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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bio-Optical Variability of Surface Waters in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico

Nababan, Bisman 11 April 2005 (has links)
Bio-optical variability of surface waters in Northeastern Gulf of Mexico (NEGOM) was examined using satellite and in situ data. Relatively high chlorophyll-a concentration (chl>=1 mg m-3) and high colored dissolved organic mater (ag443>=0.1 m-1) were generally observed inshore, near major river mouths, and in plumes of Mississippi River water that extended offshore during the three consecutive summer seasons (1998, 1999, and 2000). River discharge dominated chlorophyll-a concentration variability inshore, particularly near major river mouths. Strong interannual variability in chlorophyll-a concentration was observed inshore from Escambia to Tampa Bay region during the winter to spring transition, which was different in 1998 compared to the winter to spring transition in 1999 and 2000. This was related to higher fresh water discharge during the 1997-1998 El Niño-Southern Oscillation event as well as strong upwelling in spring 1998. The Mississippi plume extended >500 km southeast of the Mississippi delta and up to the Florida Keys was observed for the periods extending over 14 weeks between May and September every year of the study. In general, ag443 covaried linearly and inversely with salinity inshore during spring and fall, indicating conservative mixing. The NEGOM salinity-ag443 relationship of fall 1998, i.e., Salinity=36.59-29.86*ag443 (n=8771, r2=0.86; 0.01<=ag443<=0.52, 16 <=S<=36), served as the best predictor of NEGOM salinity based on in situ ag443 observations for spring and fall seasons from all years (<3% mean percentage errors; corresponding to <1.03 psu). This may help estimate salinity from satellite ocean color data, but further testing using data from multiple years is needed to improve such relationship. While river discharge was an important source of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), phytoplankton blooms also contributed to CDOM formation in the NEGOM. Using a pigment index of phytoplankton taxonomic groups, the variability in biomass proportion of microphytoplankton explained up to 76% of the variability of the average of normalized phytoplankton absorption coefficients (545, 625, and 673 nm). The clorophyll-specific absorption coefficient, a*ph(440), varies by a factor of 7 (0.02-0.15 m2mg-1). Particle size and pigment composition played important roles in determining a*ph(440) variability. This must be accounted for in chlorophyll-a concentration algorithms based on aph.

Qualitative and quantitative analyses of Lake Baikal's surface-waters using ocean colour satellite data (SeaWiFS)

Heim, Birgit January 2005 (has links)
One of the most difficult issues when dealing with optical water remote-sensing is its acceptance as a useful application for environmental research. This problem is, on the one hand, concerned with the optical complexity and variability of the investigated natural media, and therefore the question arises as to the plausibility of the parameters derived from remote-sensing techniques. Detailed knowledge about the regional bio- and chemico-optical properties is required for such studies, however such information is seldom available for the sites of interest. On the other hand, the primary advantage of remote-sensing information, which is the provision of a spatial overview, may not be exploited fully by the disciplines that would benefit most from such information. It is often seen in a variety of disciplines that scientists have been primarily trained to look at discrete data sets, and therefore have no experience of incorporating information dealing with spatial heterogeneity. <br><br> In this thesis, the opportunity was made available to assess the potential of Ocean Colour data to provide spatial and seasonal information about the surface waters of Lake Baikal (Siberia). While discrete limnological field data is available, the spatial extension of Lake Baikal is enormous (ca. 600 km), while the field data are limited to selected sites and expedition time windows. Therefore, this remote-sensing investigation aimed to support a multi-disciplinary limnological investigation within the framework of the paleoclimate EU-project ‘High Resolution CONTINENTal Paleoclimate Record in Lake Baikal, Siberia (CONTINENT)’ using spatial and seasonal information from the SeaWiFS satellite (NASA). From this, the SeaWiFS study evolved to become the first efficient bio-optical satellite study of Lake Baikal. <br><br> During the course of three years, field work including spectral field measurements and water sampling, was carried out at Lake Baikal in Southern Siberia, and at the Mecklenburg and Brandenburg lake districts in Germany. The first step in processing the SeaWiFS satellite data involved adapting the SeaDAS (NASA) atmospheric-correction processing to match as close as possible the specific conditions of Lake Baikal. Next, various Chl-<i>a</i> algorithms were tested on the atmospherically-corrected optimized SeaWiFS data set (years 2001 to 2002), comparing the CONTINENT pigment ground-truth data with the Chl-<i>a</i> concentrations derived from the satellite data. This showed the high performance of the global Chl-<i>a</i> products OC2 and OC4 for the oligotrophic, transparent waters (bio-optical Case 1) of Lake Baikal. However, considerable Chl-<i>a</i> overestimation prevailed in bio-optical Case 2 areas for the case of discharge events. High-organic terrigenous input into Lake Baikal could be traced and information extracted using the SeaWiFS spectral data. Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) was quantified by the regression of the SeaDAS attenuation coefficient as the optical parameter with SPM field data. <br><br> Finally, the Chl-<i>a</i> and terrigenous input maps derived from the remote sensing data were used to assist with analyzing the relationships between the various discrete data obtained during the CONTINENT field work. Hence, plausible spatial and seasonal information describing autochthonous and allochthonous material in Lake Baikal could be provided by satellite data.<br>Lake Baikal, with its bio-optical complexity and its different areas of Case 1 and Case 2 waters, is a very interesting case study for Ocean Colour analyses. Proposals for future Ocean Colour studies of Lake Baikal are discussed, including which bio-optical parameters for analytical models still need to be clarified by field investigations. / Die Gewässerfernerkundung entwickelte sich seit den 70ern vor allem aus der Ozeanographie und der Atmosphärenforschung, und wird inzwischen als anerkannte Methode genutzt, um global die Phytoplanktonverteilung in den Weltmeeren erfassen zu können, u.a. für CO<sub>2</sub>-Haushaltsmodellierungen. Atmosphärenkorrigierte Multi- und Hyperspektralscannerdaten ermöglichen die Qualifizierung bio-optischer Gewässertypen und die Quantifizierung optisch sichtbarer Wasserinhaltsstoffe und bieten gerade auch für dynamische und heterogene Küsten- und Binnengewässer das große Potential des räumlichen Informationsgewinnes.<br>Im Rahmen des Paläoklimaprojektes CONTINENT wurde in dieser Arbeit das Oberflächenwasser des Baikalsees mit Gewässerfernerkungsmethoden analysiert. Wichtig für die Interpretation von Klima-Proxies sind v.a. auch Hinweise auf die Verteilung des autochthonen Materials im Baikalsee (Fernerkundungsparameter: Chlorophyll-<i>a</i>), ebenso wie Hinweise auf allochthone Einträge an den Bohrungsstellen (Fernerkundungsparameter ‚Terrigener Eintrag’). Auf den Geländekampagnen in den Sommern 2001, 2002, 2003 in Sibirien und in Deutschland wurden Feldspektrometermessungen mit gleichzeitiger Wasserprobenahme auf die optisch sichtbaren Wasserinhaltsstoffe Phytoplankton, Schwebstoff, und DOC durchgeführt. Dabei konnten Messtechniken für Geländespektrometer evaluiert, und grundlegende Aussagen über die spektrale Verteilung des In-Wasser Lichtfeldes im Baikalsee gemacht werden. <br><br> Die Ocean Colour Satellitendaten des NASA-Instrumentes SeaWiFS und die Möglichkeiten der komplexen NASA Software SeaDAS wurden genutzt. Für die Ableitung des am Baikalsee anzutreffenden organikreichen terrigenen Eintrages, wurde ein vorläufiger Algorithmus aus den Geländedaten generiert. Verschiedene Algorithmen für den Parameter ‚Chlorophyll-<i>a</i>’ wurden mit dem Geländedatensatz der Projektpartnerin S. Fietz (Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, IGB) evaluiert. Als geeignetester etablierte sich der auf oligotrophe Gewässer optimierte NASA Chlorophyll Algorithmus ‚Ocean Colour (OC) 2’. Die Quantifizierungen und Ergebnisse werden diskutiert. <br><br> Als Endergebnis wird der Überblick über Sedimenteintrag und Phytoplanktondynamik im Baikalsee für den Zeitraum 2001-2002 zur Verfügung gestellt und die autochthonen versus allochthonen Einflüsse an den Projektlokationen werden beschrieben. Der Baikalsee erwies sich als bio-optisch ein sehr komplexes und interessantes Studienobjekt. Ein wichtiger Punkt, der in dieser Arbeit angesprochen wird, ist die Atmosphärenkorrektur, die wesentliche Einflüsse auf die Qualifizierungen und Quantifizierungen hat, aber als Standardprogramm nur für den pelagialen Wasserkörper in Meeresspiegelhöhe mit marinen, bzw. Küstenatmosphären konditioniert ist. Ein weiterer bedeutender Punkt, der in dieser Arbeit diskutiert wird, ist der relevante spektrale Einfluss des organikreichen terrigenen Eintrages auf die Gewässerfarbe und dadurch auf die Qualität der Chlorophyll-Ableitung. Somit boten sich die Möglichkeiten, das räumliche Ausmaß und die Dynamik rezenter terrigener Einträge zu erfassen. Auch die Entwicklung des Phytoplankton von Frühsommer bis Spätsommer im Baikalsee konnte mit den SeaWiFS Daten nachvollzogen werden. Die hier vorgestellte Studie stellte sich als die erste grundlegende optische Gewässerfernerkundungsstudie mit Satellitendaten am Baikalsee heraus, und konnte erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden.

Étude de la variabilité spatio-temporelle des processus physiques et biologiques dans la mer de Beaufort par télédétection et dans un contexte de changements climatiques dans l'océan Arctique

Ben Mustapha, Sélima January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : Au-delà de tous débats scientifiques actuels, un constat unanime est certainement la réduction du couvert de glace dans l’océan Arctique, associé au réchauffement planétaire. La réduction du couvert de glace aura sans doute des impacts encore imprévisibles sur le milieu marin. Nous avons, dans ce contexte, traité des données satellitaires et des données de mesures de réalité de terrain de campagnes océanographiques dans la portion sud-est de la mer de Beaufort afin d’étudier les variabilités spatiale et temporelle de la biomasse phytoplanctonique et tenter de les relier aux processus physiques existants dans ce milieu. La mer de Beaufort étant fortement influencée par les eaux douces du fleuve Mackenzie, il était probable que les algorithmes de couleur de l’eau opérationnels actuels ne permettaient pas une estimation juste de la concentration de la chlorophylle-a (chl-a) et, par conséquent, de la production primaire qui est à la base de la chaîne alimentaire marine. L’analyse des données bio-optiques a confirmé cette hypothèse montrant une surestimation de la chl-a in situ par un facteur variant entre 3 et 5. La forte contribution de la matière organique colorée dissoute et des particules non-algales à l’absorption de la lumière apparaît comme la source principale de cette surestimation. Nous avons donc proposé des algorithmes adaptés ainsi que de nouveaux algorithmes utilisant deux rapports de bandes spectrales permettant une estimation plus précise de la chl-a dans le sud-est de la mer de Beaufort. Une comparaison entre des données de réalité de terrain et des images satellitaires a aussi montré que la réflectance normalisée à la surface de l’eau, de même que le rapport bleu-vert, étaient plus précis à l’aide des données du capteur SeaWiFS que de celles des capteurs MODIS et MERIS. Nous avons procédé à une analyse des patrons de chl-a et de température de surface pour cinq sous-régions géographiques dans la mer de Beaufort à l’aide de sept années de données satellitaires SeaWiFS et AVHRR (1998-2004). Les résultats ont montré que les variabilités spatiale, temporelle et interannuelle de la biomasse phytoplanctonique sont régies par plusieurs facteurs environnementaux affectant la stratification de la colonne d’eau, soit le forçage du vent, la dynamique de la glace, la température de l’air, l’ensoleillement et les courants marins. Une approche statistique basée sur le concept de provinces non statiques a permis de partitionner la mer de Beaufort en quatre provinces biophysiques distinctes, apportant un nouvel éclairage sur les propriétés biophysiques de cette mer. L'analyse des données a aussi permis de détecter une tendance à l'augmentation de la chl-a dans deux secteurs de la mer de Beaufort : le plateau du Mackenzie et la partie sud du golfe d'Amundsen. Finalement, une analyse de gradients spatiaux, effectuée à partir d’images de température de surface de l’eau a permis de détecter des fronts thermiques récurrents. Ces structures spatiales jouent un rôle majeur dans l’écosystème marin, en particulier en raison de leur impact sur le développement de la biomasse phytoplanctonique. Nous avons mis en évidence des nouvelles structures frontales sur le plateau du Mackenzie et dans la région de la polynie du cap Bathurst. Les nouveaux fronts détectés sont principalement reliés à des particularités bathymétriques de la région, à la présence du panache du fleuve Mackenzie ainsi qu’à la gyre de Beaufort. En conclusion, la réalisation de cette étude a permis de générer de nouvelles informations sur les interactions entre les processus physiques et biologiques, permettant ainsi de mieux appréhender les conséquences biogéochimiques et écologiques résultant des modifications climatiques dans la mer de Beaufort. // Abstract : The Arctic Ocean ecosystem is experiencing significant changes such as a drastic reduction in seasonal sea-ice cover linked to global warming. These changes are likely to modify the physics, biogeochemistry and ecology of this unique environment in ways that are yet to be understood. In this context, we processed satellite data and in situ measurements in the southeastern Beaufort Sea to explore the spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton biomass and link it to existing physical processes in this region. The optical properties of the Beaufort Sea being under the influence of the Mackenzie River plume, it was likely that operational ocean color algorithms did not allow an accurate estimate of chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a) that is a key indicator of phytoplankton biomass and marine productivity. Analysis of bio-optical data confirmed this hypothesis showing an overestimation of Chl-a in situ by a factor of three to five. High contribution of colored dissolved organic matter and non algal particles to the blue light absorption appears as the source of that poor performance. We propose regionally adapted and new algorithms using ratio of two spectral bands allowing better accuracy estimation of Chl-a in the southeastern Beaufort Sea. A match-up analysis of coincident in situ data and satellite overpass showed that the normalized water-leaving reflectance and the blue-to-green ratio retrieval were more accurate for SeaWiFS data than for MODIS and MERIS data. We investigated temporal and spatial linkages between physical and biological parameters to infer the boundaries of biophysical areas in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. Monthly sea surface temperature (AVHRR) data and chlorophyll a data from SeaWiFS were collected over seven years in five geographical sub-regions in the Beaufort Sea (1998-2004). Results showed that the spatial, temporal and inter-annual variability of phytoplankton biomass are driven by several environmental factors affecting the stratification of the water column : wind forcing, ice dynamics, air temperature, irradiance and currents. A cluster analysis based on the concept of non-static provinces was used to define four biophysical provinces in this sea. Positive temporal trends were detected for Chl-a over two regions of the Beaufort Sea : the Mackenzie Shelf and the southern portion of Amundsen Gulf. Finally, an analysis of spatial gradients, using 11 years of sea surface temperature images, allowed the detection of recurrent thermal fronts. These spatial structures play a major role in the marine ecosystem, particularly because of their impact on the development of phytoplankton biomass. We highlighted new frontal structures on the Mackenzie Shelf and in the Cape Bathurst polynya area. These identified new fronts are mainly related to bathymetric features of the region, the presence of the Mackenzie River plume and the Beaufort Gyre. In conclusion, this study has generated new information on the interactions between physical and biological processes to better understand the biogeochemical and ecological consequences of climate change in the Beaufort Sea.

Satellite analysis of temporal and spatial chlorophyll patterns on the West Florida shelf (1997-2003)

Vanderbloemen, Lisa Anne 01 June 2006 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation is to gain a better understanding of the environmental and climatic effects on the temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton biomass along the West Florida Shelf. Chapter 1 examines temporal and spatial patterns in chlorophyll concentrations using satellite data collected between 1997 and 2003. Chlorophyll data derived from the SeaWiFS sensor are validated with in-situ data and analyzed. Wind, current, sea surface temperature, river, and rain data are used to better understand the factors responsible for the patterns observed in the satellite data. My question is whether the standard OC4 algorithm is adequate for studying short-term variability of chlorophyll concentrations along the WFS. I will examine temporal and spatial trends using the OC4 and compare them to the Carder semianalytical algorithm which uses remote sensing reflectances at 412nm, 443nm, 490nm,and 555nm to estimate chlorophyll concentrations separately from CDOM estimates. In Chapters 2 and 3 the potential problems due to CDOM and bottom reflectance are examined. In Chapter 2 I analyze the influence of riverine induced CDOM. Water leaving radiances are analyzed in an effort to discriminate true chlorophyll patterns from CDOM contaminated signals. Chapter 3 examines the impact of bottom reflectance on the satellite signal by using the percentage of remote sensing reflectance at a wavelength of 555 to differentiate between optically shallow waters and optically deep waters. Optically shallow waters are defined as those with the percentage of Rrs at 555 due to bottom reflectance greater than or equal to 25 percent, while optically deep waters have percent bottom reflectance less than or equal to 25 percent. These analyses will help assess the validity of the temporal and spatial patterns ofchlorophyll concentration observed with the SeaWiFS data described in Chapter 1.

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