Spelling suggestions: "subject:"servises"" "subject:"dervises""
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Šiaulių miesto saugos tarnybų paslaugų konkurencingumo tyrimas / Siauliai security services in the competitiveness studyPaulauskienė, Jolita 28 August 2009 (has links)
Sparčiai besikeičiančios rinkos sąlygos, konkuruojančioms įmonėms tampa svarbiu iššūkiu, reikalaujančiu didelių išlaidų bei ypatingų žinių ir gebėjimų. Įmonės turi dėti daugiau pastangų, norėdamos išlikti konkurencingomis. Saugos tarnybos konkuruoja siekdamos pelno, o jo galima tikėtis, pasiūlius vartotojams naujų ir kokybiškesnių nei konkurentų paslaugų, atradus tobulesnes paslaugos teikimo formas, įdiegus naujas technologijas ir sumažinus išlaidas. Manoma, kad vienas svarbiausių veiksnių, skatinančių įmones konkuruoti, padedančių išsilaikyti arba užkariauti rinkas, yra parduodamų paslaugų kokybė, platus paslaugų spektras, protinga paslaugos kaina ir kiti ilgalaikiai įsipareigojimai vartotojams. Teikiamų paslaugų kokybė formuoja įmonių įvaizdį, daro tiesioginę įtaką veiklos produktyvumui, pelno augimui, vartotojo pasitenkinimui. Darbas aktualus tuo, kad jis turi taikomąją reikšmę. Nors idealus sėkmės receptas versle neegzistuoja, tačiau kiekvienas bandymas kažką išanalizuoti ir suplanuoti yra naudingas tiek asmeniui tai atlikusiam, tiek įmonėms. Šio tiriamojo darbo išvados ir rekomendacijos padės planuoti įmonės veiklą ir išlikti rinkoje. / Rapidly changing market conditions, competing companies are becoming an important challenge, requiring high costs and the special knowledge and skills. Companies should make greater efforts in order to remain competitive. Security services in competition to profit, but it can be expected, the proposal of new users and better than competitors' services, discovery services, improved forms, the introduction of new technologies and reduce costs. It is believed that one of the key factors that encourage firms to compete, survive, or help to conquer markets, are sold to service quality, a broad spectrum of services, reasonable price for services and other long-term liabilities to consumers. Quality of service form the corporate image, has a direct impact on operational efficiency, profit growth, customer satisfaction. Actual Work that he has applied value. Although the ideal recipe for success in business does not exist, but each test is something to analyze and plan a benefit for the person atlikusiam both companies. The research findings and recommendations will help to plan the business and stay on the market.
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Reklamos paslaugų teikimo proceso valdymo sistemos sudarymas bei tyrimas / Composition and research of management system of the advertising services provision processJuodaitis, Mindaugas 30 May 2005 (has links)
The process of high technologies allow to use the most effective decisions optimizing the work of companies in different range. It is the communication with clients, internal data flow and public information. Advertising market is one of the spheres for which these objectives are set and solutions seeked. The singularity of advertisement market is close contact with clients, the huge amount of varied work, broad distribution of functions in the company, expeditious presentation of production, different price – lists and constantly innovated facilities. To control this activity the computerized informational system should be used. It gathers all data about the clients (CRM – Client relationship Management), gives the presentation of facilities in the internet ( CMS – Content Management System ) and saves the internal information of the company at one place ( IS – Informational System). Internals of these different systems are realized in the management system of the advertising service. It helps to realize the needs of advertising company.
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Specializuotų odontologinių paslaugų plėtros galmybių vertinimas Tauragės rajone / Specialized dental servises development opportunities assessment in Tauragė areaJarutis, Laurynas 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Ištirti specializuotų odontologinių paslaugų plėtros galimybes Tauragės rajone. Tyrimo uždaviniai. Įvertinti Tauragės rajono gyventojų nuomonę apie specializuotų odontologinių paslaugų poreikį bei bendrosios praktikos gydytojų odontologų požiūrį į specializuotų odontologinų paslaugų plėtros galimybes Tauragės rajone; suformuluoti specializuotų odontologinių paslaugų plėtros Tauragės rajone rekomendacijas. / The opportunities for development of specialized dental care services in Tauragė district is a novel and practice-oriented issue. The necessity for management of such services is an integral part of public health management. Collaboration in health care system for favorable development of opportunities is a key task for policy-makers, health professionals, and patients themselves. In order to define patients' and dentists' needs, attitudes, and perspectives it is relevant to substantiate the opportunities for development of dental care services both scientifically and practically.
Aim of the study: to assess the opportunities for development of specialized dental care services in Tauragė district.
Objectives: to evaluate Tauragė district residents' views on the need for specialized dental care services; to evaluate general practice dentists' views on opportunities for development of specialized dental care services in Tauragė district; to formulate the recommendations for the development of specialized dental care services in Tauragė district.
Methods. The questionnaire-based study was a survey of 290 residents of Tauragė district who visited a dentist in Tauragė district during the study period. The data analysis was quantitative using statistical data processing software "SPSS 17.0 for Windows". The indicators were described by means (for continuous variables) and percentages (for dichotomous variables). Statistical hypotheses were tested using chi square test, Spearman... [to full text]
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Akušerinės – ginekologinės pagalbos pirminėje sveikatos priežiūros grandyje įvertinimas / Evaluation of the obstetric-gynecological care at the primary health care levelMozūraitė, Lina 05 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti šeimos gydytojų požiūrį į akušerinės – ginekologinės pagalbos paslaugas, teikiamas pirminėje sveikatos priežiūros grandyje.
Uždaviniai. 1. Įvertinti šeimos gydytojų požiūrį į akušerinės – ginekologinės pagalbos organizavimo pokyčius. 2. Nustatyti šeimos gydytojų teikiamų akušerinės – ginekologinės pagalbos paslaugų apimtį pirminėje sveikatos priežiūros grandyje. 3. Nustatyti problemas, su kuriomis susiduria šeimos gydytojai, teikdami akušerinės – ginekologinės pagalbos paslaugas savo bendruomenės moterims.
Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimo objektas: Kauno mieste dirbančių šeimos gydytojų požiūris į jų teikiamas akušerinės – ginekologinės pagalbos paslaugas. Tyrimo metodai: Anoniminė anketinė šeimos gydytojų apklausa. Anketa išplatinta visiems Kauno miesto šeimos gydytojams (n = 220). Atsakas – 90,9 proc. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta SPSS – 13 programa.
Rezultatai. Moterų piktybinių navikų prevencijos vykdymo ir moterų raštingumo lytinės higienos ir šeimos planavimo klausimais priskyrimą šeimos medicinos institucijai teigiamai vertino 96 proc. visų respondentų, nėščiųjų stebėsenos - 58 proc., ginekologinių paslaugų - 64 proc. Privačiose pirminės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose ( PSPĮ) dirbančių šeimos gydytojų teikiamų akušerinių – ginekologinių paslaugų apimtis (išskyrus klimakterinių simptomų diagnostiką) yra didesnė nei VŠĮ dirbančių šeimos gydytojų. Statistiškai reikšmingi skirtumai nustatyti teikiant šias paslaugas: tepinėlio iš gimdos kaklelio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To evaluate family physicians’ attitudes towards obstetric-gynecological services provided in primary health care settings.
Objectives. 1. To evaluate family physicians’ attitudes towards changes in the organization of obstetric-gynecological servises. 2. To determine the extent of obstetric-gynecological services provided by family physicians in primary health care level. 3. To identify the problems family physicians encounter when providing obstetric-gynecological services .
Methods. Anonymous questionnaire-based survey of family physicians was carried out in Kaunas city (n = 220). The response rate was 90.9%. Statistical data analysis was performed using SPSS v.13 software package.
Results. The attribution of cancer prevention among women and women’s literacy in sexual hygiene- and family planning-related issues to the institution of family medicine was positively evaluated by 96% of respondents, the attribution of the monitoring of pregnant women – by 58% and the attribution of gynecological services – by 64% of respondents. The extent of obstetric-gynecological services (except for the diagnostics of menopausal symptoms) provided by family physicians working in private primary health care institutions (PHCI) exceeded that provided by family physicians working in public PHCI. Statistically significant differences were detected in the provision of the following services: cervical smear (a service provided by 82.2% of family physicians in private... [to full text]
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Poskytování sociální služby podpora samostatného bydlení lidem se zdravotním postižením v praxi / Provision of practical social service "Support for independent living" for people with disabilitiesGLOZ, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
Social service Support for independent living provides life for people with disabilities in the common environment. The theoretical part describes the most important topics concerning integration people with disabilities into society. One of the tools of social integration is just the Social service support for independent living. The aim of this work is to map the social service Support for independent living and focus on the scope, focus, form and methods for implementation service. Furthermore, to implement research on a sample of adults with disabilities, users of the Social service support for independent living. I used the tool of social worker "3P - Profile of the necessary support." The practical part was processed through qualitative research. I used the following methods and techniques of data collection: questionnaire survey, on-standardized telephone interviews, secondary data analysis. Research has found that the social service Support for independent living in the Czech Republic is unevenly distributed. This service is unavailable in some regions for certain target groups. This service is suitable for people with disabilities with lower support. This conclusion was achieved by applying an instrument for social worker "3P - Profile of necessary support". Social service support for independent living helps these people to integrate into society and therefore its availability should increase.
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Datový sklad pro analýzu územněsprávních celků / Applying Business Intelligence tools for the Financial and Property Analysis of MunicipalitiesHorký, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the software support of one Financial and Property Analysis of Municipalities (FAMA). The co-author of this method is Doctor Petr Toth from the Institute of Public Administration and Regional Development at University of Economics in Prague. The method is supported by Microsoft Access database application and two C++ applications ArisDestiller and Prognoza at present time. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the present software support of Financial and Property Analysis and implement an alternative solution based on Business Intelligence tools. Chosen part of analysis is implemented in the pilot project using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 environment. The thesis focuses mainly on using integration tools for XML data. The contribution of the thesis is to implement data warehouse, which uses the municipalities'annual bills in XML format from the database of Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. The Financial and Property Analysis method and the current software support are discussed in the first half of this thesis. The other half of the work is dedicated to the Business Intelligence pilot project. Both means of software support are reviewed and compared from various perspectives in the conclusion.
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Použití nástrojů Business Intelligence pro finanční a majetkovou analýzu municipalit / Applying Business Intelligence tools for the Financial and Property Analysis of MunicipalitiesHorký, Martin Bc. January 2008 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the software support of one Financial and Property Analysis of Municipalities (FAMA). The co-author of this method is Doctor Petr Toth from the Institute of Public Administration and Regional Development at University of Economics in Prague. The method is supported by Microsoft Access database application and two C++ applications ArisDestiller and Prognoza at present time. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the present software support of Financial and Property Analysis and implement an alternative solution based on Business Intelligence tools. Chosen part of analysis is implemented in the pilot project using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 environment. The thesis focuses mainly on using integration tools for XML data. The contribution of the thesis is to implement data warehouse, which uses the municipalities‘annual bills in XML format from the database of Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. The Financial and Property Analysis method and the current software support are discussed in the first half of this thesis. The other half of the work is dedicated to the Business Intelligence pilot project. Both means of software support are reviewed and compared from various perspectives in the conclusion.
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