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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecological impacts of traffic noise - A national spatial assessment for Sweden.

Karimpour, Marzieh January 2012 (has links)
Increased utilization of terrestrial vehicles requires devotion of huge efforts to provide road infrastructure for increased accessibility. Meanwhile, there is no doubt that transportation infrastructure has major impacts on ecosystems, ecological processes and biodiversity at a landscape scale. These impacts result from habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation, spreading of invasive species, noise pollution, road mortality but also more unknown impacts such as altered isolation patterns. This study aims to picture probable impacts of noise in the current transportation infrastructure at a national scale in Sweden. The study involves mapping of potential conflict zones between roads and ecological networks by defining road-effect zones around roads based on traffic volume, surrounding vegetation type, land cover type and consequently noise level for each segment of the roads. Focal to this study are impacts of noise on areas of importance for nature conservation like key habitat areas, meadows, pastures and wetlands. A method called "Calculation of Road Traffic Noise" (CRTN) was selected for calculation of noise generated by traffic flows in Sweden .The analysis was performed by using data on roads from the National Road Database and SAMPERS, land cover data, data on biodiversity conservation, and national databases concerning nature values. The analysis was done with a spatial prediction model based on a Geographic Information System (GIS), using Sweden as a case study. According to the results, 813 ha of nature values are exposed to noise levels higher than 55 dB; same wise, 2190 ha of outlined areas with nature values are exposed to noise higher than 45 dB. The study provided baseline information and a broad prediction of main impacts on biodiversity at landscape and regional scales. Impact prediction of alternative planning scenarios will be facilitated using the GIS-based prediction models and assist decision making on allocation of future roads. Using such methods when discussing future localization of road infrastructure will be useful for integrated sustainability assessment and strategic environmental assessment. Thus, it provides possibilities for minimizing adverse impacts of infrastructure on biodiversity at an early planning stage.

Enskilda avlopp i Frösunda; en gemensam inverkan på åkerströmmens hälsa.

Lindberg, Felix January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Problem med rättighetslösningar vid tredimensionell fastighetsbildning : fastighetsägarnas perspektiv

Asplin, Lina, Henriksson, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
Sedan 1 januari år 2004 finns möjlighet att ny- och ombilda tredimensionella fastigheter och fastighetsutrymmen. När tredimensionella fastigheter och fastighetsutrymmen bildas måste nödvändiga rättigheter tillförsäkras som fastigheten behöver för att fungera på ett ändamålsenligt sätt. Vilka rättighetslösningar som ska väljas för att detta krav ska vara uppfyllt, är enligt propositionen upp till lantmätaren att avgöra. Dock föreslår lantmäteriet att sakägarnas önskemål bör ges stor betydelse. Hur rättighetsfördelning ska ske har varit oklart sedan lagstiftningen kom. Även om lag och doktrin ger direktiv om hur detta ska ske, är det inte alltid självklart hur reglerna ska appliceras i verkligheten. Syftet med detta exsamensarbete är att undersöka vilka problem som har uppstått med förvaltningen av gemensamhetsanläggningar och servitut som bildats i samband med tredimensionella fastigheter och fastighetsutrymmen. Syftet är även att undersöka hur stort inflytande fastighetsägarna har haft i beslutandet av vilka rättighetslösningar som valts i de enskilda fallen samt deras förståelse för dessa. Till grund för denna studie ligger studier av lagtext, doktrin, förrättningshandlingar och tidigare examensarbeten samt en enkätundersökning med uppföljande frågor via mail. Enkätundersökningen har visat att de flesta fastighetsägare verkar ha förstått fastighetsindelningen och rättigheternas innebörd och att de inte hade velat ha mer inflytande i beslutandet av vilken rättighetslösning som skulle väljas. De flesta fastighetsägare som har uppgett att de har någon typ av problem, anser att de inte har haft någon dialog med lantmätaren om vilken rättighetslösning som skulle väljas. De önskar även att de hade haft mer inflytande i detta val. Studien visar även att de flesta är nöjda med de rättighetslösningar som har valts. Övervägande del anger att förvaltningen av gemensamhetsanläggningar och servitut och samarbetet med andra berörda fastighetsägare har fungerat bra. Dock är det över en tredjedel av de svarande som har beskrivit någon typ av problem och de flesta av dessa är att hänföra till tredimensionell fastighetsindelning. De problem som framkommit har främst rört ofullständiga rättigheter, antingen finns ett behov av komplettering av en rättighet eller har en rättighet saknats helt. Några problem har varit att hänföra till driften av rättigheterna och i några fall har problem som rör gränsdragning mellan fastigheter framkommit. I detta arbete kunde det konstateras att vilka rättigheter som ska väljas beror på förutsättningarna från fall till fall. Flexibla lösningar, som är överskådliga och där detaljeringsgraden inte är för hög, är något som bör eftersträvas, för att lösningarna även ska fungera i framtiden och med nya fastighetsägare. Denna studie har visat att det är viktigt att lantmätaren har en tidig dialog med fastighetsägaren, och att denne är lyhörd inför fastighetsägarens önskemål, för att förhindra framtida problem. Där användningsområdena är olika bör rättighetslösningarna separeras så långt det är möjligt med hänsyn till fastigheternas begränsningar. Det har även kunnat konstateras att det är viktigt att lantmätaren är extra noggrann och även, vid behov, rådgör med kollegor när denne handlägger ärenden rörande tredimensionell fastighetsbildning.

Planavvikelser : en studie i tolkningen av begreppet

Glad, Torbjörn January 2012 (has links)
Merparten av nyexploatering gällande flerbostadshus sker på mark som är detaljplanelagd – det finns därmed ramar för vad som kan tillåtas vid bygglovsprövningen. Det finns dock möj-lighet att enligt 9 kap 31 b § PBL göra en "liten avvikelse" från detaljplanen om den är fören-lig med planens syfte. I denna uppsats kommer jag göra en djupare analys av vad som ryms i begreppet "liten avvikelse" samt hur det tillämpas i praktiken. Den första tydliga upptäckten jag gjorde i detta arbete är den näst intill totala avsaknaden av rättspraxis gällande flerbostadshus och begreppet "liten avvikelse". Detta lägger ett stort an-svar på kommunala tjänstemän – då de ska tolka lagen utan stöd av praxis. I min genomgång av förarbeten och utredningar har jag försökt att identifiera de rekvisit som ryms i begreppet "liten avvikelse", detta resulterade i en tolkningsnyckel bestående av fem villkor/rekvisit som kan ge vägledning av vad som ryms i begreppet "liten avvikelse". En planavvikelse kan anses vara liten då den:  Överensstämmer med planens syfte. (PLANENS SYFTE)  Inte berör allmänna intressen. (ALLMÄNNA INTRESSEN)  Bedöms som liten i kontextuell mening. (KONTEXTEN)  Är godtagbar i belysning av en lämplig stadsbyggnad eller en allmänt önskvärd be-byggelseutveckling. (SYFTE & UTVECKLING ÖVER TID)  Inte har en negativ prejudicerande verkan. (PREJUDICERANDE VERKAN)

Ändringarna i expropriationslagens ersättningsbestämmelser : Har lagändringarna lett till några effekter för Trafikverket?

Törnqvist, Sofia, Adolfsson, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
In December 2005 the government ordered a group to investigate the compensation law of expropriation. The purpose was to change the law so that it would reflect today’s conditions of expropriation.  The result of the investigation was that some changes were made in the law of expropriation. The aim of the changes was to strengthen the ownership of properties. Following changes was made in august 2010; the deduction of tolerance was rescinded as well as the rule of presumption and a new rule was added saying that the market value/decrease in market value should be multiplied with 25 percent when the compensation was calculated.   The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Trafikverket has experienced these changes from 2010. The thesis focus on following questions; how the valuation of the market value is done, if the compensation for the market value/decrease in market value has increased with 25 percent and if the landowners get compensation for the same damages as earlier. The results of each question is dedicated an own chapter where we present the result in text followed by a short analysis, the analysis is further developed in the discussion.   Some land negotiators at Trafikverket was interviewed, in aim to get knowledge in how the process of valuation was done. Interviews with people with special knowledge in the subject was also being made, in order to get more deepen knowledge for the subject. To see if the landowners get compensation for the same damages as before august 2010, some agreements for the acquisitions of land was analysed.   The conclusion from the interviews and the analysis of the agreements is that land negotiators at Trafikverket use different methods in order to value the market value. In particular, we can state that the documentation for this can be improved. It has been hard to find out if the compensation for the market value/decrease in market value has increased with 25 percent, because we did not find enough with information for this in the agreements. Though, the interviews show that the increase is different depending on which land negotiators who has made the valuation. This is because some land negotiators now use lower initial values while some does the valuation exactly as they did before august 2010. We can also conclude that the landowners get compensation for the same damages as earlier. Finally, we can conclude that the land negotiators at Trafikverket have experienced the extra 25 percent as a necessary change in the law of expropriation. They also think that 25 percent is a good level and they do not experience the process more complicated because of this changes.

The Internationalization of Swedish SMEs : how does internationalization affect individual firm’s capital and credit risk structure?

Ahlgren, Max, Goldmann, Jacob January 2012 (has links)
In this master thesis we examine how the level of internationalization, i.e. a firm’s relative exposure to foreign sales, affects individual SMEs in Sweden. Since it is conducted using a data sample with Swedish SMEs its applicability in other countries may vary. The aspects concerned in which the internationalization affects the firm’s structure is limited to the areas of capital structure, credit risk and the factors affecting credit risk. Altman’s Z-score model is employed to approximate a firm’s credit risk and the debt ratio represents the firm’s capital structure. The purpose of the thesis is to increase the knowledge and provide insights on how internationalization affects SMEs in general and in Sweden in particular. Knowledge on how internationalization affects firms is scarce and by this thesis we have extended the known area of the topic and shed light on this relatively unexplored SME aspect. Our hope is that by highlighting differences (and similarities) in credit risk attributes of high and low internationalized firms SMEs this will improve their financial transparency and ease their attracting and access to external sources of capital. To examine the effects of internationalization on Swedish SMEs we have employed statistical techniques, most importantly regression analysis. Our study has not only implications for academics, but for all parts that has any interest in efficient credit scoring models and to understand credit risk characteristics and how internationalization affects SMEs. Banks, policy makers and credit rating agencies are constantly pursuing improvements in the efficiency and accuracy of quantifying credit risk by developing credit-scoring models. Banks because they want to minimize credit losses and maximize profitability and policy makers to secure a viable business environment for companies to nurture economic growth, employment, innovation and the country’s competitiveness. The SME segment has received extra attention lately due to the financing barriers they are facing. Our results are contradictory to some earlier research in the area and in line with other. This implies that the characteristics and relationship of SMEs credit risk and internationalization changes over time and/or differs between countries, perhaps even between regions within national borders. For example we arrived at the conclusion that our basic model indicates a positive relationship between internationalization and credit risk, in line with both Rugman (2009) and Caves (2007). Our analysis shows no significant difference in the firm’s capital structure depending on the internationalization, although younger companies tended to have a higher level of internationalization. This finding is contradictory to the research conducted by Burgman (2009) and the reports carried out by the European Commission whose report reaches the conclusion that older firms had a higher level of international exposure.

Fiskevård och delning av fiske vid lantmäteriförrättningar : Studie av FBL 3 kap 8 §

Faming, Linnéa, Karlsson, Emma January 2012 (has links)
AbstractThis bachelor thesis was performed at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on behalf of the Land Survey Authority. The thesis is about fish conservation and division of fishing water at official duty. It is the Land Survey Authority that examines division of fisheries, but before a case can be implemented, certain requirements must be achieved such as FBL 3:8, which prevent divisions that are deleterious for fish conservation. The purpose of this thesis is: to obtain a clearer view how FBL 3:8 should be applied in practice, how the application differs between the offices in central Sweden, and how fish care is regulated at both international and national levels. At an international level, in EU the commercial fishery is regulated through the common fisheries policy (CFP). The fisheries policy consists of a reform that will last for 10 years. CFP is a multi-objective policy, consisting of four principal components: a conservation policy, a structural policy, a market policy, and finally, third-country agreements and international conventions. National, it is the recreation fishery that is regulated. The authority inSwedenthat is responsible for the fish conservation areas is the county administrative board and is also the one who ensures that the regional objectives are followed. To find out how the application of FBL 3:8 appears in central Sweden, a questionnaire was sent to the counties in Stockholm, Uppsala and Örebro, containing 15 questions of both fish conservation and fish easement character. The survey responses show wide agreement with each other. For example, that the numbers of cases that include dividing fishing water are few, that fishing easements basically had never been granted and that the land surveying authority consults with the County Administration Board when the issues of fish dividing occurs. The three land surveying offices also say that they follow the consultant statements from the consultation. The archipelago In the Baltic Sea is already so fragmented that further division almost never happen because the county opposes it. To finding out how FBL 3:8 should be applied, the land surveying authority’s manual was useful. When a surveyor decides how the fish conservation is affected by a real estate action, consultation with fishery consultant in the county is the most important basis. The County Board is an authority with supervision but it also has an advisory role.

Bredband - Väsentlig betydelse enligt anläggningslagen?

Nordqvist, Johanna, Twengström, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
Den tekniska utvecklingen går fort framåt och tillgång till en fungerande och snabb internetuppkoppling blir allt viktigare. Inom de närmaste åren kommer en stor del av Sveriges befolkning och företag att få tillgång till snabbt bredband via fiber. I vissa delar av landet finns inte tillräckligt stort kundunderlag för att det ska vara lönsamt för operatörerna på marknaden att ta initiativ till utbyggnaden. I dessa områden är det upp till fastighetsägarna själva att gå samman och att på egen hand se till att fiberutbyggnaden blir av. Fastighetsägarna kan i dessa fall välja att organisera sig i en gemensamhetsanläggning. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka om bredband via fiber kan vara av väsentlig betydelse för en fastighet. Om bredband via fiber är av väsentlig betydelse kan en fastighet anslutas till en gemensamhetsanläggning för bredband mot fastighetsägarens vilja och utrymme för ledningar kan upplåtas utan stöd av en överenskommelse med markägaren. För att väsentlighetsvillkoret ska vara uppfyllt krävs att fastigheten har ett påtagligt behov av nyttigheten. Vi gör bedömningen att en bostadsfastighet har ett påtagligt behov av möjlighet till en fungerande internetuppkoppling. Finns det tillgång till fungerande alternativa lösningar måste det visas att bredband via fiber är den ekonomiskt mest fördelaktiga lösningen för att väsentlighetsvillkoret ska vara uppfyllt.

Corporate Bonds - An Emerging Source of Financing for Swedish Real Estate Companies

Donner, Herman, Svensk, Victor January 2012 (has links)
Banks have become increasingly restrictive in their lending towards commercial real estate, a development that is expected to increase due to new regulations. This has caused Swedish companies, amongst them several real estate companies, to obtain financing through the capital markets. The main focus of this paper is corporate bonds, and those Swedish real estate companies that have issued bonds. We distinguish between government owned and other real estate companies, as their creditworthiness differ considerably. The research is based upon interviews with people in the industry as well as pre-existing secondary data.   The Swedish bond market is underdeveloped as Swedish companies traditionally obtain debt through bank loans. Until a few years ago, only government owned real estate companies had issued bonds; although since 2010, several real estate companies without government ownership have issued unsecured bonds, this as availability of bank loans has decreased due to new regulations. Increased bank funding costs and increased bank loan margins has further caused prices of bank loans to rise. Swedish banks are increasingly reluctant to finance higher LTV-levels, and loans are conditioned with an increasing number of covenants. Issues of corporate bonds provides the benefit of funding diversification – decreasing overall financial risk; and allows for higher LTVs as financing on top of bank loans. In order for corporate bonds to be an alternative to bank loans, secured bonds would have to be issued. However, there is some uncertainty regarding how such bonds would be priced. We have investigated the yield-determinants of bonds issued by real estate companies, as well as the motives for real estate companies to issue bonds. Investors perceive corporate bonds as an increasingly attractive investment compared to other asset classes, fuelling a development towards increased bond issues amongst real estate companies.

Improving Construction Logistics: a case study of residential building project

Matouzko, Valeriy, Methanivesana, Natapatchara January 2012 (has links)
This study concerns logistics at the construction projects. Most construction projects suffer from unnecessary activities on site which indicates the need for improving construction logistics. Hence the purpose of this paper was to investigate, through site observations and interviews, the current logistics situation on the construction site and to suggest possible solution for improving construction logistics. The main focus of this study was on material deliveries and time that craftsmen spend on handling materials. The thesis concludes that skilled craftsmen are transporting the third part of all incoming interior materials by their selves. Due to poor logistics planning workers are also doing lots of rework and extra work. The study showed that, by implementing other logistics solutions, it is possible to reduce the production costs by 65 SEK/m2 of living area and also to shorten the production time by 3.3%.    The study actualizes the importance of construction logistics which is often underestimated. The study also showed what consequences ineffective logistics solution could have on the construction project. While, on the opposite, proper logistics planning gives benefits to the project.

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