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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Klassifisering i forbindelse med samarbeid : En casestudie

Lindseth, Øyvind January 2004 (has links)
<p>Oppaven består av tre hoveddeler; Teori, Innsamlede data, og Avslutning.</p><p>Teori er delt inn i tre kapitler, kapitlene 2-4, som er CSCW, Bruk av samarbeidsteknologi og Klassifiseringsproblematikken.</p><p>I Innsamlede data inngår kapittel 5 og 6. Kapittel 5 Bakgrunn for case beskriver prosjektarbeid spesifikt til avdelingen ”Kunnskap og strategi” på SINTEF Teknologiledelse, hvor jeg også presenterer de dataverktøy avdelingen vanligvis bruker. Det danner en ramme for Case i kapittel 6. </p><p>Avslutning består av kapittel 7 og 8. Kapittel 7 Analyse bruker i hovedsak kapittel 4 som bakgrunn, men også deler av kapittel 2 og 3. Kapittel 8 Konklusjon svarer på de spørsmål som ble stilt innledningsvis i kapittel 1 Innledning, og som ble diskutert under kapittel 7 Analyse.</p>

Klassifisering i forbindelse med samarbeid : En casestudie

Lindseth, Øyvind January 2004 (has links)
Oppaven består av tre hoveddeler; Teori, Innsamlede data, og Avslutning. Teori er delt inn i tre kapitler, kapitlene 2-4, som er CSCW, Bruk av samarbeidsteknologi og Klassifiseringsproblematikken. I Innsamlede data inngår kapittel 5 og 6. Kapittel 5 Bakgrunn for case beskriver prosjektarbeid spesifikt til avdelingen ”Kunnskap og strategi” på SINTEF Teknologiledelse, hvor jeg også presenterer de dataverktøy avdelingen vanligvis bruker. Det danner en ramme for Case i kapittel 6. Avslutning består av kapittel 7 og 8. Kapittel 7 Analyse bruker i hovedsak kapittel 4 som bakgrunn, men også deler av kapittel 2 og 3. Kapittel 8 Konklusjon svarer på de spørsmål som ble stilt innledningsvis i kapittel 1 Innledning, og som ble diskutert under kapittel 7 Analyse.

Hvilke subjektive opplevelser har foreldre og lærere av samarbeid mellom skole og hjem? : En Q-metodologisk studie av samarbeid mellom skole og hjem med fokus på foreldre til barn med ekstra tilretteleggingsbehov og lærerne til disse barna på barnetrinnet i grunnskolen

Skålvik, Barbro January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to gain insight into parents and teacher’s subjective views on cooperation between school and home. The study will show if the selection of people, consisting of parents of children with additional facilitation needs, and teachers of these children at the primary level have common or divergent experiences of cooperation. By studying the similarities and differences in the participants subjective views on cooperation, it will be possible to assess whether the study can be used as a basis for the guidance of participants. The study was conducted to answer the research question: Which subjective experiences, does parents and teachers have, in cooperation between school and home? Q-methodology is used to collect research material from selected persons, consisting of 9 teachers and parents. The individuals sorted 36 statements from their joint communication universe of cooperation between home and school, after three sorting instructions: How do you experience the cooperation today? Previous experience of cooperation with the school? How do you want that cooperation to be? It was revealed 2 factor views which was clearly defined by factor analysis. Factor 1 indicated that they have a common focus on the child's development. They say they are confident in themselves, and that mutual experiences, descriptions and knowledge contributes to good solutions, and strengthens both their competencies when they work together. Factor 2 felt that they were unable to agree on a common focus, because the other did not acknowledge their solutions. But they want to have a mutual relationship. The discussion was based on the findings and relevant theories on the relationship. / Formålet med masteroppgaven er å få innsikt i foreldre og læreres subjektive syn på samarbeid mellom skole og hjem. I studien vil man se om personutvalget bestående av foreldre til barn med ekstra tilretteleggingsbehov og lærerne til disse barna på barnetrinnet i grunnskolen har felles eller avvikende opplevelser av samarbeidet. Ved å studere likheter og ulikheter i deltakernes subjektive syn på samarbeidet vil man kunne vurdere om studien kan brukes som et utgangspunkt for veiledning av deltakerne. Studien er gjennomført for å få svar på forskningsspørsmålet: Hvilke subjektive opplevelser har foreldre og lærere av samarbeid mellom skole og hjem? Q-metodologi er brukt for å samle inn forskningsmaterialet fra et personutvalg bestående av 9 lærere og foreldre. Personutvalget sorterte 36 utsagn fra deres felles kommunikasjonsunivers om samarbeid mellom hjem og skole etter tre sorteringsinstrukser: Hvordan opplever du samarbeidet i dag? Tidligere erfaringer av samarbeid i skolen? Hvordan ønsker du at samarbeidet skal være? Det ble avdekket 2 faktorsyn som var klart avgrenset ved faktoranalysen. Faktor 1 ga uttrykk for at de har et felles fokus på barnets utvikling. De sier at de er trygge på seg selv og på at felles erfaringer, beskrivelser og kunnskap bidrar til gode løsninger og styrker begges kompetanse når de samarbeider. Faktor 2 følte at de ikke klarte å enes om et felles fokus fordi den andre ikke lyttet til deres løsningsforslag. Men de vil gjerne ha et gjensidig samarbeid. Drøftingen tok utgangspunkt i funnene og relevante teorier om relasjon.

Lærere og skoler i utvikling / Teachers and schools in development

Wiken, Sidsel Jorunn January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Staging for Creative Collaboration in Design Teams

Lerdahl, Erik January 2001 (has links)
<p>Many design projects in industry require close collaboration between different actors in companies. Furthermore, due to globalisation and increased competition, companies have a growing need to quickly develop new innovative concepts and products. In this respect it is important to study how creative collaboration in design teams in the early phases of the design process may be stimulated and improved. The main objective of this thesis has been to develop models, tools and methods that stimulate and improve such collaboration. Factors involved in the staging for creative collaboration has been studied, and models, tools and methods have been developed. The empirical material was collected through in-depth interviews of company employees and design consultants. Furthermore, material was collected through action research in a new innovation course at NTNU in Trondheim and in 3 industrial cases. </p><p>Initially, three <i>conceptual models</i> are proposed and used as a background in the thesis.These models are visualised graphically. The first model proposes that the creative process is an ongoing cycle moving through order and chaos. The second model proposes that design is a creative activity in a dialectic tension. The third model, which is called the vision-based model, proposes that any product may be related to four levels of abstraction: the spiritual, the contextual, the principal and the material levels. All three models can function as tools for discussion and shared understanding in a team. In the innovation course the vision-based model functioned as a supporting tool for creative collaboration in the concept development process. </p><p>Further, the physical arrangement of space for creative collaboration in design teams has been studied. Two major concepts are proposed: <i>Flexible project space</i> and <i>activity zones</i>. The concept of activity zones, where different zones in the workspace are connected to different activities and modes of thinking, has been implemented in a specific case. The general conclusion is that conscious arrangement of space is one of the factors that may improve creative collaboration. </p><p>Results from the interviews show the need for a shared innovation level and focus in design team for good collaboration. It is concluded that participants in a team have different roles and perspectives and in this regard the concept of flexible role structure and the use of role-play are proposed for improving collaboration. The use of scenario play and mental visualisation exercises as tools in the concept development process have also been studied and tried out in courses and in specific industrial cases. The conclusion is that such exercises have both process and problem related effects and can help to improve creative collaboration in design teams.</p><p>Based on indicated limitations in existing methodology this thesis proposes finally, as the main contribution, a <i>vision-oriented</i> <i>methodology</i> for the early phases of the design process. It is divided into two stages: a vision-based and a specification-based stage. The vision-based stage has focus on user experience and applies visions, rather than specifications, as guidelines in the early phases of the concept development. Two types of visions are proposed in this stage: Goal visions and provocative visions. In the provocative visions elements of the goal visions are drawn to the extreme through fantasy scenarios. The methodology also integrates the physical arrangement of space and the use of scenario play, storytelling and mental visualisation exercises. It emphasises the extensive use of associative images and qualitative keywords. It also proposes the use of events, such as conceptual workshops and milestones, during the development process. Furthermore the methodology applies the vision-based model, with four levels of abstraction, as a supporting tool. Parts of the methodology (the vision-based stage) has been tried out and evaluated in the innovation course.</p><p>It is concluded that the methodology can help to improve creative collaboration in design teams, especially for projects that have a conceptual orientation and a focus on user experience. With an initial focus on visions it is argued that a design team may more easily create a shared understanding. Furthermore, with the active integration of</p><p>play and work with visions the methodology seems to be more process oriented, motivating and engaging than traditional methodology. It also integrates the active use of the body and senses and helps to avoid initial mental fixation to existing solutions. It is emphasised that it is important that the methodology is adapted to the specific company setting.</p>

CAGISTrans: Adaptable Transactional Support for Cooperative Work

Ramampiaro, Herindrasana January 2001 (has links)
<p>The theme of this thesis is on transactional support for cooperative work environments, focusing on data sharing. It is thus concerned with the provision of suitable mechanisms to manage concurrent access to shared data and resources. This subject is not new, per se. In fact, maintaining data consistency in multiuser environments is a classical problem that has been addressed thoroughly since the introduction of transaction management. However, while traditional transaction models – also called ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) transactions – have provided satisfactory and efficient consistency management for traditional multiuser database and business applications such as banking and flight reservation applications, they have been found to be too restrictive in the context of cooperation. Atomicity is inappropriate for cooperative environments, where activities are normally of long duration. The isolation of transactions does not allow cooperation, which is thus unsuitable for cooperative environments.</p><p>Several solutions have been proposed and developed in terms of advanced transaction models and frameworks. The goal has primarily been to overcome the limitations of traditional transactions. However, although there are many solutions, there are some problems that are not solved. Among these are the problems that result from the dynamic and heterogeneous nature of cooperative work. Finding solutions to these problems has been a subject for intensive research over the past couple of decades. However, it is widely agreed that they still deserve careful attention. The solution here is to provide transactional support that not only can be tailored to suit different situations, but can also be modified in accordance with changes in the actual environment while the work is being carried out – i.e., is adaptable. As part of this solution, we have identified and extracted the beneficial features from existing models and attempted to extend these to form a transactional framework, called CAGISTrans. This is a framework for the specification of transaction models suiting specific applications. The main contribution in handling dynamic environments is in the way of organising the elements of a transaction model to allow runtime refinement. In addition, a transaction management system has been developed, built on the middleware principle, to allow interoperability and database independence, and support for non-database resources. This thereby addresses the problems induced by the heterogeneous nature of cooperative environments.</p><p>The solution depends on setting requirements based on the practical reallife needs for a system supporting cooperative work. This shows how this framework meets these requirements. One of the issues that is not emphasised is system throughput. From a transaction processing perspective, this issue is generally considered to be critical. However, since transactions in cooperative environments normally span long periods of time, they are mainly more sensitive to response time performance than system throughput. A CAGISTrans system has been implemented, using several technological tools such as Java, XML and software agents. The thesis discusses the specific use of and general experience with these technological tools. The CAGISTrans prototypes have implemented the major parts of the framework. The main conclusion is that the current CAGISTrans framework is able to support the basic features of dynamic and heterogeneous transaction management, allowing users to specify models and have the system execute their transactions in a flexible and controlled manner.</p>

Staging for Creative Collaboration in Design Teams

Lerdahl, Erik January 2001 (has links)
Many design projects in industry require close collaboration between different actors in companies. Furthermore, due to globalisation and increased competition, companies have a growing need to quickly develop new innovative concepts and products. In this respect it is important to study how creative collaboration in design teams in the early phases of the design process may be stimulated and improved. The main objective of this thesis has been to develop models, tools and methods that stimulate and improve such collaboration. Factors involved in the staging for creative collaboration has been studied, and models, tools and methods have been developed. The empirical material was collected through in-depth interviews of company employees and design consultants. Furthermore, material was collected through action research in a new innovation course at NTNU in Trondheim and in 3 industrial cases. Initially, three conceptual models are proposed and used as a background in the thesis.These models are visualised graphically. The first model proposes that the creative process is an ongoing cycle moving through order and chaos. The second model proposes that design is a creative activity in a dialectic tension. The third model, which is called the vision-based model, proposes that any product may be related to four levels of abstraction: the spiritual, the contextual, the principal and the material levels. All three models can function as tools for discussion and shared understanding in a team. In the innovation course the vision-based model functioned as a supporting tool for creative collaboration in the concept development process. Further, the physical arrangement of space for creative collaboration in design teams has been studied. Two major concepts are proposed: Flexible project space and activity zones. The concept of activity zones, where different zones in the workspace are connected to different activities and modes of thinking, has been implemented in a specific case. The general conclusion is that conscious arrangement of space is one of the factors that may improve creative collaboration. Results from the interviews show the need for a shared innovation level and focus in design team for good collaboration. It is concluded that participants in a team have different roles and perspectives and in this regard the concept of flexible role structure and the use of role-play are proposed for improving collaboration. The use of scenario play and mental visualisation exercises as tools in the concept development process have also been studied and tried out in courses and in specific industrial cases. The conclusion is that such exercises have both process and problem related effects and can help to improve creative collaboration in design teams. Based on indicated limitations in existing methodology this thesis proposes finally, as the main contribution, a vision-oriented methodology for the early phases of the design process. It is divided into two stages: a vision-based and a specification-based stage. The vision-based stage has focus on user experience and applies visions, rather than specifications, as guidelines in the early phases of the concept development. Two types of visions are proposed in this stage: Goal visions and provocative visions. In the provocative visions elements of the goal visions are drawn to the extreme through fantasy scenarios. The methodology also integrates the physical arrangement of space and the use of scenario play, storytelling and mental visualisation exercises. It emphasises the extensive use of associative images and qualitative keywords. It also proposes the use of events, such as conceptual workshops and milestones, during the development process. Furthermore the methodology applies the vision-based model, with four levels of abstraction, as a supporting tool. Parts of the methodology (the vision-based stage) has been tried out and evaluated in the innovation course. It is concluded that the methodology can help to improve creative collaboration in design teams, especially for projects that have a conceptual orientation and a focus on user experience. With an initial focus on visions it is argued that a design team may more easily create a shared understanding. Furthermore, with the active integration of play and work with visions the methodology seems to be more process oriented, motivating and engaging than traditional methodology. It also integrates the active use of the body and senses and helps to avoid initial mental fixation to existing solutions. It is emphasised that it is important that the methodology is adapted to the specific company setting.

CAGISTrans: Adaptable Transactional Support for Cooperative Work

Ramampiaro, Herindrasana January 2001 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is on transactional support for cooperative work environments, focusing on data sharing. It is thus concerned with the provision of suitable mechanisms to manage concurrent access to shared data and resources. This subject is not new, per se. In fact, maintaining data consistency in multiuser environments is a classical problem that has been addressed thoroughly since the introduction of transaction management. However, while traditional transaction models – also called ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) transactions – have provided satisfactory and efficient consistency management for traditional multiuser database and business applications such as banking and flight reservation applications, they have been found to be too restrictive in the context of cooperation. Atomicity is inappropriate for cooperative environments, where activities are normally of long duration. The isolation of transactions does not allow cooperation, which is thus unsuitable for cooperative environments. Several solutions have been proposed and developed in terms of advanced transaction models and frameworks. The goal has primarily been to overcome the limitations of traditional transactions. However, although there are many solutions, there are some problems that are not solved. Among these are the problems that result from the dynamic and heterogeneous nature of cooperative work. Finding solutions to these problems has been a subject for intensive research over the past couple of decades. However, it is widely agreed that they still deserve careful attention. The solution here is to provide transactional support that not only can be tailored to suit different situations, but can also be modified in accordance with changes in the actual environment while the work is being carried out – i.e., is adaptable. As part of this solution, we have identified and extracted the beneficial features from existing models and attempted to extend these to form a transactional framework, called CAGISTrans. This is a framework for the specification of transaction models suiting specific applications. The main contribution in handling dynamic environments is in the way of organising the elements of a transaction model to allow runtime refinement. In addition, a transaction management system has been developed, built on the middleware principle, to allow interoperability and database independence, and support for non-database resources. This thereby addresses the problems induced by the heterogeneous nature of cooperative environments. The solution depends on setting requirements based on the practical reallife needs for a system supporting cooperative work. This shows how this framework meets these requirements. One of the issues that is not emphasised is system throughput. From a transaction processing perspective, this issue is generally considered to be critical. However, since transactions in cooperative environments normally span long periods of time, they are mainly more sensitive to response time performance than system throughput. A CAGISTrans system has been implemented, using several technological tools such as Java, XML and software agents. The thesis discusses the specific use of and general experience with these technological tools. The CAGISTrans prototypes have implemented the major parts of the framework. The main conclusion is that the current CAGISTrans framework is able to support the basic features of dynamic and heterogeneous transaction management, allowing users to specify models and have the system execute their transactions in a flexible and controlled manner.

Skolens oppfatning av tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid : en utforskende studie innen en norsk ungdomsskole / School's perception of interprofessional collaboration : An exploratory study in a Norwegian junior high school

Austberg, Sissel January 2012 (has links)
Hensikten: med denne studien er å få kunnskap om lærernes og ledelsens oppfatninger av, og erfaringer med, tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid. Deres oppfatning av behovet for, og muligheter for, å implementere tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid i arbeidet med skolens psykososiale miljø, søkes også belyst. I tillegg undersøkes om motivasjon for et strukturert samarbeid påvirkes av tidligere erfaringer. Metode:Fenomenografi ble brukt som tilnærmingsmetode og fokusgruppeintervju som datainnsamlingsmetode. 15 ansatte i en ungdomsskole, fordelt på tre fokusgrupper, deltok i studien. Resultat:Det ble identifisert tre beskrivelseskategorier og seks delkategorier. Begrepet tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid oppfattes som lite kjent. Samarbeid med andre profesjoner beskrives som lite, til dels besværlig og preget av tilfeldigheter. Skolens rolle i forpliktende samarbeid oppfattes å forvanskes ved at det i utgangspunktet stilles mange krav til skolen. Det er vanskelig å prioritere mellom fagopplæring og tema som sorterer under sosial kompetanse og trivselsgivende tiltak. Motivasjon for samarbeid begrunnes i behov for økt kunnskap om faktorer som påvirker elevenes individuelle og totale opplevelse av skolen. De fokusgruppene som har hatt befatning med et strukturert tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid tilkjennegir en mer positiv holdning til samarbeid med andre profesjoner. Formelle rammer oppfattes som en begrensende faktor for samarbeid. Konklusjoner: Funn i studien indikerer et behov for å avklare meningsinnhold i begrep som beskriver samarbeid mellom ulike profesjoner og sektorer. Metoder og formelt grunnlag for å utvikle et godt psykososialt miljø i et tverrprofesjonelt perspektiv etterlyses. Det å ha en positiv erfaring fra et strukturert tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid, øker motivasjonen for ytterligere samarbeid. / Purpose: This study aimed to increase knowledge about teachers' and management's perceptions of, and experiences with, the concept of interprofessional collaboration. The study also sought to determine perceptions about the need and opportunity for implementing interprofessional collaboration in their work environment. Finally, the studie investigated whether past experiences influence motivation for structured cooperation. Method: This study used a fenomenografic approach and interviewed 15 employees of a Norwegian junior high school. Study participants were divided into three focus groups; participants from the management, teachers with experience from structured interprofessional collaboration and teachers without such experience. Results: Data analysis identified three categories and six subcategories. All participants described interprofessional collaboration as not well known and collaboration with other professions is described as rare, sometimes difficult, and random. They perceived the school's role in committed cooperation as difficult because it increases demands on the school. The study participants find prioritization between vocational training and topics that fall under the social skills difficult. Motivation for cooperation is based on a need for increased knowledge about the factors that influence students' individual and overall experience of school. Focus groups having greater experience with a structured interprofessional collaboratio, showed a more positive attitude toward cooperate with other professions. Participants perceived formal frameworks as a limiting factor for collaboration. Conclusions: This study showed a need to clarify the meaning of the term interprofessional collaboration. The school should work to develop a good psychosocial environment in an interprofessional perspective. A positive experience with structured interprofessional collaboration, increases motivation for further cooperation. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-35-5</p>

Samarbeid uten fellesskap : Om individuelle planer i kommunalt psykisk helsearbeid

Hansen, Gunnar Vold January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis is about the implementation of individual plans in the municipal mental health sector. Persons with need for long-term and coordinated services are entitled to have an individual plan. The objectives of an individual plan are to see that the service provides user participation, individual adaptation, comprehension and coordination. The purpose of this thesis is to see if an individual plan really contributes to reaching these objectives.</p><p>It is possible to see individual plans as a tool based on the ideology of New Public Management (NPM). As such, their basis is rational-instrumental logic. Mental health is, however, a sector recognized for different knowledge bases, indefinite relations between cause and result, and users with vague and complex needs. The reason for choosing this field of investigation is to see what happens when a sector recognized for ambiguity meets products designed upon a rational-instrumental logic.</p><p>The study shows that it is difficult to achieve user participation and individual adaptations. The reason for this is first of all insignificant resources in the municipal sector. The service providers are mostly positive to user participation and user involvement. This is, however, difficult to achieve as long as the users do not understand the reason for an individual plan and they lack concrete goals for their lives. The prospect of making a comprehensive and coordinated service is only to a small extent dependent on individual plans. Instead it seems as if factors like how the municipality is organized, professional boundaries and insight into rehabilitation ideology and cooperation, account for how comprehensive and coordinated the service becomes. The individual plan should be administered by a service provider with overall responsibility to follow up the work (a coordinator). My results show that this coordinator usually has a very important role in assisting the users in getting the service they need. Often the plan is followed by a team meeting where the different service providers together meet the user. For some of the users, these meetings are an arena where they can influence decisions about the service.</p>

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