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Deep soil mixing as a slope stabilization technique in Northland Allochthon residual clay soilTatarniuk, Catherine January 2014 (has links)
Road slips are common in Northland Allochthon residual clay soil, and are commonly mitigated using deep soil mixing (DSM). A deficiency in laboratory investigations on Northland Allochthon residual clay and a need for a better understanding of the numerical modelling of DSM columns used to mitigate unstable slopes in this soil type is evident in literature, and has been highlighted by practitioners. This research has aimed to fill aspects of these deficiencies.
Field testing and classification tests have provided insight into how the soil varies between sites and with depth, and how in situ testing methods compare to one another. Field testing has also demonstrated that soil property changes around DSM columns have been shown to exist through seismic flat plate dilatometer testing before and after column installation, which has not previously been proven using an in situ method. This is important for practitioners who use DSM to demonstrate the additional soil improvements provided by the columns.
The testing of reconstituted soil is fundamental in examining soil behaviour, and this study is the first to examine the triaxial behaviour of reconstituted specimens of Northland Allochthon soil. Laboratory triaxial testing and oedometer testing have allowed for a normalized comparison of the intact strength of Northland Allochthon residual clay soil to its reconstituted state. This work provides an answer to the important question regarding the role of soil structure in this soil type. It was revealed that soil structure results in increased shear strength of the soil, and that this increase is primarily cohesive in nature. The near coincidence of the post-rupture strength of intact specimens with the critical state angle of internal shearing resistance provides support for its use in examining first time slope failures in this soil type. This is an important finding for practitioners, as it demonstrates the value of testing reconstituted specimens, which are much easier to obtain than high quality intact specimens. In addition, relationships between the plasticity index (PI) of the soil and certain soil parameters (and soil behaviour) have been demonstrated to be relevant and useful for this soil type.
Soil properties acquired in this study were tabulated along with those from other field sites in Northland Allochthon soil. It was found that there is significant variation between field sites, likely due to varying degrees of weathering, which is an important consideration for practitioners dealing with this soil type.
A brief examination of constitutive models for representation of Northland Allochthon residual clay soil have shown that several different models can sufficiently represent the behaviour of this soil. The Mohr-Coulomb model was selected for use in subsequent finite element numerical models. A case study of a road slip at a field site in Northland Allochthon residual clay soil, mitigated using DSM columns, revealed that the use of a pre-existing slip surface after first time failure leads to an improved match between observed field behaviour and the behaviour of the slope as exhibited in a numerical model. This type of failure mechanism has not been previously examined in this soil type, and this case study demonstrates it is a useful approach that should be considered when dealing with second time failure in Northland Allochthon slopes. This numerical model also introduces the replacement ratio method (RRM), a technique used to represent the three dimensional (3D) geometry of the DSM columns in the more commonly used two dimensional (2D) analysis.
Examination of laterally loaded DSM columns in plan view, which has not previously been performed in the context of DSM columns, has illustrated how installation effects and column shape influence load displacement curves, and demonstrates the effects of soil arching. This analysis provides practitioners with evidence that improved soil property changes, found to occur around DSM columns, lead to improved DSM column performance. A simplified 3D numerical model of laterally loaded DSM columns, which builds on the ideas developed in the previous two 2D models, has been compared to an identical 2D model. It is shown that the commonly used RRM results in an overestimation of the resisting force provided by the columns as compared to the 3D model. However, this does not necessarily imply that the use of the RRM in an analysis will always result in a safe slope. The degree to which its use will affect the results will depend on the slope geometry, location of the DSM columns, and the type of analysis performed (i.e. factor of safety or deformation based). A modification to the RRM has been proposed. It is recommended that when the DSM column diameter and soil properties are similar to those used in this study, the MRRM developed in this study should be utilized. In circumstances where they differ, it is recommended that practitioners perform a sensitivity analysis using the MRRM developed here as a basis for modifying the RRM in order to determine the extent to which their results are influenced. If the influence is significant, the use of a 3D model should be considered.
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Qualitative and quantitative analyses of Lake Baikal's surface-waters using ocean colour satellite data (SeaWiFS)Heim, Birgit January 2005 (has links)
One of the most difficult issues when dealing with optical water remote-sensing is its acceptance as a useful application for environmental research. This problem is, on the one hand, concerned with the optical complexity and variability of the investigated natural media, and therefore the question arises as to the plausibility of the parameters derived from remote-sensing techniques. Detailed knowledge about the regional bio- and chemico-optical properties is required for such studies, however such information is seldom available for the sites of interest. On the other hand, the primary advantage of remote-sensing information, which is the provision of a spatial overview, may not be exploited fully by the disciplines that would benefit most from such information. It is often seen in a variety of disciplines that scientists have been primarily trained to look at discrete data sets, and therefore have no experience of incorporating information dealing with spatial heterogeneity.
In this thesis, the opportunity was made available to assess the potential of Ocean Colour data to provide spatial and seasonal information about the surface waters of Lake Baikal (Siberia). While discrete limnological field data is available, the spatial extension of Lake Baikal is enormous (ca. 600 km), while the field data are limited to selected sites and expedition time windows. Therefore, this remote-sensing investigation aimed to support a multi-disciplinary limnological investigation within the framework of the paleoclimate EU-project ‘High Resolution CONTINENTal Paleoclimate Record in Lake Baikal, Siberia (CONTINENT)’ using spatial and seasonal information from the SeaWiFS satellite (NASA). From this, the SeaWiFS study evolved to become the first efficient bio-optical satellite study of Lake Baikal.
During the course of three years, field work including spectral field measurements and water sampling, was carried out at Lake Baikal in Southern Siberia, and at the Mecklenburg and Brandenburg lake districts in Germany. The first step in processing the SeaWiFS satellite data involved adapting the SeaDAS (NASA) atmospheric-correction processing to match as close as possible the specific conditions of Lake Baikal. Next, various Chl-<i>a</i> algorithms were tested on the atmospherically-corrected optimized SeaWiFS data set (years 2001 to 2002), comparing the CONTINENT pigment ground-truth data with the Chl-<i>a</i> concentrations derived from the satellite data. This showed the high performance of the global Chl-<i>a</i> products OC2 and OC4 for the oligotrophic, transparent waters (bio-optical Case 1) of Lake Baikal. However, considerable Chl-<i>a</i> overestimation prevailed in bio-optical Case 2 areas for the case of discharge events. High-organic terrigenous input into Lake Baikal could be traced and information extracted using the SeaWiFS spectral data. Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) was quantified by the regression of the SeaDAS attenuation coefficient as the optical parameter with SPM field data.
Finally, the Chl-<i>a</i> and terrigenous input maps derived from the remote sensing data were used to assist with analyzing the relationships between the various discrete data obtained during the CONTINENT field work. Hence, plausible spatial and seasonal information describing autochthonous and allochthonous material in Lake Baikal could be provided by satellite data.<br>Lake Baikal, with its bio-optical complexity and its different areas of Case 1 and Case 2 waters, is a very interesting case study for Ocean Colour analyses. Proposals for future Ocean Colour studies of Lake Baikal are discussed, including which bio-optical parameters for analytical models still need to be clarified by field investigations. / Die Gewässerfernerkundung entwickelte sich seit den 70ern vor allem aus der Ozeanographie und der Atmosphärenforschung, und wird inzwischen als anerkannte Methode genutzt, um global die Phytoplanktonverteilung in den Weltmeeren erfassen zu können, u.a. für CO<sub>2</sub>-Haushaltsmodellierungen. Atmosphärenkorrigierte Multi- und Hyperspektralscannerdaten ermöglichen die Qualifizierung bio-optischer Gewässertypen und die Quantifizierung optisch sichtbarer Wasserinhaltsstoffe und bieten gerade auch für dynamische und heterogene Küsten- und Binnengewässer das große Potential des räumlichen Informationsgewinnes.<br>Im Rahmen des Paläoklimaprojektes CONTINENT wurde in dieser Arbeit das Oberflächenwasser des Baikalsees mit Gewässerfernerkungsmethoden analysiert. Wichtig für die Interpretation von Klima-Proxies sind v.a. auch Hinweise auf die Verteilung des autochthonen Materials im Baikalsee (Fernerkundungsparameter: Chlorophyll-<i>a</i>), ebenso wie Hinweise auf allochthone Einträge an den Bohrungsstellen (Fernerkundungsparameter ‚Terrigener Eintrag’). Auf den Geländekampagnen in den Sommern 2001, 2002, 2003 in Sibirien und in Deutschland wurden Feldspektrometermessungen mit gleichzeitiger Wasserprobenahme auf die optisch sichtbaren Wasserinhaltsstoffe Phytoplankton, Schwebstoff, und DOC durchgeführt. Dabei konnten Messtechniken für Geländespektrometer evaluiert, und grundlegende Aussagen über die spektrale Verteilung des In-Wasser Lichtfeldes im Baikalsee gemacht werden.
Die Ocean Colour Satellitendaten des NASA-Instrumentes SeaWiFS und die Möglichkeiten der komplexen NASA Software SeaDAS wurden genutzt. Für die Ableitung des am Baikalsee anzutreffenden organikreichen terrigenen Eintrages, wurde ein vorläufiger Algorithmus aus den Geländedaten generiert. Verschiedene Algorithmen für den Parameter ‚Chlorophyll-<i>a</i>’ wurden mit dem Geländedatensatz der Projektpartnerin S. Fietz (Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, IGB) evaluiert. Als geeignetester etablierte sich der auf oligotrophe Gewässer optimierte NASA Chlorophyll Algorithmus ‚Ocean Colour (OC) 2’. Die Quantifizierungen und Ergebnisse werden diskutiert.
Als Endergebnis wird der Überblick über Sedimenteintrag und Phytoplanktondynamik im Baikalsee für den Zeitraum 2001-2002 zur Verfügung gestellt und die autochthonen versus allochthonen Einflüsse an den Projektlokationen werden beschrieben. Der Baikalsee erwies sich als bio-optisch ein sehr komplexes und interessantes Studienobjekt. Ein wichtiger Punkt, der in dieser Arbeit angesprochen wird, ist die Atmosphärenkorrektur, die wesentliche Einflüsse auf die Qualifizierungen und Quantifizierungen hat, aber als Standardprogramm nur für den pelagialen Wasserkörper in Meeresspiegelhöhe mit marinen, bzw. Küstenatmosphären konditioniert ist. Ein weiterer bedeutender Punkt, der in dieser Arbeit diskutiert wird, ist der relevante spektrale Einfluss des organikreichen terrigenen Eintrages auf die Gewässerfarbe und dadurch auf die Qualität der Chlorophyll-Ableitung. Somit boten sich die Möglichkeiten, das räumliche Ausmaß und die Dynamik rezenter terrigener Einträge zu erfassen. Auch die Entwicklung des Phytoplankton von Frühsommer bis Spätsommer im Baikalsee konnte mit den SeaWiFS Daten nachvollzogen werden. Die hier vorgestellte Studie stellte sich als die erste grundlegende optische Gewässerfernerkundungsstudie mit Satellitendaten am Baikalsee heraus, und konnte erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden.
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Genetische Einflüsse allochthoner Wasserfrösche auf endemische Wasserfroschpopulationen (R. kl. esculenta Komplex)Ohst, Torsten 16 December 2008 (has links)
Allochthone Wasserfrösche haben in Deutschland und vielen anderen Ländern Europas zu Faunenverfälschungen geführt. Sie konkurrieren mit einheimischen Tieren und stellen aus genetischer Sicht eine Bedrohung der Bestände dar. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Genotypen von 447 Wasserfroschproben aus Deutschland sowie 460 aus anderen Teilen Europas untersucht. Im Gesamtdatensatz konnten 56 ITS2- und 65 ND3-Genotypen nachgewiesen werden. Unter den 20 in Deutschland gefunden ITS2-Allelen wurden zwei Rana ridibunda-ähnliche Genotypen als autochthon und fünf als allochthon erkannt (Häufigkeit 7 %), der Status weiterer fünf ITS2-Allele war nicht klar zu belegen. Unter den 14 mitochondrialen Genotypen der R. ridibunda-Gruppe befanden sich drei autochthone, zehn allochthone (Häufigkeit 18 %) sowie eine Variante mit unklarem Status. Allochthone Genommerkmale wurden vor allem in Südwestdeutschland entlang des Rheins und im Ruhrtal nachgewiesen. Im Raum Karlsruhe konnte ein mitochondrialer Genotyp mit hohem Anteil festgestellt werden, der typisch für eine bisher nur aus Italien bekannte Art ist (R. bergeri). Da allochthone ITS2-Allele häufig heterozygot mit autochthonen Varianten auftreten, gibt es eindeutige Hinweise auf Hybridisierungen zwischen einheimischen und eingeschleppten Wasserfröschen. Aufzuchtsexperimente zeigten keine reduzierte Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit von F1-Hybriden aus Kreuzungen zwischen autochthonen R. ridibunda und allochthonen R. cf. ridibunda aus Anatolien. Um die Rolle allochthoner Wasserfrösche bei der Verbreitung von Krankheitserregern beurteilen zu können, wurden Nachweistests für die Amphibien-Chytridiomykose durchgeführt. Die Nachweistests ergaben eine Prävalenz des Erregers (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) von 6,3 % unter deutschen Proben. Da die Chytridiomykose überwiegend in Populationen auftrat, in denen auch allochthone Wasserfrösche vorkamen, wird ein Zusammenhang zwischen Einschleppungsereignissen und dem Auftreten des Erregers vermutet. / Allochthonous water frogs have been introduced into Germany and other European countries. They compete with autochthonous water frogs and threaten the genetic integrity of native populations. In the present work the genotypes of 447 water frogs collected in Germany as well as 460 samples from various European countries have been determined and compared. In the complete dataset 56 ITS2- and 65 ND3-genotypes were identified. Among the 20 ITS2-alleles found in Germany, two indigenous and five introduced Rana ridibunda-like genotypes (relative frequency 7%) occurred. Five R. ridibunda alleles could not assigned as either indigenous or exotic. Among the 14 mitochondrial genotypes of the R. ridibunda-group three autochthonous and ten introduced (relative frequency 18%) variants could be identified, whereas the status of one mt-genotype remained unclear. Exotic alleles were mainly found in southwest Germany along the river Rhine and along the Ruhr in the Ruhr area. The wide distribution of a mitochondrial genotype previously known from Italian water frogs (R. bergeri) was ascertained in the region surrounding Karlsruhe. Allochthonous ITS2-alleles often occur heterozygously combined with autochthonous alleles. This is a strong evidence for cases of hybridisations between indigenous and introduced water frogs. Crossing experiments between autochthonous R. ridibunda and Anatolian water frogs (R. cf. ridibunda) revealed no reduced viability among the F1-hybrids. To evaluate the possible role of introduced water frogs on the dispersal of infectious diseases, detection tests of the amphibians-chytridiomycosis were carried out. The detection tests for its pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, on the tissue samples collected in Germany showed a prevalence of 6.3%. Most of the infected frogs were found in populations influenced by non-native water frogs. This points towards a possible relationship between introduction events and the occurrence of the pathogen.
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Structural Investigations of the Italian Trap Allochthon, Redington Pass, Pima County, ArizonaBenson, Gregory Scott January 1981 (has links)
Italian Trap Allochthon is a rare upper-plate exposure of Paleozoic metasedimentary and Precambrian to Tertiary crystalline tectonites in the Santa Catalina-Rincon metamorphic core complex. Elsewhere in the complex, metasedimentary tectonite is usually restricted to an autochthononous position. The internal structures of the allochthon consist of numerous low-angle faults, tear faults, and overturned asymmetric and upright folds. Close association of the low-angle faults and asymmetric folds, and vergence of the folds, indicates that these folds were formed during westward transport along the low-angle faults. The structures of the allochthon are truncated and rotated to the northeast by a listric (?) normal fault. The probable shape of the fault surface, together with the northeastward rotation of the internal structures, suggests translation of the allochthon from the northeast to the southwest. The fact that metasedimentary tectonites are found in upper- plate position indicates that the listric (?) normal faulting post-dates the metamorphism of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata. Metamorphism in turn was part of the development of the Santa Catalina-Rincon metamorphic core complex. It is inferred that the Italian Trap Allochthon was emplaced in the final stages of profound regional extension which prevailed during the mid-Tertiary in southern Arizona.
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