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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

InferÃncia do Estado Geral da Umidade Superficial do Solo Pelo Ãndice de Seca Temperatura-VegetaÃÃo e por Imagens do SatÃlite NOAA-17: AplicaÃÃes no SemiÃrido do Cearà / Inference of the General State of the Surface Soil Moisture by the Temperature-Vegetation Dryness Index and NOAA-17 Satellite Images: Applications in Semiarid CearÃ

Raul Fritz Bechtel Teixeira 17 December 2010 (has links)
nÃo hà / A observaÃÃo da superfÃcie terrestre por meio de satÃlites em Ãrbita de nosso planeta tornou-se corriqueira no mundo contemporÃneo. As inferÃncias de variÃveis ambientais diversas feitas a partir de imagens e dados fornecidos por satÃlites cada vez mais aumentam em qualidade e aplicabilidade de maneira que um nÃmero crescente de hidrologistas, meteorologistas, climatologistas e outros profissionais e leigos em geral fazem uso intensivo delas em estudos e pesquisas, em polÃticas governamentais ou na tomada de decisÃo. Uma dessas variÃveis à a umidade superficial do solo, que representa uma importante componente do ciclo hidrolÃgico terrestre, essencial em vÃrios processos naturais ambientais e cujo conhecimento à importante no gerenciamento dos recursos hÃdricos e terrestres, gerenciamento agrÃcola e na modelagem do meio ambiente e agrÃcola. As informaÃÃes derivadas de satÃlites, apesar de ainda apresentarem algumas limitaÃÃes tÃcnicas, podem facilitar bastante o monitoramento ambiental ao se tornarem, muitas vezes, mais Ãgeis e mais econÃmicas do que mediÃÃes locais in situ. Em paÃses em desenvolvimento e de limitados recursos financeiros, tais como o nosso, a informaÃÃo por satÃlites cresce em valor. No Estado do CearÃ, isso desponta ainda mais em virtude das suas dificuldades econÃmicas e sociais. Em vista disso, à proposta, neste trabalho, a aplicaÃÃo nesse estado do Nordeste de um mÃtodo de inferÃncia, por satÃlite, do estado geral da umidade superficial do solo expresso pelo Ãndice de Seca Temperatura-VegetaÃÃo (ISTV), que à indicativo do grau da umidade, estando a ela relacionado. Esse Ãndice à obtido a partir da combinaÃÃo de informaÃÃes da Temperatura da SuperfÃcie Continental (TSC) e do Ãndice de VegetaÃÃo por DiferenÃa Normalizada (IVDN), inferidos por meio de imagens no visÃvel e no infravermelho que podem ser fornecidas por satÃlites meteorolÃgicos operacionais, de Ãrbita polar, tais como os da sÃrie NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, EUA). No mÃtodo, foi escolhido, da literatura cientÃfica, um algoritmo de cÃlculo da TSC que apresenta certa facilidade de uso, sendo diretamente dependente da FraÃÃo de Cobertura de VegetaÃÃo (FCV) e que pode fornecer boas inferÃncias dessa temperatura. Nesse algoritmo, foram testadas, de forma inÃdita, algumas diferentes formulaÃÃes da FCV encontradas na literatura especializada, representando uma delas o estado da arte no assunto. Foram usadas imagens provenientes do satÃlite NOAA-17, recepcionadas na FUNCEME, e um software especÃfico, dessa FundaÃÃo, para se processar as imagens e implementar a metodologia abordada. Alguns testes foram feitos para duas regiÃes relativamente pequenas do semiÃrido cearense, com destaque para uma delas englobando a Bacia Experimental de Aiuaba (BEA), comparando-se as informaÃÃes do satÃlite NOAA-17 com dados in situ (provenientes de sondas no solo) e com dados advindos dos satÃlites ambientais Terra (dados de TSC, disponÃveis na Internet) e Aqua (dados de umidade superficial do solo). Procurou-se mostrar as diferenÃas qualitativas entre os mapeamentos obtidos, de umidade superficial do solo, e entre estes e os oferecidos pela modelagem em geral. Os resultados encontrados mostraram-se promissores para a utilizaÃÃo no territÃrio cearense do ISTV (no modelo trapezoidal) por meio de satÃlites NOAA, com o algoritmo de Kerr para o cÃlculo da TSC e com a FCV dada pelo Scaled Difference Vegetation Index (SDVI), com o fim de se estimar o estado geral da umidade superficial do solo sobre grandes Ãreas. Entretanto, recomenda-se mais validaÃÃo local posterior do mÃtodo usado, para detecÃÃo de possÃveis erros ou limitaÃÃes nÃo vislumbradas nestes primeiros testes, visando sua definitiva aplicaÃÃo operacional no Cearà e mesmo no semiÃrido do Nordeste.

Bioprospecção de biomoléculas isoladas de fungos endofíticos de Combretum leprosum do bioma Caatinga / Bioprospection of biomolecule isolated from endophytic fungal of Combretum leprosum from Caatinga biome

Suikinai Nobre Santos 03 September 2012 (has links)
Os micro-organismos que habitam o interior das plantas (endofíticos ou endófitos) tornaram-se foco de interesse por estarem envolvidos na produção de compostos químicos como enzimas, alcalóides, antibióticos, anticancerígenas e diferentes metabólitos. Os ecossistemas de regiões tropicais tem sido alvo de busca de compostos naturais por causa da riqueza de espécies e nichos ecológicos presentes nestas comunidades. O objetivo deste trabalho o isolamento, identificação e a bioprospecção de fungos endofíticos obtidos de Combretum leprosum e a detecção nos extratos de planta e micro-organismos da presença do composto combretastatin (CA4). Folhas, galhos, frutos e raízes de C. leprosum foram coletados de cinco estados dentro da zona de semiárido brasileiro: Bahia, Piauí, Ceará, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte. Partes das amostras foram triturados e submetidos à maceração primeiramente em diclorometano, seguidos de tetrahidrofurano e acetona de acordo com Pettit et al.(1987) para possível extração da CA4. Além disso, para avaliação in vitro da atividade citotóxica e antimicrobiana foram realizadas extrações em acetato de etila, clorofórmio e metanol. Foram detectados a possível presença da CA4 em todos os órgãos das plantas extraídos com tetrahidrofurano e as maiores concentrações foram observadas nas folhas. A atividade antitumoral dos extratos vegetais apresentaram as maiores inibições contra carcinoma (ovário IC50 10µg/mL-1, rim IC50 8,7µg/mL-1 e mama IC50 14,1µg/mL-1) e glioma.IC50 13,5µg/mL-1. A outra parte das amostras (folhas, caules e raízes) foram desinfetadas, fragmentadas e colocadas em meios de cultivo (Martin, BDA, Agar água) por 60 dias, 28°C. Foram isolados 405 fungos endofíticos e 159 apresentaram atividade contra fitopatogênicos, 72% para Rhizoctonia solani e 28% para Pythium aphanidermatum. As vinte e três linhagens que apresentaram as melhores atividades antifitopatogênicas foram submetidas a crescimento em Czapec em cultura estacionaria, por 30 dias, a 28°C, os respectivos metabólitos foram obtidos em múltiplo (3.0 e 11.0) e avaliados a atividade antimicrobiana contra bactérias patogênicas e fungos. Quatro linhagens foram selecionadas, identificadas pelo sequenciamento da região 18S, CFE177 como Fusarium oxysporum, CFE03 como Hypocrea koningii, linhagem CFE108 como Aspesgillus oryzae e CFE391 como Fusarium solani e avaliadas in vitro pelos testes biológicos: atividade antitumoral, antioxidante e antimicobactéria. Os compostos produzidos por A. oryzae CFE108 apresentaram potencial para bioprospecção, e de acordo com as atividade citotóxicas as maiores ações foram contra as linhagens linfoma histiocística (J744), mieloma murino (B16F10) e baixa citotóxidade para carcinoma de bexiga (ECV304) e leucemia eritroblástica humana (k562) na concentração de 1mg/mL-1. Foram isolados dois compostos: SS-XL-32-01 identificado como bis-(2-etilhexil) ftalato (DEHP) e SS-XL-20-1 identificado como fenol, 2.2 metilenobis[6-(1,1-dimetiletil)-4- etil], ambos com atividade anticâncer para células HeLa com percentual de ate 98% e 71%, de morte, respectivamente. Alem disso, a modificação através da reação de metilação do composto SS-XL-32-1 resultou na quebra do anel aromático, formação de 4 subprodutos e perda da atividade, sendo um indicativo do sitio ativo da molécula responsável pela atividade observada. Portanto, fungos endofíticos de 18 plantas do semiárido brasileiro podem ser considerados fonte de bioprospecção para novas moléculas bioativas com atividade antitumoral. / The micro-organisms that reside in the aerial tissues and roots of plants (endophytic or endophyte) became the focus of interest for being involved in the chemical production such as enzymes, alkaloids, antibiotics, anticancer and different metabolites. The ecosystems of tropical region have been targeted search of natural compounds because of the richness of species and ecological niches present in these communities. The aim of this work was the isolation, identification and bioprospection for endophytic fungi from Combretum leprosum and detection in extracts of the plant and micro-organisms for the presence of the combretastatin (CA4). Leaves, stems, fruits and roots of C. leprosum were collected from five states within the semi-arid zone of Brazil: Bahia, Piaui, Ceara, Paraiba, Rio Grande do Norte. Part of the samples were crushed and subjected to maceration in dichloromethane, followed by tetrahydrofuran and acetone according to Pettit et al. (1987) for extracting the possible CA4. Moreover, for in vitro evaluation of the cytotoxic and antimicrobial activity extractions were carried out in ethyl acetate, chloroform and methanol. Were detected the possible presence of CA4 all plant organs extracted with tetrahydrofuran and the highest concentrations were observed on the leaves. The antitumor activity of plant extracts showed the highest inhibition against carcinoma (ovary IC50 10µg/mL-1, kidney IC50 8.7 µg/mL-1 and breast IC50 14.1 µg/mL-1) glioma IC50 and 13.5 mg-/mL-1. The other part of the samples (leaves, stems and roots) were disinfected, fragmented and placed in culture media (Martin, PDA, water agar) for 60 days, 28°C. 405 Endophytic fungi were isolated and 159 showed activity against phytopathogenic, 72% for Rhizoctonia solani and 28% for Pythium aphanidermatum. Twenty-three strains that showed good activities antiphytopathogenic, were grow on medium Czapec in static culture, for 30 days at 28°C, the respective metabolites were obtained in multiples pH (3.0 and 11.0) and evaluated the antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Four strains were selected, identified by sequencing the 18S region, CFE177 as Fusarium oxysporum, CFE03 as Hypocrea koningii, strain CFE108 as Aspesgillus oryzae and CFE391 Fusarium solani, and evaluated by in vitro biological tests: antitumor, antioxidant and antimicobactérium activity. The compounds produced by A. oryzae CFE108 had biological potential and in accordance with the cytotoxic activity, showed the highest activities against lymphoma lines (J744), murine myeloma (B16F10) and low cytotoxicity for carcinoma of the bladder (ECV304) and leukemia erythroblastic human (K562) in 1mg/mL-1 concentration. Two compounds were isolated: SS-XL-32- 01 identified as bis-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), and SS-XL-20-1 as phenol 2.2methylenobis [6-(1,1-dimethylethyl) - 4-ethyl], both with anticancer activity for HeLa cells with a percentage of up to 98% and 71%, of death, respectively. In addition, modified by methylation reaction of the compound SS-XL-32-1 resulted in the breaking of the aromatic ring and result in formation of four product and loss of activity being indicative of the active site of the molecule can be the aromatic ring. Therefore, endophytic fungi in semiarid Brazil plant can be considered a source of bioprospection for new bioactive molecules with anticancer activity.

Coleta, caracteriza??o e avalia??o preliminar de acessos de Stylosanthes spp.

Oliveira, Ronaldo Sim?o de 31 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2016-07-11T23:39:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese-Ronaldo SOliveira_2015.pdf: 1819214 bytes, checksum: da69b4c584e3e9304788bb2b45091d51 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-11T23:39:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese-Ronaldo SOliveira_2015.pdf: 1819214 bytes, checksum: da69b4c584e3e9304788bb2b45091d51 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The aim of this work was to organize a Forage Germplasm Bank in the State University of Feira de Santana-BA (BGF-UEFS), to carry out a survey of the occurrence of species of Stylosanthes and do pre-breeding studies in a sample of accessions collected in the Semiarid of Bahia from 2008 and 2014. Five collection expeditions in different Semiarid regions of the State was done as an attempt to rescue the maximum genetic variability available. For the pre-breeding work, 25 accessions of Stylosanthes plus a control were utilized. The methods of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Restricted Maximum Likelihood/Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (REML/BLUP) were used. The genetic parameters were estimated in order to choose the most precise method to select the best individuals for a breeding program. Finally, it was studied the genetic diversity in order to choose the best combinations to develop segregating populations in a breeding program of Stylosanthes. In total, 225 accessions of Stylosanthes spp. were rescued in the state of Bahia, being 61 from de Northeast of the state, 58 from the Mid North, 59 from S?o Francisco Valley, 24 from the Mid South and 23 from the Far West. The estimates of the genetic parameters showed that the methods (ANOVA and REML/BLUP) presented divergent values. The REML/BLUP estimated the genetic values with better accuracy, increased the efficiency of selection and therefore decreased the cost of a given breeding program that has the objective to increase the mass production in Stylosanthes. In a sample of the analyzed accessions, four species were found (S. scabra, S. humilis, S. viscosa and S. capitata). Genetic variability among the accessions and the clusters of Tocher and UPGMA were basically defined by the botanical species and some of them were superior for mass production (BGF08-16 and BGF06-15) and for forage quality (BGF08- 006 and BGF08-007). / O objetivo deste trabalho foi organizar um Banco de Germoplasma de Forrageiras da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, BA (BGF-UEFS), realizar o levantamento da ocorr?ncia de esp?cies do g?nero Stylosanthes e conduzir um estudo de Pr?-melhoramento em uma amostra de acessos coletados no Semi?rido baiano entre os anos de 2008 a 2014. Foram realizadas cinco expedi??es de coleta em diferentes regi?es do Estado procurando resgatar o m?ximo da variabilidade gen?tica dispon?vel. Para os estudos de pr?-melhoramento foram utilizados 25 acessos de Stylosanthes mais uma testemunha. Por meio dos m?todos de an?lise de vari?ncia (ANOVA) e M?xima Verossimilhan?a Restrita/Melhor Predi??o Linear n?o Viesada (REML/BLUP) foram estimados os par?metros gen?ticos, procurando indicar qual o m?todo mais preciso na sele??o dos melhores indiv?duos para um programa de melhoramento. Por fim, realizou-se o estudo da diversidade gen?tica no intuito de indicar as melhores combina??es para formar as popula??es segregantes do programa de melhoramento gen?tico dessa forrageira. Foram resgatados 225 acessos de Stylosanthes spp. de cinco mesorregi?es da Bahia, dos quais 61 foram do Nordeste baiano, 58 do Centro Norte baiano, 59 oriundos do Vale S?o Franciscano da Bahia, 24 resgatados no Centro Sul Baiano e 23 acessos no extremo Oeste Baiano. A estimativa dos par?metros gen?ticos mostrou que os m?todos (ANOVA e REML/BLUP) apresentaram valores divergentes sendo que o REML/BLUP estima os valores gen?ticos com maior acur?cia, aumenta a efici?ncia da sele??o e consequentemente diminui os custos dos programas de melhoramento gen?tico que objetivam aumentar a produ??o de massa em Stylosanthes. Em uma amostra de acessos analisada foram identificadas quatro esp?cies (S. scabra, S. humilis, S. viscosa e S. capitata). Foi observada variabilidade gen?tica entre os acessos avaliados e os agrupamentos de Tocher e UPGMA foram definidos quase que pela identifica??o bot?nica das esp?cies, sendo que os acessos BGF08-16 e BGF06-15 se mostraram superiores para produ??o de massa e os acessos BGF08- 006 e BGF08-007 para a qualidade de forragem.

A Chapada Diamantina e a convivência com o Semi-Árido: Ameaça de desarticulação e dissolução de comunidades locais

Cruz, Myrt Thânia de Souza 12 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:21:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Myrt Thania de Souza Cruz.pdf: 1638665 bytes, checksum: daba94bb90ca2caf5224730795b080fc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-12 / The objective of this thesis is to comprehend the process of disarticulation threat and dissolution of communities in the semiarid region of the Chapada Diamatina plateau. A systematic study was made, using as an example an area denominated Cercado, situated on top of the Serra do Cigano, following the horse trail that leads to the San Francisco River. The study seeks to reconstruct the history of the colonization of that region, strongly marked by despotism, materialized through the phenomena of bossing and coerced votes. From the local residents, tales of the fight for existence and life maintenance in that region were retrieved. Eminently verbal, the narratives were based on the memory of those still in the region and others that have left. The social relations reproduction process under the shelter of the merchant world has brought serious consequences to the rural communities of the Chapada Diamantina plateau which live in a mere subsistence agrarian economy, degrading their way of life and not rarely leading to their dissolution. The continual struggle of these people in search of ways to satisfy their needs promotes solidary practices that make viable to live in the semiarid nature, although this does not guarantee the preservation of their ways of life in the face of the transformations generated by modern times. As a consequence of the difficulties imposed by the disarticulation process, the singularity of their life experience makes them active historical agents in their settlement, in working the land, in putting together their tasks and in the resistance to maintain their knowledge about medicinal plants, folklore costumes and their religiousness / Esta tese objetiva compreender o processo de ameaça de desarticulação e dissolução de comunidades do semi-árido da Chapada Diamantina. Foi feito estudo sistemático tomando como exemplo uma localidade denominada Cercado, situada no topo da Serra do Cigano, às margens da trilha cavaleira que dá acesso ao rio São Francisco. O estudo procura reconstruir a história do processo de povoamento da região, fortemente marcado pelo coronelismo materializado através dos fenômenos de mandonismo e voto de cabresto. Junto com seus moradores, recupera narrativas sobre a história da luta pela existência e manutenção da vida no lugar. De cunho eminentemente oral, as narrativas foram viabilizadas a partir da memória dos que lá vivem e também dos que migraram. O processo de reprodução das relações sociais, sob a égide do mundo da mercadoria, tem trazido sérias conseqüências para as comunidades rurais da Chapada Diamantina que vivem numa economia agrária de subsistência, degradando seu modo de vida e, não raro, conduzindo para sua dissolução. A incessante luta das pessoas em busca da satisfação de suas necessidades fornece consagração de práticas solidárias que viabilizam a convivência com a natureza semi-árida, mas não garante a manutenção dos modos de vida face às transformações decorrentes da modernidade. Frente às dificuldades impostas pelo processo de desarticulação, a singularidade de suas vivências os inscreve como agentes históricos ativos na construção de fazeres, no enraizamento e lida com a terra e na resistência pela manutenção dos conhecimentos das plantas medicinais, festejos, costumes e religiosidade

A Chapada Diamantina e a convivência com o Semi-Árido: Ameaça de desarticulação e dissolução de comunidades locais

Cruz, Myrt Thânia de Souza 12 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:56:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Myrt Thania de Souza Cruz.pdf: 1638665 bytes, checksum: daba94bb90ca2caf5224730795b080fc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-12 / The objective of this thesis is to comprehend the process of disarticulation threat and dissolution of communities in the semiarid region of the Chapada Diamatina plateau. A systematic study was made, using as an example an area denominated Cercado, situated on top of the Serra do Cigano, following the horse trail that leads to the San Francisco River. The study seeks to reconstruct the history of the colonization of that region, strongly marked by despotism, materialized through the phenomena of bossing and coerced votes. From the local residents, tales of the fight for existence and life maintenance in that region were retrieved. Eminently verbal, the narratives were based on the memory of those still in the region and others that have left. The social relations reproduction process under the shelter of the merchant world has brought serious consequences to the rural communities of the Chapada Diamantina plateau which live in a mere subsistence agrarian economy, degrading their way of life and not rarely leading to their dissolution. The continual struggle of these people in search of ways to satisfy their needs promotes solidary practices that make viable to live in the semiarid nature, although this does not guarantee the preservation of their ways of life in the face of the transformations generated by modern times. As a consequence of the difficulties imposed by the disarticulation process, the singularity of their life experience makes them active historical agents in their settlement, in working the land, in putting together their tasks and in the resistance to maintain their knowledge about medicinal plants, folklore costumes and their religiousness / Esta tese objetiva compreender o processo de ameaça de desarticulação e dissolução de comunidades do semi-árido da Chapada Diamantina. Foi feito estudo sistemático tomando como exemplo uma localidade denominada Cercado, situada no topo da Serra do Cigano, às margens da trilha cavaleira que dá acesso ao rio São Francisco. O estudo procura reconstruir a história do processo de povoamento da região, fortemente marcado pelo coronelismo materializado através dos fenômenos de mandonismo e voto de cabresto. Junto com seus moradores, recupera narrativas sobre a história da luta pela existência e manutenção da vida no lugar. De cunho eminentemente oral, as narrativas foram viabilizadas a partir da memória dos que lá vivem e também dos que migraram. O processo de reprodução das relações sociais, sob a égide do mundo da mercadoria, tem trazido sérias conseqüências para as comunidades rurais da Chapada Diamantina que vivem numa economia agrária de subsistência, degradando seu modo de vida e, não raro, conduzindo para sua dissolução. A incessante luta das pessoas em busca da satisfação de suas necessidades fornece consagração de práticas solidárias que viabilizam a convivência com a natureza semi-árida, mas não garante a manutenção dos modos de vida face às transformações decorrentes da modernidade. Frente às dificuldades impostas pelo processo de desarticulação, a singularidade de suas vivências os inscreve como agentes históricos ativos na construção de fazeres, no enraizamento e lida com a terra e na resistência pela manutenção dos conhecimentos das plantas medicinais, festejos, costumes e religiosidade

O caminho das ?guas: tecnologias de conviv?ncia com o semi?rido e transi??es sociot?cnicas no sert?o brasileiro / The way of the waters: technologies of coexistence with the semi-arid and sociotechnical transitions in the Brazilian semi-arid region

Rodrigues, Rafael Sousa 25 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-10-26T10:24:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Rafael Sousa Rodrigues.pdf: 2935295 bytes, checksum: c8d29737cc1dbea08ea979f5566e42bc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-26T10:25:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Rafael Sousa Rodrigues.pdf: 2935295 bytes, checksum: c8d29737cc1dbea08ea979f5566e42bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The implementation of governmental programs of decentralization of water access and management stands as an important chapter in the recent trajectory of state intervention in the Brazilian semi-arid region. Public policies such as the One Million Cisterns Program (P1MC) and the One Land and Two Waters Program (P1 + 2), proposed by the Articula??o Semi?rido Brasileiro (ASA -Articulation in the Brazilian Semi-arid), undergo, currently, a process of consolidation as innovative experiences of social participation in the formulation and implementation of public policies. Several technologies developed as a result of historical processes of interaction established between sertanejo peasants and nature in the semi-arid region, or generated in the realm of civil society organizations or research institutions, started to be developed as an alternative to the hegemonic model of State intervention centered in large scale development projects oriented by the concept of ?drought combat?. ASA was a fundamental actor in the recovery, systematization, valuing and development of several technologies, presented as an alternative to large scale engineering works historically advocated by public policies. ASA's work and the critique of social organizations against the criticism of the drought combat model placed the technological issue at the center of public debate. In a context of enhancing interactions between civil society and the State, enabled by the political democratization of the country, this debate reached the spaces of policy formulation. In the present work, we will try to understand the trajectory of construction of public policies oriented by the approach of coexistence with the semi-arid and how the interactions established between the public power and civil society organizations, influenced the generation, dissemination and institutionalization of the technologies proposed by P1MC and P1 + 2. As conceptual references, we used approaches related to the field of Social Studies on Science and Technology, particularly social constructivism and the Muti-level Perspective. Research methods encompassed interviews with key stakeholders involved in the process of formulation and implementation of the studied policies, analyzing, as well, audit documentation, meeting minutes and technical and executive projects related to the various phases of implementation of the programs analyzed. The research findings show that the interaction between civil society and the State in the legislation process constitutes a key arena in the pattern making and manualization procedures of the technologies of coexistence with the semi-arid / A implanta??o de programas governamentais de descentraliza??o do acesso ? ?gua figura como um cap?tulo importante na trajet?ria recente de interven??o estatal no semi?rido brasileiro. Propostas pela Articula??o Semi?rido Brasileiro (ASA), pol?ticas como o Programa Um Milh?o de Cisternas (P1MC) e o Programa Uma Terra e Duas ?guas (P1+2) v?m se consolidando, no per?odo mais recente, como experi?ncias inovadoras de participa??o social na formula??o e implementa??o de pol?ticas p?blicas. Nesse processo, diversas tecnologias desenvolvidas na intera??o hist?rica dos camponeses sertanejos com a natureza semi?rida, ou geradas no ?mbito de organiza??es da sociedade civil e institui??es de pesquisa passaram a ser implementadas como alternativas ao modelo de interven??o estatal hegem?nico, centrado nas grandes obras de ?combate ? seca?. A cria??o da ASA foi um ator fundamental no resgate, sistematiza??o, valoriza??o e desenvolvimento de muitas tecnologias alternativas ao modelo das grandes obras preconizado, historicamente, pelas pol?ticas governamentais. A atua??o da ASA e a cr?tica das organiza??es sociais ao modelo de combate ? seca colocaram a quest?o tecnol?gica no centro do debate p?blico. Em um contexto de crescentes intera??es entre a sociedade civil e o Estado, oportunizado pelo processo de democratiza??o pol?tica do pa?s, este debate alcan?ou os espa?os de formula??o de pol?ticas. No presente trabalho, buscaremos compreender como se deu a trajet?ria de constru??o das pol?ticas p?blicas orientadas pelo enfoque da conviv?ncia com o semi?rido e como as intera??es estabelecidas entre o poder p?blico e as organiza??es da sociedade civil influenciaram o processo de gera??o, dissemina??o e institucionaliza??o das tecnologias propostas pelo P1MC e P1+2. Para tanto utilizamos enfoques situados no campo dos Estudos Sociais da Ci?ncia e da Tecnologia, com destaque para o construtivismo social e a Perspectiva Multin?vel. Em termos metodol?gicos, realizamos entrevistas com atores-chave, diretamente envolvidos no processo de formula??o e implementa??o das pol?ticas estudadas, analisando, tamb?m, um extenso conjunto de documentos, incluindo auditorias, minutas de reuni?es e projetos t?cnicos e executivos referentes ?s diversas fases de implanta??o dos programas analisados. A pesquisa constatou que a intera??o entre a sociedade civil e o Estado na constru??o destas pol?ticas ? um espa?o fundamental no processo de modeliza??o e manualiza??o das tecnologias de conviv?ncia com o semi?rido

Recharging the Ogallala Formation Using Shallow Holes

Dvoracek, M. J., Peterson, S. H. 23 April 1971 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1971 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 22-23, 1971, Tempe, Arizona / The southern bed of the ogallala aquifer is hydrologically isolated from all outside areas of recharge, requiring local precipitation for all natural recharge. Current withdrawals are so much greater than natural recharge that it appears that artificial recharge affords the only means of establishing at least a pseudo-balance. A number of observation wells were drilled at Texas Tech University, and subsequently capped until recharge water became available. The initial recharge was 2.5 af over 12 days, at a rate of 120 gpm for about the first day, after which 60 gpm was relatively constant. Approximately 1 month later, 1.2 af were recharged over 3 days at rates ranging over 140-90 gpm. It became evident that a cavity was present at the bottom of the hole being recharged. On a later recharge occasion, the cavity seemed to have enlarged. During a period of 2 years more than 28 af of surface runoff water have been recharged through the shallow hole with increases in recharge rates for each subsequent recharge period. The nature of this phenomenon and the cavities are not understood. This may represent the long sought after answer to recharge of the aquifer, but much more extensive research needs to be done.

Optimal Utilization of Playa Lake Water in Irrigation

Dvoracek, M. J., Roefs, T. G. 23 April 1971 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1971 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 22-23, 1971, Tempe, Arizona / Playa lakes usually occur in arid or semiarid regions where lands are flat and there is an absence of well-developed surface drainage nets. They are usually filled by surface runoff from highly erratic precipitation patterns. There are about 20,000 of them in the high plains of Texas and their volume of storage is an estimated 2.5-3 maf. As such, they represent a major underutilized water source. The major drawbacks to their utilization are high evaporation losses, questionable depth-area relations and the stochastic nature of the rainfall source. This paper assumes that the water is available and presents a dynamic programming model useful in determining the optimal utilization of the water for irrigation. If irrigation is the major use, its timing of application is of paramount importance. A deterministic dynamic programming model, utilizing the state variables of antecedent soil moisture and amount of available water, is presented, and provides the time and amount of irrigation required to maximize crop response. A better stochastic model is also presented which considers rainfall probability and resulting lake filling. The models are only first attempts and do not incorporate all possible variables.

An Energy Budget Analysis of Evapotranspiration from Saltcedar

Gay, L. W., Sammis, T. W., Ben-Asher, J. 01 May 1976 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1976 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 29-May 1, 1976, Tucson, Arizona / Energy budget evaluations of evapotranspiration from saltcedar were carried out on the flood plain of the Rio Grande River, near Bernardo, New Mexico. The site was adjacent to the Bureau of Reclamation's lysimeter study of water use by saltcedar. The energy budget for the cloudless day of June 14, 1975, revealed that energy gains from net radiation totaled 432 cal/cm² , while energy losses (in cal/cm2 ), were 14 to stored energy, 31 to convection, and 387 to evapotranspiration (ET). The energy loss to ET is equivalent to the latent energy contained in about 6.5 mm of water. The energy budget values are reasonable for a phreatophyte community in a semi-arid environment. The latent energy loss compares favorably with 401 cal/cm² measured by three lysimeters, although there were discrepancies in timing and amounts of loss among the individual lysimeters. The mean canopy diffusion resistance was 1.90 sec/cm over a 10-hour daytime period on June 14. The mean resistance was combined with vapor pressure deficit to predict lysimeter ET on three subsequent days. The agreement was within 12 percent, which suggests that diffusion resistance may be useful for simple ET predictions.

Modeling of Permafrost Distribution in the Semi-arid Chilean Andes

Azocar, Guillermo January 2013 (has links)
The distribution of mountain permafrost is generally modeled using a combination of statistical techniques and empirical variables. Such models, based on topographic, climatic and geomorphological predictors of permafrost, have been widely used to estimate the spatial distribution of mountain permafrost in North America and Europe. However at present, little knowledge about the distribution and characteristics of mountain permafrost is available for the Andes. In addition, the effects of climate change on slope stability and the hydrological system, and the pressure of mining activities have increased concerns about the knowledge of mountain permafrost in the Andes. In order to model permafrost distribution in the semi-arid Chilean Andes between ~29°S and 32°S, an inventory of rock glaciers is carried out to obtain a variable indicative of the presence and absence of permafrost conditions. Then a Linear Mixed-Effects Model (LMEM) is used to determine the spatial distribution of Mean Annual Air Temperature (MAATs), which is then used as one of the predictors of permafrost occurrence. Later, a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) with a logistic link function is used to predict permafrost occurrence in debris surfaces within the study area. Within the study area, 3575 rock glaciers were inventoried. Of these, 1075 were classified as active, 493 as inactive, 343 as intact and 1664 as relict forms, based on visual interpretation of satellite imagery. Many of the rock glaciers (~60-80%) are situated at positive MAAT, and the number of rock glaciers at negative MAAT greatly decreases from north to south. The results of spatial temperature distribution modeling indicated that the temperature changes by -0.71°C per each 100 m increase in altitude, and that there is a 4°C temperature difference between the northern and southern part of the study area. The altitudinal position of the 0°C MAAT isotherm is situated at ~4250 m a.s.l. in the northern (29°S) section and drops latitudinally to ~4000 m a.s.l. in the southern section (32°S) of the study area. For permafrost modeling purposes, 1911 rock glaciers (active, inactive and intact forms) were categorized into the class indicative of permafrost presence and 1664 (relict forms) as non-permafrost. The predictors MAAT and Potential Incoming Solar Radiation (PISR) and their nonlinear interaction were modeled by the GAM using LOESS smoothing function. A temperature offset term was applied to reduce the overestimation of permafrost occurrence in debris surface areas due to the use of rock glaciers as permafrost proxies. The dependency between the predictor variables shows that a high amount of PISR has a greater effect at positive MAAT levels than in negative ones. The GAM for permafrost distribution achieved an acceptable discrimination capability between permafrost classes (area under the ROC curve ~0.76). Considering a permafrost probability score (PPS) ≥ 0.5 and excluding steep bedrock and glacier surfaces, mountain permafrost can be potentially present in up to about 6.8% (2636 km2) of the study area, whereas with a PPS ≥ 0.75, the potential permafrost area decreases to 2.7% (1051 km2). Areas with the highest PPS are spatially concentrated in the north section of the study area where altitude rises considerably (the Huasco and Elqui watersheds), while permafrost is almost absent in the southern section where the topography is considerably lower (Limarí and Choapa watersheds). This research shows that the potential mountain permafrost distribution can be spatially modeled using topoclimatic information and rock glacier inventories. Furthermore, the results have provided the first local estimation of permafrost distribution in the semi-arid Chilean Andes. The results obtained can be used for local environmental planning and to aid future research in periglacial topics.

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