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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

High-Tech-Services, Clustermanagement und Dienstleistungsengineering: Potentiale, Trends und Perspektiven

13 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Das Buch widmet sich dem Potential von Dienstleistungen in Hochtechnologiefeldern und versucht, Potentiale für eine Verknüpfung von Forschung im Bereich von Dienstleistungen und Hochtechnologie aufzuzeigen. Einen Ansatzpunkt hierfür bilden Clusterstrukturen. Eine stärkere „Servifizierung“ in den Strukturen dieser High-Tech-Cluster bietet hohe Potentiale zur Generierung von integrierten Smart-Services, die adaptiv, wissensintensiv, verteilt, unter Kundeneinbeziehung und mit Einsatz von entsprechender Hochtechnologie Lösungen in Märkte tragen. Dazu sind Strategien zu suchen, wie unter Nutzung existierender Erkenntnisse der Dienstleistungsforschung High-Tech-Cluster Smart Services gezielt entwickeln und in den Markt tragen können.

An investigation of current problems facing the Science Teachers' Development and Training Centre in Indonesia.

Irianto, Bambang January 2001 (has links)
The Science Teachers' Development and Training Centre or STDTC (Pusat Pengembangan dan Penataran Guru Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam or PPPG IPA) is an official in-service science teacher training, which is in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Between 1978 and 1997, an in-service science-teacher training project, which is known as the PKG IPA Project, was developed by the Directorate of General Secondary Education. The successful PKG IPA project implemented its own in-service science teacher training system within its own training network across Indonesia, without the involvement of the PPPG IPA as the existing official teacher-training agent. The existence of the project was discontinued when the World Bank loan ended. Unfortunately, the expensive infrastructures developed by the PKG IPA project could no longer be utilized because the PKG IPA project was excluded from the official structure of organization of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC) which is now known as Ministry of National education (MNE). In addition, the ignorance of the staff of the PPPG IPA about the PKG IPA project is one indicator why that the PPPG IPA is facing some problems, which affect the implementation of its duties and functions.Based on this indicator, this study was implemented with two objectives, namely, to investigate and analyze current problems facing the PPPG IPA, and to make recommendations for formulating appropriate policies and strategies in order to rationalize the future roles of the PPPG IPA. The study involved seven research questions, which were grouped into three concerns, namely, the quality of the environment, a needs analysis, and analysis of the Directorate's policies. The seven research questions required different instruments to collect the data. Existing instruments, SLEQ (School Level Environment Questionnaire) and SLEI (Science Laboratory Environment Inventory), ++ / were translated into Indonesian. The researcher developed other instruments. The study involved both qualitative and quantitative research methods and types of data, included various sampling strategy classifications, such as purposeful sampling and opportunistic sampling. The data collecting strategy involved surveys, observations, interviews, and mining documents.The study concluded that the PPPG IPA is facing some current problems related to the aspects of working environment, science laboratory environment, human resources, facilities, policies, and in-service training networking. The study recommended that the Ministry of National Education (MNE) formulate appropriate policies and strategies in order to rationalize the roles of the PPPG IPA in order to strengthen the implementation, and improve the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of the in-service training programs. A new ministerial regulation also is recommended to be released to replace the previous relevant regulations in order to accommodate the above concerns.

Investigation Of The Relationship Between Pre-service Science Teachers

Cetinkaya, Gamze 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible relationships between pre-service science teachers&#039 / understanding of nature of science (NOS) and their personal characteristics / understanding of nature of scientific inquiry (NOSI), epistemological world views, self-efficacy beliefs regarding science teaching, attitudes towards science teaching, metacognitive awareness level and faith/worldview schemas. The sample of the present study were 60 PSTs that are 3rd year students at elementary science education department at a public university in the Marmara region. The sample was chosen by using purposive sampling from the PSTs enrolled in the &quot / Nature of Science and History of Science&quot / course. Using a descriptive and associational case study design PSTs&rsquo / understandings of NOS, understanding of NOSI, epistemological world views, metacognitive awareness levels, self-efficacy beliefs, attitudes toward science teaching, and faith/worldviews were determined through different questionnaires and the associations between variables were investigated. Qualitative and quantitative questionnaires were analyzed and statistical analyses were conducted to see whether there is an association between PSTs&#039 / level of understanding of NOS and their personal characteristics. The results of the study revealed that PSTs understanding of NOS and NOSI were highly related. Similarly, self-efficacy beliefs regarding science teaching, metacognitive awareness levels and faith/worldviews of the PSTs were found to be significantly related to understanding of NOS. On the other hand, there were not any significant associations between PSTs&#039 / epistemological world views, attitudes towards science teaching and understanding of NOS.

The Nature Of Pre-service Science Teachers&#039 / Argumentation In Inquiry-oriented Laboratory Context

Ozdem, Yasemin 01 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to explore pre-service science teachers&rsquo / (PST) argumentation in the context of inquiry-oriented laboratory work. Specifically, this study investigated the kinds of argumentation schemes PSTs use as they perform inquiry-oriented laboratory tasks, and how argumentation schemes generated by PSTs vary by tasks as well as by experimentation and critical discussion sessions. The participants in this study were 35 pre-service elementary teachers, who will teach middle school science from 6th through 8th grade students after graduation. In this study, participants were engaged in six inquiry-oriented laboratory tasks. The performance of laboratory tasks consisted of two stages. Through the experimentation stage, PSTs planned and developed their own hypotheses, carried out an experiment and collected data, and processed their data to verify their hypotheses. Through the critical discussion stage, one of the research groups presented their hypotheses, methods, and results orally to the other research groups. Each presentation was followed by a class discussion of weak and strong aspects of the experimentation. The data of this study were collected through video- and audio-recording. The data were the transcribed from video- and audio-recordings of the PSTs&rsquo / discourse during the performance of the laboratory tasks. For the analysis of PSTs&rsquo / discourse pre-determined argumentation schemes by Walton (1996) were employed. The results illustrated that PSTs applied varied premises rather than only observations or reliable sources, to ground their claims or to argue for a case or an action. The interpretation of the frequency data and the kind of the most frequent argumentation schemes can be seen as a positive indication that the inquiry-oriented laboratory tasks that were employed in this study are effective toward promoting presumptive reasoning discourse. Another result of this study, which is worthy of notice is the construction and evaluation of scientific knowledge claims that resulted in different number and kinds of arguments. Results of this study suggest the following implications for improving science education. First, designing inquiry-oriented laboratory environments, which are enriched with critical discussion, provides discourse opportunities that can support argumentation. Second, both the number of arguments and the use of various scientific argumentation schemes can be enhanced by specific task structures. Third, &ldquo / argumentation schemes for presumptive reasoning&rdquo / is a promising analysis framework to reveal the argumentation patterns in scientific settings. Last, pre-service teachers can be encouraged to support and promote argumentation in their future science classrooms if they engage in argumentation integrated instructional strategies.

The effectiveness of an argumentation instructional model in enhancing pre-service science teachers’ efficacy to implement a relevant science indigenous knowledge curriculum in Western Cape classrooms

Langenhoven, Keith Roy January 2014 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The study investigated the impact of a dialogical argumentation instructional model (DAIM) as an intervention teaching strategy to assist pre-service science teachers to implement integrated science-indigenous knowledge (IK) lessons during their seven week block teaching practice at schools in the Western Cape. This imperative is found in Specific Aim 3 of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) of the South African School Curriculum (Department of Basics Education, 2011). The study focussed on the pre-post conceptions of pre-service science teachers’ conceptions of the nature of science and the nature of indigenous knowledge. In addition the study examined pre-service teachers’ sense of self-efficacy in deploying a dialogical argumentation instructional model to implement an integrated science-IK lesson. The sample consisted of a cohort of thirty (30) Post-graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) students training to teach at the Further Education and Training (FET) phase of school. They were a combined class enrolled for method in Natural Sciences, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences. A mixed methods approach was used to generate quantitative and qualitative data using a series of questionnaires, reflective diaries, journals and focus group interviews. Transcripts provided a rich bank of data of which only exemplars were used to highlight trends and to illustrate how theoretical constructs were used as analytical tools. The theoretical constructs used were Toulmin’s (1958/2003) Argumentation Pattern (TAP), Ogunniyi’s (1997) Contiguity Argumentation Theory (CAT) and Banduras’ Social Cognitive Theory (1986). The findings showed that the pre-service teachers appeared to overestimate their sense of self-efficacy (i.e. the ease and comfort) in using DAIM to implement a science- IK curriculum at the pre-test than at the post-test. The study also identified important implications for policy, teacher training programmes, teaching practice, pre-service science teachers, learners and further research. Furthermore, the pre-service reflective experiences indicated their increased awareness of the challenges and successes related to using dialogical argumentation to integrate a science-IK lesson. The most important contribution of this study to an argumentation paradigm was the emergence of a visual model called the Pyramid Argumentation Model that succinctly connected the apparent disparate module units in a holistic way (To be discussed in follow-up reports). The findings revealed numerous complexities as the participants navigated their own cosmologies of a scientific worldview and that of their indigenous knowledge worldview. Finally, the findings have not only corroborated the findings in earlier studies with respect to the merits and demerits of argumentation instruction but also identified various challenges that prospective and even practicing teachers might encounter in an attempt to make school science relevant to the sociocultural environment of learners especially those living in indigenous or traditional societies like the participants in this study.

Lebenszyklusengineering und -management von Service Systemen: Ein Beitrag zur ganzheitlichen Betrachtung und logischen Beschreibung von Sach- und Dienstleistungssystemen

Zinke, Christian 10 July 2017 (has links)
Während der (empirische) Bedeutungszuwachs von Dienstleistungen weitgehend unstrittig ist (Fließ 2009; Klodt et al. 1997), gibt es bei der theoretischen Fundierung, was genau eine Dienstleistung ist, Probleme. Eine dieser Schwierigkeiten besteht darin, Dienstleistung(en) überhaupt zu definieren (vgl. u.a. Richter 2012; Paal 2005; Klodt et al. 1997; Corsten 1985) , insbesondere bei der Definition durch eine sektorenbezogene Negativbestimmung von Dienstleistung . Allgemein gesprochen herrscht eine diffuse Definitionslage von Dienstleistungen. Es gibt sowohl prozess- als auch ergebnisorientierte Definitionen (Richter 2012) – welche sich z.T. gegenüberstehen. Weiterhin gibt es einen Dimensionierungsansatz, welcher die Dienstleistung in drei Dimensionen (Potential-, Prozess-, Ergebnisdimension) unterteilt (Böttcher 2009; Bullinger et al. 2006) und auf diese Weise ergebnisorientierte wie auch prozessorientierte Definitionen zusammenbringt. Jedoch geht auch diese Form der Definition von Dienstleistungseigenschaften aus, welche nicht unumstritten sind (Lovelock und Gummesson 2004)(Vargo und Lusch 2004). Verschiedene Schulen aus dem Service Engineering, dem Service Design, dem Service Management (Grönroos 2007, 1990)(Fitzsimmons und Fitzsimmons 2006) und des Marketings (SD-Logic) (Vargo und Lusch 2004) stoßen bei der Definition immer wieder aufeinander. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Schaffung einer digitalen Grundlage um die Digitalisierung von Service Systemen, sowie deren Engineering und Management, zu fördern. So liegt der Fokus auf der Verbesserung der Informationsverteilung innerhalb des Lebenszyklus von Service Systemen und in komplexen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken. Gleichzeitig ist es Ziel der Arbeit, diese Erweiterung offen zu gestalten, sodass Informationsflüsse in andere Systeme ermöglicht werden. Es werden auf diese Weise die technischen Grundlagen geschaffen, um von den klassischen produktorientierten digitalen Unterstützungswerkzeugen zu hybriden Unterstützungswerkzeugen zu gelangen. Ergebnis der Arbeit ist ein Vorgehensmodell sowie eine Ontologie für das Lebenszyklusengineering und -management von Service Systemen basierend auf einem Vergleich und Konsolidierung von 26 Vorgehensmodellen bzw. -ansätzen und vier thematisch nahen Ontologien sowie auf vier realen Anwendungsfällen (u.a. Ersatzteilmanagement für Industrieanlagen) welche detailliert analysiert wurden. Für das Vorgehensmodell wurden 44 einzelne Phasenmodule (Methoden) erarbeitet und auf ihre Eignung in besonderen Kontexten (z.B. industrielle Dienstleistungen), der Einsatzphasen sowie der identifizierten Werkzeuge ausgearbeitet. Um die Beschreibung einer Ontologie zu fundieren, wurde der Wissensraum für das Lebenszyklusengineering und -management für Service Systeme mittels der Description Logic modelliert. Anschließend hieß es, diese Beschreibung in ein OWL und damit in die technische Anwendbarkeit zu überführen. Diese Ontologie wurde hierbei mittels Protegé modelliert und implementiert. Insgesamt wurden mehr als 50 Klassen extrahiert und formal beschreiben.

Smart Services and Service Science: Proceedings of the 4th Internaional Symposium on Services Science, Leipzig (Germany), September 25, 2012

Meyer, Kyrill, Abdelkafi, Nizar 13 September 2012 (has links)
Services Science is a new research discipline that has received, over the last years, a growing attention from academia and practice. It combines research from various fields which have evolved more or less independently and is concerned with the development and management of service products. Whereas theories from organizational and marketing science usually capture the nature of these products, engineering disciplines focus on shaping and developing these information goods, and the information systems field on integrating services as encapsulated application functionalities by using standardized (XML) interfaces. All these research streams converge in the new interdisciplinary area of Services Science which integrates the principles, design, and management of economic and technical services. For the fourth time, the \\\\\\\'International Symposium on Services Science (ISSS)\\\\\\\' offered an outstanding platform for the advancement and discussion of research in Service Science. In 2012, the ISSS focused on knowledge-intensive business services, also known as Smart Services, and their application in theory and practice. The ISSS was part of the Multi-Conference SABRE (Software, Agents and Services for Business, Research and E-Sciences, 24th-25th September 2012) and was held in Leipzig, Germany as a one-day event on the 25th September, 2012. The symposium was organized by the Information Systems Institute and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Leipzig as well as the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI), Fraunhofer MOEZ and the Leipziger Informatik-Verbund (LIV). As reflected in the conference proceedings, the sessions included in the agenda dealt with Smart Services from different perspectives: Smart Services in Theory and Practice, Smart Services in Management and Application, and Smart Services in High-Tech-Sectors. Although the official language of the conference is English, the authors had the opportunity to write their research contributions in English or German.

Zambian Secondary School Pre-service science Teachers' Pedagogical Orientations and Beliefs about science Teaching

Nyirenda, Euginia Mukhala 01 August 2019 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this explanatory sequential mixed methods study was fourfold: examine the pre-service science teachers' pedagogical orientations about science teaching; examine the pre-service science teachers' beliefs about science teaching; establish the extent to which the pre-service science teachers' pedagogical orientations correlate with their beliefs; and establish factors that shape the pedagogical orientations and beliefs of pre-service science teachers. A sample comprised 140 secondary school pre-service science teachers at three universities in Zambia. There were 102 males and 38 females. In the first phase, data were collected using the Pedagogy of Science Teaching Test (POSTT) that was adapted to suit the Zambian curriculum, and the Teacher Beliefs Interview (TBI) protocol. Whereas, in the second phase, a semi-structured interview was used to collect data. Twelve pre-service science teachers were interviewed to solicit in-depth information on the findings from the POSTT and TBI protocol.

於數位實體服務之期望式服務體驗設計與作業管理方法 / Expectation-based experience and operation design and management for cyber-physical service

解燕豪, Hsieh, Yen Hao Unknown Date (has links)
In the era of experience economy, how best to deliver memorable and exciting customer experiences has become a key issue for service providers. This research aims to build a systematical, quantitative and expectation-based mechanism to design and manage service experience and operation for cyber-physical services. Consequently, this study not only analyzes and synthesizes the critical factors by reviewing literatures (that is, customer expectation, service operation and customer emotion) within the background of service science but also establishes a conceptual theoretical framework for designing satisfactory service experiences. Furthermore, this study presents a concept of the Exquisite Technology and a service system (i.e. U2EX) with a customer expectation management engine (including five core methods, Hawk-Dove game, Coopetition, PSO, FCM and expectation measurement model) in the exhibition context to demonstrate the feasibility of implementing the notions of customer expectation management and service experience design. Besides, we integrate the expectation theory with the emotion theory to build a theoretical concept and employ a multimethod (including a single case study, interviews, simulations and questionnaire surveys) to test the relations and research propositions of the theoretical concept. The research results show positive evidences to support our developed theoretical concept. The customer expectation measurement model is one critical element of the proposed engine that can help service providers understand and quantify customer expectation in dynamic and real time environments for appropriate service experiences based on the systematical and theoretical groundings (i.e. Fechner’s law and operation risk). Hence, we use the simulations to verify the reliability of the customer expectation measurement model. Meanwhile, this research also conducts simulation experiments of Hawk-Dove game, PSO, FCM and Coopetition methods to have preliminary evidences for supporting the proposed mechanism. Thus, service providers provide customers with high-quality service experiences to achieve customer satisfaction and co-create values with customers through meticulous service experiences design approaches. The proposed mechanism of expectation-based service experience and operation design and management has been demonstrated in the exhibition service sector. We would like to apply the advantage and usage of the proposed mechanism to the other feasible domains and service sectors. Consequently, this study proposes a S-D based input-output analysis approach in order to find the potential fields that can also adopt the proposed mechanism by measuring the effects of technology spillovers.

Service Systems and Social Enterprise: Beyond the Economics of Business

Tracy, Stephen 02 January 2012 (has links)
Service science is an emerging multidisciplinary field concerned with the study of service systems and value co-creation. In recent years, the field has expanded considerably, growing to encompass a community of researchers and practitioners from a range of backgrounds and knowledge domains. However, very little research has focused on the study of service systems within the context of social-purpose organizations (SPOs), such as a nonprofit charitable organization or academic institution. We contend that SPOs represent a class of service systems that are understudied in service science, and the goal of this thesis was to contribute to the ongoing development of the disciplines theoretical foundations through an empirical study of a special type of SPO, the social enterprise. Through case-study research we surveyed five social enterprise organizations across Canada. Our findings point to a number of areas that suggest a conceptual bias towards service systems that are economically motivated and profit driven.

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