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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à l'Optimisation du Dimensionnement de Composants Passifs Intégrés pour l'Electronique de Puissance

Lai Dac, Kien 16 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Suite à la tendance de miniaturisation des convertisseurs d'électronique de puissance, un type de composant passif hybride mariant trois composants conventionnels y compris une inductance, un condensateur et un transformateur est étudié au G2Elab depuis 2001. Ce composant baptisé LCT donne plusieurs avantages tant en terme d'intégration qu'en performance. Pourtant, le dimensionnement classique des composants passifs ne garantisse pas de résultats optimaux pour les composant LCT. En contexte d'optimiser du dimensionnement des ces composants, cette thèse propose une nouvelle approche. L'optimisation se base tout d'abord sur une modélisation électrodynamique qui est quand à-t-elle basé sur la méthode du schéma équivalent des plaques déjà développé au G2Elab, ensuite sur une modélisation thermique analytique des composant magnétique planar. L'outil d'optimisation du dimensionnement permet de minimiser le volume des composants LCT sous une contrainte principale de la thermique. Les travaux expérimentaux constituent un moyen important pour la validation des modèles développés.

Etude de la dynamique déterministe à court terme des modèles macroéconomiques : application au modèle STAR

Oudet, Bruno A. 22 January 1976 (has links) (PDF)

Somatognostické funkce u pacientů s chronickou obstrukční plicní nemocí / Body schema in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Bartošová, Kristýna January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Body schema in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" is an experimental work which deals with body schema perception. As a part of the thesis there are particular tests of body schema included, which examine difference between control group and group of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Research part of the work deals with current findings about body schema and with findings about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. There is more detailed analyze of musculoskeletal questions in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease included. In an experimental part of the thesis there are comments on results of the body schema tests. The tests are focused on stereognosis, on position sense, on perception of self body size and on the ability to achieve isolated movement. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Kantova nauka o schematismu / Kant's Theory of Schematism

Bis, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on a chapter from Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, "The Schematism of the Pure Concepts of the Understanding". Kant assumes two independent sources of knowledge, understanding and intuition. These sources need to be overcome, because of their heterogeneity. Schematism is closely related to "The Deduction of the Pure Concepts of the Understanding". That is why the analysis of schemata is preceded by the analysis of this chapter. It shows a more detailed description of a role of intuition with respect to understanding. Firstly, the validity of the categories regarding whatever form of intuition is proved. Secondly, the proof of the validity of the categories regarding specific forms of time and space follows. The chapter on schematism deals with the specific methods by means of which the categories relate to intuition. Kant introduces transcendental schemata bridging the heterogeneity of understanding and intuition. The relation between category and schema is understood as one of analogy. The categories are rules of discursive type of unity of any kind of intuition, whereas schemata are determined as rules of perceptive unity of intuition. Intuition is brought under unity of apperception by means of schemata of imagination. Inseparable part of the thesis is the schematism of...

Sociální program klienta s tělesným postižením / The social program of support for a client with physical handicap

Nešporová, Františka January 2016 (has links)
The thesis ,,The social program of support for a client with physical handicap" is devided into two parts. The theoretical part presents the filosofy of the spirit and body, the physicality, body dissability, cerebral palsy and the Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services. The empirical part consists of the case managment of the client with cerebral palsy. I describe the goal of the thesis here and the method of collecting data. I also introduce my respondent in this part and mention the tasks of the research. The chapter called ,,Data and it's interpretation" consists of the qualitative interview. The aim of the interview is to show in what extent my respondent use a social services. The interview is the part of the thesis.

Quelle turbulence dans les modèles atmosphériques à l'échelle kilométrique ? / Which turbulence in the atmospheric models at the kilometric scale?

Honnert, Rachel 22 October 2012 (has links)
A Météo France, le modèle opérationnel AROME a une résolution horizontale de 2,5 km. L'augmentation des moyens de calcul permettra au prochain modèle opérationnel de tourner à des résolutions de l'ordre ou inférieures au kilomètre. Il entrera donc dans une gamme de résolution appelée zone grise de la turbulence. A ces échelles, les plus grandes structures turbulentes, qui étaient jusqu'alors entièrement sous-maille, devraient être en partie résolues. Cette thèse a permis de définir ce que les modèles devaient obtenir aux échelles kilométriques et sub-kilométriques, c'est-à-dire les parts sous-maille et résolue de référence de la turbulence dans la zone grise. Ces références ont été établies dans le cas de couches limites convectives en convection libre ou forcée, nuageuse ou non. Elles permettent de prouver qu'à hauteur de couche limite égale, les thermiques sont plus larges dans les couches surmontées de nuages. Elles indiquent surtout que, quelle que soit la configuration, les paramétrisations actuelles ne sont pas capables de reproduire la zone grise. Ces échelles demandent donc de développer une nouvelle paramétrisation de la turbulence. La représentation de la turbulence non locale est la part qu'il faut faire évoluer. Nous avons donc pris le parti de modifier le schéma de thermique en flux de masse. Pour étudier les structures cohérentes sous-maille de couche limite, nous avons créé une analyse conditionnelle permettant de circonscrire la part de thermique qui influence le schéma sous-maille en fonction de la résolution. Cet outil nous a permis de définir les caractéristiques des thermiques sous-maille dans la zone grise, mais également de vérifier à micro-échelle les hypothèses de méso-échelle des schémas en flux de masse. Nous avons démontré que toutes les hypothèses ne sont pas valables. Finalement nous avons établi le système d'équations d'un schéma en flux de masse qui fonctionne aux échelles kilométriques. / The turbulence is well-represented on grid coarser than 2 km. Indeed, in meso-scale models, the turbulence is entirely sub-grid. The turbulence is also well-represented at very high resolution (10 to 100 m) by LES models for which turbulence is mainly resolved. However we do not know which part of the turbulence should be resolved and which part of it should be parameterized when a model runs at kilometric scales, the so-called “Terra Incognita“ from Wyngaard (2004). Thanks to increasing computational resources, in a near future, limited area NWP models will reach grid spacings on the order of 1 km or even 500 m. The aim of this study is to develop a parameterization which will provide adequate turbulence to these new-generation, high-resolution models. At first, this study describes a new diagnostic based on LES, which clarifies which part of turbulence should be parameterized at kilometric scales. This reference called “partial similarity function“ is a precious tool to quantify the error made by atmospheric models when running at kilometric scales. These errors are quantified for a state-of-the-art meso-scale model (Méso-NH) with several turbulence mixing options : different mixing lengths, different dimensionalities, a K-gradient scheme or an EDMF approach (K-gradient with a mass-flux scheme). K-gradient turbulence schemes are unable to reproduce the counter-gradient zone. In the grey-zone, this characteristic has a disastrous effect. As the instability is too large, the boundary layer is mixed by the dynamic of the model and the resolved mixing is too strong. The counter-gradient zone can be reproduced by adding a mass-flux scheme to the K-gradient turbulence scheme (Pergaud et al. (2009)). However the mass-flux scheme in its original form only produces wholly subgrid thermals at a grid size for which boundary-layer thermals should be partly resolved. In this case, the subgrid mixing is too strong. So the question arises as what is a subgrid thermal in the “grey zone“, when the mesh contains one thermal at the most and a part of the thermal has to be resolved by the advection scheme of the model. A conditional sampling is defined in order to detect the subgrid part of the thermals. It allows to determine the characteristics of the subgrid thermals in the “grey zone“ and to find out which assumptions of the mass-flux schemes are not verified. In the light of this study, the mass-flux scheme equations are established by taking the thermal fraction and the resolved vertical velocity into account. Finally, the system of equations is closed. The new parameterization is valid in the grey zone.

Fenomenologie těla a tělesnosti / Phenomenology of body and corporeality

Míková, Martina January 2012 (has links)
MÍKOVÁ, Martina. Phenomenology of body and corporeality. Prague: Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, 2012, pp. 84 Master Degree Thesis. The aim of the master thesis deals with the phenomenology of a body and corporeality. This is mainly the analysis of the arguments to distnquish a body and soul based on the Descartes 'Meditations on the First Philosophy' and 'The Passions of the Soul'. The introduction to the Cartesian dualism, which is the introduction to the phenomenology of a body and corporeality, is followed by the analysis of key passages in 'Phenomenology of Perception' by the French phenomenologists M. Merleau-Ponty who accents the importance of human corporeality as the essential and determining condition of human being. The third section deals with the philosophy of movement because the world and a man are in relative motion, based on Patočka's texts 'Body, Community, Language, World'. The final chapter of the thesis is based on the issue of the game as a symbol of the world presented by Eugen Fink. Keywords: Descartes, perception, Pexis, body, corporeality, corporeal scheme, movement, game.

Simulace proudění nenewtonovských tekutin pomocí lattice Boltzmannovy metody / Nonnewtonian fluid flow simulation using lattice Boltzmann method

Kuriščák, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
Title: Non-newtonian fluid flow simulation using lattice Boltzmann method Author: Bc. Pavel Kuriščák Department: Mathematical Institute, Charles University Supervisor: RNDr. Ing. Jaroslav Hron Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: Jaroslav.Hron@mff.cuni.cz Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to find and estabilish a modification to the Lattice Boltzmann Method, allowing it to simulate non-newtonian behaviour of fluids. In the theoretical part of thesis, there is introduced a derivation, based on the work of [22], that is capable of arriving to macroscopical Navier-Stokes equa- tions completely a priori from the Boltzmann equation, utilizing the Hermite basis expansion. This derivation is afterwards applied to the method suggested by [11], that uses the changed equilibrium distribution to fine-tune the local fluid viscosity according to the non-newtonian model. In the last part of thesis, this method is implemented in the form of lattice kinetic scheme and tested on three sample problems. Keywords: Lattice Boltzmann Method, non-newtonian fluids, Hermite expansion, lattice kinetic scheme

Contribution à l'étude du trafic routier sur réseaux à l'aide des équations d'Hamilton-Jacobi / Contribution to road traffic flow modeling on networks thanks to Hamilton-Jacobi equations

Costeseque, Guillaume 12 September 2014 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la modélisation et la simulation du trafic routier sur un réseau. Modéliser le trafic sur une section homogène (c'est-à-dire sans entrée, ni sortie) trouve ses racines au milieu du XXème siècle et a généré une importante littérature depuis. Cependant, la prise en compte des discontinuités des réseaux comme les jonctions, n'a attiré l'attention du cercle scientifique que bien plus récemment. Pourtant, ces discontinuités sont les sources majeures des congestions, récurrentes ou non, qui dégradent la qualité de service des infrastructures. Ce travail se propose donc d'apporter un éclairage particulier sur cette question, tout en s'intéressant aux problèmes d'échelle et plus particulièrement au passage microscopique-macroscopique dans les modèles existants. La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée au lien existant entre les modèles de poursuite microscopiques et les modèles d'écoulement macroscopiques. Le passage asymptotique est assuré par une technique d'homogénéisation pour les équations d'Hamilton-Jacobi. Dans une deuxième partie, nous nous intéressons à la modélisation et à la simulation des flux de véhicules au travers d'une jonction. Le modèle macroscopique considéré est bâti autour des équations d'Hamilton-Jacobi. La troisième partie enfin, se concentre sur la recherche de solutions analytiques ou semi-analytiques, grâce à l'utilisation de formules de représentation permettant de résoudre les équations d'Hamilton-Jacobi sous de bonnes hypothèses. Nous nous intéressons également dans cette thèse, à la classe générique des modèles macroscopiques de trafic de second ordre, dits modèles GSOM / This work focuses on modeling and simulation of traffic flows on a network. Modeling road traffic on a homogeneous section takes its roots in the middle of XXth century and it has generated a substantial literature since then. However, taking into account discontinuities of the network such as junctions, has attracted the attention of the scientific circle more recently. However, these discontinuities are the major sources of traffic congestion, recurring or not, that basically degrades the level of service of road infrastructure. This work therefore aims to provide a unique perspective on this issue, while focusing on scale problems and more precisely on microscopic-macroscopic passage in existing models. The first part of this thesis is devoted to the relationship between microscopic car-following models and macroscopic continuous flow models. The asymptotic passage is based on a homogenization technique for Hamilton-Jacobi equations. In a second part, we focus on the modeling and simulation of vehicular traffic flow through a junction. The considered macroscopic model is built on Hamilton-Jacobi equations as well. Finally, the third part focuses on finding analytical or semi-analytical solutions, through representation formulas aiming to solve Hamilton-Jacobi equations under adequate assumptions. In this thesis, we are also interested in a generic class of second order macroscopic traffic flow models, the so-called GSOM models

Karteziánské tělo / Cartesian's Body

Rychta, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to make a resume for a view of body and corporality in relationship with the existence and cognition aspect to res cogitans and res extensa. The issue provides analysis of Cartesian's world extension and its reach over to present time through symbols, medicines and religion. Simultaneously the essence of authentic life in the truth as the most important essence and sense of life's existence is given as well. Keywords: Body, corporality, body scheme, truth, authenticity

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