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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JEFF MAYNARD GUILLEN 15 February 2016 (has links)
[pt] Na área de exploração e produção de petróleo são alocados grandes investimentos para conseguir diminuir os riscos associados à baixos níveis de produção, que podem ser minimizados mediante a acertada caracterização do reservatório de petróleo. Uma valiosa fonte de informação pode ser extraída de dados sísmicos 3D, obtidos do campo em estudo. O custo econômico de aquisição de esta base de dados para o reservatório completo é relativamente baixo, se comparado com uma amostragem direta por meio de perfurações de poços. Embora, a relação entre os dados sísmicos e as propriedades de reservatório seja considerada ambígua, esta deve ser integrada com informação confiável, como aquela obtida mediante perfilagem de poços. Fazendo uso dos abundantes dados sísmicos e das escassas, mas, precisas medições em perfurações existentes, foi desenvolvido neste trabalho um sistema baseado no algoritmo de Programação Genética (PG) para caracterizar geologicamente um reservatório de petróleo. PG é uma técnica de computação evolucionária capaz de estimar relações não lineares entre um conjunto de entrada e de saída, mediante uma expressão simbólica explícita. Para extrair informação adicional nos registros sísmicos são calculados atributos sísmicos, que facilitam a identificação de características estratigráficas ou estruturais do subsolo representadas indiretamente pela sísmica. Adicionalmente, é utilizado o método de inversão sísmica para o cálculo da impedância acústica, que é uma variável auxiliar derivada de sísmica calibrada com perfis de poço. Os atributos sísmicos junto com a impedância acústica servirão para a estimação de propriedades geológicas. Esta metodologia de trabalho foi testada em um reservatório real de grande complexidade geológica. Por meio de PG, foi representada satisfatoriamente a relação entre dados derivados da sísmica e a porosidade do campo, demostrando assim que PG é uma alternativa viável para a caracterização geológica de reservatórios. Posteriormente, foi realizada uma clusterização do campo baseada em características geofísicas que permitiram a construção de estimadores por PG especializados para cada zona. / [en] In the field of oil exploration and production a great deal of investment is allocated in reducing the risks associated to low production levels that can be minimized through an accurate oil reservoir characterization. A valuable source of information can be extracted from 3D seismic data, obtained from the studied reservoir. The economic cost of the acquisition of this data base for the whole reservoir is relatively low, if compared to the direct sampling method of well drilling. Being that the relationship between seismic data and reservoir properties is considered ambiguous, it must be integrated with reliable information, such as that obtained by well logging. Making use of abundant seismic data and scarce, yet accurate, measurements from the existing drillings, it was developed in this study a system based in the algorithm of Genetic Programming (GP), to geologically characterize an oil reservoir. GP is an evolutionary computational technique capable of estimating the non-linear relationships between input and output parameter, through an explicit symbolic expression. In order to extract additional information from seismic records, seismic attributes are calculated, which facilitate tasks of identifying stratigraphic and structural characteristics of the subsurface, represented indirectly by seismic data. Moreover, a seismic inversion method is used to estimate the acoustic impedance, an auxiliary variable derived from seismic data calibrated by well logs. The seismic attributes along with the acoustic impedance will be used to estimate geological properties. This workflow was tested on a real reservoir, thus presenting geological complexity. Through GP, the relationship between seismic derived data and the field porosity was represented satisfactorily, demonstrating that GP is a viable alternative for geologic reservoir characterization. Afterwards, the reservoir was divided in clusters according to geophysical properties, this allowed the construction of GP based estimators for each zone.

P-wave velocity model for the southwest of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia and its relation to the local geology and seismicity

Galybin, Konstantin A January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] A number of controlled and natural seismic sources are utilised to model the Pwave velocity structure of the southwest of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. The Yilgarn Craton is one of the largest pieces of Archaean crust in the world and is known for its gold and nickel deposits in the east and intraplate seismicity in the west. The aim of the project is to link 2D and 3D models of variations in seismic velocity with the local seismicity and geology. A new set of seismic refraction data, acquired in 25 overlapping deployments between 2002 and 2005, has been processed, picked and analysed using forward modelling. The data comprise two perpendicular traverses of three-component recordings of various delay-fired blasts from local commercial quarries. The data were processed using a variety of techniques. Tests were carried out on a number of data enhancement and picking procedures in order to determine the best method for enhancement of delay-fired data. A new method for automatic phase recognition is presented, where the maximum of the derivative of the rectilinearity of a trace is taken as the first break. Complete shot gathers with first break picks for each seismic source are compiled from the overlapping deployments. ... The starting 3D model was based on the models produced by 2D forward modelling. 14 iterations were carried out and the best-fit 3D model was achieved at the 10th iteration. It is 35% better then the current model used to locate earthquakes in this region. The resultant velocity block model was used to iii construct a density block model. A relative gravity map of the southwest of Yilgarn Craton was made. The results of 2D forward modelling, 3D tomography and forward gravity modelling have been compared and it was found that the HVZ is present in all models. Such a zone has been previously seen on a single seismic refraction profile, but it is the first time, this zone has been mapped in 3D. The gravity high produced by the zone coincides with the gravity high observed in reality. There is strong evidence that suggests that the HVZ forms part of the Archaean terrane boundary within the Yilgarn Craton. The distribution of the local seismicity was then discussed in the framework of the new 3D velocity model. A hypothesis, that the primary control on the seismicity in the study area is rotation of the major horizontal stress orientation, is presented. It is also argued that the secondary control on seismicity in the SWSZ is accommodation of movements along major faults.


ERICK COSTA E SILVA TALARICO 07 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] A indústria de óleo e gás utiliza a sísmica para investigar a distribuição de tipos de rocha (facies) em subsuperfície. Por outro lado, apesar de seu corriqueiro uso em geociências, medidas sísmicas costumam ser ruidosas, e a inversão do dado sísmico para a distribuição de facies é um problema mal posto. Por esta razão, diversos autores estudam esta inversão sob o ponto de vista probabilístico, para ao menos estimar as incertezas da solução do problema inverso. O objetivo da presente dissertação é desenvolver método quantitativo para estimar a probabilidade de reservatório com hidrocarboneto, dado um traço sísmico de reflexão, integrando modelagem sísmica direta, e conhecimento geológico a priori. Utiliza-se, um dos métodos mais recentes para resolver o problema inverso: Modelo de Markov Oculto com Efeito Convolucional (mais especificamente, a Aproximação por Projeção de (1)). É demonstrado que o método pode ser reformulado em termos do Modelo de Markov Oculto (MMO) ordinário. A teoria de sísmica de AVA é apresentada, e usada conjuntamente com MMO com Efeito Convolucional para resolver a inversão de sísmica para facies. A técnica de inversão é avaliada usando-se medidas difundidas em Aprendizado de Máquina, em um conjunto de experimentos variados e realistas. Apresenta-se uma técnica para medir a capacidade do algoritmo em estimar valores confiáveis de probabilidade. Pelos testes realizados a aproximação por projeção apresenta distorções de probabilidade inferiores a 5 por cento, tornando-a uma técnica útil para a indústria de óleo e gás. / [en] Oil and Gas Industry uses seismic data in order to unravel the distribution of rock types (facies) in the subsurface. But, despite its widespread use, seismic data is noisy and the inversion from seismic data to the underlying rock distribution is an ill-posed problem. For this reason, many authors have studied the topic in a probabilistic formulation, in order to provide uncertainty estimations about the solution of the inversion problem. The objective of the present thesis is to develop a quantitative method to estimate the probability of hydrocarbon bearing reservoir, given a seismic reflection profile, and, to integrate geological prior knowledge with geophysical forward modelling. One of the newest methods for facies inversion is used: Convolved Hidden Markov Model (more specifically the Projection Approximation from (1)). It is demonstrated how Convolved HMM can be reformulated as an ordinary Hidden Markov Model problem (which models geological prior knowledge). Seismic AVA theory is introduced, and used with Convolved HMM theory to solve the seismic to facies problem. The performance of the inversion technique is measured with common machine learning scores, in a broad set of realistic experiments. The technique capability of estimating reliable probabilities is quantified, and it is shown to present distortions smaller than 5 percent. As a conclusion, the studied Projection Approximation is applicable for risk management in Oil and Gas applications, which integrates geological and geophysical knowledge.

Contributions à l'imagerie sismique par inversion des formes d’onde pour les équations d'onde harmoniques : Estimation de stabilité, analyse de convergence, expériences numériques avec algorithmes d'optimisation à grande échelle / Contributions to Seismic Full Waveform Inversion for Harmonic Wave Equations : Stability Estimates, Convergence Analysis, Numerical Experiments involving Large Scale Optimization Algorithms.

Faucher, Florian 29 November 2017 (has links)
Dans ce projet, nous étudions la reconstruction de milieux terrestres souterrains.L’imagerie sismique est traitée avec un problème de minimisation itérative àgrande échelle, et nous utilisons la méthode de l’inversion des formes d’ondes(Full Waveform Inversion, FWI method). La reconstruction est basée sur desmesures d’ondes sismiques, car ces ondes sont caractérisées par le milieu danslequel elles se propagent. Tout d’abord, nous présentons les méthodesnumériques qui sont nécessaires pour prendre en compte l’hétérogénéité etl’anisotropie de la Terre. Ici, nous travaillons avec les solutions harmoniques deséquations des ondes, donc dans le domaine fréquentiel. Nous détaillons leséquations et l’approche numérique mises en place pour résoudre le problèmed’onde.Le problème inverse est établi afin de reconstruire les propriétés du milieu. Ils’agit d’un problème non-linéaire et mal posé, pour lequel nous disposons de peude données. Cependant, nous pouvons montrer une stabilité de type Lipschitzpour le problème inverse associé avec l’équation de Helmholtz, en considérantdes modèles représentés par des constantes par morceaux. Nous explicitons laborne inférieure et supérieure pour la constante de stabilité, qui nous permetd’obtenir une caractérisation de la stabilité en fonction de la fréquence et del’échelle. Nous revoyons ensuite le problème de minimisation associé à lareconstruction en sismique. La méthode de Newton apparaît comme naturelle,mais peut être difficilement accessible, dû au coup de calcul de la Hessienne.Nous présentons une comparaison des méthodes pour proposer un compromisentre temps de calcul et précision. Nous étudions la convergence de l’algorithme,en fonction de la géométrie du sous-sol, la fréquence et la paramétrisation. Celanous permet en particulier de quantifier la progression en fréquence, en estimantla taille du rayon de convergence de l’espace des solutions admissibles.A partir de l’étude de la stabilité et de la convergence, l’algorithme deminimisation itérative est conduit en faisant progresser la fréquence et l’échellesimultanément. Nous présentons des exemples en deux et trois dimensions, etillustrons l’incorporation d’atténuation et la considération de milieux anisotropes.Finalement, nous étudions le cas de reconstruction avec accès aux données deCauchy, motivé par les dual sensors développés en sismique. Cela nous permetde définir une nouvelle fonction coût, qui permet de prometteuses perspectivesavec un besoin minimal quant aux informations sur l’acquisition. / In this project, we investigate the recovery of subsurface Earth parameters. Weconsider the seismic imaging as a large scale iterative minimization problem, anddeploy the Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) method, for which several aspects mustbe treated. The reconstruction is based on the wave equations because thecharacteristics of the measurements indicate the nature of the medium in whichthe waves propagate. First, the natural heterogeneity and anisotropy of the Earthrequire numerical methods that are adapted and efficient to solve the wavepropagation problem. In this study, we have decided to work with the harmonicformulation, i.e., in the frequency domain. Therefore, we detail the mathematicalequations involved and the numerical discretization used to solve the waveequations in large scale situations.The inverse problem is then established in order to frame the seismic imaging. Itis a nonlinear and ill-posed inverse problem by nature, due to the limitedavailable data, and the complexity of the subsurface characterization. However,we obtain a conditional Lipschitz-type stability in the case of piecewise constantmodel representation. We derive the lower and upper bound for the underlyingstability constant, which allows us to quantify the stability with frequency andscale. It is of great use for the underlying optimization algorithm involved to solvethe seismic problem. We review the foundations of iterative optimizationtechniques and provide the different methods that we have used in this project.The Newton method, due to the numerical cost of inverting the Hessian, may notalways be accessible. We propose some comparisons to identify the benefits ofusing the Hessian, in order to study what would be an appropriate procedureregarding the accuracy and time. We study the convergence of the iterativeminimization method, depending on different aspects such as the geometry ofthe subsurface, the frequency, and the parametrization. In particular, we quantifythe frequency progression, from the point of view of optimization, by showinghow the size of the basin of attraction evolves with frequency. Following the convergence and stability analysis of the problem, the iterativeminimization algorithm is conducted via a multi-level scheme where frequencyand scale progress simultaneously. We perform a collection of experiments,including acoustic and elastic media, in two and three dimensions. Theperspectives of attenuation and anisotropic reconstructions are also introduced.Finally, we study the case of Cauchy data, motivated by the dual sensors devicesthat are developed in the geophysical industry. We derive a novel cost function,which arises from the stability analysis of the problem. It allows elegantperspectives where no prior information on the acquisition set is required.


TALLES BARSANTI MENEGUIM 28 January 2021 (has links)
[pt] No Brasil, a partir de Março de 2006 com a constatação de indícios de gás e condensado de óleo na Locação Paraty (poço 1-RJS-617D do bloco BM-S-10) e poucos meses depois, em Agosto, com a descoberta da acumulação de óleo (poço 1-RJS-628A do bloco BM-S-11, pioneiro da área atualmente declarada como LULA) nos reservatórios carbonáticos de idade Aptiana e localizados na camada Sub-Sal da Bacia de Santos, estes reservatórios adquiriram importância estratégica para o desenvolvimento econômico e tecnológico do Brasil. A pesquisa realizada neste projeto visa desenvolver metodologia para estimativa de cenários 3D de propriedades mecânicas elásticas estáticas de deformabilidade: módulo de elasticidade e coeficiente de Poisson e do fator de acoplamento fluído-mecânico: coeficiente de Biot-Willis, integradas ao dado sísmico e que destinam-se a alimentar simulador mecânico, mitigando incertezas e riscos econômicos e de SMS ao longo da vida produtiva dos diversos campos do PPSBS. O pioneirismo do presente estudo encontra-se em: (I) realização de inversão sísmica determinística CSSI (constrained sparse spike) baseada em modelo inicial de Impedância-P ao longo de toda a sequência estratigráfica da Bacia de Santos: Pós-Sal, Sal e Pré-Sal considerando o efeito do soterramento em dado sísmico 0-offset cedido pela ANP (Agência Nacional do Petróleo), (II) desenvolvimento de Modelo de Física de Rochas (MFR) para toda a sessão estratigráfica da Bacia de Santos, com base em perfis de poços cedidos pela ANP e furos geotécnicos, para estimativa das propriedades mecânicas elásticas dinâmicas a partir da Impedância-P obtida na inversão sísmica e (III) realização de ensaios mecânicos simultâneos em análogo mecânico (bloco de travertino romano) da camada Pré-Sal da Bacia de Santos para determinação de relação de equivalência estático vs. dinâmico, como também emprego de mais duas relações de equivalência estático vs. dinâmico advindas de trabalhos científicos totalizando três cenários de propriedades mecânicas de deformabilidade estáticas e de coeficiente de Biot-Willis. Como resultado foi constatado que os três cenários 3D de propriedades mecânicas elásticas estáticas de deformabilidade e coeficiente de Biot-Willis, herdaram o nível de detalhamento da sísmica HD (High Definition) empregada, a saber: resolução vertical de aproximadamente 35m e resolução horizontal de aproximadamente 600m. Ao comparar o mais rígido dos três cenários com o menos rígido deles, observou-se que o módulo de elasticidade estático chega a variar até 35 por cento, o coeficiente de poisson estático chega a variar até 22 por cento e o coeficiente de acoplamento fluídomecânico de Biot-Willis chega a variar até 8 por cento, sendo que a maior variação está especialmente nos carbonatos do Pré-Sal de idade Aptiana, nos carbonatos do Pós- Sal de idade Albiana e nos arenitos do Pós-Sal do Paleógeno e Cretáceo Superior. / [en] In Brazil, in March 2006, with evidence of gas and oil condensate in the Paraty location (well 1-RJS-617D of block BM-S-10) and a few months later, in August, with the discovery of oil accumulation (well 1-RJS-628A of the block BMS- 11, pioneer of the area currently declared as LULA) in the Aptian-age carbonate reservoirs and located in the Sub-Salt layer of the Santos Basin, these reservoirs have acquired relevance for the economic and technological development of Brazil. The research carried out in this project aims to develop methodology for estimating 3D scenarios of static elastic mechanical properties of deformability: modulus of elasticity and Poisson s coefficient and the fluid-mechanical coupling factor: Biot- Willis coefficient, integrated to the seismic data and destined to feed mechanical simulator, mitigating uncertainties and economic and SMS risks throughout the productive life of the various PPSBS deposits. The pioneerism of the present study is: (I) performing deterministic CSSI (constrained sparse spike) seismic inversion based on the initial P-Impedance model throughout stratigraphic sequence of the Santos Basin: Post-Salt, Salt and Pre-Salt taking into account burial depth effect on the seismic trace, (II) development of Rock Physics Models (RFM) for the entire stratigraphic column of the Santos Basin, based on well logs and geotechnical holes, in order to estimate the dynamic elastic mechanical properties from the PImpedance obtained in the seismic inversion and (III) realization of simultaneous mechanical tests on mechanical analogue rock (Roman Travertine block) of Santos Basin Pre-Salt layer to determine static vs. dynamic relation, as well as using two static vs. dynamic relations from scientific studies to build three scenarios of static elastic mechanical properties of deformability and Biot-Willis coeficient. As a result, it was verified that the three 3D scenarios of static elastic mechanical properties of deformability, as well as, Biot-Willis coeficient inherited the level of detail of the HD (High Definition) used seismic, that is: vertical resolution of approximately 35m and horizontal resolution of approximately 600m. When comparing the most rigid of the three scenarios with the least rigid, it is observed that the static elasticity modulus vary up to 35 percent, static poisson s ratio vary up to 22 percent and the Biot-Willis coefficient variy up to 15 percent. The greater variation is especially in the carbonates of the Pre-Salt of Aptian age, in the carbonates of the Post-Salt of Albian age and in the sands of the Pos-Salt of Paleogeno and Upper Cretaceous.

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