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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Připravenost dětí předškolních tříd na psaní v 1. ročníku ZŠ / Readiness preschoolers to write in first grade

MARKOVÁ, Monika January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the formation of the initial graphomotor skills in the last year of kindergarten education with connection to the system of teaching writing in the first grade of primary school. The work consists of two parts. The theoretical part is generally aimed at preschool age and a system of preschoolers preparation, especially in the formation of hygiene and work habits. It also deals with the issue of left-handedness. The second part of my thesis is based on research of practical use. The research was conducted in kindergarten schools with a focus on the health and work habits (proper grip and pen direction for right-handers and left-handers, proper seating, etc.). The attention was also paid to uppercase block letters (mirror writing) and graphomotor development (graphomotor exercises). The results are compared with theoretical part and supported by extensive appendix.

As relações interpessoais em classes difíceis e não difíceis do ensino fundamental II : um olhar construtivista / Interpersonal relationships inside difficult and not difficult classrooms in middle school : a constructivist approach

Ramos, Adriana de Melo, 1973- 02 January 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Telma Pileggi Vinha / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T12:14:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ramos_AdrianadeMelo_D.pdf: 2684871 bytes, checksum: b132becfdf8e2837cd4957ede28b7be5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de caráter exploratório, fundamentado na teoria construtivista piagetiana, que teve como objetivos principais caracterizar classes consideradas "difíceis" e "não difíceis", identificando fatores comuns e/ou divergentes na organização destas e o ambiente sociomoral das classes consideradas "difíceis" e "não difíceis" pela equipe pedagógica, no que se refere ao trabalho com o conhecimento, as relações interpessoais, as regras e os conflitos sociais. A amostra foi composta por duas classes consideradas "difíceis" (cujas equipes pedagógicas tinham relatado haver inúmeros problemas de comportamento e de relacionamento tanto entre os próprios alunos, quanto com os professores e com relação à realização das atividades e obediência às regras) e duas classes consideradas "não difíceis" (em que os alunos apresentavam boas notas; poucas notificações; percebiam a turma como "boa"; faziam as atividades na classe e realizavam as lições de casa; havia pouca indisciplina; pouca movimentação e predomínio do silêncio; as regras eram mais obedecidas) de duas escolas do Ensino Fundamental II de uma cidade do interior do estado de São Paulo. Os participantes foram estudantes do sextos e sétimos anos e as respectivas equipes pedagógicas. Os dados foram coletados de três formas: pela realização de entrevistas (que foram gravadas em áudio e transcritas) com alunos e integrantes da equipe; a partir de observações semanais das interações sociais, tanto durante as aulas quanto nos demais momentos da rotina diária dos alunos e dos professores; e pela coleta de materiais, como registro das ocorrências, agendas, fichas de acompanhamento, planejamentos dos professores, atas de reuniões e conselhos de classe. A análise qualitativa dos dados indicou que em todas as classes investigadas havia uma supervalorização das regras convencionais, muitas sem significado, não havendo espaços para a discussão ou criação das normas, que normalmente eram criadas pela autoridade objetivando impedir que os conflitos interpessoais ocorressem, sendo que seu descumprimento estava associado às sanções expiatórias. Os conflitos interpessoais eram vistos como negativos, portanto deveriam ser evitados e contidos. A culpabilização e transferência para as famílias dos problemas enfrentados no ambiente escolar não favorecia a mudança de comportamento dos alunos. As aulas eram desprovidas de significado, organizadas sempre da mesma forma, favorecendo situações de indisciplina nas classes "difíceis" e de indisciplina velada nas classes "não difíceis". Nas classes "difíceis" o diálogo era desrespeitoso e hostil por ambas as partes: tanto professores como os alunos mantinham uma relação de enfrentamento constante, havia inúmeras situações de incivilidades, que produziam grande cansaço e estresse. As relações com os docentes eram mais tensas, os professores reconheciam a dificuldade em lidar com as turmas. Os alunos resistiam mais às regras da escola e às orientações dos professores e eram mais questionadores. Já nas classes "não difíceis" havia maior obediência e submissão, sendo que o diálogo era menos desrespeitoso, pois os alunos se submetiam mais às regras impostas, tentando corresponder às expectativas dos docentes. A relação entre pares também influenciou no ambiente de cada tipo de classe, assim como o desempenho acadêmico dos alunos. Essa pesquisa evidencia uma revisão urgente do ambiente sociomoral das escolas. Mais do que resolver o problema das classes "difíceis", é necessário repensar a escola como um todo. / Abstracts: This is a descriptive exploratory study, based on the constructivist theory of Jean Piaget, which aimed to characterize classrooms considered "difficult" and "not difficult", identifying common and/or divergent factors in their organization and also investigate the socio-moral environment regarding the work with the knowledge, interpersonal relationships, rules and social conflicts of the classrooms considered "difficult" and "not difficult" by the teaching staff. The sample was composed of two classrooms considered "difficult" (whose pedagogical teams had reported having numerous behavioral problems and relationship problems both between the students themselves, as with teachers and the performance in pedagogical activities and the obedience to the rules) and two classes considered "not difficult" (in which students had good grades; few notifications; people perceived the classrooms as "good"; the students performed all of the proposed activities in class, and also did their homework; there was little discipline, little movement around the class during the activities and the predominance of silence; the rules were more obeyed) of two schools Elementary School of a city in the state of São Paulo. The participants were students' grades and their pedagogical teams of the sixth and seventh. Data were collected in three ways: by conducting interviews (which were audio-recorded and transcribed) with students and staff members; from weekly observations of social interactions, both in class and in the remaining moments of the daily routine of students and teachers; and for the gathering of materials, such as the record of events made by teachers, schedules, monitoring reports, teachers' schedules, meeting minutes and class councils minutes. The qualitative analysis of the data indicated that in all classrooms observed there was an overvaluation of conventional rules, many of which were meaningless, and there was no room for discussion or creation of the rules, which were typically created by authority aiming to prevent the occurrence of interpersonal conflicts, and the noncompliance of these rules was associated to expiatory penalties. Interpersonal conflicts were seen as negative, so they should be avoided and contained. The blame and transfer of the problems to the families in the school environment did not favor changing students' behavior. Classes were meaningless, always organized in the same way, favoring indiscipline situations in "difficult" classroom and veiled indiscipline in "not difficult" classrooms. In the "difficult" classrooms, the dialogue was disrespectful and hostile from both parties: both teachers and students maintained a constant relationship of coping, there were numerous situations of incivilities which produced great fatigue and stress. Relationships between students and teachers were more tense. The teachers recognized the difficulty in dealing with these classrooms. Students resisted much more over the rules of the school such as the guidelines of the teachers, questioning more. In the "difficult" classrooms, there was greater obedience and submission, and the dialogue was less disrespectful because the students were more subjected to the imposed rules, trying to meet the expectations of their teachers. The relationship between peers has also influenced the environment of each type of classroom as well as the academic performance of students. This research highlights an urgent review of the sociomoral environment in schools. Rather than solve the problem of "difficult" classrooms, it is necessary to rethink the reality of schools. / Doutorado / Psicologia Educacional / Doutora em Educação

Aktivizující metody v hudební výchově na ZUŠ / Activating methods in music education at the elementary music school

KUBÍKOVÁ, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis explores activating methods in music education at elementary music schools. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the description and the issue of activating methods and also focuses on methods suitable for teaching music subjects at elementary music school in the classes of collective and individual lessons. The practical part deals with the purposefulness of the use of activating methods with emphasis to the support of creativity and coordination in lessons of music education. The diploma thesis uses the questionnaire method in various modifications and the method of observation. The aim of the presented diploma work is to describe the activating teaching methods and to focus on these suitable for teaching music subjects at elementary music schools in the classes of collective and individual lessons. The aim of the practical part of the diploma thesis is to find out whether the activating teaching methods are used in education at elementary music schools and how they are evaluated and accepted by teachers and pupils.

Примена корелацијско-интеграцијског система у средњошколској настави српског језика и књижевности (у функцији побољшања постигнућа ученика на крају школске године) / Primena korelacijsko-integracijskog sistema u srednjoškolskoj nastavi srpskog jezika i književnosti (u funkciji poboljšanja postignuća učenika na kraju školske godine) / Application of correlation-integration system in the high school classes of Serbian Language and Literature

Stankić Milanka 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>У докторској дисертацији Примена корелацијско-интеграцијског система у средњошколској настави српског језика и књижевности (у функцији побољшања постигнућа ученика на крају школске године) истраживања ће бити усмерена на трагање за иновативним начинима повезивања наставе језика са наставом књижевности како би се, непосредно, утицало на квалитет наставног процеса, односно, посредно, на подизање нивоа знања и резултата на завршним испитима. Полазећи од тезе да је мотивисан и ангажован ученик и активни учесник наставног процеса, способан да стечена знања из језичке културе примени у рецепцији књижевног дела &ndash; доказаћемо да се корелацијом и интеграцијом ова два подручја рада на часовима српског језика и књижевности у средњој школи постиже бољи успех ученика на такмичењима и испитима.<br />Докторска дисертација се састоји од теоријског дела и резултата емпиријских истраживања. Основне целине су: Корелација и иновације у настави, Корелацијско-интеграцијски методи у настави књижевности и српског језика,&nbsp;Методичке апликације и Емпиријска истраживања.</p> / <p>U doktorskoj disertaciji Primena korelacijsko-integracijskog sistema u srednjoškolskoj nastavi srpskog jezika i književnosti (u funkciji poboljšanja postignuća učenika na kraju školske godine) istraživanja će biti usmerena na traganje za inovativnim načinima povezivanja nastave jezika sa nastavom književnosti kako bi se, neposredno, uticalo na kvalitet nastavnog procesa, odnosno, posredno, na podizanje nivoa znanja i rezultata na završnim ispitima. Polazeći od teze da je motivisan i angažovan učenik i aktivni učesnik nastavnog procesa, sposoban da stečena znanja iz jezičke kulture primeni u recepciji književnog dela &ndash; dokazaćemo da se korelacijom i integracijom ova dva područja rada na časovima srpskog jezika i književnosti u srednjoj školi postiže bolji uspeh učenika na takmičenjima i ispitima.<br />Doktorska disertacija se sastoji od teorijskog dela i rezultata empirijskih istraživanja. Osnovne celine su: Korelacija i inovacije u nastavi, Korelacijsko-integracijski metodi u nastavi književnosti i srpskog jezika,&nbsp;Metodičke aplikacije i Empirijska istraživanja.</p> / <p>In the doctoral dissertation Application of correlation-integration system in the high school classes of Serbian Language and Literature (in order to improve students&rsquo; achievements at the end of the school year) the research will be focused on the search for innovative ways to relate the lessons of language to the lessons of literature in order to directly influence the quality of the teaching process, and indirectly to raise the level of knowledge and the results of the final exams.<br />Our starting point is going to be the idea that a motivated and engaged student is also an active participant in the educational process capable of applying the aquired knowledge of language culture to the reception of literary works. Thence, we are going to prove that through correlation and integration of these two fields of work in Serbian language and literature lessons high school students will achieve better results in competitions and in exams. This significant methodological study has been supported by a methodological research in the classroom.</p><p>The doctoral dissertation consists of a theoretical part and the results of the empirical research. Basic entities are: Correlation and innovation in classes, Correlation-integration method in the classes of literature and the Serbian language, Methodology applications and Empirical research.</p>

Social delaktighet för elever som läser i grundsärskolan med inriktning ämnesområden : En uppsats om elevassistenters tankar om hur elevers sociala delaktighet kan stärkas / Social participation for   learners in the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities : An essay about educational aid`s thoughts on strengthening pupils’social participation

Lundvall, Katarina January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine educational aid´s perceptions of social inclusion in the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities in training school classes. The chosen method of this study is a qualitive research approach. Five educational aid´s currently working with pupils with intellectual disabilities in the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities have been interviewed. A relational and categorical models of special education has been used to analyze the interviews and a comparison between the relational, categorical approach, the thoughts of the educational aids and the regulatory documents from the Swedish National Agency for Education is taking place in the study. The result of the study shows that most of the educational aid´s in the study thinks that they can both support and obstruct social inclusion for pupils with learning disabilities. The study also shows that pedagogical guidance and discussions in the work crew about social inclusion are important to promote social inclusion. The educational aid´s believe that the pupils have little interest in participate in social interaction with other pupils. Furthermore the paraprofessionals believe that the teachers should have a comprehensive view over the pupils and their school day and that the educational aid´s thinks that they have a closer relation with the pupils because they spend more time with them than the teachers do. The informants indicated that learning environments, the ability to back away, and cooperation within the teaching team are important factors to promote social inclusion. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka några elevassistenters uppfattningar om social delaktighet i grundsärskolan med inriktning mot ämnesområden. Den valda metoden i denna studie var en kvalitativ forskningsansats. Fem elevassistenter som arbetar med elever i grundsärskolan med inriktning mot ämnesområden har blivit intervjuade. En relationell och kategorisk modell av specialundervisning har använts för att analysera intervjuerna och en jämförelse mellan det relationella, kategoriska synsättet, tankar från elevassistenterna och Skolverkets styrdokument sker i denna studie. Resultatet visade att merparten av elevassistenterna ansåg att de själva både kunde underlätta oh vara till hinder för den sociala delaktigheten för elever med utvecklingsstörning. Att handledning och diskussion om social delaktighet var viktiga faktorer samt att elevassistenterna ansåg att elever med utvecklingsstörning själva hade ett begränsat intresse av att inleda socialt samspel med andra elever. Studien visade även att pedagogisk handledning och diskussioner inom arbetslaget om social delaktighet är viktiga faktorer för att öka social delaktighet. Elevassistenterna ansåg att eleverna hade lågt intresse av att delta i sociala interaktioner med andra elever. Vidare så framhöll elevassistenterna att en lärare bör ha ett helhetsgrepp över eleverna och undervisningen och elevassistenterna anser att de har en närmare relation med eleverna då de spenderar mer tid med dem än vad lärarna. Elevassistenterna indikerade att lärmiljö, förmåga att backa undan och samverkan inom arbetslaget som viktiga faktorer för att öka social delaktighet.

Sala de recupera??o como espa?o de desenvolvimento: contribui??es da psicologia escolar / Special Classes as a developmental environment: contributions from Educational Psychology

Jesus, Juliana Soares de 09 December 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JULIANA SOARES DE JESUS.pdf: 3081510 bytes, checksum: 56b94dd4a365aeae032e14056e3bbc43 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-09 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This research aims to investigate the psychological practices that promote changes on the relation between students and the scholar subjects, the purpose is to reframe the Special Classes that are designed for students who have not achieved the minimum score in regular school tests (Portuguese and Math) as a developmental environment. Therefore, we assumed the methodological and theoretical perspectives of Historical-Cultural Psychology, especially from Vigotski, its main representative. Twenty-six students from the 4th and 5th grades who participated of the Special Classes in a public municipal school located on the countryside of S?o Paulo were the subjects of this research. We ve made an intervention-research where the procedures used for the creation of the used information were: storytelling, the appreciation and production of photographs, dialogs with students, scholar activities observations, stories written by students and semistructured interviews with students and the pedagogical coordinator. The information was registered in field diaries, the interviews were recorded in audio and transcripted. The research allowed us to conclude that psychological practices supported on the creation of a space for counselling and planning actions, on the use of strategies that promote attention, on language mediation, on the constitution of students protagonism and on the acceptance and appreciation of their productions promote interest and involvement in students in relation to Special Classes with the willingness to learn and the commitment to overcome the difficulties encountered. This data reveals that the Special Classes are able to constitute a developmental environment for the ones who attend to it. / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as pr?ticas psicol?gicas promotoras de mudan?a da rela??o dos alunos com os conte?dos escolarizados, visando ressignificar a classe de recupera??o como espa?o de desenvolvimento. Para tanto, adotamos os pressupostos te?ricos e metodol?gicos da Psicologia Hist?rico-Cultural, sobretudo os de Vigotski, seu principal representante. Tomaram-se como sujeitos vinte e seis alunos do 4? e 5? anos que frequentavam classes de recupera??o de uma escola p?blica municipal do interior de S?o Paulo. Realizamos uma pesquisa-interven??o em que os procedimentos para a constru??o das informa??es utilizados foram: conta??o de hist?rias, aprecia??o e produ??o de fotografias, di?logos com os alunos, observa??o das atividades escolares, hist?rias escritas pelos alunos e entrevista semiestruturada com os alunos e a orientadora pedag?gica. As informa??es foram registradas em di?rio de campo, as entrevistas foram gravadas em ?udio e transcritas. A pesquisa possibilitou concluir que as pr?ticas psicol?gicas que se sustentam na cria??o de um espa?o de orienta??o e planejamento de a??es, no uso de estrat?gias que mobilizam a aten??o, na media??o da linguagem, na constitui??o do protagonismo dos alunos e no reconhecimento e valoriza??o das suas produ??es promovem modos de rela??o dos estudantes com a classe de recupera??o, pautados pelo interesse e envolvimento, com disposi??o para aprender e empenho em superar as dificuldades encontradas. Esses indicadores revelam que a classe de recupera??o pode se constituir em espa?o de desenvolvimento para os alunos que a frequentam.

Studiapp: Aplicación de temas para escolares

Berrocal Felices, Pompeyo Adrian, Cisneros Avalos, Melanie Melisa, Delgado Alvarez, Alessandro André, Olivas Yaulli, Jason Maximo, Padilla Romero, Luiggi Omar 04 November 2021 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación consiste en realizar un aplicativo móvil dirigido a nuestro público objetivo quienes son escolares de secundaria de colegios privados de Lima Metropolitana con una necesidad clara de reforzamiento de clases escolares. Por ese motivo, nuestro servicio tiene como modelo de negocio ofrecer clases grabadas dictadas por universitarios con experiencia en cursos de secundaria y a un precio accesible, además de ofrecer teoría, ejercicios y videollamadas para absolver dudas. Sabemos que son menores de edad, por ello dentro de nuestros elementos tecnológicos diferenciadores está el reconocimiento facial que permitirá velar por la seguridad de los adolescentes. No obstante, se realizará un proceso riguroso de reclutamiento y selección de los colaboradores. Primero, realizamos entrevistas para conocer la problemática. Después, diseñamos y elaboramos el prototipo de alta fidelidad como solución a la necesidad del cliente, de la misma manera con las redes sociales y el landing page para tener un mayor alcance tanto en los escolares quienes demandan el servicio como en los asesores universitarios que ofrecen su servicio. Posteriormente, se elaboraron los diferentes concierge con el objetivo de concretar ventas y de esta manera evaluar la rentabilidad. Para finalizar, se realizó el plan financiero con la finalidad de determinar si nuestro proyecto es viable o no y si nos genera rentabilidad ya que podríamos realizarlo en un futuro no muy lejano. / The research work consists of making a mobile application aimed at our target audience who are secondary school students from private schools in Metropolitan Lima with a clear need to reinforce school classes. For this reason, our service's business model is to offer recorded classes taught by university students with experience in high school courses and at an affordable price, in addition to offering theory, exercises and video calls to answer questions. We know that they are minors, so within our differentiating technological elements is facial recognition that will ensure the safety of adolescents. However, a rigorous process of recruitment and selection of collaborators will be carried out. First, we conduct interviews to learn about the problem. Then, we design and develop the hi-fi prototype as a solution to the client's need, in the same way with social networks and the landing page to have a greater reach both in the schoolchildren who demand the service and in the university advisers who offer your service. Subsequently, the different concierges were prepared in order to make sales and thus evaluate profitability. Finally, the financial plan was carried out in order to determine if our project is viable or not and if it generates profitability since we could carry it out in the not too distant future. / Trabajo de investigación

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