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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of Seed Treatment on Tobacco Mosaic Virus Incidence in Tobacco Seedlings and Virus Distribution in Greenhouse Transplant Production

Loveday, Rachel Ellen Leonard 25 April 2007 (has links)
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is an economically important pathogen that has been studied for over one hundred years. Seedlings, seed coats, and nutrient solution were assayed for the presence of the virus and seed treatments were tested on seeds. Double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS ELISA) and biological local lesion assay data were collected. Seed coats from seed collected from TMV infected plants were always positive for TMV regardless of chemical treatment. Seed from infected source plants have lower germination than seed from healthy plants. Trisodium phosphate and hydrochloric acid treatments reduced virus infection of seedlings when grown under controlled conditions. Virus particles were serologically and biologically detected in both the leaves and roots of seedlings mechanically inoculated with TMV. Nutrient solution collected from 28 day old seedlings, 12 days post inoculation, tested positive for biologically active TMV by ELISA and infectivity assay. Infected water in float bed production could facilitate viral movement to all seedlings sharing nutrient solution. Seed transmission of TMV was shown to occur at a rate of 0.2%. This is in contrast to other research attempting to demonstrate seed transmission where visual symptoms on seedlings have been used to assess seed transmission. / Master of Science

Effect of dsRNA-containing and dsRNA-free hypovirulent isolates of Fusarium oxysporum on severity of Fusarium seedling disease of Essex soybean

Kilic, Ozlem III 08 August 1997 (has links)
Sixty-six isolates of <I>F. oxysporum</I> and <I>F. solani</I> were recovered from healthy and necrotic Essex soybean seedlings grown in naturally infested soil. These were tested for pathogenicity at 20 C and -0.01 MPa water potential in artificially infested, autoclaved field soil. Highly pathogenic, moderately pathogenic, and hypovirulent isolates of both species were identified. Fifty-seven <I>F. oxysporum</I> and nine <I>F. solani</I> isolates were tested for the presence of dsRNA. The presence of dsRNA was not associated with hypovirulence in <I>F. oxysporum</I> since some hypovirulent isolates contained dsRNA while other hypovirulent isolates did not. Furthermore, of six dsRNA-containing <I>F. oxysporum</I> isolates, three were hypovirulent, two were moderately pathogenic, and one isolate was highly pathogenic. Four segments of dsRNA, with sizes of 4.0, 3.1, 2.7, and 2.2 kb, were detected in extracts of all six <I>F. oxysporum</I> isolates. No morphological differences were found between dsRNA-containing and dsRNA-free <I>F. oxysporum</I> isolates. Attempts to cure dsRNA-containing hypovirulent <I>F. oxysporum</I> isolates, either by single-sporing of isolates or by using a range of concentrations of cycloheximide, were not successful. No dsRNA was found in any of the F. solani isolates tested. Pythium ultimum, an associate in Essex seedling disease, was isolated from water-soaked lesions and interfered with evaluations of disease caused by the Fusarium spp. Metalaxyl was used to control P. ultimum and had no apparent effect on symptoms associated with <I>F. oxysporum</I> and <I>F. solani</I> in field soil. Prior inoculation of Essex soybean seeds with conidia of dsRNA-free hypovirulent <I>F. oxysporum</I> isolates, plus metalaxyl seed treatment, significantly (p<0.05) reduced disease severity on both cotyledons and hypocotyls and increased the rate of seedling emergence in field soil, compared to the control plants treated with metalaxyl alone or not treated with metalaxyl. No significant (p>0.05) differences were found between dsRNA-containing and dsRNA-free hypovirulent <I>F. oxysporum</I> isolates in their effects on the reduction of disease severity. A mixture of two hypovirulent <I>F. oxysporum</I> isolates was significantly (p<0.05) more effective than single hypovirulent <I>F. oxysporum</I> isolates in increasing the rate of seedling emergence. Symptoms associated with P. ultimum were not affected by the prior inoculation of seeds with individual hypovirulent <I>F. oxysporum</I> isolates. / Master of Science

The influence of chemical seed treatment on germination, seedling survival and yield of canola

De Villiers, Rykie (Rykie Jacoba) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The influence of chemical seed treatments on the germination, seedling survival and yield of canola (cv. Varola 44) was investigated in a series of incubation studies, glasshouse experiments, as well as field trials in the canola producing areas in the Western Cape Province. Incubation experiments were conducted to compare germination and seedling growth of untreated (control) seed with that of seed treated at different application rates (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 times the recommended) of Cruiser® and SA-combination (which consists of Thiulin® at 0.5g a.i.; Apron® at 0.0815 g a.i.; Gaucho® at 0.6125 g a.i. and Rovral® at 0.9975 g a.i.). The results indicated that seed treatment (all rates of SA-combination and highest rate of Cruiser) delayed germination and seedling growth, especially if the seed was subjected to the Accelerated Ageing Test. Glasshouse studies with pasteurised soil at different water contents, seed sources (storage periods) and planting depths confirmed the phytotoxic effects of the chemical seed treatments in the absence of soil borne pathogens. From the results it became clear that extreme water conditions (very wet or dry) increased the suppressing effect on germination and seedling growth, but that no phytotoxic reactions occurred in moist (favourable soil water conditions) soil, regardless of application rate of the chemicals used, planting depth and seed source. In a second glasshouse experiment conducted in moist soil (kept at 50% of field water capacity to prevent any toxic effects) from seven different localities that were naturally infested with pathogens, both chemicals proved to be effective where soil borne pathogens (Rhizocfonia so/ani and Pythium spp.) occurred. No clear trend could however be found due to either chemical or application rates used. Finally, field trials were conducted to study the effect of chemical seed treatments on the plant populations and yield of canola planted in different row widths (17 and 34 cm) and seeding rates (3, 5 and 7 kq.ha'). Results showed that treated seeds produced more plants.rn" and yielded more than untreated seeds at Roodebloem Experimental Farm, while the highest seeding rate produced significantly more plants.rn" (Roodebloem and Langgewens Experimental Farms), but not significantly higher yields than the lowest seeding rate at the same locality. Although row width did not have an effect on plant population, yield (Roodebloem 2003) was significantly less at the wider (34 cm) rows. As in earlier experiments, no consistent differences between the two chemicals used were found. These results clearly illustrated both the negative (in the absence of pathogens) and positive (where soil borne pathogens do occur) effects that chemical seed treatments may have on the germination, seedling growth and even yield of canola under local environmental and soil conditions. Because no significant differences were found between the chemicals used, both chemicals should be regarded as efficient. More research, especially under field conditions and with more cultivars, is needed before the registration of a chemical for seed treatment could be considered. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die invloed van chemiese saadbehandeling op die ontkieming, saailing oorlewing en opbrengs van canola (cv. Varola 44) is ondersoek in 'n reeks inkubasie studies, glashuis eksperimente en veldproewe in die canolaproduserende gebiede in die Wes Kaap Provinsie. Inkubasie eksperimente is uitgevoer om die ontkieming en saailing groei van onbehandelde (kontrole) saad te vergelyk met dié van saad wat behandel is teen verskillende dosisse (0.5, 1.0 en 2.0 keer die aanbevole) van Cruiser® en SA-kombinasie (wat bestaan uit Thiulin® teen 0.5g a.i.; Apron® teen 0.0815 g a.i.; Gaucho® teen 0.6125 g a.i. en Rovral® teen 0.9975 g a.i.). Die resultate het aangedui dat saadbehandeling (vir alle dosisse van SAkombinasie en die hoogste dosis van Cruiser) ontkieming en saailing groei vertraag, veral wanneer die saad onderwerp was aan die Versnelde Verouderings Toets. Glashuis studies met gepasteuriseerde grond by verskillende waterinhoude, saad bronne (stoor periodes) en plantdieptes, het die fitotoksiese effekte van die chemiese saadbehandelings bevestig in die afwesigheid van grondgedraagde patogene. Vanuit die resultate het dit duidelik geword dat ekstreme water toestande (baie nat of droog) die onderdrukkende effek op ontkieming en saailinggroei verhoog het, maar dat geen fitotoksiese reaksies plaasgevind het in klam (gunstige grondwater toestande) grond nie, ongeag die dosisse of chemikalieë gebruik, plantdiepte en saad bron. In 'n tweede glashuis eksperiment uitgevoer in klam grond (gehou by 50% van veldwaterkapasiteit om toksiese effekte te voorkom) van sewe lokaliteite wat natuurlik besmet was met patogene, was beide chemikalië effektief waar grondgedraagde patogene (Rhizoctonia so/ani en Pythium spp.) voorgekom het. Geen duidelike tendens is egter waargeneem vir enige van die chemikalieë of dosisse nie. Laastens is veldproewe uitgevoer om die effek van chemiese saadbehandelings op plant populasies en opbrengs te bepaal van canola geplant in verskillende rywydtes (17 en 34 cm) en saaidigthede (3, 5 en 7 kg.ha-1). Resultate het aangedui dat behandelde saad meer plante.rn" produseer en 'n groter opbrengs lewer as onbehandelde saad by Roodebloem Eksperimentele Plaas, terwyl die hoogste saaidigtheid betekenisvol meer plante.m" (Roodebloem en Langgewens Eksperimentele Plase), maar nie betekenisvol hoër opbrengste gelewer het as die laagste saaidigtheid by dieselfde lokaliteit nie. AI het rywydte nie 'n effek op plant populasie gehad nie, was opbrengs (Roodebloem 2003) betekenisvol minder by die wyer (34 cm) rye. Soos in vroeëre eksperimente is geen konsekwente verskille tussen die twee chemikalieë gevind nie. Hierdie resultate illustreer duidelik beide negatiewe (in die afwesigheid van grondgedraagde patogene) en positiewe (in die aanwesigheid van grondgedraagde patogene) effekte wat chemiese saadbehandelings op ontkieming, saailing groei en selfs opbrengs van canola onder plaaslike omgewings en grondtoestande kan hê. Omdat geen betekenisvolle verskille tussen die chemikalieë gevind is nie, moet beide chemikalieë as doeltreffend aanvaar word. Meer navorsing, veralonder veldtoestande en met meer kultivars, is egter nodig voordat die registrasie van 'n chemiese middel vir saadbehandeling oorweeg kan word.

Evaluation of soybean inoculant products and techniques to address soybean nodulation problems in Kansas

Larson, Kim January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / Kraig Roozeboom / Nitrogen fixation by Bradyrhizobium japonicum in soybean [Glycine max] is highly beneficial in soybean crop production. Nodulation issues have been encountered on fields new to growing soybeans in recent years in Kansas. The purpose of this research was to evaluate soybean nodulation performance under various situations and seed handling practices in order to educate producers on how to achieve reliable nodulation consistency in the field. The objectives of the study were to: 1) compare inoculant products using single and double rates and in combination with one another on fields with varying soybean history; 2) determine if there was a negative interaction between inoculant products and common seed treatments; and 3) discover the influence of inoculated seed storage conditions before planting on the rhizobia’s ability to successfully nodulate soybean roots. Field experiments were conducted on diverse Kansas sites in 2011 and 2012. Inoculant treatment and seed treatment interaction trials had ten and seven experimental sites respectively. Inoculated seed storage conditions were evaluated in a greenhouse experiment during the spring of 2013. All studies used a randomized complete block design with four replications. The Novozymes inoculant products generally provided superior nodulation performance over other company products in the study where soybean had not been in recent rotation with an average increase of 167% in nodule number verses the control. The combination of dry and liquid inoculant products provided a significant increase in root nodule number at five of the environments out of recent rotation with a 76% increase over single inoculant rates. Although there were early season nodulation differences between treatments in new soybean ground, these did not carry through to seed yield differences in the majority of research sites. Hot and dry summer conditions reduced yields, making detection of treatment differences difficult. There were no negative effects on nodulation performance with any of the seed treatments. Although soybean seed yield was 634 kg ha[superscript]-[superscript]1 greater for the Novozyme combination treatment compared to the check at one location in 2011, the control yielded as well or better than all other treatment/inoculant combinations, implying that yield differences were likely not related to inoculant treatments. At other sites, yield was not influenced by seed treatment and inoculant combinations. Results indicate that seed treatment formulations did not significantly impact bacterial inoculant product performance, soybean nodulation, or yield. Storage conditions had no effect on nodulation performance in the greenhouse study, likely due to survival of Bradyrhizobium japonicum in the heat-treated growth medium.

Avaliação dos efeitos fisiológicos de fungicidas em cultivares de soja de hábito de crescimento determinado e indeterminado / Evaluation of physiological effects of fungicides in soybean cultivars of determined and undetermined habit

Formiga, José Ari 24 March 2015 (has links)
Anualmente novas tecnologias são incorporadas a áreas tradicionais e de expansão na produção de grãos no Brasil, sendo a soja [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] a principal cultura. Com vastas áreas e clima favorável, doenças, como a ferrugem asiática (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow & Sydow), foram disseminadas nas principais áreas de produção. Aplicações de fungicidas, do grupo das estrobilurinas associado ao dos triazóis, a partir do florescimento fazem parte do cronograma fitossanitário atual. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o efeito fungicida, fisiológico e interação entre piraclostrobina e fluxapiroxade em duas variedades cultivadas de soja de hábitos de crescimento determinado e indeterminado, e alterações nos componentes de produção quando submetidos a aplicações durante todo o ciclo. Foram utilizadas combinações com piraclostrobina + tiofanato-metílico e/ou tiofanato-metílico no tratamento de sementes em conjunto com piraclostrobina, epoxiconazol e fluxapiroxade, em aplicações foliares sendo um tratamento completo, um controle e as demais variações das épocas e dos produtos citados. As variáveis analisadas (número de grãos por vagem, número de vagens por planta, número de nós por planta, estande final de plantas e produtividade de grãos) não variaram entre os manejos estrobilurina/triazol e estrobilurina/carboxamida. Na caracterização dos efeitos fisiológicos, foram utilizados os seguintes parâmetros: condutância estomática, atividade fotossintética, carbono intercelular, transpiração e valor Spad. Os dados não foram consistentes na caracterização dos efeitos fisiológicos e sinérgicos da utilização de fluxapiroxade. / New technologies are incorporated every year to traditional and expansion areas of crop production in Brasil. Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] is the main crop. With vast areas and favorable weather, diseases as soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow & Sydow), were disseminated to the production areas. Fungicide application, strobilurins plus triazoles starting at full flowering its an usual management practice in representative regions. This experiment aimed to evaluate the fungicide effects, physiological alterations and interactions between pyraclostrobin and fluxapyroxad in soybean cultivars of determined and indetermined growth habits, and differences in soybean production compounds when submitted to applications during the cicle. The combinations with pyraclostrobin and thiophanate-methyl and/or thiophanate-methyl in seed treatment together with pyraclostrobin, epoxiconazole and fluxapyroxad, in foliar applications with a complete treatment, control and variations of ingredient actives and timing of application. The analyzed variables such as, pods per plant, nodes per plant, final plant stand and productivity did not varied in different systems with strobilurin/triazole and strobilurin/carboxamides. The following parameters were used for characterizing the physiological effects: stomatal conductance, photosynthetic activity, intercellular carbon, transpiration and Spad value. The results were not consistent to characterize physiological and synergistic effects of the fluxapiroxad.

Emergência de milho em função do tratamento das sementes com inseticida, fungicida e bioestimulante / Seed corn emergency treated with insecticide, fungicide and plant growth regulator application

Bertuzzi, Elieges Carina 23 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Beatriz Vieira (mbeatriz.vieira@gmail.com) on 2017-03-28T11:33:26Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_elieges_carina_bertuzzi.pdf: 543520 bytes, checksum: 545558a2199faee7d50346f487de24e3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-03-28T20:45:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_elieges_carina_bertuzzi.pdf: 543520 bytes, checksum: 545558a2199faee7d50346f487de24e3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-03-28T20:46:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_elieges_carina_bertuzzi.pdf: 543520 bytes, checksum: 545558a2199faee7d50346f487de24e3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-28T20:46:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_elieges_carina_bertuzzi.pdf: 543520 bytes, checksum: 545558a2199faee7d50346f487de24e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-23 / Sem bolsa / As sementes de milho híbrido carregam um dos maiores pacotes tecnológicos da agricultura moderna. Isso tem provocado investimentos cada vez maiores em qualidade e proteção, pois com a introdução de eventos que incorporaram características como resistência a doenças, insetos e herbicidas, aumenta o custo inicial de implantação da lavoura, aumentando o valor agregado da semente e o ganho de potencial genético pode ser observado nos resultados de produtividade atingidos. Considerando a importância do tratamento de sementes industrial, este trabalho teve como objetivo, avaliar o efeito sobre emergência de sementes de milho submetidas ao tratamento químico e armazenamento por 60 dias. Foram utilizadas sementes de 10 variedades de milho hibrido, dos obtentores Dow AgroSciences (2A550 POWER CORE, 2B433 POWER CORE, 2B587 POWER CORE, 2B604 POWER CORE, 2B688 POWER CORE e 2B710 POWER CORE), Agroceres (AG7098 PRO², AG9040 YG e AG5011 YG) e Coodetec (CD384 HX). De cada hibrido foram separadas 4 amostras 250g cada, de um mesmo lote, essas frações foram tratadas com 3 tratamentos e uma não recebeu tratamento químico. Portanto, os tratamentos, para cada híbrido, foram identificados da seguinte forma: TR1 – Sementes sem tratamento adicional; TR2 – Bioestimulante FERTIACTYL GR; TR3 – Inseticida CROPSTAR + Fungicida DEROSAL PLUS; TR4 – Inseticida CROPSTAR + Fungicida DEROSAL PLUS + Bioestimulante FERTIACTYL GR. Utilizou-se doses recomendadas pelos fabricantes. A emergência de sementes de milho híbrido tratada com inseticida, fungicida e biostimulante é diferenciada entre híbridos e produtos. A qualidade fisiológica das sementes de milho mantém-se em níveis satisfatórios quando submetidas às combinações de tratamentos testadas por no mínimo 60 dias. / Corn hybrid seeds carrying the largest technological packages of modern agriculture. This has led to increasing investments in quality and protection, and with the introduction of events that have incorporated features such as resistance to diseases, insects and herbicides, increases the initial cost of crop deployment, increasing the benefit of the seed and the potential genetic profit may be observed in productivity results achieved. Considering the importance of industrial seeds treatment this study aimed to evaluate the effect on emergence of corn seeds submitted to chemical treatment. Were used seeds of 10 varieties of corn hybrid, the breeders Dow AgroSciences (2A550 POWER CORE, 2B433 POWER CORE, 2B587 POWER CORE, 2B604 POWER CORE, 2B688 POWER CORE and 2B710 POWER CORE), Agroceres (AG7098 PRO², AG9040 YG e AG5011 YG) and Coodetec (CD384 HX). Four samples of 250g of each hybrid lot were separated, these fractions were treated with three treatments and one of them did not received any additional treatment. Therefore, treatments for each hybrid, were identified as follows: TR1 – seeds without any additional treatment; TR2 - FERTIACTYL GR Biostimulant; TR3 – Insecticide CROPSTAR + DEROSAL PLUS Fungicide; TR4 - CROPSTAR Insecticide + DEROSAL PLUS Fungicide + FERTIACTYL GR Biostimulant. It was used the recommended doses by manufacturers. Emergence of corn hybrid seeds treated with insecticide, fungicide and biostimulant is differentiated between hybrids and products. Physiological quality of corn seeds remains at satisfactory levels when subjected to treatment combinations tested for at least 60 days.

Aferição do teste de germinação das sementes de milho em função do tratamento industrial das sementes / Maize seeds germination test depending on the seed industrial treatment

Martins, Aline Neves 11 July 2017 (has links)
O tratamento industrial de sementes é utilizado para, aproximadamente, 100% das sementes híbridas de milho comercializadas no Brasil. Assim, é essencial verificar se a aplicação de produtos químicos nas sementes de milho interfere nos resultados das análises destas sementes. Portanto, nesta pesquisa foi comparada a germinação das sementes híbridas de milho de três cultivares classificadas em peneiras de crivo circular e oblongo, em função da aplicação de produtos químicos (fungicida, inseticida, nematicida e polímero) em relação às sementes sem tratamento químico (Controle). Para complementar a determinação da qualidade das sementes foram avaliados o teor de água das sementes, o comprimento médio da raiz da plântula, a emergência da plântula e o vigor. As análises foram realizadas no Departamento de Produção Vegetal da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\", Universidade de São Paulo. O teor de água foi determinado pelo método da estufa a 105 ± 3 °C, por 24 horas. Para o teste de germinação foram utilizados o substrato papel (RP), quatro repetições de 50 sementes ou oito repetições de 25 sementes e as avaliações entre o 3º e o 7º dia após a instalação do teste. Os tratamentos com fungicida, inseticida e nematicida não interferiram no teor de água das sementes de milho, independentemente do genótipo e da forma das sementes. Os resultados do teste de germinação das sementes de milho foram analisados, estatisticamente e utilizando as Tabelas de Tolerância das Regras para Análise de Sementes, e é possível verificar que o tratamento industrial das sementes não interfere nos resultados do teste de germinação, conforme proposto nas atuais Regras para Análise de Sementes. No teste de germinação, é possível avaliar a germinação das sementes de milho no 3º dia após a instalação do teste, para antecipar a obtenção dos resultados. A colocação de 25 sementes de milho no substrato papel (RP) favorece a avaliação do desenvolvimento da plântula no teste de germinação, em comparação à utilização de 50 sementes. / The seed industrial treatment is used to approximately 100% of the maize hybrids seeds marketed in Brazil. Thus, it is essential to verify if the application of chemical products in maize seeds interferes in the analysis results of these seeds. Therefore, in this research was compared maize seeds germination of three cultivars classified in circular and oblong screen sieves, depending on the application of chemical products (fungicide, insecticide, nematicide and polymer) in relation to the seeds without chemical treatment (Control). In order to complement the determination of seed quality, seed water content, seedling root mean length, seedling emergence and vigor were evaluated. The analysis were carried out in the Plant Production Department of the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo. The water content was determined by the oven method at 105 ± 3 °C for 24 hours. In the germination test, the paper substrate (RP), four replicates of 50 seeds or eight replicates of 25 seeds were used and the evaluations between the 3rd and the 7th day after of the test installation. The treatments with fungicide, insecticide and nematicide did not interfere in the water content of the maize seeds, independently of the genotype and the seeds shape. The results of the maize seeds germination test were statistically analyzed and using the Tolerance Tables of the Rules for Seed Testing and it is possible to verify that the seed industrial treatment does not interfere in the results of the germination test, as proposed in the current Rules for Seed Testing. In the germination test, it is possible to evaluate the maize seeds germination on the 3rd day after the test installation, in order to anticipate the results. The placement of 25 maize seeds on the paper substrate (RP) favors the evaluation of the seedling development in the germination test, compared to the use of 50 seeds.


Lacey, Jonathan Vance 01 January 2018 (has links)
Fungi in the genus Trichoderma have been characterized as biocontrol agents of plant pathogens since the 1930s. The use of biologicals for disease management has increased in recent years, typically marketed as a safer alternative to chemical applications. However, biologicals often lack consistent control across varying environmental conditions. To overcome the loss in efficacy due to environmental conditions, biologicals can be combined with common fungicide seed-treatments to provide improved control. Additionally, the presence of a biological organism could slow the development of a pathogen population. Greenhouse trials were conducted to determine the baseline root colonization of three Trichoderma spp. used in conjunction with five commonly used seed treatments. In field trials, a stand-alone treatment of the Trichoderma isolates was assessed for management of Rhizoctonia root rot (caused by Rhizoctonia solani) and frogeye leaf spot (caused by Cercospora sojina). The greenhouse trial provided evidence that isolates of T. virens and T. hamatum can colonize the roots of plants in which seeds were treated with metalaxyl + prothioconazole + penflufen or metalaxyl + prothioconazole + penflufen + fluopyram. Surprisingly, in the Rhizoctonia root rot trials, the soybean seedlings treated with Trichoderma spp. had significantly reduced stand compared to the R. solani inoculated control. For the frogeye leaf spot trial, an application of T. virens conidial suspensions as a foliar treatment significantly (P ≤ 0.10) reduced frogeye leaf spot severity of soybean compared to a non-treated control. Future research is warranted to better understand the potential efficacy in additional environments and the mechanism(s) of action used by the Trichoderma isolates evaluated in these experiments.

Evaluation of seed and drench treatments for management of damping-off and seedling blight pathogens of spinach for organic production

Cummings, Jaime Anne, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S. in plant pathology)--Washington State University, December 2007. / Includes bibliographical references.

Phenology of Crucifer and Striped Flea Beetles, and Potential of the Anthranilic Diamide Insecticide, Cyantraniliprole, as a Canola Seed Treatment for Control of Flea Beetles

Irwin, Caleigh 16 September 2011 (has links)
This research investigated the phenology of the striped flea beetle (Phyllotreta striolata (Fabricius) (SFB) and crucifer flea beetle (Phyllotreta cruciferae (Goeze)) (CFB), and examined the efficacy and the persistence of biological activity of the reduced-risk insecticides cyantraniliprole, clothianidin, and thiamethoxam applied as seed treatments to spring canola. Yellow sticky cards were placed around field perimeters in order to assess if CFB and SFB have synchronous phenology. It was found that CFB and SFB have largely asynchronous populations in southern Ontario. In laboratory bioassays, while flea beetle control with cyantraniliprole was comparable to that provided by thiamethoxam or clothianidin at the cotyledon stage, control did not persist through the 1st and 2nd leaf stages. Thiamethoxam and clothianidin both provided moderate control of flea beetles in both 1st and 2nd leaves. Field studies suggested that cyantraniliprole may offer control of flea beetles comparable to that provided by thiamethoxam and clothianidin. / E.I. DuPont Canada Co.

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