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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ratings of self and others as a function of expectations and evaluations

Burke, Richard Leonard January 1962 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston University. / Effects of two independent variables -- expectations of liking or disliking other individuals, and evaluative reactions about self from these others on self concept and liking for others, were experimentally studied, as an application of Heider's theory of balanced states. Heider has postulated a tendency for individuals to reach a state in which interpersonal cognitions are balanced, or consistent, with one another. Several hypotheses were generated by applying balance theory to the relationships among these variables [TRUNCATED]

Samband mellan självskattad fysisk aktivitetsnivå och aktivitetsregistrering via dagbok / Correlation between self-estimated physical activity level and registration of physical activity level

Gunnarsson, Pontus, Carlsen, Stefan January 2011 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka samband mellan hur universitetsstudenter skattar sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå och hur de registrerar aktivitetsnivå med hjälp av dagbok samt att se om de kom upp i ACSM (American College of Sport Medicine) och WHO´s (World Health Organisation) rekommendationer. Metod: Studien hade en icke experimentell, deskriptiv och korrelerande design där 26 försökspersoner, två män och 24 kvinnor, rekryterades via anslag. De fick först svara på en enkät och därefter registrera sin aktivitet via en 7-dagars aktivitetsdagbok. Resultat: Studenterna ansåg inte att de hade en stillasittande livsstil och alla deltagare utom en ansåg sig komma upp till ACSM´s rekommendationer av fysisk aktivitet 30 minuter per dag av måttlig intensitet alla dagar i veckan. Trettiofem procent kom inte upp i WHO´s rekommendationer och av dessa överskattade 67% sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå. Sextiofem procent kom inte upp i ACSM´s rekommendationer och av dessa överskattade 94% sin aktivitetsnivå. Konklusion: Studenterna hade en låg fysisk aktivitetsnivå utifrån ACSM´s rekommendationer och majoriteten av de som inte levde upp till WHO och ACSM rekommendationer överskattade sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå. Det krävs dock mer omfattande studier för att dra några generella slutsatser då denna studie hade en skev könsfördelning och ett lågt antal deltagare. Keywords: Self-estimation, Perception, Activity diary, Physical Activity level, Overestimation. / Objectives: The main objective was to compare self-estimated physical activity level with the registration of physical activity level among college students. A secondary objective was to investigate if the subjects reached the level of physical activity recommended by American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) and World Health Organisation (WHO). Method: A non-experimental, descriptive and correlated design. 26 subjects, 2 men and 24 women, were included. A questionnaire was used to investigate their perceived level of physical activity and a 7-day activity diary was used for the registration of activity level. Results: The students did not perceive to have a sedentary lifestyle and all subjects except one believed they reached the level recommended by ACSM. Thirty-five percent did not reach the recommendations of WHO and 67% of these overestimated their physical activity level. Sixty-five percent did not reach ACSM´s recommendations and 94% of these overestimated their physical activity level. Conclusion: The students had a low physical activity compared to the recommendations of ACSM and subjects who did not reach WHO and ACSM´s recommendations overestimated their physical activity level.  Due to the small number and adverse gender in the subjects, numerous studies need to be done in order to complete any further conclusions.

Vyresnių klasių moksleivių savivertės ir požiūrio į savo teises bei pareigas tarpusavio ryšys / Interrelation between a self – estimation and a point of view at the rights and duty of the hight – class pupils

Jankevičienė, Diana 02 August 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo aktualumas. Visuomenėje vykstantys kultūriniai ir socialiniai pokyčiai kelia naujus reikalavimus asmenybės vystimuisi, o savęs vertinimo supratimo reikšmingumas tampa neišvengiama šių laikų kasdienybe. Tuo tarpu savęs vertinimas glaudžiai susijęs su moksleivių pretenzijų lygiu, arba kitaip sakant, su savo galimybių įsivaizdavimu: savivertė bendriausia prasme yra savo paties požiūris į save, savo teises ir pareigas. Dinamiška socialinės ir kultūrinės aplinkos kaita sąlygoja savivertės sąsajų su moksleivių asmeninių teisių bei pareigojimų supratimu nagrinėjimo svarbą. Šiai problemai spręsti ir yra skirtas baigiamasis darbas. Tyrimo objektas yra moksleivių savivertės ir požiūrio į savo teises bei pareigas tarpusavio sąsajos. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti moksleivių savivertės sąsajas su jų asmeninių teisių ir pareigų žinojimu. Darbo tikslas yra detalizuojamas uždaviniais, lėmusiais tokią darbo struktūrą: visų pirma teoriškai pagrįsta moksleivių savęs vertinimo problematika ugdymosi procesuose; po to išnagrinėtos pagrindinės moksleivių asmeninės teisės bei pareigos; toliau darbe atliekamas vyresnių klasių moksleivių savęs vertinimo bei asmeninių teisių ir pareigų tarpusavio sąsajų tyrimas. Tyrimo metodika, padėjusi išspręsti minėtus uždavinius, susideda iš mokslinės literatūros analizės (teorinės analizės ir apibendrinimo metodas), kiekybinio empirinio tyrimo (anketinės apklausos raštu), hipotetinės dedukcinės paradigmos metodo bei tyrimo rezultatų statistinės analizės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research urgency. Occurring changes in a society make new demands to the development of the person, and value of understanding of a self-appraisal becomes an integral part of modern life. In turn ideas, the self-appraisal is connected with level of claims of the pupil, with its understanding of own possibilities. The self-appraisal is a view at, pupil’s own rights and duties. Dynamic development of a social and cultural environments influences importance of research of connection between a self-appraisal of the pupil and its understanding of own rights and duties. On the decision of the problem this final work was directed. Connection between a self-appraisal of the pupil and its understanding of own rights and duties object of research. The purpose of the research is to analyse connection between a self-appraisal of the pupil and its understanding of own rights and duties. The purpose of the work is detailed in tasks determining its following structure: first, theoretically the problematic of a self-appraisal of pupils in the course of training is proved; then the fundamental rights and duties of pupils are analysed; also research of the connection between a self-appraisal of the pupil and its understanding of own rights and duties was organized. Methodology of the work, which has helped to solve the above mentioned tasks, consists of the following methods: analysis of scientific literature (theoretical analyse and generalisation methods), quantitative empirical research (a... [to full text]

Αυτοεκτίμηση και κοινωνικο-οικονομικό επίπεδο Ελλήνων και αλλοδαπών μαθητών του δημοτικού σχολείου

Σαμαρά, Αναστασία - Θεοδώρα 19 October 2009 (has links)
Στα πλαίσια της εργασίας αυτής διαπραγματευθήκαμε κυρίως την έννοια της αυτοεκτίμησης και την επίδραση του κοινωνικο-οικονομικού επιπέδου της οικογένειας σε αυτήν. Για να γίνει περισσότερο αντιληπτή η έννοια της αυτοεκτίμησης, στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο της εργασίας γίνεται η αποσαφήνιση των όρων και αναφερόμαστε τόσο στην έννοια του εαυτού με τις αντίστοιχες ψυχολογικές προσεγγίσεις όσο και στην έννοια της αυτοαντίληψης. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο εξετάζουμε την αυτοεκτίμηση ως έννοια στα πλαίσια τόσο της οικογένειας όσο και της κοινωνίας και του σχολικού περιβάλλοντος. Τέλος επιλέξαμε την διεξαγωγή μιας ποιοτικής έρευνας με ημιδομημένη συνέντευξη και συμμετοχή τεσσάρων εκπαιδευτικών (δασκάλων) για την αποσαφήνιση και επιβεβαίωση / ανάπτυξη της θεωρίας. Στις συνεντεύξεις αυτές οι εκπαιδευτικοί δίνουν μια ενδεικτική εικόνα των αιτιών της χαμηλής αυτοεκτίμησης σε Έλληνες και αλλοδαπούς μαθητές και παρουσιάζουν την επίδραση της μετάβασης στο σχολικό περιβάλλον, του κοινωνικο-οικονομικού επιπέδου και της κοινωνικής αναγνώρισης που επιζητούν οι μαθητές. / In the context of this work we mainly negotiated the significance of self-estimation and the effect of the socio-economic status of the family in this. In order to make more perceptible the significance of self-estimation, in the second chapter of this work we make the clarification of terms and refer to the significance of self with the corresponding psychological approaches as much as in the significance of self-conception. In the third chapter we examine the self-estimation as significance in the frames of family of what society and school environment. Finally we selected the conduct of qualitative research with semi-structured interview and attendance of four teachers of (schoolteachers) for the clarification and confirmation/growth of theory. In the interviews these teachers give a indicative picture of causes of low self-estimation in Greek and foreign students and they present the effect of passage in the school environment, socio-economic status and social recognition that the students seek.

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