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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integração da tafonomia e estratigrafia de sequências no estudo dos lingulídeos da sucessão devoniana da Bacia do Paraná

Zabini, Carolina January 2011 (has links)
Fósseis devonianos de braquiópodes infaunais denominados informalmente de lingulídeos compõem o principal objeto de estudo da presente tese. Dados tafonômicos e estratigráficos associados ao registro desses fósseis foram coletados. A abundância dos lingulídeos, suas diferentes formas de ocorrência, sua ausência em determinados afloramentos, e o fato de possuírem pares recentes (i.e. animais semelhantes que vivem nos mares atuais e que podem vir a colaborar na compreensão da paleobiologia, paleoecologia e nos processos tafonômicos dos lingulídeos fósseis) foram os fatores que influenciaram na escolha do grupo como alvo de estudo. No total analisaram-se 32 afloramentos que tiveram descritas suas litologias e estruturas sedimentares, e quando possível, foram realizadas coletas tafonômicas de alta resolução e a inserção de tais afloramentos em arcabouço de estratigrafia de sequências. Nas coletas todos os táxons encontrados foram devidamente considerados. Os afloramentos investigados distribuem-se pela sucessão devoniana da bacia sedimentar do Paraná, e atualmente encontram-se na região fitogeográfica Campos Gerais, estado do Paraná, Brasil. Para análise do material coletado foi construído um banco de dados tafonômicos. Também foram realizadas análises com microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva, para alguns lingulídeos extremamente bem preservados, durante o período de estágio sanduíche. Ainda neste intervalo, métodos estatísticos foram aplicados com material de lingulídeos fósseis devonianos e também com material Miocênico/Eocênico contendo lingulídeos. Visitas a coleções de museus no exterior foram realizadas com intuito comparativo, uma vez que a incerteza taxonômica dos fósseis devonianos já havia adentrado a tese como mais uma problemática. As principais questões abordadas na presente tese se referem à possibilidade (1) de utilização de dados de lingulídeos atuais na interpretação do registro devoniano destes animais; (2) das características intrínsecas dos lingulídeos (i.e. concha quitinofosfática, hábito de vida infaunal) atuarem como agentes de preservação diferencial em diferentes contextos deposicionais; e por último: (3) da análise tafonômica ser dependente da identificação taxonômica precisa dos lingulídeos. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o uso de dados atualísticos pode ser efetuado, com algumas reservas; aparentemente as conchas dos lingulídeos devonianos eram mais biomineralizadas (não significa que eram mais espessas) que as conchas de lingulídeos atuais, o que aumentaria o potencial de fossilização dos lingulídeos devonianos, afetando sua tafonomia e explicando, por exemplo, a ocorrência de fragmentos de lingulídeos preservados no registro paleozóico; outro fator observado é de que há provavelmente um tendenciamento analítico negativo para a presença de fragmentos de organismos quitinofosfáticos no registro cenozóico. Além disso, as características intrínsecas dos lingulídeos podem sim ser a chave para o reconhecimento de situações deposicionais específicas, ao longo dos tratos de sistemas. Finalmente, a correta identificação taxonômica ajuda a prevenir erros tafonômicos interpretativos; no caso dos lingulídeos aqui estudados, o(s) tipo(s) de preservação dos bioclastos não auxiliou em sua classificação taxonômica específica, mas, com o uso de uma nomenclatura aberta e com o máximo de dados taxonômicos observados foi possível propor o fim do gênero Lingula, e a utilização de Lingularia cf. para se referir aos fósseis de lingulídeos do Devoniano da bacia do Paraná. / Devonian fossils of infaunal lingulid brachiopods (lingulids) are the main study object of the present dissertation. Taphonomic and stratigraphic data, associated with the record of the Devonian lingulids were collected. The main factors influencing the choice of this group as the subject of study were: abundance of specimens, their different occurrence forms, absence in some outcrops, and the presence of extant species (i.e.similar animals that live at present and that can cooperate with (paleo)biological, (paleo)ecological and taphonomical studies of the fossil forms). Thirty-two outcrops were analyzed in terms of their lithologies and sedimentary structures; when possible, high resolution taphonomic data was obtained and sequence stratigraphic analyses were preformed on the outcrops. Every fossil specimen found was properly considered, i.e. there was no tendency to collect only lingulids. The investigated outcrops pertain to the Devonian succession of the sedimentary Paraná Basin; presently they occupy the Campos Gerais phytogeographic region, Paraná State, Brazil. A taphonomic database was constructed to analyze the collected material. During the period at the Virginia Tech Institution, scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive x-ray was used to analyze lingulids of exceptional preservation. During this same period, statistical analyses were applied to Devonian and Miocenic/Eocenic fossil material containing lingulids. Visits to some museum collections were done with comparative aims, once the taxonomic problematic of the Devonian lingulids had already entered the dissertation list of issues. The main hypothesis of the present dissertation are linked to the following possibilities: (1) the use of recent lingulids to interpret the Devonian lingulid record; (2) that lingulid intrinsic characteristics (i.e. chitinophosphatic shell, infaunal life habit) could act as agents of preferential preservation in different depositional contexts; and (3) the taphonomic analysis being dependent of a true lingulid taxonomy. The obtained results indicate that actualistic data can be used but within these careful paramaters: (1) Devonian lingulids were more biomineralized (though not implying that they were thicker) when compared to recent ones, which could enhance the preservation potential of the fossil lingulids and would affect their taphonomy (this could explain the presence of fragmented lingulids in the Paleozoic record); (2) there is a negative analytical bias accounting for the absence of fragmented lingulids in Cenozoic record; (3) the intrinsic lingulid characteristics can be used as a key to recognize specific depositional environments, over successive systems tracts; and (4) the correct taxonomic identification helps to avoid taphonomical interpretative errors. In the present case, the lingulid type(s) of preservation did not help to achieve an accurate diagnosis of the genus. It was possible, instead, to abolish Lingula and use Lingularia cf. to refer to the Devonian lingulids of the Paraná Basin.

The Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation in the Drum Mountains of West Central Utah

Schneider, Loren P. 01 May 2000 (has links)
The majority of the Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation in the Drum Mountains was deposited during a single 3rd order sequence. Superimposed onto this sequence are three indistinct 4th order cycles and twenty distinct 5th order cycles. These higher order cycles were likely deposited within short intervals of geologic time (204 to 405 ky). The lower sequence boundary zone occurs within the Swasey Formation. The Transgressive Surface is the contact between the Swasey and Wheeler Formations. The Maximum Flooding Surface is located near the top of the lower Wheeler Formation, which also approximates the base of the Ptychagnostus atavus range zone. The upper sequence boundary is marked by stromatolites, which occur near the top of the upper member of the Wheeler Formation in the Drum Mountains. Deposition of the Wheeler Formation in the Drum Mountains was controlled by eustacy and tectonics. Local normal faulting associated with Middle Cambrian postrifting thermal subsidence may have caused some of the 5th order cycles. The cycles and surfaces defined in this stratigraphic analysis, and the base of the Ptychagnostus atavus and P. gibbus range-zones, can be used to correlate strata occurring in other localities in the eastern Great Basin. In addition, this study enables the evaluation of the effect of tectonics (faulting) versus global eustacy on the sedimentary regime occurring within the Middle Cambrian House Range Embayment.

The Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation: Sequence Stratigraphy and Geochemistry Across a Ramp-to-Basin Transition

Langenburg, Elizabeth S. 01 May 2003 (has links)
The Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation is interpreted as having been deposited in the shallow ramp and deeper basin environments of the House Range embayment (HRE), presumably, during a single third-order sequence. In the Drum Mountains, the Wheeler Formation (295 m thick) is dominated by proximal and distal ramp deposits; at Ma~um Pass, the Wheeler Formation (190m thick) is dominated by basinal shale deposits. The Wheeler Formation contains only one biozone marker; the first appearance of Ptyhagnostus atavus. Lack of other chronostratigraphic markers and distinctive stratal patterns in the basinal facies makes correlation along this ramp-to-basin transect difficult. Therefore, carbon-isotope stratigraphy and total organic carbon analysis were tested for their utility as intra basinal correlation tools. 813Ccarbonate isotope values range from -1.7% to 0.07%o (PDB) at Marjum Pass and -1.1% to 1.4% (PDB) in the Drum Mountains; previously reported 813Ccarbonate values in the Great Basin for this time interval range between -2% to 2% (PDB). Both localities show small-scale isotope variability, however, this variability is thought to be the result of local isotopic effects and was not used for correlation. TOC values obtained from both sections increase upsection, define a distinct peak, then decrease upsection. These peaks are associated with shale facies and occur near the maximum flooding surface in both sections, indicating that the TOC results could be used for correlation between sections. The lithologic cyclicity recognized in the shallow-water deposits at the Drum Mountains locality have also been recognized in the deeper-water deposits at Ma~um Pass. At each locality the meter-scale cycles shallow upward and display similar stacking patterns. Because cyclicity is preserved in both sections and the total stratigraphic thickness and cycle thickness decrease toward the embayment-controlling fault, it is probable that the cyclicity was the result of small-scale eustatic changes in sea level rather than episodic tectonism. This ramp-to-basin correlation also supportS the validity of P. atavus as a global biostratigraphic marker. The first appearance of Ptydnagostus atavus has been found below the interpreted maximum flooding surface and was coeval with transgression in both localities, indicating that its appearance was likely synchronous.

Unresolved Problems Involving the Hydrogeology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Wasatch Plateau based on Mapping of the Wattis 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah: Insights Gained from a New Geologic Map

Alderks, David O. 15 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The Wattis 7.5 Minute Quadrangle is located in central Utah, in the transition zone between the Basin and Range province and the Colorado plateau. Two small grabens, located in the quadrangle, are the easternmost evidence of Basin and Range faulting. Sedimentary units exposed are mainly Cretaceous in age and deposited in the Western Cretaceous Interior Seaway. This area is of economical importance due to its large coal deposits, coal bed methane, and groundwater. The Wattis Quadrangle provided an ideal opportunity to test, at a small scale, the applicability of a new groundwater model for stratified mountainous terranes. Water samples had 14C ages ranging from modern to 10,000 ± 500 years. Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen showed that recharged precipitation fell when climate conditions were close to modern, or slightly colder. Three groundwater systems consist of one shallow groundwater system in the North Horn Formation, and two deeper aquifers located in the Blackhawk Formation and the Star Point Sandstone. Water in the North Horn Formation is modern, whereas the Blackhawk Formation and Star Point Sandstone waters are mixed systems, having tritium concentrations between 3 and 4 T.U., and 14C ages between 7,000 and 10,000 years. Geochemical modeling shows that there are no plausible reaction paths to evolve the North Horn Formation waters into waters contained in underlying units. Thus, water entering the top of the plateau does not flow through the stratified rocks to exit at its base. Instead, the waters represent discrete perched systems at various stratigraphic levels. The Star Point Sandstone has three parasequences with a single sequence boundary. The deposits show normal marine conditions containing lower shoreface biota of Skolithos and Ophiomorpha overlain by middle shoreface sedimentary structures. The Star Point Sandstone deltaic parasequences likely prograded into the basin during pulses of thrusting from the Sevier Orogeny. The Emery Sandstone Member of the Mancos Formation contains three parasequences all located in the lower shoreface, and also exhibits the normal marine biota of Skolithos and Ophiomorpha. The Emery Sandstone reflects density currents caused by major storm events, including Bauma C and D depositional structures. Thick sandstone bodies are restricted to paleochannels.

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Pennsylvanian (Bashkirian, Morrowan) Round Valley Limestone, Split Mountain Anticline (Dinosaur National Monument) and in the Eastern Uinta Mountains, Utah

Davis, Nathan Robert 16 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The Early Pennsylvanian (Bashkirian/Morrowan) Round Valley Limestone of northeastern Utah was deposited on the Wyoming shelf, a slowly subsiding depositional surface located between the Eagle and Oquirrh basins. The 311-foot-thick Round Valley Limestone displays a distinct cyclicity formed by stacked, meter-scale parasequences, comprised of a limited suite of open- to restricted-marine limestones with minor interbeds of siltstone and shale. Open-marine deposits are characterized by mudstone and heterozoan wackestone-packstone microfacies (MF1-4) and comprise the lower portions of parasequences. Rocks of these microfacies were deposited during maximum high-order transgression of the shelf. As sediment filled the limited accommodation, the shelf became restricted, leading to deposition of mollusk-peloid dominated wackestone microfacies (MF6). Grainstones (MF5) microfacies are volumetrically limited in the Round Valley and represent deposition on isolated sand shoals that populated the shallow shelf. The complete Round Valley section at Split Mountain in Dinosaur National Monument is comprised of 5 intermediate-order sequences and 48 higher-order parasquences. Twenty-one of the shallowing-upward cycles are bounded by exposure surfaces as indicated by the occurrence of rhizoliths, glaebules, autobreccia and alveolar structures. Four of these that also indicate a significant drop in sea level (abnormal subaerial exposure surfaces and surfaces with erosional relief) constitute candidate sequence boundaries. The high percentage of cycles capped by exposure surfaces indicates that deposition of the Round Valley took place intermittently and that the Wyoming shelf was exposed during a significant portion of the Bashkirian epoch. Intermittency of deposition is confirmed by comparing the thickness and sequence architecture of the Round Valley Limestone with coeval strata in the eastern Oquirrh basin (Bridal Veil Limestone). The Bridal Veil Limestone is four times thicker and contains 24 cycles not represented on the Wyoming shelf.

Insights Into the Stratigraphic Evolution of the Early Pennsylvanian Pocahontas Basin, Virginia

Grimm, Ryan P. 05 January 2011 (has links)
Early Pennsylvanian, coal-bearing, siliciclastic strata of the Breathitt Group within the Pocahontas Basin, southwestern Virginia, define a southeasterly thickening clastic wedge deposited in continental to marginal marine environments influenced by recurring, high-magnitude relative sea-level fluctuations and low-frequency changes in tectonic loading. A robust dataset of >1200 well logs, cores and numerous outcrops allowed a unique review of the Central Appalachian lithologic record during both the Late Paleozoic Ice Age and onset of the Alleghanian Orogeny. The tropical depositional landscape produced stacked deposits of braided-fluvial channels, broad alluvial plains, tidally-influenced estuaries and small deltas. Trends in facies associations allowed development of a high-resolution sequence stratigraphic architecture based on regional flooding surfaces and bounding discontinuities. Analysis of vertical stacking patterns of lithofacies on regional cross-sections identified 15 widespread, unconformity-bounded depositional sequences with an average duration of ~80 kyr based on available geochronology. Glacioeustatic control on stratigraphic architecture is supported by corresponding sequence duration within the short-eccentricity periodicity of the Milankovitch band, as well as the magnitude and extent of rapid facies shifts, suggesting that far-a-field variations in overall Gondwanan ice-sheet size and volume impacted base-level changes in the tropical basin. The progressive increase in magnitude of transgressions, as indicated by brackish-marine ichnofacies and other faunal indicators within regional high-frequency transgressive system tracts, indicate extrabasinal trends in ice-volume and eustasy. High-frequency eustatic sequences are nested within four asymmetric composite-sequences, attributed to low-frequency variations in tectonic accommodation. Evidence for tectonic forcing on foreland-basin accommodation is based on abrupt facies shifts, angular stratal terminations and wedge-shaped composite-sequence geometries. Spatial and temporal trends in facies associations within composite-sequences reveal episodic variation in tectonic loading overprinted by recurring high-frequency eustatic events. Petrology and detrital-zircon geochronology indicates that sediment was derived from low-grade metamorphic Grenvillian-Avalonian terranes and recycling of older Paleozoic sedimentary rocks uplifted as part of the Alleghanian orogen towards the southeast and, in part, from the Archean Superior Province to the north. Applications of the observed facies distribution and petrophysics of these coal-bearing sedimentary rocks indicate numerous confining intervals within regional mudstones overlying coalbeds, suggesting the potential for beneficial geological storage of CO2 through enhanced-coal-bed-methane recovery. / Ph. D.

Conodont Sequence Biostratigraphy of the Upper Honaker Trail Formation

Pratt, Cheyenne Autumn 12 June 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The Paradox Basin is a northwest-southeast trending intracratonic basin that formed in southwestern Colorado, southeastern Utah and adjacent parts of Arizona and New Mexico during the late Paleozoic Era. During rise of the adjacent Uncompahgre Uplift (Ancestral Rocky Mountains), the rapidly subsiding basin was filled with over 2000 m of Permo-Pennsylvanian sediments that reflect a complex interplay of changing tectonic, paleoecological, and climatic conditions that resulted in cyclic packages of mixed lowstand and non-marine siliciclastics and highstand shallow-platform carbonates. The 150 m-thick Honaker Trail formation straddles the transition from mostly marine carbonates to mostly non-marine siliciclastics on the southwest shelf of the Paradox Basin during late Moscovian to early Gzhelian (late Desmoinesian to early Virgilian) time. The carbonate-dominated lower 70 m of the formation were divided into two 4th-order sequences and thirteen 5th-order cycles by Goldhammer et al. (1991). We subdivide the remaining overlying 80 m of the Honaker Trail Formation, up to the top of the Shafer Limestone into an additional five 4th-order sequences named, from lowest to highest, the Raplee Limestone (named herein as a replacement for "unnamed limestone" of previous literature), Little Loop Limestone, W"“130 Limestone, Mendenhall Sandstone, and Shafer Limestone sequences and provide a detailed sequence stratigraphic framework of the Raplee, Little Loop, and W-130 sequences. In addition, we provide a conodont sequence biostratigraphic framework for the southwestern (carbonate) shelf of the Paradox Basin to correlate these sequences to Midcontinent (eastern Kansas) cycles using Idiognathodus and Streptognathodus-dominated conodont faunas. From the conodont fauna described herein, the Raplee Limestone sequence likely correlates with the Dennis major cycle of the Midcontinent, and suggests a correlation between the Little Loop Sequence and the minor Hogshooter cyclothem. We also propose the extension of these species' biostratigraphic zones within the Paradox Basin: I. swadei, I. papulatus, I. eccentricus, and I. sulciferus; all of which have been defined by Barrick and Rosscoe (2013) and others as extinct in the Midcontinent Basin at the end of the Swope cyclothem.

A Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Allegheny Group (Middle Pennsylvanian),Southeast Ohio

Stubbs, Dreadnaught G. 13 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.


BARTHOLOMEW, ALEXANDER JESS January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Late Ordovician (Katian), Maysvillian Stage of the Cincinnati Arch, Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio, U.S.A

Schramm, Thomas J. January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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