Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dervice ese"" "subject:"dervice tese""
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Transitions between care settings towards the end of life in older homecare clients in ManitobaAbraham, Sneha 02 April 2015 (has links)
Multiple transitions between care settings have been reported to affect the quality of life of the older adults and their families. In Canada, there have been no studies that have examined transitions between care settings at the end of life in older adults who are on homecare. The aim of this thesis was to address this gap, and to describe
transitions between care settings in older homecare clients towards the end of their life and examine what personal, health system and health service use factors predict these transitions. The sample used in this study was the cohort of individuals 65 years and older(n=7866) who died in Manitoba within the fiscal years 2003-2006, and who received homecare for at least 30 days in the last year of their life. The outcome variables in this study were transitions and independent variables included demographic (e.g., age, sex), health service use (homecare days) and system factors (e.g., hospital bed supply). The study involved secondary data analysis of anonymized administrative data (the hospital, homecare and personal care
home (PCH) data), vital statistics data, health insurance registry, census data, and annual provincial statistical reports. Descriptive and inferential data analyses methods were used to analyze the data in the study. It was found in the study that more than half of the homecare clients had one or more transitions between care settings in their last month of life, and more than half of the homecare clients in the study died in hospitals. Homecare clients who were males, in the 75-84 years age group, received more homecare days and lived in regions of high hospital bed supply were more likely to have one or more transitions in the last month of their life, and those who were single, in the lower income quintile groups, lived in regions of high physician and PCH bed supply had lower odds of having one or more transitions. The findings suggest the need for increasing palliative care and homecare services to reduce transitions and hospital deaths at the end of life. Increasing physician supply, particularly in rural areas should also be considered. Future studies should also attempt to classify which of the transitions towards the end of life were essential or burdensome.
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Risky Alcohol Use: The Impact on Health Service UseMiquel, Laia, Manthey, Jakob, Rehm, Jürgen, Vela, Emili, Bustins, Montserrat, Segura, Lidia, Vieta, Eduard, Colom, Joan, Anderson, Peter, Gual, Antoni 19 May 2020 (has links)
Objective: To examine health services use on the basis of alcohol consumption. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on patients visiting the Primary Health Care (PHC) settings in Catalonia during 2011 and 2012; these patients had a history of alcohol consumption. Information about outpatient visits in the PHC setting, hospitalizations, specialists’ visits and emergency room visits for the year 2013 was obtained from 2 databases (the Information System for the Development of Research in PHC and the Catalan Health Surveillance System). Risky drinkers were defined as those who consumed more than 280 g per week for men or more than 170 g per week for women, or any amount of alcohol while being involved in a high risk work activity, or taking medication that significantly interferes with alcohol or when being pregnant. Binge drinkers (>60 g in men or >50 g in women in a short amount of time more than once a month) were also considered risky drinkers. Results: A total of 606,948 patients reported consuming alcohol (of which 10.5% were risky drinkers). Risky drinkers were more likely to be admitted to hospitals or emergency departments (range of ORs 1.08–1.18) compared to light drinkers. Male risky drinkers used fewer PHC services than male light drinkers (OR 0.89, 95% CI 0.87–0.92). In general, risky alcohol users used services more and had longer hospital stays. When stratifying by socioeconomic level of the residential area, we found that risky drinking failed significance, while current or past cigarette smoking was associated with higher healthcare use. Conclusions: Risky drinkers use more expensive services, such as hospitals and emergency rooms, but not PHC services, which may suggest that prevention strategies and alcohol interventions should also be implemented in those settings.
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L’utilisation des services de centre de jour par les personnes âgées qui présentent des incapacitésSavard, Jacinthe 10 1900 (has links)
Contexte: Les centres de jour offrent des interventions de groupe à des personnes âgées qui présentent des incapacités, dans le but de favoriser leur maintien à domicile. Des études récentes tendent à démontrer qu’une utilisation régulière du service serait nécessaire pour induire des effets bénéfiques.
Objectifs: Cette recherche visait à documenter l’utilisation des centres de jour par des personnes âgées qui présentent des incapacités. Elle comportait trois principaux objectifs:
1) Caractériser les utilisateurs de centre de jour et ce qui les distingue des non-utilisateurs et analyser les déterminants de l’utilisation du centre de jour.
2) Explorer l’adéquation entre les activités offertes par les centres de jour et les caractéristiques d’autonomie et de santé des utilisateurs.
3) Définir les facteurs associés à la régularité de la participation.
Méthodes: Cette recherche s’appuie sur une analyse secondaire de données recueillies auprès de 723 personnes âgées qui ont participé au projet de démonstration SIPA (Services intégrés pour personnes âgées) implanté dans deux CLSC de la région de Montréal. L’utilisation du centre de jour a été documentée pendant une période de six mois, auprès des cinq centres de jour existant sur ce même territoire. Des informations sur le fonctionnement des centres de jour ont été obtenues par des entrevues et des rencontres de groupe auprès de coordonnateurs de ces centres. Les données ont été analysées à l’aide de statistiques descriptives, d’analyses en regroupement et d’analyses de régression logistique et multiple.
Résultats: Les résultats sont présentés dans trois articles, soit un pour chacun des objectifs. Article 1: La proportion d’utilisateurs de centre de jour est de 18,8% (IC-0,95: 16,0 à 21,7%). Les facteurs suivants augmentent la probabilité d’utiliser le centre de jour: être plus jeune (RC: 1,12; IC-0,95: 1,06 à 1,19); ne pas avoir une éducation universitaire (RC: 1,92; IC-0,95: 1,04 à 3,57); recevoir l’aide du CLSC pour les activités de vie quotidienne plus d’une fois par semaine (RC: 1,73 et 2,48 pour aide de deux à cinq fois par semaine et aide de six à sept fois par semaine respectivement; IC-0,95: 1,06 à 2,80 et 1,22 à 5,06); faire partie du bassin de desserte d’un centre de jour dont les coûts sont moins élevés (RC: 1,054 ; IC-0,95: 1,001 à 1,108 pour chaque augmentation de 1$); et pour les hommes seulement, avoir déjà subi un accident vasculaire cérébral et présenter davantage d’incapacités fonctionnelles (interaction entre le sexe et la présence d’un AVC: RC: 0,298; IC-0,95: 0,108 à 0,825; interaction entre le sexe et les capacités fonctionnelles mesurées à l’OARS: RC: 1,096; IC-0,95: 1,019 à 1,178). De plus, on observe une plus grande probabilité d’utiliser le centre de jour chez les personnes qui cohabitent avec une personne de soutien. Toutefois, cette relation ne s’observe que chez les personnes nées au Canada (interaction entre la cohabitation avec la personne de soutien et le pays de naissance: RC: 0,417; IC-0,95: 0,185 à 0,938). Article 2: Des analyses en regroupement ont permis de distinguer quatre profils de participants ayant des caractéristiques similaires: 1) les personnes fragilisées par un âge avancé et un grand nombre de problèmes de santé; 2) les participants plus jeunes et plus autonomes que la moyenne, qui semblent des utilisateurs précoces; 3) les personnes qui présentent des incapacités d’origine cognitive; et 4) celles qui présentent des incapacités d’origine motrice. Les activités de groupe des centres de jour ont été regroupées en huit catégories: exercices physiques; groupe spécifique pour un diagnostic ou un problème fonctionnel commun; activités fonctionnelles; stimulation cognitive; activités musicales ou de réminiscence; sports et jeux physiques; intégration sociale; prévention et promotion de la santé. Les activités les plus fréquentes sont les exercices physiques et les activités d’intégration sociale auxquelles ont participé plus de 90% des utilisateurs de centre de jour, et ce en moyenne à respectivement 78% (±23%) et 72% (±24%) de leurs présences au centre de jour. Les autres catégories d’activités rejoignent de 45% à 77% des participants, et ce en moyenne à 35% (±15%) à 46% (±33%) de leurs présences. La participation aux diverses catégories d’activités a été étudiée pour chaque profil d’utilisateurs et comparée aux activités recommandées pour divers types de clientèle. On observe une concordance partielle entre les activités offertes et les besoins des utilisateurs. Cette concordance apparaît plus grande pour les participants qui présentent des problèmes de santé physique ou des incapacités d’origine motrice et plus faible pour ceux qui présentent des symptômes dépressifs ou des atteintes cognitives. Article 3: Les participants au centre de jour y sont inscrits en moyenne à raison de 1,56 (±0,74) jours par semaine mais sont réellement présents à 68,1% des jours attendus. Les facteurs suivants sont associés à une participation plus régulière au centre de jour en termes de taux de présences réelles / présences attendues: ne pas avoir travaillé dans le domaine de la santé (b: ,209; IC-0,95: ,037 à ,382); recevoir de l’aide du CLSC les jours de fréquentation du centre de jour (b: ,124; IC-0,95: ,019 à ,230); être inscrit pour la journée plutôt que la demi-journée (b: ,209: IC-0,95: ,018 à ,399); lors de ses présences au centre de jour, avoir une moins grande proportion d’activités de prévention et promotion de la santé (b: ,223; IC-0,95: ,044 à ,402); et enfin, avoir un aidant qui présente un fardeau moins élevé pour les personnes avec une atteinte cognitive et un fardeau plus élevé pour les personnes sans atteinte cognitive (interaction entre la présence d’atteinte cognitive et le fardeau de l’aidant: b: -,008; IC-0,95: -,014 à -,044).
Conclusion: Conformément à leur mission, les centres de jour rejoignent une bonne proportion des personnes âgées qui présentent des incapacités. Cette étude fait ressortir les caractéristiques des personnes les plus susceptibles d’y participer. Elle suggère la nécessité de revoir la planification des activités pour assurer une offre de services qui tienne davantage compte des besoins des participants, en particulier de ceux qui présentent des atteintes cognitives et des symptômes de dépression. Elle démontre aussi que l’intensité d’exposition au service semble faible, ce qui soulève la question des seuils d’exposition nécessaires pour induire des effets favorables sur le maintien à domicile et sur la qualité de vie de la clientèle cible. / Background: Adult Day Centers (ADC) offer group-based interventions to older, community-dwelling individuals with functional limitations, with the aim of helping them remain in the community for as long as possible. Recent studies seem to indicate that regular use is needed for positive effects on participants and their caregivers.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to document the use of ADCs by seniors with
functional limitations. There were three main objectives:
1) To identify the characteristics of ADC users versus non-users and to identify the
determinants of use.
2) To explore how well ADC program activities matched the different needs of
participants with various health and functional characteristics profile.
3) To examine the factors related to regularity of ADC attendance.
Methods: This study was based on a secondary analysis of data collected from 723 seniors participating in the Services intégrés pour personnes âgées (SIPA) demonstration project implemented in two CLSCs in Montreal. ADC use data were obtained for a six month period, from the five ADCs serving the same catchment area. To better understand the ADC program characteristics, individual interviews and focus groups were carried out with ADC coordinators. Data were analysed with descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, and logistic and multiple regression analysis.
Results: The results are presented in three articles, one for each main objective. Article 1: The proportion of ADC users was 18.8% (CI-0.95: 16.0 – 21.7%). The following factors increased the probability of ADC use: being younger (OR: 1.12; CI-0.95: 1.06 – 1.19); not having a university degree (OR: 1.92; CI-0.95: 1.04 – 3.57); receiving help from the CLSC for daily living activities more than once a week (OR: 1.73 and 2.48 for help two to five times per week and six to seven times per week respectively; CI-0.95: 1.06 - 2.80 and 1.22 - 5.06); being in the catchment population of an ADC with a lower daily fee (OR: 1.054; C-I0.95: 1.001 - 1.108 for each 1$ fee increase); and for men only, having had a stroke or presenting with more functional incapacities (interaction between gender and presence of a stroke: OR: 0.298; CI-0.95: 0.108 - 0.825; interaction between gender and functional capacity as measured by OARS: OR: 1.096; CI-0.95: 1.019 - 1.178). In addition, the probability of ADC use was higher among individuals who live with the person identified as their caregiver. However, this association was found only among persons born in Canada (interaction between whether they lived with caregiver and country of birth: OR: 0.417; CI-0.95: 0.185 - 0.938). Article 2: Four different participant profile groups were identified using cluster analysis: 1) frail seniors of advanced age who had a large number of health problems; 2) individuals who were younger and more independent than the average participants who appeared early users of ADC; 3) individuals with functional impairment related to cognitive problems; and 4) those with movement disorders which affected their independence. Classification of program activities by a panel of experts distinguished eight categories of activities: physical exercise; groups for those with common diagnoses or functional problems; functional activities; cognitive stimulation; music or reminiscence activities; sports and physical games; social skills and interaction; disease prevention and health promotion activities. The most frequent activities were physical exercise, and social skills and interaction activities in which more of 90% of ADC users participated, respectively at a mean of 78% (± 23%) and 72% (± 24%) of their attendances at the ADC program. Other categories of activities were provided to 45 to 77% of participants, and at a mean of 35% (± 15%) to 46% (± 33%) of their ADC attendances. Participation in these activities categories was examined for each profile group, and compared to the recommended activities for such client group. Partial correspondence was found between program activities and participants’ needs. Concordance seemed higher for individuals with physical health problems or mobility impairments and weaker for those presenting with depressive symptoms or cognitive impairments. Article 3: ADC participants were registered with their program for a mean of 1.56 (±0.74) days per week, but were actually present 68.1% of the scheduled days. More regular attendance (higher proportion of scheduled days attended) was associated with: a previous profession of ADC participant or spouse in a sector other than health care (b: .209; CI-0.95: .037 − .382); the individual receiving formal help for activities of daily living on days of expected ADC participation (b: .124; CI-0.95: .019 − .230); enrolment for the whole day rather than half a day (b: .209 : CI-0.95: .018 − .399); lower participation rates in prevention and health promotion activities (b: .223; CI-0.95: .044 − .402); and among participants with cognitive impairment, lower caregiver burden, and among persons without cognitive impairment, higher caregiver burden (interaction between cognitive impairment and caregiver burden: b: -.008; CI-0.95: -.014 − -.044).
Conclusion: In keeping with their mission, adult day centres attract a large portion of seniors with disabilities. This study has identified the characteristics of the clientele who are most likely to participate in centre activities. Results also suggest a need to review the planning of activity program components to ensure that the services offered best respond to client needs, particularly clients presenting with depressive symptoms or cognitive impairments. It has also demonstrated that the intensity of exposure to this service tends to be low overall, which raises the question of the level of exposure needed to have a positive influence on the quality of life and ability to remain in the community among this population.
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L’utilisation des services de centre de jour par les personnes âgées qui présentent des incapacitésSavard, Jacinthe 10 1900 (has links)
Contexte: Les centres de jour offrent des interventions de groupe à des personnes âgées qui présentent des incapacités, dans le but de favoriser leur maintien à domicile. Des études récentes tendent à démontrer qu’une utilisation régulière du service serait nécessaire pour induire des effets bénéfiques.
Objectifs: Cette recherche visait à documenter l’utilisation des centres de jour par des personnes âgées qui présentent des incapacités. Elle comportait trois principaux objectifs:
1) Caractériser les utilisateurs de centre de jour et ce qui les distingue des non-utilisateurs et analyser les déterminants de l’utilisation du centre de jour.
2) Explorer l’adéquation entre les activités offertes par les centres de jour et les caractéristiques d’autonomie et de santé des utilisateurs.
3) Définir les facteurs associés à la régularité de la participation.
Méthodes: Cette recherche s’appuie sur une analyse secondaire de données recueillies auprès de 723 personnes âgées qui ont participé au projet de démonstration SIPA (Services intégrés pour personnes âgées) implanté dans deux CLSC de la région de Montréal. L’utilisation du centre de jour a été documentée pendant une période de six mois, auprès des cinq centres de jour existant sur ce même territoire. Des informations sur le fonctionnement des centres de jour ont été obtenues par des entrevues et des rencontres de groupe auprès de coordonnateurs de ces centres. Les données ont été analysées à l’aide de statistiques descriptives, d’analyses en regroupement et d’analyses de régression logistique et multiple.
Résultats: Les résultats sont présentés dans trois articles, soit un pour chacun des objectifs. Article 1: La proportion d’utilisateurs de centre de jour est de 18,8% (IC-0,95: 16,0 à 21,7%). Les facteurs suivants augmentent la probabilité d’utiliser le centre de jour: être plus jeune (RC: 1,12; IC-0,95: 1,06 à 1,19); ne pas avoir une éducation universitaire (RC: 1,92; IC-0,95: 1,04 à 3,57); recevoir l’aide du CLSC pour les activités de vie quotidienne plus d’une fois par semaine (RC: 1,73 et 2,48 pour aide de deux à cinq fois par semaine et aide de six à sept fois par semaine respectivement; IC-0,95: 1,06 à 2,80 et 1,22 à 5,06); faire partie du bassin de desserte d’un centre de jour dont les coûts sont moins élevés (RC: 1,054 ; IC-0,95: 1,001 à 1,108 pour chaque augmentation de 1$); et pour les hommes seulement, avoir déjà subi un accident vasculaire cérébral et présenter davantage d’incapacités fonctionnelles (interaction entre le sexe et la présence d’un AVC: RC: 0,298; IC-0,95: 0,108 à 0,825; interaction entre le sexe et les capacités fonctionnelles mesurées à l’OARS: RC: 1,096; IC-0,95: 1,019 à 1,178). De plus, on observe une plus grande probabilité d’utiliser le centre de jour chez les personnes qui cohabitent avec une personne de soutien. Toutefois, cette relation ne s’observe que chez les personnes nées au Canada (interaction entre la cohabitation avec la personne de soutien et le pays de naissance: RC: 0,417; IC-0,95: 0,185 à 0,938). Article 2: Des analyses en regroupement ont permis de distinguer quatre profils de participants ayant des caractéristiques similaires: 1) les personnes fragilisées par un âge avancé et un grand nombre de problèmes de santé; 2) les participants plus jeunes et plus autonomes que la moyenne, qui semblent des utilisateurs précoces; 3) les personnes qui présentent des incapacités d’origine cognitive; et 4) celles qui présentent des incapacités d’origine motrice. Les activités de groupe des centres de jour ont été regroupées en huit catégories: exercices physiques; groupe spécifique pour un diagnostic ou un problème fonctionnel commun; activités fonctionnelles; stimulation cognitive; activités musicales ou de réminiscence; sports et jeux physiques; intégration sociale; prévention et promotion de la santé. Les activités les plus fréquentes sont les exercices physiques et les activités d’intégration sociale auxquelles ont participé plus de 90% des utilisateurs de centre de jour, et ce en moyenne à respectivement 78% (±23%) et 72% (±24%) de leurs présences au centre de jour. Les autres catégories d’activités rejoignent de 45% à 77% des participants, et ce en moyenne à 35% (±15%) à 46% (±33%) de leurs présences. La participation aux diverses catégories d’activités a été étudiée pour chaque profil d’utilisateurs et comparée aux activités recommandées pour divers types de clientèle. On observe une concordance partielle entre les activités offertes et les besoins des utilisateurs. Cette concordance apparaît plus grande pour les participants qui présentent des problèmes de santé physique ou des incapacités d’origine motrice et plus faible pour ceux qui présentent des symptômes dépressifs ou des atteintes cognitives. Article 3: Les participants au centre de jour y sont inscrits en moyenne à raison de 1,56 (±0,74) jours par semaine mais sont réellement présents à 68,1% des jours attendus. Les facteurs suivants sont associés à une participation plus régulière au centre de jour en termes de taux de présences réelles / présences attendues: ne pas avoir travaillé dans le domaine de la santé (b: ,209; IC-0,95: ,037 à ,382); recevoir de l’aide du CLSC les jours de fréquentation du centre de jour (b: ,124; IC-0,95: ,019 à ,230); être inscrit pour la journée plutôt que la demi-journée (b: ,209: IC-0,95: ,018 à ,399); lors de ses présences au centre de jour, avoir une moins grande proportion d’activités de prévention et promotion de la santé (b: ,223; IC-0,95: ,044 à ,402); et enfin, avoir un aidant qui présente un fardeau moins élevé pour les personnes avec une atteinte cognitive et un fardeau plus élevé pour les personnes sans atteinte cognitive (interaction entre la présence d’atteinte cognitive et le fardeau de l’aidant: b: -,008; IC-0,95: -,014 à -,044).
Conclusion: Conformément à leur mission, les centres de jour rejoignent une bonne proportion des personnes âgées qui présentent des incapacités. Cette étude fait ressortir les caractéristiques des personnes les plus susceptibles d’y participer. Elle suggère la nécessité de revoir la planification des activités pour assurer une offre de services qui tienne davantage compte des besoins des participants, en particulier de ceux qui présentent des atteintes cognitives et des symptômes de dépression. Elle démontre aussi que l’intensité d’exposition au service semble faible, ce qui soulève la question des seuils d’exposition nécessaires pour induire des effets favorables sur le maintien à domicile et sur la qualité de vie de la clientèle cible. / Background: Adult Day Centers (ADC) offer group-based interventions to older, community-dwelling individuals with functional limitations, with the aim of helping them remain in the community for as long as possible. Recent studies seem to indicate that regular use is needed for positive effects on participants and their caregivers.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to document the use of ADCs by seniors with
functional limitations. There were three main objectives:
1) To identify the characteristics of ADC users versus non-users and to identify the
determinants of use.
2) To explore how well ADC program activities matched the different needs of
participants with various health and functional characteristics profile.
3) To examine the factors related to regularity of ADC attendance.
Methods: This study was based on a secondary analysis of data collected from 723 seniors participating in the Services intégrés pour personnes âgées (SIPA) demonstration project implemented in two CLSCs in Montreal. ADC use data were obtained for a six month period, from the five ADCs serving the same catchment area. To better understand the ADC program characteristics, individual interviews and focus groups were carried out with ADC coordinators. Data were analysed with descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, and logistic and multiple regression analysis.
Results: The results are presented in three articles, one for each main objective. Article 1: The proportion of ADC users was 18.8% (CI-0.95: 16.0 – 21.7%). The following factors increased the probability of ADC use: being younger (OR: 1.12; CI-0.95: 1.06 – 1.19); not having a university degree (OR: 1.92; CI-0.95: 1.04 – 3.57); receiving help from the CLSC for daily living activities more than once a week (OR: 1.73 and 2.48 for help two to five times per week and six to seven times per week respectively; CI-0.95: 1.06 - 2.80 and 1.22 - 5.06); being in the catchment population of an ADC with a lower daily fee (OR: 1.054; C-I0.95: 1.001 - 1.108 for each 1$ fee increase); and for men only, having had a stroke or presenting with more functional incapacities (interaction between gender and presence of a stroke: OR: 0.298; CI-0.95: 0.108 - 0.825; interaction between gender and functional capacity as measured by OARS: OR: 1.096; CI-0.95: 1.019 - 1.178). In addition, the probability of ADC use was higher among individuals who live with the person identified as their caregiver. However, this association was found only among persons born in Canada (interaction between whether they lived with caregiver and country of birth: OR: 0.417; CI-0.95: 0.185 - 0.938). Article 2: Four different participant profile groups were identified using cluster analysis: 1) frail seniors of advanced age who had a large number of health problems; 2) individuals who were younger and more independent than the average participants who appeared early users of ADC; 3) individuals with functional impairment related to cognitive problems; and 4) those with movement disorders which affected their independence. Classification of program activities by a panel of experts distinguished eight categories of activities: physical exercise; groups for those with common diagnoses or functional problems; functional activities; cognitive stimulation; music or reminiscence activities; sports and physical games; social skills and interaction; disease prevention and health promotion activities. The most frequent activities were physical exercise, and social skills and interaction activities in which more of 90% of ADC users participated, respectively at a mean of 78% (± 23%) and 72% (± 24%) of their attendances at the ADC program. Other categories of activities were provided to 45 to 77% of participants, and at a mean of 35% (± 15%) to 46% (± 33%) of their ADC attendances. Participation in these activities categories was examined for each profile group, and compared to the recommended activities for such client group. Partial correspondence was found between program activities and participants’ needs. Concordance seemed higher for individuals with physical health problems or mobility impairments and weaker for those presenting with depressive symptoms or cognitive impairments. Article 3: ADC participants were registered with their program for a mean of 1.56 (±0.74) days per week, but were actually present 68.1% of the scheduled days. More regular attendance (higher proportion of scheduled days attended) was associated with: a previous profession of ADC participant or spouse in a sector other than health care (b: .209; CI-0.95: .037 − .382); the individual receiving formal help for activities of daily living on days of expected ADC participation (b: .124; CI-0.95: .019 − .230); enrolment for the whole day rather than half a day (b: .209 : CI-0.95: .018 − .399); lower participation rates in prevention and health promotion activities (b: .223; CI-0.95: .044 − .402); and among participants with cognitive impairment, lower caregiver burden, and among persons without cognitive impairment, higher caregiver burden (interaction between cognitive impairment and caregiver burden: b: -.008; CI-0.95: -.014 − -.044).
Conclusion: In keeping with their mission, adult day centres attract a large portion of seniors with disabilities. This study has identified the characteristics of the clientele who are most likely to participate in centre activities. Results also suggest a need to review the planning of activity program components to ensure that the services offered best respond to client needs, particularly clients presenting with depressive symptoms or cognitive impairments. It has also demonstrated that the intensity of exposure to this service tends to be low overall, which raises the question of the level of exposure needed to have a positive influence on the quality of life and ability to remain in the community among this population.
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Disease, disability, service use and social support amongst community-dwelling people aged 75 years and over: the Sydney older persons studyEdelbrock, Dorothy Marcia January 2004 (has links)
This study investigates the characteristics of and the interrelationships between disease, disability, service use and social support in a random sample of 647 community dwellers aged 75 years and over. The two broad objectives of the study are: to examine the physical aspects and manifestations of health by investigating disease and disability and the interrelationships between these two factors, and; to examine the social aspects of health by investigating service use and social support and the interrelationships between these two factors. Given the dramatic population ageing in Australia, particularly in the very old age groups, the health, well-being and quality of life of older Australians are of paramount importance and will be well into the future. The proportion of the population with diseases and disabilities increases significantly with age. As the physical aspects of health are manifested with increasing age the social aspects of health also become increasingly important. Older adults, particularly those in advanced old age, are disproportionately high users of health and community services. Despite the high use of services in this age group, far more older adults living in the community rely on their families, friends and neighbours for social support and many older adults use a combination of formal services and informal social support. Little is known about people aged 75 years and over living in the community in Australia. In particular, significant knowledge gaps exist with regard to the relationship between disease and disability and that between service use and social support. The characteristics of social support in this group of older adults are also largely unknown. The papers presented in this thesis are based on data collected in The Sydney Older Persons Study (SOPS). This is a large longitudinal multidisciplinary project which began in 1991 in order to investigate the health and service use patterns of people aged 75 years and over living in the community in the Central Sydney Health Area. The initial sample consisted of two groups: first, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) selected census districts with probability proportional to size and 9271 households were door-knocked to obtain a random sub-sample of the general community (n=320, response rate 73%); second, community-living veterans and war widows residing in the Central Sydney Health Area were selected at random from a list provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs to obtain a veteran/war widow sub-sample (n=327, response rate 82%). Respondents participated in both an interview conducted by a social scientist and a medical assessment performed by a medical practitioner with experience in geriatric medicine. An informant was sought for each respondent and this informant participated in a phone interview conducted by a social scientist. The first paper in this thesis investigates the characteristics of diseases (neurodegenerative, systemic and psychiatric) including their prevalence and association with age. The second paper extends the first by examining the nature of the relationship between disease and disability and in particular which individual diseases and groups of diseases have the greatest impact on disability. The third paper expands the analysis in the second paper by focusing in greater detail on the relationship between disease and disability. The contribution of clinically-diagnosed individual diseases and groups of diseases to three different measures of disability (clinician-rated, informant-rated or proxy and self-report) is investigated here. The fourth paper examines the possibility of disease and disability being the major predictors of service use and social support. It focuses on the determinants of service use and social support using Andersen's behavioral model. The fifth paper investigates the characteristics of social support, in particular gender differences and the socio-demographic variables associated with social support. This is an important research area because lower levels of social support have been found to predict mortality, disease and lower levels of well-being. Finally, the sixth paper links the major themes of the fourth and fifth papers by investigating the relationship between service use and social support. This paper tests Cantor's 'hierarchical-compensatory' mechanism, which predicts a negative association between service use and social support, and the 'bridging' mechanism which predicts a positive association between these two factors. Thus it assesses the extent to which demands for service use and for social support are made together or in a compensatory fashion for respondents of equal disease and disability. The presented work demonstrates that neurodegenerative diseases [dementia, cognitive impairment, parkinsonism, instability (gait ataxia), immobility (gait slowing) and motivation loss/behaviour change] have the largest and most significant increases with age of all disease groups. Therefore the hypothesis made in paper one that neurodegenerative diseases will come to dominate the health care needs of older adults, particularly when combined with population ageing, is supported. Further, results of papers two and three indicate that neurodegenerative diseases result in greater levels of disability, lending credence to the finding that it is these neurodegenerative diseases that are of central importance to the future of the health care needs of older adults of advanced age. While systemic diseases play an important role in disability, the neurodegenerative diseases are under-recognised by self-report and yet are most strongly associated with severe disability. A major recommendation of this study is that assessments and diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases be included in disability assessments. With regard to the social aspects of health, the fourth paper finds that disease and disability are the main predictors of service use and social support. The fifth paper highlights important gender differences in social support and also finds that lower levels of social support are associated with increased age, male gender, single marital status and lower socioeconomic status. Because it is widely accepted that social support is protective against adverse health outcomes and low levels of wellbeing, these groups of older adults are at risk of poorer health and wellbeing. Finally the sixth paper fills some knowledge gaps with regard to the relationship between service use and social support. It shows that with regard to IADL (instrumental activities of daily living) services and IADL social support, Cantor's 'hierarchical-compensatory' mechanism (negative correlation) applies but with regard to medical services and both ADL (activities of daily living) and IADL social support the 'bridging' mechanism (positive correlation) is supported. These complex interrelationships between disease, disability, service use and social support are summarised schematically in a model. In light of significant population ageing, substantial resources in the form of medical and community services and social support from carers, family, friends and neighbours will need to be devoted to older adults with diseases, in particular neurodegenerative diseases, and to those with disabilities. Given the increasing importance of disease, disability, service use and social support in very old age, it is crucial that knowledge and understanding of these factors and their interrelationships be advanced in order to better allocate and sustain resources and to ultimately improve the health, well-being and quality of life of very old adults.
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Impact des antipsychotiques à action prolongée sur l’évolution des jeunes adultes présentant un premier épisode psychotiqueMedrano, Sophia 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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'Under a magnifying glass':The experiences of social service use for mothers living with HIVVaccaro, Mary-Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
This study explores the subjective experiences of mothers living with HIV from Southeastern Ontario when accessing health and social services. Drawing on principles of feminist participatory action research, 5 MLWH were brought together in order to share their stories of accessing health and social services and to participate in the creation of a collage as part of the storytelling process. Intersectional feminist theory was chosen as a theoretical lens for this project to highlight the ways women’s multiple identities intersect and contribute to HIV-stigma. Emerging from the storytelling and arts based process were stories about the women’s interactions with the criminal justice system, Children’s Aid Societies, social welfare programs and women-specific supports. The key concerns that the women raised in connection to these interactions included having to re-tell their story, concerns about confidentiality and disclosure and experiencing a loss of control as a result of depending on a myriad of health and social services. In addition, the participants identified changes they would like to see within health/social services including more opportunities for peer support and an increase in services available to support the unique psychosocial challenges of MLWH. / Thesis / Master of Social Work (MSW)
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