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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parent - Teachers

Smeenk, Diane Marie 06 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Does a Purposeful Life Mean a Healthy Life? Evaluating Longitudinal Associations between Sense of Purpose, Cognition, and Health

Lewis, Nathan 19 August 2022 (has links)
Sense of purpose in life, or the view that one’s life has direction and is guided by overarching life aims, has been found to predict better health outcomes across the adult lifespan, including better cognitive functioning and dementia risk, physical health, and improved longevity. This research is based on multi-study replications of large longitudinal datasets, as well as intensive measurement design to examine short-term (e.g., within-day, day-to-day) and long-term (years) associations between sense of purpose and markers of cognition and health. The first project used multistate survival modeling to evaluate the role of sense of purpose on transitions across cognitive states and death and was based on two large longitudinal datasets – the Rush Memory and Aging Project (MAP) and the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). More purposeful older adults were found to have lower prospective risk of developing mild cognitive impairment (and equivalent classification in HRS), later onset of impairment, and increased likelihood of improvement in cognitive functioning following MCI classification. These results were replicated across two independent longitudinal studies with disparate samples and measurement procedures. The second project examined longitudinal associations between sense of purpose in life and allostatic load in two nationally representative samples of American (HRS) and English (English Longitudinal Study of Ageing; ELSA) adults over age 50. Blood-based biomarkers of cardiovascular, metabolic, immune, and renal function, as well as anthropometric and physical markers such as lung function were used to compute overall scores representing allostatic burden. Sense of purpose in life was associated with lower overall level of allostatic load across measurement occasions in the two samples but did not predict rate of change or within-person fluctuations in allostatic burden across time. The third study investigated daily variations in sense of purpose and associations with daily cognitive performance using an ecological momentary assessment design. Multilevel models examined within- and between-person associations between end of day sense of purpose ratings and performance on five indices of cognitive functioning. Results showed no associations between daily ratings of purposefulness and performance on five cognitive tasks across a two-week period. Taken together, these findings advance existing theory and highlight important directions for the field moving forward. / Graduate / 2023-07-29

大學生目的感取向、 學生學習投入、自我調整學習的關係 / The Sense of Purpose, Student Engagement and Self-Regulated Learning among College Students.

巫幼芸 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討大學生目的感、學生學習投入與自我調整學習之間的差異與相關。首先,以性別、年級、就讀學校性質及學校區域等因素瞭解現今大學生的目的感現況,並探討不同目的感之大學生,其在學習投入與自我調整學習之間的差異情況,最後,分析目的感層面、學生學習投入與自我調整學習三者之間的關係。 研究對象為臺灣北、中、南、東四個地區449位大學生,研究工具包含「大學生目的感量表」、「學生學習投入量表」及「自我調整學習」三部分,並以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)及路徑分析(Path analysis)等研究方法進行統計分析。 主要研究結果如下: 1. 臺灣大學生之目的感以「疏離者」居多,而「有目的感者」次之,「三分鐘熱度者」最少。 2. 大學生目的感中,具有「宗教信仰」、「常參與宗教信仰的活動」、「家庭管教態度為開明權威」或「常參加社團活動」的學生具有較強烈的目的感。 3. 在大學生的學習投入程度中,以「有目的感者」表現做好,「疏離者」表現最差。不同目的感取向的大學生,在學習投入方面也有所不同;在「學習投入」總量表、「合作共學」分量表及「反思與整合學習」分量表中,「三分鐘熱度者」及「空有夢想者」表現較「疏離者」好。另外,在「自我學習策略」分量表之中,也呈現「三分鐘熱度者」表現較「疏離者」佳。 4. 大學生之自我調整學習狀況,以「有目的感者」表現最好,「疏離者」表現最差。此外,不同目的感取向的大學生,在自我調整學習方面也有所不同。在「自我調整學習」總量表、「努力堅持策略」分量表及「環境建構策略」分量表中,「三分鐘熱度者」的表現較「疏離者」良好;而在「自我調整學習」總量表、「努力堅持策略」分量表、「表現目標導向策略」分量表及「時間管理策略」分量表中,「空有夢想者」的表現較「疏離者」良好。 5. 學校環境越支持程度越高者,其學生就越具有明確的目的感。而目的感越高的學生,也會更投入於學習之中。此外,學生參與同儕合作程度越高者,監控自我的學習歷程的意願也就越高。 最後,本研究將針對上述研究結果進行討論,並提出具體之建議,以做為目前實務工作及未來研究之參考。

論儒家教學的核心要義:立志與為己之學 / On the Cardinal Concepts of Confucianism with Regard toTeaching: Li-chih and Wei-chi

王志文, Wang, Zhi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
立志,是儒家教人成長及轉化的「霹靂手段」,也是儒家形塑健動人格的根本原理。儒門修養技巧粲然多元,但立志的扼要及深遠,恐怕會讓各種修養都只能瞠乎其後。「立志」在儒家就是「悠悠萬事,唯此為大」的一件事。及至宋明以降,眾位儒林名宿更一再懇請立志,於是遂在文學的「言志」傳統之外,別開一支「教」與「學」的「立志」傳統。 本論文研究緣起,即留意那些飽覽經籍又盡閱世情的大儒,何以竟會一致地高度關注「立志」?「立志」不是人人「能說會道」的「常識」嗎?這種「常識」,為什麼要大張旗鼓去疾呼呢? 進而,儒家「立志」的觀念,有特定的規創性內涵──為己。「為己」要求自我生命的轉化及善成。人能養成強烈的「為己意識」,才能收回以往長年外逐名利的虛偽及疲憊,學著與自己相處及自重自愛。從外逐而轉內,人才能「轉俗成真」,有「真人」才有「真志」及「真學」。故「為己」正是儒家「大學之道」的基石。 本論文正是剖釋「立志」與「為己」這兩個儒家教學的核心要義。 緒論檢討前行成果餘留的研究空間,並指出由於「立志」一詞的濫用,讓傳統「立志」所蘊含的深沈與厚重之義,轉趨浮薄。同時,本論文的研究策略,並非幽深地精究一家一派,而是為求研究成果更普遍有效,將以《論語》、《孟子》為主要材料,再揀選宋明大儒提及相關內容的文獻予以研討。 第一章是〈評定《論語》:「古之學者為己,今之學者為人」的三派詮釋〉。自古對於「古之學者為己,今之學者為人」的詮釋,大致有「貴古派」、「今是派」與「調和派」等異說。文中即往復辯難三派何者最諦當。主要結果確定「貴古派」的論調,能獲得《論語》最多的印證與支持,更指出「為己」的具體要求,即「自知」與「自愛」。 第二章是〈「為己之學」隱含的「孤獨」意涵〉。以往多認定儒者處於熱絡的人際網路;但是,深入文獻,能照見儒者亦有孤獨心理。那孤獨感對儒者在「人格」及「學」的養成,又有什麼影響?主要結果是,孤獨感對「為己意識」養成有所助益,甚至實踐「為己之學」,本身常要面對踽踽獨往的情況;而孔子本人提出「為己」,正與他「吾少也賤」的孤獨感大有相干。 第三章是〈「志」的內涵及其作用〉。由於「志」字本身就有「目的」和「希望」的涵義。因此本章藉助William Damon的「目的感」理論及Charles R. Snyder的「希望理論」來作為理解儒家「志」字的新資源。再則,傳統釋「志」字為「心之所之」,文中將以「信念」對「情緒」、「行動」的決定關係,去釐清「志」的「所之」動力如何生起。並歸納先儒對「志」的實踐體驗,獲知立志將生起四個踐德大用:解放抑制、動力騰湧、不動不奪、遏制習欲。當立志而生起這四種效用,使人在踐德上「欲罷不能」,人遂能善勇進取,所以「立志」是生命轉化的有力保證。人惟患不能立志,不患不能成章自立。 〈結論〉則總述全文,並本於前面的研究,將傳統解釋成「心之所之」的「志」,重新概念化成為「為己的信念系統」。更指出儒家「立志」的課題,不僅只涉及個人的生命目的追尋而已;事實上,協助青年立志這件事,本身與今日社會發展的衰盛相關,而且立志的研討,更有潛力能對尼特族、青年晚熟等社會憂患,給出預防及紓困之道,而這是儒學在當代能發揮人性溫度和可貴價值的切實脈絡。

An exploration of the sense of community of older persons in an economically deprived and culturally diverse residential care facility / van der Walt, E.

Van der Walt, Elmarie Muriel January 2011 (has links)
The sharp increase in the number of older persons (60 years and older) is a distinctive demographic feature of the 20th century. Ageing populations and the unique challenges they pose have obliged countries worldwide to reflect on the problems relating to older persons. In 2002 the United Nations convened the Second World Assembly on Ageing at which the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) was drafted and adopted. This plan sought to meet the challenges associated with ageing populations. In South Africa the elderly population is also increasing dramatically. The fact that older persons are starting to constitute a proportionally larger segment of the total population while they are, at the same time, amongst the poorest people in the country and dependent on others for support and care holds serious implications for South Africa. In post–apartheid South Africa (after 1994) residential care facilities were opened to all South Africans regardless of race or colour. Apart from dealing with diversity, residential care facilities have to manage the long–term care needs of older persons and their lack of the financial or human resources to sustain themselves. Against this background the South African government promulgated legislation in line with the recommendations of the MIPAA. The legislation seeks to lighten the burden placed on residential care facilities while, at the same time, emphasising the importance of enhancing the well–being of older persons. Despite the legislation and the policy frameworks, the circumstances in most residential care facilities in South Africa are challenging and call for action and psychosocial interventions. Given that racial segregation still exists in residential care facilities and the importance of the relational well–being of older persons, it was decided to explore the sense of community of older persons in South Africa who reside in a diverse and economically challenged residential care facility. A purposive sample was drawn of the male and female, and black and white older persons living in the facility. The study used the Mmogo–methodTM, interviews, focus groups, observations and reflective notes to collect qualitative data from the research participants. A possible limitation of the study is that some participants – being older persons – might experience some degree of being cognitively challenged or might struggle to express themselves. To counter this limitation and to ensure the trustworthiness of the findings, a variety of data collection methods were used in order to be able to cross–check the information gathered. Apart from this, specific data collection methods were used that make provision for cognitively challenged older persons. As the study involved older persons as a vulnerable group, special attention was paid to ethical considerations. Ethical approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of the North–West University, Potchefstroom Campus, as part of a larger project, being: “An exploration of enabling contexts (05K14).” The main finding of the study is the low sense of community that the older persons in this particular residential care facility experience. This is supplemented by two themes that emerged throughout the study, being the lack of social interaction between the residents and the residents' need to have a sense of purpose. The occurrence of these two themes is supported by findings in community psychology and sense of community theories, and some of the findings of the study are consistent with findings reported in the literature. The study concludes with recommendations on how the residents' sense of community could be enhanced. / Thesis (M.A. (Research Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

An exploration of the sense of community of older persons in an economically deprived and culturally diverse residential care facility / van der Walt, E.

Van der Walt, Elmarie Muriel January 2011 (has links)
The sharp increase in the number of older persons (60 years and older) is a distinctive demographic feature of the 20th century. Ageing populations and the unique challenges they pose have obliged countries worldwide to reflect on the problems relating to older persons. In 2002 the United Nations convened the Second World Assembly on Ageing at which the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) was drafted and adopted. This plan sought to meet the challenges associated with ageing populations. In South Africa the elderly population is also increasing dramatically. The fact that older persons are starting to constitute a proportionally larger segment of the total population while they are, at the same time, amongst the poorest people in the country and dependent on others for support and care holds serious implications for South Africa. In post–apartheid South Africa (after 1994) residential care facilities were opened to all South Africans regardless of race or colour. Apart from dealing with diversity, residential care facilities have to manage the long–term care needs of older persons and their lack of the financial or human resources to sustain themselves. Against this background the South African government promulgated legislation in line with the recommendations of the MIPAA. The legislation seeks to lighten the burden placed on residential care facilities while, at the same time, emphasising the importance of enhancing the well–being of older persons. Despite the legislation and the policy frameworks, the circumstances in most residential care facilities in South Africa are challenging and call for action and psychosocial interventions. Given that racial segregation still exists in residential care facilities and the importance of the relational well–being of older persons, it was decided to explore the sense of community of older persons in South Africa who reside in a diverse and economically challenged residential care facility. A purposive sample was drawn of the male and female, and black and white older persons living in the facility. The study used the Mmogo–methodTM, interviews, focus groups, observations and reflective notes to collect qualitative data from the research participants. A possible limitation of the study is that some participants – being older persons – might experience some degree of being cognitively challenged or might struggle to express themselves. To counter this limitation and to ensure the trustworthiness of the findings, a variety of data collection methods were used in order to be able to cross–check the information gathered. Apart from this, specific data collection methods were used that make provision for cognitively challenged older persons. As the study involved older persons as a vulnerable group, special attention was paid to ethical considerations. Ethical approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of the North–West University, Potchefstroom Campus, as part of a larger project, being: “An exploration of enabling contexts (05K14).” The main finding of the study is the low sense of community that the older persons in this particular residential care facility experience. This is supplemented by two themes that emerged throughout the study, being the lack of social interaction between the residents and the residents' need to have a sense of purpose. The occurrence of these two themes is supported by findings in community psychology and sense of community theories, and some of the findings of the study are consistent with findings reported in the literature. The study concludes with recommendations on how the residents' sense of community could be enhanced. / Thesis (M.A. (Research Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Žiju tarot / I Live Tarot

Oplatková, Hana January 2012 (has links)
Private deck of cards created during six-month survey and documentation of daily experiences. The package contains 49 cards and it is inspired by a set of 78 tarot cards. Text content - reverse side of the card was created using diary notes. Face side of the card was chosen as a representation of processes taking place usually in days when the card was read.

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