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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les particules en suspension dans les eaux côtières turbides : estimation par mesures optique in situ et depuis l'espace / Optical in situ and geostationary satellite-borne observations of suspended particles in coastal waters

Neukermans, Griet 18 April 2012 (has links)
Les particules en suspension dans l'eau de mer incluent les sédiments, le phytoplancton, le zooplancton, les bactéries, les virus et des détritus. Ces particules sont communément appelés matière en suspension (MES). Dans les eaux côtières, la MES peut parcourir de longues distances et être transportée verticalement à travers la colonne d'eau sous l'effet des vents et des marées favorisant les processus d'advection et de resuspension. Ceci implique une large variabilité spatio-temporelle de MES et quasiment impossible à reconstituer à travers les mesures traditionnelles des concentrations de MES [MES], par filtration de l'eau de mer à bord de bateaux. La [MES] peut être obtenue à partir de capteurs optiques enregistrant la diffusion et déployés soit de manière in-situ, soit à partir d'un satellite dans l'espace. Depuis la fin des années 70, par exemple, les satellites "couleur de l'eau" permettent d'établir des cartes de [MES] globales. La fréquence d'une image par jour pour la mer di Nord de ces capteurs polaires représente un obstacle non négligeable pour l'étude de variabilité de la [MES] dans les eaux côtières où la marée et les vents engendrent des variations rapides au cours de la journée. Cette limitation est d'autant plus importante pour les régions avec une couverture nuageuse fréquente. Les méthodes in-situ à partir d'un navire autonome ou d'une plateforme amarrée permettent d'enregistrer des données en continu mais leur couverture spatiale reste néanmoins limitée. Ce travail a pour objectif de mettre en avant les techniques de mesures in-situ et satellite de la [MES] en se concentrant principalement sur deux points. Premièrement, d'acquérir une meilleure connaissance de la variabilité de la relation entre la [MES] et la lumière diffuse, et deuxièmement, d'établir des cartes de [MES] dans la mer du Nord avec le capteur géostationnaire météorologique Européen (SEVIRI) qui donne des images chaque 15 minutes.La variabilité de la relation entre la [MES] et la lumière diffuse est étudiée à l'aide d'une banque de données in-situ. Nous démontrons que la [MES] est le mieux estimée à partir des mesures dans l'intervalle rouge du spectre de lumière rétro-diffuse. Par ailleurs, la relation entre la [MES] et la rétrodiffusion est gouvernée par la composition organique/inorganique des particules, ce qui représente des possibilités d'amélioration pour les algorithmes d'estimation de [MES] à partir de la couleur de l'eau. Nous démontrons aussi qu'avec SEVIRI il est possible d'estimer la [MES], la turbidité et le coefficient d'atténuation, deux variables étroitement liées à la [MES], avec généralement une bonne précision. Bien qu'il y ait d'importantes incertitudes dans les eaux claires, cette réussite est remarquable pour un capteur météorologique initialement conçu pour le suivi des nuages et des masses glaciaires, cibles beaucoup plus brillantes que la mer! Ce travail démontre pour la première fois que la variabilité de la [MES] à l'échelle temporelle des marées dans les eaux côtières au sud de la mer du Nord peut être capturée et mesurée par le biais de la télédétection de la couleur de l'eau ; ce qui ouvre des opportunités pour le monitoring de la turbidité et pour la modélisation des écosystèmes. Le premier capteur géostationnaire couleur de l'eau a été lancé en juin 2012, donnant des images multispectrale des eaux coréennes chaque heure. D'autres capteurs vont probablement suivre dans l'avenir, couvrant le reste des eaux du globe. Ce travail nous permet donc de préparer, de façon optimale, l'arrivée de ces capteurs qui vont révolutionner l'océanographie optique. / Particles suspended in seawater include sediments, phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteria, viruses, and detritus, and are collectively referred to as suspended particulate matter, SPM. In coastal waters, SPM is transported over long distances and in the water column by biological, tide or wind-driven advection and resuspension processes, thus varying strongly in time and space. These strong dynamics challenge the traditional measurement of the concentration of SPM, [SPM], through filtration of seawater sampled from ships. Estimation of [SPM] from sensors recording optical scattering allows to cover larger temporal or spatial scales. So called ocean colour satelittes, for example, have been used for the mapping of [SPM] on a global scale since the late 1970s. These polar-orbiting satellites typically provide one image per day forthe North Sea area. However, the sampling frequency of these satellites is a serious limitation in coastal waters where [SPM] changes rapidly during the day due to tides and winds.Optical instruments installed on moored platforms or on under-water vehicles can be operated continuously, but their spatial coverage is limited. This work aims to advance in situ and space-based optical techniques for [SPM] retrieval by investigating the natural variability in the relationship between [SPM] and light scattering by particles and by investigating whether the European geostationary meteorological SEVIRI sensor, which provides imagery every 15 minutes, can be used for the mapping of [SPM] in the southern North Sea. Based on an extensive in situ dataset, we show that [SPM] is best estimated from red light scattered in the back directions (backscattering). Moreover, the relationship between [SPM]] and particulate backscattering is driven by the organic/inorganic composition of suspended particles, offering opportunities to improve [SPM] retrieval algorithms. We also show that SEVIRI successfully retrieves [SPM] and related parameters such as turbidity and the vertical light attenuation coefficient in turbid waters. Even though uncertainties are considerable in clear waters, this is a remarkable result for a meteorological sensor designed to monitor clouds and ice, much brighter targets than the sea! On cloud free days, tidal variability of [SPM] can now be resolved by remote sensing for the first time, offering new opportunities for monitoring of turbidity and ecosystem modelling. In June 2010 the first geostationary ocean colour sensor was launched into space which provides hourly multispectral imagery of Korean waters. Other geostationary ocean colour sensors are likely to become operational in the (near?) future over the rest of the world's sea. This work allows us to maximally prepare for the coming of geostationary ocean colour satellites, which are expected to revolutionize optical oceanography. / De in zeewater aanwezige zwevende materie zoals sedimenten, fytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteriën, virussen en detritus, worden collectief "suspended particulate matter" (SPM) genoemd. In kustwateren worden deze deeltjes over lange afstanden en in de waterkolom getransporteerd door biologische processen of wind- of getijdenwerking, waardoor SPM sterk varieert in ruimte en tijd. Door deze sterke dynamiek wordt de traditionele bemonstering van de concentratie van SPM, [SPM], door middel van filtratie van zeewaterstalen aan boord van schepen ontoereikend. Optische technieken die gebruik maken van de lichtverstriioongseigenschappen van SPM bieden een gebieds- of tijdsdekkend alternatief. Zogenaamde "ocean colour" satellieten bijvoorbeeld leveren beelden van o.a. [SPM] aan het zeeoppervlak op globale schaal sinds eind 1970, met een frequantie van één beeld per dag voor de Noordzee. Deze frequentie is echter onvoldoende in onze kustwateren waar [SPM] drastisch kan veranderen in enkele uren tijd. Optische instrumenten aan boord vann schepen of op onderwatervoertuigen kunnen continu meten, maar de gebiedsdekking is deperkt. Dit werk heeft tot doel de lichtverstriioongseigenschappen van SPM te karakterizeren en te onderzoeken of de Europese geostationaire weersatelliet, die elk kwartier een beeld geeft, kan worden gebruikt voor de kartering van [SPM] in de zuidelijke Noordzee. Op basis van een grote dataset van in situ metingen tonen wij aan dat [SPM] het nauwkeurigst kan worden bepaald door de meting van de verstrooiing van rood licht in achterwaartse richtingen (terugverstrooiing). Bovendien blijkt de relatie tussen [SPM] en terugverstrooiing afhankelijk van de organische-anorganische samenstelling van zwenvende stof, wat mogelijkhenden biedt tot het verfijnen van teledetectiealgoritmen voor [SPM]. Voorts tonen woj aan dat de Europese weersatelliet, SEVIRI, successvol kan worden aangewend voor de kartering van [SPM] en gerelateerde parameters zoals troebelheid en lichtdemping in de waterkolom. Hoewel met grote meetonzekerheid in klaar water toch een opmerkelijk resultaat voor een sensor die ontworpen werd voor detectie van wolken en ijs! Op wolkenvrije dagen wordt hierdoor de getijdendynamiek van [SPM] in de zuidelijke Noordzee voor het eerst detecteerbaar vanuit de ruimte, wat nieuwe mogelijkheden biedt voor de monitoring van waterkwaliteit en verbetering van ecosysteellodellen. Sinds juni 2010 is de eerste geostationaire ocean colour satelliet een feit : elk uur een multispectraal beeld van Koreaanse wateren. Vermoedelijk zullen er in de (nabije?) toekomst meer volgen over Europa en Amerika. Dit werk laat toe ons maximaal voor te bereiden op te komst van zo'n satellieten, waarvan verwacht wordt dat zij een nieuwe revolutie in optische oceanografie zullen ontketenen.

Investigations of light scattering by Australian natural waters for remote sensing applications

O'Bree, Terry Adam, s9907681@student.rmit.edu.au January 2007 (has links)
Remote sensing is the collection of information about an object from a distance without physically being in contact with it. The type of remote sensing of interest here is in the form of digital images of water bodies acquired by satellite. The advantage over traditional sampling techniques is that data can be gathered quickly over large ranges, and be available for immediate analysis. Remote sensing is a powerful technique for the monitoring of water bodies. To interpret the remotely sensed data, however, knowledge of the optical properties of the water constituents is needed. One of the most important of these is the volume scattering function, which describes the angular distribution of light scattered by a sample. This thesis presents the first measurements of volume scattering functions for Australian waters. Measurements were made on around 40 different samples taken from several locations in the Gippsland lakes and the Great Barrier Reef. The measurements were made by modifying an existing static light scattering spectrometer in order to accurately measure the volume scattering functions. The development of the apparatus, its calibration and automation, and the application of a complex series of post-acquisition data corrections, are all discussed. In order to extrapolate the data over the full angular range, the data was analysed using theoretical curves calculated for multi-modal size distributions using Mie light scattering theory applied to each data set. From the Mie fits the scattering and backscattering coefficients were calculated. These were compared with scattering coefficients measured using in situ sensors ac-9 and Hydroscat-6, and with values from the literature. The effect of chlorophyll a concentrations on the scattering coefficients was examined, and a brief investigation of the polarisation properties of the samples was also undertaken. Finally the angular effects on the relationship between the backscattering coefficient and the volume scattering function were investigated. This is important as in situ backscattering sensors often assume that measuring at a single fixed-angle is a good approximation for calculating the backscattering coefficient. This assumption is tested, and the optimal measurement angle determined.

Elucidating the nature of bonding in mechanical pulps

Lehtonen, Lauri Kalevi 11 1900 (has links)
Bond strength is classically characterized into two separate factors; area of the bond and specific bond strength. This separation is especially important in pulps that lack strength properties, and are specifically used for their optical properties, such as mechanical pulps. In this research the applicability of the Ingmansson and Thode method for distinguishing between specific bonded area and specific bond strength in mechanical pulps is studied. It is shown that the rigid, non-collapsable, nature of the mechanical pulp can be overcome by press drying the sheets until they approach their 50% relative humidity moisture content. Mechanical pulps have been assumed to operate in a domain where fiber failure can be considered insignificant, and the bonded area to tensile strength relationship is linear. In this study it was shown that most commercial pulps operate in a significant fiber failure domain. However, it is shown that pure fines and fines rich mechanical pulp better follow a linear bonded area to tensile strength relationship rather than a non-linear (significant fiber failure) model, suggesting that only the fiber fraction undergoes fiber failure and the finer fractions predominantly bond failure. The Ingmansson and Thode method relies on the use of scattering coefficient as a measure of specific surface area. It is shown that scattering coefficient is an accurate estimate of mechanical pulp specific surface area at a constant wavelength of light, provided that the wavelength used to measure scattering coefficient is above the significant absorption limit.

Characterization of Athabasca asphaltenes separated physically and chemically using small-angle X-ray scattering

Amundarain, Jesus Unknown Date
No description available.

Characterization of Athabasca asphaltenes separated physically and chemically using small-angle X-ray scattering

Amundarain, Jesus 11 1900 (has links)
Athabasca asphaltenes were characterized using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) with synchrotron radiation. Two methods were used to separate asphaltenes from Athabasca bitumen. Conventional chemical separation by precipitation with n-pentane, and physical separation realized by passing bitumen through a zirconia membrane with a 20 nm average pore size. The Athabasca permeates and chemically separated samples were dispersed in 1-methylnaphtalene and n-dodecane, with temperature and asphaltene concentration ranges of 50-310 C and 1-8 wt. %, respectively. Two approaches were also taken in the analysis of the SAXS emissions. A model-independent approach provided radii of gyration and scattering coefficients. A model-dependent fit provided size distributions for asphaltenes aggregates assuming that they are dense and spherical. Physically and chemically separated asphaltenes showed significant differences in nominal size and structure, and their structural properties exhibited different temperature dependencies. The results challenge the merits of using chemically separated asphaltene properties as a basis for asphaltene property prediction in crude oil/bitumen.

Measurement of tissue optical properties during mechanical compression using swept source optical coherence tomography

Liu, Yajing 04 June 2009 (has links)
Laser-based photo-thermal therapies can provide minimally-invasive treatment of cancers. Their effectiveness is limited by light penetration depth in tissue due to its highly scattering properties. The highly disordered refractive index distribution in tissue leads to multiple-scattering of incident light. It has been hypothesized that mechanical compression has a great potential to enhance the capabilities of laser therapy by inducing localized water transport, decreasing the refractive index mismatch, and decreasing the scattering coefficient of tissue. To better understand this process, we investigated the refractive index change of ex-vivo dog skin during mechanical compression using a swept-source optical coherence tomography (OCT) device built in our lab. The Lorentz-Lorenz rule of mixtures was applied to evaluate the water and protein weight fraction of tissue simultaneously. Results show that the refractive index of skin increased from 1.38 to 1.52 during compression and water content decreased about 60%-70% when the skin sample was compressed by 70%. In addition, we conducted compression experiments on human finger, palm, back of hand, and front of forearm in vivo. OCT images of these skin sites before and after compression by 1 minute were compared. Optical thickness of epidermis and light penetration depth in the dermis were measured. The extended Huygens-Fresnel model was applied to measure the scattering coefficient μs of skin specimens. μs of skin was measured to be about 10-17 mm-1 before compression and decreased 60%-80% after compression, which increases the averaged light intensity by 2-7 dB and almost doubles light penetration depth in dermis. It is quite significant in laser therapies especially for treating epithelia cancers which originate at 1-2 mm beneath the tissue surface. In the OCT imaging of skin dehydration experiment, we conclude that dehydration is an important mechanism of mechanical clearing. / Master of Science

Cepstral Deconvolution Method For Measurement Of Absorption And Scattering Coefficients Of Materials

Aslan, Gokhan 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Several methods are developed to measure absorption and scattering coefficients of materials. In this study, a new method based on cepstral deconvolution technique is proposed. A reverberation room method standardized recently by ISO (ISO 17497-1) is taken as the reference for measurements. Several measurements were conducted in a physically scaled reverberation room and results are evaluated according to these two methods, namely, the method given in the standard and cepstral deconvolution method. Two methods differ from each other in the estimation of specular parts of room impulse responses essential for determination of scattering coefficients. In the standard method, specular part is found by synchronous averaging of impulse responses. However, cepstral deconvolution method utilizes cepstral analysis to obtain the specular part instead of averaging. Results obtained by both of these two approaches are compared for five different test materials. Both of the methods gave almost same values for absorption coefficients. On the other hand, lower scattering coefficient values have been obtained for cepstral deconvolution with respect to the ISO method.

Raman Investigation of Nickel Chloride Complexation Under Hydrothermal Conditions

Bissonette, Katherine 04 January 2014 (has links)
The CANDU Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactor’s extreme operating conditions and single-loop design have fuelled a need for better understanding of hydrothermal chemistry. This thesis reports the thermal stability and decomposition kinetics of perchloric acid in quartz and Pyrex® cells. HClO4 is an appropriate internal standard for Raman measurements of nickel(II) chloro complexes in quartz cells up to 200 ºC Raman spectroscopy. This thesis also reports the first Raman spectra for Ni2+, NiCl+ and NiCl2 from 8 to 120 ºC. Due to very weak bands and overlap of the contributing species, a thermodynamic speciation model, principle component analysis, and quantum mechanical predictions of the nickel(II) chloro Raman spectra were required to assign peaks. The assignment was confirmed by calculating temperature independent scattering coefficients from the spectra. This is the first study to obtain a spectrum for NiCl2 below 100 ºC. / University of Guelph, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), Bruce Power, University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering (UNENE), National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Natural Resources Canada, Ontario Power Generation (OPG), Canada Foundation for Innovation

Tvorba a transformace atmosférického aerosolu v mezní vrstvě / Formation and transformation of atmospheric aerosol in boundary layer

Holubová Šmejkalová, Adéla January 2021 (has links)
Title: Formation and transformation of atmospheric aerosol in boundary layer Author: Mgr. Adéla Holubová Šmejkalová Institute: Institute for Environmental Studies Supervisor: Ing. Vladimír Ždímal, Dr., Institute of Chemical Process Fundamen- tals of the CAS Training workplace: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS Abstract: The experimental measurement of aerosol clusters from 1.17 nm in size was carried out from August 2016 till December 2018 at the National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice. Atmospheric conditions leading to aerosol clusters stabili- zation, fresh particles formation and particle growth were analyzed. Data of days with no new particle formation confrmed the connection between mixing layer height development and decrease of total aerosol number concentration together with lower gaseous pollutant concentrations. On the contrary, new particle for- mation process overcomes dilution of the atmosphere by increasing the number of freshly nucleated particles. Only decreasing gaseous pollutant concentrations were observed during these events. The atmospheric boundary layer was high du- ring new particle formation events that can mean enrichment of the atmosphere by other components transported by long-range transport or some transfer from the free troposphere. The measurement in...

Návrh a měření parametrů akustických difúzních prvků / Design and Measurement of Parameters of Acoustic Diffusors

Burda, Jan January 2018 (has links)
This work focuses on the issue of acoustic diffusers. The introductory chapter describes the necessary theory of the sound distribution through enclosed space. Acoustic fields are also described. A description of the different diffusion element types and theirs design methods follows. It focuses mainly on design, which uses pseudo-random mathematical sequences. The aim of the work is to produce several types of acoustic diffusors and to verify their diffusion properties by means of measurements. The work uses the AFMG Reflex to simulate the diffusion properties of the proposed elements. Further, the thesis contains a description of the diffusion properties measurement process by the boundary plane method and the process of evaluating the measured data using the Matlab program.

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