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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Post-fire effects of invasive exotic plants on seed banks, regeneration, soil chemistry and selected soil microbial populations in the Silvermine Nature Reserve, Cape Peninsula, South Africa

Cilliers, Charl Daniel 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The fires, which occurred during January 2000 on the Southern Cape Peninsula, Cape Province, South Africa, focused attention on the importance of sound, informed management of exotic plant invaders in fynbos, especially at the urban interface. The fires also highlighted the relative lack of knowledge about the combined impacts of fire, exotic plants and the exotic-clearing programme on soil seed banks and regeneration. This study examines soil borne seed banks, regeneration, soil chemistry and micro biota in different postfire environments, focusing on three components of exotic plant management: The post-fire effects of standing invasive exotic plants; stacks of slashed exotic plant material which were deliberately burnt and stacks reduced to heat scars by a wildfire. The primary hypothesis addressed is that post-fire vegetation regeneration patterns, seed bank diversity and seed bank abundance are linked to pre-fire vegetation characteristics and, in particular, to the treatment of exotic plant species. It is also hypothesised that soil microbe population sizes are linked to pre-fire vegetation and soil chemical composition. Differences in soil seed banks, soil micro biota and vegetation regeneration patterns occur in different post-fire environments. High volumes of (live or dead) woody exotic biomass negatively impact upon postfire indigenous species diversity and abundance, both above and below-ground. Soil seed banks and above-ground regeneration decline with increasing fire intensity, wildfire burnt stack treatments showing the largest declines followed by wildfire burnt standing exotics, control burnt stacks, wildfire burnt cleared areas and wildfire burnt Mountain Fynbos treatments. Persistent indigenous seed banks are found under some exotic dominated stands. Heat damage, associated with high woody exotic biomass, affects seeds of all species into deep soil layers. Depth of burial is a more important determinant of seed survival during fires than seed size. Soil microbial populations are variably affected by exotic plants, their management and increases in fire intensity. The most drastic microbial population changes are in post-fire treatments of high exotic plant biomass. Soil chemistry affects microbial population sizes as does seasonal climatic changes. In this thesis vegetation, seed bank and microbial responses to various exotic plant management practices are shown and management recommendations are made. Keywords: exotic plants, fire, Fynbos Siome, microbes, post-fire succession, soil seed banks. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Januarie 2000 vure op die Suid Kaapse Skiereiland het fokus gerig op die belangrikheid van goeie, ingeligte bestuur van uitheemse indringerplante in fynbos, veral naby stedelike gebiede. Die vure het ook 'n relatiewe .gebrek aan kennis aangaande die gekombineerde impakte van vuur, uitheemse plantegroei en indringer plant beheer programme op grond saadbanke en die hergroei van plante na 'n vuur aan die lig gebring. Hierdie projek bestudeer die invloed van vuur op grond saadbanke, hergroei van plante, grond chemie en mikro-organismes. Die klem lê op drie komponente van uitheemse plant bestuur: waar staande uitheemse plante voorkom; waar skoongekapte uitheemse plante in hope gestapel is en gekontraleerd gebrand is en waar soortgelyke hope in 'n onbeplande weghol vuur gebrand is. Die primêre hipotese is dat plant herstelpatrone, saadbank diversiteit en grootte gekoppel is aan veldtoestande voordat daar gebrand is, en veral aan die bestuur van uitheemse plantspesies. Nog 'n sentrale hipotese is dat die grootte van grond mikrobiale populasies gekoppel is aan veld toestande voor die brand en aan grond chemiese samestelling. Hierdie studie dui verskille aan in grond saadbanke, mikro-organismes en plant hergroeipatrone onder verskeie toestande na vuur. Die brand van hoë volumes (lewende of dooie) houtagtige uitheemse plant biomassa benadeel inheemse plant spesie diversiteit en getalle (bo en onder die grond oppervlak). Grond saadbanke neem af met vehogings in vuur intensiteit. Die grootste afnames is in wegholvuur gebrande gestapelde uitheemse plantmateriaal gevolg deur wegholvuur gebrande staande uitheemse plante, opsetlik gebrande hope uitheemse plante, gebrande skoongekapte areas en wegholvuur gebrande Berg Fynbos. Ou inheemse saadbanke is gevind onder sommige areas wat voor die vuur oorheers was deur uitheemse plantegroei. Hitteskade, geassosieer met hoë volumes houtagtige uitheemse biomassa, affekteer sade van alle spesies tot diep in die grond. Saad oorlewing tydens brande is meer geaffekteer deur diepte van begrawing in die grond as deur saad grootte. Grond mikro-organisme populasies is geaffekteer deur uitheemse indringer plante, die bestuur van uitheemse plante en vuur intensiteit. Die grootste veranderinge is waar die biomassa van uitheemse plantegroei baie hoog is. Grond chemiese samestelling en seisoenale veranderinge in weerspatrone affekteer die grootte van mikrobiale bevolkings. In hierdie tesis word verskille in plantegroei, saad store en grond mikrobes, soos geaffekteer deur uitheemse plant beheer programme uitgewys en voorstelle vir toekomstige bestuur gemaak. Sleutelwoorde: Fynbos Bioom, grond saad stoor, mikrobes, plant hergroei, uitheemse plante, vuur.

The restoration potential of fynbos riparian seed banks following alien clearing

Vosse, Shelly 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConsEcol(Conservation Ecology and Entomology)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Riparian areas are highly complex systems with varying levels of disturbance that are highly susceptible to invasion by alien plants. Once invaded, riparian areas play a major role in the dispersal and spread of invasive alien plants (IAPs) through the river system and, in some cases, to neighbouring landscapes. Riparian areas have therefore been prioritized by many alien clearing initiatives in South Africa. Current practice for the restoration of cleared areas is minimal and relies mainly on the un-aided recovery of native species from residual individuals and soil stored seed banks. Little research, however, has been done on the effectiveness of this approach or the extent to which riparian seed banks contribute towards community restoration. This study is part of a national research initiative (Targets for Ecosystem Repair in Riparian Ecosystems in Fynbos, Grassland and Savanna Biomes) funded by Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, in collaboration with Working for Water, The Centre for Invasion Biology and the Universities of Cape Town, Stellenbosch, Rhodes and Witwatersrand. The initiative undertook to investigate different restoration techniques on various invaded sites for their cost-effectiveness, efficiency, practicality and conservation integrity. This study has three aims. The first is to determine the composition of seed banks in un-invaded riparian areas within the fynbos biome to be used as a benchmark for future research, restoration grading and other management requirements. The second aim is to determine the composition of seed banks in heavily invaded riparian areas, and thus to assess the impact of invasion on the integrity of the seed banks. The third aim is to evaluate the restoration potential of riparian seed banks following the clearing of invasive alien plants (IAPs). Study sites were selected within four river systems in the south-western part of the Western Cape Province in South Africa: the Berg, Eerste, Molenaars and Wit Rivers. Plots were selected in both invaded (>75% IAP canopy cover; considered “closed” alien stands) and un-invaded (also termed reference, with <25% IAP canopy cover) sections of the river. Replicate plots were established along varying gradients of elevation (mountain stream and foothill) and moisture regimes (dry, wet and transitional bank zones). Soil samples were collected together with above-ground vegetation surveys and comparisons were made. Results from this study confirm those of previous studies that seed banks offer little reference to current aboveground vegetation, but rather offer insight into past vegetation history as well as future vegetation assemblages. Worldwide, many of the species that characteristically form seed banks are early successional species. A community study was done for the seed bank based on the species that germinated and were identifiable at termination of the project (6 months after initiation). Three clusters of species could be identified. One group comprised 32 generalist species that occurred in both reference and invaded sections of the rivers. A second group comprised 39 species associated with invaded sites, and a third group of 40 species that was associated with reference sites. A few sub-community groups were found within both the “reference” and “invaded” community groups which were assumed to be habitat specific. Most species were “pioneer” or relatively-short lived, early-successional species which play a vital role in the initial post-disturbance vegetation cover, and facilitate establishment of later successional species. Seed banks are notoriously variable over space and time, and floristic representation is often biased as a result of differences among species in seed production, dispersal and longevity in the soil. The general consensus is that seeds have an irregular, clustered spatial distribution that is dictated by both biological and environmental factors. Within river systems, the irregular clustering can be exceptionally skewed with the influence of pockets of high sediment deposition along the bank. Environmental factors that were found to significantly skew germination results were the presence of fire, as well as the extent and intensity of invasion (duration and cover). The high level of diversity and abundance in reference Berg River mountain stream seed banks was perceived to be a direct result of a moderate fire frequency (between 8-15 years) and the relatively natural state of the vegetation (i.e. very little invasion). Also, diversity and richness of indigenous species from the Wit and Molenaars Rivers were substantially higher in the invaded samples than the reference samples, probably because both river systems have a long history of invasion and other anthropogenic disturbances which would have an effect on the samples from “reference” sections (i.e. even a 25% presence of IAPs seems adequate enough to alter the composition of the seed bank). Correspondence analyses showed that species had clear affinities towards different levels of “key” riparian environmental variables (fire, invasion and anthropogenic disturbance). Most species were associated with moderate levels of fire frequency, invasion history, and anthropogenic disturbance. Comparisons of seed bank species assemblages between the lateral and longitudinal variables of the rivers offered insights into the habitat requirements of certain fynbos and riparian species. Most significant were the results from bank zone comparisons which showed distinct species groupings along the different moisture bands. As could be expected, riparian species were best represented within the wet bank zones and fynbos species within the dry bank zone, while species characteristic of both zones occurred in the transitional zone, making this seed bank zone the richest in species. Mountain stream sections were richer and more diverse than foothill sections over both invaded and reference samples. This is hypothesised to be linked to lower levels of anthropogenic disturbance experienced in the mountain stream sections. The impact of invasion on the riparian seed bank was most clearly shown through the correspondence analyses for the 20 most frequently occurring species. The seed bank assembly patterns were clearly defined by the state of the river (reference or invaded). Interestingly, this pattern was evident at all three spatial scales; landscape (rivers), reach (mountain stream and foothill sections) and habitat (dry, wet and transitional zones). The reference seed bank assemblage was more tightly grouped, implying that the species were more closely associated with each other and less variable than those of the invaded seed bank assemblages. The species groupings within the invaded seed banks were influenced by variables such as reach and zone, whereas the reference seed bank assemblages seem relatively unaffected by these variables. This implies that the presence of invasive alien plants creates additional variation within the seed bank which alters the natural groupings. At a broad scale, the invaded seed banks were less species rich. This means that not only will the resulting seedling community be harder to predict, but it will also have fewer species. However although generally lower in species richness, the seed banks from almost all invaded rivers interestingly showed a higher diversity of indigenous species than their reference counterparts. This is very promising in terms of rehabilitation of post-cleared riparian sites, but more information is needed to understand the seed bank composition and determine how sustainable the seed banks are for rehabilitation in the long-term. All invaded sections had fewer herbaceous perennial species but more herbaceous annual species. Graminoids made up 50% or more of the seed bank regardless of state (reference or invaded), while woody species (shrubs/shrublets) were generally more prevalent in the reference samples. These results imply that following the removal of invasive alien plants, the vegetation to regenerate from the seed bank is likely to comprise of short-lived, herbaceous species that are not necessarily an accurate reflection of the indigenous riparian community. It is however important to note that this study investigated only the species that were able to germinate over the study period (6 month germination period). Many riparian species may not have been represented because they are either late germinators or may not be present in the soil seed bank at all. In order to gain a holistic understanding of riparian community recruitment, it is recommended that seed bank studies such as this one be included in a more broad scale, long term investigation which takes into account various reproductive strategies used by riparian species. Research of this nature is in its infancy worldwide and there are many challenges involved in measuring diversity and change in these systems. However, within the scope of this study, I suggest that these results shed light on previously unanswered and important questions regarding the ecology of seed banks in the riparian ecosystems of the Western Cape.

Succession in sand heathland at Loch Sport, Victoria : changes in vegetation, soil seed banks and species traits

Wills, Timothy Jarrod, 1974- January 2002 (has links)
Abstract not available

Flow Variability and Vegetation Dynamics in a Large Arid Floodplain: Cooper Creek, Australia

Capon, Samantha Jane, n/a January 2004 (has links)
Throughout arid and semi-arid inland Australia, many extensive floodplains occur in association with rivers which are amongst the most hydrologically variable in the world. As rainfall in these areas is characteristically low and patchy, conditions in Australia's 'dryland' floodplains fluctuate unpredictably between extended periods of drought and huge floods that transform vast areas into wetlands, often for months at a time. Vegetation in these floodplains is commonly dominated by short grass and forb associations and patches of open succulent shrubland which are attributed with high ecological and socio-economic values due to their provision of habitat to a diverse array of terrestrial and aquatic fauna and their productive native pasture growth. In temperate and tropical floodplains, a substantial number of studies have shown that plant community composition and structure is determined primarily by flow and alterations to flow in these areas, through water extraction or river regulation, have resulted in many changes to the vegetation including loss of biodiversity and mass invasions of exotic species. Despite increasing pressure for water resource development in 'dryland' regions, relatively little is known regarding the effects of highly variable flows on the vegetation dynamics of arid floodplains, particularly in Australia. This thesis addresses this knowledge gap by examining the role of flow in the vegetation dynamics of a large arid floodplain in central Australia: the Cooper Creek floodplain. The effects of flow on plant community dynamics, from an organism level to that of the landscape, are examined across a range of spatial and temporal scales. Results are presented from a two year temporal vegetation survey during which time two flood pulse events of differing sizes occurred. A large-scale spatial survey was also conducted to determine the effects of flood history on spatial variation in plant community composition and structure. The composition of the soil seed bank and its contribution to vegetation dynamics were additionally investigated through a series of germination trials. Amongst common arid floodplain plants, life history traits that enable persistence under variable hydrological conditions were also considered via several experiments aimed at determining the effects of flow on the outcomes of various life history stages including germination, growth and dispersal. Throughout the study, results are presented for plant groups that were predefined on the basis of life form, life span and taxonomic divisions within these categories. Plant community composition and structure in the Cooper Creek floodplain exhibits significant shifts both temporally, in response to flood pulse wetting and drying, and spatially, in response to flood history. Flood pulse inundation has the potential to influence each life history stage across the range of plant groups present and the outcomes of these appear to be determined by hydrological attributes such as flood pulse timing, duration and rate of drawdown. Vegetation consequently exhibits gradual zonation on a gradient of flood frequency along which plant groups occur at predictable locations depending on their life history traits and recent hydrological conditions. A substantial proportion of species display ruderal life history traits including large, persistent soil seed banks and rapid life cycles which enable escape in time from the stresses associated with flooding and drought. These species, mostly comprising annual monocots and forbs, are widespread throughout the landscape and their presence in the extant vegetation is related primarily to the time since the last flood pulse event and the hydrological attributes of this. Perennial species, particularly shrubs, do not appear to rely similarly on the soil seed bank for recruitment and their distribution in the floodplain vegetation is likely to be determined more by their ability to tolerate either flooding or drought. Overall, this study demonstrates that flow, despite its variability, has an overriding influence on vegetation dynamics in the arid floodplain of the Cooper Creek. The spatial and temporal variability of flow maintains a heterogeneous mosaic of plant communities of differing composition and structure. Given this close relationship between flow and vegetation dynamics, anthropogenic alterations to flow are likely to result in changes to the vegetation including homogenisation of plant communities across the floodplain landscape and eventual loss of biodiversity.

Besiedlungshistorie und Ökologie des Scheidenblütgrases (Coleanthus subtilis) in Sachsen / Colonisation history and ecology of Coleanthus subtilis in Saxony

John, Henriette 01 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Coleanthus subtilis ist eine durch die FFH-Richtlinie geschützte, weltweit sehr seltene Art, welche periodisch trockenfallende Standorte in Flussauen (Primärhabitate) bzw. durch den Menschen geschaffene Staugewässer (Sekundärhabitate) besiedelt. Die Erarbeitung der aktuellen Verbreitungsbilder der Art in Sachsen und ihrer Besiedlungshistorie waren Ausgangspunkt für die Analysen zur Ökologie dieser Art. Anhand von Analysen zu den Ausbreitungsmechanismen, Standortansprüchen und Reaktionsmöglichkeiten von C. subtilis wurden grundlegende Beiträge zum besseren Verständnis der Strategien dieser Art erbracht. Die Arbeit gibt Hinweise für eine artenschutzgerechte Bewirtschaftung der Staugewässer insbesondere für die Regulierung von Zeitpunkt, Dauer, Intensität und Häufigkeit von Wasserstandsabsenkungen sowie hinsichtlich einzelner Praktiken im Zusammenhang mit einer fischereilichen Nutzung. Weiterhin zeigt die Arbeit auf, wie C. subtilis auf bestimmte, von den durchschnittlichen Wasserstandsschwankungen abweichende, Bedingungen reagieren kann. Damit sind nun wichtige Grundlagen zum nachhaltigen Schutz und zur Förderung von C. subtilis, insbesondere in Sekundärhabitaten, vorhanden. / Coleanthus subtilis is a globally rare species protected by the European Union Habitats Directive. This grass establishes on periodically drying sites in river floodplains (primary habitats) but also in man made ponds and reservoirs (secondary habitats). The identification of the present distribution patterns as well as the reconstruction of the colonisation history of C. subtilis in Saxony were the basis for analyses about the ecology of this species. By analysing dispersal mechanisms, habitat demands and response traits of C. subtilis fundamental contributions to a better understanding of the strategies of this species are given. The thesis provides information about optimum time, duration, intensity and frequency of water level reductions and about the consequences of different management practices particularly with respect to fishery in ponds and reservoirs inhabiting C. subtilis. Further the thesis shows how C. subtilis can cope with deviations from mean water level fluctuations. In summary important fundamental knowledge for the sustainable conservation and promotion of C. subtilis, particularly in secondary habitats, has been established.

The restoration of an alien-invaded riparian zone in grassy fynbos, South Africa

Fourie, Saskia January 2013 (has links)
The most recent surveys in South Africa estimate that invasions are still increasing, despite substantial clearing efforts. Riparian systems in South Africa are particularly vulnerable to invasion by woody IAPs. This thesis addresses the restoration of alien‐invaded riparian systems, by investigating the factors that facilitate or constrain spontaneous recovery and influence the trajectories of succession. These factors include invasion history and management history, especially the use of fire. A seedling emergence approach was used to test the presence of a viable pre‐fire seedbank, and the effect of fire on the seed bank. The efficacy of some active restoration interventions was also tested, with the aim to return invasion‐resistant, indigenous vegetation with a structure and function representative of uninvaded sites. The findings of this study indicated the presence of a viable and persistent riparian soil seed bank, even after 30 years of intermtittent invasion as well as two fire cycles under invasion. It shows that the management practice of fell‐and‐burn resulted in high soil temperatures, and that this reduced the indigenous soil seed bank density, especially in the upper soil layer. Clear germination sequences and patterns of emergence over time for different species were observed during this study, with many species exhibiting delayed emergence relative to the timing of the fire event. It is proposed that manipulation of the season of fire could be used to selectively optimise the order of arrival and therefore superior recruitment of some species over others in the Eastern Cape fynbos, and thus alter the trajectories of recovery of vegetation towards a more desired state. Active restoration in the form of indigenous seed and plant additions resulted in a significantly higher indigenous cover after seven months, compared to a control (passive restoration) or restoring with grass. Indigenous cover and composition was also strongly influenced by lateral zonation, and some key guilds and species were missing or present in much lower densities compared to reference sites. Grass restoration significantly suppressed the regeneration of A. longifolia, as well as the regeneration of indigenous species. Biotic resistance can thus be achieved through restoration, and it could be a powerful tool in the management of IAPs, although the deliberate introduction of grass after clearing in fynbos also reduces biodiversity and could have unforeseen consequences to riparian function.

Dinâmica da regeneração natural via sementes em uma floresta montana no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar / Dynamics of seed natural regeneration in a tropical montane forest in the Serra do Mar State Park

Vinha, Daniella, 1978- 02 December 2015 (has links)
Orientadores: Carlos Alfredo Joly, Flavio Antonio Maës dos Santos / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T11:17:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vinha_Daniella_D.pdf: 19806435 bytes, checksum: af3818b4640c3acda5f09a0580ff9346 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Estudos prévios demonstraram baixa sazonalidade na frutificação em florestas tropicais não-sazonais, o que poderia influenciar o padrão temporal e espacial da chuva de sementes e do banco de sementes. Entretanto, esses processos não são conhecidos. O objetivo desse estudo foi determinar como ocorre a regeneração natural via sementes em uma floresta tropical Montana no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar. Foram testadas as hipóteses: (1) a sazonalidade na chuva de sementes é fraca ou ausente e esse padrão não se diferencia dentro dos modos de dispersão; (2) o banco de sementes é florísticamente relacionado com a chuva de sementes e espacialmente acoplado; (3) o banco de sementes apresenta baixa sazonalidade e esse padrão não difere dentro dos modos de dispersão. Em 2 hectares de floresta, nós registramos o total de 29959-62904 diásporos na chuva de sementes (104-106 spp.), 1029-2999 diásporos no banco de sementes da serapilheira (36-38 spp.) e 6288-7824 plântulas no banco de sementes do solo (74-82 spp.) ao longo de dois anos. Asteraceae, Urticaceae e Melastomataceae foram abundantes na chuva de sementes (63-81%), no banco de sementes da serapilheira (70-73%) e no banco de sementes do solo (77-84%). A maior riqueza de espécies foi de arbóreas na chuva de sementes (59-61%) e banco de sementes da serapilheira (72-68%), e de herbáceas no banco de sementes do solo (ca. 55%). Houve maior proporção de sementes arbóreas em todas as vias de regeneração, assim como maior riqueza de espécies zoocóricas (mais de 50%). Entretanto, a anemocoria contribuiu com a maior proporção do total de sementes no banco de sementes do solo (ca. 75%) e da chuva de sementes de uma das áreas (64%). Houve sazonalidade na chuva de sementes com um único pico na abundância (Out-Nov). Esse padrão foi reforçado pela sazonalidade na abundância e riqueza de espécies da chuva de sementes anemocórica e zoocórica, ambas ocorrendo no período de maior precipitação. A chuva de sementes influenciou a composição de espécies das sementes contidas na serapilheira e no solo. Entretanto, o acoplamento espacial entre as vias de regeneração ocorreu somente em uma das áreas. O banco de sementes não apresentou variações na composição florística e houve fraca variação temporal na densidade e riqueza de espécies, repercutindo igualmente dentro dos modos de dispersão. Esse estudo demonstrou que a chuva de sementes pode ser sazonal em condições de baixa sazonalidade ambiental, independente do modo de dispersão das sementes. A relação entre composição da chuva de sementes e das sementes contidas na serapilheira e no solo revela que essas vias são interligadas e dependentes entre si, resultando em padrões espaciais agrupados. Como resultado, a baixa variação temporal do banco de sementes não pode ser atribuída à baixa sazonalidade na chuva de sementes. O fato de não haver acúmulo de sementes no solo após o período de dispersão sugere o baixo tempo de permanência das sementes. Por outro lado, a falta de acoplamento espacial em uma das áreas sugere processos de pós-dispersão atuando na reestruturação espacial do banco de sementes / Abstract: Previous studies have demonstrated low seasonality in the fruiting phenology in aseasonal tropical forests, which could influence the spatial and temporal pattern of seed rain and seed bank. However, these processes are poorly known. The aim of this study was to determine seed natural regeneration in an Atlantic tropical Montane forest located in southeast of Brazil, Serra do Mar State Park. The hipotheses were tested: (1) seasonality of seed rain is weak or absent and this pattern is no different within the dispersal modes; (2) the floristic composition of seed bank is closely related with seed rain and there is a spatial association between them; (3) the seed bank has a low seasonality and this pattern is the same within the dispersal modes. In two hectares of forest we recorded total of 29959-62904 seeds in the seed rain (104-106 spp.), 1029-2999 seeds in the litter seed bank (36-38 spp.) and 6288-7824 seedlings in the soil seed bank (78-82 spp.) over two years. Asteraceae, Urticaceae and Melastomataceae were abundant in the seed rain (63-81%), litter seed bank (70-73%) and soil seed bank (77-84%). Trees accounted to higher species richness in the seed rain (59-61%) and litter seed bank (72-68%). Herbaceous were most important to the species richness of soil seed bank (ca. 55%). There were more of tree seeds in all regeneration modes, as well as greater zoochorous species richness (more than 50%). However, anemochory had the largest proportion of total seeds in the soil seed bank (ca. 75%) as well as one of the areas where the seed rain was sampled (64%). There was seasonality of seed rain with a single peak in abundance (Oct-Nov). This pattern was reinforced by seasonality in the anemochorous and zoochorous abundance and species richness of seed rain, both occurring in the period of greatest rainfall. Seed rain influenced the species composition of the seeds in the litter and soil. However, the spatial coupling between the regeneration modes occurred in only one area. The soil seed bank showed no changes in the floristic composition and there was a weak temporal variation in density and species richness reflecting also within in the dispersal syndromes. This study demonstrated that seasonality in seed rain can occur even in tropical forests where environmental seasonality is low, regardless of the manner in which the seeds are dispersed. The relationship between seed rain and seed bank composition (litter and soil) reveals that these pathways are interconnected and dependent on each other, resulting in clustered spatial patterns. As a result, the low temporal variation of soil seed bank can not be attributed to the low seasonality of seed rain. Since there is no seed accumulation in the soil after a period of seed dispersal, short residence time of the seed in the soil is suggested. On the other hand, the lack of spatial association between seed rain and seed bank in one of the areas suggests post-dispersal processes acting in the spatial restructuring of the seed bank / Doutorado / Biologia Vegetal / Doutor em Biologia Vegetal

Weed Control Effects on Native Species, Soil Seedbank Change, and Biofuel Production

Setter, Cassandra Marie January 2011 (has links)
Aphthona spp. flea beetles were released in the Little Missouri National Grasslands (LMNG) in western North Dakota in 1999 to control leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.). The changes in soil seed bank composition and leafy spurge density were evaluated on two ecological sites five (2004) and ten years (2009) after Aphthona spp. release to monitor the effectiveness of the insects on weed control and associated change in plant communities. In 2009, leafy spurge stem density averaged 2 and 9 stems m-2 in the loamy overflow and loamy sites, respectively, compared to 110 and 78 stems m-2, respectively, in 1999 and 7 and 10 stems m-2, respectively, in 2004. Leafy spurge constituted nearly 67% of the loamy overflow seed bank in 1999 compared to 17% in 2004 and 2% in 2009. In the loamy seedbank, the weed represented nearly 70% in 1999 compared to approximately 11% in 2004 and 15% in 2009. As leafy spurge was reduced, native species diversity and seed count increased ten years following Aphthona spp. release. High-seral species represented 17% of the loamy overflow seedbank in 2009, an increase from 5% in 1999. However, Kentucky bluegrass, a non-target weedy species, increased over 250% in the loamy overflow seedbank from 2004 to 2009. The reestablishment of native plant species has often been slow in areas where leafy spurge was controlled using Aphthona spp. A bioassay was completed to evaluate native grass establishment when grown in soil from Aphthona spp. release and non-release sites throughout North Dakota. Native grass production was not affected when grown in soil collected from established Aphthona spp. sites (1.5 g per pot) compared to soil without insects (1.6 g per pot). The cause of reduced native grass production in sites with Aphthono spp. previously observed is unknown but may have been due to a chemical inhibition caused by the insects within the soil that no longer exists. The native warm-season switchgrass (Ponicum virgotum L.) may be an alternative to corn for efficient biofuel production; however, control of cool-season grassy weeds has been a problem in switchgrass production. Various herbicides were evaluated for smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss.) and quackgrass [Elymus repens (L.) Gould] control in an established switchgrass stand near Streeter, ND and a weed-infested field in Fargo, ND. Switchgrass yield was higher than the control 14 mo after treatment (MAT) when aminocyclopyrachlor or sulfometuron were applied early in the growing season, but no treatment provided satisfactory long-term grassy weed control. Herbicides were reevaluated at increased rates for smooth bromegrass or quackgrass control in Fargo. Sulfometuron provided 99% smooth bromegrass control when applied at 280 g ha-1 in the fall but injured other grass and forb species as well. Sulfometuron would likely be injurious to switchgrass and could not be used for biofuel production. Aminocyclopyrachlor did not injure other grass species but only reduced smooth bromegrass control by 76% when applied at 280 g ha-1 in the fall. No treatment provided satisfactory long-term quackgrass control.

Evaluation of range condition, soil properties, seed banks and farmer's perceptions in Peddie communal rangeland of the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Mndela, Mthunzi January 2013 (has links)
South African rangelands in combination with their surrounding homesteads occupy 13% of the entire land surface in South Africa. These rangelands are a source of forage for communal livestock. The rangelands in communal tenure system are degraded due to high human population and livestock numbers. The rangeland of Peddie was never evaluated since the introduction of Nguni Cattle Empowerment Project. Therefore, socio-ecological evaluation was conducted in order to interlink farmer‟s perceptions and scientific data to recommend appropriate rangeland management and restoration programme. Two structured questionnaires consisting of close and open ended questions were used to investigate farmer‟s perceptions on rangeland condition, dynamics, and their causes. Sixty households were randomly selected on the bases of livestock ownership and the membership in Nguni Cattle Project. In each household, any respondent of 20 years or greater, and a key informant of age greater than 40 years were selected. For scientific assessment of range condition, three homogenous vegetation units namely grassland, scattered and dense bushland were demarcated into four 100m x 50m replicates. In each replicate, two 100m transects were laid parallel to each other with 30m equidistant apart. The step point and harvesting method along each transect were employed for herbaceous species composition and biomass production. The point-to-tuft distance was also determined as a proxy for basal cover. Woody density, species composition and tree equivalents were determined in 200m2 belt transects in each HVU replicates. The germination method for soil seed bank evaluation was also employed to find plant species composition and density. The soil nutrients (OC, N, P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu and Mn) and pH were analysed through solution preparation and observation under photospectrometer to determine functional capacity of the soil of Peddie rangeland. The farmer‟s perceptions comprised of 63% females and 37% males (n = 120) with a mean household of 8 people, 5 adults and 3 children. It was perceived by 93.3% respondents that the rangeland of Peddie have undergone changes over two decades. These changes were perceived by 83% respondents to be accompanied by decline in livestock numbers. Woody encroachment and overgrazing were perceived to be the major attributes of these vegetation changes. The scientific rangeland condition assessment confirmed that these changes were more pronounced as bush density increases. Dense bushland had a significantly high (p<0.05) encroached condition with 6650 trees ha-1 and 4909.5 TE ha-1 beyond the recommended thresholds of 2400 trees ha-1 and 2500 TE ha-1 respectively. Scattered bushland had a fair condition of 1950 trees ha-1 and 1198.1TE ha-1. Themeda triandra as a key species was significantly higher (p<0.05) in grassland (31.1%) than scattered (15.6%) and dense bushland (6.1%). There was a declining trend in biomass production from grassland to dense bushland. The summer biomass production was significantly higher (p<0.05) in grassland than scattered and dense bushland but winter biomass was not significantly different (p>0.05) from all homogenous vegetation units of Peddie rangeland. However, the soil fertility increased with an increase in bush density except organic carbon (OC) which was 1.61% in grassland, 1.46% in scattered and 1.53% in dense bushland respectively. Soil N, K, P, Mg2+ Na+, Ca2+, Cu, Zn, Mn and pH were significantly higher (p<0.05) in dense bushland than grassland and scattered bushland. High soil fertility in dense bushland may be attributed to by abscission of woody plants and litter decomposition. In the soil seed bank, the abundances of forbs were significantly higher than sedges (χ2 = 12, df = 1, p = 0.001) and grasses (χ2 = 8.333, df = 1, p = 0.004) in all homogenous vegetation units while sedges were not significantly different (χ2 = 3, df = 1, p = 0.083) from grasses. The Sorensen‟s index indicated that soil seed bank and extant vegetation were significantly different (p<0.05). Annual and biennial forbs and sedges had high abundances while perennial grasses formed a bulk in above ground vegetation. This provided an insight that a reliance on soil seed bank for restoration of Peddie rangeland would not be advisable because it can result in retrogression. The communal rangeland assessment provided clear qualitative and quantitative data when the combination of indigenous knowledge and scientific assessments was done. The rationale is that conclusions and recommendations of range assessment are relient on the farmer‟s perceptions pertinent to their livestock production systems and their rangeland management objectives. This study has shown that inclusion of communal farmers in policy making can provide better insight because those are the people experiencing the consequences of range degradation.

Besiedlungshistorie und Ökologie des Scheidenblütgrases (Coleanthus subtilis) in Sachsen

John, Henriette 09 December 2011 (has links)
Coleanthus subtilis ist eine durch die FFH-Richtlinie geschützte, weltweit sehr seltene Art, welche periodisch trockenfallende Standorte in Flussauen (Primärhabitate) bzw. durch den Menschen geschaffene Staugewässer (Sekundärhabitate) besiedelt. Die Erarbeitung der aktuellen Verbreitungsbilder der Art in Sachsen und ihrer Besiedlungshistorie waren Ausgangspunkt für die Analysen zur Ökologie dieser Art. Anhand von Analysen zu den Ausbreitungsmechanismen, Standortansprüchen und Reaktionsmöglichkeiten von C. subtilis wurden grundlegende Beiträge zum besseren Verständnis der Strategien dieser Art erbracht. Die Arbeit gibt Hinweise für eine artenschutzgerechte Bewirtschaftung der Staugewässer insbesondere für die Regulierung von Zeitpunkt, Dauer, Intensität und Häufigkeit von Wasserstandsabsenkungen sowie hinsichtlich einzelner Praktiken im Zusammenhang mit einer fischereilichen Nutzung. Weiterhin zeigt die Arbeit auf, wie C. subtilis auf bestimmte, von den durchschnittlichen Wasserstandsschwankungen abweichende, Bedingungen reagieren kann. Damit sind nun wichtige Grundlagen zum nachhaltigen Schutz und zur Förderung von C. subtilis, insbesondere in Sekundärhabitaten, vorhanden. / Coleanthus subtilis is a globally rare species protected by the European Union Habitats Directive. This grass establishes on periodically drying sites in river floodplains (primary habitats) but also in man made ponds and reservoirs (secondary habitats). The identification of the present distribution patterns as well as the reconstruction of the colonisation history of C. subtilis in Saxony were the basis for analyses about the ecology of this species. By analysing dispersal mechanisms, habitat demands and response traits of C. subtilis fundamental contributions to a better understanding of the strategies of this species are given. The thesis provides information about optimum time, duration, intensity and frequency of water level reductions and about the consequences of different management practices particularly with respect to fishery in ponds and reservoirs inhabiting C. subtilis. Further the thesis shows how C. subtilis can cope with deviations from mean water level fluctuations. In summary important fundamental knowledge for the sustainable conservation and promotion of C. subtilis, particularly in secondary habitats, has been established.

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