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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uno spazio di confine tra Liguria e Provenza : La Val Nervia nel basso medioevo e nella prima età moderna (secoli XII-XVII) / Une vallée frontière entre Provence et Ligurie : La Nervia au Moyen Âge et dans le premier âge moderne (XIIe-XVIIe siècle) / A Borderland between Provence and Liguria : the Nervia Valley during the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period, 1100-1600

Cassioli, Marco 05 April 2014 (has links)
Le présent travail se propose de reconstruire la genèse et l'évolution de la frontière entre Provence et Ligurie et son impact sur les sociétés locales. L'enquête a choisi, pour zone spécifique, la vallée de la Nervia. Comprise entre les montagnes du Ponant ligure et de la région de Nice, elle a seule constitué pendant plus de cinq siècles (1262-1796) une marche entre deux entités étatiques souvent en conflit : la République de Gênes à l'est, la Provence angevine puis les domaines savoyards à l'ouest. La recherche n'a pas mobilisé moins d'un millier de documents répartis entre les archives de trois pays européens (France, Italie, Monaco). Pour le Moyen Âge, elle a mis d'abord en lumière l'importance tant économique que stratégique de la vallée. Elle a concurremment retracé les politiques menées dans la contrée par Gênes, par la Provence et par les Savoie en matière de communications routières, de production et d'échanges, comme de peuplement. Elle a autant considéré les relations complexes entre seigneurs et communautés. À cette première partie succède une analyse des sociétés locales au seizième siècle. Une attention particulière est accordée aux Doria de Dolceacqua et à leur rôle dans le développement « proto-industriel » du territoire, en tant que gros entrepreneurs dans les secteurs du vin, de l'huile d'olive et du papier. La diffusion de la Réforme dans les villages gouvernés par le duc de Savoie et le renouveau catholique post-tridentin se sont révélés comme d'autres thèmes majeurs. La dernière partie de la thèse se propose de déterminer jusqu'à quel point la présence d'une frontière influa sur la vie et sur les activités quotidiennes des habitants. / This work aims to reconstruct the genesis and the evolution of the frontier between Liguria and Provence and its impact on local societies. The specific area of research is the Nervia Valley: the only, among the valleys of western Liguria and the region of Nice, to have constituted for more than five centuries (1262-1796) a frontier between two countries often in conflict, the Republic of Genoa in the east and Angevin Provence (later Savoy) in the west. Based on a thousand documents preserved at the archives of three European states (France, Italy and Monaco), the study firstly highlights both the economic and strategic importance of the Nervia Valley; the road network, economic and settlement policies pursued in this area by Genoa, Provence and the House of Savoy; the complex relations between Lords and communities. The second part of the work investigates the local societies in the Sixteenth century. Special attention is devoted to the Doria of Dolceacqua and to their role in the industrial development of the territory as wine, olive oil and paper entrepreneurs; to the diffusion of the ideas fostered by the Reformation in the villages governed by the duke of Savoy; and to the post-Tridentine Catholic renewal. The final part tries to assess to what degree the presence of a frontier influenced the life and daily activities of the inhabitants.

Performing Protest in Cross-Cultural Spaces: Paul Robeson and Othello

Sawyer, Robert 01 September 2017 (has links)
When the famous African-American actor and singer Paul Robeson played the lead in Shakespeare's Othello in London in 1930, tickets were in high demand during the production's first week. The critical response, however, was less positive, although the reviews unanimously praised his bass-baritone delivery. When Robeson again played Othello on Broadway thirteen years later, critics praised not only his voice but also his acting, the drama running for 296 performances. My argument concerning Robeson uses elements first noted by Henri Lefebvre in his seminal work, The Production of Space, while I also draw on Paul Connerton's work on commemorative practices. Using spatial and memorial theories as a backdrop for examining his two portrayals, I suggest that Robeson's nascent geopolitical awareness following the 1930 production, combined with his already celebrated musical voice, allowed him to perform the role more dramatically in 1943.

Fitohemijski sastav, lekoviti potencijal i senzorne karakteristike sorti vrsta Brassica oleracea L. i Brassica rapa L. (Brassicaceae) iz organskog i konvencionalnog sistema proizvodnje / The phytochemical composition, healing potential and sensory characteristics of cultivars of Brassica oleracea L. i Brassica rapa L. species (Brassicaceae) from organic and conventional cropping systems

Bošković Svetlana 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu su ispitani hemijski sastav i biolo&scaron;ka aktivnost vrsta&nbsp;<em> Brassica oleracea&nbsp; </em>i<em>&nbsp; Brassica rapa</em>&nbsp; poreklom iz organskog i konvencionalnog sistema proizvodnje. Ispitivanja hemijskog sastava su obuhvatila određivanje volatilnih komponenata primenom headspace GC-MS tehnike, kvalitativnu analizu sokova ispitivanih vrsta pomoću LC-DAD-MS/MS tehnike, kvantifikaciju odabranih fenolnih jedinjenja&nbsp;pomoću LC-MS/MS tehnike i spektrofotometrijsko određivanje sadržaja ukupnih glukozinolata, fenola i flavonoida i sadržaja ukupnih monomernih antocijana. Biolo&scaron;ka aktivnost povrća je ispitana određivanjem antioksidantnog potencijal, antimikrobne i antitumorske aktivnosti sokova. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su glavne volatilne komponente ispitivanih vrsta degradacioni proizvodi masnih kiselina i organosumpornih jedinjenja od kojih neke od identifikovanih komponenata predstavljaju ključne mirisne komponente. Na osnovu njihove distribucije nije bilo moguće utvrditi uticaj sistema proizvodnje na miris i ukus ispitivanih vrsta. Pomoću LC-DAD-MS/MS i LC-MS/MS tehnike je utvrđeno prisustvo primarnih metabolita, slobodnih hidroksibenzoevih i hidroksicimetnih kiselina, derivate hinske kiseline&nbsp;sa hidroksicimetnim kiselinama, glikozida flavonola, biflavonoida, i kumarina u sokovima spitivanih vrsta. Pored toga u svim sokovima subili prisutni kondenzacioni proizvodi degradacionih proizvoda indolnih glukozinolata sa askorbinskom kiselinom-&nbsp; askorbigen i metoksiaskorbigen. U sokovima crvenog kupusa su bili prisutni antocijani. Najveći sadržaj ukupnih glukozinolata je određen u brokoliju, dok je crveni kupus sadržao najveći sadržaj ukupnih fenola ukupnih flavonoida kao i hinske kiseline. Crveni kupus je bio varijetet koji je ispoljio najvi&scaron;i antioksidantni kapacitet u svim primenjenim testovima, brokoli i karfiol su ispoljili najjaču antimikrobnu aktivnost, dok je kelj bio varijetet sa najjačim antitumorskim delovanjem. Na osnovu analize hemijskog sastava i biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti vrsta <em>B</em>. <span id="cke_bm_177S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em>oleracea</em><span id="cke_bm_177E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span> i&nbsp;<em> B. rapa</em>&nbsp; može se <span id="cke_bm_178E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>zaključiti da u zavisnosti od primenjenog tipa&nbsp;proizvodnje mogu biti pobolj&scaron;ane neke od karakteristika ispitivanih vrsta i da je uticaj sistema proizvodnje značajan za pojedine varijetete, a nikako za celu vrstu. U konačnom obliku može se zaključiti da bi potencijalna kombinacija sokova crvenog kupusa, brokolija, karfiola i kelja mogla ostvariti značajno hemopreventivno i hemoterapeutsko delovanje, ispoljavajući istovremeno antioksidantnu, antimikrobnu i antitumorsku aktivnost.</p> / <p>Chemical composition and biological activity of<em>&nbsp; Brassica oleracea</em>&nbsp; and&nbsp; <em>B. rapa&nbsp;</em> species were investigated in the present work. Investigation of chemical composition&nbsp; encompassed determination of volatile compounds by headspace GC-MS technique, qualitative analysis of juices of investigated vegetables by LC-DAD-MS/MS technique, quantification of selected phenolic compounds by LC-MS/MS technique and spectrophotometric determination of total content of glucosinolates, phenolic compounds and flavonoids and total content of monomeric anthocyanes. Biological activity of vegetables was investigated by determination of antioxidant capacity, antimicrobial and antitumorigenic effect of juices. Obtained results showed that main volatile compounds were degradation products of fatty acids and organo-sulphur compounds among which some of the identified components were the key aroma compounds. Based on their distribution it was not possible to evaluate influence of cropping system on aroma and taste of investigated species. By LC-DAD-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS techniques, it was determined the presence of primary metabolites, freehydroxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic acids, derivatives of quinic acid and hidroxicinnamic acids, flavonol glucosides, biflavnoids&nbsp; and a cumarin in juices of the investigated species. Furthermore, condensation products of degradation products of indole glucosinolates with ascorbic acid-&nbsp; ascorbigen and metoxiascorbigen were present in all juices. Anthocyanes were present in juices of red cabbage. The highest total content of glucosinolates was determined in broccoli, while red cabbage had the highest total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, as well as content of qunic acid. Red cabbage was a variety that showed the highest antioxidant capacity measured by different assays. Broccoli and cauliflower expressed the highest antimicrobial potential, while Savoy cabbage was a variety with the highest antitumor effect. Investigation of chemical composition and biological activity showed that applied cropping conditions may be useful for improving some of the characteristics of investigated species and significance of cropping system only&nbsp; for particular varieties, but not for the whole species in general. As the conclusion, potential&nbsp; combination of juices of red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Savoy cabbage could be potent chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agent, expressing simultaneously antioxidant, antimicrobial and antitumor activity.</p>

The Augustinian canons of St. Ursus : reform, identity, and the practice of place in Medieval Aosta

Kaufman, Cheryl Lynn 06 July 2011 (has links)
This dissertation studies a local manifestation of ecclesiastical reform in the medieval county of Savoy: the twelfth-century transformation of secular canons into Augustinian regular canons at the church of Sts. Peter and Ursus in the alpine town of Aosta (now Italy). I argue that textual sources, material culture, and the practice of place together express how the newly reformed canons established their identity, shaped their material environment, and managed their relationship with the unreformed secular canons at the cathedral. The pattern of regularization in Aosta—instigated by a new bishop influenced by ideas of canonical reform—is only one among several models for implementing reform in medieval Savoy. This study asserts the importance of this medieval county as a center for reforming efforts among a regional network of churchmen, laymen, and noblemen, including the count of Savoy, Amadeus III (d. 1148). After a prologue and introduction, chapter 1 draws on traditional textual evidence to recount the history of reform in medieval Savoy. Chapters 2 through 4 focus on the twelfth-century sculpted capitals in the cloister built to accommodate the common life of the new regular canons. Several of the historiated capitals portray the biblical siblings, Martha and Mary, and Leah and Rachel, as material metaphors that reflect and reinforce the active and contemplative lives of the Augustinian canons. Other capitals represent the regular canons’ assertion of their precedence over the cathedral canons and suggest tensions between the two communities. The final chapter examines thirteenth-century conflicts over bell-ringing and ecclesiastical processions in the urban topography of Aosta to illustrate how the regular and secular canons continued to negotiate their relationship. Appendices include an English translation of a vita of St. Ursus (BHL 8453). The dissertation as a whole reconstructs the places and material culture of medieval Aosta to convey the complexities of religious and institutional life during a time of reform and beyond. / text

La place des prieurés conventuels dans la vie économique, politique et religieuse du diocèse de Genève-Annecy aux XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles / The role of the conventual priories in the economic, political and religious life of the Annecy-Geneva's diocese in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries

Bouziat, Quentin 29 February 2012 (has links)
Au Xe siècle, l’Eglise savoyarde se trouve dans une situation catastrophique. Désorganisé par les différentes invasions, le clergé séculier peine à se redresser. Pour remédier à cette situation, l’épiscopat décide l’installation de moines venus des grandes abbayes. C’est ainsi que l’on note l’apparition de nombreux prieurés sur les terres diocésaines. Ces maisons religieuses s’installent durablement et prennent une place importante dans la vie des paroisses qui les accueillent. Leurs destins diffèrent, mais certains prieurés réguliers sont toujours conventuels à l’époque moderne. Les différents évêques en dénombrent cinq, dont quatre sont fondés autour du Xe siècle. Il s’agit des prieurés de Bellevaux en Bauges, de Peillonnex, de Talloires et de Contamine. Cette étude porte sur le rôle que jouent ces institutions dans le contexte de la Contre-Réforme catholique, instaurée dans le diocèse au cours des dernières décennies du XVIe siècle. Elle s’articule autour de trois grandes parties. La première retrace l’évolution des prieurés depuis leur fondation jusqu’à l’instauration de la Réforme à Genève. La seconde partie relate l’histoire des différents monastères au cours de trois siècles de l’Ancien Régime. La troisième et dernière partie est plus thématique. Elle tente de définir la place qu’occupent les prieurés conventuels dans la vie politique, religieuse et économique du diocèse de Genève-Annecy aux XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. / In the 10th century, the Church from Savoy is in a very poor state. Weakened by various invasions, the secular clergy struggles to recover. Monks from major abbeys are sent by the episcopate influencing the creation of priories on the diocesan land. These religious houses settle permanently and play an important role in the life of the parishes hosting them. While regular priories had to face different fates, some of them are still conventual in the modern era. The different bishops count five conventual priories, but only four of these were founded around the 10th century. These are the priories of Bellevaux en Bauges, Peillonnex, Talloires and Contamine. This study focuses on the role of these institutions in the context of the Catholic Reformation introduced in the diocese during the last decades of the 16th century. The study is based on three main points. The first point traces back the evolution of the priories from their foundation until the introduction of the Reform movement in Geneva. The second part concentrates on the story of the monasteries over three centuries under the Ancien Regime. The last part is more thematic as it outlines how the conventual priories influence the political, religious and economic life of the Annecy-Geneva's diocese in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.

Villes et bourgs en Savoie de la Réforme à la Révolution / Towns and market towns from the Reformation to the French Revolution

Bouverat, Dominique 19 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail fait émerger les indices d'urbanité dans une Savoie encore toute rurale, entre 1536 (indépendance de Genève) et septembre 1792 (invasion de la Savoie par les troupes révolutionnaires françaises). Une première partie dégage d'abord un corpus de villes, de villes-bourgs et de simples bourgs, à partir des témoignages contemporains. Elle insiste ensuite sur les conditions du développement urbain. La Savoie urbaine compte de toutes petites villes, dont le ressort s'étend généralement sur un territoire et une population ruraux importants. Au cours de la période, ces cités connaissent une croissance démographique faible, voire négative pour nombre de bourgs. Quelques traits spécifiques à la démographie urbaine caractérisent les villes savoyardes (surmortalité, surféminité, faible part des familles élargies et multiples...). L'examen des fonctions administratives, religieuses et culturelles dévoile une hiérarchie urbaine dominée par Chambéry, et dans une moindre mesure par six capitales de province. La fonction militaire est insignifiante, sauf à Montmélian. Au plan économique, les villes savoyardes, en général bien situées sur un carrefour international, ont manqué leur chance. En l'absence d'une élite entreprenante et suffisamment aisée, du fait de la pauvreté chronique du duché, et en raison de réticences politiques, elles n'ont pas su capter une partie du commerce européen et n'ont pas accompli de démarrage économique. Une deuxième partie s'intéresse à la pratique de la ville. L'étude du cadre urbain dessine des villes marquées par la ruralité et fortement dépendantes des conditions naturelles. Le manque de moyens financiers et diverses pesanteurs ont empêché les tenants de la gouvernance urbaine de sortir les villes de leur carcan médiéval, même si quelques nouveautés urbanistiques apparaissent à la fin de la période. L'usage social de la ville est également envisagé. Il fait apparaître des facteurs de cohésion qui lient la société urbaine, mais aussi des menaces qui pèsent sur l'ordre social, et des rythmes proches de ceux de la campagne. Une troisième partie cherche à évaluer les capacités d'ouverture des villes savoyardes. Elle s'intéresse aux notions de concurrence, de dépendance et de complémentarité, entre les villes et leurs campagnes, entre les cités du duché, et entre ces dernières et les grandes villes voisines, comme Genève, Lyon, Grenoble ou Turin. En outre, de par sa situation géographique, la Savoie offre un chapelet de villes frontières dont les caractéristiques sont exposées. Un tableau du réseau urbain savoyard à l'époque moderne vient conclure cette étude. / With this work, the urbanity rating can emerge in Savoy which was rural between 1536 (Geneva's Independence) and September 1792 (Savoy's invasion by French revolutionary troops). The first part highlights a corpus of towns, market towns and small towns, from the contemporary stories. Secondly, it states the urban development conditions. The urban Savoy has very small towns, the resort of them generally dwells on important rural territory and population. During this time, this cities show a demographic low growth, or even negative for lots of market towns. The towns in Savoy are characterized by some specifics features in the urban demography like more mortality, more femininity, less enlarged and multiple families...).The exam of the administrative, religious and cultural duties reveal an urban hierarchy dominated by Chambéry and to a lesser extent by six provincial town's capitals. The military duty is insignificant, except Montmélian. The towns in Savoy, even if they are locate on an international junction, lack opportunity on economic level. Without enterprising and enough well-off elite, because of duchy’s chronic poverty and politics reticence, they don’t know how to catch a part of European trade and they don’t accomplish economic starting up. The second part talk about the town’s convenient. The study of the urban environment outlines some rural towns and dependent deeply natural conditions. The lack of financial means and other inertia have stop the urban direction ins to send of the towns to the medieval rigidity, even if some new town planner appears at the end of this period. The social custom of the town is also envisaging. It highlights cohesion’s factor which link the urban society, but threats which influence the social order too, and rate close to those of the countryside. The third part tries to assess openness capacity of the town’s in Savoy. It’s interested in competition, dependence and complementary notions, between the towns and the countryside, between cities duchy, and between the last and the big bordering cities, like Geneva, Lyon, Grenoble and Turin. In addition, by his geographic situation, the Savoy presents some border towns which characteristics are state. A board of the urban network in the Savoy in modern era will conclude this study.

Sword of the Sun: Marshal Boufflers and the Experience of War in the Grand Siècle

Beckman, Steven Andrew, Jr 24 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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