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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spillvattenenergi : En outnyttjad energikälla / Waste water energy : An unused energy source

Candemir, Haci, Model, Philip January 2015 (has links)
Stora framsteg har gjorts för att minska transmissionsförluster i byggnader vilket har lett till att varmvattnet nu utgör en större procentuell del av energibehovet än någonsin för svenska hushåll. Uppvärmningen av varmvatten kani dagsläget uppgå till nästan 60 % av den totala energianvändningen i bostäder och lokaler. En väldimensionerad spillvattenvärmeväxlare kan enligt tillverkare idag potentiellt återvinna 70 % av värmen i spillvattnet. En litteraturstudie har gjorts för att fastställa vilka byggnader som uppfyller de förutsättningar en spillvattenvärmeväxlare kräver. Att installera en spillvattenvärmeväxlare under en stamrenovering minskar installationskostnader för fastighetsbolag vilket är fördelaktigt rent ekonomiskt. Marknaden smalnades därigenom av till flerbostadshus främst med stamrenoveringsbehov. Snittvattenförbrukningen för svenska flerbostadshus utgör grunden till den utredande delen av arbetet, där uppmätta tappflöden och blandningstemperatur användes för att beräkna möjlig energibesparing för ett flerbostadshus. Beräkningar visar att energiåtgången för varmvattenberedning kan minskas med upp till 19 % under vissa omständigheter. Indata och resultat i arbetet baseraspå en specifik byggnad i Einar Mattssons ägo. / Domestic hot water (DHW) has become a larger energy loss than ever for Swedish households, much because the transmission losses are continuously being minimized. Heating of DHW nowadays amount to almost 60 % of the total energy usage in newly built residential and commercial buildings. A heat exchanger for heat recovery from wastewater could potentially, according to manufacturer’s data, save up to 70 % of the energy in the wastewater. The buildings covered in this project degree have been ascertained through a literature review. The installation cost of a wastewater heat exchanger is significantly reduced if done during a sewer renovation. Therefore the market for wastewater heat exchangers in this project degree is narrowed down to apartment buildings with sewer renovation needs. The average water consumption of Swedish apartment buildings is used as in data for estimations in this project degree. The water consumption patterns, flows and mixing temperatures are also used to estimate the possible energy saving for a Swedish apartment (building). The used in data in this work is based on field measurements by construction company Einar Mattsson.The results indicate that energy need for preparation of DHW could be reduced by 19 % using waste water heat exchanger.

Emerging Community Gardens : Visions, motivations and further aspects that influence organization of acommunity garden based on experiences in the Czech Republic and Sweden

Samková, Kamila January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

A study of the presence and content of landallocation policies / En studie av förekomst och innehåll imarkanvisningspolicyer

Persson, Elin January 2013 (has links)
En markanvisning kan beskrivas som en option för en byggherre att ensam, under en viss tid, få förhandla med en kommun om att få förvärva och bebygga ett kommunalt markområde. Målet med  en  markanvisning  är  att  den  ska  leda  fram  till  en  detaljplan  och  en  marköverföring. Markanvisningsprocessen bör vara transparent och förutsägbar för att marknaden ska fungera väl och byggherrarnas etableringsvilja bibehållas. Detta kan markanvisningspolicyer underlätta. En markanvisningspolicy är ett, ofta politiskt antaget, dokument som berör markanvisningar, där tilldelningsmetoder, byggherrekriterier och prissättning av marken ofta tas upp. Detta examensarbete utgör en studie av markanvisningspolicyer i Sveriges 35 folkrikaste kom- muner. Fokus ligger på att granska den generella förekomsten av dessa policydokument och dess aktualitet.  I  förekommande  fall  granskas  även  innehållet  i  markanvisningspolicyerna,  bl.a. avseende:     Definition av begreppet markanvisning     Benämning och användningen av olika markanvisningsmetoder     Om prissättningen behandlas Totalt  har  17  av  de  35  kommunerna  som  studerats en  markanvisningspolicy  tillgänglig  via hemsidan.  De  flesta  av  kommunerna  definierar  vad  som  avses  med  en  markanvisning. Definitionen skiljer sig åt mellan de olika kommunerna, men har i stort samma innebörd: att en byggherre under en viss tid har ensamrätt att utveckla ett bebyggelseprojekt tillsammans med kommunen för att slutligen uppföra projektet. Markanvisningsmetod skiljer sig åt mellan kommunernas policyer. Ett par kommuner anger att anbudsförfarande ska användas i första hand. Fyra kommuner anger att "markanvisningar i normala  fall ska ske i konkurrens ". Två kommuner anger att direktanvisning bör användas undantagsvis. I 13 av 17 markanvisningspolicyer behandlas prissättningen, dock sällan utförligt. / A land allocation can be described as an option for a developer, during a certain time get to negotiate alone with a municipality, regarding acquiring and develop land that is originally owned by the municipality. The goal of a land allocation is that it will lead to a detailed development plan and a land transfer. The land allocation process should be transparent and predictable to make the land market efficient and to maintain builders' will to establish themselves. This can be helped by land allocation policies. A land allocation policy is a, often politically adopted, document relating to land allocation, where questions of land allocation methodologies, developer criteria and pricing of land are often raised. This thesis is a study of land allocation policies in the 35 most populated municipalities in Sweden. The focus is to examine the overall occurrence of these types of documents and their topicality. Also the content of these documents are studied with regards to:     Definition of the term land allocation     Description and use of different land allocation methods     If the pricing of the land is mentioned In total, 17 of the 35 municipalities have a land allocation policy accessible via their website. Most of the municipalities define what is meant by a land allocation in their policy document. The definition differs between municipalities, but has basically the same meaning: a developer has during  a  certain  time  exclusive rights to  develop  a  development project  together with  the municipality in order to finally construct the project. Land allocation method differs between the municipalities policies. A couple of municipalities state that allocation by tender will be used in the first place. Four municipalities states that "normally land allocation should take place under competition", i.e. tender. Two municipalities stating that direct instruction should be used in exceptional cases. In 13 of 17 land allocation policies, it is at least mentioned how the pricing of the land should be applied. / Markanvisning, markanvisningspolicy,kommunal mark, markanvisningsmetod

The influence of ballast on the vibrations of railway bridges

Rehnström, Rikard, Widén, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates two aspects concerning the influence of the ballast on vibrations of railway bridges. The first one is the additional stiffness due to the ballast. For that, a special finite beam element with a non-linear longitudinal stiffness associated to the slip at the interface between the ballast and the bridge is implemented and used to calculate vertical accelerations during and after the passage of a train. The second one is the load distribution of the axle loads through the ballast. To investigate this, a parametric study is carried out on a two dimensional model with plane elements. Based on this load distribution, different load shapes are created, which are used in dynamic analyses in Matlab on three different bridge models. The conclusions are that a linear and a bi-linear longitudinal stiffness at the interface give similar maximum accelerations. Moreover, the critical train velocities are increased with the additional stiffness of the ballast. The study also shows thatdistributed loads, in general, lowers the maximum accelerations, especially on short bridges.

Påverkan av överprövningar vid offentlig upphandling : Belysa de konsekvenser som en överprövning frambringar ur ett samhälls- och projektperspektiv / Effects of the appeal procedure due to a public procurement : Highlighting the impacts of an appeal procedure generates from a societal- and project-perspective

Persson, Jens, Heikka, Petter January 2013 (has links)
I och med den nya globala ekonomin blir det allt mer vanligt med en ökad konkurrens. Inte enbart från den inhemska marknaden utan även via en global marknad som öppnats genom ett samarbete mellan nationer i Europa. Därmed finns en större tendens från företagen att dra en offentlig upphandling inför det svenska rättssystemet och bestrida beslutet som fattats av den upphandlande myndigheten då varje upphandling blir viktig att vinna. En tydlig orsak till det ökande antalet överprövningar är att i och med en regression i den globala ekonomin och med kollapser av nationella ekonomier runt om i världen så finns det en ökad vinning i att överpröva en förlorad upphandling då dessa är bristvara vid lågkonjunktur. Genom detta examensarbete kommer uppsatsförfattarna att belysa de problem och grunder som finns för att en överprövning skall uppstå som till exempel den allt för korta granskningstiden av tilldelningsbeslut, en saknad kompetens för en upphandling och möjligtvis ett allt för konservativt arbetssätt i det svenska rättsväsendet. Denna rapport kommer även att belysa de problem som en överprövning medför då ett projekt blir drabbat. Detta kan vara saker som en ökad budget på grund av omplanering vid en tidsfördröjning, svenska skattemedel används för att bearbeta de merarbeten som en överprövning frambringar. Även hur det skulle påverka en tredje-man och vilka konsekvenser det skulle få för hen. / Due to the more open global economy, it’s more common with an increased competition between companies. Not only from a domestic market. But also from a global market that opened through a collaboration between nations in Europe. Thus, there is a greater inclination for companies to take a tender through the legal system to dispute the decision of the contracting authority. One of the reasons for the increasing number of lawsuits is the regression of the global economy and collapse of national economies around the globe. Therefore it is an increased gain to review the loss of a contract, due to the regression in the market. This thesis will highlight issues and backgrounds for that an appeal shall arise, such as “the way to” short examination time of the assignment decision. The absent of required skills for procurement process and its complications. And the overly conservative approach in the Swedish legal system. This report will also explore the problem that a lawsuit brings to a project. For example an arising budget due to re-planning, Swedish tax-payers money is used to process the extra amount of work that appeal processes generate. But also how it would affect third parties such as a daily commuter and which consequences it would bring forth for them.

En jämförelse av produktions- och driftkostnad av skilda stomtyper för enfamiljshus med målgruppsanpassad utfomrning / Comparison of production and operating cost of various construction methods for a single family home with targeted custom design

Berndtson, Filip January 2013 (has links)
När energipriserna stiger och energikraven från myndigheterna stramas åt är ett behov av att bygga energisnåla hus mer ett krav än en önskan. För ett sådant hus kommer produktionspriserna att stiga på grund av den ökade materialkostnaden. Det finns en tumregel som säger att ett lågenergihus kostar cirka 10 % mer att producera än ett konventionellt hus men att det istället är billigare att driva. I detta arbete kommer produktionskostnad och driftkostnad för ett enfamiljshus att jämföras baserat på olika typer av stomkonstruktion och isoleringsgrad. De stomkonstruktioner som kommer att jämföras är träregelstomme, platsgjuten betong och extraisolerad platsgjuten betong. Huset som alla beräkningar är baserade på är speciellt framtaget för en familj med två nästan vuxna barn, i 14 –18 års ålder. Genom en serie intervjuer med mäklare och med inspiration av arkitektfirman Ross Arkitekters formspråk har planritningarna vuxit fram. Huset är ritat av Filip Berndtson. / When energy prices increase and energy requirements from the government is tightened, the need to build energy efficient houses is becoming more of a requirement than a desire. For a low energy house the production cost will rise due to the increased amount of building materials. Although, there is a rule of thumb saying that a low energy building costs about 10% more to produce than a conventional house but that it’s cheaper to operate. In this report production and operation cost for a single family house will be compared based on different types of frame construction and insulation level. The constructions that will be compared are a timber construction, in situ concrete and situ concrete with extra isolation. The house is designed specifically for a family with teenagers, 14-18 years of age. Through a series of interviews with brokers and with inspiration from the architectural firm Ross Arkitekters idiom, the blueprints have come alive. The designer of the house is Filip Berndtson.

A 3D finite beam element for the modelling of composite wind turbine wings

De Frias Lopez, Ricardo January 2013 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to develop a 3D beam element in order to model wind turbine wings made of composite materials. The proposed element is partly based on the formulation of the classical beam element of constant cross-section without shear deformation (Euler-Bernoulli) and including Saint-Venant torsional effects for isotropic materials, similarly to the one presented in Batoz & Dhatt (1990, pp.147-190). The main novelty consists in the addition of the coupling between axial and bending with torsional effects that may arise when using composite materials. PreComp, a free access code developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to provide structural properties for composite blades, is used to obtain the section properties for the beam element. Its performance is assessed, showing its inaccuracy especially when calculating torsional related constants when webs are present in the cross-section. Shell models of constant cross-section cantilever blades are developed to assess the performance of the beam elements, including or not coupling terms. Natural frequencies and displacements under static loads are compared for different study cases of increasing complexity. For fiber-reinforced materials, elements with coupling terms show good agreement with the shell model, especially for the dynamic problem. Elements without coupling terms are unable to capture the dynamic behavior, as these terms seem to have a higher effect on the results when compared to the static case (especially the FT term).

The influence of ballast on the vibrations of railway bridges

Rehnström, Rikard, Widén, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates two aspects concerning the influence of the ballast on vibrations of railway bridges. The first one is the additional stiffness due to the ballast. For that, a special finite beam element with a non-linear longitudinal stiffness associated to the slip at the interface between the ballast and the bridge is implemented and used to calculate vertical accelerations during and after the passage of a train. The second one is the load distribution of the axle loads through the ballast. To investigate this, a parametric study is carried out on a two dimensional model with plane elements. Based on this load distribution, different load shapes are created, which are used in dynamic analyses in Matlab on three different bridge models. The conclusions are that a linear and a bi-linear longitudinal stiffness at the interface give similar maximum accelerations. Moreover, the critical train velocities are increased with the additional stiffness of the ballast. The study also shows that distributed loads, in general, lowers the maximum accelerations, especially on short bridges.

Settlement behavior of non-compacted rock fill

Nilsson, Johanna, Odén, Petter January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Trafiklaster på broar : Analys av insamlade och Monte Carlo genererade fordonsdata

Getachew, Abraham January 2000 (has links)
This thesis begins with the description of background ,aims and goals of the project. Afterwards, a brief explanation of the probability theory and some probabilistic distribution functions that are used in this work are given.Then the concept of structural reliability is explained. Subsequently the meaning of Monte-Carlo simulation technique in relation to this workis described. Traffic load models given indifferent codes cannot be used directly for the design of long-span bridges, i.e.bridges with span lengths larger than 200 meters. For the determination of the characteristic load values for such bridges, the Swedish National Road Administration (Vli.gverket) conducted traffic load measurements in five different locations in Sweden. All measurement data of course contain errors. Therefore, the collected data from one of the measurement series are investigated in this work. The investigation shows that among the collected data there are vehicles that are registered with unreasonable lengths or/and weights. Totally about 10% of the whole collected data are considered to be inaccurate and should be excluded before further analyses of the vehicle data. About 10%,of the whole collected data, are vehicle dataregistered with one axle. Because of the limited information, these vehicles could not be identified and therefore are not excluded. The characteristic and design traffic load values for different queue lengths are calculated using vehicle data both before and after filtration of inaccurate data. The results hows that the influence of inaccurate data is insignificant. The largest difference between characteristic load values calculated before and after filtration of inaccurate data is 3,5%. Comparing the characteristic as well as the design traffic load values with corresponding values according to BRO 94 shows that the code values are considerably higher than the actual values. In this work, the Monte-Carlo simulation technique is also used to generate vehicle data. The simulated vehicle data show good agreement with the collected data. Afterwards, the probability distribution functions from the simulated as well as the collected vehicle data are calculated and compared. The result shows that the probability distribution functions agree well specially for grater queue weight values. / QC 20110810

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