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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Taylor i kebabfabriken

Andersson, Daniel, Bayazit, Murat January 2011 (has links)
Efter millenniumskiftet uppfattas det som närmast ”rätt” att moderna framtidsinriktade verksamheter, stora som små, bör arbeta med kvalitetsstyrning[1].  Åtgärder inom kvalitetsstyrning innebär att moderera och justera tillverkningsprocessen så att de producerade enheterna håller sig till en standard[2]. Företag ställs ständigt inför flera olika alternativ om hur de kan förändra sitt arbetssätt, och öppna sig för att ta till sig olika kvalitetshöjande koncept. Dessa ska leda till att organisationen och dess processer blir mer effektiva och produktiva, för att i sin tur sänka kostnader, maximera vinsten, bemöta kundernas efterfråga, och kunna leverera billigare produkter av högre kvalitet på ett snabbare och enklare sätt. Dessa koncept blir en förutsättning för att företag ska växa och kunna konkurrera på en allt mer konkurrenskraftig företagsmarknad. Motsvarande 10-30% av företagens kostnader beror på kvalitetsbrister (brister inom processerna på produktionen som har inverkan på tid, resultat och effektivitet). Det blir till slut ohållbart för företag som vill växa[3]. Företag tillämpar därför olika välkända koncept, såsom ”Scientific Management” för att höja sin kvalité. Detta examensarbete syftar till att kartlägga den norska livsmedelsproducentens Best Foods verksamhet i fabriken i Sandvika, Norge. Arbetet avser även att jämföra verksamheten med de principer som utgör Scientific Management. Uppsatsens datainsamling baserar sig på en fallstudie byggd på intervjuer med Best Foods ledning och anställda, samt på observationer i Best Foods lokaler. Vidare datainsamling har skett via relaterade internetsidor, artiklar samt litteratur. Vid fördjupade studier med berörda parter för datainsamling har mailkontakt använts. Slutsatsen visar att ledningen omedvetet arbetar efter flera av Scientific Management principer, det vill säga ledningen styr företaget enligt det som anses gynna företaget mest, vilket visar sig få stöd av många av Scientific Managements principer. [1] Røvik Kjell Arne (2000) [2] Bokföringstips [3] Sörqvist Lars (2001)

Yukon First Nation wildlife harvest data collection and management : lessons learned and future steps

Lavallée, Michel Thomas 05 October 2010
The Yukon Umbrella Final Agreement was signed in 1993 and Chapter 16 allows Yukon First Nations to govern wildlife harvest on traditional territories. First Nation governments manage wildlife using traditional ecological knowledge and have started to collect harvest data to inventory wildlife use and incorporate in management. A workshop, hosted near Lake Laberge by Ta�an Kw�ch��n, facilitated discussion amongst First Nation delegates regarding wildlife harvest data collection was conducted November 5 and 6, 2009. A questionnaire was conducted prior to the workshop to provide guidance for discussion topics. The workshop had four objectives: 1) understand the importance of First Nation harvest data and how the data will be used during management decisions, 2) discuss methods used to collect harvest data and potential for a unified approach, 3) discuss potential methods for storing data, protecting confidentiality while allowing effective management, and 4) produce a document that can be used to implement or improve harvest data collection. This project will fulfill the fourth objective by summarizing the workshop content, explore the factors that promote and hinder data collection, and the intermediate and long-term objectives that will allow First Nation governments to become effective co-management partners while ensuring their traditional lifestyle and connection to the land is not lost.

Yukon First Nation wildlife harvest data collection and management : lessons learned and future steps

Lavallée, Michel Thomas 05 October 2010 (has links)
The Yukon Umbrella Final Agreement was signed in 1993 and Chapter 16 allows Yukon First Nations to govern wildlife harvest on traditional territories. First Nation governments manage wildlife using traditional ecological knowledge and have started to collect harvest data to inventory wildlife use and incorporate in management. A workshop, hosted near Lake Laberge by Ta�an Kw�ch��n, facilitated discussion amongst First Nation delegates regarding wildlife harvest data collection was conducted November 5 and 6, 2009. A questionnaire was conducted prior to the workshop to provide guidance for discussion topics. The workshop had four objectives: 1) understand the importance of First Nation harvest data and how the data will be used during management decisions, 2) discuss methods used to collect harvest data and potential for a unified approach, 3) discuss potential methods for storing data, protecting confidentiality while allowing effective management, and 4) produce a document that can be used to implement or improve harvest data collection. This project will fulfill the fourth objective by summarizing the workshop content, explore the factors that promote and hinder data collection, and the intermediate and long-term objectives that will allow First Nation governments to become effective co-management partners while ensuring their traditional lifestyle and connection to the land is not lost.

Den disciplinära blicken : En kvalitativ studie om kontroll och övervakning i arbetslivet / The disciplinary gaze : A qualitative study on monitoring and surveillance in the working life

Danung, Erik January 2014 (has links)
Kontroll och övervakning i arbetslivet har ökat i samband med utvecklingen av informationsteknologin. Tidigare forskning om kontroll och övervakning visar att en för påträngande övervakning kan leda till motstånd. Det finns även forskning som visar att det går inte att på förhand avgöra hur de anställda kommer att påverkas av kontroll och övervakning. Den här studien kommer att undersöka och beskriva teknologiska kontroll- och övervakningssystem ur de anställdas perspektiv på en hemtjänst och en kundtjänst. Två olika arbetsplatser och branscher har att studerats för att få ett bredare empiriskt underlag. Genom intervjuer med de anställda undersöks upplevelserna av kontroll och övervakning, samt hur det påverkar arbetet. Jag har valt att använda mig av en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer. Åtta intervjuer har genomförts, fyra intervjuer på en hemtjänst och fyra intervjuer på en kundtjänst. Resultaten visar att de båda företagen använder sig av elektroniska kontrollsystem. På hemtjänsten kontrolleras de anställda genom att de anställdas starttider och sluttider registreras i ett system som kallas för Mobipen. På kundtjänsten kontrolleras och övervakas de anställda genom att ledningen för statistik och lyssnar på inspelade samtal.  På hemtjänsten framgår det att både upplevelserna och påverkan av kontroll och övervakning är beroende av hur ledningen agerar och använder informationen som samlas in. När ledningen använder informationen för att påpeka effektivitet eller brukartid, då upplevs den som mer negativ. Det framgår att det finns positiva aspekter med Mobipen. Det ger en möjlighet att bevisa vad man har gjort. På hemtjänsten påverkas arbetet av dokumentationen som Mobipen skapar. Den ständiga och kontinuerliga dokumentationen tar mycket tid som istället hade användas till brukaren. Arbetet på hemtjänsten beskrivs som stressigt. Det framgår av intervjumaterialet att om ledningen använder statistiken för att i detalj granska varje individ, då ökar upplevelsen av stress hos vissa intervjupersoner. På kundtjänsten är upplevelserna och påverkan av kontroll och övervakning till viss del beroende av hur de anställda presterar. När de presterar sämre, eller när det ställs höga krav på att de ska prestera på grund av att det ringer mycket eller att de får komplicerade samtal. Då upplevs kontrollen och övervakningen som mer påfrestande. Det här beror på då att det blir svårare att hålla en bra statistik när arbetskraven ökar. En intervjuperson på kundtjänsten visar ett sorts motstånd mot kontrollen genom denne skapar egna strategier för att kunna ta korta raster när det ringer mycket. På kundtjänsten kan de anställda tänka på att de blir inspelade vilket leder till att de ändrar sitt sätt att prata under samtalet. Både på hemtjänsten och kundtjänsten upplevs kontroll och övervakning som nödvändig och rimlig. Intervjupersonerna utgår från att så länge man sköter sitt jobb har man inget att oroa sig över. Överlag visar det sig att legitimiteten av kontroll och övervakning är beroende av hur ledningen använder informationen som samlas. Båda företagen fokuserar mer på belöningar än straff, vilket jag anser är en anledning till att kontroll och övervakning accepteras av de anställda.

Rationaliseringens väsen : Kunskapscirkulation av rationaliseringsbegreppet i Sverige under mellankrigstiden

Konstenius, Felix January 2023 (has links)
The objective of this essay is to investigate the circulation of knowledge about rationalization in industrial management between 1910-30 in Sweden. It builds on and tries to fill a gap in previous scholarship on the topic of industrial relations and the “rationalization movement” in Sweden. This essay focuses on the industrial employers affiliated with the biggest Swedish industrial union; Sveriges Industriförbund, and how they understood, presented and shared their knowledge about rationalization with each other. Why did the conceptualization of rationalization change during the years in question, and how did this knowledge in transit adapt?  One key finding is that the idea of rationalization changed and came to mean more things, and include more things as the industries faced more social and political challenges from the workers movement. The language surrounding rationalization came to include more demands for cooperation, mutual understanding and more humane working conditions as time went on. Rationalization also tended to be more professionalized and specialized as time went on, as a response to a larger and more intricate industrial apparatus. Because of the need for more skilled engineers and white-collar staff, industrial employers started to advocate for sharing the knowledge about rationalization with their workers. By the end of the 1920’s the industrial employers also knew that mental stimulation, and a general knowledge about the work process was required both for the smooth functioning of the company, but also for the mental functioning of the worker.

"To Make the Negro Anew"; The African American Worker in the Progressive Imagination 1896-1928

Lawrie, Paul 31 August 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines how progressive era social scientists thought about African American workers and their place in the nation’s industrial past, present, and future.Progressives across the color line drew on a common discourse of industrial evolution that linked racial development with labor fitness. Evolutionary science merged with scientific management to create new taxonomies of racial labor fitness. I chart this process from turn of the century actuarial science which defined African Americans as a dying race, to wartime mental and physical testing that acknowledged the Negro as a vital -albeit inferior- part of the nation’s industrial workforce. During this period, African Americans struggled to prove their worth on the shop-floor, the battlefield, and the academy. This thesis contends that the modern Negro type- African Americans as objects of social scientific inquiry- which came of age in the post-World War Two era, was born in the draft boards, factories, trenches, hospitals, and university classrooms of the Progressive Era.

"To Make the Negro Anew"; The African American Worker in the Progressive Imagination 1896-1928

Lawrie, Paul 31 August 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines how progressive era social scientists thought about African American workers and their place in the nation’s industrial past, present, and future.Progressives across the color line drew on a common discourse of industrial evolution that linked racial development with labor fitness. Evolutionary science merged with scientific management to create new taxonomies of racial labor fitness. I chart this process from turn of the century actuarial science which defined African Americans as a dying race, to wartime mental and physical testing that acknowledged the Negro as a vital -albeit inferior- part of the nation’s industrial workforce. During this period, African Americans struggled to prove their worth on the shop-floor, the battlefield, and the academy. This thesis contends that the modern Negro type- African Americans as objects of social scientific inquiry- which came of age in the post-World War Two era, was born in the draft boards, factories, trenches, hospitals, and university classrooms of the Progressive Era.

Scientific management, labor, and the evolution of transatlantic capitalism, 1878-1920

Lavallee, Matthew K. 02 March 2022 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes the causes, development, and consequences of scientific management in American and British industry between 1878 and 1920. It contextualizes Frederick Winslow Taylor’s wage incentive system in economic and social changes associated with the transition from proprietary capitalism to managerial capitalism during this period, especially the growth of high fixed-cost investments in plant and machinery. This study also reorients scholarly understanding of scientific management by expanding the analysis to include figures who were neither efficiency engineers nor managers. Therefore, it examines how and why Louis Brandeis popularized scientific management, and argues that in doing so, he turned scientific management into a movement which proponents thought could be applied to all realms of work, far removed from the manufacturing setting for which Taylor had designed it. This study also analyzes the congressional investigation into Taylor’s system by arguing that the opposition to scientific management of the investigation’s leader, William B. Wilson, must be understood in the context of the nature of work in coal mining and its technical differences from the metalworking industries. By examining Wilson’s tenure as secretary of the newly created Department of Labor, the dissertation also traces the role of coal miners in shaping the development of the American state. Additionally, the dissertation offers an analysis of scientific management at the Cadbury chocolate factory, which raises questions about the system’s transatlantic construction, the role of organizational knowledge in improving the production process, and debates over the nature of British industrial decline. / 2027-03-01T00:00:00Z

Teorie podnikového řízení Šibusawy Eiičiho / The Management Theory of Shibusawa Eiichi

Koudelková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is to analyze the management style of Japanese businessman and philanthropist Shibusawa Eiichi, who laid the foundations of Japanese capitalism. This interpretation is based on extensive research of original sources and other secondary literature. The work includes not only analysis of Shibusawa's management style, but also puts Shibusawa's thoughts into a broader historical context. The work also includes a comparison of Shibusawa's thoughts, influenced by Confucian ethics, with modern Western management theories. Source base for this work is going to be Shibusawa Eiichi's works, in which we can find timelessness and applicability to current conditions of management. Key word: management theory, liberalism, joint-stock company, human resource management, ethics, profit, scientific management.

História da Ciência e seus personagens ocultos: o papel do chão de fábrica no progresso técnico da industria química de São Paulo / History of Science and its hidden characters: the role of blue collar worker technical progress in the chemical industry of Sao Paulo

Silva, Marcia Dias da 22 June 2011 (has links)
Essa pesquisa buscou compreender o papel que os trabalhadores de chão de fábrica, aqueles com pouca ou nenhuma qualificação e que trabalham diretamente no processo produtivo, tiveram para o progresso da indústria química de São Paulo. Para isso, realizamos uma retrospectiva da história da industrialização desse setor, bem como dos diferentes estágios de interação entre a gerência e os operários. Contamos com pesquisas de diferentes áreas do conhecimento, bem como de documentação primária e história oral. Com isso, buscamos dar luz a essa personagem e perceber como o seu papel se alterou no decorrer do tempo, sem nunca deixar de ser relevante para uma História da ciência, da técnica e do trabalho, inserida em uma perspectiva social. / The main purpose of this research is to understand the role that blue collar workers, those ones with little or no qualifications that work directly in the production process, had in the progress of the chemical industry of São Paulo. To get there, a retrospective of the history of industrialization in this sector has been done, as well as the different stages of interaction between management executives and workers. In the research, studies from different areas of knowledge were used as well as primary documents and oral history. This research tries to focus these actors and understands the changes on their role over the time, always relevant to the history of science, technology and labor in a social perspective.

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