain outcome biomarkers (CD4+ counts and viral loads) are associated with immuno genetic parameters (HLA-B types and IL-10 genotypes). The work also seeks to exploit novel longitudinal data methods in Statistics in order to efficiently model longitudinally measured HIV outcome data. Statistical techniques such as linear mixed models and generalized estimating equations were used to model this data. The findings from the current work agree quite closely with what is expected from the biological understanding of the disease. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2011.

Population et santé en Afrique centrale: contribution à l'étude des déterminants sociaux de la fécondité et de l'infection au virus de l'immunodéficience humaine

Carael, M. January 1992 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

A mixed method study on the correlates of patient adherence to antiretroviral therapy in the Democratic Republic of Congo: implication of food insecurity / コンゴ民主共和国において、患者の抗HIV治療アドヒアランスに関連する要因に関するミクストメソッド研究 : 食糧飢餓の意義について

Patou Masika Musumari 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第18165号 / 医博第3885号 / 新制||医||1003(附属図書館) / 31023 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 中山 健夫, 教授 髙折 晃史, 教授 中原 俊隆 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

The impact of Covid-19 on malaria healthcare delivery services, treatment and prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa / Effekten av Covid-19 påtillhandahållande av malariahälsovårdstjänster, behandling och förebyggande insatser i subsahariska Afrika

Fundi, Caroline January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Covid-19-pandemin och dess förebyggande åtgärder har fått många länder i subsahariska Afrika att kämpa för att tillhandahålla grundläggande hälso- och sjukvårdstjänster till sina befolkningar i redan ansträngda hälsosystem. På grund av pandemin har störningar i rutinmässiga grundläggande hälso- och sjukvårdstjänster som malariakontroll i subsahariska Afrika rapporterats som utbredda med allvarliga konsekvenser såsom ökad dödlighet. Syfte: Denna studie syftar därför till att undersöka hur Covid-19-pandemin och dess förebyggande åtgärder har påverkat tillhandahållande av viktiga malariahälsovårdstjänster, behandling- och förebyggande insatser i subsahariska Afrika. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie där en induktiv tematisk analys var utfört på 22 vetenskapliga artiklar som hade erhållits från databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och SCOPUS. Resultat: Det rapporterades en minskning av konsultationer och totala besök till sjukvårdsinrättningar, förseningar och störningar i snabb diagnos och behandling av malaria, förändrat hälsosökandebeteende, förseningar i genomförandet av nyckelinterventioner mot malaria samt nedläggning av malariaprogram. Det fanns också mindre information till befolkningen om andra sjukdomar och vikten av att söka hälso- och sjukvård snabbt. Slutsats: Det behövs mer innovativa strategier för att utbilda och göra befolkningar medvetna om olika hälsoproblem och vikten av att söka hälso- och sjukvård snabbt. Det behövs mer forskning som fokuserar på att analysera olika länders strategier i hantering av en pandemi samt andra utmanande sjukdomar eftersom detta kan vara användbart i framtiden vid en liknande kris. / Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic and its mitigation measures has left many countries in sub-Saharan Africa struggling to provide essential health services to their populations in already crippled health systems. Due to the panemic, disruptions of routine essential health services such as malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa have been reported as being widespread with dire consequencies such as increased mortality. Aim: This study therefore aims to investigate how the Covid-19 pandemic and its prevention measures has affected delivery of essential malaria health care services, treatment and prevention in sub-Saharan Africa countries. Method: This is a systematic literature review that involved an inductive thematic analysis of 22 scientific articles obtained from the databases of PubMed, CINAHL and SCOPUS. Results: There was a decrease in consultations and overall visits to health facilities, delays and disruptions in prompt diagnos and treatment of malaria, altered health-seeking behavior, delays in implementing key malaria interventions as well as closure of malaria programs. There was also less information to populations about other diseases and importance of seeking health care. Conclusion: There is need for more innovative strategies to educate and sensitize populations on different health issues and the importance of seeking prompt health care. There is need for more research that focus on analysing different countries’ strategies in dealing with a pandemic as well as other challenging diseases as this could be useful in the future in times of a similar crisis.

Justice: The Use of Food, Education, and the Law to Combat Human Trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa

Grandchamps, Nicholas 01 May 2014 (has links)
Human trafficking is an ever-growing crime in this century. It is estimated that there are 29.8 million slaves around the world today - 16.36% of which are located in sub-Saharan Africa. The sub-Saharan region is a region in which human trafficking is combatted ineffectively due to a lack of food, lack of access to education, lack of post-education opportunities and lack of proper legislation. This thesis explores the environment in which human trafficking is taking place in sub-Saharan Africa, and proposes potential changes that will theoretically disallow human trafficking to take place in the region. The only way in which an environment conducive to trafficking in persons will ever change is through establishing partnerships amongst governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other international organizations. Through the analysis of case law from the United Nations Human Trafficking Case Law Database, data from the World Bank, the United States State Department Trafficking in Persons Reports, the United Nations Global Reports on Human Trafficking, and various reports from NGOs, this thesis evaluates the approaches taken by various governments in sub-Saharan Africa to change the environment in which human trafficking thrives. Through raising awareness of the environment of sub-Saharan Africa, and by describing three ways in which human trafficking can be combatted effectively, such as the use of food, education, and the law, this thesis contributes not only to the legal discipline, but also to helping combat trafficking in persons effectively throughout the world.

Tourist Perceptions of their Environmental Impacts in Tanzania

Solberg, Anna Marie, Solberg 01 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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