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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determining the Pore Size Distribution in Synthetic and Building Materials Using 1D NMR

Nagel, Sarah Mandy, Strangfeld, Christoph, Kruschwitz, Sabine 23 January 2020 (has links)
NMR is gaining increasing interest in civil engineering for applications regarding microstructure characterization as e.g., to determine pore sizes or to monitor moisture transport in porous materials. This study reveals the capability of NMR as a tool for pore size characterization. Therefore, we measured floor screed and synthetic materials at partial and full saturation. For most examined materials, the pore size distribution was successfully determined using either a reference or a calibration method. Since diffusion effects were observed for some samples in single-sided NMR measurements, further tests employing an NMR core analyzer were carried out in a homogeneous magnetic field. The finally obtained surface relaxivity of floor screed (50 μm/s) resulted to be much higher than suggested by literature.

Specifický cementový kompozit na bázi druhotných surovin s důrazem na trvanlivost / Specific cement composite based on secondary raw materials with emphasis on durability

Figala, Petr January 2018 (has links)
Nowadays the attention to the utilization of secondary raw materials as a component of building materials is being paid to in the Czech Republic and in the world. This thesis deals with possibilities of using secondary raw materials as partial cement substitutes in industrial floors. The aim of this thesis is to verify the influence of cement substitution amount with secondary raw materials and their fineness of grinding on the properties of the floor surface in time and on its structure. On the basis of the acquired knowledge, the influence of the pre-treatment of the secondary raw material on the properties of the floor ceiling with an emphasis on the economic aspect was assessed. After evaluating the results, some substitution of cement in the floor screed with secondary raw materials is beneficial. The significant influence of more intensive milling of the floor screeds base on the parameters of the final floor screed was not confirmed. It seems, that it is possible to achieve very good results even when using secondary raw materials with a lower percentage of fine particles. This brings together the economic benefits of lowering the cost of a lower dose of expensive cement by using cheaper secondary raw materials, because pre-treatment of such materials does not require the use of a large amount of energy.

Stavebně technologická příprava prodejny Smart Light v Bratislavě / Construction-technological preparation of the Smart Light shop in Bratislava

Huková, Martina January 2019 (has links)
The main subject of this diploma thesis is elaboration of construction and technological preparation for the main structure of the Smart Light shop in Bratislava. For main structure has been processed time schedule of the construction, single item budget, machine configuration design, drawing of building site, coordination situation of the building with connection to the infrastructure, safety and health protection during work on building site. Part of the thesis is processing study of main construction technological parts. Diploma thesis in technological prescript focuses on implementation of floor structure with cast epoxy walking surface. There has been elaborated testing and quality plan of this technological part. Additional chapter approximates built-in technology – cooling ceiling structure. For elaboration of this diploma thesis were used programs AutoCAD, CONTEC, BuildPowerS, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word.

Vývoj kompozitních maltových a cementových směsí / Development of Composite Mortar and Cement Mixtures

Hlavinková, Eva January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of composition and the study of properties of the ternary binding system based on purposeful ettringite formation, which was subsequently used for the preparation of self-leveling floor materials, specifically self-levelling underlay and thin-layer floor screed. In the designed compositions of the mixtures is then focused attention on optimizing the dosage of two kinds of plasticizer agents, followed by assessing their impact on the technological properties of these materials.

Diagnostika poruch a vad podlah v bytové a občanské výstavbě / Diagnostics of flooring failures and defects in the housing and civic construction

Vrtal, Roman January 2014 (has links)
The object of the thesis is a description of preparation process, realization and subsequent treatment of floors based on calcium sulphate, including problems related to the issue. The aim of the work is to closely acquaint the reader with methods used in diagnostics of flooring failures and defects in the housing and civic construction, including practical applications of these methods on real structures. The work also includes experimental analysis of a real floor construction during local load effect.

Vliv venkovní teploty na vlastnosti výztužné vrstvy při realizaci ETICS / The influence of the outdoor temperature on the properties of the reinforced layer in the implementation of ETICS

Novotný, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
The trend in today's civil engineering are growing demands for quality and comfort constructed buildings and spaces in them. This trend causes a change in the approach to designing buildings and building new buildings. One of the main directions great importance is attached dedicated reconstruction of buildings and their technical adjustments to meet the ever increasing demands being norms and laws. One of the most monitored parameters are thermal-technical characteristics of objects - i.e. better quality means saving on heating costs. In this connection there is a big trend of the modern construction industry and building insulation, mainly ETICS systems. Dissertation focuses on the basic (reinforced) layer of the ETICS and examines the effect of low temperatures, acting on the matter in the implementation of the system, the properties of this layer. This coating is one of the key elements of the system, which more or less determines the quality and durability of the system. The first part deals with the current state of the problem and generally insulation systems, basic types and the advantages and disadvantages of these systems. In the main part of the work is solution focused work, its objectives and methodology for testing materials using laboratory tests and are mentioned outputs of experiments in terms of results. The final section addresses the evaluation of the data and results and output for construction practice. The theme of work was also addressed in the specific research. The works are also numerical and graphical attachments to records of experiments and calculations.

Jakten på det klimatsmarta fixet : En fallstudie om hur arbetssätt och materialval vid kakling av badrum kan minska negativ miljöpåverkan på ett byggföretag

Ahlgren, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete som utförts isamarbete med byggföretaget K360 i Uppsala. De arbetar medkakling av badrum i renovering och nybyggnation. En fallstudiehar besvarat forskningsfrågan “Hur kan byggföretag i Sverigegenom materialval och arbetssätt i samband med kakling avbadrum, minska sina koldioxidutsläpp och sin användning avfarliga ämnen?”. Materialen avser avjämningsmassa, fästmassa ochkakel. Litteraturstudierna bygger på rapporter och skrifter frånstatliga institutioner, kommuner, företag och tidningsartiklar. Dettycks saknas forskning om avjämning och fästmassa. Litteraturenberör klimatneutral betong, farliga ämnen, avfallshantering ochföretagskultur och visar följande. Cementen i betong ger högakoldioxidutsläpp. I klimatneutral betong har delar av cementenbytts ut mot bl.a. flygaska. Den gör att betongen eller avjämningentorkar långsamt. Cementindustrin forskar på metoder för attminska sina koldioxidutsläpp. En annan studie bygger på en teoriatt normaltorkande avjämning möjliggör klimatneutraltbetongbjälklag då den fungerar som fukt- och alkalispärr. Denempiriska studien beräknas färdig 2021. Farliga ämnen skaminskas och mycket farliga ämnen ska fasas ut. Dessa ärcancerframkallande, hormonstörande, svårnedbrytbara, kraftigtallergiframkallande och förändrande av arvsmassa ellerfortplantning. Försiktighetsprincipen bör tillämpas då det saknasforskning om många ämnens miljöpåverkan i kombination medandra. I cementbaserade fästmassor och avjämningsmassor kan detfinnas plasttillsatser som medför giftiga biocider. Det finnsnaturliga alternativ. Avfall bör i första hand minimeras, sedanåteranvändas, materialåtervinnas, energiutvinnas och sistdeponeras. I K360s miljöpolicy står att de värnar ommedarbetarnas delaktighet. Litteraturen stödjer delaktighet ochyrkesstolthet som drivkraft till ett företags kvalitetsutveckling därmiljö är en del. Beslut ska baseras på fakta som kräverkommunikation men K360 saknar idag forum för miljö- ochklimatfrågor. Sju kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts medplattsättare och projektledare. Alla intervjuade anser att miljö- ochklimatfrågor är viktigt. Samtliga plattsättare strävar efter attminska spillet genom planering och beräkning av materialåtgång.Detta blir lättare med mer erfarenhet. För att effektivt kunnaanvända kakelplattorna krävs tid för planering och logiskttänkande. Tidsbrist, standarden för att kapa kakelplattor, mått ochutformning av badrummen utgör hinder för att förebygga spill.Möjligheterna för detsamma är att i projekteringsstadiet anpassatidsplan, badrummets mått och kakel. Allt material återvinns närmöjlighet ges. Beställarens krav och pris styr materialvalet. Andrafaktorer är låg vikt och att det fungerar med befintliga material.Plattsättare och projektledare uttrycker tilltro till att materialet ärkontrollerat för farliga ämnen. Överlag saknar de kunskap ommaterialens innehåll och möjligheten att påverka materialvaletupplevs vara litet. En produktjämförelse jämför fästmassornaCentro FK# 1000 som K360 använder mycket och Haga 325 Bio-Platten- und Fliesenkleber. Produkterna är likvärdiga ochcementbaserade. Centros innehåller plasttillsatser medan Hagasbara naturliga tillsatser. Diskussionen tar upp om ett riktatlitteratursökande kan ha lett till att källor missats och att källorfrån företag kan vara vinklat. Hänvisningar från kommunen ochoberoende källor stärker informationen. Vidare diskuteras omtilliten hos informanterna till materialkontrollerna är frånsägandeav ansvar men flera uttalanden pekar på starkt ansvarskännande.Slutsatsen från produktjämförelsen är att ett byte från Centro tillHaga skulle minska potentiellt farliga ämnen. Andra slutsatsersom dras är att det saknas klimatneutral avjämningsmassa påmarknaden men det kan komma att visa sig att normaltorkandeavjämning är att föredra. Företaget saknar idag forum för internkommunikation om miljöfrågor vilket gör att information fastnarhos enskilda individer. Rapporten rekommenderar K360 att avsättaresurser för att uppdatera sig om materialinnehåll ochmiljöutveckling, skapa forum och vägar för intern kunskaps- ocherfarenhetsöverföring, sprida information om material ocharbetssätt till beställare och producenter av material, fortsätta medcementbaserad avjämning och byta mot klimatneutral cement iframtiden.

Centrum volnočasových aktivit / Center of leisure activities

Kaňovský, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis presents a project documentation for construction of a center of leisure activities. It's construction site located on the outskirts of town Třebíč, "Na Kopcích" street. The building is composed from the two visual and three service parts which are connected to each other. On the left side in first floor there is a bowling with services and the second floor will serve for sport activities of jumping, spinning or relax massages. On the right side of building will be usable for education or for leisure activities. The building is designed as a two floors with partial basement. The construction system is formed by longitudinal wall system with precast hollow core slab or reinforced concrete slab. The structure is based on strip foundations with walls of permanent formwork. External wall is based on clay brick of therm type. The staircase is designed as prefabricated element or cast-in-place reinforced concrete. The roof is constructed as warm flat green roof with expanded polystyrene with screed to fall.

Pohřební služba a kamenictví / Funeral service and stonework

Trojan, Jan January 2015 (has links)
A new building stand two single-storey buildings which will be used for the production, housing, sale and storage of the deceased. Objects have rectangular shapes with external dimensions of 9.9 x 24,25 m and 21.0 x 42.85 m. The structures are designed as a vertical system POROTHERM, SPIROLL ceiling and roofing flat roof. The facade will be dealt with silicate plaster rubbing.

Stavebně technologický projekt výstavby sportovní haly / Construction technological project of sports hall construction

Tkáč, Jiří January 2022 (has links)
The thesis deals with Komenského Street sports hall construction in Lysá nad Labem. Although partially dealing with construction of all parts, in detail it studies gym construction, focusing on time management, technology and resources of implementation. The thesis is divided into the drawing and text parts. The former includes site facilities design and building situation. The latter consists of the main part construction project implementation study, itemized budget, time schedule, technological regulations, inspection and testing plan for the implementation of the main construction part 1st floor reinforced concrete columns and walls, construction machines and mechanisms design as well as time and financial schedule.

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