Spelling suggestions: "subject:"seismicity"" "subject:"aseismicity""
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Estudo da Camada de Basalto em Bebedouro, Bacia do Paraná, com Função do Receptor - Implicações para a Sismicidade Induzida por Poços Profundos / Study of the Basalt Layer in Bebedouro, Paraná Basin, using Receiver Function - Implication to the Induced Seismicity by Deep WellsFábio Luiz Dias 20 April 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste no estudo da estrutura sedimentar da Bacia do Paraná da região de Bebedouro utilizando função do receptor, ondas de superfície e sísmica de refração. Funções do Receptor (FR) mostram a resposta da estrutura geológica abaixo de uma estação sismográfica. Para diminuir a não unicidade na inversão do traço de uma FR, foram usadas curvas de dispersão de ondas de superfície como vínculos adicionais. Ondas de superfície foram também obtidas com a correlação cruzada de ruído sísmico ambiental. Esse método passivo permite a obtenção de dispersão em períodos intermediários entre os dados de telessismos e os dados de sísmica rasa auxiliando na determinação estruturas sedimentares. Foi utilizada a inversão conjunta de FR de alta e baixa frequência, dispersão de fase e grupo de períodos menores que 2 s e dispersão de ondas Love e Rayleigh continentais (períodos entre 10 e 100 s). Na inversão conjunta, foram usados vários modelos iniciais diferentes para garantir melhor cobertura do espaço de soluções possíveis. Os resultados mostram uma camada de basalto com uma espessura entre 200 e 400 m, sob uma camada superficial de arenito de 50 a 100m. O embasamento da bacia está torno de 2.5 3.0 km. A espessura e razão Vp/Vs crustal da região foi estimada em 40.0 (1.0) km e 1.78 (0.02). Foi possível identificar zonas de baixa velocidade dentro do pacote de basalto, possivelmente relacionadas a zonas de fraturas ou camadas de basalto alterado. Estas camadas de baixa velocidade estão na parte sul, próximas à área de maior sismicidade induzida e também relativamente mais perto dos poços profundos de maior vazão. Isto corrobora com a hipótese de que a sismicidade local está associada à exploração de poços e estrutura de falhas pré -existentes. / A study of the seismic structure of the Paraná Basin in Bebedouro, SP, was carried out with Receiver Functions (RF). Both low frequency (with ~0.5 Hz low pass filter) and high-frequency (~10Hz) RFs were jointly inverted with surface wave dispersion curves. Surface-wave data included: long-period group velocities of Rayleigh and Love waves from continental-scale tomography in the period range 10-100 s (useful to control crustal scale structure and Moho depth), intermediate period group velocities near 1s period obtained from cross-correlation of ambient noise (useful to control sedimentary structure), phase velocities near 0.2-1.0 s obtained from local earthquakes, and phase velocities of Rayleigh waves from shallow seismic refraction data near ~0.1 s period (useful to control shallow layers). Joint inversion was obtained with several different initial models to better cover all possible solutions. The results indicate that the basalt layer is 200 to 400m thick, beneath sandstones of about 50 100m thick. The Basin basement was detected between 2.5 3.0 km depth, consistent with expected values from regional bore-hole data in the Paraná Basin. Beneath several stations a low-velocity zone was detected in the middle of the basalt pack which is interpreted as a zone of fractured or altered basalt. This anomalous low-velocity layer was detected near the most seismically active zone in the Andes district. It is also relatively close to the deep wells with larger outflow. The existence of this low-velocity zone in the middle of the basalt layer is consistent with the model proposed for the water-well induced seismicity.
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Estudo da Camada de Basalto em Bebedouro, Bacia do Paraná, com Função do Receptor - Implicações para a Sismicidade Induzida por Poços Profundos / Study of the Basalt Layer in Bebedouro, Paraná Basin, using Receiver Function - Implication to the Induced Seismicity by Deep WellsDias, Fábio Luiz 20 April 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste no estudo da estrutura sedimentar da Bacia do Paraná da região de Bebedouro utilizando função do receptor, ondas de superfície e sísmica de refração. Funções do Receptor (FR) mostram a resposta da estrutura geológica abaixo de uma estação sismográfica. Para diminuir a não unicidade na inversão do traço de uma FR, foram usadas curvas de dispersão de ondas de superfície como vínculos adicionais. Ondas de superfície foram também obtidas com a correlação cruzada de ruído sísmico ambiental. Esse método passivo permite a obtenção de dispersão em períodos intermediários entre os dados de telessismos e os dados de sísmica rasa auxiliando na determinação estruturas sedimentares. Foi utilizada a inversão conjunta de FR de alta e baixa frequência, dispersão de fase e grupo de períodos menores que 2 s e dispersão de ondas Love e Rayleigh continentais (períodos entre 10 e 100 s). Na inversão conjunta, foram usados vários modelos iniciais diferentes para garantir melhor cobertura do espaço de soluções possíveis. Os resultados mostram uma camada de basalto com uma espessura entre 200 e 400 m, sob uma camada superficial de arenito de 50 a 100m. O embasamento da bacia está torno de 2.5 3.0 km. A espessura e razão Vp/Vs crustal da região foi estimada em 40.0 (1.0) km e 1.78 (0.02). Foi possível identificar zonas de baixa velocidade dentro do pacote de basalto, possivelmente relacionadas a zonas de fraturas ou camadas de basalto alterado. Estas camadas de baixa velocidade estão na parte sul, próximas à área de maior sismicidade induzida e também relativamente mais perto dos poços profundos de maior vazão. Isto corrobora com a hipótese de que a sismicidade local está associada à exploração de poços e estrutura de falhas pré -existentes. / A study of the seismic structure of the Paraná Basin in Bebedouro, SP, was carried out with Receiver Functions (RF). Both low frequency (with ~0.5 Hz low pass filter) and high-frequency (~10Hz) RFs were jointly inverted with surface wave dispersion curves. Surface-wave data included: long-period group velocities of Rayleigh and Love waves from continental-scale tomography in the period range 10-100 s (useful to control crustal scale structure and Moho depth), intermediate period group velocities near 1s period obtained from cross-correlation of ambient noise (useful to control sedimentary structure), phase velocities near 0.2-1.0 s obtained from local earthquakes, and phase velocities of Rayleigh waves from shallow seismic refraction data near ~0.1 s period (useful to control shallow layers). Joint inversion was obtained with several different initial models to better cover all possible solutions. The results indicate that the basalt layer is 200 to 400m thick, beneath sandstones of about 50 100m thick. The Basin basement was detected between 2.5 3.0 km depth, consistent with expected values from regional bore-hole data in the Paraná Basin. Beneath several stations a low-velocity zone was detected in the middle of the basalt pack which is interpreted as a zone of fractured or altered basalt. This anomalous low-velocity layer was detected near the most seismically active zone in the Andes district. It is also relatively close to the deep wells with larger outflow. The existence of this low-velocity zone in the middle of the basalt layer is consistent with the model proposed for the water-well induced seismicity.
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Analysis and interpretation of clusters of seismic events in minesHudyma, Martin Raymond January 2009 (has links)
Spatial clustering of seismic events in mines has been widely reported in literature. Despite obvious visual correlations between spatial clusters of seismic events and geomechanical structures in mines (such as pillars, dykes and faults), very limited research has been undertaken to utilise this information to filter seismic data. A linkage between spatial seismic event clusters and discrete rockmass failure mechanisms is tenuous and not well established using current seismic analysis techniques. A seismic event clustering methodology is proposed. The first component of the methodology uses a complete-linkage (CLINK) clustering routine to identify relatively compact clusters of seismic events. The CLINK clusters are then subjected to a singlelink clustering process, which uses spatial location and seismic source parameters as similarity measures. The resultant
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Micro-seismicity and deep seafloor processes in the Western Sea of Marmara : insights from the analysis of Ocean Bottom Seismometer and Hydrophone data / Micro-séismicité et processus de fond de mer dans la partie ouest de la Mer de Marmara : nouveaux résultats fondés sur l'analyse des données de sismographes et hydrophones sous-marinsBatsi, Evangelia 15 November 2017 (has links)
Depuis les séismes dévastateurs de 1999 d’Izmit et de Duzce, la partie immergée de la Faille Nord Anatolienne (FNA)en Mer de Marmara fait l’objet d’une intense surveillance. Malgré cela, la micro-sismicité demeure mal connue. Par ailleurs, alors que la connexion avec le système pétrolier du Bassin de Thrace est établie, le rôle du gaz sur la sismicité n’a pas été identifié.Dans ce travail, nous avons analysé des données d’OBS (Ocean Bottom Seismometers) acquises dans la partie ouest de la Mer de Marmara (en avril-juillet 2011 et septembre-novembre 2014), à partir de méthodes non-linéaires –NonLinLocet d’un modèle 3D de vitesses. Une grande partie de la sismicité se produit à des profondeurs inférieures à 6 km environ : le long de failles secondaires, héritées de l’histoire complexe de la FNA ; ou dans des couches de sédiments superficiels (< 1 km) riches en gaz. Cette sismicité superficielle semble être associée à des processus liés au gaz, déclenchés par les séismes profonds de magnitude M1 > 4.5 qui se produisent régulièrement le long de la MMF.Par ailleurs, 2 familles de signaux de courte durée (<1s), dits ≪ SDE ≫ (pour Short Duration Event) apparaissent sur les enregistrements : 1) les SDE se produisant à raison de quelques dizaines de SDE/jour, en réponse à des causes locales (i.e. bioturbation, activité biologique, micro-bullage de fond de mer, mouvements à l’interface eau/sédiment), etc ; 2) lesSDE se produisant par ≪paquets≫, dont certains sont enregistrés sur les 4 composantes (y compris l’hydrophone) et apparaissent de manière périodique, toutes les 1.8 s environ, en réponse à diverses causes qui restent à déterminer (parmi lesquelles : les mammifères marins ; l’activité humaine ; la sismicité ; le dégazage ; les ≪trémors≫ sismiques ; etc). / Since the devastating earthquakes of 1999, east of Istanbul, the submerged section of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF), in the Sea of Marmara (SoM) has been intensively monitored, mainly using land stations. Still, the micro-seismicity remains poorly understood. In addition, although the connection of the SoM with the hydrocarbon gas system from the Thrace Basin is now well established, along with the presence of widespread gas within the sedimentary layers, the role of gas on seismicity is still not recognized.Here, we have analyzed Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) data from two deployments (April-July 2011 and September-November 2014) in the western SoM. Based on a high-resolution, 3D-velocity model, and on non-linear methods (NonLinLoc), our location results show that a large part of the micro-seismicity occurs at shallow depths (< 6 a 8 km): along secondary faults, inherited from the complex history of the North-Anatolian shear zone; or within the uppermost (< 1 km), gas-rich, sediment layers. Part of this ultra-shallow seismicity is likely triggered by the deep earthquakes of intermediate magnitude (Ml > 4.5) that frequently occur along the western segments of the MMF.In addition, OBSs also record at least two families of short duration (<1 sec) events (SDEs): 1) “background SDEs” occurring on a permanent, at a rate of a few tens of SDEs/day, resulting from many possible, local causes, e. g.: degassing from the seafloor, biological activity near the seabed, bioturbation, etc; 2) “swarmed SDEs”, among which some are recorded also on the hydrophone, and characterized by a periodicity of ~ 1.8 seconds. The causes of these SDEs still remain to be determined (among which: anthropogenic causes, marine mammals, gas emissions, regional seismicity, tremors from the MMF, etc).
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Investigating Earthquake Swarms for Clues of the Driving MechanismsFasola, Shannon Lee 12 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Seismic Wave Velocity Variations in Deep Hard Rock Underground Mines by Passive Seismic TomographyGhaychi Afrouz, Setareh 22 April 2020 (has links)
Mining engineers are tasked with ensuring that underground mining operations be both safe and efficiently productive. Induced stress in deep mines has a significant role in the stability of the underground mines and hence the safety of the mining workplace because the behavior of the rock mass associated with mining-induced seismicity is poorly-understood. Passive seismic tomography is a tool with which the performance of a rock mass can be monitored in a timely manner. Using the tool of passive seismic tomography, the advance rate of operation and mining designs can be updated considering the induced stress level in the abutting rock. Most of our current understanding of rock mass behavior associated with mining-induced seismicity comes from numerical modeling and a limited set of case studies. Therefore, it is critical to continuously monitor the rock mass performance under induced stress. Underground stress changes directly influence the seismic wave velocity of the rock mass, which can be measured by passive seismic tomography. The precise rock mass seismicity can be modeled based on the data recorded by seismic sensors such as geophones of an in-mine microseismic system. The seismic velocity of rock mass, which refers to the propagated P-wave velocity, varies associated with the occurrence of major seismic events (defined as having a local moment magnitude between 2 to 4). Seismic velocity changes in affected areas can be measured before and after a major seismic event in order to determine the highly stressed zones. This study evaluates the seismic velocity trends associated with five major seismic events with moment magnitude of 1.4 at a deep narrow-vein mine in order to recognize reasonable patterns correlated to induced stress redistribution. This pattern may allow recognizing areas and times which are prone to occurrence of a major seismic event and helpful in taking appropriate actions in order to mitigate the risk such as evacuation of the area in abrupt cases and changing the aggressive mine plans in gradual cases. In other words, the high stress zones can be distinguished at their early stage and correspondingly optimizing the mining practices to prevent progression of high stress zones which can be ended to a rock failure. For this purpose a block cave mine was synthetically modeled and numerically analyzed in order to evaluate the capability of the passive seismic tomography in determining the induced stress changes through seismic velocity measurement in block cave mines. Next the same method is used for a narrow vein mine as a case study to determine the velocity patterns corresponding to each major seismic event. / Doctor of Philosophy / Mining activities unbalance the stress distribution underground, which is called mining induced stress. The stability of the underground mines is jeopardized due to accumulation of induced stress thus it is critical for the safety of the miners to prevent excessive induced stress accumulation. Hence it is important to continuously monitor the rock mass performance under the induced stress which can form cracks or slide along the existing discontinuities in rock mass. Cracking or sliding releases energy as the source of the seismic wave propagation in underground rocks, known as a seismic event. The velocity of seismic wave propagation can be recorded and monitored by installing seismic sensors such as geophones underground. The seismic events are similar to earthquakes but on a much smaller scale. The strength of seismic events is measured on a scale of moment magnitude. The strongest earthquakes in the world are around magnitude 9, most destructive earthquakes are magnitude 7 or higher, and earthquakes below magnitude 5 generally do not cause significant damage. The moment magnitude of mining induced seismic events is typically less than 3.
In order to monitor mining induced stress variations, the propagated seismic wave velocity in rock mass is measured by a series of mathematical computations on recorded seismic waves called passive seismic tomography, which is similar to the medical CT-scan machine. Seismic wave velocity is like the velocity of the vibrating particles of rock due to the released energy from a seismic event. This study proposes to investigate trends of seismic velocity variations before and after each seismic event. The areas which are highly stressed have higher seismic velocities compared to the average seismic velocity of the entire area. Therefore, early recognition of highly stressed zones, based on the seismic velocity amount prior the occurrence of major seismic events, will be helpful to apply optimization of mining practices to prevent progression of high stress zones which can be ended to rock failures. For this purpose, time-dependent seismic velocity of a synthetic mine was compared to its stress numerically. Then, the seismic data of a narrow vein mine is evaluated to determine the seismic velocity trends prior to the occurrence of at least five major seismic events as the case study.
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Self-organised criticality and seismicityBoonzaaier, Leandro 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis we give an overview of self-organised criticality and its application to studying
seismicity. We recall some of the basic models and techniques for studying self-organised critical
systems. We discuss one of these, the sandpile model, in detail and show how various properties
of the model can be calculated using a matrix formulation thereof. A correspondence between
self-organised critical systems and seismicity is then proposed. Finally, we consider the timeevolution
of the sandpile model by using a time-to-failure analysis, originally developed in the
study of seismicity and obtain results for the sandpile model that show similarities with that of
the analyses of seismic data. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis gee ons 'n oorsig van self-organiserende kritikaliteit en die toepassing daarvan
in die studie van seismisiteit. Ons beskryf die basiese modelle en tegnieke vir die studie van
self-organiserende kritiese sisteme. Ons bespreek een van hierdie, die sandhoopmodel, in besonderheid
en wys hoe om verskeie eienskappe van die model te bereken deur gebruik te maak van 'n
matriks-formulering daarvan. Ons stel dan 'n korrespondensie tussen self-organiserende kritiese
sisteme en seismisiteit voor. Ter afsluiting ondersoek ons die tydontwikkeling van die sand hoopmodel
deur gebruik te maak van 'n deurbreektyd analise wat oorspronklik in die bestudering seismiese
data ontwikkel is. Die resultate vir die analise van die sandhoopmodel toon ooreenkomste
met dit wat verkry word vir seismiese data.
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Quantitative aspects of mining induced seismicity in a part of the Welkom GoldfieldFerreira, Ricardo Isidro Loureiro January 1997 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Scieuce in Geophysics . / Rockbursts continue to be one of the more high profile and problematic worker
hazards in the South African gold mining industry. Recent advances in the technology
of seismic monitoring systems and seismic data analysis and interpretation methods
hold considerable promise towards improving the success rate of rockburst control
measures. This study tests different methods for the evaluation of the response of
geological structures to mining induced stress changes.
A small part of Western Holdings Gold Mine in the Welkom goldfield -- the Postma
Area -- offers a challenge because of its geological complexity, accessibility and high
incidence of seismicity. The sensitivity of the local network to ground motions in this
area of interest and the expected spatial location accuracy is established and deemed
adequate for a detailed investigation of seismic activity. The local mining geometry,
geology and methods of mining are discussed. The fractured state of the rock mass
observed in situ, close to the stope faces, is in agreement with the results of numerical
elastic modelling and the high stresses inferred seismically. Almost immediately after
the incidence of a large event (ML 3.7) which occurred close to one end of a dyke, an
increased rate of seismic activity became apparent at another part of the same dyke,
some 250 m to the east. A change in the state of seismic stress, before and after the
large event, points to a transfer of stress along this geological discontinuity.
A quantitative analysis of recorded seismicity indicates spatial and temporal variations
in the state of stress and strain throughout the rock mass surrounding Mining
excavations. The elastic stress modelling performed routinely by rock mechanics
engineers in the deep gold mines is, by itself, incapable of catering for the rheological
nature of the rock mass, but taken together with independent seismic evaluations of a
fault orthogonal to a highly stressed dyke it is shown that both methods are mutually
complementary and can enhance the assessment of the seismic instability of the
structures. A back-analysis is conducted on ten large seismic events (ML> 2.5) to
identify precursors. These show that the timely recognition of high gradients in
physical seismic parameters pertaining to strain rate and stress in time and space
immediately prior to major seismic events is a real and practical possibility, as such
constituting an early warning mechanism. The fore-warning of a large event is best
served by an analysis of seismicity over the short term (weeks or days) through
time-history variations and/or contouring of various seismic parameters, although
long-term seismic responses (months or weeks) characterise specific patterns and
trends which are useful in the forecast. / AC2018
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Estudo integrado da camada de basalto em Bebedouro - SP, Bacia do Paraná: relocalização dos sismos induzidos por poços tubulares / Integrated Study of the basalt layer in Bebedouro SP, Paraná Basin: Relocation of earthquakes induced by wells.Salamanca, Gabriel Enrique Dicelis 03 August 2011 (has links)
Dicelis, G. E., Estudo Integrado da Camada de Basalto em Bebedouro SP, Bacia do Paraná: Relocalização dos sismos induzidos por poços tubulares, 2011. Dissertação de Mestrado Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade de São Paulo, SP. A partir de 2004, a população do distrito de Andes, Bebedouro (SP), passou a sentir pequenos tremores de terra. Uma rede sismográfica instalada em 2005 mostrou que os sismos locais são induzidos por poços tubulares profundos usados para irrigação de lavouras (Assumpção et al., 2007). Neste projeto de pesquisa foi melhorada a localização desses sismos, usando análise da forma de onda e os tempos de chegada das ondas P e S, com o propósito de efetuar uma melhor análise da sismicidade induzida. Para isto foram aproveitados resultados de estudos anteriores como sísmica de refração, dispersão de ondas de superfície, sondagem elétrica vertical, função do receptor e TDEM. Para obter o melhor modelo de velocidades 1D, foram testados diferentes algoritmos de localização e técnicas de relocalização de hipocentros, para aproximadamente 3000 microtremores gravados pela rede sismográfica no período 2005 2010. Os resultados mostraram que as profundidades focais dos sismos relocalizados ficaram em sua maioria dentro da camada de basalto, a menos de 500m de profundidade. Este resultado confirma que os sismos estão relacionados com a perturbação do equilíbrio de tensões (pressões) geológicas, em zonas de fraturas já existentes dentro da camada de basalto. Foi usada uma combinação de correlação cruzada e tempos de chegada para analisar um conjunto de sismos, baseada na similaridade dos seus sismogramas. Foi melhorada a distribuição hipocentral o que permitiu determinar claramente uma solução do plano focal de um cluster, o que indicou a existência de uma falha normal de orientação WNW-ESSE e mergulho para o norte, com extensão NNE-SSW (eixo-T). Este mecanismo pode complementar os dados de esforços na região sudeste. / Dicelis, G. E., Integrated Study of the basalt layer in Bebedouro SP, Paraná Basin: Relocation of earthquakes induced by wells, 2011. Master dissertation - Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Since 2004 the population of the district of Andes, Bebedouro SP, began to feel small earthquakes. A seismograph network installed in 2005 showed that earthquakes are caused by local deep wells used for irrigation of crops (Assumpção et al., 2007). In this research project we improved the location of these earthquakes, using analysis of waveform and the arrival times of P and S waves, in order to make a better analysis of the induced seismicity. To better relocate the events we determined a velocit model using results of previous studies such as seismic refraction, surface wave dispersion, vertical electrical sounding, receiver function and TDEM. The best fit 1D model was achieved testing different localization algorithms and techniques for relocation of hypocenters for approximately 3000 microtremors recorded by seismograph network to the period 2005 2010. The results showed that the focal depths of the relocated earthquakes are mostly within the basalt layer, less than 500m depth. This confirms that the earthquakes are related with disturbance of geological stresses (pressures) in pre-existing fracture zones within the basalt layer. We used a combination of cross-correlation and arrival times for analyze a set of earthquakes, based on the similarity of their recorded seismograms. The hypocentral distribution was improved allowing a clear determination of the best fit fault plane solution for one cluster, which indicates the existence of a normal fault with direction WNW-ESE and dip to the north, with NNE-SSW extension (T-axis). This mechanism may complement the stress data in the Southeast Brazil.
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Quantitative aspects of mining induced seismicity in a part of the Welkom Goldfield /cRicardo Isidro Loureiro Ferreira.Ferreira, Ricardo Isidro Loureiro. January 1997 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Geophysics . / Rockbursts continue to be one of the more high profile and problematic worker
hazards in the South African gold mining industry. Recent advances in the technology
of seismic monitoring systems and seismic data analysis and interpretation methods
hold considerable promise towards improving the success rate of rockburst control
measures. This study tests different methods for the evaluation of the response of
geological structures to mining induced stress changes.
A small part of Western Holdings Gold Mine in the Welkom goldfield -- the Postma
Area -- offers a challenge because of its geological complexity, accessibility and high
incidence of seismicity. The sensitivity of the local network to ground motions in this
area of interest and the expected spatial location accuracy is established and deemed
adequate for a detailed investigation of seismic activity. The local mining geometry,
geology and methods of mining are discussed. The fractured state of the rock mass
observed in situ, close to the stope faces, is in agreement with the results of numerical
elastic modelling and the high stresses inferred seismically. Almost immediately after
the incidence of a large event (ML 3.7) which occurred close to one end of a dyke, an
increased rate of seismic activity became apparent at another part of the same dyke,
some 250 m to the east. A change in the state of seismic stress, before and after the
large event, points to a transfer of stress along this geological discontinuity.
A quantitative analysis of recorded seismicity indicates spatial and temporal variations
in the state of stress and strain throughout the rock mass surrounding Mining
excavations. The elastic stress modelling performed routinely by rock mechanics
engineers in the deep gold mines is, by itself, incapable of catering for the rheological
nature of the rock mass, but taken together with independent seismic evaluations of a
fault orthogonal to a highly stressed dyke it is shown that both methods are mutually
complementary and can enhance the assessment of the seismic instability of the
structures. A back-analysis is conducted on ten large seismic events (ML 2.5) to
identify precursors. These show that the timely recognition of high gradients in
physical seismic parameters pertaining to strain rate and stress in time and space
immediately prior to major seismic events is a real and practical possibility, as such
constituting an early warning mechanism. The fore-warning of a large event is best
served by an analysis of seismicity over the short term (weeks or days) through
time-history variations and/or contouring of various seismic parameters, although
long-term seismic responses (months or weeks) characterise specific patterns and
trends which are useful in the forecast. / AC 2018
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