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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Re-establishment of connectivity for fish populations in regulated rivers

Calles, Olle January 2005 (has links)
<p>The hydropower industry has altered connectivity in many rivers during the last century. Many fish species depend on both an intact longitudinal connectivity to be able to migrate between spawning, feeding and winter habitats, and vertical connectivity for development and survival of incubating embryos and larvae in the gravel. The objective of this thesis was to examine problems and remedial measures associated with disrupted longitudinal and vertical connectivity in regulated rivers. The issue of longitudinal connectivity was studied in the River Emån by evaluating the efficiency of two nature-like fishways for anadromous brown trout. Telemetry studies showed that the combined efficiency for the two fishways in 2001-2004 was 60.5%. The passage efficiencies of both fishways were high for trout (89-100%), but also for other species such as chub, perch, tench, burbot and roach (74%). The attraction efficiencies were largely dependent on power plant operation, and generally high for the fishway situated next to the tail-race and low for the fishway situated inside the former channel. More than half of the trout spawners were also observed using the fishways for downstream passage. The densities of brown trout yearlings upstream of the fishways were higher after the fishways were built than during pre-fishway years. Smolts produced upstream of the fishways were observed migrating downstream in 2003-2005. The percentage of smolts that passed both power plants in was 51%, with losses being attributed to predation (15%), turbine-induced mortality (16%) and other reasons (18%). Turbine-induced mortality was higher (40%) at the power plant with four small Francis runners, than at the power plant with one large Kaplan runner (12%). The issue of vertical connectivity was studied in three rivers in Värmland, one unregulated, and two regulated, one of which had no minimum flow requirements. In the unregulated river, temporal patterns in hyporheic water chemistry correlated to variation in surface water chemistry and discharge as expected. In the regulated rivers, the hyporheic water chemistry showed little correlation to discharge or surface water chemistry. The intra-gravel water chemistry conditions for brown trout eggs were more favourable in the unregulated river, characterised by high oxygen levels, than in the two regulated rivers. The regulated river with no minimum flow requirements had critically low oxygen levels at the end of the incubation period.</p>

Re-establishment of connectivity for fish populations in regulated rivers

Calles, Olle January 2005 (has links)
The hydropower industry has altered connectivity in many rivers during the last century. Many fish species depend on both an intact longitudinal connectivity to be able to migrate between spawning, feeding and winter habitats, and vertical connectivity for development and survival of incubating embryos and larvae in the gravel. The objective of this thesis was to examine problems and remedial measures associated with disrupted longitudinal and vertical connectivity in regulated rivers. The issue of longitudinal connectivity was studied in the River Emån by evaluating the efficiency of two nature-like fishways for anadromous brown trout. Telemetry studies showed that the combined efficiency for the two fishways in 2001-2004 was 60.5%. The passage efficiencies of both fishways were high for trout (89-100%), but also for other species such as chub, perch, tench, burbot and roach (74%). The attraction efficiencies were largely dependent on power plant operation, and generally high for the fishway situated next to the tail-race and low for the fishway situated inside the former channel. More than half of the trout spawners were also observed using the fishways for downstream passage. The densities of brown trout yearlings upstream of the fishways were higher after the fishways were built than during pre-fishway years. Smolts produced upstream of the fishways were observed migrating downstream in 2003-2005. The percentage of smolts that passed both power plants in was 51%, with losses being attributed to predation (15%), turbine-induced mortality (16%) and other reasons (18%). Turbine-induced mortality was higher (40%) at the power plant with four small Francis runners, than at the power plant with one large Kaplan runner (12%). The issue of vertical connectivity was studied in three rivers in Värmland, one unregulated, and two regulated, one of which had no minimum flow requirements. In the unregulated river, temporal patterns in hyporheic water chemistry correlated to variation in surface water chemistry and discharge as expected. In the regulated rivers, the hyporheic water chemistry showed little correlation to discharge or surface water chemistry. The intra-gravel water chemistry conditions for brown trout eggs were more favourable in the unregulated river, characterised by high oxygen levels, than in the two regulated rivers. The regulated river with no minimum flow requirements had critically low oxygen levels at the end of the incubation period.

Stress Coping Strategies in Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta): Ecological Significance and Effects of Sea-Ranching

Brelin, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
Two distinct stress coping strategies, proactive and reactive, have been stated in various animal studies, each associated with a set of behavioural and physiological characteristics. In a given challenging situation, proactive animals show more aggression, a higher general activity and a predominant sympathetic reaction. In contrast, the reactive copers respond more with immobility and avoidance, and a predominant parasympathetic/hypothalamic activation. This divergence in coping has also been indicated in salmonid fish. Interestingly, many of the differences reported between sea-ranched and wild fish resembles characteristics that differentiate proactive and reactive copers. In the present thesis it is shown that individuals with divergent stress coping styles are identifiable in several brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations. Further, the results show that the distribution of individuals displaying these distinct stress coping strategies differs between populations. This strongly indicates that these traits are heritable and that the variation in selection regime in the native rivers influences these traits. In addition, the results show that populations with hatchery origin are biased towards having higher frequencies of trout displaying a proactive style than populations having wild origin. Also, even though the frequency of early sexual maturation, known as a viable alternative life history in salmonids, differs between populations of brown trout, no link between stress coping strategy and early sexual maturation were found. However, this thesis show that maternal contribution, in the form of egg size, is of major importance whether the progeny will sexually mature early and that it also might be of importance for stress coping strategy. Further, correlations of traits commonly associated with stress coping strategies and behavioural syndromes across context and over time is investigated. The results show that individuals with a strong sympathetic reactivity are more prone to change their behaviour than others.

Développement de biomarqueur Sentinelle en réponse à la pollution aquatique à partir de l'expression de protéines de phénotype "Multidrug Resistance" dans les érythrocytes de la truite Salmo trutta fario

Valton, Emeline 19 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La pollution croissante des milieux aquatiques nécessite la mise au point de nouvelles technologies permettant d'optimiser la surveillance de la qualité de l'eau. Dans ce contexte, nous avons développé un biomarqueur de susceptibilité du degré de la pollution globale des milieux aquatiques intitulé " Sentinelle ". Le principe du biomarqueur Sentinelle est basé sur le niveau de coexpression de deux protéines " Multidrug Resistance " (MDR), la protéine ABCG2-like et la P-gp, dans les érythrocytes de la truite Salmo trutta fario. Le biomarqueur sentinelle a été validé en conditions in vitro grâce au développement des cultures primaires d'érythrocytes de truite. Après l'exposition des globules rouges de truites à des concentrations croissantes d'un polluant modèle, le Benzo-a-pyrène, l'expression de la protéine ABCG2-like et de la P-gp augmente d'une manière dose dépendante. Le biomarqueur Sentinelle a ensuite été validé en milieu naturel sur des truites fario en provenance de différents cours d'eau d'Auvergne. En milieu naturel, les deux protéines MDR sont exprimées différemment dans les érythrocytes de truites fario selon le degré de contamination du cours d'eau. En effet, dans une rivière où la pollution est faible voire nulle, seule la protéine ABCG2-like est exprimée, alors que dans une rivière présentant une contamination plus importante, la P-gp et l'ABCG2-like sont toutes les deux coexprimées par une réponse de type relais. Les expériences menées en conditions in vitro et en milieu naturel, laissent supposer que la protéine ABCG2-like assure une fonction de garde alors que la P-gp assurerait une fonction de protection défensive. En conséquence, selon le niveau d'expression de la protéine de garde et de la protéine de défense, le degré de contamination de la rivière pourrait être évalué. L'intérêt de l'utilisation du biomarqueur Sentinelle a aussi été validé sur des Salmonidés en provenance de pisciculture. Ce nouvel outil biologique apporte des informations plus intégratives et plus précoces sur la qualité des milieux aquatiques, informations essentielles pour une meilleure gestion des ressources en eau.

The Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Morphometrics and Parr Marks in an F2 cross of European and North American Strains of Cultured Atlantic Salmon

Pedersen, Stephanie 01 May 2013 (has links)
Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) for traits under consideration for genetic improvement is becoming more common for many aquatic species, including Atlantic salmon. The objective of the study was to map QTL associated with length, weight, shape, parr mark number and contrast in three F2 hybrid families of European and North American strains of Atlantic salmon using single nucleotide polymorphisms. GridQTL software was used to perform separate analyses for male and female linkage maps. Numerous highly significant QTL were detected for every trait. Locations of QTL differed based on age and map used. Some QTL locations for the analyzed traits were similar to those of other studies on purebred and backcross Atlantic salmon populations; however, many more QTL were detected in the hybrid F2’s. The amount of genetic variation in skin colour and pattern displayed within the transAtlantic F2 families greatly exceeded the ranges seen in nature. / NSERC Strategic Grant

Energy requirements and feeding behaviour of salmonids in culture /

Bailey, Jason, January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2003. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.


ELISEU FERNANDES GONCALVES 13 February 2025 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa versa a respeito: Oferece a Deus sacrifício de louvor: O sentido da expressão zebah tôdah no Sl 50,14.23. Com base em um dos Salmos de Asaf (Sl 50), por isso, compreender a função dessa expressão-chave dentro do objeto material dessa pesquisa. Nota-se que a estrutura é tripartida (vv.1-6; vv.7- 15; vv.16-23). E questão essencial é a expressão-chave que serve de elemento teológico e emuldorador na poesia. Então surge a pergunta, o que o piedoso faz não seria suficiente? Se fosse realizado só pelo ritualismo, pelo formalismo, de fato, não teria o valor devido. Bem como se o ímpio que se arrepende e muda a sua conduta que quebra os mandamentos de Deus. Ademais, ambos são exortados a oferecer zebah tôdah a YHWH. Por sua vez, a metodologia empregada está no desenvolvimento dos passos do Método Histórico-Crítico, que permite perceber por sua abrangência, o texto na sua forma primária, essa metodologia conjugada com a Análise Retórica Bíblica Semítica, que é um método sincrônico, auxilia na construção da estrutura do texto. Além da introdução que aborda o tema, o texto no seu contexto, e ainda da conclusão com perspectivas bíblico-teológico-pastorais, esta pesquisa está dividida em três capítulos, 1) A Exegese do Sl 50,1-23 segundo os critérios do Método Histórico-Crítico e os ganhos da ARBS; 2) O Comentário Exegético-Teológico; com as contribuições de autores especializados, a partir de livros, de artigos, teses e dissertações nessa revisão bibliográfica; 3) O termo zeba no AT e seus respectivos significados, bem como no Saltério, inclusive com um comentário teológico-exegético dos vv.14.23. / [en] The present research is about: Offer to God a sacrifice of praise: The meaning of the expression zebah tôdah in Ps 50,14-23. Based on one of the Psalms of Asaph (Psalm 50), therefore, understand the function of this key expression within the material object of this research. Note that the structure is tripartite (vv.1-6; vv.7- 15; vv.16-23). The essential question is the key expression that serves as a theological and emulating element in poetry. Then question arises, what would the godly do not be enough? If it were carried out only by ritualism, by formalism, in fact, it would not have the value it deserves. Just as if the wicked one repents and changes his conduct, he will also be saved by offering zebah tôdah to YHWH. In turn, the methodology employed is in the development of the steps of the Historical-Critical Method, which allows to perceive by its comprehensiveness, the text in its primary form, this methodology combined with the Semitic Biblical Rhetorical Analysis, which is a synchronic method, helps in the construction of the structure of the text. In addition to the introduction that addresses the theme, the text in its context, and also the conclusion with biblical-theological-pastoral perspectives, this research is divided into three chapters: 1) The Exegesis of Ps 50,1-23 according to the criteria of the Historical-Critical Method and the gains of the ARBS; 2) the exegetical-theological commentary; with the contributions of specialized authors, from books, articles, theses and dissertations in this bibliographic review; 3) The term zebah in the Old Testament and its respective meanings, as well as in the Psalter, including a theological-exegetical commentary on vv.14.23.

Réponse métabolique du saumon Atlantique (Salmo salar) aux fluctuations journalières de température : rôles de la température d’acclimatation et de l’historique thermique

Oligny-Hébert, Hélène 12 1900 (has links)
En général, le métabolisme des poissons est estimé à des valeurs de température constantes, mais les effets de fluctuations journalières de température similaires à celles retrouvées en milieu naturel semblent peu connus. Les objectifs du présent mémoire sont de quantifier les effets de la température moyenne d’acclimatation et d’évaluer les effets de l’historique thermique des individus, sur les réponses métaboliques de tacons de saumon Atlantique (Salmo salar) aux fluctuations journalières de la température. Des tacons provenant de deux rivières, une fraîche et une chaude, ont été acclimatés à un maximum de quatre régimes thermiques (constant 15 °C ou 20 °C, fluctuant 15 °C ± 2.5 °C ou 20 °C ± 2.5 °C) et leur taux métabolique standard estimés par respirométrie par débit-intermittent. Les fluctuations journalières de température (15 °C ± 2.5 °C) près de l’optimum thermique pour cette espèce (16 °C) n’affectent pas le taux métabolique standard. À l’opposé, les fluctuations journalières de température plus chaudes (20 °C ± 2.5 °C) augmentent de 35.4% le taux métabolique standard des tacons de la rivière plus chaude, mais pas ceux des poissons de la rivière fraîche. Ainsi, la température moyenne à laquelle sont acclimatés les poissons peut affecter leur réponse métabolique aux fluctuations journalières de température, mais cette réponse peut varier entre populations provenant de rivières présentant des régimes thermiques différents. Enfin, grâce aux données de métabolisme précédemment estimées, un modèle de métabolisme standard a été développé pour des tacons de saumon Atlantique soumis à des fluctuations journalières de température. / Usually, fish metabolism is evaluated under constant values of temperature, but the effects of daily temperature fluctuations similar to those found in natural environment on metabolism seems to be much less understood. The goals of this study are to quantify the effects of the mean acclimation temperature and to assess the effects of the thermal history on the metabolic response of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr to daily fluctuations of water temperature. Atlantic salmon parr originating from two rivers, one cool and one relatively warm, were acclimated to up to four thermal regimes (constant 15 °C or 20 °C, daily fluctuating 15 °C ± 2.5 °C or 20 °C ± 2.5 °C) and their standard metabolic rate was estimated using intermittent-flow respirometry. Daily temperature fluctuations (15 °C ± 2.5 °C) near this species’ thermal optimum (16 °C) do not influence standard metabolic rate. In contrast, daily fluctuations of higher temperature (20 °C ± 2.5 °C) do increase standard metabolic rate by 35.4% for fish from the warmer river, but not for fish from the cooler river. Therefore, the mean temperature to which fish are acclimated may affect their responses to daily fluctuations of water temperature, but this response may vary between populations originating from rivers having different thermal regimes. Using standard metabolic rates previously estimated, a standard metabolic rate model was developed for Atlantic salmon parr exposed to daily fluctuations of temperature.

Continuité écologique et conservation de la diversité génétique et écotype d’un grand migrateur (Salmo trutta L.) / Ecological continuum and conservation of genetic and ecotypic diversity of a highly migratory fish (Salmo trutta L.)

Masson, Séverine 02 December 2016 (has links)
La dispersion, caractérisée par les mouvements d’individus dans l’espace et dans le temps, conduit à la production d’un flux de gènes et permet la connectivité des populations. Comprendre les facteurs qui façonnent les flux de gènes et la structuration des populations est d’une importance capitale pour améliorer les pratiques de gestion et de conservation des espèces. Celles caractérisées par une anadromie facultative, telles que la truite commune (Salmo trutta L.), sont des modèles de choix pour étudier le rôle de la diversité écotypique et comportementale, sous l’effet des activités anthropiques, sur le fonctionnement des populations. En utilisant la génétique des populations cette thèse se propose donc d’analyser la structuration des populations de la truite commune dans le fond du Golfe de Gascogne mais également de déterminer l’influence combinée de la dispersion de la truite de mer, de son comportement reproducteur et des activités anthropiques (repeuplements, transport de reproducteur) sur leur fonctionnement. Cette thèse aborde également la contribution des populations de truites communes (via leur origine natale) au stock de truites de mer capturées par la pêche professionnelle, sur le même site d’étude, en couplant de la génétique des populations et de la microchimie des otolithes. Nos résultats montrent une structuration génétique forte des populations de truite commune avec la présence de sept populations distinctes dans le bassin de l’Adour. Ceci semble être en partie expliqué par un comportement marqué de fidélité au site de naissance des truites de mer, couplé à un mouvement directionnel de celles-ci du sud (Espagne) vers le nord qui ne semble pas résulter en une dispersion effective (i.e. mouvement suivi d’une reproduction). En outre, les repeuplements récents, semblent impacter faiblement la structuration génétique des populations sauvages. Certains flux de gènes détectés localement semblent être dus à d’autres activités anthropiques, telles que le transport de reproducteurs. Les truites de mer capturées par la pêche professionnelle proviennent majoritairement de la population du gave d’Oloron et peu des populations des Nives et du Gave de Pau. La raison pourrait se trouver en premier lieu dans le fait que le Gave de Pau est fortement impacté par la présence de barrières à la migration et en second lieu dans les différences phénotypiques (taille plus petite) présentées par les truites de mer des Nives, par rapport à celle des gaves. Ceci suggère donc une différenciation de cette population et peut expliquer que la pêche professionnelle les capture dans une moindre proportion. Cette thèse a d’autre part pu démontrer les difficultés dans l’assignation d’une origine natale via la génétique lorsque les signatures génétiques sont relativement proches. Elle confirme l’utilité d’un couplage génétique des populations - microchimie des otolithes pour assigner des individus à leur origine natale à une échelle plus fine que le bassin. Les résultats obtenus au cours des trois années de thèse ont permis la détermination de populations génétiquement distinctes dont l’une contribue très largement à l’activité de pêche professionnelle. Ces populations peuvent être considérées comme de potentielles unités de gestion qui pourront servir de base à l‘élaboration de plans de gestion et de conservation. La meilleure compréhension de la biologie et du fonctionnement de la truite commune, et de l’impact des activités anthropiques sur la structuration des populations, acquise lors de cette thèse, pourra également permettre d’améliorer la prise de décisions des gestionnaires locaux pour la conservation et la gestion des populations de truites communes. / Dispersal, characterized by the movements of individuals in space and time leading to gene flows, allows populations to connect. Understanding factors shaping gene flow and population structure is vital to improve management and conservation practices of species. Those characterized by a partial anadromy, such as brown trout (Salmo trutta L.), are models of choice to study the role of ecotypic and behavioral diversity, under anthropic activities on population functioning. By using population genetics, this theses proposes to analyse population structure of brown trout in the Bay of Biscay, but also to determine the combined influence of sea trout dispersal, its reproductive behavior, and anthropic activities (stocking, transport of spawners) on their functioning. This thesis also addresses the contribution of brown trout populations (natal origin) on sea trout stock captured by professional fisheries, on the same study site, by coupling population genetics and otolith microchemistry. Results show a strong hierarchical structure of Brown trout population with seven distinct population detected in Adour basin. This seems to be explained a high site fidelity movement of sea trout together with a directional movement of sea trout from South (Spain) to North. This directional movement did not result into effective dispersal (i.e. movement followed by reproduction). Furthermore, a limited contemporary impact of stocking on genetic structure of wild population is observed. A few cases of inter-population gene flow detected seems to be explained by wild population management, particularly transport of spawners. The majority of sea trout captured by professional fisheries come from Gave d’Oloron and few from Nives and Gave de Pau. The reason is that Gave de Pau is impacted by migration barriers. And also that sea trout from Nives have phenotypic differences (smaller length) from sea trout originated from gaves. This suggest a differentiation of this population and can explained that professional fisheries capture them in smaller proportion.On the other hand, this thesis have been shown the difficulties to assign natal origin by using genetics when population are closed genetically. This confirm the usefulness to coupling population genetics and otolith microchemistry together to assign individuals to their natal origin at a finer scale than basin.Results obtained during these three years of thesis have made it possible the determination of distinct populations one of which contribute in majority of professional fisheries activities. These populations can be considered like potential management units (MUs) which could serve as basis in the elaboration of conservation and management plans. The better understanding of brown trout biology and functioning, and the impact of anthropic activities on population structure, obtained in this thesis, can also improve the decision-making of local managers for brown trout population conservation and management.

Dominanzverhältnisse, Interaktionen und räumliche Verteilung von Barsch, Plötze und Seeforelle in der mesotrophen Talsperre Saidenbach

Kahl, Uwe 18 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die in der mesotrophen Talsperre Saidenbach bedeutendsten Fischarten (Plötze, Barsch, Seeforelle) bezüglich ihrer Populationsstruktur, der Nahrung und der Habitatnutzung untersucht. Ziel war einerseits, die Analyse der Ausgangssituation und der Umsteuerungsphase bezüglich biomanipulationsbedingter Effekte, um einen späteren Vorher-Nachher-Vergleich innerhalb des Ganzseenexperimentes zu ermöglichen. Andererseits sollte untersucht werden, ob die Hypothese des konkurrenzbedingten juvenilen Flaschenhalses der Barsche auch auf große und tiefe Gewässer übertragbar ist und welche Faktoren die Zusammensetzung der Fischartengemeinschaft steuern. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der trophische Status eines Gewässers nicht die alleinige Steuergröße für die Dominanzverhältnisse in Fischartengemeinschaften ist. Entgegen den Erwartungen dominierten in der Talsperre Saidenbach trotz mesotropher Verhältnisse Plötzen. Eine bedeutende Einflussgröße auf die Dominanzverhältnisse ist die Habitatvariabilität, die auch durch die Morphometrie des Gewässers bestimmt wird. In großen und tiefen Gewässern besteht im Gegensatz zu kleinen und flachen Gewässern die Möglichkeit der Ausbildung zusätzlicher Umweltgradienten (z. B. vertikaler Temperaturgradient). Diese Gradienten erhöhen die Habitatdiversität innerhalb des Gewässers und bilden damit weitere Nischen aus, welche wiederum eine zusätzliche Nischentrennung zwischen konkurrierenden Gruppen ermöglichen. Die höhere Effizienz der Plötzen gegenüber Barschen bei der Nutzung von Zooplankton im Freiwasser scheint eine weitere Ursache für die Dominanz der Plötzen in dem stark pelagisch geprägten Nahrungsnetz der Talsperre Saidenbach zu sein. Darüber hinaus war die Barschpopulation durch die Prädation von piscivoren Barschen in der Talsperre Saidenbach wesentlich stärker beeinflusst als die Plötzenpopulation, was generell ein ausschlaggebender Faktor für die Plötzendominanz in mesotrophen Gewässern sein kann. Barsch, Plötze und Seeforelle wiesen vor allem während der Schichtungsperiode eine räumliche Trennung sowohl in horizontaler als auch in vertikaler Richtung innerhalb des Gewässers auf. Der Grad der Piscivorie der bisher besetzten Seeforellen war noch zu gering, um einen wirksamen fraßbedingten Einfluss auf die Plötzenpopulation ausüben zu können. Für Seeforellen konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Grad der Piscivorie mit zunehmender Länge steigt. Überwiegend piscivor ernährten sich die Seeforellen in der Talsperre Saidenbach ab einer Länge von 50 cm. Sowohl Barsch als auch Plötze zeigten in der Talsperre Saidenbach ein gutes Wachstum. Nach etwa vier Jahren erreichten beide Arten ein Größenrefugium vor Prädation durch andere Raubfische. Plötzen erreichten ein höheres Alter als Barsche und verblieben damit länger in diesem Größenrefugium. Das führte zu einer Akkumulation großer Plötzen im Gewässer. Plötzen aller Größen waren ausgeprägt zooplanktivor. Im Zooplanktonanteil der Nahrung traten fast ausschließlich Daphnien auf. Mit dieser Ernährungsweise übten Plötzen einen hohen Fraßdruck auf das große filtrierende Zooplankton aus. Sowohl 0+ Barsche als auch ältere Barsche nutzten zu einem hohen Anteil Zooplankton als Nahrungsressource. Somit waren die juvenilen Barsche nicht zu einem frühzeitigen Nahrungswechsel zu benthischen Makroinvertebraten gezwungen. Zwischen juvenilen Barschen und Plötzen bestand nur eine geringe Überlappung der Nahrungsnischen. Die erweiterte Nischentrennung von Barsch und Plötze in großen und tiefen Gewässern reduziert sowohl die interspezifische als auch die intraspezifische Konkurrenz. Unter diesen Bedingungen sind Barsch und Plötze fähig, in großen Mengen zu koexistieren ohne dabei Kümmerwachstum zu zeigen. Ein juveniler Flaschenhals existiert trotz der Plötzendominanz offenbar in großen und tiefen Gewässern nicht, so dass die Flaschenhalshypothese auf kleine und flache Gewässer mit geringer Habitatdiversität beschränkt werden muss.

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