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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upplevelser av butiksatmosfärer med materiella och immateriella faktorer i fokus : En fallstudie av Porsche Center i Segeltorp och i Malmö

Lindberg, Celine, Forsstedt, Filippa January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the bachelor’s thesis is to examine whether the atmospheric experience differs between two different stores within the same brand, depending on tangible and intangible elements. The authors have focused on how certain selected elements have been implemented in the store environments, to identify whether these can steer the atmospheric experience in different directions. The research question in the study is: Do the atmospheric experiences differ between stores within the same brand, depending on tangible and intangible elements in the store environment? To investigate the research question, three semi-structured interviews were conducted (one interview for Porsche Center Segeltorp and two interviews for Porsche Center Malmö). The respondents were representatives with experience in the research area, such as the CEO and marketing managers. In addition, participatory observations were performed at Porsche Center Segeltorp and Porsche Center Malmö, with focus on tangible (for instance textiles and furnishings) and intangible elements (for instance colors and scents) within the store environments. The findings from the observations and interviews show that different implemented tangible and intangible elements in a store environment result in different atmospheric experiences. The added scent at Porsche Center Malmö had an impact on the observers’ atmospheric impression, where the scent had a stronger association with the brand rather than the store environment. In addition, the bright colors and light inputs contributed to the observers' perception of the store environment as larger, which gave an intuition of exclusivity. Furthermore, the observers state that the sense of taste does not occur naturally in the atmosphere. Thus, it cannot trigger gastronomic experiences. However, the results do also show that the staff hospitality contributed to an increased level of well-being by offering snacks and beverages, which in turn improved the overall experience of the atmosphere in the store. Intangible elements such as scent and color have been shown to have a major impact on how the atmosphere is experienced by the recipient. Thus, it can be to a company's advantage to take both tangible and intangible elements into consideration, in order to steer the recipient's atmospheric experience in the desired direction. / Kandidatuppsatsen syftar till att undersöka om upplevelsen av butiksatmosfären i två butiker inom samma varumärke, skiljer sig från varandra beroende på materiella och immateriella faktorer i butiksmiljön. I undersökningsprocessen har författarna lagt fokus på om skillnader i utvalda materiella och immateriella faktorer kan styra atmosfärupplevelsen i olika riktningar. Frågeställningen som undersöks är: Kan upplevelsen av butiksatmosfären skilja sig mellan butiker inom samma varumärke beroende på materiella och immateriella faktorer i butiksmiljön? För att undersöka detta har tre semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts (en intervju för Segeltorp och två intervjuer för Malmö). Respondenterna är väl insatta inom ämnet, såsom verkställande direktör och marknadsansvariga. Dessutom har en deltagande observationer utförts på Porsche Center Segeltorp och Porsche Center Malmö, där författarna till studien har observerat butiksatmosfären i syfte att analysera valda materiella (till exempel textilier och inredning) och immateriella faktorer (till exempel färger och dofter) i butiksmiljön. Resultatet visar att skillnad i materiella och immateriella faktorer inom en butiksmiljö resulterar i olika upplevelser av atmosfären. Den tillsatta doften på Porsche Center Malmö hade en inverkan på mottagarens upplevelse av atmosfären, där doften fick en starkare association till varumärket än till butiksmiljön. Dessutom bidrog den ljusa kulören och stora ljusinsläppet i butiken till att observatörerna upplevde atmosfären som större, vilket gav en intuition av exklusivitet. Vidare konstaterar observatörerna att smaksinnet inte förekommer naturligt i atmosfären, och kan därmed inte utlösa gastronomiska upplevelser. Resultatet visar dock att personalens gästvänlighet mot observatörerna, i form av att erbjuda dem något att dricka och äta, bidrog till ett ökat välbefinnande som i sin tur bidrog till en förbättrad helhetsupplevelse av atmosfären. Immateriella faktorer såsom doft och kulör har visat sig ha stor inverkan på huruvida atmosfären upplevs av mottagaren. Därmed kan det vara till ett företags fördel att fästa anseende vid samtliga faktorer i syfte att styra mottagarens atmosfärupplevelse i önskad riktning.

Нейромаркетинг как инструмент продвижения книжных изданий : магистерская диссертация / Neuromarketing as a tool for promoting book publications

Орлова, А. О., Orlova, A. O. January 2020 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена исследованию применения интстументов нейромаркетинга в продвижении книжных изданий. Цель проводимого исследования – проанализировать эффективность использования нейромаркетинга в продвижении книжных изданий. Объектом исследования выступает книжный маркетинг. Предметом исследования являются особенности использования нейромаркетинга в продвижении книжной продукции. Магистерская диссертация «Нейромаркетинг как инструмент продвижения книжных изданий» состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения и библиографического списка, включающего 49 наименований. В первой главе диссертации приведены определения нейромаркетинга, рассмотрены основные методы нейромаркетенговых исследований, рассмотрены основные инструменты воздействия на сознания потребителя. Во второй главе рассмотрены книжные магазины мира на предмет использования в них нейромаркетинговых инструментов. Для определения эффективности использования инструментов нейромаркетинга в офлайн-магазинах Екатеринбурга был проведен опрос покупателей, результаты которого представлены также во второй главе. Выявленные инструменты нейромаркетинга в книжных магазинах соотнесены с данными опроса потребителей, на основе чего сделаны выводы об эффективности конкретных приемов в точках продажи книг. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для дальнейших научных разработок по данной и смежным темам. / The master's thesis is devoted to the study of the use of neuromarketing tools in the promotion of book publications. The purpose of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of the use of neuromarketing in the promotion of book publications. The object of research is book marketing. The subject of the study is the use of neuromarketing in the promotion of book products. The master's thesis "Neuromarketing as a tool for promoting book publications" consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliographic list, including 49 items. In the first chapter of the dissertation, definitions of neuromarketing are given, the main methods of neuromarketing research are examined, and the main tools for influencing consumer consciousness are considered. The second chapter discusses bookstores in the world for the use of neuromarketing tools in them. To determine the effectiveness of using neuromarketing tools in offline stores in Yekaterinburg, a survey of buyers was conducted, the results of which are also presented in the second chapter. The identified neuromarketing tools in bookstores are correlated with consumer survey data, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of specific techniques at point-of-sale books. The results of the study can be used for further scientific development on this and related topics.

Impulsiv Shopping Online : En Kvalitativ Studie Om Digital Sensorisk Marknadsföring Och Dess Påverkan På Konsumenters Impulsiva Köp Inom Mode Online

Westring, Elsa, Svensson, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
E-handeln växer i rask takt på grund av digitaliseringen och har på så sätt påverkat företagen till att vara mer online idag. Det har även gjort att den digitala sensoriska marknadsföringen behöver utvecklas för att kunna påverka konsumenters beteenden även online. Marknaden behöver anpassa sig för att kunna påverka konsumenterna till att genomföra impulsiva köp på andra sätt än vad som tidigare gjorts i fysiska butiker.  Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur kundernas sinnen påverkas av digital sensorisk marknadsföring, som sedan leder till ett impulsivt köp, vid onlineshopping inom mode. Med tanke på syftet men också för att kunna bidra med vidare forskning kring ämnet formulerades forskningsfrågan frågan: * Hur påverkar digital sensorisk marknadsföring konsumentens impulsiva köpbeteende inom mode online?  I denna studie valdes en kvalitativ metod med en induktiv ansats att användas. Elva respondenter intervjuades med semistrukturerade frågor. Studien valde att studera konsumenter i Sverige, där också ett urval från populationen gjordes. Det eftersom att hela populationen inte kunde undersöka, där urvalsgruppen bestod av kvinnor i åldrarna 20-35.  Genom empiri och teori blir det i denna studie tydligt att konsumenter faktiskt blir påverkade av digital sensorisk marknadsföring till att genomföra impulsiva köp. Främst framkom det att synen var den största faktorn till att konsumenter handlar mer impulsivt online. Detta genom, exempelvis, rea, struktur på hemsidan, influencers och sociala medier, etcetera. Det framgick även att många av intervjuernas deltagare inte var så insatta i ämnet om varken digital sensorisk marknadsföring eller impulsiva köp, och därmed inte var fullt medvetna kring hur de genom sinnena blir påverkade i sin konsumtion online. / E-commerce is growing rapidly due to digitalization, and this has influenced companies to be more online today. It has also necessitated the development of digital sensory marketing to influence consumer behavior online. The market needs to adapt to influence consumers to make impulsive purchases in ways different from those previously used in physical stores. The purpose of this study was to examine how customers’ senses are affected by digital sensory marketing, which then leads to impulsive purchases in online fashion shopping. Considering the purpose and to contribute to further research on the topic, the research question was formulated as follows:  *How does digital sensory marketing affect consumer’s impulsive buying behavior in online fashion? In this study a qualitative method with an inductive approach was chosen. Eleven respondents were interviewed using semi-structured questions. The study focused on consumers in Sweden, with a sample selected from the population. Since the entire population could not be studied, the sample group consisted of women aged 20-35. Through empirical data and theory, it becomes clear in this study that consumers are indeed influenced by digital sensory marketing to make impulsive purchases. It primarily emerged that vision was the most significant factor leading consumers to shop more impulsively online. This occurs through, for example, sales, website layout, influencers and social media, etcetera. It also emerged that many of the interview participants were not very knowledgeable about the topic or either digital sensory marketing or impulsive purchases, and thus were not fully aware of how their senses influence their online consumption.

Studentrekrytering : det bortglömda kapitlet inom eventkommunikation / Student recruitment : the forgotten chapter within student recruitment

Pettersson, Daniel, Rosenberg, Anni January 2009 (has links)
<p>Student recruitment is a subject that seems to be forgotten in the theory of event communication. Yet the area has some specific reoccurring features. Our purpose was to examine these specific features and how to work with these in the best way, and also see how to get the most out of the event communication to the young at event and fairs. Special features we have looked at are the student ambassadors ands their impact, the meaning of a give-away and also if there are any essential factors to get in contact with the young at fairs and events, and if new technology had an important role to play in the area.</p><p>Our research has been inductive, and therefore, we have created our own theory and reflected it to the larger topic of event communication and its theories. Our research method has been triangular, both quantitative and qualitative; interviews with those who work with student recruitment, and surveys to young people in upper secondary school.</p><p>Our study showed the importance of student ambassadors and their specific task to be nice, friendly and outgoing. In comparison, the give-away isn't as important. It mainly has a remembering function and can also make interaction easier. We also found that different events are needed to fill different requirements, meanings and purposes. Information is also important; both to create awareness about the events and fairs, but also information at the event and fairs. This information should first and foremost be through a course catalogue, but also information about the school and the life as a student is important. Regarding to new technology it has a secondary meaning, and shouldn't be over-emphasized.</p>

Studentrekrytering : det bortglömda kapitlet inom eventkommunikation / Student recruitment : the forgotten chapter within student recruitment

Pettersson, Daniel, Rosenberg, Anni January 2009 (has links)
Student recruitment is a subject that seems to be forgotten in the theory of event communication. Yet the area has some specific reoccurring features. Our purpose was to examine these specific features and how to work with these in the best way, and also see how to get the most out of the event communication to the young at event and fairs. Special features we have looked at are the student ambassadors ands their impact, the meaning of a give-away and also if there are any essential factors to get in contact with the young at fairs and events, and if new technology had an important role to play in the area. Our research has been inductive, and therefore, we have created our own theory and reflected it to the larger topic of event communication and its theories. Our research method has been triangular, both quantitative and qualitative; interviews with those who work with student recruitment, and surveys to young people in upper secondary school. Our study showed the importance of student ambassadors and their specific task to be nice, friendly and outgoing. In comparison, the give-away isn't as important. It mainly has a remembering function and can also make interaction easier. We also found that different events are needed to fill different requirements, meanings and purposes. Information is also important; both to create awareness about the events and fairs, but also information at the event and fairs. This information should first and foremost be through a course catalogue, but also information about the school and the life as a student is important. Regarding to new technology it has a secondary meaning, and shouldn't be over-emphasized.

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