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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Association between self-reported childhood maltreatment and cortisol profiles in psychotic patients

Valiquette, Luc François. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Role of Adipose-Derived Stromal/Stem Cells in Cell-Assisted Lipotransfer – Characterization of their Secretory Capacity under Ischemia-Like Stress Conditions and Establishment of a 3D Adipose Tissue-ASC Co-Culture / Bedeutung von mesenchymalen Stammzellen aus dem Fettgewebe für den zellassistierten Lipotransfer – Charakterisierung der Sekretionskapazität unter Ischämie-artigen Stressbedingungen und Etablierung einer 3D Fettgewebe-ASC-Kokultur

Bachmann, Julia January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
The use of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) for cell-based therapeutic approaches, in terms of repair and regeneration of various tissues and organs, offers an alternative therapeutic tool in the field of regenerative medicine. The ability of ASCs to differentiate along mesenchymal lineages is not the only property that makes these cells particularly attractive for therapeutic purposes. Their promising functions in promoting angiogenesis, reducing inflammation as well as in functional tissue restoration are largely related to the trophic effects of a broad panel of secreted cytokines and growth factors. However, in cell-based approaches, the cell-loaded construct often is exposed to an ischemic microenvironment characterized by severe oxidative and nutritional stress after transplantation due to the initial lack of vascular connection, resulting in reduced cell viability and altered cell behaviour. Therefore, the effective use of ASCs in regenerative medicine first requires a comprehensive characterization of the cells in terms of their viability, differentiation capacity and especially their secretory capabilities under ischemia-mimicking conditions in order to better understand their beneficial role. Accordingly, in the first part of this work, ASCs were investigated under different ischemic conditions, in which cells were exposed to both glucose and oxygen deprivation, with respect to viability and secretory function. Using mRNA gene expression analysis, significantly higher expression of selected angiogenic, anti-apoptotic and immunomodulatory factors (IL-6, VEGF, STC-1) could be demonstrated under harsh ischemic conditions. These results were reflected at the protein expression level by a significantly increased secretion of these factors. For stanniocalcin-1 (STC-1), a factor not yet described in ASCs, a particularly high expression with significant secreted amounts of the protein could be demonstrated under harsh ischemic conditions. Thus, the first part of this work, in addition to the characterization of the viability, provided first insights into the secretory response of ASCs under ischemic conditions. The response of ASCs to glucose deficiency in combination with severe hypoxia has been little explored to date. Thus, the focus of the second part of this work was on a more detailed investigation of the secretory response of ASCs under glucose and oxygen deprivation. For a more comprehensive analysis of the secretion profile, a cytokine antibody array was performed, which allowed the detection of a broad panel of secreted angiogenic factors (IL-8, ANG), matrix-regulating proteins (TIMP-1, TIMP-2), chemokines (MCP-1/CCL2, IP-10/CXCL 10) and other factors under ischemic conditions. To verify these results, selected factors were examined using ELISA. The analysis revealed that the secretion of individual factors (e.g., STC-1, VEGF) was significantly upregulated by the combination of glucose and oxygen deprivation compared to oxygen deprivation alone. In order to investigate the impact of the secretome of ischemic ASCs on cell types involved in tissue regeneration, the effect of conditioned medium of ischemia-challenged ASCs on both endothelial cells and fibroblasts was investigated in subsequent experiments. Significantly increased viability and tube formation of endothelial cells as well as activated migration of fibroblasts by the secreted factors of ischemic ASCs could be demonstrated. A direct correlation of these effects to STC-1, which was significantly upregulated under ischemic conditions and has been described as a regulator of key cellular functions, could not be verified. The particular secretory capacity of ASCs provides a valuable tool for cell-based therapies, such as cell-assisted lipotransfer (CAL), where by enriching fat grafts with isolated ASCs, a significantly improved survival rate of the transplanted construct is achieved with less resorption of the fat tissue as well as a reduction in adverse implications, such as fibrosis and cyst formation. In order to better understand the function of ASCs in CAL, an autologous transwell-based lipograft-ASC co-culture was established in the last part of this work, in which first investigations showed a markedly increased secretion of VEGF compared to lipografts without added ASCs. As the stability rate of the fat tissue and thus the success of CAL is presumably also dependent on the preparation of the tissue before transplantation, the conventional preparation method of fat tissue for vocal fold augmentation in laryngoplasty was additionally evaluated in vitro in a pilot experiment. By analyzing the viability and tissue structure of the clinically prepared injection material, a large number of dead cells and a clearly damaged tissue structure with necrotic areas could be demonstrated. In comparison, the preparation method of the fat tissue established in this work as small tissue fragments was able to provide a clearly intact, vital, and vascularized tissue structure. This type of adipose tissue preparation represents a promising alternative for clinical vocal fold augmentation. In conclusion, the results of this work contribute to a comprehensive characterization of ASCs under ischemic conditions, such as those prevalent at the transplantation site or in tissue regeneration. The results obtained, especially on the secretory capacity of ASCs, provide new insights into how ASCs mediate regenerative effects in an ischemic milieu and why their use for therapeutic purposes is highly attractive and promising. / Der Einsatz von humanen mesenchymalen Stammzellen aus dem Fettgewebe (ASCs) für zell-basierte Therapieansätze zur Reparatur und Regeneration von verschiedenen Geweben und Organen bietet eine alternative therapeutische Lösung im Bereich der regenerativen Medizin. Die Fähigkeit der ASCs zur Differenzierung in verschiedene mesenchymale Zelltypen ist jedoch nicht die einzige Eigenschaft, die diese Zellen für therapeutische Zwecke besonders attraktiv macht. ASCs sezernieren vielmehr ein breites Spektrum an Zytokinen und Wachstumsfaktoren, die z.B. durch Förderung der Angiogenese oder der Reduktion von Entzündungsprozessen eine wichtige Rolle bei regenerativen Therapien spielen können. Allerdings ist in zellbasierten Ansätzen, das zellbeladene Konstrukt nach der Transplantation – durch den anfänglich fehlenden Gefäßanschluss und die damit einhergehende mangelnde Versorgung des implantierten Gewebes – starkem oxidativem und ernährungsbedingtem Stress, einem ischämischen Milieu, ausgesetzt, was zu einer reduzierten Zellviabilität und einem veränderten Zellverhalten führt. Der effektive Einsatz der ASCs in der regenerativen Medizin erfordert demnach zunächst eine umfassende Charakterisierung der Zellen in Bezug auf deren Lebensfähigkeit, Differenzierungsfähigkeit und insbesondere die sekretorischen Fähigkeiten unter simulierten ischämischen Bedingungen, um ihren therapeutischen Effekt besser verstehen und optimieren zu können. Dazu wurden im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit die ASCs unter verschiedenen ischämischen Bedingungen, bei denen die Zellen sowohl einem Glukose- als auch Sauerstoffmangel ausgesetzt waren, hinsichtlich der Viabilität und der sekretorischen Funktion in vitro untersucht. Durch mRNA Genexpressionsanalysen konnte für ausgewählte angiogene, anti-apoptotische und immunmodulatorische Faktoren (IL-6, VEGF, STC-1) eine signifikant höhere Expression unter stark ischämischen Bedingungen gezeigt werden. Diese Ergebnisse spiegelten sich gleichermaßen auf Proteinebene durch eine signifikant erhöhte Sekretion der Faktoren wider. Für Stanniocalcin-1 (STC-1), einen Faktor, dessen Rolle bislang im Zusammenhang mit ASCs noch nicht beschrieben ist, konnte eine besonders hohe Expression mit signifikanten sezernierten Mengen des Proteins bei hoher ischämischer Belastung der Zellen gezeigt werden. Somit konnten im ersten Abschnitt der Arbeit neben einer ersten Charakterisierung der ASCs auch erste Erkenntnisse über das sekretorische Verhalten der Zellen in einem ischämischen Milieu gewonnen werden. Die Reaktion von ASCs auf Glukosemangel in Kombination mit Hypoxie ist bislang wenig untersucht. Somit lag der Fokus im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit auf der detaillierteren Untersuchung des Sekretionsverhaltens von ASCs unter Glucose- und Sauerstoffdeprivation. Für eine umfassende Analyse des Sekretionsprofils wurde ein Zytokin-Antikörper-Array durchgeführt, mit welchem die Sekretion eines breiten Panels von angiogenen Faktoren (IL-8, ANG), matrixregulierenden Proteinen (TIMP-1, TIMP-2), Chemokinen (MCP-1/CCL2, IP-10/CXCL 10) sowie weiterer Faktoren unter ischämischen Bedingungen nachgewiesen werden konnte. Zur Verifizierung dieser Ergebnisse wurden ausgewählte Faktoren mittels ELISA untersucht. Durch diese Analyse konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Sekretion einzelner Faktoren (z.B. STC-1, VEGF) durch die Kombination von Glukose- und Sauerstoffentzug deutlich hochreguliert wird, z.B. gegenüber nur dem Entzug von Sauerstoff. Um die Wirkung des Sekretoms von ischämischen ASCs auf Zelltypen, die in der Regeneration von Geweben eine Rolle spielen, zu untersuchen, wurde in nachfolgenden Experimenten die Wirkung von konditioniertem Medium ischämischer ASCs sowohl auf Endothelzellen als auch auf Fibroblasten untersucht. Dabei konnte sowohl eine deutlich gesteigerte Röhrenbildung („tube formation“) von Endothelzellen als auch eine aktivierte Migration von Fibroblasten durch die sezernierten Faktoren der ischämischen ASCs nachgewiesen werden. Ein direkter Zusammenhang dieser Effekte mit dem unter ischämischen Bedingungen signifikant hochregulierten Faktor STC-1, welcher als Regulator zellulärer Schlüsselfunktionen beschrieben wird, konnte hingegen nicht nachgewiesen werden. Die besondere Sekretionsfähigkeit von ASCs stellt ein wertvolles Werkzeug für zellbasierte Therapien dar, wie z.B. den zellassistierten Lipotransfer (CAL), bei dem durch die Anreicherung von Fetttransplantaten mit isolierten ASCs eine deutliche Verbesserung der Überlebensrate des transplantierten Konstrukts mit einer geringeren Resorption des Fettgewebes sowie einer Verringerung von unerwünschten Folgen, wie Fibrosen und Zystenbildung, erzielt wird. Um die Funktion der ASCs im CAL besser charakterisieren zu können, wurde im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit eine autologe Transwell-basierte Lipograft-ASC-Kokultur etabliert, in welcher durch erste Untersuchungen eine signifikant erhöhte Sekretion von VEGF im Vergleich zu den Lipografts ohne Zusatz von isolierten ASCs gezeigt werden konnte. Da die Stabilitätsrate des Fettgewebes und damit der Erfolg des CAL mutmaßlich auch von der Aufbereitung des Gewebes vor der Transplantation abhängig ist, wurde in einem Pilot-Experiment die konventionelle Präparationsmethode von Fettgewebe für die Stimmlippenaugmentation in der Laryngoplastik in vitro evaluiert. Durch Analysen zur Viabilität und Gewebestruktur konnte bei dem klinisch aufbereiteten Injektionsmaterial eine große Anzahl abgestorbener Zellen sowie eine deutlich geschädigte Gewebestruktur mit nekrotischen Arealen nachgewiesen werden. Im Vergleich dazu konnte mit der in dieser Arbeit etablierten Präparationsmethode des Fettgewebes als kleine Gewebsfragmente eine deutlich intakte, vitale und vaskularisierte Gewebestruktur erhalten werden. Damit bietet diese Art der Aufbereitung von Fettgewebe eine vielversprechende Alternative für die klinische Stimmlippenaugmentation.  Zusammengefasst tragen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zu einer umfassenden Charakterisierung von ASCs unter ischämischen Bedingungen bei, wie sie beispielsweise am Transplantationsort oder in der Geweberegeneration vorliegen können. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse, insbesondere zu den sekretorischen Fähigkeiten der ASCs, liefern neue Erkenntnisse darüber, wie ASCs regenerative Effekte in einem ischämischen Milieu vermitteln und weshalb deren Verwendung für therapeutische Zwecke besonders attraktiv und vielversprechend ist.

Interakce rostlinného proteinového komplexu exocyst s proteiny zapojenými do rostlinné imunity / Interaction of Plant Protein Complex Exocyst with Proteins Involved in Plant Immunity

Ortmannová, Jitka January 2018 (has links)
Plants have an artillery to defend themselves. The plant surface is protected by water- resistant cuticle and mechanically strong cell wall. Then each plant cell has tools to recognize and to answer to a pathogen threat. In an extreme case, the answer is programmed cell death. Plant immunity is a complex process integrating these passive and active mechanisms in an effort to overstay a pathogen attack. When the plant cell is attacked by a pathogen, the metabolic resources are redirected towards immunity reaction which results in growth restriction. Both the immunity reaction and the growth are dependent on the efficient polarized secretion of various cargoes. Exocyst complex mediates tethering of a secretory vesicle with a target membrane and SNARE complex orchestrates the subsequent steps of vesicle docking and fusion. Exocyst and SNAREs are regulated by various proteins. In my work, I focused on identifying the exocyst interaction partners in plant immunity. In cooperation with my colleagues, we found the direct association between Qa-SNARE SYP121 involved in plant penetration resistance and EXO70B2 exocyst subunit. Moreover, we confirmed the relevance of their interaction for the formation of epidermal defensive structures, papillae and haustorial encasements in plant defence against non-adapted...

Regulation of Wingless secretion, distribution and signaling

Tang, Xiaofang January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Characterizing potential secretion components that increase secretion of recombinant proteins in Pichia Pastoris

Bulahan, Rhobe Justine Artates 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The methylotropic yeast Pichia pastoris has been used for many applications, particularly for its ability to produce and readily secrete heterologous proteins. Nonetheless, there are obstacles in making this useful yeast into a more efficient secretion system that readily secretes problem proteins. In the Lin-Cereghino lab, mutant strains were developed by the method of restriction enzyme mediated integration. These mutants have the ability to secrete β-galactosidase at higher levels in comparison to the wild type. This study focused on characterizing the specific mutant ah2 for its ability to secrete HRP, SLPI, and CALB lipase proteins, as well as using transmission electron microscopy to observe the effect of the pREMI-Z mutation on the morphology. Analysis of the Ah2 protein resulted in a comparative β-galactosidase secretion study, as well as a growth rate study, between the original pREMI-Z ah2 mutant and ah2 mutant cells that were transformed with pKanB-AH2 rescue construct. Lastly, a cell localization experiment was done to examine where Ah2p localizes. By these analyses, we gain a bit more understanding of the P. pastoris secretion pathway, while also outlining a procedure by which to characterize the other pREMI-Z mutants.

Studying the effects of bile salts on an unknown virulence gene of Shigella flexneri

Poore, Kender 20 January 2023 (has links)
The Shigella species is responsible for many diarrheal infections and deaths across the world each year, with the largest impact on less industrialized countries, especially in children under 5 years of age. The battle between the lack of a targeted treatment or vaccine and the significant rise of antibiotic resistance in Shigella underscores the importance of fully understanding mechanisms of Shigella virulence. Past research clearly demonstrates that Shigella flexneri strain 2457T utilizes host physiology to regulate pathogenesis, including increasing virulence during exposure to bile salts at concentrations found in the small intestine. This study aimed to further characterize the effects of bile salts exposure in Shigella by focusing on a particular gene induced in the presence of bile salts. Growth curve analyses were performed with S. flexneri wild-type and mutant strains to examine the role of the unknown protein in the growth of Shigella during bile salts exposure. To examine the effects of the mutation on virulence, a Congo red secretion assay was also used as a measure of type-III secretion system function as well as invasion assays, both of which used bile salts in the subculture conditions to mimic small intestinal transit of wild-type and the mutant strain prior to infection in the colon. The mutant displayed no change in growth patterns in comparison to WT in the presence or absence of bile salts. However, the mutant displayed increased protein secretion and invasion rates relative to wild-type. Overall, the data suggest that this bile salts-induced gene encodes a protein that negatively regulates S. flexneri virulence, likely providing protection against a hypervirulent phenotype of Shigella. This work has succeeded in further characterizing an unknown protein that is induced by bile salts, and could provide insight for future therapeutic and vaccine development. / 2025-01-19T00:00:00Z

Characterization of interactions of the Type IV secretion system core component VirB8

Sivanesan, Durga 09 1900 (has links)
<p> Type IV secretion systems (T4SS) are essential for the virulence of many gram-negative pathogens. The systems studied here comprise eleven VirB proteins in case of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and twelve in case of Brucella suis. The VirB proteins associate in the cell envelope and form a complex that mediates the translocation of virulence factors into host cells. In this report, VirB8, a core component of T4SS, is characterized with regards to its interaction with itself and with other VirB proteins. </p> <p> VirB8 was found to exist in monomer-dimer equilibrium and the self-association was demonstrated by analytical ultracentrifugation, analytical gel filtration, surface plasmon resonance and bacterial two-hybrid assay. The above experiments demonstrated that residues M102, Y105 and E214 o fVirB8 from B. suis are involved in self-association and mutagenesis of these residues led to the impairment of T4SS function in B. suis. Furthermore, this information was utilized to unravel the contribution of VirB8 self-association towards T4SS assembly and function. To this end dimerization variants of VirB8 from Agrobacterium tumefaciens were created and the effects were assessed with purified proteins in vitro. Following this, the effects of VirB8 dimer site changes were assessed in vivo. Introduction of a cysteine residue at the predicted interface (V97C) supported DNA transfer but not T-pilus formation. Variants that reduced the self-association did not support T4SS functions and T-pilus formation. Moreover, VirB2- VirB5 co-fractionated with high molecular mass components from membranes of A. tumefaciens and VirB8 dimerization was shown to be necessary for VirB2 association with the high molecular mass components. Using purified VirB8 and VirB5 it was shown that VirB5 interacts with VirB8 via its globular domain and this interaction dissociates VirB8 dimers. Taking these results together, a mechanistic contribution of VirB8 dimerization to T4SS assembly was proposed. </p> <p> Next, the interactions of VirB8 with other core components (VirB9 and VirBlO) were analyzed by using various in vitro and in vivo experiments. Purified soluble periplasmic domains of VirB8, VirB9 and VirB10 were used in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, circular dichroism, and surface plasmon resonance experiments. The pair-wise interactions and self-association of VirB8, VirB9 and VirB 10 were demonstrated with the in vitro experiments. In addition, a ternary complex formation between VirB8, VirB9, and VirBlO was identified. Using the bacterial two-hybrid system, the dynamics of the interactions between VirB8-VirB9-VirB 10 full-length proteins were analyzed demonstrating that VirB9 stimulates VirB8 self-association, but that it inhibits the VirB10-VirB10 as well as the VirB8-VirB10 interaction. Based on these results, a dynamic model for secretion system assembly is proposed where VirB8 plays a role as an assembly factor that is not closely associated with the functional core complex comprising VirB9 and VirB10. </p> <p> The work reported in this thesis advances the understanding of VirB8 self-association and its contribution to T4SS assembly and function. Furthermore, the establishment of the bacterial two-hybrid system to detect VirB interactions has helped identify inhibitors for the VirB8 dimerization through collaboration with Dr. Athanasios Paschos. Moreover, techniques such as ELISA, analytical ultracentrifugation, circular dichroism and surface plasmon resonance will be utilized routinely to characterize other VirB-VirB interactions in future. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The effect of simvastatin and pitavastatin on insulin secretion from clonal pancreatic ß-cells (INS-1)

Abdul-Akbar, Princess Maryam 13 February 2024 (has links)
OBJECTIVE: The 10th leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease. Most of the deaths by heart disease has a correlation with an occlusion of the coronary arteries. While diabetes mellitus is currently the 7th leading cause of death, which is a chronic condition that affects more than 37 million people in America. The global epidemic of obesity largely explains the dramatic increase in the incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) over the past 25 years. Statins are well known drugs to decrease LDL for individuals who suffer from hypercholesterinemia; however, there is also an increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus. An estimation of 10-20 per 10,000 patients per year demonstrated an excess risk of T2D with the long-term use of statin. Here we examine the effects of simvastatin and pitavastatin on pancreatic ß-cell function to determine whether altered insulin secretion may contribute to an increased risk of T2D. METHODS: The experiments were performed using clonal pancreatic ß-cells (INS-1). The cells were grown in 4 mM glucose in RPMI media. Cells were grown for three days before adding the different types of statins: simvastatin and pitavastatin for one day. Then the cells were used to perform the glucose-induced insulin secretion (GSIS) experiment. Insulin secretion and insulin content were assay using a fluorescence-based immunoassay. The study was calculated using Microsoft Excel. Standard variance and standard error were used to assess the difference sets of data. RESULTS: INS-1 cells responded to acute glucose stimulation after chronic culture in both low (4 mM) and high (11 mM) glucose. Secretion from cells cultured at 4 mM glucose was higher than cells cultured at 11 mM glucose at all glucose concentrations tested, characteristic of the effects of glucolipotoxicity (GLT). Insulin content in cells cultured at high glucose was decreased 8.6-fold compared to cells cultured at the more physiological low glucose condition. When normalized to basal secretion cells cultured at high glucose exhibited basal hypersecretion and increased GSIS compared to those in low glucose. Simvastatin (100 nM, 24 hrs) increased basal insulin secretion to a greater extent than Pitavastatin. The effects of pitavastatin on basal insulin secretion were less consistent than seen with simvastatin. Simvastatin was also shown to inhibit GSIS from cells cultured at 4 mM glucose, while pitavastatin increased GSIS. CONCLUSION: Both pitavastatin and simvastatin alter insulin secretion from pancreatic ß-cells. The effect of simvastatin to both increase basal and decrease GSIS, characteristic of GLT suggests pitavastatin may be the statin of choice to reduce the risk of statin-induced T2D.

The role of protein kinase C in the regulation of intracellular signalling and stimulus-secretion coupling in parathyroid cells

Racke, Frederick Karl January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

Differential Role of CEACAM Proteins in Regulating Insulin Metabolism

Dai, Tong January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

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