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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza logistické části Lend-lease Act (Public Law 77-11) / The Analysis of the Logistical Part of the Lend-Lease Act (Public Law 77-11)

Veselý, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis discusses the issues of help mainly by the United States under the Lend- Lease Act during the Second World War. The theoretical part deals with the historical context and the economic s and political framework of the rise of the programme with an emphasis on the USA. The following part is focused on the quantification of the whole extent. A great part of the thesis is devoted to the issues of help by the Soviet Union. The emphasis is placed not only on the content, but mainly on the logistic issues. Following the historical context there are also four major transportation corridors discussed and their occupancy at the time, material flow and mode of transport are analysed.

Rennes et la mer. Création, développement et fonctionnement d’une voie fluviomaritime : la Vilaine (XVIe-XVIIe siècles) / Rennes and the sea. Development and functioning of a river-sea way : the river Vilaine (16th-17th c.)

Dana, Katherine 17 May 2017 (has links)
Lien naturel entre Rennes et la mer, la Vilaine n’est navigable au début de l’époque moderne que dans sa basse vallée. Depuis l’océan, des navires remontent l’estuaire de la Vilaine jusqu’au port de Redon. En amont, de petits barques progressent jusqu’au port de Messac, qui matérialise la fin de la voie navigable. Dans le sens de la remontée, la ville de Rennes se trouve à une trentaine de kilomètres de Messac. Principale ville de Bretagne, Rennes ne bénéficie pas de sa situation sur les rives de la Vilaine. Au XVIe siècle, le conseil de ville initie la canalisation de la Vilaine entre Messac et Rennes. L’objectif est de rattacher Rennes à la voie de transport fluviomaritime. À la fin du XVIe siècle, la Vilaine est aménagée durablement à l’aide d’écluses à sas. La navigation se développe jusqu’à Rennes. Au XVIIe siècle, la voie d’eau devient un axe essentiel de l’approvisionnement rennais. Des projets de canalisation du XVIe siècle au commerce de la Vilaine au XVIIe siècle, ce travail de recherche vise à étudier les perspectives et les conséquences de l’essor du fret fluviomaritime pour la ville de Rennes. / Natural link between Rennes and the sea, the river Vilaine in the early modern period was only navigable in its lower valley. From the ocean, vessels flowed in the river Vilaine estuary to Redon harbour. Upstream, small boats could reach Messac harbour, which was the term of the waterway. Further upstream, Rennes is located about thirty kilometers from Messac. Most city of Brittany, Rennes didn’t take full advantage of its situation on the banks of the river Vilaine. In the 16th century, the city council instigated the river Vilaine development between Messac and Rennes. The aim was to relate Rennes to the river-sea shipping. At the end of the 16th century, the river Vilaine was sustainably channeled thanks to a modern lock system. Navigation expanded to the city of Rennes. In the 17th century, the waterway became an essential supply line for Rennes.

Organizational structure of ocean carriers in Central Europe and related benefits and problems / Container imbalances in Central Europe

Schaper, Teemu January 2012 (has links)
This thesis provides a description of the market for maritime container transport with a focus on container imbalances in Central Europe. Based on secondary literature, statistics and interviews, the current situation of global maritime trade and existing challenges for shipping lines is presented. In the second part, particular characteristics of the Central European market are introduced. Besides a detailed description of the infrastructure for container transports to and from this region, challenges and strategies considered by shipping lines are presented. It is highlighted that the export orientation of Germany and Austria and the import orientation of the Czech Republic and Slovakia have certain implications for the regional transport market. A real-life business case highlights existing problems, especially connected to the internal setup of ocean carriers which do not exploit all potentials of cross-border cooperation.

Dutch intelligence--towards a qualitative framework for analysis : with case studies on the Shipping Research Bureau and the National Security Service (BVD) /

Valk, Guillaume Gustav de, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [401]-414) and index.

The Bureau that invites merchants an examination of the bureaucratic characteristics of the China Merchants' Steam Navigation Company, 1864-1883 /

Yi, Li. January 1993 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 1993. / Chairperson: R. Kent Guy. Includes bibliographical references.

Impacts of Vessel Noise Perturbations on the Resident Sperm Whale Population in the Gulf of Mexico

Azzara, Alyson 2012 May 1900 (has links)
The Gulf of Mexico is home to two of the world?s ten busiest ports by cargo volume, the Port of New Orleans and the Port of Houston; and in 2008, these ports hosted a combined 14,000 ships, a number which is likely only to increase. Past research shows that this increase in shipping worldwide has historically lead to an increase in ambient noise level of 3-5dB per decade. Sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico are considered a genetically distinct, resident population. They have a preference for the Louisiana-Mississippi Shelf region which directly overlaps with the entrance to the Mississippi and the Port of New Orleans. Disruptions from vessel noise could influence feeding and breeding patterns essential to the health of the stock. Data used in this analysis were collected continuously over 36 days in the summer of 2001 from bottom moored Navy Environmental Acoustic Recording System (EARS) buoys. Results showed a significant difference (P<0.05) in noise level between hours with ships passing and hours without. Metrics for 56 ship passages were analyzed to compare duration of ship passage with duration of maximum received level (MRL) during ship passage. Results of that analysis showed an average ship passage of 29 minutes with average MRL lasting 23% of the ship passage and an average increase of 40dB. Lastly, click counts were made with the Pamguard. Click counts for ship passages were completed for 35 min and 17.5 min before and after the estimated closest point of approach (CPA) for each ship. Results showed a 36% decrease in the number of detectable clicks as a ship approaches when comparing clicks detected at intervals of both 35 minutes before and 17 minutes before the CPA; additionally, 22% fewer clicks were counted 30 min after the ship than 30 min before (results significant at the P=0.01 level). These results indicate a potential change in sperm whale behavior when exposed to large class size vessel traffic (e.g. tankers and container ships) from major shipping lanes. Recommendations for addressing this issue are discussed.

Administration ombord : - En kvalitativ studie om den administrativa situationen ombord på svenska Ro-Pax fartyg

Johansson, Peter, Abrahamsson, Mattias January 2011 (has links)
Vi har i detta arbete undersökt hur arbetssituation, med hänseende på de administrativa arbetsuppgifterna, ser ut för befälhavare inom den svenska handelsflottan och hur arbetssituationen har förändrats sedan införandet av ISMkoden. Det talas mycket inom sjöfartsbranschen om de ökade administrativa arbetsuppgifterna ombord och hur detta har påverkat arbetssituationen. Detta fick oss att vilja undersöka hur det egentligen ser ut och i vilken utsträckning en eventuell förändring har påverkat arbetssituationen både ombord och iland. Vi har i vår undersökning intervjuat befälhavare och rederirepresentanter på fyra Ro-Pax-rederier som trafikerar svenska hamnar om hur deras arbetssituation har förändrats under de senaste 15 åren med hänseende på den administrativa delen av arbetet. Undersökningen visar att det administrativa arbetet har ökat markant både ombord och iland, framförallt som ett resultat av nya regelverk och förbättrade möjligheter till kommunikation mellan fartygen och landorganisationen. ISM-koden är man överlag väldigt nöjd med men andra regelverk och myndighetskrav är man mer skeptisk till. Vad de ökade kommunikationsmöjligheterna anbelangar poängteras framförallt att det har inneburit en stor ökning av det antal meddelande man tar emot under en arbetsdag och ställer sig frågande till om alla verkligen är nödvändiga eller om det bara är ett sätt att snabbt skjuta över en uppgift till en annan del av organisationen. / We have in this thesis examined the work situation for masters in the Swedish merchant navy focusing on the administrative workload and how said workload have changed since the implementation of the ISM-code. Within the shipping business of today there is a lot of talk about the increasing number of administrative tasks on board and how they have affected the work situation. This made us want to examine if there actually was any such increase and to what extent said increase in that case have affected the work situation both on board and ashore. We have during our survey performed interviews with masters and ship-owner representatives at four companies within the Ro-Pax business who has traffic on Swedish ports asking them about the work situation on board and how it has changed during the last 15 years with respect to the administrative workload. The survey shows a substantial increase in the administrative workload both on board and ashore, mainly as a result of new regulations and vastly improved means of communication between ships and the organization ashore. In general there is a broad acceptance of the benefits of the ISM-code but a widespread skepticism when it comes to other regulations and government requirements. As far as the improved means of communication is concerned the increase in the number of messages received during a regular work day is emphasized and a question is raised whether there are valid reasons for the increase or if it to some extent is a way to clear your own desk by moving a task to another part of the organization.

Cost-benefit of Ergonomics in Shipping

Österman, Cecilia January 2009 (has links)
Specialists in ergonomics believe that what is good ergonomics is also goodeconomics for many industrial settings. This relationship between ergonomicsand economics is supported by research on several industrial settings. Thisstudy turns to investigate this relationship within the maritime domain.Shipping naturally faces the same work environment problems as commonlyseen on work places ashore. Additionally, there is however a social and culturaldimension to the work environment in what might be the most globalisedindustry of all.This study is performed as a pilot study to a larger project within theeconomics of maritime ergonomics. The aim of this thesis is to review themajor issues in the research of maritime ergonomics and how cost-benefit ofergonomics is calculated in other domains. Furthermore, the thesis also aims atinvestigate which ergonomic factors that are considered the most important bythe shipping industry itself and if the economics of ergonomics is calculated inthe Swedish shipping industry.The review of scientific literature on maritime ergonomics is divided into threeareas of interest: organisation and management, occupational health and safetyand psychosocial work environment. No studies were found on cost-benefitcalculations within shipping. There are however several methods for evaluationand calculation from other domains. The result of the nine qualitativeinterviews shows a predominant occupation in the area of organisation.Important factors mentioned in the interviews that are believed to affect safety,productivity and well-being include leadership and social skills,communication between and within the shorebased organisation and the vessel,as well as knowledge on several levels. A survey among ten Swedish shippingowners shows that beyond the costs of sick-leave, the shipowners do not on aregular basis calculate the costs and benefits of ergonomics.Further research includes a stakeholder analysis; defining the operativemeasurements of productivity, quality and effectiveness for a maritime setting;an accident analysis and the compilation of Best Practise within shipping. / Specialister inom arbetsmiljöområdet är övertygade om att en bra arbetsmiljöockså är bra för ett företags ekonomi. Detta förhållande mellan arbetsmiljö ochekonomi har påvisats i flera studier inom olika branscher. Den här studienundersöker sambandet mellan en god arbetsmiljö och god ekonomi inomsjöfarten. Inom sjöfarten återfinns naturligtvis samma arbetsmiljöproblem somhos andra branscher men i det som kanske är den mest globaliserade branschenav alla finns det också en framträdande social och kulturell dimension iarbetsmiljön.Den här uppsatsen är utförd som en pilotstudie till ett större forskningsprojektinom sjöfart och arbetsmiljöekonomi. Målet med uppsatsen är att undersökainom vilka områden det forskas på inom sjöfartens arbetsmiljö samt attundersöka hur kostnadsnytta av arbetsmiljö beräknas. Dessutom ämnaruppsatsen undersöka vilka arbetsmiljöfaktorer som de olika sjöfartsaktörernasjälva anser vara de viktigaste och om branschen själv räknar på arbetsmiljönidag.Granskningen av den vetenskapliga litteraturen om sjöfartens arbetsmiljö äruppdelad i tre områden: organisation och ledarskap, hälsa och säkerhet, samtden psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Inga studier återfanns som berördearbetsmiljöekonomi inom sjöfarten. Det finns däremot ett flertal metoder ochmodeller för ekonomisk utvärdering och beräkning av arbetsmiljöåtgärder frånandra branscher. Resultatet av nio kvalitativa intervjuer visar fokus påorganisatoriska arbetsmiljöfaktorer. Viktiga faktorer som informanterna anserhar inverkan på säkerhet, arbetsmiljö och produktivitet inkluderar ledarskap;kommunikation ombord och mellan fartyg och landorganisation; och kunskappå olika nivåer. En undersökning hos tio svenska rederier visar att utöverkostnader för sjukfrånvaro räknar företagen inte regelbundet på kostnader ochvinster för arbetsmiljön.Förslag till framtida forskning inkluderar en intressentanalys, att definiera ochbeskriva de operativa rationalitetsmåtten produktivitet, kvalitet och effektivitetför sjöfarten, olycksfallsanalys och sammanställandet av exempel av ”BestPractise” inom sjöfarten.

Administratör eller sjöbefäl? : En studie om befälens arbetssituation i dag.

Rubin, Marcus, Rundqvist, Albin January 2012 (has links)
Arbetet har svarat mot frågan om hur ett befäls arbetssituation ser ut i dag på bryggan och hur den mängd regler och riktlinjer som finns för vaktgående befäl påverkar hans förmåga att framföra fartyget på ett säkert sätt. För att studera detta har en litteraturstudie utförts där vi studerat transportstyrelsens utgivna haverirapporter samt forskning inom områdena om mänskliga faktorn, fartygsorganisation och sjösäkerhet.   Det som framkommit under arbetets gång är att manskapet ombord de senaste åren allt mer har fått ge vika till förmån för teknik men då reglerna inte följt med i tempot kan det vara så att fartyg i dag inte uppfyller kraven för minimibesättning. Även om vi kan påvisa att befälen har en hög arbetsbelastning går det inte att se varför de handlat som de gjort vid olyckstillfällena. Vidare har konstaterats att det finns utrymme för framtida forskning i ämnet där man exempelvis kan se över hur haverirapporterna är utformade. / This work answered the question about how the situation is today on the bridge for the nautical officers and how the amount of rules and guidelines that exists affects his ability to manoeuvre the ship in a safe way. To study this we have performed a literature study where we studied the Swedish Transport Agency’s published accident investigation reports as well as research in the fields of human error, shipping organization and safety at sea.   Our findings show that the crew on board has been reduced due to technical advancement. However, the rules have not followed the same pace and therefore today’s ships may not fulfil the requirements of minimum manning on board. Although we can tell that the officers have an increased workload we cannot see why they have acted as they did at the time of the accidents. It can also be shown that there is a need for future research where, for example, studies on how the accident investigation reports are designed.

The influence of Cross-Strait direct shipping on Kaohsiung container Hub position

Yeh, Shih-ren 28 July 2004 (has links)
The rapid economic development in China has led to increasing freight transport, as well as fierce competition among the hubs in the region, such as Hong Kong, Busan, Kaohsiung Harbor, and new harbors in Shenzhen and Shanghai. The transport not only support the rapid development of harbors in the region but also result in intense port competition. The competitive advantages, such as location, facility, efficiency, and highly concentrated ship routes, possessed by the harbors are not everlasting. In the face of changing environment and competition, the competitive advantages may be lost. When competing in a different niche market, the location advantage may turn into disadvantage, even damaging its leading position in worse cases. In response to changes, harbor administrators should probe into the future trend in changes of the freight transport market, discuss all possible scenarios, sense the potential risks and opportunities, seize the opportunities and utilize the existing advantages to build up the competitive advantages for the future. Compared to Kaohsiung Harbor, harbors in China, such as Shanghai and Shenzhen, as the entry gates to the main economic and trade zone in China and the central region in terms of sources of goods, have developed into regional pivot harbors. Due to the barrier of Cross-Strait direct shipping, some scholars in Taiwan believe that Kaohsiung Harbor is facing the problem of becoming periphery. However, even after the direct route comes into practice, the competition from harbors in China may be a threat to Kaohsiung Harbor, even occur haidding effects to take over its existing transit goods. The position of Kaohsiung Harbor may be challenged. This study investigates the potential influence of Cross-Strait direct shipping and the competition from China on the quantity of containers, route planning, and shipping business investment with questionnaire survey on sea transportation businesses, and constructs possible scenarios in short-term (2004-206), medium term (2007-2010), long-term (2011-2020). Before the Cross-Strait direct shipping into practice, Kaohsiung Harbor will continue to grow due to continuous economic development in the region. If the Cross-Strait direct shipping comes into practice or the Chinese government permits more direct shipping harbor, Southern China, Fukien, and Zhujiang Delta will become the main regions in terms of sources of goods. However, the rate of growth may not meet the expectation. In the long-term (2011-2020), due to the rapid of the quantity of containers in China and the transit ability of harbors in China, the route structure and the shipping business investment in Kaohsiung Harbor will suffer more obvious disadvantageous impact.

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